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(Weekly tasks)
1.Take a short video of you doing your favorite indoor recreational activity. Make a
write-up about it. Include the benefits derived from said activity. (Deadline: February
16, 2022)
The painting shown in the video is a "Do it yourself". I bought this online
where it already has a specific outcome. It comes with tiny sections with numbers
written on it as well as paints. What I'll do is just fill in the sections to complete
the picture. I bought this because I sometimes become lazy to think of what to
paint especially when I am bored. Whenever I'm bored, stressed, and don’t know
what to do, I paint anything inside my room. This helps me express my feelings
and emotion without words. It's really a great way to release my inner thoughts
while stroking the paints. Painting also enables our minds to relax and let go of
any problems or pressures that may cause stress. It is also relaxing because you
have an open environment attracting positive moods to form creativity and be
2. Take a very recent picture or a short video of you doing your favorite outdoor activity
with family or friends. What lessons are learned or are expected from this activity?
Why? Make a write-up. (Deadline: February 16, 2022)
The photo contains me and my siblings. I have expected really to enjoy and
have fun on this activity because it's a sibling's outing. We ate the food we want
and enjoyed swimming. We freely moved our bodies under the water which
provides our body an all-over workout. It was also an exercise for us where we
were relaxed and have peace around us. And lastly, we were able to attract good
moods on us.
3. Take a short video of you doing your favorite functional handicraft (something that
has a function or can be used). After finishing the product, take a picture of your
masterpiece (output) and send thru your messenger account. (Deadline: February 23,
4. Take a video of you drawing or a sketch of how you see/picture the current
pandemic. How did it affect you emotionally, physically, psychologically, socially and
mentally? You can play with colors and strokes necessary to portray what you feel. Use
a short bond paper. Take a photo and send thru messenger (your account). (Deadline:
February 23, 2022)
5. Take a video while making an actual mask out of any available material (carton,
plastic bottles, straw, paper, etc.) to picture or show the face of the pandemic according
to how you would perceive it. Do not just draw. Make one. Any size.
Take a picture of you wearing your mask and send thru your account in messenger.
(Deadline: February 23, 2022)
Sergio, Jessica L.


A. Explain briefly but extensively how the above discussions and activities can benefit
you and your family in terms of wellness.
Health and fitness ensure that my family and I will avoid serious health issues
such as cardiovascular disease and other health issues. This will make us all feel our
best, bring us more strength for everyday tasks, and help us to have a healthy lifestyle.
Exercise and wellness mean we will not waste a lot of money on treating illnesses and
other conditions caused by a poor lifestyle. Our parents should be our role models,
supporting us in developing a healthier and happier connection with food and health in
the manner of healthy and balanced meals. Thus, we will attain a healthy lifestyle in the
form of exercise and physical activity.

B. Why is physical activity beneficial to you and your family? In what way? How come?
My family may enhance our health and have fun together by participating in
physical exercise and eating nutritious meals. Providing social games, healthy snacks,
sports, and other activities develops a healthier lifestyle in the whole family. Through
engaging in physical exercise and healthy meals, my family and I may improve our
health while also having fun around each other.  Such behaviors can bring a variety of
benefits that we are surely already aware of. Therefore, physical activity and a healthy
diet prevents disease, lose weight, reduce stress, improve school and work
performance, longer lifespans, and some other benefits.
C. Is it true that exercise help the body to release many hormones, including one likely
associated with learning and cognitive abilities and possibly make you feel sharper and
smarter? If true, what is it to you? Is it important?
Yes, of course, who wouldn't want to be smarter? I think it's one of the things I
loved to have as a part of me. It is important because it involves some of the brain's vital
functions, including thinking, understanding, learning, gathering information, and
listening attentively, and they are often used to fix problems, perform tasks, and make
decisions. This has an effect on the performance of our learning. One of its most
important cognitive abilities is attentiveness, which allows us to interpret information in
our surroundings. Such data is normally received by our senses, stored memories, as
well as other cognitive abilities. Therefore, our information processing will be slowed if
we lack attentiveness.
D. Do you believe that engaging in physical activities teach you desirable moral
behaviors? Does it help you manage your emotions and help you express yourself in a
socially acceptable way?
Yes, I believe that physical activities teach moral behaviors. It teaches good
values like sportsmanship, teamwork, and integrity, as well as abilities like aspiring for
self-improvement, positive self-esteem, and group works. Maintaining excellent
sportsmanship, for example, is also highly helpful in all other aspects of life, in school,
particularly when working as a group. It can also observe that engaging in team sports
is a good way to boost one's confidence. And we all know that the student's self-esteem
is essential for doing their best work and improving relationships with other people.
Hence, the students who believe in themselves appear to be significantly more capable
of asking more questions and are prepared to work hard to get answers when
E. How often should you workout upon realizing the very positive benefits of physical
activities? Why?

From now on, I should make 30 to 60 minutes of time spent on physical activities
every day. First of all, regular physical activity helps prevent or control a variety of
health issues and concerns, such as cancer, strokes, and stress. It can also improve
cognitive function and reduce the chance of dying from any disease. Then, it will
improve my performance in the cardiovascular system. And when my heart and lung
health will improve, I will have more energy to do everyday tasks. Also, regular physical
exercise can help me fall asleep faster, sleep better, and sleep deeper. Lastly, regular
activities will allow me to relax, enjoy nature, or just indulge in things that make me
happy. In addition, it can also help me bond with family or friends in a social
environment that is fun since we lack bonding.

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