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Topic A

Princilples of prestressing
Prestressing involves the application of an initial compressive load to eliminate (or reduce) the
internal tensile stresses and thereby control cracking. This is achieved by the tensioning of high
strength steel strands.(混凝土可以是完全预应力或者部分预应力,内部允许出现部分的张力)

The compressive force is applied to the concrete by tensioning high strength steel tendons. (张拉高

 Pre-tensioning: steel tendons are tensioned before the concrete casting(先张法)

 Post-tensioning: steel strands are stressed after the concrete has hardened(后张法)先浇筑混凝
土,待达到设计强度的 75%以上后再张拉预应力钢材


 Prestressing tendons are initially tensioned between fixed abutments using hydraulic jacks and
 A formwork is constructed and the concrete is cast around the highly stress steel tendons.
 When the concrete has reached the required strength, wires are cut or released and concrete is

High elastic shortening and subsequent creep strains will determine the relatively loss of pre-
stresses with time
Post-tensioned concrete (process):

 With the formwork in position, the concrete is cast around hollow ducts, which are deployed
according to any desired profile,
 The tendons are either already in place or threaded through the ducts once the concrete has
 Tensioning is usually applied at one end until the required stress, with the other end fixed.
Prestress is applied during the tensioning operation and maintained after the tendons have been
anchored at both ends.

Post-tensioning can take place at both ends of the strands, with the advantage of reducing the friction
losses. 后张拉可以在钢绞线的两端进行,其优点是减少摩擦损失。
Topic A

When tension strain increases, the concrete below the neutral axis will crack and the stell bar will
continue to bear the tension forces, the concrete which is over the neutral axis continue to bear the
compressive force(中性轴以上部分混凝土手压,以下部分开裂不受力,钢筋承担全部拉力)

已知:equilibrium equation: Fsc = Fcc

1 1
Fcc = σ c∗Ac= ∗σ c∗bx
2 2
Fsc = As*σ s

compatibility equation:
ε cc εs
x d−x
σc σs
EC∗x Es∗(d −x)

又:Es = mEc ( m is referred to as the modular ratio.)

σ c∗d −x
σ s=m

1 σ ∗d−x
σ c∗bx= As∗m c
2 x
C25 =25Mpa

1Mpa = 1N/mm2 0.1 被的钢筋强度 fct=σ cc =2.5Mpa

Es= 200 000Mpa Ec= 20 300Mpa

m∗σc∗( d−x )

q 中间跨 ql^2/8
Topic B
Draped cable profiles are often used in prestressed concrete members(two parameters)

 The eccentricity, which is variable throughout the beam and typically zero at the beam ends.
 The slope along the member.



4 Pe
F P=2 P sinθ ≈ 2 Pθ=
引入一个抛物线 Consider a prestressed beam with a parabolic cable profile
y=a x +bx +c Boundary condition:

4e 2 4e
y= x− x

可以求出曲率 curvature k p= 是恒定的 (求二阶导)

wp = w
wp < w

Prestress Losses(预应力损失)
 Short-term (or immediate) losses: occur during the tensioning and anchoring operation and
include elastic shortening, friction and anchorage draw-in.( The magnitude of short-term loss is
taken as the sum of these three components.):
 Short-term (or immediate) losses: include shrinkage and creep of the concrete and relaxation of
the steel.
short-term Losses: Elastic Shortening , Friction Anchorage Draw-in

1. Elastic Shortening Losses:

In post-tensioned members, elastic shortening losses are induced by the elastic deformation of

n is the number of cables, σ c,mean is average concrete stress = P/A

Ep is modules of elasticity of prestressing steel

Ecm,0 is the short-term modulus of elasticity of concrete

2. Friction Losses:
are due to the friction between the tendon and the duct during the tensioning operation

magnitude of the friction losses depends on the tendon length x and the total angel change θtot of the tendon
over that length

μ is the coefficient of friction

between the tendon and the duct
K is the wobble factor (unintentional imperfections)
total angel change θ = sum of the angels change 用弧度 角度*π/180
To calculate the total angular change of a curved cable, this can be subdivided into sagging and hogging

θtot = Σ θi

3.Anchorage Draw-in
In post-tensioned members, some slip or draw-in occurs when the prestressing force is transferred from the jack
to the anchorage. 在后张拉构件中,当预应力从千斤顶传递到锚固装置时,会发生一些滑动或拉 入.

Δ pu
P= Ap ,
Δ pu : Prestress Losses due to friction, L
P: The slope of the friction line loss
δ p slip
E p The modulus of elasticity of the prestressing steel
Long-term Losses: Creep ,Shrinkage,Relaxation of the tendons

Creep:徐变 应力不变应变随时间增加

Shrinkage 收缩:
Concrete also shrinks over a period of years after casting due to moisture loss and long-time chemical processes

The total shrinkage strain ε cshas two components

ε cs=ε ca + ε cd

ε ca : autogenous shrinkage ε cd : drying shrinkage .

Relaxation of the tendons 肌腱松弛

Design for Serviceability:

The following assumptions are made:
 Concrete is post-tensioned.
 The strands are bonded to the concrete.
 The concrete section remains uncracked when supporting SLS loads (fully prestressed members).

在服务极限状态 (SLS) 的设计中,目的是防止由于拉伸应力导致的开裂和由于过大的压缩应

• Short-term (or immediate) losses occur during the tensioning and anchoring operation (before
transfer) and include friction, elastic shortening and anchorage draw-in
• Long-term (or time-dependent) losses (before full SLS loads) are from shrinkage and creep of the
concrete and relaxation of the steel.

α is the short-term loss factor


β is the total loss factor:


所以 P 的范围
通过等式等式的右侧,获得有关最小尺寸横截面的截面模量的信息 :

Mdl 自重 Msls 所有荷载


Z 是界面模量 W

找到关键的肌腱位置 tendon position

total deflection < span/250 (Eurocode 2)

The maximum deflection need to be calculated at two design stages:

 At transfer: short-term 他突然、】、】同一天【】【、【84 Young’s modulus and α -factor

 Under full SLS loading: long-term Young’s modulus and β -factor
The uplift due to upward transverse forces in the beam.
Downwards deflection (sag) due to gravity loads

As for continuous beam

As for propped cantilever
Topic C

在极限状态 (ULS) 下,按照当前顺序进行设计:钢筋在混凝土压碎之前屈服。这是为了确保

横截面的延展性 ductile behaviour
钢中的应变 > ε y x/d<0.45,以确保在混凝土破碎前钢的屈服。

2.对于 RC 截面,钢筋和混凝土中钢筋的应变在每个加载阶段都是相同的。这不是 PSC 部分

的情况。我们需要检查钢中的应变 > ε y =fyd/Es= fyk*B/Es
fcd = 0.567fck


在计算钢总应变时,需要考虑 2 个主要加载阶段
 The external applied moment is zero.σ p=P/ A P e 可能是中性轴到钢筋的
 Ultimate load condition


这些裂缝会导致梁的脆性剪切破坏。brittle shear failure

( )
σ +σ
σ n− x y +τ 2n=R2

√( )
σ x −σ y
R= + τ 2xy

正切应力沿顺时针方向旋转单元 莫尔圆的角度是二倍的)
顺时针为正,找到 A 的位置。看出 A 为右边的面 是顺时针为正和 第一主应力在莫尔圆上逆
时针转了 270 度就是转了 135 度在二维图上

正剪应力使单元沿顺时针方向旋转当最大应力 σ1 超过混凝土强度时,即混凝土受到过大的拉
力,就会开始开裂。裂纹将在垂直于 σ1 方向的方向上形成,即与梁的水平轴成 45°。

3 预应力梁的破坏形式

1 Flexural cracking 弯曲破坏 M/V--HIGH

2 Flexural cracking 弯曲剪切破坏 M/V-moderate

3 Shear-tension cracks 剪切破坏 M/V—small

Topic D
The transfer can occur in different ways:
 在后张法混凝土施工中,预应力通过支座传递到小锚固板后面的混凝土上。锚固板上的高承载应力会导致高横
 在预张拉混凝土构件中,一旦释放的预应力通过钢筋束和梁端混凝土之间的粘结传递。大的粘结应力分布在相
当长的肌腱上 → 应力条件比后张锚固更小。



而在锚固区则进一步拉伸。所产生的拉力称为 bursting forces。

 The size of the anchoring plate

 The eccentricity of the prestressing force
 The presence of multiple tendons.

 Bearing failure 承载失效

 Bursting cracking 爆裂
 Spalling 脱落

 Developing a strut and tie method of the anchorage zone
根据应力轨迹,在承载板后面有一个横向压缩力 F bc和一个横向拉伸力,称为爆破力
bursting force F bt

 Developing a deep beam model of the anchorage zone.


跨中弯矩也就是爆破弯矩(bursting moment Mb)

爆破力矩由 Fbt 所抵抗

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