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Flash Fiction Writing Contest (Mechanics)

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Flash Fiction Writing (English Month Competition). Flash Fiction Writing challenges student writers to
frame a self-contained story in a few hundreds of words that can entertain, intrigue, and satisfy a reader in a
tornado effect.


1. Flash fiction writers shall be given one (1) hour to write their flash fiction strictly composed of 250 words
or less. Hence, the goal is to capture the elements of a story in a limited number of narrative expressions.
2. Flash fiction writers shall be given prerogative to choose their own genre (romance, horror, mystery, etc.).
3. Flash fiction writers shall observe good characterization, conflict, and a symbol or metaphor. Basic
elements such as setting, dialogues, and resolution of conflict shall be dealt with creativity through
techniques such as imagery, local colors, and others.
4. Upon submission of the results to the committee, judges’ decision shall be considered final and
5. Only three (3) flash fiction works shall be awarded Champion, 1st Runner-Up, and 2nd Runner-Up.


1. Overall Development (40%). The flash fiction contains highly interesting, original, and socially relevant
theme and story plot within the prescribed number of words.
2. Imagery and Impact (40%). The flash fiction employs stylistic and creative devices such as imagery,
symbolism, foreshadowing, and others to incite imagination and leave a lasting effect on the part of the
3. Writing Mechanics (20%). The flash fiction adheres to the conventions of writing such as grammar,
punctuations, capitalizations, spelling, and others.

Communication-in-Photo Contest (Mechanics)

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Communication-in-Photo Contest (English Month Competition). Communication-in-Photo Contest is a

photography competition that aims to integrate student photographer’s understanding of the communication
process in the digital age into the art of photography.


1. Participants shall submit their original photos capturing ‘communication and negotiation of meaning in
the digital age.’
2. Photos must be printed on 8.5”x11” photopaper and must bear an up to 10-word title and 25-word
creative description placed at the bottom of the content.
3. Deadline of submission is on November 25 (Saturday), 20xx.
4. Judging of the photo-entries shall be made on November 28 (Tuesday), 20xx. Upon submission to the
committee, Judges’ decision shall be considered final and irrevocable.
5. All photo entries will be part of the photo-exhibit on the actual day of competitions. However, only three
entries shall be awarded Champion, 1stRunner-Up, and 2nd Runner-Up.

1. Adherence to Theme (40%). Photo-entry demonstrates originality and relevance to the theme:
Communication and Negotiation of Meaning in the Digital Age.
2. Clarity of Expression and Uniqueness of Concept (40%). Photo-entry conveys the ideas, messages, or
thoughts in an imaginative and creative way.
3. Creative Title and Description (20%). Photo-entry bears a highly appealing description and title based on
the overall visual appeal.

Declamation Contest (Mechanics)

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Declamation Contest (English Month Competition). Declamation Contest is a public speaking event that
showcases student declaimers’ communication prowess in interpreting a literary piece, thereby providing the
audience with a direct experience of the craft.


1. Participants shall be given prerogative to choose any declamation piece deliverable in five (5) minutes or
2. Participants shall memorize their pieces and present on the day of the event.
3. Participants shall be in an appropriate costume and shall use props whenever necessary.
4. Upon submission of the results to the committee, judges’ decision shall be considered final and
5. Only three (3) student declaimers shall be awarded as Champion, 1st Runner-Up, and 2nd Runner-Up.


1. Overall Interpretation (40%). The student declaimer demonstrates mastery of the piece through
expressive interpretation and provides the audience with a direct experience of the masterfully crafted
2. Vocal Aspects (40%). The student declaimer employs vocal effects such as varying tone, pitch, volume,
and others to reinforce powerful interpretation of the piece.
3. Costume and Props (10%). The student declaimer wears a costume and uses props required in the
development of the presented discourse.
4. Audience Impact (10%). The student declaimer succeeds in engaging the audience in the experience
through communicative approach.

E-Poetry: Poetry Beyond Text (Mechanics)

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E-Poetry: Poetry Beyond Text (English Month Competition). E-Poetry: Poetry Beyond Text is a digital poetry
composition and presentation contest that captures the literary prowess of student poets in the light of digital


1. Participants in groups of three (3) shall compose a poem in any form and theme, and submit an
electronic/video presentation.
2. Entries shall incorporate readable lines (subtitles), appropriate background, and non-distracting sound
effects, and shall run for three (3) to seven (7) minutes including all add-ons.
3. Poem entries shall be saved in a flash drive and shall be submitted on or before November 25 (Saturday),
20xx. Judging of entries shall be made on November 28 (Tuesday), 20xx. Upon submission to the
committee, Judges’ decision shall be considered final and irrevocable.
4. Only three entries shall be awarded Champion, 1st Runner-Up, and 2nd Runner-Up. Winning entries shall
also be presented to the audience during the awarding ceremony.


1. Originality and Creativity (40%). Poem entry clearly demonstrates originality, coherence of the literary
form and structure, and overall creativity.
2. Content and Literary Value (40%). Poem entry conveys clarity and harmony in terms of imagery and
3. Technical Aspects (20%). Addons and other effects such as sound, video, texts, and others are employed
in consonance with the content and other aspects.

Essay Writing Contest (Mechanics)

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Essay Writing Contest (English Month Competition). Essay Writing Contest is a writing competition where
student essayists compose argumentative essays that have substance and that adhere to the conventions of the
written discourse.


1. Student essayists shall write an argumentative essay on a topic/photo related to English language and
2. Essays shall follow the five (5)- paragraph structure — introduction, body, and conclusion.
3. Essays shall be written on the spot for two (2) hours.
4. Topics/photos shall be given three (3) days ahead.
5. Upon submission of the results to the committee, judges’ decision shall be considered final and
6. Only three (3) student speakers shall be awarded as Champion, 1st Runner-Up, and 2nd Runner-Up.


1. Originality and Communication (40%). Essay should be original and clearly communicate student
essayist’s arguments on a given topic or theme in a logical and concise manner.
2. Content (40%). Essay should contain sufficient and sound evidence to support arguments and claims.
3. Writing Mechanics (20%).  Essay should observe proper conventions of writing such as grammar,
punctuations, capitalizations, and others.

Extemporaneous Speech (Mechanics)

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Extemporaneous Speech (English Month Competition). Extemporaneous Speech is a public speaking

competition that requires student speakers to deliver a limited-preparation speech with special focus on
substance, organization of ideas and information, and confident delivery.

1. Participants shall receive a long list of topics/questions three (3) days before the contest or on November
25 (Saturday), 20xx through the CASTI Senior High official Facebook page.
2. Participants shall deliver a 3-minute speech after a 1.5-minute preparation. Color-coded flags (or through
any other means) shall be raised during the event to signal out specific time frames.
3. Time frames and limits shall be strictly observed during the competition. Hence, deductions of points (2
points per 10 seconds) shall be given to student speakers who exceed the delivery time.
4. Upon submission of the results to the committee, judges’ decision shall be considered final and
5. Only three (3) student speakers shall be awarded as Champion, 1st Runner-Up, and 2nd Runner-Up.


1. Presentation (40%). The student speaker has a good volume of speech, proper pronunciation,
enunciation, and nonverbal cues, and appears comfortable.
2. Content (40%). The speech is logical, has a clear thesis, and presented in a cohesive manner.
3. Audience Response (20%). The speech is delivered with effectiveness and persuasiveness evident in the
response of the audience.

Speech Choir (Mechanics)

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Speech Choir (English Month Competition). Speech Choir or verse choir brings out the beauty of harmony
and unison, hence providing speakers and listeners alike with an experience that is both exciting and intense in
the interpretation of a literary piece.


1. Speech choirs shall be comprised of twelve (12) to twenty-five (25) class members.
2. “REVERSE CREATION” by Bernard Backman shall be the piece and be recited with vocal and other
effects in five (5) to seven (7) minutes.
3. Members of the choirs shall wear and use costumes, props, and others whenever appropriate to improve
the choral interpretation of the piece.
4. Dangerous stunts shall be prohibited. The board of judges reserves the right to discontinue presentations
whenever posing danger or risks to the members of the team, the judges, and the audience.
5. Upon submission of the results to the committee, judges’ decision shall be considered final and
6. Only three (3) speech choirs shall be awarded as Champion, 1st Runner-Up, and 2nd Runner-Up.


1. Overall Interpretation (40%). The speech choir invokes thoughts and feelings and initiates a shared
experience with the audience through superior dynamics, unique techniques, and expressive
interpretations of the lines.
2. Mastery and Delivery (40%). The speech choir demonstrates mastery of the piece by maintaining vocal
unison, stage poise, eye contact, and other verbal and nonverbal effects.
3. Costume and Props (10%). The speech choir wears costumes and uses props indispensable in the
interpretation of the piece and shared experience between the choir and the audience.
4. Audience Impact (10%). The speech choir succeeds in engaging the audience in the shared experience,
hence communicating the message of the literary piece.
Statement Shirt Competition (Mechanics)
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Statement Shirt Competition (English Month Competition). Statement Shirt Competition showcases student
artists’ creativity and wit in designing a shirt that communicates their knowledge and insights into the
functions, importance, and challenges of communication in English in the digital age.


1. All SHS sections shall have only two representatives (a guy and a girl) to model the statement shirts.
2. Statement shirts shall depict the functions, importance, and challenges of English communication in the
digital age.
3. All statements and designs must be original.
4. Statement shirt models shall be given a chance to exhibit their modelling skills during the competition
through a short introduction and presentation of the statement.
5. Upon submission of the results to the committee, judges’ decision shall be considered final and
6. Only three (3) pairs of statement shirt models shall be awarded as Champion, 1st Runner-Up, and 2nd


1. Content and Relevance (40%). Statement shirt strongly depicts the functions, importance, and challenges
of communication in English in the digital age, and free from grammatical errors and other unacceptable
content such as those with sexual undertones and discriminations in any form.
2. Overall Visual Appeal (40%). Other artistic visual addons and details such as font styles, colors, logos,
and others complement with the content or improve the communicative appeal of the statement.
3. Modelling (20%). Statement shirt model confidently presents the statement shirt, introduces oneself well,
and quotes the statement with appropriate verbal and nonverbal effects.

Impromptu Speech Questions

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Impromptu Speech Questions. Here is a list of 50 questions that can be used for an impromptu speech activity.

1. What if the whole world were listening, what would you say?
2. What if you could be another person for a day, who would you be?
3. What if you were given a choice between being given great wisdom or great wealth, which would you
4. Would you ever switch to your significant other’s religion if he/she said you won’t get married unless you
do so?
5. What kind of a woman/man would you like to spend the rest of your life with?
6. What if you could choose your problems, what kinds would you rather have?
7. What if your best friend could not have a child, would you carry her child for her? (or let your wife do)
8. What if you have to sacrifice yourself for the sake of saving your mother, will you do it?
9. What if you could be invisible for a day what would you do?
10. What if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
11. What if you received lottery tickets as a gift at the office/class party, and you won P 50, 000, would you
share the winnings with the person who gave you the gift?
12. What if you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?
13. What if you were the leader of your country, what would you change/work on first?
14. What if you were told you had a terminal illness and had six months to live, what three things would be
most important for you to do?
15. Would you ever donate a vital organ in order to save another person’s life?
16. Would you ever go on a one-night stand with someone you really had a big crush on if he/she asked you?
17. Would you ever trade your white collar job here to work abroad as a nanny/caregiver cleaning up elderly
people’s mess for greater pay/foreign citizenship?
18. Would you ever marry someone your parents didn’t approve of?
19. Would you ever lie to your children? (spouse, parents)
20. What three things could you not do when you were a child, but you can do now?
21. What if you woke up suddenly because your house was on fire, which three things would you save as you
ran outside?
22. What if you were God, how would you transmit or let people know your message?
23. How would you reconcile free will and God’s plan?
24. Right now, the subject of gay marriage is a key issue in the Philippines. Do you believe that homosexual
persons should have the right to marry? Why? Why not?
25. If you could start a charity, what charity would you choose to start? And why?
26. Is morality old-fashioned—or is it still relevant today?
27. If election would happen today, who would you vote for president? Why?
28. What has been the greatest disappointment of your life to date?
29. What has been the most difficult moment of your life? What did you learn from it?
30. Who are stronger: men or women? Why?
31. Who handle loneliness better: men or women?
32. What is the quality that bests sets women and men apart from each other?
33. If you married and had a family, and discovered your husband or wife was repeatedly unfaithful to you,
would you divorce him/her or file a legal separation or stay for the sake of your children? Why?
34. Why is it that people who are attractive tend to be more successful?
35. What is your definition of beauty? What makes a woman beautiful?
36. What is the difference between “mature” and “old”?
37. What would your refuse to sacrifice for success?
38. Who do you consider as the most successful person living today? Why?
39. What do you think is the biggest problem our youth face today? What can be done about it?
40. When does someone stop being “young”?
41. What is your favorite website and why do you enjoy it?
42. What are your views on premarital sex?
43. Is virginity out of fashion?
44. Do you think we live in the most dangerous generation ever?
45. What standards and values guide your life?
46. Who is the most influential person in the world now? How do you say so?
47. Who is the most important person in your life? Why?
48. Who do you consider to be the sexiest man/woman on earth? What makes him/her sexy?
49. Do you think it is important that everyone knows more than one language? Why?
50. What is the biggest problem our educational system faces and what can be done about it?

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