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Work Health Safety Policy

Department/Role: All Departments

Purpose: To ensure all Doma Hotels employees are

Date of revision: 1st July 2019

Policy & Procedure

This policy states the commitment of Doma Hotels to the health and safety of all workers,
contractors and visitors to the properties and members of the public. Doma Hotels is
committed to the health and safety of all people on Doma Hotel sites, other sites and
premises where Doma Hotels carry out work, as well as work related travel. The policy of
Doma Hotels is to accomplish work in an environment where risk is maintained at an
acceptable level by accepting our health and safety obligations.

Doma Hotels believes that health and safety is the responsibility of every worker, contractor
and sub-contractor associated with our Properties. Therefore, all people will have specific
responsibilities and accountabilities regardless of their position.


This policy applies to all employees of Doma Hotels (including permanent, casual and
temporary employees, or hired employees) and all contractors.

Commencement of Policy

This policy will commence on 1 July 2019. It replaces all other policies on Work, Health &
Safety (whether written or not).


Doma Hotels recognises the moral and legal obligations, in accordance with the Workplace
Health and Safety Legislation 2011 to ensure as far as reasonably practicable, the health and
safety of workers. Doma Hotels is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all
workers. Doma Hotels further recognises its responsibilities to provide a safe and healthy work
environment for subcontractors, clients, visitors and the public.

Doma Hotels also are committed to ensuring to ensuring so far as practical, the health and
safety of others, being our patrons, guests and visitors.

This policy covers all activities and persons working within any premises of Doma Hotels.


* When referring to Doma Hotels in this policy, this is the company trading as Hotel Realm Pty Ltd *

Doma Hotels encompasses all staff working for Hotel Realm, Burbury Hotel and Apartments, Little National Hotel,
Pinnacle Apartments and The Brassey Hotel.
So far as is reasonably practical Doma Hotels will:
• Provide a safe and healthy workplace for all workers
• Provide safe plant and systems of work
• Provide written procedures and instructions that ensure safe systems of work
• Ensure compliance with WHS legislation and current industry standards
• Provide relevant training, information, instruction and supervision to workers and
others to ensure their health and safety
• Provide assistance and ongoing support to employees regarding WHS issues.


Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU)

The WHS Act 2011 sets out the duty of the PCBU to ensure so far as reasonably practicable,
the health and safety or worker and others by ensuring:

• Safe systems of work

• A safe work environment
• Safe use of plant, structures and substances
• Facilities for the welfare of workers are adequate
• Processes for notification and recording of workplace incidents
• Adequate information, training, instruction and supervision is given
• Compliance with the requirements under the health and safety regulation
• Effective systems are in place for monitoring the health of workers and workplace


Directors and others who have a high level of obligation for the WHS are designated Officers
and have a key responsibility for WHS in this workplace in accordance with the WHS Act
2011, section 27 ‘due diligence’ provisions. The main elements of due diligence are:

• To acquire and keep up to date knowledge of WHS matters

• To gain understanding of the operations of the business and the hazards and risks
• To ensure appropriate resources and processes are provided to enable hazards to be
identified and risks to be eliminated or minimised
• To ensure information regarding incidents, hazards and risks is received and the
information is responded to in a timely way
• To ensure the PCBU has an implements processes for complying with any legal duty
or obligation
• To verify the use and provisions of the resources and processes

* When referring to Doma Hotels in this policy, this is the company trading as Hotel Realm Pty Ltd *

Doma Hotels encompasses all staff working for Hotel Realm, Burbury Hotel and Apartments, Little National Hotel,
Pinnacle Apartments and The Brassey Hotel.
General Manager

The General Manager is responsible for the WHS of all workers. Whilst they may delegate
some WHS duties, they acknowledge that they are accountable for the operational
implementation of all aspects of the hotel’s WHS system. Some key responsibilities include:

• Carrying out all duties required to implement and maintain the WHS Management
System including supervision, training, and provision of safe systems of work
• Ensuring steps are taken to maintain compliance with WHS Legislation and
Australian Standards
• Distribution of WHS information to workers as and when it becomes available and
consulting regularly with workers on WHS issues
• Keeping records of all injuries in an Incident Register online
• Conducting or delegate to workers member/s regular workplace inspections and risk
• Including safety as an item on the agenda at every team meeting, record minutes
and ensure they uploaded to WHS Consultation records sharepoint
• Actively promoting Health and Safety
• Ensure completion of the Self Audit Questionnaire as a means of regular WHS
Management System review
• Ensuring all contractors has provided relevant certificates and qualifications to the
• Ensuring all contractors has been inducted on site


• Implement the WHS Policy, WHS Procedures and legislative requirements.

• Monitor health and safety performance within area of responsibility.
• Demonstrate commitment to health and safety through participation in formal and
informal discussions, workplace visits and hazard inspections, etc.
• Participate, where required, in the resolution of safety issues.
• Completing the incident register online in accordance with hotel policy and
• Investigate all injuries/incidents within area of responsibility.
• Ensure liaison with workers, particularly on any workplace changes which have a
health and safety component.
• Initiate actions to improve health and safety within area of responsibility.
• Actively monitor the workplace to determine presence of hazards and take
appropriate action to rectify any hazards found.
• Participate in consultation.
• Ensure all workers are inducted and receive regular training as required to perform
jobs safely.

* When referring to Doma Hotels in this policy, this is the company trading as Hotel Realm Pty Ltd *

Doma Hotels encompasses all staff working for Hotel Realm, Burbury Hotel and Apartments, Little National Hotel,
Pinnacle Apartments and The Brassey Hotel.
• Facilitate rehabilitation of injured workers.

Duties of Workers and other persons in the workplace:

Workers will:

• Take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety; and
• Take reasonable care that his or her acts or omissions do not adversely affect the
health and safety of other persons; and
• Comply, so far as the worker is reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction that
is given by the person conducting the business or undertaking to allow the person to
comply with this Act; and
• Co-operate with any reasonable policy or procedure of the person conducting the
business or undertaking relating to health or safety at the workplace that has been
notified to workers
• Report any injury, illness, hazard or unsafe work practice to Management as they
• Other Persons at the workplace will:
• Take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety; and
• Take reasonable care that his or her acts or omissions do not adversely affect the
health and safety of other persons; and
• Comply, so far as the person is reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction that
is given by the person conducting the business or undertaking to allow the person
conducting the business or undertaking to comply with this Act.



Doma Hotels is able to demonstrate a focus on continuous improvement through a

systematic approach to Work Health and Safety that includes setting specific objectives,
establishing support systems or programmes to achieve objectives, regular review of
progress and evaluation of outcomes.

Review of Health and Safety Management

Doma Hotels reviews its health and safety system annually to gather material to help
develop an improvement plan. This includes:

• Identifying the effectiveness of systems and practices currently in place.

• Establishing baselines against which future progress can be measured.
• Quantifying costs related to workplace illness and injury.
• Identifying hazards and injury factors.

* When referring to Doma Hotels in this policy, this is the company trading as Hotel Realm Pty Ltd *

Doma Hotels encompasses all staff working for Hotel Realm, Burbury Hotel and Apartments, Little National Hotel,
Pinnacle Apartments and The Brassey Hotel.
More frequent reviews will take place in response to organisational and legislative changes.
Management will undertake the reviews in consultation with staff.

The WHS Management system is reviewed following:

• Critical event (Notifiable Incident).

• Change in work procedures.
• Change in policy including any applicable legislation changes.

The review can occur whenever the above is recognised by either management or worker

Consultative Process to Review and Evaluate Hazard Management

Doma Hotels is committed to consultation and co-operation between management and

workers. The organisation will consult with workers by direct consultation and regular
communication meetings and on any workplace change that will affect the health and safety
of any workers.

The Hazard Management Review is a consultative process with workers as demonstrated in

the minutes of worker meetings. Please refer to DOMA Hotels consultation guide within
procedures manual.

Knowledge of Current Health and Safety Information

Doma Hotels is committed to building a strong foundation for health and safety. To ensure
that management and workers have a greater understanding of health and safety policies
and procedures they have access to current health and safety information and legislation, as
well as Doma Hotels maintaining a list of current health and safety documents and resource

All WHS information is available through;

• Legislation;
• Relevant Statutory Work Health and Safety Acts;
• Regulations associated with above;
• Codes of Practice;
• AS/NZ Standards.

If not available in hard copy they are available through the Statutory Websites.

To demonstrate conformance the following occurs;

• Regular audits;
• Action on audit recommendations;

* When referring to Doma Hotels in this policy, this is the company trading as Hotel Realm Pty Ltd *

Doma Hotels encompasses all staff working for Hotel Realm, Burbury Hotel and Apartments, Little National Hotel,
Pinnacle Apartments and The Brassey Hotel.
• Minutes of both management meetings and worker meetings where WHS was
• Record of incident investigations.

Self assessment Procedure

Doma Hotels has an internal audit system to determine whether the system has been
properly implemented and maintained and whether the organisation has met the
performance objectives set within its WHS Policy.

The internal audit system uses AS4804 to ensure consistency of the audit process and its
outcome. The audit frequency is annual,and will be performed by a member of the
management team in conjunction with a workplace representative.

Non-Compliance with this Policy

Employees found to be in breach of the requirements of this policy may be subject to

disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, termination of
engagement as a contractor, and involvement by the police (if the breach indicates possible
contravention of a criminal law or civil penalty provision).


Doma Hotels reserves the right to vary, replace or terminate this policy from time to time.

* When referring to Doma Hotels in this policy, this is the company trading as Hotel Realm Pty Ltd *

Doma Hotels encompasses all staff working for Hotel Realm, Burbury Hotel and Apartments, Little National Hotel,
Pinnacle Apartments and The Brassey Hotel.

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