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Background of the Study

The red imported fire ant (RIFA) with a scientific name

“Solenopsis invicta” is a tiny ant with workers that range

in length from 1/8 to 1/4 inch. It has two nodes on the

petiole and a two-segmented antennal club and is usually

dark reddish brown in color and they look a lot like our

typical house and field ants. The sting of the RlFA is the

most serious issue. The workers have the ability to sting

many times and attack anything that upsets their food

sources or mounds. The sting causes burning and irritation,

which is followed by the formation of a pustule that can

take a week or longer to recover.




Many researchers have already completed their work in

identifying alternative insecticides that are organic, less

expensive, and free of chemicals to remove various pests.

Plants have been used as components in various experimental

research, such as insecticide, because the Philippines has

an abundance of plants with insect-terminating capacity.


Garlic (Allium Sativum) is a great non-toxic, low-cost

pesticide for the garden. It contains natural fungicidal and

pesticidal characteristics that efficiently control pests,

avoid using artificial fertilizers for optimal pest control

performance. Pests such as aphids, ants, termites, white

flies, beetles, bores, caterpillars, slugs, and army worms

can all be effectively handled with garlic.


Cymbopogon, also known as lemongrass is a genus of

Asian, African, Australian, and tropical island plants.

Because of their lemon-like fragrance, certain species

(especially Cymbopogon citratus) are widely cultivated as

culinary and medicinal plants (Citrus limon) that can also

be suitable to repel any kind of ants.


Chili pepper or cayenne pepper (Capsicum annuum) is

usually a moderately hot chili pepper used to flavor dishes.

Cayenne pepper, used as a DIY fire ant repellent and it has

two effects: it makes the ant hill uninhabitable for new

ants and it kills them swiftly.


Dishwashing liquid (Sodium Carbonate) is a dishwashing

detergent also known as dishwashing soap, dish detergent,


and dish soap. It has a potassium that penetrates the fire

ants’ bodies and destroys their cells. It also soaks up the

fatty acids and the moisture present in the fire ants’

bodies, that causes their exoskeleton to crack, which leads

to the death of the ants.



Hence this study is conducted to determine the

feasibility of Dishwashing liquid, Garlic, Lemon Grass

extract, and chili powder in repelling red imported fire ant


Statement of the Problem and Hypothesis

This study was conducted to determine the qualities of

the mixture when used with dishwashing liquid, garlic

extract, chili extract, ginger extract, lemon grass for fire


1. What is the quality of pesticides in terms of:

a. Color

b. Odor

c. Viscosity

d. Level of effectiveness

2.Is there any significant difference on qualities of

the mixture in terms of odor, color, viscosity, and level of


This study utilized the hypothesis:

1.There is no significant difference on color, odor,

viscosity and level of effectiveness of the pesticide used

with different kind of plant extract.


Conceptual Framework

This study was conducting using the conceptual

framework as seen in figure 1.


Different types of products Qualities of the pesticides

for pesticide in terms of:

a. Dishwashing liquid + chili a. color

+ garlic extract
b. odor
b. Dishwashing liquid + chili
c. viscosity
+ ginger extract

d. level of effectiveness
c. Dishwashing liquid + chili
in terms of the number of
+lemon grass extract
fire ants killed after 10


Figure 1. The Conceptual

Framework of the Study

As shown in Figure 1. The independent variables are the

products or extracts namely dishwashing liquid, garlic,

lemon grass and chili. These products, extracts and

mixtures are tested if they can kill or eradicate fire ants.


The qualities such as odor, and effects and the level of

effectiveness which is described in terms of how many fire

ants can be killed in a different time interval these serves

as the dependent variables.

Significance of the Study

This study will beneficial of the following:

Household study. This study will help them to

exterminate the red fire ants through natural substances.

Farmers. This study will help them to know that this

plant will help them to exterminate red fire ants.

Entrepreneur. This study will help them to save more

money and to convince people to buy natural products.

People. This study will help them to grow more food on

less land by protecting crops from pests, diseases and weeds

as well as raising productivity per hectare.

Poultry farm. This study will help them to protect

their animals from the pests and to protect their animals on

the diseases.

Future Researchers. This study will give them a

knowledge, and this will help them for their further


Scope and Limitation

An experimental research was conducted to determine the

quality of pesticide using different mixtures of plant

extracts and dishwashing liquid soap.

Three (3) types of mixture were prepared namely A-

Dishwashing Liquid + Chili + Garlic Extract, B- Dishwashing

Liquid + Chili + Ginger extract, C- Dishwashing Liquid +

Chili + Lemon Grass extract. The qualities observed in each

type of Pesticides were color, odor, viscosity and level of

effectiveness. The color and odor were identified by 5

observed using a rating scale. The level of effectiveness

was described in terms of the number of fire ants killed

after ten (10) minutes they were sprayed with the pesticide.

The study utilized 81 fire ants, with 9 fire ants each type

of pesticide was replicated three (3) times.

The pesticide was produced and tested in Barangay

Nalook, Kalibo, Aklan and this study is conducted in the 4th

quarter of S.Y. 2021-2022.


Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined:

Pesticides— in this study pesticides refers to a

chemical substance that was used to compare from the natural


Fire ant— in this study fire ant refers to the subject

of the study to determine the effectivity of the different

plants extracts.

Dishwashing liquid— in this study dishwashing liquid is

one of the components in doing the natural pesticides.

Garlic (Allium Santivum)— in this study we use garlic

as another component to produce pesticides.

Lemon grass (Cymbopogon)— in this study lemon grass is

one of the components in our study to be tested in killing


Chili (Capsicum Frutescens)— in this study chili is the

another component we use to produce pesticides.

Odor — in this study the odor of the pesticides is

described and it is identified as a dependent variable of

the study.

Color— in this study the color of pesticides

isdescribed and it is identified as a dependent variable of

the study.

Effectivity— in this study the effectivity is

described, and it is identified as a dependent variable.




This chapter presents various literatures, which have

significant bearing on the present research. Likewise,

studies that are seemingly related to this research

undertaking are also related.

Fire Ants

The genus Solenopsis contains more than 200 species of

ants, including fire ants. Solenopsis ants are stinging

ants, as evidenced by their popular names, such as ginger

ants and tropical fire ants. Despite not belonging in the

genus Solenopsis, many of the names shared by this genus are

sometimes used interchangeably to refer to other species of

ant, such as the word red ant. This is due to their similar


Fire ants build enormous mounds in open places and feed

mostly on young plants, insects, and seeds. Fire ants

frequently attack and kill tiny creatures such as lizards.

Unlike many other ants that bite and subsequently spray acid

on the wound, fire ants just bite to gain a grip before

stinging (from the abdomen) and injecting a poisonous

alkaloid venom termed solenopsin, a piperidine derivative.

This is a terrible sting for humans, with a sensation

comparable to being scorched by fire (thus the name), and

the sting's aftereffects can be fatal to sensitive persons.

Fire ants build their nests in the soil, usually near

wet locations like river banks, pond sides, moistened lawns,

and highway shoulders. The nest is usually built beneath

things such as timber, logs, boulders, or bricks, so it is

not apparent. If there isn't enough cover for nesting, dome-

shaped mounds are built, however these are usually only seen

in open settings like fields, parks, and lawns. These mounds

can reach a height of 40 cm (16 in) but can rise

significantly taller on richer soils, reaching 1.0 m (3 ft 3

in) in height and 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in) in diameter.

Fire ant venom is primarily made up of oily alkaloids

generated from piperidine (also known as solenopsins) and a

minor number of poisonous proteins (>95 percent). Fire ant


stings are unpleasant and cause urticaria as well as a local

burning sensation. Within hours, the sting location develops

into a lump, which can cause further pain and irritation,

especially if numerous stings occur at the same time. If

scratched, the bump can turn into a white pustule that can

become infected, but if left alone, it will flatten

naturally within a few days.

External treatments and oral medications are used as

first aid for fire ant stings. There are also a variety of

home remedies with varied degrees of effectiveness, such as

applying a half-bleach, half-water solution or aloe vera gel

– the latter of which is frequently included in over-the-

counter creams that also include medically tested and

verified treatments. The anesthetic benzocaine, the

antihistamine diphenhydramine, and the corticosteroid

hydrocortisone are all topical therapies. Antihistamines or

topical corticosteroids can aid with itching and are

generally beneficial for local sting reactions.

Antihistamines are used in oral medicine. If not treated,

severe allergic reactions to fire ant stings can result in

death, including severe chest discomfort, nausea, intense

sweating, shortness of breath, major swelling, and impaired


Fire ants are hardy and can withstand floods. They dig

tunnels effectively, using around 30% of the colony's

population, avoiding tunnel congestion.


Cymbopogon or Lemon grass

The tropical plant Cymbopogon citratus, also known as

West Indian lemon grass or just lemon grass, is native to

Maritime Southeast Asia and has been introduced to many

tropical areas.

Lemon grass contains several active compounds such as

geranial and neral in large amounts and geraniol and

citronellol in smaller amounts that are effectively used as


mosquito and insect repellant. Lemon frass as a mosquito

repellent works though not as well as the strong,

potentially harmful chemicals in commercial insecticides

(Doug Johnson 2019). It is stated that the components of

lemon grass extracted oil varied with they are planned. The

lemon grass oil has been used for over 50 years as an insect

repellent. Research has shown that lemon grasss helps to

reduce mosquito landing around 40%. It works on insects

without harming or killing them. It has distinctive odor

which may make it difficult for some insect to locate the

host. (Ghosh 2005).

Cymbopogon citratus is commonly known as tanglad or

sereh in the Philippines and Indonesia. Its fragrant leaves

are commonly used in Filipino cookery, especially for lechon

and roasted chicken. The dried leaves can also be used to

make tea, either alone or as a flavoring in other teas, with

a flavor similar to lemon juice but with a moderate

sweetness and no sourness or bitterness.

Cymbopogon is thought to have anxiolytic, hypnotic, and

anticonvulsant qualities in the Krahô folk medicine of

Brazil. The plant's leaves are used as a stimulant,

sudorific, antiperiodic, and anticatarrhal in Indian

traditional medicine, while the essential oil is utilized as


a carminative, depressant, analgesic, antipyretic,

antibacterial, and antifungal agent.

The grass Cymbopogon citratus belongs to the Poaceae

family. Simple, bluish-green leaves with complete margins

and a linear form are present. The blades are usually 18–36

inches in length. The leaves, like those of other grasses,

have parallel venation.



Garlic is widely cultivated and easy to grow in field,

garden or backyard. It is appreciated as a seasoning or

condiment for cooking and due to its medicinal properties.

Its value as a pesticide is also appreciated particularly in

organic farming and cultivation in the backyard gardens.

There are commercial pesticides containing garlic as an

active ingredient, and homemade extracts are widely used.

Garlic has anti-feedant (insect stop feeding), bacterial,

fungicidal, insecticidal, and repellent properties.



Garlicterial, 2022).

Garlic is reportedly effective against a wide range of

disease-causing pathogens and insects at different stages in

their life cycle (egg, larvae, adult). This includes ants,

aphids, armyworms, diamondback moth and other caterpillars

such as the false codling moth, pulse beetle, whitefly,

wireworm, khapra beetle, mice, mites, moles, Epilachna

beetles, and termites as well as fungi bacteria and

nematodes (biovision foundation, 2020). Scientific studies

of garlic as an insecticide date back to the early 1970s,

and anecdotal evidence goes back much further. Early

research supported claims of garlic’s effectiveness as a

non-toxic control for both larval and adult mosquitoes.

Traditional agriculture and scientists agree that garlic can

be an effective insect killer and deterrent.

Garlic essential oil, and its naturally occurring

constituents diallyl disulfide and diallyl sulfide, are the

keys to its effectiveness. In lab tests, these sulfur

compounds interfere with the insect’s sensory receptors,

causing disorientation and death at all life stages for a

wide variety of flying and crawling bugs. In the garden,

sensitive bugs tend to simply stay away from treated plants,


but those that are present at the time of application will

be killed (Happy sprouts, 2022. The irritating and confusing

sulfur compounds in garlic repel most flying and crawling

insects. It’s most helpful against annoying aphids,

armyworms, beetles, caterpillars, cutworms, mites,

mosquitoes, and flies. Additionally, garlic repels many

larger pests as well. If you have problems with deer, mice,

moles, or rabbits in the garden, a few wellplaced drops of

garlic essential oil or a garlic based repellent may help.


is-garlic-a-good-insecticide/%3famp, 2022).

Dishwashing Liquid

Soaps have been used to control insects and combat

pests for hundreds of years, but their effectiveness as

pesticides has been scientifically established only

recently. Recently, there has been increased interest in and

use of these products. This change is due to a better

understanding of how to use soaps most effectively and a

desire to try insecticides that are easier and safer to use

than many currently available alternatives. How soaps and

detergents kill insects is still poorly understood.

Researchers have been studying how soaps work in combating

pests. Some soaps simply wash off the outer waxy coating of

the insect’s cuticle, destroying its watertight quality and

causing the insect to dry up and die. Other soaps have

additional insecticidal properties that may affect the

nervous system. These soaps appear to have toxic effect only

against plant-eating insects and thus may spare beneficial

insects such as ladybird beetles (ladybugs), lacewings, and


predatory mites. In addition, high pressure sprays may wash

some insects off the plant and other insects may be

immobilized in soapy water, making them easier to rinse off

the plants.

Soaps will kill many insect pests, including aphids,

mealybugs, whiteflies, spittlebugs, rose slugs, and soft

scale on most houseplants, ornamentals, and fruit trees. But

because soaps have little or no residual action, sprays

should be applied at regular intervals until the population

is controlled or eliminated.

Soaps act strictly as contact insecticides, with no

residual effect. To be effective, sprays must be applied

directly to and thoroughly cover the insect. Several

insecticidal soaps are available over-the-counter for

control of insects and mites. Available under a variety of

trade names, the active ingredient of all is potassium salt

of fatty acids. Insecticidal soaps are chemically similar to

many household liquid hand soaps. However, there are many

features of commercial insecticidal soap products that

distinguish them from the dish washing liquids or liquid

hand soaps that are sometimes substituted (Scott Oneto, Soap

sprays as insecticide,2017)


Chili peppers (also chile, chile pepper, chilli pepper,

or chilli) are variants of the berry-fruit of plants in the

genus Capsicum, which are nightshade family members, grown

for their pungency. Chili peppers are frequently used as a

spice to add "heat" to foods in various cultures. When

consumed or administered topically, capsaicin and related

compounds known as capsaicinoids are the ingredients that

give chili peppers their heat. Bell peppers (UK: sweet

peppers) are another variety of capsicum, but unlike chili

peppers, which are pungent or "hot" to variable degrees,

bell peppers are generally not and bring sweetness and

flavor to a meal rather than "heat."

Chili peppers are native to Bolivia and were originally

cultivated in Mexico. Capsicum plants are said to have

originated in modern-day Bolivia and have been consumed by

humans since around 7,500 BC. They are one of the Americas'

oldest cultivated crops. Chili pepper cultivation dates back

to 6,000 years ago in east-central Mexico, though, according

to research published in 2014 by the New York Botanical

Garden press, chili plants were first cultivated

independently in different parts of the Americas, including

highland Bolivia, central Mexico, and the Amazon. In Mexico,

Central America, and parts of South America, they were one

of the first self-pollinating crops.

Capsaicin binds to pain receptors in the mouth and

throat of mammals like humans, potentially eliciting pain

via spinal relays to the brainstem and thalamus, where heat

and discomfort are sensed. Scoville heat units (SHU) were

created by American pharmacist Wilbur Scoville in 1912 to

measure the intensity of chili pepper "hot." It used to be a

measurement of how much chili extract was diluted in sugar

syrup before the heat was imperceptible to a panel of

tasters; the more it had to be diluted to be undetected, the

more potent the variety, and hence the higher the rating.

According to one study, the plant produces capsaicin as

a defense against mammalian predators and microorganisms,

particularly a fusarium fungus carried by hemipteran insects

that target certain types of chili peppers. The amount of

capsaicin produced by peppers rose in proportion to the


amount of damage caused by fungal predation on the plant's

seeds. (


Zingiber officinale is a flowering plant whose rhizome,

sometimes known as ginger root or ginger, is widely used as

a spice and folk medicine. It's a herbaceous perennial with

one-meter-tall annual pseudostems (false stems consisting of

curled leaf bases) bearing narrow leaf blades. Flowers with

pale yellow petals with purple borders bloom on individual

branches that emerge directly from the rhizome.

Ginger produces yellow flowers from clusters of white

and pink flower buds. It is frequently utilized as

landscaping around subtropical residences due to its visual

appeal and adaptability to warm temperatures. It's a reed-

like perennial with annual leafy stems that grows to about a

meter (3 to 4 feet) tall. When the stalk withers, the


rhizome is traditionally gathered and scalded, or washed and

scraped, to destroy it and prevent sprouting.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa), cardamom (Elettaria

cardamomum), and galangal are all members of the

Zingiberaceae family. Ginger was likely cultivated initially

by the Austronesian peoples of Maritime Southeast Asia.

During the Austronesian expansion (c. 5,000 BP), it traveled

with them throughout the Indo-Pacific, reaching as far as

Hawaii. Ginger was one of the first spices to be exported

from Asia, and it was utilized by ancient Greeks and Romans.

Because of their similar taste, the dicots in the genus

Asarum are commonly referred to as wild ginger.

Ginger is a widely used spice, whether in cooking or as

a traditional remedy. Ginger can be found in a wide range of

foods, including vegetables, sweets, soda, pickles, and

alcoholic beverages. Ginger is a flavorful cooking spice.

Young ginger rhizomes have a mild flavor and are luscious

and meaty. As a snack, they are frequently pickled in

vinegar or sherry, or cooked as a component in a variety of

cuisines. They can be soaked in hot water and sweetened with

honey to produce ginger herb tea. Ginger can be used to make

confectionery or wine.

Although ginger and its extracts are used in

traditional medicine and as a dietary supplement, there is

no good evidence that they have any effect on human health

or as a disease

treatment. (



This chapter deals with the materials and procedures in

making pesticides, Research design, participants of the

study, data gathering instrument, validity of the

instrument, procedures and statistical treatment of data.

Ingredients, Materials and Procedure

The following are the materials used and procedure and

procedures followed to make pesticide.

Ingredients for the Pesticide

10 ml of dishwashing liquid

10 ml crushed chili

10 ml ginger extract

5 ml garlic extract

10 ml water

10 ml lemon grass extract

Materials Needed:



Measuring cups


Rubber band/san-rio

9 plastic cups

Pesticide were made with the following procedure:

We first prepared the materials needed, we put first

the mixtures dishwashing liquid and crushed chili in a 10 ml

measuring cup. Next, we pound the garlic, ginger, lemon

grass to get their extract. Then in every mixtures/solution

we put 10 ml of water to dissolve each mixture.

Research Design

This study employed the experimental type of research

using the post- test group design. As commonly defined, it


is the type of research used to determine the effects of an

intervention or treatment introduced to a group of subjects.

The experimental and control group are assumed to have

similar characteristics at the start of the study. After the

introduction of an intervention in the experimental group or

area, an evaluation survey, observation, or testing is

conducted both experimental and the control group or areas

using the “fair” instrument.

Participants of the study

The study was conducted to identify the level of

effectiveness of Pesticides. The respondents of the study

are 5 randomly selected participants of Nalook, Kalibo,


Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher employed a questionnaire to gather the

needed data to determine the effectiveness of the pesticide.

The first question asked is what the color of the pesticide


is. The second one, the viscosity of the pesticide, the odor

of the pesticide and lastly, its level of effectiveness

Validity of the Instrument

To establish the validity, the instrument was first

submitted of the respondent. These participants were

requested by the researcher to evaluate the content of the

instrument, the suggestions, recommendations, and comments

made by the respondents were considered in the revision of

the instrument to insure validity.

Data gathering instrument

To gather the necessary data for this study, the

researcher prepared the instrument(survey-questionnaire)

which used to determine the level of effectiveness of the

pesticide. In conducting the study, all ethical issue was

addressed by the researcher.



This chapter discuss and interprets the data

present in the form of tabular presentation

Characteristics of the Pesticides in terms of Viscosity


x₁ 2 x₂ 2 x₃ 2
x x x
1 2 3

1 2 1 2 1 2

1 2 1 2 1 2

1 2 1 2 1 2

∑x₁=3 2 ∑x₂=3 2 ∑x₃=3 2

∑x =6 ∑x =6 ∑x =6
n₁=3 1 N₂= 3 2 n₃=3 3
x₁=1 x₂=1 x₃=1

Analysis of Variance

Sources Degrees Sum of Mean

of of Squares Square F-value
Variation Freedom
(d f ¿
Computed Tabular
group 2 0 0 0

Group 6 9 1.5

8 9

Characteristics of pesticides in terms of color


x₁ 2 x₂ 2 x₃ 2
x x x
1 2 3

1 2 2 4 3 9

1 2 2 4 3 9

1 2 2 4 3 9

∑x₁=3 ∑x₂=6 ∑x₃=9

n₁=1 2 n₂=3 2 n₃=3 2
∑x =6 ∑x =12 ∑x =27
x₁=1 1 x₂=2 2 x₃=3 3

Analysis of variance

Sources of Degree Sum of Mean

variation of Squares Squares F-
(d f ) value

Between Computed Tabular


2 45 22.5 16.5

Within 6 -9 6


Total 8 36

Characteristics of pesticides in terms of number of fire

ants killed


x₁ 2 x₂ 2 X₃ 2
x x x
1 2 3

3 6 5 10 6 12

3 6 3 6 5 10

4 8 3 6 5 10

∑x₁=10 2 ∑x₂=11 2 ∑x₃=16 2

∑x =24 ∑x =22 ∑x =32
n₁=3 1 n₁=3 2 n₃=3 3

x₁=3.3 x₂=3.66 x₃=5.33

Analysis of variance

Sources Degrees Sum of Mean

of of Squares Squares F -
Variation Freedom
(d f ) Value

Between 2 6.89 3.45 Computed Tabular


Within 6 81 13.5


Total 8 87.89

Characteristics of Pesticides in terms of odor


x₁ 2 x₂ 2 x₃ 2
x x x
1 2 3

1 2 3 9 2 4

1 2 3 9 2 4

1 2 3 9 2 4

∑x₁=3 2 ∑x₂=9 2 ∑x₃=6 2

∑x =6 ∑x =27 ∑ =12
n₁=3 1 n₂=3 2 n₃=3 3
x₁=1 x₂=3 x₃=2

Analysis of Variance

Sources Degrees Sum of Mean

of of Squares Squares F -
Variation Freedom
(d f ) Value

Between 2 6 3 Computed Tabular


Within 6 3 0.5


Total 8 9

Number of fire ants killed in (10) minutes

Solution 1 2 3 Total Average Description

A 3 3 4 10 3.33 effective

B 5 3 3 11 3.66 Effective

C 6 5 5 16 5.33 Effective

Among the 3 solutions, solution b and c are computed as an

effective mixture or pesticides with an average of 3.66 and



Solution 1 2 3 Total Average Description

A 1 1 1 3 1 Strong

B 3 3 3 9 3 Very Strong

C 2 2 2 6 2 Mild

In terms of odor, solution a has a strong odor,

solution b has a very strong odor while solution c has a

mild odor.


Solution 1 2 3 Total Average Description

A 1 1 1 3 1 Brown

B 2 2 2 6 2 Light Brown

C 3 3 3 9 3 Dark Brown

In terms of color, solution C has a dark brown color,

solution b has light brown color while solution A has brown



Solution 1 2 3 Total Average Description

A 1 1 1 3 1 Viscos

B 1 1 1 3 1 Viscos

C 1 1 1 3 1 Viscos

In terms of viscosity, all solutions have viscos



This chapter provides the summary of findings,

conclusion and recommendation of the study


Based on the research questions of this study, summary

of findings is the following:

1. Most of them says that Solution B and C is

effective, while Solution A is not effective.

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