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1. Open doors to : mở rộng cửa cho

Eg: European Union opens doors to foreign labour

2. Promise a brighter future to…

3. If left unchecked : nếu không được xem xét

Eg: If left unchecked, such a phenomenon, however, will render the destination
countries susceptible to a myriad of pitfalls

4.  Act as a precursor of…

5. St be questionable at best: …là 1 câu hỏi lớn

             Eg: the usefulness of a college degree in job seeking is questionable at best

6. The labour market has become inherently competitive as it is. ( vốn dĩ)

7. Nowhere near: còn lâu mới, chắc là không

            Eg: I am nowhere near finishing the book
                   It is nowhere near the goals of environmental protection without the endeavor
of every single citizen. 

8. Do sb a disservice: gây hại, báo hại ai

Eg: the overexploitation of natural resources will in return do humankind a

9. Regardless of ~ irrespective of : bất chấp 

10. Given + N: do…

Given that….: vì rằng

11. The key to unlock ….: chìa khóa để mở ra…

Eg: the emergence of international tourism is the key to unlock cross-culture

12. This is a testament to …: điều này là minh chứng cho…

13. Be woefully inadequate: chưa thỏa đáng

14. Let alone: chứ đừng nói tới, chưa kể tới

eg: the efforts made to preserve the flora and fauna seem woefully inadequate let
alone excessive. 

15. It is absurd to…/ that…: thật là vô lý…. >< it is sensible that 

eg: It is absurd to attribute/ ascribe the success of a person to luck 

16. Ultimately : rốt cục, cuối cùng, sau cùng

17. Provoke widespread concern regarding: dấy lên mối bận tâm rộng khắp về…

18. The distorted thinking: suy nghĩ méo mó 

19. Be confined to: bị bó hẹp trong, ngăn làn tràn

Eg: confine phone use to business calls

20. Is key to: chìa khóa , trọng tâm cho…

21. Derive from: thu được từ

Eg: children can derive the most benefits from school trips.

22. Be driven by : được thúc đẩy bơi…/ được xuất phát từ

           Eg: the stoic way of life ( lối sống khắc kỉ) is grounded on many reasons, driven by
both employers and employees. 

23. Be grounded on: được căn cứ vào 

24. In parallel with:song song với

Eg: students should study compulsory subjects in parallel with soft skills

25. X perfectly exemplifies this situation/…: X là ví dụ hoàn hảo cho…

26. Sb be pro the idea of / that………., and justifiably so : ủng hộ ý tưởng……, và điều
điều này là hợp lý.
Eg: some people are pro the idea that both the authority and individuals should be
responsible for environmental issues, and justifiably so. 

27. …., and justifiably so

28. As such : như vậy

          Eg: as such, no lingua franca is any better than dialects.

                A disapproval of the public as such amounts to an end of a star's career.

29. Can be, and often are
Eg: cities can be, and often are the centre of wealth and human resources. 

30. Typically but not always: thường nhưng không phải lúc nào cũng vậy
         Eg : a bachelor degree holder typically but not always stands a better chance in the
labor market 

31. Real and present concern/ danger/ issue: ….sống còn

32. Paradoxical (adj): nghịch lý

33. Unorthodox (adj): bất thường, khác thường

 Unorthodox thinker: 

34. Be compounded by: càng bị làm trầm trọng thêm bởi

35. Unequivocal (adj ) ~  glaring: rõ ràng, không còn mập mờ 

36. Deterrent: sự răn đe

37. Be conformable to: phù hợp với, theo đúng

38. Stress-free/ hassle-free: không phải lo lắng gì, không phức tạp
39. Be attuned to st : quen dần, hòa hợp với

40. Computer literacy/ numeracy/ 

41. Employability : khả năng  được tuyển/ khả năng tìm được việc

42. Nothing could be further from the truth that 

43. Ipso facto

44. De facto: trên thực tế

45. It is the only matter of time before: chỉ còn là vấn đề thời gian trước khi……..(  tất
yếu sớm muộn gì cũng sẽ xảy ra)

46. One implication of A is….

47. Inherently: vốn dĩ 

48. A penchant for : sở thích dị, ít ai có, hơi bất thường

49. Be teeming with ~ full of 

50. Practically ~ nearly 

In 1990, the total figure (7 million tonnes) represented a profound influence of air
pollutants in which Industry was the main contributor to this figure with 5.5 million
tonnes of emissions recorded. The next period witnessed a gradual decrease in the
former before this figure hit 3.5 million. A similar pattern was seen in Industry which
experienced a dive to generate only 2 million tonnes of gas in 2005. 

Of the two inferior contributors, they both produced a modest amount of gas emissions
with 1 billion tonnes discharged. While the data for air pollutants coming from vehicles
hardly showed any change within the whole time frame amounting to its remaining
impact on the environment, residential areas took the least responsibility among four
sectors with a decline to nearly 0,1 million tonnes.

In 1990, air contamination stood out as a concerning problem with a total figure of 7
million tonnes mainly due to the high rate of gas emissions from industrial production
( roughly 5.8 million tonnes). Simultaneously, there was an equal proportion between
discharged emissions from transportation and those from residential areas (1 million
tonnes) as inferior sources before they registered opposite trends since 1993.
Specifically, while the former remained stable, the latter gently decreased onwards.

From 1999-2002, there was a plunge in the total amount of air pollutants except for a
period of stability with 4 million tonnes. Likewise, industrial zones also reduced their
environmental impact to reach a low of 2 million tonnes in 2005, leading to a modest total
figure of 3 million. In the same year, while the data for gas emitted by vehicles remained
the same within the whole time span (1 million tonnes), households took the least
responsibility for air contamination with a dive to nearly 0.1 million tonnes of emitted
The line graph illustrates three causes of air pollution in the UK within the course of 15
years starting from 1990. Overall, industrial production was the most predominant
domain contributing to the total amount of air pollutants. It is also apparent that the
figure of each source was gradually on the decrease save for that of transport,
amounting to air pollution reduction.  

In 1990, Industry took the lead with roughly 5.5 million tonnes of discharged emissions;
however, its figure slumped onwards to reach a low of 2 million tonnes in 2005. Likewise,
the whole period witnessed the same trend for the total figure of three listed culprits.
Specifically, approximately 7 million tonnes was emitted at the beginning before rapidly
diving to its bottom of nearly 3 million tonnes eventually.   

Being inferior to Industrial sectors as to emissions, Households took the least

responsibility with negligible proportion to the total amount of gas emissions during the
time frame. The data for air pollutants coming from residential areas was only under 1
million tonnes in 1990 before a considerable plunge before registering nearly 0,1 million
tonnes in the last year. Reaching the same figure as Households at the start; however;
Transport hardly experienced any change in its figure to keep its second rank with 1
million tonnes in 15 years later.
The bar chart and line graph above demonstrate how many athletes had participated in
the Olympics since its first championship (1924-2012). Overall, the Olympics was
primarily male-dominated within the whole time frame. It is also evident that the number
of competitors in both genders rose year by year, amounting to the growing popularity of
this championship.

In 1924, male athletes constituted the largest part of the total figure (3000) while the
number of female contestants was far less striking with/ outnumbering/ overshadowing/
outweighing females with a negligible figure recorded. Likewise, a similar pattern was
repeated in  1952, but here there was a slight rise in the engagement of female members (
nearly 4500  sports men  against around 500 women).

32 years later, the gap between the figures for men and women somewhat narrowed with
just above 5000 for men and about 1600 female competitors partaking. Even though men
continued surpassing their opposite gender contestants in 2012, gender representation
was almost equal with just below 6000 for the former and approximately 5000 for the
latter. Simultaneously, the course experienced yearly rises in the total number of athletes
with the highest figure was 11,000 in 2012.
Given are the three pie charts illustrating how San Diego, California, and other countries
consume water for Residential, Industry, and Agriculture. Overall, citizens from both San
Diego and California mainly utilize water for household purposes; meanwhile, Agriculture
is the most dominant domain of global water usage. It is also apparent that California is
the only area on the list having equal allocations among these three domains.

Notably, residential water use gains the most popularity in  San Diego and California with
60% and 39% respectively. This sector, however, only occupied a fraction ( 8%) on a
global scale, which is outweighed by the others. The story is different in Agriculture
which relies heavily on water sources with 69%, much higher than domestic and
industrial use do while the demand for water serving farming in San Diego and California
is inferior to the other purposes with 17% for the former and 28% for the latter. 

When it comes to industrial water usage, there is an unprecedented similarity among

these three areas with Industry standing out as the second main source of water
consumption. Specifically, while San Diego and the rest of the globe register the same
figure for water used in Industry (23%), that of California is far higher with 33%.
While the table illustrates five categories making up the export revenue in the UK in 2020
along with change’s percentage in 2019, the bar chart demonstrates the proportion of
exported commodities from the UK to the EU between 2000 and 2020. Overall, cars/
automobiles were the most dominant products/ the main contributor/ contributed the
most greatly to export earnings in the UK; whereas, crude oil represented the least
influence on this country’s exportation. It is also apparent that there was a yearly
decrease in the reliance of the EU on merchandise from the UK.

Of the five outstanding merchandise of exportation, cars took the lead as the most
lucrative products with 26.8 billion dollars in 2020 despite registering a sharp decline of
30,7% of change compared to the previous year. Meanwhile the other categories also
experienced a considerable decrease, except for Medication with 1.6% of change
equivalent to  18.3 billion dollars. Specifically, Gold, Turbojets, and Crude oil sequentially
registered figures of 21, 20.3, and 16.1 billion dollars with the percentage of change
ranging from -31.9% to -9,8% with the smallest figures for both categories given to Crude

When it comes to the commodity transaction from the UK to the European Union, a
gradual dive was seen on a yearly basis. The largest exports were recorded in 2000 with
roughly 55%. From 2005 onwards, merchandise imported from Britain on degree lost its
influence in European markets  with a plummet to under 50%. The year 2020 witnessed
an unprecedented slump in the exportation to the bottommost mark of around 42%. 
Given are the three pictures delineating three types of bridges located in lakes, rivers,
and seas based on their characteristics. Overall, each sort of bridges has various
features mainly pertaining to size and piers’ structure.

Of the three bridges, the arch crossing over lakes is the most simple with no pier
constructed. This conical bridge merely welcomes small ships due to its modest height
allowance (100m) along with its short length which is only up to 200m. By contrast, the
concrete bridge is far more complicated than the former with a considerable number of
piers spaced below 200m apart, keeping the bridge balanced. In comparison with arch
bridges, concrete ones are also superior with a height of under 300m and unlimited
length depending on how many piers are built, serving medium-sized ships on rivers. 
As the biggest type of bridge, suspension bridges are designed to have two giant piers
built over utterly deep seas. Due to its location, it is impossible to count how many
meters are its length. One striking feature is that there is a distance of 200-400m between
its two piers, which guarantees the safety of big ships coming across there.

The given picture delineates a hot-air balloon’s complex structure and how it operates.
Overall, the balloon is composed of various components in which the part responsible
for creating hot air is the burner along with the propane cylinder.

Apparently, the main part of this balloon is the envelope which consists of copious gores
and panels to form a firm structure for the whole object. On the top of the balloon exists
a parachute valve acting as a vent for hot air to release. The skirt which links the
envelope with the bottom part is designed to connect to the burner using rope lines. The
bottomost feature is a basket including a propane cylinder collaborating with the burner
in the process of forming hot air.

As is evident from the diagram, propane from the aforementioned gadget is mixed with
air to become flames after the burner sets this combination on fire. When the hot air is
formed, the balloon effortlessly floats due to the fact that the burned air is far lighter than
the cool air outside. 
Task 2: individuals and society

A. Nowadays, young people admire sports stars though they

often do not set a good example. Do you think this is a
positive or negative development?

1. Admiration (n) : sự ngưỡng mộ 

2. Diligence (n) : sự chăm chỉ, gần nghĩa với “ hard work “, “industriousness” 
3. Disregard (v/n) : coi nhẹ, coi thường, bỏ qua
4. Imitate (v) : bắt chước, gần nghĩa với “ mimic “,”copy”
5. Immature (adj) : thiếu trưởng thành, không suy nghĩ thấu đáo trước khi
hành động 
6. Individualism (n) : chủ nghĩa cá nhân- individualistic (adj)
7. Infamous (adj) : có tai tiếng 
8. Irrespective of (collocation) : bất kể 
9. Juvenile ( n) : thanh thiếu niên, người trẻ tuổi
10.Materialistic ( adj) : mang tính vật chất, thuộc chủ nghĩa vật chất
11.Proclivity (n) : xu hướng
12.Profitable (adj) : có lợi ích, gần nghĩa với “beneficial”, “ advantageous”
13.Undesirable (adj) : không mong muốn, tồi tệ, gây hại, gần nghĩa với “
negative “, “ unpleasant “ 
Touted by a host of young netizens as of late, well-known athletes are; on the
other hand, criticized by many people as bad models based on their private life.
While the impact of the fact that more and more young people gravitate towards
being fanatical about sports professionals irrespective of their scandals is
questionable at best, I believe there is a balance between upsides and downsides
of this trend.

On the side of the aforementioned tendency’s boons, it is irrefutable that juveniles

can learn the character trait of diligence from sports players. Indeed, agonizing
scandals aside, most popular athletes are synonymous with industriousness due
to the fact that they have to go through such a long period of harsh training before
being sufficient for professional championships. Therefore, should the youth
figure out how hard-working these sportsmen are to become winners, they will be
more conscious about the essence of this personal trait. In addition to this, no
matter what sportsmen have done, it is undeniable that the admiration towards
athletes will help the young understand that teamwork plays an essential role in
our daily life, thanks to the performance of sports teams widely spread on
numerous social media platforms. This will be beneficial for teenagers at their
future workplaces which definitely require them to collaborate with colleagues at
their firms as well as partners from other places.

Nevertheless, there have existed some disadvantages pertaining to that immature

admirers are likely to suffer when following athletes irrespective of their infamous
behavior. In fact, a considerable number of sports players have been captured to
present immature activities, which is not tough to encounter in copious countries.
Cristiano Ronaldo perfectly exemplifies this type of sports players, who is globally
praised as being utterly talented. However, there have been many times in which
he expresses his violent actions towards fans coming to football stadiums after
losing the game. Undeniably, this action will grow on immature netizens’ minds,
encouraging them to use violence to reduce stress exactly as their idols. 

To conclude, even though famous sports players can be perfect examples of

success gained by industriousness and teamwork spirit, they somehow have a
negative influence on young netizens with their bad behaviors.
B. There is a general increase in anti-social behaviours and lack of respect for
others. What are the causes and solutions?
1. Albeit (conjunction) : mặc dù 
2. Attitude towards someones/something : thái độ đối với một người / một
3. Catalyst (n) : chất xúc tác
4. Deter (v) :ngăn cản, cản trở
5. Deter + n + from + V-ing
6. Discriminate (v) 
7. Discrimination (n) 
8. Discriminatory (adj) :phân biệt đối xử 
9. Insolent (adj) = ill-mannered (adj) = disrespectful (adj) : thiếu tôn trọng
người khác 
10.Parental guidance : sự giáo dục từ cha mẹ 
11.Reaffirm (v) : khẳng định lại
12.Reprimand (v) : khiển trách, mắng mỏ
13.To be in different in something : thờ ơ với một việc 
14.To disrespect someone : không tôn trọng người khác
15.Viable (adj) : khả thi, có thể tồn tại 
16.Widespread (adj) : lan rộng, phổ biến
In light of the modern world, there has existed an increasing proclivity among a huge
number of citizens towards withdrawing themselves from social life, which is triggered
by some culprits. While how to deal with this negative trend has been questionable at
best, I utterly believe that many viable measures can be adopted to combat this issue.
For the fact that our life mostly revolves around the family, what happens in this place
undeniably affects humankind’ behaviors. Hence, it is undeniable that the rising rate of
children suffering from parental divorce is the foremost catalyst leading to a sad reality
of people preventing exposure to social activities while being unacceptably disrespectful
to others. Indeed, children from divorced families may hardly receive sufficient care from
their parents, which renders them lonely and depressed. Simultaneously, these children
may be attached to an insufficient amount of parental guidance which plays a profound
role in helping them figure out how to treat others. Gradually, these young netizens grow
up as indifferent adults who find it challenging to integrate with the community and be

One of the most feasible solutions is to use education to raise awareness of people
about the importance of being involved and well-mannered in the present-day world.  On
the side of governments, they must put an emphasis on extracurricular activities to help
students know how involvement positively affects their life by bringing joys and
promoting a sense of affiliation. In addition to this, these students also need to
understand why they need to be deferential to others by attending moral lessons at
institutions. Nevertheless, there has to be a collaboration between lessons from schools
and parents or guardians. According to a myriad of global psychologists, what parents
do can be mirrored in their own kids’ behaviors; therefore, should they be outgoing and
treat others with good manners, their children may do exactly like what they have

To conclude, even though copious citizens are leaning towards being indifferent and
disrespectful to surrounding people, the interference of the government in educating its
people along with the help of parents can effectively tackle this problem.

C. Whether or not someone achieves their aims is mostly a question of luck. To

what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. Acknowledge (v) : biết đến, công nhận, chấp nhận
2. Ambition (n) : hoài bão, khát vọng 
3. Ascertain (v) : biết chắc, chắc chắn, làm sáng tỏ 
4. Attainment (n) : đạt được, việc hoàn thành 
5. Be acknowledge by (collocation) : được công nhận bởi ( all mankind: toàn
nhân loại ) 
6. Determinant (n) :yếu tố quyết định 
7. Determined (adj) – determination (n) : kiên quyết- quyết tâm
8. Disabled (adj) : khuyết tật  
9. Exert (v) :ra sức, nỗi lực, lợi dụng 
10.Filament (n) : dây tóc (bóng đèn) 
11.Have a/an (adj) part to play (collocation) :có vai trò gì 
12.Over-reliance (n) : quá phụ thuộc 
13.Overstate (v) : nói quá 
14.Prevent somebody from doing something: ngăn cản ai làm gì
15.Short-term >< long-term : ngắn hạn >< dài hạn 
16.Solid (adj) :vững chắc, kiên cố, có cơ sở 
17.Tirelessly (adv) : không mệt mỏi
In discussion of essential determinants leading to successes, there has existed a
widespread debate about whether achievements are mainly triggered by fortunate
coincidences. While this issue is still questionable at best, I vehemently agree that
people’s endeavor and skills are the main contributors to life attainments, not luck.

The foremost justification of people approving that luck plays an integral role in reaching
goals is that there have been many circumstances in which numerous people overcome
arduous struggles without paying much effort. For instance, there have existed
numerous cases of people  winning in the lottery/ hit the jackpot; which signifies an
effortless/ facile success thanks to luck. This view seems plausible at first; however, it is
flawed due to some reasons. Those who are unschooled and lack/ dearth/ devoid of
financial management skills ipso facto normally have insufficient ability to sustain the
fortune or merely expend it in a proper/ methodical manner. In essence, over-reliance on
fate will make people underestimate the importance of industriousness to attain goals. 

In addition to this, despite the fact that luck is sometimes more or less a part of success,
competence has a far more essential part to play. Indeed, most successful people have
been demonstrated to be the most outstanding individuals. Mark Zuckerberg, founder of
Facebook, perfectly exemplifies this fact. Behind his inspirational story as a billionaire,
he has been synonymous with incredible computer skills along with his gift in
programming. Undeniably, his intrinsic values have brought him  fame and copious
properties, which is a precursor of climbing the career ladder without considering the
luck factor. This justification can be reinforced by the case of Thomas Edison. Unlike
many others who give up after blaming a sense of bad luck for consecutive failures
without considering many practical cases which abound in science, Edison made
roughly 1,000 attempts at inventing light bulbs, which is apparently the fruitful outcome
of hard work rather than luck. 

To conclude, accomplishments obtained by luck may be transient without the presence

of people’ tireless work. Owing to the fact that to be fortunate is not everything, people
should endeavor to foster their ability of being successful.


Example/ data/ explanation/ impact

Ví dụ luôn là công cụ thuyết phục để giải thích cho luận điểm, tuy nhiên cần lấy ví dụ xác đáng
và có giải thích để liên kết cao với luận điểm. Tránh lấy ví dụ nhưng không giải thích kết nối.

Cách 1: Ví dụ cần background knowledge tốt và chuẩn xác

1. Secondly, a global government can address environmental problems. 

In fact, data has revealed that the Kyoto protocol signed in 1997, the level of carbon
emission around the world has dropped by 12%. 
 COP 26
2. The best method to prevent a person from committing crime is to show the
consequences of his or her actions. For example, the government of Pakistan has
controlled the rate of terrorism by enforcing death penalties for the members of terrorist
3. living in a wealthy country implies living in a country with a stable economy, entailing
lower risks of losing their savings. For example, labour migration from Mexico to the
USA is caused by these facts. 

4. First of all, people who are considered role models apparently have a considerable
amount of influence on the public. Emma Watson, for instance, being a prominent
actress, is currently the goodwill ambassador for the United Nations, promoting gender
equality and undoubtedly drawing a great deal of attention from her admirers.

Cách 2: ví dụ chỉ cần hiểu biết chung chung nhưng phải bao quát

1. Many people migrate, seeking security and a safe future for their children. For instance,
most of the refugees who arrived in the European Union were escaping from wars.

2. Firstly, a global government can respond fairly to crises. In Covid-19 pandemic, for
example, a global government can make wearing masks compulsory. This could prevent
the worldwide spread of the disease. 

3. To tackle overpopulation in metropolitan areas, appropriate urban planning to allocate

productively the land resources should be the paramount priority. Examples for this
abound in China. What is worth noting here is  a multitude of aesthetically pleasant
skyscrapers have been constructed regardless of their failure of performing the core
functions while a drastic shortage of accommodation is still a pressing concern. 

4. Should the concrete towers be constructed amid an ancient area, it will presumably be of
a counter-productive effect when it fails to be in perfect harmony with the
surroundings. A telling example is the controversial urban planning implemented in
Hanoi Old Quarter, Vietnam. Paradoxically, the sleek designs of several skyscrapers
adjoin the array of quaint houses, creating a miscellaneous architecture. 

5. It is widely supposed to capture a greater influx of tourists flocking to check in and

simultaneously bring the profitable values. Although it may sound convincing, I hold that
it is merely a fleeting appeal. Illustration for this can be seen in Bitexco, a towering
building in Ho Chi Minh city which used to be renowned for its uniqueness of outlook
until the advent of another, its attraction then gradually faded into oblivion.
6. In today’s world, the gaps between generations appear to be gradually widening due to
age disparity, so it would probably be very inconvenient for them to live in the same
house.For instance, when it comes to entertainment, young people tend to listen to
various types of modern music, many of which may not suit the taste of aged people,
causing disturbance to the reluctant hearers.

7. Firstly, many people have a strong preference for computer software over
handwriting when composing text documents such as emails due to its fairly convenient
editing functions. For example, Microsoft Word provides users with almost unlimited
ability to modify or erase a piece of text without effort, simultaneously hindering the
ability to write speedily of the writers.

8. The Internet has now been made accessible through both mobile phones and
computers, which allows young readers to gain knowledge from a wider range of
sources. Online English newspapers, as an example, are useful for English learners
to enrich their vocabulary as well as understanding a culture.

9. Besides, young perpetrators usually receive lighter sentences that they deserve, which
is apparently an injustice to the victims. In Vietnam, there was a well-known case in
which a teenager murdered almost every member of a family deliberately, escaping the
death sentence due to being a few months under the responsible age.

Embraced by some as one of the world-changing innovations in technology, the advent of the Internet
is, on the other hand, given far more concern regarding surveillance and confidentiality issues rather
than the recognition for its significant devotion. From my perspective, the values as well as the risks
involved in the Internet invariably go in parallel.
On the one side of the debate, advocates believe that the Internet has brought a
multitude of users a sense of insecurity. A telling example for this was seen in 1988 when
a male hacker delivered malicious code into thousands of computers to steal personal
information, leading to a loss of millions of dollars. This incident was even named Morris
Worm, a fear of both Internet users and a host of  technology experts, which has stirred
up a pressing concern about the safety of the Internet’s introduction.

Lawsuit: Google/ facebook 

Embraced by many as a key to unlock the well-being of the world as a whole,

philanthropy should be given by the elite. Although It holds true that affluent people
are entitled to decide this issue, I vehemently agree that it should be immensely

The philanthropy given by the wealthy definitely should be incentivized for the fact that it
can save millions of lives from global diseases. In fact, Bill Gates has been well-known
for his excessive grant pertaining to polio. Thanks in part to Gate and other benefactors,
about 2.5 billion children have been vaccinated against this disease, cutting the global
cases of polio by 99,9%. 


1. Đẩy số lượng lên làm chủ ngữ
Eg: roughly 40% of American gained access to the Internet

2. Đẩy so sánh lên làm chủ ngữ  

Eg: the most dramatic drop was witnessed in the percentage of British population

3. Đẩy đơn vị năm/ tên đối tượng lên làm chủ ngữ
            Eg: the year 1990 witnessed/ saw/ experienced/ underwent a jump in the export of
goods from the US

=> the US saw a jump in the export of goods in 1990

=> the export of goods skyrocketed in the US over the year 1990

4. Dùng chủ ngữ giả (It/ There)

Eg: there was an upward trend in favor of exportation from the US
      It is not common for British households to possess more than 2 cars

*Xem xét từ trong ý tưởng có N nào thì có thể cân nhắc để làm chủ ngữ. Tránh
lạm dụng chủ ngữ : the number of/ the amount of/ the percentage of

A. Intro:
Type 1:

Criticised by many naysayers as perturbing for the younger labour force, an extension of
retirement age is; on the other hand, touted by others as a boon for both social and personal
reasons. Although the former perspective seems justified, I am more inclined to the latter

Embraced by some experts as beneficial for linguistic development, the inclusion of literature in
the high school curriculum is; however, critisied as too time-consuming. Although I am partly
convinced by the former argument, I subscribe to  the latter viewpoint for individual preference
and time-efficiency reasons.


In discussion of MS, there has existed much social concern about whether the emphasis should
be put on A or B. Although I partly believe in the boons derived from/ I have justifications for the
belief in the former, I subscribe to  the latter.
B. Body:
3 hướng viết 
Khung 1: 100%
Example/ data/ explanation/ impact 
1. The first justification is that......SI1
2. Indeed/genuinely/ In essence, SD1
3. Examples for this abound in/ a telling example for this is/ it stands to reason that 
4. This is a testament to: điều này là minh chứng cho/ đảo ngữ not ...only, but...also 

1. In addition to this, ....SI2

2. In other words,
3. Ving/ mệnh đề phân từ
4. Đảo ngữ

Khung 3: 40-60
It is understandable why some people put heavy emphasis on/ advocate...
The key rationale is that....
However, this thinking is flawed/ just valid in ....( chứng minh nó sai hoặc chỉ đúng với TH nào
In light of/ regarding/ when it comes to...( dẫn ra SI 1 cho điều ngược lại)
Therefore/ this is a testament to... 

In addition to this, SI 2
3 câu tiếp theo giải thích theo như format đoạn của dạng 100%

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