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TED TALK. Observations’ guidelines.

Andrés Chousal

The student reads. Yes. He knows his speech and has practiced it.

Hook sentence (exordium): specific (not too vague or general), Yes. He captures the audience through his hook
catchy. sentence.

Narratio / Ethos: the speaker gives an intro about him/herself Yes. He narrates well the connection between
and the connection with the topic he/she is presenting. himself and the topic. Makes himself more
Pathos: icebreakers. Figures in speech (irony, paradoxes, Yes. His speech is witty and full of figures. It
metaphors, hyperbole, etc.). makes the audience take interest in what he is
Interaction: questions. Communicates with the audience. Yes. He communicates with the audience to
make them realize the importance of discipline
and how far you can get if you are a disciplined
Arguments / Logos: well built with conclusions and premises. Yes. He points out clearly what makes discipline
Information is clear. No redundancy. No circular ideas or words. so important and why it is necessary to include
this skill in our life.

Organization: information is clear and expressed in a simple Yes. He speaks naturally and the speech is fluent.
way. Speech flows naturally.

Conclusion / peroratio (pathos): convincing and persuasive. Yes. Makes you want to improve your daily
Inspiring. Teaches something unexpected. habits and be a more disciplined person.

Language: fluent, correct, employs connectors and transition Yes. He was fluent and he employed connectors
phrases. Use of adverbs and adjectives to make a point more in the right time.
specific. No “like, like, like”, “but, but, but”... No redundancy
(circularity of words and ideas).

Pronunciation: clear. Open sounds. Does not hinder the Yes. Everything he says sounds clear and the
comprehension of the message. message is understandable at any time.

Intonation: pauses and changes in pitch (low vs. high). Changes Yes. He raises his voice and pauses, when
based on the emotion (low and soft when solemn, high and loud necessary, to create a more shocking feeling on
to express anger or fun). Natural. the audience.
Voice projection: clear and loud. Yes. He sounds clear and loud.
Body language: in control of the body. Hands and arms transfer Yes. He uses a lot of body language to transfer
the message. Eye contact. his message.

Formal attire (no cap, no jeans, no flip flops, no shorts, etc.). Yes. He is dressing accordingly to the occasion.

Environment: business, scholar (no bedroom, kitchens, etc.) Yes. His environment was professional and clear.

Audience: showing composure (well sat, no phones, no Yes. He showed composure.

computers, no playing with objects).
Audio quality: no echo, no background noise, no ups and downs Yes. The audio worked well.
in volume.
Video quality: professional, steady, well edited, no interruptions. Yes. His video was professional.

Duration: 3 to 5 minutes. No. His video is 2 minutes long.

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