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General Chemestry 1

(performance task)

Submitted by:Gian Christian V. Briones

Submitted to: Sir Lhester Salao
Table sugar- refined white sugar in a form commonly used as a domestic sweetener and consisting
almost entirely of sucrose.

Salt - is a mineral composed primarily of sodium chloride.  salt is used as a seasoning to enhance the
taste of food. It makes bland foods such as carbohydrates (bread, pasta, etc) palatable and it helps to
bring out the natural flavours in other foods.

Baking soda - Sodium bicarbonate, commonly known as baking soda or bicarbonate of soda, is a
chemical compound with the formula NaHCO₃.

Vinegar - is an acidic liquid produced through the fermentation of ethanol by acetic acid bacteria. It is
used in cooking not only for its flavor qualities but also for its chemical properties. It can be made from a
variety of base ingredients that contribute their own unique characteristics to the vinegar and add extra
flavor and vibrancy to foods they are used with.

Soap - is a salt of a fatty acid used in a variety of cleansing and lubricating products. In a domestic
setting, soaps are surfactants usually used for washing, bathing, and other types of housekeeping. In
industrial settings, soaps are used as thickeners, components of some lubricants, and precursors to

Glass - Silica is used as a raw material feedstock for the production of glass where it is mixed with
lime and soda to produce domestic glass for windows, bottles, jars, light bulbs and plate glass.
Alternatively it may be mixed with boron oxide and soda to produce thermal shock resistant glass for
cooking such as Pyrex.

Starch is a carbohydrate commonly found in nature and one of the primary sources of food energy
for human beings. It is regularly eaten in the form of wheat, rice, potatoes, and other
staple foods cultivated throughout the world. Alongside fiber and sugar, starch is one of the three
main categories of carbohydrates

Bleach - is the generic name for any chemical product that is used industrially and domestically to
remove color from a fabric or fiber or to clean or to remove stains in a process called bleaching. It
often refers, specifically, to a dilute solution of sodium hypochlorite, also called "liquid bleach".

Toothpaste - is a paste or gel dentifrice used with a toothbrush to clean and maintain the aesthetics
and health of teeth.

Rubbing alcohol - refers to a solution made of 70% isopropyl alcohol, with the rest made up of
mostly water and other chemicals. Rubbing alcohol has many uses in your home, including cleaning
and disinfectant purposes. 
C12H22O11( sugar)

Chemic NaCl( salt)

al and
NaHCO₃(baking soda)
of the CH₃COOH(vinegar)
nd C17H35COONa(soap)




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