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 A BROCHURE is used to pass on information about something. Brochures advertise

items mainly used to introduce a company or organization and inform about
products and or services to a targeted audience. Brochures are distributed or
handed personally or placed in brochure racks. They are usually also present near
tourist attractions.
 Memberikan informasi tentang sesuatu dan Mengiklankan itu
Brosur dapat dibagi/distribusikan satu-satu (per-lembar) di rak brosur atau banyak
ditemukan di tempat wisata

The purpose of brochures is to advertise a company product or service.

How to create a brochure :

1. Put a marketing massage clearly (express the main benefits and its uniqueness
2. Describe the features (e.g. the facility and the important ingredients)
3. Be persuasive (use words that sell and put them in the headline)
4. Use pronoun “you” to refer to the customers.
5. Give photos and illustrations

Usually, you can use these phrases in your brochure

- Are you looking for?

- You have come to the right place!
- Confused in choosing the best?
- Do you want?
- If you are looking for...
- Visit us at...
- Why not come to our store?
- We provide many selections of..
- We guarantee you.. (menjamin)

 A FLYER or FLYER is a form of paper advertisement intended for wide ditribution and
typically posted or distributed in public places through the mail. A flyer is usually
used to promote goods or services, such as : restaurants or shops, political campaign
activities on behalf of a political party or candidate, or to advertise an event, such as
a music concert, festival, or political rally.
Biasanya satu lembar saja (simple tpi mencakup), lebih murah
Fungsi nya : Buat ngirit karena ingin didistribusikan secara luas
 A PAMPHLET is an unbound booklet that is without hard cover or binding. It may
consist of a single sheet of paper that is printed on both sides and it may consist of a
few pages that are folded in half and saddle-stapled on the crease to make a simple
Kayak buku tapi distreples.
Usually, a pamphlet contains information about a particular subject, like tips, etc.

 LEAFLETS are small sheets of paper containing information which is usually used for
advertising or marketing purposes, or for supplementary information on a product.
A printed sheet of paper or a few printed pages that are given free to advertise
about social service or give information about something, mostly like Social Service

 BANNER is a long piece of cloth with a massage on it that is carried between two
poles or hung in a public place to show support for something.

1. Flyer : umumnya memiliki ukuran tak lebih dari A5 karena selembar flyer mudah
disebar di jalnan sehingga melayang-layang sebelum jatuh ke jalan
2. Brosur : ukurannya mulai dari satu halaman kertas Folio/a4 yang dilipat/dijilid
3. Pamflet : ukuran mulai dari satu halaman kertas folio/a4 dengan tanpa jilid dan
dicetak bolak-balik.
4. Leaflet : ukuran kertas kecil (sama dengan pamflet, tapi ukuran lebih kecil) IKLAN

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