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Microorganism of Pond Water

For students to observe for themselves the different types of small organisms, which live in the
pond and their diversity.

Microorganisms include bacteria, protozoa, algae, and fungi. An organism that can be seen only
through microscope.
Pond water refers to a standing body of water. This is usually smaller than a lake and may either
be man-made or natural. Pond water contains a variety of plant and animal life. While some can
be seen with the naked eye, others are too small and will require the use of a microscope to be
able to properly observe them.

Some of the organisms that can be found in pond water include:

Arthropods Bacteria Protozoa

Hydras Algae Fungi


A. I took 3 samples of water from the fishpond at each corner of it, for a total of 12 samples. This
will serve as a specimen to be preview through a microscope.

B. I put it in clean plastic bottles then I marked each bottle A, B, and C to avoid confusion.
Rotate to the low power and then the high-power objectives.

C. I observe the position of the specimen to identify the microorganisms present in the pond-
water. I took a picture of it as documentation to verify that I'm looking at the intended specimen.


Viewing the specimen under the 100X, 400X, and 1200X objectives. Always start
with a low power objective (100X) and then high-power objectives (400x) (1200x)
clicked into place.
I took 3 samples of water from the fishpond at each corner of it and named it (1a,1b,1c)
(2a,2b,2c) (3a,3b,3c) (4a,4b,4c) for a total of 12 samples. In each sample I used the three
objective lenses of varying magnifications and viewed it through a microscope.


is a single-celled eukaryote with flagella, and it shares some

characteristics of both plants and animals. I observe that the
organism has a blunt (rounded) end portion and a pointed end (this
gives them a tear-drop shape). It appears as elongated unicellular
organisms that are rapidly moving across the field surface.


are too small and weak to live in a strong current, which they are
unable to swim against. They live in a water column and are light
enough to stay suspended by using their legs and antennae for


genus of colonial green algae, it is a single cells or clusters in

arrangement. It has no movement. Comprising part of the
freshwater plankton. Pediastrum colonies are disk-shaped and
are characterized by peripheral hornlike projections.

is a group of slipper-shaped ciliate covered with cilia that live
mainly in pond water? I observed that it moves swiftly and
gracefully through the water, moving across the field surface. As
they swim, they also rotate on their longitudinal axis, rolling like
acrobatic airplanes.

is a common filamentous green algae group in freshwater. (Class

Chlorophyceae) with zoospores having many flagella and
oogamous reproduction. They usually attach to substrate by
holdfast cells, but sometimes free-floating

Lacrymaria olor

is unicellular predatory ciliate found in freshwater ponds.

Its name derives from its general shape, which is that of a
teardrop, with a small head at the end of a long neck. It is
known for its extreme morphological changes to extend,
contract, and whip its ‘cell neck’ over many body lengths
to capture prey.


I therefore conclude that many different types of microorganisms can be seen in pond-
water that that cannot be seen with our naked eyes. Based on our pond-water sample, different
organisms can be found in each corner of the pond, and I’ve also noticed that they also have
different appearances and movements.

Moreover, I have noticed that whenever that the magnifications increases these organisms
become more visible therefore, if at low-magnification they are not yet visible but when you
change that into high-magnifications the microorganism becomes more detailed, and you can
easily identify what type of organisms they are.

Furthermore, if you really want to see a microorganism in pond-water you need to be patient and
be focused because they are not that friendly to show up right away. I was so excited when I saw
a microorganism that was there because it was the first time, I had seen such a thing, even though
I spent a lot of time it wasn’t wasted because I can consider it successful.

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