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On the move


Speed is the term used to calculate how fast an object is moving.

Speed is a scalar quantity. It does not have a direction.

The speed of an object can be calculated using the equation below. Speed is measured in meters per
second (m/s).

Time taken


If a car travels at 50 m in 5 seconds, what is the average speed of the car?

S = d/t


=10 m/s

This means that the car has travelled at an average speed of 10 m/s for a distance of 50 meters in 5

However, the actual speed is different from the average speed because the speed of a car varies
during most journeys.
The speed equation above can be used to find any missing factor (speed, distance or time) as shown


Velocity is similar to speed, because it also tells you how fast an object is travelling but it gives you more
information than speed.

Velocity is a vector quantity. This means velocity gives both a value (magnitude) and direction.

Velocity can be calculated using the equation below.

Distance moved ∈a particular direction

Time taken
Velocity is also measured in meters per second, but it is written in the following ways.

1. With an arrow to indicate direction:

10 m/s

2. Using + or – signs (where + means right and – means left)

+10 m/s means 10 m/s travelled in the right direction

-10 m/s means 10 m/s travelled in the left direction.


Acceleration refers to the change in velocity – or the rate of change of velocity. (How fast the velocity is

If a car can reach a speed of 50 m/s in a time of 10 seconds, we say that the car has a high acceleration.

Acceleration can be calculated by the equation below.

Final velocity−initial velocity v−u

Acceleration= or; a=
Time t

Consider the example below.

If a car changes its velocity from 35 m/s to 45 m/s in 5 seconds, what is the acceleration of the car?

Final velocity (v) = 45 m/s

Initial velocity (u) = 35 m/s
Time (t)= 5 seconds
Acceleration (a)= ?

v−u 45−35 10
a= a= a=
t 5 5

a = 2 m/s2.

The acceleration of the car is therefore 2 m/s 2.

The equation we learned above can also be rearranged as shown below.

The equation above can be used to calculate sums as explained below.

If a car passes point A with a velocity of 12 m/s and has an acceleration of 3 m/s 2, what will the velocity
of the car be when it passes point B, 5 seconds later?

Initial velocity (u) = 12 m/s

Acceleration (a) = 3 m/s2
Time (s) = 5 s
Final velocity (v) =?

V = 12 + (3x5)

V = 12 + (15)

V = 27 m/s

1) Speed

Distancemoved d
Speed= , s=
Time taken t

2) Velocity
Distance moved ∈a particular direction
Velocity= , v=u+at
Time taken

3) Acceleration



1) S= speed
2) v= final velocity
3) u= initial velocity
4) t= time
5) a= acceleration

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