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Republic of the Philippines


Laoang, Northern Samar

First Semester, SY: 2021-2022

Name: _______________________ Course: _______ Schedule: ________

TEST I – TRUE OR FALSE. Write the word ORGAN if the statement is correct and
SYSTEM if the statement is incorrect after the number and underline the word that
makes the statement wrong then write the correct answer after the sentence to make the
statement correct. (NO ERASURES)

1. _______________ The primary function of the thymus is the processing and

maturation of special lymphocytes called lymph nodules.

2. _______________ The endocrine cells secrete the hormone gastrin, which

functions in the regulation of gastric activity.
3. _______________ The urethra of male is shorter than the female urethra.
4. _______________ The endocrine system is made up of the endocrine tissue that
secrete hormones.
5. _______________ After ovulation and in response to luteinizing hormone, the
portion of the follicle that remains in the ovary enlarges and is transformed into a
corpus luteum.
6. _______________ Sperm counts below 10 to 20 thousands per milliliter usually
present fertility problems.
7. _______________ Absorption is important because your body needs nutrients
from food and drink to work properly and stay healthy.
8. _______________ Testosterone secretion is regulated by a negative feedback
system that involves releasing hormones from the hypothalamus and gonadotropins
from the anterior pituitary.
9. _______________ After ejaculation, the sperm can live for about 48 hours in the
female reproductive tract.
10. _______________ The small intestine finishes the process of digestion, absorbs
the nutrients, and passes the residue on to the large intestine.
11. _______________ About the 21st day of pregnancy, blood begins to circulate
between the placenta and the embryo.
12. _______________ The medulla is a loose connective tissue with abundant blood
vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerve fibers.
13. _______________ The zygote goes through a series of changes before it reaches
the uterus.
14. _______________ Physicians commonly divide pregnancy into three, three-
month parts called trimesters.
15. _______________ There are between 400-800 lymphocytes in the body that
constantly monitor and filter the lymph to remove toxins, waste and pathogens.
16. _______________ The body's organs and organ systems grow rapidly from the
third through eighth months of pregnancy.
17. _______________ The urinary system maintains an appropriate blood volume by
regulating the amount of water that is excreted in the urine.
18. _______________ Hormones deliver their messages by locking into the cells they
are targeting so they can relay the message.
19. _______________ The endocrine system controls growth and development
during childhood, regulation of bodily functions in adulthood, and the reproductive
20._______________ The smooth muscle responsible for movements of the digestive
tract is arranged in two layers, an inner circular layer and an outer longitudinal layer.

TEST II – Identify the following statement. Write your answer o the space provided
below. (NO ERASURES)

1. _______________ It is adapted to receive food by ingestion, break it into small

particles by mastication, and mix it with saliva.
2. _______________ This gland has an exocrine portion that secretes digestive
enzymes that are carried through a duct to the duodenum.
3. _______________ A temporary storage reservoir for urine.
4. _______________ It usually happens every month when blood and tissue from
your uterus comes out of your vagina.
5. _______________ The primary female reproductive organs.
6. _______________ Finishes the process of digestion, absorbs the nutrients, and
passes the residue
7. _______________ A special white blood cells that produce antibodies which are
responsible for immune responses that defend the body against disease.
8. _______________ A pouch that extends below the abdomen, posterior to the
9. _______________ Inability to achieve a pregnancy in a fertile woman due to low
sperm production, blockages or other factors
10. _______________ A hormone that regulates your glucose, or blood sugar, by
transporting it to muscles and tissues that use glucose for energy.
11. _______________ The primary organs of the urinary system.
12. _______________ Involves the use of high-frequency sound waves to produce an
image of the fetus on a screen.
13. _______________ Occurs when a woman's reproductive cycles stop.
14. _______________ Produced when foods containing protein, such as meat,
poultry, and certain vegetables, are broken down in the body.
15. _______________ A collapsible muscular tube that serves as a passageway
between the pharynx and stomach.
16. _______________ A test that studies the content of urine for abnormal
substances such as protein or signs of infection.
17. _______________ The male reproductive cell.
18. _______________ Evaluate the storage of urine in the bladder and the flow of
urine from the bladder through the urethra.
19. _______________ The body's chemical messengers.
20._______________ The largest lymphatic organ in the body.
21. _______________ Occurs when the mature follicle at the surface of the ovary
ruptures and releases the secondary oocyte into the peritoneal cavity.
22. _______________ A problem with getting or keeping an erection.
23. _______________ The final step in the development of sperm.
24. _______________ Carry fluid away from the tissues.
25. _______________ Receives the fertilized oocyte and provides an appropriate
environment for the developing fetus.

TEST III – Enumeration. (NO ERASURES)

1-3. Group of tonsils
4-6. Division of small intestine
7-8. Major Categories of Glands
9-12. Accessory Glands of Male Reproductive system
13-15. Female Genital Tract

Prepared by:


Subject Prof/Inst.

Checked by:


Dept. Chair

Approved by:
Asst. Director for Acad. Affairs

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