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Classification: Internal Use

Task 5: Workers’ responsibilities in the workplace

It is likely that the injured apprentice may have contravened some of their responsibilities as a worker within
International Labour Organisation Convention C155 – Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No.155)
Article 19 and associated Recommendation R164 – Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation, 1981
(No.164) recommendation 16.
  Comment on the extent to which Article 19 of C155 and recommendation 16 of R164 may have been contravened.   (10)
  Note: You should support your answer, where applicable, using relevant information from the scenario.  
Some duties and responsibilities have been imposed on workers by ILO international labor organization, Convention C155 for
workers safety, but showroom apprentice had contravened these responsibilities. The following contravened are mentioned below:

 As per Article 19, while performing the job, the apprentice has not safely fulfilled the job by avoiding safety rules because
the vehicle could be hit with the building or other vehicle while using mobile.
 Workers must cooperate with the employer by following safety and health rules while the apprentice did not cooperate
with the organization, as the seat belt has not retracted before exit.
 Adequate information and instructions have been given to workers to maintain health and safety, but the apprentice did
not follow as to drive by one hand while using mobile with other hand. Also, exiting from the vehicle, he did not switch
the phone, and because of his busy hand, he did not retract the seat belt properly.
 Proper training has been provided to workers about their job, but the apprentice did not follow the instruction given in
training as he used mobile while driving, which is strictly prohibited.
 Workers should consult with the employer about all safety aspects, but the apprentice failed in it as he acted that nothing
had happened and did not consult with the employer or top management about this incident.
Classification: Internal Use

 As per ILO Article, 19 workers should report to the supervisor immediately about health and safety issues, but the
showroom apprentice did not report to either supervisor by himself or top management for this incident as to take
control measures for further accident prevention. 
 The employer has to take remedial action; the employee is not required to return to work in severe injury conditions.
However, the apprentice reported working the next day while getting a fracture, affecting the daily operation and the
organization’s reputation.  
 Workers should take care of their safety and health and the safety of other people around them, but as per the scenario,
the apprentice neither cares about his health and safety nor care about others because his unsafe behavior by using
mobile while driving could hit the car in building or to her person, and no proper retracted seat belt could be dangerous
for the other person who is going to use the vehicle after him.
 Use safety equipment provided by the employer and do not temper it while showroom apprentice has temper seatbelt. 
 Apprentice has breached health and safety rules by hiding the facts of the incident and pretending that he has fallen from
bike to avoid further investigations.

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