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Women’s wellness exams are all about prevention

An annual exam can save your life. Even if you feel well, it’s possible for you to have
an abnormality that can risk your comfort or your health. This may include a mass
detected during a pelvic exam or fibroids found during an ultrasound. 

Cancers that largely affect women also often don’t show true “symptoms” until
they’re relatively advanced. At your women’s wellness exam, you undergo screenings
such as Pap smear to check for abnormal cells that can lead to cervical cancer and
clinical breast exams to look for lumps or abnormalities in your breasts that may
indicate cancer.

Early detection leads to a much better chance of overcoming cancer and preventing

complications, including deaths. The more advanced the disease becomes, the fewer
the options for treatment and less of a chance of success.

Women’s wellness keeps track of health changes

At your wellness exam, the providers at South Plains Rural Health review your health
history – including your recent health history – to identify potential changes. We look
at your menstrual cycle, sexual habits, blood pressure, weight, exercise, and diet.
Regular exams mean we can see changes that happen overtime and that may indicate
a challenge to your long-term health.

We can also make sure you’re up-to-date on vaccines and screenings, such as
mammograms and colonoscopies.

Women’s wellness exams answer questions

Delicate questions about issues such as contraception, sex, and sexually transmitted
infections are appropriate at women’s wellness exams. The team can also talk to you
about whether or not you feel safe at home.

If you’re thinking about getting pregnant in the near future, you can also ask questions
about getting your body into optimal shape for carrying a baby for nine months. We
can offer support in terms of prenatal vitamins and fertility screenings.

If you have symptoms that make you feel self-conscious, such as an “off” odor,
unusual vaginal discharge, or bloating, discuss these at your women’s wellness visit.
Of course, you can always make an appointment to address these concerns outside of
an annual exam, too.

If you’re a woman and due for a visit, you should schedule your annual women’s
wellness exam today. This simple appointment can make all the difference when it
comes to your health. Book online, or call the nearest location.

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