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Lauren Weber

Mrs. Wold


10 April 2022

Integrity Essay

I chose a cheer stunt to represent my integrity because it takes a back spot, two bases, and

a flier to make it even possible to toss a stunt in the air. Once a stunt is thrown, the flyer must

stay tight and hold on until she is caught again and placed back on her feet. I am using this

analogy to represent me because the components in a stunt group come from my life experiences

and people I have met and the toss comes from taking chances. The landing is a reflection and

how you must try again. This is a common cycle in my life of learned lessons, taking chances,

and retrying.

The most important part of a stunt group is the back spot which usually is filled by a

strong girl that saves the stunt from falling. She must push up the stunt and steady it so the flyer

does not get hurt. The backspot typically yells out the counts and the moves so everyone is aware

of what is going on and are in unison. The structure in my life would be my family. Without my

family standing behind me and holding me up, I would not be as strong as I am and not be able

to stand on my own. My family supports me in all of my decisions in life and guides me through

different challenges I face as I age. My family has laid the framework by teaching me morals

from a young age and emphasizing them as I have grown. They call me out when necessary and

make sure I am always on the right track to reach my goals. My family has always encouraged

me to push myself in sports and school. A back spot makes a stunt sturdy and will always be
necessary when throwing a girl into the air to secure her safety. My family gives me structure in

life by being reliable and knowing that they will always catch me when I fall down.

The flyer in the stunt has to stay strong and perform a skill for the audience present. A

flyer has to balance on the hands of others while still trying to present a difficult skill at hand.

The flyer’s skill gives the stunt uniqueness and is different from the rest. Some days the stunts

will hit, other days they fall, and some days you can’t even get them up at all. Even though

sometimes it doesn’t work out, the flyer still stays strong and tries her best to remain in the air as

safe as possible. The flyer represents my friends in life that help push me and stick by my side.

They bring joy, laughter, and even sadness sometimes. Friends are similar to a flyer because they

change up your life and make you try things that you sometimes never would have.

The main base in cheer is typically on the right side and is the girl that grabs the foot first

before pushing up a stunt. She is the sturdy cohesion that holds everything together in the stunt.

This is similar to my faith. My faith is something I can always fall back on when things get tough

and it stays holding me strong. Faith is the glue that holds all the pieces of my family, friends,

and cheer together. As I have gone through a lot in life, I know I can rely on my faith to keep me

going and to persevere. A main base is the first person a flyer must trust before going up in the

air. Like faith you must have trust and in a stunt, the main is the most trusted position to stay

tight and strong. The cohesion in my life is faith, similar to how the cohesion in a stunt group is

the main base.

The secondary base grabs the foot after the main and helps push the stunt into position.

The main and the secondary base depend on each other. No matter what happens, the secondary

base will always be there to help steady and catch the flyer. One of the steady factors in my life

that help protect me against the stressors of life is school. When I am stressed and going through
a hard time, I know I can escape at school where all I have to do is learn and pay attention.

School takes away the stress from my life outside of campus and lets me find a way to grow my

brain without drama or other issues typically bothering me. School is similar to the analogy of a

secondary base because both help relieve stressors in life and are a steady ground to step on.

The front spot holds the ankles of the stunt for stability while still pushing the girl into

the air.To ensure that the flyer doesn’t fall the front spot is incharge of her balance and giving

extra power.The part of my analogy that is going to guarantee my plan is my perseverance. A

front spot must push the flyer up into the air and help support whichever move she makes. It

takes grit and power to follow a life long plan and with perseverance, I know I will be able to

reach my dreams. From a young age I have always strived to be the best version of myself while

busying myself with hard classes and activities. I have persevered and became a better, stronger

version of me through struggling and finding who I am as a person. A front spot ensures that the

stunt group is on the right track and completes the task at hand. These are similar because both

encourage and help move along the goals that people are trying to accomplish.

The main base, secondary base, backspot, and front spot work together to put the flyer

into the air and complete the stunt asked of them. Stunts differ in difficulty but all have the same

concept of creating a piece of art in the air to paint a picture. The bases then release the flyer,

land, and clean as they prepare to try again. The sources which empower me and allow me to

move my plan to make it become a reality are my past experiences. Learning lessons from

people, experiences, and tasks have helped me focus on what I need to do to better myself and

how I can make everything I have worked so hard for, a reality. Stunting is all about practice and

trying again. Without learning lessons, the group can never better themselves to reach their end

goal, which is to hit. Everything in life is trial and error and we learn from our mistakes. Past
experiences help dreams become a reality like past lessons help stunts look and hit stronger

through practice.

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