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Land Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change.

can take the form of chemical substances also Pollutants, is the components of pollution, this can be either foreign
substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants.

Municipal solid waste (MSW), commonly known as trash or garbage in the United States and rubbish in Britain, is a
waste type consisting of everyday items that are discarded by the public. "Garbage" can also refer specifically to food
waste, as in a garbage disposal; the two are sometimes collected separately.

Toxic waste is any unwanted material in all forms that can cause harm (e.g. by being inhaled, swallowed, or
absorbed through the skin). Many of today's household products such as televisions, computers and phones contain
toxic chemicals that can pollute the air and contaminate soil and water.

Biodegradable waste includes any organic matter in waste which can be broken down into carbon dioxide, water,
methane or simple organic molecules by micro-organisms and other living things by composting, aerobic digestion,
anaerobic digestion or similar processes. In waste management, it also includes some inorganic materials which can
be decomposed by bacteria. Where as Non-Biodegradable wastes are those that cannot break down or degrade
for many years. These are waste that cannot change into manure and they pile up causing pollution. Burning of
these fuels causes more pollution in the environment. The non-biodegradable wastes become useful when they can
be recycled

Radioactive waste is a type of hazardous waste that contains radioactive material. Radioactive waste is usually a by-
product of nuclear power generation and other applications of nuclear fission or nuclear technology, such as research
and medicine

"Domestic waste" means any waste, consisting of combustible materials, such as paper, cardboard, yard clippings,
wood, or similar materials, generated in a dwelling, including the real property upon which it is situated, containing
four living units or less. Stay Connected Land Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural
environment that cause adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances also Pollutants, is the
components of pollution, this can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants.

Municipal solid waste (MSW), commonly known as trash or garbage in the United States and rubbish in Britain, is a
waste type consisting of everyday items that are discarded by the public. "Garbage" can also refer specifically to food
waste, as in a garbage disposal; the two are sometimes collected separately.

Toxic waste is any unwanted material in all forms that can cause harm (e.g. by being inhaled, swallowed, or
absorbed through the skin). Many of today's household products such as televisions, computers and phones contain
toxic chemicals that can pollute the air and contaminate soil and water.

Biodegradable waste includes any organic matter in waste which can be broken down into carbon dioxide, water,
methane or simple organic molecules by micro-organisms and other living things by composting, aerobic digestion,
anaerobic digestion or similar processes. In waste management, it also includes some inorganic materials which can
be decomposed by bacteria. Where as Non-Biodegradable wastes are those that cannot break down or degrade
for many years. These are waste that cannot change into manure and they pile up causing pollution. Burning of
these fuels causes more pollution in the environment. The non-biodegradable wastes become useful when they can
be recycled

Radioactive waste is a type of hazardous waste that contains radioactive material. Radioactive waste is usually a by-
product of nuclear power generation and other applications of nuclear fission or nuclear technology, such as research
and medicine

"Domestic waste" means any waste, consisting of combustible materials, such as paper, cardboard, yard clippings,
wood, or similar materials, generated in a dwelling, including the real property upon which it is situated, containing
four living units or less. Stay Connected

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