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M s.

El k i n s
St ar
4 t h Gr ad e St u den t :
Ava Rose
N ew sl et t er
Feb r u ar y 7- 11,20 22
Th ou gh t s f r om Teach er : dated and brought back to me by
This week is a busy but fun Friday. If you would like to
week for your child! First, schedule a Parent teacher
your child will be bringing conference just email me
home a list of items that and we can schedule one
he/she will need to bring ASAP! Lastly, we will be
to our Valentine's party having a half day February
next Monday! Second, 18th and no school February
interim reports are here! They will be 21st! Enjoy the long weekend ! :)
coming home with your child on
Wednesday. They need to be signed and

Th is Week : and how we use it in our

Upcom in g Dat es:
everyday lives. On
Feb. 09- Interim Reports We will be building our Wednesday we will be
vocab this week with a
going home doing an
new list of new
experiment, make
Feb. 11- Interim Reports vocab words sure your child
due back wears closed toe
Monday. We
shoes or pack an
Feb.14- Valentines Party will also be
extra pair of closed
@11AM reviewing
toed shoes. We will
fractions and learning
Feb. 18- Half Day get also be learning about how
how to solve equations
electricity has evolved
out at 12PM that involve them. In
through time. On Monday,
science we will be
Feb. 21- No School! Feb. 14, we will be having
learning about electricity

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