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REACTION PAPER: Tasaday Documentary

In 1971 there’s was an Filipino businessman named Manuel Elizalde, this man found about the
Tasaday People in the highland rain forest of Mindanao, in the Philippines. This man tells the Tasaday
people that he will help and give some food, weapons and help them uplift their livelihood. This man tell
them to wear accessories and dressed them, he took pictures and make the world see them but there’s
foreign man make a article and published to the newspaper to announced that this Tasaday people are
HOAX or fake, he announced to the world that they just pretend and dressed to look like a tribe or cave
people that never existed.

I was angry and felt bad because of this man, many people discriminate, judge them and spread
this news to all over the world. In this documentary I noticed that Tasaday people are genuine and
honest people when Kara David interviewing them their language are unique, this issue is awakens me
because many indigenous people are left behind and forgotten.

I wish that the world give them a chance to speak, something that has deprived them for a long
time. They took pictures, talked about, studied, and promised until they forget. Even before they were
announced to the world, it was clear to all who they were, who are them to deny them their true
identity. We need justice to this kind of issue.

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