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Topic: Cushing’s Syndrome pituitary tumors.

These conditions
are caused by genetic changes passed
Members: down from parents.
Biazon, Samira • Type-2 diabetes that is not properly
Bugahod, Jorge David managed
Casanova, Jerome
o GC excess is associated with an
Dataya, Sittie Maiameen
increased glucose production, due to
the stimulation of gluconeogenesis
Definition and development of insulin
Cushing syndrome was named after a famous resistance mainly in the liver and in
neurosurgeon, Harvey Cushing. the skeletal muscle, which reduces
He was the first exclusive neurosurgeon and the first glycogen synthesis and glucose
person to describe Cushing's disease. In 1912 he uptake.
discovered an endocrinological syndrome caused by • High blood pressure (Hypertension)
a malfunction of the pituitary gland. o Elevated blood pressure seen in
According to him, Cushing’s syndrome is an Cushing's syndrome is a
endocrine disorder with elevated cortisol levels in the consequence of adrenocorticotrophic
hormone (ACTH) stimulated
Cushing's syndrome occurs when your body
increases in cortisol secretion.
makes too much of the hormone cortisol over a long
period of time • Obesity
o Patients with abdominal obesity have
Causes elevated cortisol levels. Furthermore,
Exogenous stress and glucocorticoids act to
• Exogenous Cushing syndrome is due to control both food intake and energy
people taking cortisol-like medications such expenditure. In particular,
as prednisone. These drugs are used to treat glucocorticoids are known to
inflammatory disorders such as asthma and increase the consumption of foods
rheumatoid arthritis. They also suppress the enriched in fat and sugar.
immune system after an organ transplant.
Endogenous Assessment
When Cushing Syndrome is suspected, initial
• Endogenous Cushing syndrome usually laboratory testing is usually directed at confirming
comes on slowly and can be difficult to excessive glucocorticoid production. What are the
diagnose. This type of Cushing syndrome is signs and symptoms of excess glucocorticoid
most often caused by hormone-secreting (cortisol) secretion?\
tumors of the adrenal glands or the pituitary. • Weight gain or obesity. - Sometimes
In the adrenal glands, the tumor (usually non- obesity, chronic illness/alcoholism and
cancerous) produces too much cortisol. Most depression can cause false-positive results
tumors that produce ACTH originate in the which they named it as Pseudo Cushing
pituitary gland but sometimes non-pituitary Syndrome.
• Heavy trunk; thin extremities.
tumors, usually in the lungs, can also produce
too much ACTH and cause ectopic Cushing • Fat pad (Buffalo Hump) in neck and
syndrome. supraclavicular area. High levels of the
hormone cortisol can lead to increased fat
synthesis. With Cushing syndrome, the fat
Risk Factors
produced often deposits in the neck, known
• Taking high-dose corticosteroids over a long
period of time as lipodystrophy which now produces
o Some people develop Cushing’s Buffalo Hump.
syndrome symptoms when they take • Rounded face (moon face); plethoric, oily
high levels of oral corticosteroid complexion. This can result from taking oral
medication to treat inflammatory corticosteroid medication. Or your body
conditions such as asthma, lupus or
might produce too much cortisol. Too much
rheumatoid arthritis.
cortisol can cause some of the hallmark
• Genetics
o People with family histories of signs of Cushing syndrome. That's why
certain genetic disorders may face a people sometimes refer to it as a Cushingoid
higher risk
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• Skin – fragile and thin; striae and Neuronal input at the hypothalamic level can also
ecchymosis, acne. stimulate CRH release.
Although the adenomas of Cushing's disease
• Musculoskeletal – muscle wasting caused
secrete excessive amounts of ACTH, they generally
by excessive catabolism, osteoporosis, retain some negative feedback responsiveness to
characteristic kyphosis, back ache. high doses of glucocorticoids. Ectopic sources of
• Mental disturbances – mood changes, ACTH, usually in the form of extracranial
psychosis. neoplasms, are generally not responsive to negative
• Increased susceptibility to infections. feedback with high doses of glucocorticoids.
However, some overlap exists in the response to
Manifestations of excess mineralocorticoid negative feedback between pituitary and ectopic
(aldosterone) secretion: sources of excessive ACTH.
• Hypertension
• Hypernatremia, hypokalemia Signs and Symptoms
• Weight gain • Signs and symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome
vary but most people with the disorder have
• Expanded blood volume
upper body obesity, a rounded face,
• Edema
increased fat around the neck, and relatively
slender arms and legs.
• Children tend to be obese with slowed
Manifestations of excess androgens
growth rates.
• Females experience virilism
• Other signs appear in the skin, which
(masculinization) with hirsutism (excessive
becomes fragile and thin, bruises easily, and
growth of hair on the face and midline of
heals poorly. Purple or pink stretch marks
trunk); atrophied breast, enlarged clitoris,
may appear on the abdomen, thighs,
masculinized voice, loss of libido,
buttocks, arms, and breasts.
hermaphroditism (if exposed in utero).
• The bones are weakened, and routine
• Males – loss of libido.
activities such as bending, lifting, or rising
from a chair may lead to backaches and rib
or spinal column fractures.
• Women with Cushing’s syndrome usually
have excess hair growth on their face, neck,
chest, abdomen, and thighs. Their menstrual
periods may become irregular or stop.
• Men may have decreased fertility with
diminished or absent desire for sex and,
sometimes, erectile dysfunction.
• Other common signs and symptoms include:
o severe fatigue;
o weak muscles;
o high blood pressure;
o high blood glucose;
o increased thirst and urination;
o irritability, anxiety, or depression;
o fatty hump between the shoulders

Diagnostic Tests
- First, diagnosis should be based on a review
of the patient’s medical history, physical
When stimulated by ACTH, the adrenal examination, and laboratory tests.
gland secretes cortisol and other steroid hormones. - X rays of the adrenal or pituitary glands can
ACTH is produced by the pituitary gland and be useful in locating tumors
released into the petrosal venous sinuses in response - No single lab test is perfect and usually
to stimulation by corticotropin-releasing hormone several are needed.
(CRH) from the hypothalamus. ACTH is released in - 3 most common tests:
a diurnal pattern that is independent of circulating o 24-hour urinary free cortisol test
cortisol levels: peak release occurs just before o Measurement of midnight plasma
awakening, and ACTH levels then decline cortisol or late-night salivary
throughout the day. Control of CRH and ACTH cortisol; and
release is maintained through negative feedback by o Low-dose dexamethasone
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hypothalamic and pituitary
by 100000843628479 levels. on 03-22-2022 00:17:27 GMT -05:00
suppression test
24-hour urinary free cortisol level • Adrenal enzyme inhibitors ( E.g.
- In this test, a person’s urine is collected metyrapone or mitotane) maybe used with
several times over a 24-hour period and ectopic ACTH- secreting tumors that cannot
tested for cortisol. Levels higher than 50 to be totally removed; monitor closely for
100 micrograms a day for an adult suggest inadequate adrenal function and side effects
Cushing’s syndrome. • Temporary replacement therapy with
hydrocortisone may be necessary until the
Midnight plasma cortisol or late-night salivary adrenal glands begin to respond normally (
cortisol measurements maybe several months).
- Measures cortisol concentrations in the • Transsphenoidal hypophysectomy.
blood. Cortisol production is normally Surgical removal of the tumor by
suppressed at night, but in Cushing’s transsphenoidal hypophysectomy is the
syndrome, this suppression doesn’t occur. If treatment of choice if Cushing’s syndrome is
the cortisol level is more than 50 nanomoles caused by pituitary tumors and has an 80%
per liter (nmol/L), Cushing’s syndrome is success rate.
suspected. The test generally requires a 48- • Adrenalectomy. is the treatment of choice
hour hospital stay to avoid falsely elevated in patients with primary adrenal
cortisol levels due to stress. hypertrophy.

Low-dose dexamethasone suppression test Nursing Diagnosis

(LDDST) Primary Nursing Diagnosis
- a person is given a low dose of • Excess fluid volume- may be related to
dexamethasone, a synthetic glucocorticoid, retention of water and sodium caused by an
by mouth every 6 hours for 2 days. Urine is excess of cortisol and mineralocorticoid
collected before dexamethasone is levels.
administered and several times on each day
of the test. A modified LDDST uses a one- Other Nursing Diagnosis
time overnight dose. Cortisol and other • Risk for infection- possible evidenced by
glucocorticoids signal the pituitary to release associated conditions of suppressed
less ACTH, so the normal response after inflammatory response (skin and capillary
taking dexamethasone is a drop in blood and fragility, and negative nitrogen balance)
urine cortisol levels. If cortisol levels do not • Self-Care Deficit- may be related to muscle
drop, Cushing’s syndrome is suspected. wasting, generalized weakness, fatigue, and
demineralization of bones, possibly
Radiologic imaging: direct visualization of the
evidenced by statements of or observed
endocrine glands inability to complete or perform ADLs
- Imaging tests reveal the size and shape of
• Disturbed Body Image- may be related to
the pituitary and adrenal glands and help
alteration in self-perception (e.g., change in
determine if a tumor is present. The most
structure or appearance [effects of disease
common imaging tests are the computerized
process, drug therapy]) possibly evidenced
tomography (CT) scan and magnetic
by negative feelings about body, feelings, or
resonance imaging (MRI).
helplessness, and changes in social
Petrosal sinus sampling
• Risk for physical trauma- possibly
- This test is not always required, but in many
evidenced by risk factors of impaired
cases, it is the best way to distinguish
balance and associated conditions of
pituitary from ectopic causes of Cushing’s
decrease in muscle coordination and
syndrome. Samples of blood are drawn from
[increased protein breakdown and
the petrosal sinuses—veins that drain the
demineralization of bones]
pituitary––by inserting tiny tubes through a
vein in the upper thigh or groin region. A • Sexual Dysfunction- may be related to
local anesthetic and mild sedation are given, associated condition or altered body function
and x rays are taken to confirm the correct (loss of libido, impotence, and cessation of
position of the tubes. Often CRH, the menses), possibly evidenced by
hormone that causes the pituitary to release verbalization underside change in sexual
ACTH, is given during this test to improve function or desire
diagnostic accuracy.
Nursing Interventions
Medical/Surgical Management • Assess vitals
• Radiation of the pituitary gland is • Assess heart and lung status- hypertension
successful but takes several months for and fluid overload are common
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by 100000843628479 from on 03-22-2022 00:17:27 12 lead ECG
GMT -05:00
• Assess neuro vitals- there might be tumor in ment%20data,wasting%2C%20and%20altered%20s
the brain leep%20patterns.
• Check electrolytes- low potassium and high
sodium are common
• Weight patient- weight gain is common
• Check-ins and outs- fluid retention is
common nsandtreatments/Hormones-cortisol-and-
• Manage blood glucose levels, which are corticosteroids
usually high
• Encourage bed rest
• Monitor for signs of infection
• Check skin integrity
• Administer antihypertensive drugs as
• Administer diuretics as prescribed- fluid
retention is common
• If the patient is to undergo surgery, keep the
patient NPO
• Educate patient about the disease
• Encourage hand washing
• Encourage follow up with a clinician

Patient Education
- You always need cortisol in your body. You
need it to function. It manages your
respiration, turns your food into energy,
regulates your blood sugar, helps you cope
with stress and more. Cortisol is not your
body’s enemy, but too much of it can be.
Have your healthcare provider monitor your
cortisol levels closely if you’re on
glucocorticoids or steroids. Unfortunately,
there’s no way to prevent a tumor that
causes Cushing’s syndrome.
- Healthy diet (high protein and calcium to
prevent muscle and bone loss caused by high
cortisol levels)
- Proper time and taking of medications
- Avoid foods that can lead to high blood
glucose and high blood glucose (too much


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