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Nama : Marcella Aulia Dhewi Tantri

Kelas : 21810334019
Prodi : Manajemen Pemasaran A Wates

List of Vocabs and Phrases

A. Video 1

( 25 Word Should Use To Sell Yourself )

1. Determined, this means that you have determination to get a job done.
2. Hard-working, this means that you put a lot of effort into a job, and you like to do it
3. Diligent, this means that you show care and effort in your work.
4. Trustworthy, this means that people can rely on you to be good, honest, and sincere.
Number five, a team player.
5. A team player, this means you work well in a team.
6. Motivated, this means that you are willing to do something that involves hard work and
7. Reliable, this means you can be trusted to do something well.
8. A self-starter, this means you're a person who is able to work on their own and make
their own decisions without needing anyone to tell them what to do.
9. Loyal, this means you will remain faithful to your company.
10. Studious, this means you spend a lot of time studying or reading.
11. Attentive, this means that you are helpful, and make sure that people have what they
12. Conscientious, this means that you take care to do things carefully and correctly.
13. Industrious, this means you are hardworking and get a lot done.
14. Dedicated, this means that you work hard at something because it's important to you.
15. Dynamic, this means that you produce change, action, or effects.
16. Enterprising, this means you have the ability to think of new projects, or new ways of
doing things.
17. Enthusiastic, this means that you show a lot of excitement, and interest about things.
18. Self-aware, this means you have a lot of knowledge, and understanding, of your own
19. Consistent, this means you always behave in a predictable way.
20. Organised, this means that you are able to plan your work and life in an efficient way.
21. Professional, this means that you are well trained and extremely skilled.
22. Methodical, this means that you do things in a systematic way.
23. Logical, this means that you do things in a careful and well-thought-out way.
24. Skilful, this means that you are good at doing something, especially something that
needs a particular ability or special training.
25. Passionate, this means that you become emotionally invested in what you're doing.
Action Verbs that you can use in CV, Interview, Or Cover Letter.

1. Carrer, a person's progress in a job that he obtained during his work or the development of
a person's progress in a field of work during an active period in his life.
2. Management, the process of planning, organizing, directing, and supervising the efforts of
organizational members and the use of other organizational resources in order to achieve
stated organizational goals.
3. Leadership assigned, are appointed to a formal management or supervisor position.
4. Leader, a person who uses communication to influence others to meet group goals and
needs; any person identified by members of a group
5. Delegated, a delegation of authority that is generally given by a superior to someone with
a position below him. This action is generally carried out to speed up a job and to make the
company's operational activities run as they should.
6. Assigned, tasks assigned to achieve company goals
7. Organized, a process for determining, grouping, organizing and forming patterns of
working relationships of people to achieve organizational goals.
8. Sheduled, a plan that has been structured and has a predetermined time allocated in each
unit event.
9. Directed, facilitate or direct you in communicating or in conveying the opinion you want
to convey to certain people.
10. Addressed, the name of the street where a different building is located, such as an office,
house, school or other place.
11. Corresponded, journalists or commentators who report to newspapers, radio or television
news from other locations. What distinguishes correspondents and reporters is that usually
a correspondent is assigned to cover a very specific topic of his class such as
correspondence on religion, education, economics, science and so on.
12. Moderated, to moderate (regulate, guide, mediate) and supervise the discussion which is
his responsibility with the main objective being that the discussion can run properly and
correctly according to the topic and take place in a conducive manner.
13. Negotiated, the form of interaction carried out to reach an agreement.
14. Authored, a person who generates ideas or ideas for a work, while a writer is a person who
produces writing.
15. For research, the process of collecting, analyzing, and translating information or data
systematically to increase our understanding of a particular phenomenon that attracts
16. Clarified, explain or straighten about what is happening with the evidence that exists, is
real and is acknowledged to be true.
17. Critiqued, criticisms or responses, or explanations, sometimes accompanied by descriptions
and good and bad considerations of a work, opinion, and so on.
18. Examined, examine the necessary parts to find out something that is not yet known.
19. Inspected, who checks something to make sure it's true.
20. Investigated, Efforts to search and collect data, information and other findings to find out
the truth or even falsehood - a fact.
21. Technical skills, a person's capacity to perform various tasks in a job and a person's ability
to operate the job more easily and precisely.
22. Assembled, a process of merging or joining two or more components by mechanical means
into a unit that can be traded.
23. Calculated, the deliberate process of converting one or more inputs into a specific result,
with a number of variables.
24. Catalog, a list of goods or objects arranged for a specific purpose
25. Compiled, a collection that is arranged regularly (about lists of information, essays and so
26. Categorized, classification system (class, type of rank, etc.)
27. Financial appraise, evaluation of the project plan is reviewed from the financial aspect to
determine whether the project financing plan can run smoothly in maintaining the
continuity of the project; The assessment of the financial aspect includes an assessment of
the need and capital structure, a cash budget plan, including repayment of the loan along
with interest on the loan, and an estimate of the expected rate of return.
28. Appraise audited, as a guide to the assistant's efforts in achieving the audit objectives and
determining whether these objectives are being achieved.
29. Budgeted, A budget is an estimate of income and expenses over a certain period of time in
the future and is usually compiled and re-evaluated on a regular basis. A budget can be
created for a person, a group of people, a business, a government, or anything that makes
and spends money.
30. Designs illustrated, Illustrators create from scratch and focus on the beauty and meaning
embodied in the colors, textures, and shapes of images. Meanwhile, graphic designers add,
design, arrange, mix and match all elements into something that is visually harmonious and
functional and easy to understand.
31. Invented, get something that wasn't there before
32. Stimulated, An activity carried out to stimulate children's basic abilities so that children can
grow and develop optimally.
33. Informed, a collection of data or facts that have been processed and processed in such a
way that it becomes something that is easy to understand and useful for the recipient as
knowledge and decision making
34. Advise, "good teachings or lessons". Or else means "good advice (instructions, warnings,
B. Video 2

( 10 Essential Business English Expressions )

1. Flat Out, means if you're flat out you're incredibly busy you have lots to do so much that
you can't stop to have a break. in Australia where I'm from we might also use Flat Chat it's
used in the same way to mean that someone is very busy.
2. Train Of Thought, means talking about something and then completely forgotten what
you're talking about and why you're talking about it, gets distracted by something else the
clear progression of your thoughts are stopped by something so the expression that you'll
most commonly.
3. On Track, means no problem at all if something is not happening as you planned and you
want to change it.
4. Off Track, means this you're busy you're flat out and you have to attend a meeting about a
project that you're working on but the people at the meeting are not prepared, and the
conversation is just going everywhere people are talking about their kids what they had for
dinner last night any other issue except what you should be talking about, so you decide to
interrupt the conversation.
5. (To) Bank On, means to bet that something will happen in a certain way to be sure or
confident that something will happen.
6. (To) Brush Up On, means to update or to improve your skills in some way it can be used
in any context really formal or informal, but this expression is so useful in a professional
7. (To) Bring Something to The Table, so this idiom means to provide it something that will
be of benefit something useful and it's often used in a professional context to describe the
skills or experience that someone brings to a team or to a company.
8. To Bring Up, means to mention or introduce a topic someone can bring something up
during a meeting a call or a casual conversation.
9. (To) Turn Down, means to say no to something or refuse something.
10. Wing It, means to accomplish or perform something but some reason you’re underprepare.
Winging it and Off-The-Cuff are semantically related.
C. Video 3
( Common Vocabulary, Phrases and Idioms For Office Life )

1. Cold calling  it means calling someone you’ve never spoken to before and trying to
convince them to buy whatever you’re selling.
2. Quick on your feet  means to be agile and responsive, quick to adapt appropriately to
changing situations.
3. Turnover  means how often staff arrive and leave. If staff often leave your company and
need to be replaced, then you have high turnover. ‘Turnover’ also has other meanings. It
can mean the total amount of money that goes in and out of a business.
4. USP stands for ‘Unique Selling Proposition’, or sometimes ‘Unique Selling Point’. Means
about what makes your product or service different from competitors.
5. Q1 The ‘Q’ in ‘Q1’ stands for ‘quarter’ meaning a three-month period. Generally, Q1
means January to March.
6. B2B stands for Business to Business  means online platforms to sell products or services
to other businesses.
7. B2C stands for Business to Customer  means process of selling products and services
directly between a business and consumers who are the end-users of its products or services.
8. Touch base  means ‘talk’ or ‘have a discussion’ to make contact or reconnect with
someone briefly.
9. In the loop  meaning that you’re speaking to your colleagues regularly and you know
everything that’s happening in your office.
10. Catch up, is a phrasal verb. If someone says, ‘You can catch me up’  this means that here
are some things which I don’t know, and which you can tell me about. It has the idea that
I’ve missed something there’s something I should know, but I don’t, and you’re going to
tell me.
11. Input If someone says ‘I’d like your input’ it means that they want your ideas and
12. Pie in the sky  means an impossible dream. are ideas which sound nice, but which aren’t
13. Overreaching  means to go too far, or to try to do too much.
14. A road map  means detailed plan, showing exactly how you will achieve something. It’s
often used for large, complex projects and plans.
15. Beyond your pay grade  means to something which is not your job. Mean that you aren’t
responsible for this, and you won’t do it.
16. On the right track  means going in the right direction. If you’re working on a project, and
you say ‘everything’s on the right track’, you mean that things are going to plan.
17. Get your house in order  means to sort out your own responsibilities. An alternative with
the same meaning is ‘put your house in order’. It’s most often used as a criticism.
18. Beat around the bush  means to speak in an indirect, unclear way. If someone’s beating
around the bush, they’re not saying what they really think. This is often used in the negative.
19. Bite off more than you can chew  means to try to do something which is too difficult.
The meaning here is more direct imagine trying to put too much food in your mouth at one
20. Go back to the drawing board and ‘back to square one  means something which you have
done has not been successful and that you will have to start again or try another idea.
21. My hands are tied  means that I can’t help you. If you say this, it suggests that you aren’t
free to choose. You can use it to mean ‘I want to help you, but I can’t.
22. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is  means to back up your words with actions. If
you tell someone ‘You need to put your money where your mouth is’, you’re telling that
person to stop talking and do something instead.
D. Video 4

( 10 Slang Email Abbreviations )

1. TBH or LBH (To Be Honest or Let's Be Honest)  To be honest, let's be honest. Let's be
honest, the website is in need of an overhaul.
2. NBD (No Big Deal)  He can't come to the meeting but it's no big deal.
3. V (Very)  I'm very interested in this business opportunity.
4. def which means Definitely. He's def not attending the meeting. 5. NSFW or SFW. These
mean Not Safe For Work or Safe For Work.
5. FYI (For Your Information)  Now this one we do say in real life as FYI. You'll hardly
hear anyone saying for your information.
6. ONW (On My Way)  it usually uses to someone who’s on the way to a particular location
7. OOO, this means Out of Office. For example, I'm going to be out of office all of next week.
8. LMK, means Let Me Know.
9. BRB (Be Right Back)  I have to shoot off somewhere, I'll be right back

( 10 Financial Abbreviations )
1. FIFO (First In, First Out)  this has to do with inventory. It's basically saying when
something is bought first, it's used first.
2. LIFO (Last In First Out)  This is the opposite of the previous where the last item bought
is the first item used.
3. ROI (Return On Investment)  your return on investment is the calculation of how much
money the company is making compared to how much money it's spending.
4. Q1 (the First Quarter)  You can also have Q2, Q3, and Q4. Each financial year is typically
divided into four quarters.
5. YTD or MTD  These mean year to date or month to date.
6. TL; DR. (too long; didn't read)  If somebody sends you a really long e-mail and you don't
have time to read it, you can say TL; DR. TL; DR, it was too long, I didn't read it. Send me
something shorter.
7. ETA (the Estimated Time of Arrival)  your destination if you maintain your current
8. EOD (End Of Day)  used before you say something you think is most important about a
situation after considering various related things.
9. FTE (Full-Time Employee)  synonymous with a work schedule that takes about 37-40
hours per week. In one day, on average you will spend 8 hours working from Monday to
Friday. Generally full-time schedule starts from 9 am to 5 pm.
10. PTO (Paid Time Off)  a policy in some employee manuals that provides for sick
employees, vacations and personal days off that may be used to increase needs or wants.
( 6 Marketing Abbreviations )

1. B2B (Business to Business)  carry out transactions between business actors. For
example, furniture companies work with digital marketing companies to help market their
2. B2C (Business to Customer)  is a business that provides services or sales of goods or
services to individual or group consumers directly. In other words, this type of business
deals directly with consumers, not companies or other businesses. For example, you have
a food business.
3. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)  This means creating and structuring the content of
your website so that it's more likely to show up high in search results when certain
keywords and phrases are searched for.
4. CR (Conversion Rate)  the percentage of people that convert into paying customers.
5. CPC (Cost Per Click)  this is your acquisition cost from a paid online advertising channel.
It's how much it cost to get somebody to click on your ad.
6. CTA (Call to Action)  This is the part at the end, usually at the end of a blog post, e-
mail, or sales page that tells you to do something.

( 10 Business Idioms )

1. At The Eleventh Hour this means at the last minute.

2. To Get the Ball Rolling, This means "to start" or "to get started".
3. To Think Outside the Box, This means "to think differently".
4. To Touch Base, This means "to speak".
5. To Circle Back, which means "to meet again".
6. To Have a Lot on One's Plate, This means "to be very very busy".
7. An Elephant in The Room, This is "a difficult subject".
8. A No-Brainer this means, "a logical solution".
9. To Get Back to The Drawing Board, this means "to start again".
10. To Reach Out, this means "to contact someone".

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