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AgEn01 – Agricultural Meteorology, Irrigation and Drainage

2nd Semester, AY 2021-2022

Laboratory Exercise No. 3

Climate and Animals

Name: Angelo B. Vejano Date Submitted: May 20, 2022

Course and Year – Section: BAS 3F

I. Introduction

Climate issues raise numerous dangers to animals in our landscapes. Many

species' survival rates are lowered as a result of changes that result in much less
food, less efficient reproduction, and environmental disruption for native wildlife.A so
"warm-blooded" animals include both large and small cattle, and also courtyard
animals. Hence, these animals have a biological system called thermoregulation,
whose goal is to keep their temperature of their body within a very restricted range,
which is really the only variety in which life is sustainable.The individual dies when
his or her body temperature falls below a specified threshold or rises above a top
limit. Those levels differ from species to species, and even within the same species,
from age to age. However, each individual may experience either a temperature
control of the body, but only for short durations.

II. Learning Outcomes

1. Gather information on the biological characteristics and cultivation requirements

and practices of an important livestock
2. Discuss the optimum environmental temperature and conditions for the
particular livestock

III. Methodology

This study uses an Internet-based research method, a method that uses the
Internet to collect data. It aims to make a critical discussion on the rearing
requirements and systems of production and conduct a research on the chosen

IV. Result and Discussion

The warm temperature is the most distinguishing feature of a tropical climate.
The average annual temperature is 64 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperature variability is
another important feature of tropical climates. The temperature can vary significantly
on a daily basis, up to 20 degrees, but the seasons do not vary nearly as much on an
annual basis. Climate patterns have an impact on both farm animals and agricultural
production. There are significant distinctions in how animals and plants behave
individually or collectively to given situations, some apparent and some minor.
Animal production issues linked to climate and weather go further than an
awareness of earth ’s atmosphere processes and fluctuations, as well as the
significance of local ground cover and terrain in those changes.It's also necessary to
understand how potential environmental stressors might directly and negatively
affect animal productivity, nutrition, and well-being when the animals' coping abilities
are surpassed.Weather information from the past should be analyzed and evaluated
with the goal of determining dangers and probability. Individual and group resource
budgets can reveal discrepancies between metabolic heat generation and
temperature losses to the environment.
The environment of an animal is complicated. Nonetheless, scientists seek to
describe and quantify it in terms of a single or small set of basic factors. Biologists
should be conversant with environmental science principles in order to comprehend
and investigate interactions between animals and their environment.Animals are
most productive when they are in their thermoneutral zone, whereas they are
inefficient when they are outside of it.
The production process is hampered by stress and the surroundings. However,
crucial temperature ranges by species and animal type, and they can vary with age
and physiological condition. Naturally occurring selection in severe situations can
increase adaptation by altering livestock's optimized morphological and physiological
features in a few generations.

V. Life-long Learnings

I’ve come to my understanding that when comparing the performance of different

types of animals in a given environment, consideration must be exercised. Also, in a
tropical environment, it's difficult to compare the growth rates or reproductive
performance of different livestock breeds. Furthermore, it is critical for them to
maintain an ideal body temperature range because animals can be either
warm-blooded or cold-blooded. Wherein, warm-blooded animals, which primarily
include birds and mammals, must maintain a generally consistent body temperature
or face catastrophic repercussions. While animals with cold blood do not keep a
consistent body temperature. They acquire their heat from the outside world, hence
their body temperature varies depending on the weather.

VI. References (APA format)

Rohrig J. October 2013. Animal Survival in Extreme Temperatures.

GAMP.Chapter 12. Weather and Climate and Animal Production

Somma M. (January 2022).What Is the Meaning of Tropical Climate?

Primult B. Optimum Climate for Animals .Agrometeorology

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