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Afate Almeida Almeida

Ali Rachide Ali

Amandio Castro

Amirali Eduardo

Atumane Daudo Atumane

Bento Ricardo Linha

Carlos Augusto Augusto

Celso Pedro Manuel Farias

Daniel Gabriel Mateus

Delson Freitas Salvador

Full time university students spend most of the time studying

Universidade Rovuma


Afate Almeida Almeida

Ali Rachide Ali

Amandio Castro

Amirali Eduardo

Atumane Daudo Atumane

Bento Ricardo Linha

Carlos Augusto Augusto

Celso Pedro Manuel Farias

Daniel Gabriel Mateus

Delson Freitas Salvador

Full time university students spend most of the time studying

Assignment to be submitted to the Department of

Language Sciences, Communication and Arts in
Partial Fulfillment of Licenciatura Degree.
Msc: Alexandre Busomoke zirimwabagabo

Universidade Rovuma



This essay focus on Full time university students spend most of the time studying, intended to
show to which extent we believe that it is essential to separate time for relocate to university and
other activities, it’s a part of group assignment of English language subject, which will allow us
as Student to measure how far we can go in terms of producing a rationale either against or in
favor of certain domain. This is also organized to step the academic framework: an introduction
conclusion and bibliography whereby can be proven or made further reading.
Full time university students spend most of the time studying

There is no doubt that college students studying is most important. While some people believe
that studying is important, so most of the time spend in studying, others argue that they have to
involve in other activities. In This paper, I try to agree with former argument.

Full time study in university is an opportunity to gain a wide range of experience in life, however
this might lead student to performed less in other social activities, such as: breadwinner,
socialization, in sport and so on. Thus is difficult to assume at once that student should not only
be concentrated in studies, as people differ when is time to give opinion whether they must or not
be socialized.

On the other hand, allocating some time to other activities while studying has some benefits.
Students should play some sports such as cricket, volleyball, football and so on, playing these
types of sport games, student can learn team work, maintain their fitness, social skills. Also some
schools offer to part in sport games such as cricket, volleyball, swimming, that students can learn
more from sports. students get refreshed after these activities and they can concentrate easily on
education. Also Students brains get tired if they study constantly. So I believe that students who
spend more time with books gain good knowledge but to learn other skills too, such as team
work, they have to participate in activities like sports. But giving some time to extra activities
does not mean that students have to focus on that but their main priority should be education.

Academics are the focus of high school. But for many students, participation in activities outside
the classroom is what they enjoy the most. Athletics, clubs, and other extracurricular activities
have benefits beyond the enjoyment they provide. These pursuits assist students in developing
personally, socially, and intellectually. They might even help students to advance their academic
and professional goals.

Some activities may be more prestigious than others, but genuine appeal should outweigh ulterior
motives. Students should not attempt to boost their credentials with activities that do not match
their interests or abilities. Whether they seek to improve their skills or enhance their future
prospects, students should pursue an extracurricular activity for at least one other reason: to have
Nowadays everything is of paramount importance, if you concentrate or more time spend in
studying, you cannot again social knowledge and how to lead to your life in the society. As
example if you do not know how to travel or how to interact with new people, it is disadvantage
where you career starts. You should know how mingle with outside of the world. As result, you
need to face some social issues aswell as your behavioral issues in the society.

Student should do other activities in their leisure time have some benefits, university students
should get involved in sport like football or gym to practice the physical tanning to overcome the
pressure of study, refresh the brain after awful study and control the body fat, although full time
students need to focus on their studies, because it is very important to get into future life.

Dornyei, Z. (2001). Teaching and researching motivation. Longman: New York.

Roccas, S., & Brewer, M. (2002). Social identity complexity. Personality and Social Psychology
Review, 6, 88-106.

Root, C., Blanchard, K. (1994). Ready to write: first composition. Addison-Wesley Publishing

Yunus, M. M., Osman, W. S. W., &Ishak, N. M. (2011). Teacher-student relationship factor

affecting motivation and academic achievement in ESL classroom. ProcediaSocial and
Behavioral Sciences, 15, 2637-264

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