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Cấu trúc câu trong bài viết cần rất đa dạng, nhưng sự đa dạng ở đây nó không phải chỉ là thay đổi vài thứ
như là thay đổi thì hay thay đổi word formation, …

Thực tế, bạn muốn thay đổi cấu trúc câu và muốn dùng cấu trúc nào thì phải biết về vai trò của thông tin
trong câu.

Nhớ rằng là cấu trúc câu phải có mục đích nhất định, đó là phục vụ cho thông tin.

Trong một câu ở IELTS Writing Task 1, bạn sẽ có 3 thành phần gồm

S (Subject) + I (Importance) + D (Data)

Ví dụ:

 Subject: Australia

 Importance: the biggest producer of steel

 Data: 70 billion tonnes per year

Cụ thể:

 Subject: đây không phải là chủ ngữ nhé, subject trong trường hợp này của chúng ta nó là đối
tượng, đối tượng chính. Nó là thông tin có sẵn trên hình vẽ rồi.

 Importance: là thông tin về chủ thể, về đối tượng. Nó là thông tin mà chúng ta rút ra từ hình vẽ.
Cụ thể hơn, trong ví dụ trên thì thông tin mà tôi rút ra khi nhìn vào hình vẽ liên quan tới

 Data: là thông số liên quan tới đối tượng Subject và nó được sử dụng để chứng minh có thông
tin ở Importance kia. Cụ thể, trong ví dụ, để chứng minh rằng Australia is the biggest producer of
steel thì tôi đưa ra thông tin là 70 billion tonnes per year.

Đối với cấu trúc gồm 3 thành phần như vậy, chúng ta sẽ có 6 cách để viết một câu


Australia is the biggest producer of steel at 70 billion tonnes tons per year.

Australia, at 70 million tons per year, is the biggest producer of steel in the world

Với 2 cấu trúc này, mục đích của chúng là nhấn mạnh thông tin vào đối tượng – Subject. Thường được
sử dụng khi bạn đang viết các câu liên tiếp (hoặc các mệnh đề liên tiếp) để so sánh về đối tượng.
At 70 million tons per year, the biggest producer of steel in the world is Australia.

At 70 million tons per year, Australia is the biggest producer of steel in the world.

2 cấu trúc này tập trung sự chú ý của người đọc vào số liệu, thường sẽ được sử dụng khi bạn đưa ra, liệt
kê ra thông tin là số liệu, nó thường là các số liệu không có mối tương quan quá nhiều tới các con số
khác (ví dụ như số lớn nhất hoặc nhỏ nhất)

The biggest producer of steel in the world, at 70 million tons of steel per year, is Australia.
The biggest producer of steel in the world is Australia at 70 million tons per year.

Đây là 2 cấu trúc nhấn mạnh nhiều nhất tới Importance, tức nhấn mạnh vào thông tin mà bạn rút ra
được từ hình vẽ. Thường sẽ được sử dụng để đưa ra overview (thì sẽ không có data nhé) hoặc sử dụng
để đưa ra thông tin đặc biệt nhất (số lớn nhất, nhỏ nhất) và thường ở đầu của đoạn body paragraph.

Ví dụ dưới đây, tôi kết hợp các cách viết khác nhau để đưa ra một câu dài với thông tin rất chi tiết.

It is interesting to note that at 70 million tons of steel per year, Australia is the biggest producer in the
world followed by Canada with the second largest amount of steel production at 65 million tons.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The line graph shows thefts per thousand vehicles in four countries between 1990 and 1999.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons
where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Examples - Comparisons of Car Theft

IELTS Line Graph Examples - Model Answer

The line graph compares the number of cars stolen for every 1000 vehicles in four countries from 1990
to 1999. Overall, it can be seen that car thefts were far higher in Great Britain than in the other three
counties throughout the whole time frame.

To begin, car thefts in Sweden, France and Canada followed a fairly similar pattern over the first five
years, all remaining at between 5 and 10 per thousand. The general trend though for France and Canada
was a decline in the number of vehicles stolen over the period, with both at around 6 in 1999. In
contrast, Sweden experienced an upward trend, starting the period at approximately 8, and finishing at
just under 15.

Interestingly, car thefts in Great Britain started at 18 per thousand, which far exceeded that of the other
countries. It then fluctuated over the next nine years, reaching a peak of 20 thefts per 1000 in 1996, and
ending the period slightly lower than where it began, at approximately 17 per thousand.

(Words 174)
The bar charts below provide information about honey production and honey producing colonies in the
five American states in 2006.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.

Model Answer:
The diagrams delineate how many bee hives were there in five US states in 2006 and how much honey
these states assembled in the same year. As a general trend, the higher the number of honey-yielding
bee colonies in a state, the higher honey it produced and North Dakota was on the top of the list while
Wisconsin on the bottom.

It is conspicuous that North Dakota had the highest bee colonies in 2006 which accounted for 350
thousand. From these swarm hives, this state collected the highest amount of honey, over 25 million
pounds. Interestingly, South Dakota had the second largest number of bee colonies, roughly 225
thousand but its honey production was somewhat similar to that of Montana and Minnesota, each of
which had approximately 130 thousand beehives.

Wisconsin state had just over 50 thousand bee colonies, the lowest among the given states, and its
honey production was the least as well, somewhat more than 5 million pounds.

The bar charts and line graph below show the results of a survey conducted over a three-year period to
discover what people who live in London think of the city.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.

You should write at least 150 words.

                    What are the best things about living in London?

                          What are the worst things about living in London?

                         Are these things a major problem in London?

                                   (% of people answering ‘yes’)
The graphs reveal data of a survey that shows how Londoners feel about living in London by expressing
the greatest and worst thing they face. The data also presents the ratio of these people who think litter,
air quality and noise are some primary concerns. Generally speaking, freedom of shopping, employment
and multicultural environment are the best things about London while costs, crime and mixture of races
are the main hindrance of quality life in London, according to the survey takers.

The bar graphs consider people’s opinion in three years regarding the paramount and poorest aspect of
living in London. As is presented, the highest percentages of Londoners, roughly 42-45 percent, think
that the range of shopping is the best thing they enjoy about London. Around 35% Londoners voted for
job and cross-cultural citizens as main advantages. Night life, places to visit and transport facilities were
picked by approximately 20-25% people in these years as the main attraction for dwelling in London.

Living and housing costs, traffic jam and crime were picked by a significant percentage of people as the
vilest thing about this city. Interestingly, while some people consider multicultural environment and
transports as two main benefits of living in London, more than one third possess an opposite view.
Crime was a great problem in the first year but over the time, fewer percentage of people showed their
concern about it.  

Finally, garbage problem was mentioned by the highest ratio of people, 70-75% as a great concern in
London while around 65% and 55% on an average considered air quality and noise to be a major
problem for living in London.
The table below presents the number of children ever born to women aged 40-44 years in Australia for
each year the information was collected since 1981.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.

» Write at least 150 words.

The given data shows the number of children born to 40-44 years old women in Australia for 4 different
years. The number of women from 40- 44 years old who had either one child or none, increased over
time while this number decreased for the women of the same age group who had two or more children.

In 1981, the percentage of women in 40-44 years age group who has no children was 8.5% and in 1986
this percentage increased slightly and reached to 9.7%. The women of the same age group with one
child were 7.6% in 1981 and reached to 8.7% 5 years later. The percentages of women who fall in the
same age category with 2-4 and more children were much higher (approximately 28%).    

In 1996 and 2006 (with a 10 years interval) the percentage reached to over 15% for childless women
while it reached to 13% for women with 1 child. The percentage of women with 2 children had very little
change while the percentage for three of four children decreased over time.

In summary, the women from 40-44 years old had more children initially and this percentage decreased
over time. 
The diagrams compare two different methods of defence for homes which are at risk of being

The key difference between the diagrams is that they show flood protection with and without a
stopbank. In either case, the at-risk home is raised on stilts above ground level.

The first diagram shows how a stopbank acts as a flood barrier to stop river water from flooding
homes. The stopbank is a small mound of land next to the river that is higher than the 100-year flood
level, and prevents the river from bursting its banks. Nearby houses can be built on stilts to prevent
flooding from rainwater, and a floodgate beneath the stopbank can be opened to allow this ‘ponding’ to
drain off into the river.

When there is no stopbank, as shown in the second diagram, there will be nothing to stop the
river from flooding. In this case, the solution is to put buildings on stilts. The height of the stilts is
measured so that the floor of the house is 300mm above the 100-year flood level. This measurement is
called the ‘freeboard’.

areas at risk of flood, areas with flood risk, area vulnerable to flooding, low lying area, areas which
are prone to flooding
flood prevention, flood control
flood control method, method of flood prevention
stopbank, bank barrier, flood protection area, embankment
a mound of land/ a raised land next to the river that
stilt house, houses built on stilts, houses raises on piles
burst/ breach the bank
flood level, ground level/ flood level
The diagrams below give information about the Mont-Blanc Road Tunnel and the Seikan Railway Tunnel.

Đường hầm 1 xây dựng trong 7 năm, trái ngược lại đường hầm 2 xây trong 44 năm

Đường hầm 1 nối Phá và Ý, dài 11,6

Đường hầm nối đảo này với đảo kia và dài hơn nhiều

Đường hầm 1 nằm dưới đỉnh núi (nằm sâu 3,5 km dưới đỉnh núi). Khác biệt hoàn toàn, đường hầm thứ 2
nằm sâu dưới mực nước biển

The figures compare the cross-sections of two tunnels. Figure 1 illustrates a road tunnel joining two
European countries, while Figure 2 shows a railway tunnel linking two islands in Japan.

Overall, it is clear that the railway tunnel in Japan is much longer than the tunnel under Mont Blanc.
Also, the Seikan Railway Tunnel took much longer to build than the Mont Blanc Road Tunnel.

The depth of the Mont Blanc Tunnel is 3.5 km at its maximum, compared with only 240m for the Seikan
Tunnel. However, whereas the length of the Mont Blanc Tunnel connecting Italy and France is only 11.6
km, the Seikan Tunnel is much longer, at 53.85 km.

The construction times of the two tunnels were markedly different. The railway tunnel was built under
the sea, connecting two Japanese islands, and its construction took 42 years to complete, starting in
1946 and finishing in 1988. The road tunnel under Mont Blanc, however, was completed in just 8 years,
between 1957 and 1965.
Công cụ A hình thành trước, B hình thành sau

Mặt trước công cụ A nhỏ, gồ ghề, tròn 2 đầu, giữa rộng

Mặt trước B đỉnh nhọn, đuôi tròn tạo thành hình giọt nước

Side view của A nhỏ và chưa mài dũa

Side view của B sắc nhọn, đã đc mài dũa


The diagram shows how the cutting tool in the Stone Age were advanced. Overval, the stone tool, after
0.6 million years, was developed into a more refined and sharper for cutting.

From the front view, the stone tool made 1.4 million years ago was blunt and 10 cm in length. It was
also wider in the middle and more rounded at the top and bottom edges. As can be seen from the side
view, it also was pointed at the distal ends. The back view shows that the stone was not very refined
with fewer cuts and was rock similar than the later one.

0.6 million years later, the tool was extensively shaped than before. Although there had been no
change in the length as shown in the front and rear side, it had become bigger as leaf-shaped with a
sharp tip. From the side view, the tool was sharpened and much lesser in width than the previous one.
The pictures below show the changes that took place at Laguna Beach from 1950 to 1990.

The illustration given below evinces the transformation that took place at Laguna Beach over a forty
year period from 1950.

Overall, the area of Laguna Beach witnessed considerable changes over the period and transfigured into
a more tourist friendly beach.

In 1950, there were only a few beach huts located on the northern part of the beach between the sand
dunes and the woodland and these beach huts were eventually replaced by villas in 1970. However, by
1990 these villas paved way for a hotel with an adjacent swimming pool on its right. The sand dunes
which occupied the western side of the beach until 1970, were replaced by landscaped gardens in 1990.

The track on the east which led to the beach huts in 1950, became a main road by 1970. Interestingly,
the woodland located on the south of the track was cleared to develop a caravan park in 1970 which
was later utilized for car parking  by 1990. Besides, a surf school was constructed on the southern part of
the beach in 1990.

The diagrams below show the development of a small fishing village and its surrounding area
into a large European tourist resort.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.

The two plans (1) _________illustrate_________ how a small coastal village in Europe (2)
_____grew_____________ into a large tourist centre between 1974 and 2004.

The figures (3) ______show____________ that over these thirty years the local population (4)
_______increased___________ dramatically from only 12,000 to 80,000 (5)
________swelling__________ to a possible 130,000 during the tourist season.
During this period, large numbers of high-rise hotels (6) ________were__________
______built____________ along the coastline on both sides of the original village. The harbour and
coastal woodlands (7) ______were____________ ______replaced____________ by a sandy beach and a
golf course for the tourists. Similarly, the olive groves inland (8) _________were_________
________replaced__________ with fruit and vegetable farms for the tourist market.

The original village and those further inland on the hillsides (9) ________were__________
_____developed_____________ with more homes for locals and more shops for the tourist trade. A
main road leading from the hills to the coast (10) ________was__________ _____built_____________
to cope with the increased traffic to the village.

In conclusion, not only the original village, but also the whole surrounding area had (11)
_______been___________ _________transformed_________ into a well-populated tourist resort by

Optional additional support for fill in the blank activity: Cut up strips and post them around the room.
Put students in pairs. One pair can go around the room and look at the strips, and then report back to
their partner. The partner writes the phrases in the appropriate blanks. The student who looks at the
words cannot write them, and the student who does the writing cannot leave their seat to look at the
The maps below show the planned changes for the town centre of Islip.  

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons
where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

The maps depict the current state of the town center of Islip as well as the planned developments. 
Overall, the plan involves Islip becoming more developed with the addition of new businesses  and
To the south of the main road, there is currently only a school, housing, shops and a park.  At this
moment, the road only leads to the school.  The planned developments would add more housing and
extend the road beyond the school to make a complete circle around the entire town.  The shops and
park will remain, however the size of the park would diminish.

At the present moment, there are only shops and countryside north of the main road.  The planned
changes would convert the shops and countryside into a shopping centre with a car park and a bus
station to the east and west, respectively.  East of the car park an additional residential area would be

The diagram shows Lakeside development between years 2000 and 2009.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting main features, and make comparisons where

During these nine years, the residential area in the northwest and the school in the center were
maintained. The river continued to divide the residential and commercial parts of the region from the
industrial complex. (Unchanged)

The industrial complex was expanded and was completely separated from any residential area. The lake,
which was the source of the river, shrunk during this period into a pond. (Expanded/Contracted)

While the derelict warehouse in the north was replaced by a car parking, offices and a university stood
in place of the old town. A cinema was constructed in the west replacing the art center and the
residential center south of the art center was razed to make way for a shopping complex. Moreover, the
residential complex at the southern extreme of the lakeside was removed such that the industrial
complex was completely isolated from any commercial or residential activity. (Replaced
Đề bài: The picture below shows how a digital Single-Lens Reflex (SLR) camera works. Summarize the
information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

The diagram illustrates the operating mechanics of a digital Single – Lens Reflex camera. In short, the
camera works by moving a mirror up and down through the press of a button known as the shutter.

When the shutter is untouched, light travels through a series of lenses to reach a mirror that blocks the
CMOS sensor behind it. The light is then reflected perpendicularly upwards to a penta-mirror and got
redirected to an opening at the back. Through this opening, the image reaches the photographer’s eyes,
enabling the camera holder to view the exact picture that is going to be taken.

Once the shutter is released, the reflect mirror swings up, lying flat. The light can now reach the digital
sensor to be processed, and the captured data is subsequently processed in the CPU.  The final
photographed data is displayed on a screen and got stored in the memory card.
The diagram shows the process of extracting sugar from sugar beets.

First, the sugar beets arrive at the plant and are unloaded from the trucks. They are dirty because they
have come straight from the farm, so they are shaken in order to remove the dirt and then washed in a
machine called a beet washer.

Next the beets are cut up into small pieces, which are called cassettes. After this, sugar is drawn from
the beets using hot water, which makes a kind of sugar ‘juice’.

As this juice may still be dirty, milk of lime is added in order to clean it. The mixture is then filtered so
that the milk of lime can be removed.

Following this, the sugar juice is heated several times, which evaporates the water. This results in a
purer sugar solution. Finally, the sugar is boiled and spun in a centrifuge to create crystals.
3. Cách thức sản xuất một cây bút chì
4. Quy trình làm đậu phộng ran muối
5. Quá trình sản xuất bia
6. Quá trình làm kẹo chewing gum

7. Cách thức tái chế lon nhôm
9. Quy trình sản xuất hàng hóa từ da thuộc
11. Cách thức làm sản phẩm từ sữa

12. Cách thức làm sản phẩm từ giấy (bài này tương đối khó)
13. Cách thức làm viên gỗ (dùng trong phân bón, hoặc để nấu nướng)
The diagram outlines the principal stages in milk production as well as the manufacture of other dairy

Milk production begins with a herd of dairy cows grazing on grass and ends with dairy products being
purchased by consumers.

As previously stated, the initial stage in the process is cows feeding on grass in a field. Twice a day, the
cows are taken from the pasture to a milking facility where they are milked by an automated milking
machine. The resulting milk is kept fresh in large refrigerated storage tanks. On a daily basis, the milk is
collected by a milk tanker and transported to a dairy factory where further processes are applied to it in
order to create a range of products.

Some of the milk is pasteurized – heat-treated to kill any harmful bacteria – while the rest is converted
into other dairy products: cheese, cream, and butter. Ultimately, the finished dairy products are
transported to shops and supermarkets where they may be purchased by the general public.
The diagram shows the skeletal systems of two ancestors of modern human beings.

Variations in the skeletal systems of two early types of human are illustrated in this diagram. Overall, we
can see that australopithecus afarensis had a heavier body and much longer arms, while homo erectus
was slimmer and had more developed joints.

To begin with the upper half of the body, australopithecus afarensis had a much broader chest and waist
than homo erectus, giving it a rounder appearance. The former had much longer arms and larger hands,
which would have been useful for climbing trees.

As for the lower half of the body, we can see that homo erectus had proportionately longer legs and
larger hip, knee and ankle joints. The feet of homo erectus were also smaller and more arched, with
shorter toes. These differences meant that homo erectus was better suited to long-distance running.

In conclusion, we can see significant changes in the development of early humans from the diagram.
Homo erectus is more similar to contemporary human beings with its long legs and arched feet. The
physical differences are clearly related to differences in the lifestyles of tree climbers and endurance
The diagrams show a structure that is used to generate electricity from wave power.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.

» Write at least 150 words.

The diagrams show the structure and processes of generating electricity from the wave power. As is
observed from the presented illustration, the wave is used to produce the electricity and both the tide
and ebb the structure is used to rotate a turbine to produce the electricity.

According to the given pictorial, the electricity producing machine works in two ways. Firstly, the
structure is placed near a sea so that the wave water gets inside the chamber and creates an air
pressure that would rotate the turbine placed inside a column. The rotation of the turbine produces
electricity which is stored in the cells and this electricity can be passed and used. The whole structure is
placed near the sea, adjacent to a cliff or sea wall.

The second illustration depicts how the electricity can be produced using the ebb tide of the sea. During
the ebb, the water gets off from the chamber and the air pressure is created again from the opposite
direction and this rotates the turbine. The rotation of the turbine produces electricity and supplies it to
the storage.

In summary, the electricity can be produced using a structure near the sea and both the tide and the
ebb-tide is used to rotate the turbine to produce the electricity.
 experience/undergo significant changes: trải qua những thay đổi đáng kể

 pass through three distict physical stages: trải qua ba giai đoạn vật lý khác nhau

 lay a couple of/ a massive number of eggs: đẻ một vài / một số lượng lớn trứng
 begin life as eggs: bắt đầu cuộc sống là những trái trứng

 hatch within 3 to 5 days: nở trong vòng 3 đến 5 ngày

 hatch into …: nở thành con gì

 the hatching process: quá trình nở

 to be … cm in length/ to be … cm long: dài … cm

 vary in size/colours/shapes: đa dạng về kích thước / màu sắc / hình dạng

 to be termed …/ to be commonly called …: được gọi chung là …

 grow to adult size/ grow to maturity/ turn into an adult: tăng trưởng thành kích thước trưởng
thành/ tới giai đoạn trưởng thành

 make it to the adult stage: đạt tới giai đoạn trưởng thành

 emerge/appear: xuất hiện

 feeding grounds: khu vực kiếm ăn

 feed on…: ăn cái gì

 external gills/ internal gills: cái mang bên ngoài / cái mang bên trong

 grow the hind legs/ the front legs: mọc chân sau / chân trước

 grow quickly in size/ double in size: phát triển nhanh chóng về kích thước / kích thước gấp đôi

 shed their old skin/ shed their outer layer: thay da cũ  / thay lớp ngoài của chúng

 moult several times: thay lông vài lần

 breathe underwater/ breathe out of the water: hít thở dưới nước / thở ra khỏi nước

 make mass migration across long distances: thực hiện di cư hàng loạt  khoảng cách dài

 the cycle repeats itself/ starts again: chu kỳ lặp lại/ bắt đầu lại

 the life cycle takes/lasts …. days/weeks/…: vòng đời kéo dài …. ngày / tuần / …

 after …days/weeks of development: sau … ngày / tuần phát triển

 normally live for … to … weeks/months/years: thường sống từ … đến … tuần / tháng / năm

 over the course of … days/weeks: trong bao nhiêu ngày / tuần

 to be covered with …: được che phủ, bao phủ bởi …

 build their nests in trees/on the ground: xây dựng tổ của chúng trên cây / trên mặt đất

 under optimal conditions: trong điều kiện tối ưu

 in adverse circumstances: trong các trường hợp bất lợi

Mô tả mối quan hệ Trước – Sau dùng trong dạng

Mô tả mối quan hệ xảy ra đồng thời trong dạng Process

The diagram depicts the process of how the electricity is produced using water. In this picture two
processes are found i.e. the natural process and the artificial mechanical process. The combination of
these two processes, electricity is produced. 

Firstly, the natural process has both the condensation and evaporation process. In the natural process
the water is shined by the sun and the water is evaporated into the cloud and the cloud falls down into
the reservoir during the time of rain. 

Secondly, the rain water flows from the reservoir to the turbine through pipe where a valve control the
volume of water. Afterwards, the water is pushed back to the reservoir by a pump. This is the first step
of the mechanical process.  

Finally, the turbine converts water into electricity. In this part the step two of mechanical process begins
where turbine plays a central role to produce electricity. From the spinning of the turbine, the electricity
is produced and that is sent to the transformer station through a high voltage cable. After that the
electricity becomes ready for the use. By an underground cable the electricity is sent to the schools,
hospitals, factories, household and to the customers. 
The diagram details the various components of a hot air balloon and describes its  mechanics.

As is evident from the diagram, the three key parts of a hot air balloon are the envelope, the basket and
the burner. In addition, the hot air balloon’s mechanism for  ascending  and  descending  revolves
around  thermal regulation of air.

The main part of  a hot balloon is a large envelope which has  an inverted teardrop shape.  At the top is
the ‘parachute valve’ which is a self-sealing flap used to regulate the pace at which hot air escapes. The
large vertical sections below the valve are called ‘gores’, which are made up of smaller panels. The
envelope  tapers  into a small base called ‘skirt’. The skirt is attached to the basket using ropes, and the
burner hangs above the basket. Inside the basket are propane tanks which are used to power the burner.

Regarding the function of the hot air balloon, the burner combines regular air with propane to heat the
air trapped inside the envelope, which then becomes lighter and thus makes the balloon  buoyant.  To
begin a  descent,  the air is cooled and effectively becomes heavier, pulling the hot air balloon downward
The process details the steps by which pineapple is produced and shipped for later retail. Looking from
an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that pineapple production involves both man-
made and natural processes beginning with the ripening of the fruit, its preparation and division into
different sizes before final processing. Smaller pineapples are used for juice, medium sized ones
are canned and the largest ones are sold whole.

The processing of all pineapple products begins in a tropical climates (28 °C to 30 °C) during which
pineapples are harvested at various sizes including 26cm, 28cm and 30cm (2kg) in total height. The
pineapples are then cleaned and divided into three groups with the smallest and medium sized ones
both having their tops sliced off and the rinds peeled. The smaller ones are then sent through a juice
extractor, while the larger ones are sliced and canned.

In contrast, the 30cm pineapples are simply washed, coated in wax, placed in crates and then shipped
on freights overseas.

The picture describes the horse's evolution from 40 million years ago until now, focusing on the bone
structure of its foot. Overall, as the animal gets more prominent in size and longer limbs, the toes
disappear one by one, eventually replaced by a sole hoof.

Eohippus, which existed circa 40 million years ago, was the ancestor of the horse. It was much smaller,
standing at about one-fourth the size of a modern horse. All four legs and the tail were relatively short,
and, on each paw, there were distinctively four toes. About 10 million years later, the Eohippus became
the Mesohippus, which was slightly larger and taller. The foot had lost one toe, and the middle toe had
enlarged to create a symmetrical structure. Notably, the Mesohippus had started to develop what
would become the horse mane.

At around 15 million years ago, the Merychippus appeared. This pre-historic horse largely resembled the
modern horse but at about half the size. The foot still had three toes, but the middle one was greater in
size and protruded more to the front. The mane had also become more visible. Finally, the horse today
has all the toes reduced just to a single hoof. It is taller, with lengthier limbs, a more defined tail, and a
clearer mane on the neck.

The maps detail significant alterations to a former mining town. Looking from an overall perspective, it is
readily apparent that the town became less focused on the industry of mining and more on tourism with
various historical sites and facilities for dining and entertainment.

In the past, the mining town was centered around a mine entrance for workers and related
infrastructure. There were two waste pits near the mines as well as a staff changing room and medical
room for treatment of injuries. Adjacent to the mine was also an office building and slightly further away
was the parking lot for cars and lorries.
In the present day, the parking lot for cars remains the same and the mine is still present, though it is
now for visitors instead of workers. The office and changing rooms have been replaced by a museum
while the lorry parking space and medical area have become a footpath (leading to a children’s
playground) and a cafe, respectively. Finally, the waste pits have been removed in favor of a driving
truck track and an area reserved for picnics.

The map details plans for the renovation in the next year of Southwest Airport. Looking from an overall
perspective, it is readily apparent that the number of gates will greatly expand and there will be a
variety of customer-facing facilities added including shops, a car hire, and an ATM.

The location of the departure and arrival entrances will remain the same but there are plans to install
additional doors. Upon entering the airport, there is currently a single check-in and cafe. The future plan
projects moving the check-in from the left to right side of the departure space in order to make room for
a bag drop area and the repositioning of the cafe. The arrival section will affix a cafe, ATM and car hire
that necessitates expanding the size of the building.
Security, passport control, and customs will be unchanged, however, the future floor plan shows shops
immediately upon exiting the security section for departures. The largest proposed alterations are
replacing a walkway with a long sky train track and constructing 2 branching corridors that will enable
flyers to reach more than twice as many gates (8 at the moment and 18 after renovations).
The given picture illustrates the process of manufacturing clothes using recycled plastic bottles.

Overall, the production of clothes from recycled materials involves plastic bottles undergoing various
stages in which they are collected, sanitized, and physically altered.

The process begins with plastic bottles being collected and transported by trucks to factories where they
are sorted and then cut into small plastic pieces in a specialized funnel-shaped shredding machine.
Next, these particles are passed through an apparatus to be washed, after which they are placed in a
container and sun-dried for 10 hours. In the next step, they are transferred to a cylindrical boiler to be
melted down.

Subsequently, the melted substance is strained and made into yarn. In the penultimate stage, the yarn
is weaved into the desired fabric that is suitable for making clothes and rolled up into separated units.
The process ends when the recycled fabric is manufactured into clothes.  
The picture shows the process of making wool. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting
the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

With regards to the physical product, manufacturing begins with raw material. Firstly, the sheep are
sheared and the wool obtained from the sheep is cleaned. After that, the wool is moving forward to
dried. Following this, the wool is spun, and strings are made from this spun wool. A fair amount of wool
is also recycled.

Subsequently, the strings are stored in the tuft storage house. After this, balls of yarn made by spinning.
Lastly, the balls of yarn are sold to a purchaser for Knitting, and either it is used for the industrial
purpose to make jackets or carpets.

Overall, the diagram shows that there are eight straightforward stages. The process commences with
the shearing of sheep and ends with knitting or commercially made jackets and carpets.

The three pictures below show three different kinds of bridges. Summarize the information by selecting
and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

The three pictures below show three different kinds of bridges. Summarize the information by selecting
and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

The diagram compare different kinds of bridges.

The diagrams illustrate the design of three types of bridge.

Overall, the arch bridge is built to connect two sides of a lake, so it is the shortest in terms of both length
and height. While the concrete girder bridge can cater for the longest spans (as long as there are enough
piers), the suspension bridge is suitable for connecting towns, cities or islands over the ocean.

Regarding the arch bridge, its maximum length is 200m, and it can be up to 100m tall (from the bed of
the lake), which only allows small ships to go through. This kind of bridge has two piers forming a semi-
circular shape, with the roadway running parallel with the surface of the water.

Turning next to the concrete girder bridge, this design is suitable for bridging two banks of a certain
river. Since there are piers – whose distance from one pair to the next must be under 200m – to support
the pressure of vehicles and the weight of the bridge itself, its extent is unlimited. The tallest pillars are
under 300m, so the girder bridge caters for medium-sized ships.
Finally, the distance between the two towers of the suspension bridge is from 400 to 2000m. It is of
note that these piers are used to hang main cables with multiple suspender cables attached to the deck
of the bridge to carry the weight of vehicles and the bridge. In addition, this structure is built in the sea
and is tall enough to allow large vessels to pass through.

Overall, the maps show how a student housing building has changed over time, from 2010 to now. The
building has been completely redesigned, with significant improvements to the student bedrooms and
gardens. Besides, the remodeling has resulted in the addition of more exits.

Located between two gardens on its north and south respectively, the residence hall in 2010 was in a T-
shape with the entrance at its southwestern corner. Inside the building, there protruding part, adjacent
to northeastern and southeastern The southwestern comer three study-bedrooms: one was the west
bathroom, and other two were located in the owner, the latter of which was next to a kitchen. a hall,
while the northwestern one was the living room.

After the change, the southern garden has been cleared to make room for a car park. As for the changes
in the building, a new extension constructed in the northeastern comer is used as a study-bedroom, a
new en-suite bathroom is available next to the southeastern study-bedroom, and the kitchen has been
enlarged to serve as a social area, and the old living room has been converted into a study-bedroom.
The rest of the residence hall remains unchanged.
The maps illustrate the changes in a student’s common room.
Overall, most of the original facilities have been kept after the refurbishment, intending to provide
students more options of modern entertainment by making fuller use of the communal space without
affecting the number of students who are dining there at the same time.

Originally, four dining table sets, each of which was composed of 1 round table and 4 chairs were
arranged from west to east in the middle of this rectangular common room, whose entrance was in the
west. A cupboard, a sink, two benches, a microwave, and a refrigerator were placed from west to
east against the northern wall respectively, while a bookshelf was available in the southeastern corner.

After the refurbishment, two TV Benches for laptops dining table sets have been removed and replaced
by a new set, which consists of a rectangular table and 12 chairs. The bookshelf has given way to a TV
set, which is half-surrounded by three armchairs. The rest has not changed too much except for the
western bench, which has been replaced by another microwave. Moreover, a laptop area is now
provided to the students with a long bench along the southern wall.

The diagram below shows how ethanol fuel is produced from corn.

How ethanol fuel is produced from corn.

The given chart illustrates the process of producing ethanol from corn.

Overall, it can be seen that there are approximately 9 steps in the process, starting from the collection of
corn from the field, and culminating with pure ethanol, ready to be transported and sold.
The process of producing ethanol from corn starts with the collection and storage of corn. The corn is
then milled and cooked with water for around 4 hours. Once it has been cooked, it then undergoes a
process of fermentation which takes around 48 hours to complete.

Afterwards, the fermented product is then put through a process which separates the liquid from the
solids. The liquid then needs to be purified, which takes around 5 hours, while the solid material ends up
being a useful by-product of the process. After the liquid has been purified, it can then be stored before
it is shipped to the consumers.

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