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§§ 250.507–250.508 30 CFR Ch.

II (7–1–00 Edition)

§§ 250.507–250.508 [Reserved] tiative or in response to a request from

a lessee. Such rules may modify the
§ 250.509 Well-completion structures specific requirements of this subpart.
on fixed platforms. After field well-completion rules have
Derricks, masts, substructures, and been established, well-completion oper-
related equipment shall be selected, de- ations in the field shall be conducted in
signed, installed, used, and maintained accordance with such rules and other
so as to be adequate for the potential requirements of this subpart. Field
loads and conditions of loading that well-completion rules may be amended
may be encountered during the pro- or canceled for cause at any time upon
posed operations. Prior to moving a the initiative of the District Super-
well-completion rig or equipment onto visor or upon the request of a lessee.
a platform, the lessee shall determine
the structural capability of the plat- § 250.513 Approval and reporting of
form to safely support the equipment well-completion operations.
and proposed operations, taking into
consideration the corrosion protection, (a) No well-completion operation
age of platform, and previous stresses shall begin until the lessee receives
to the platform. written approval from the District Su-
pervisor. If completion is planned and
[53 FR 10690, Apr. 1, 1988, as amended at 54 the data are available at the time the
FR 50616, Dec. 8, 1989. Redesignated at 63 FR
29479, May 29, 1998]
Application for Permit to Drill, Form
MMS–123 (see § 250.414 of this part), is
§ 250.510 Diesel engine air intakes. submitted, approval for a well comple-
No later than May 31, 1989, diesel en- tion may be requested on that form. If
gine air intakes shall be equipped with the completion has not been approved
a device to shut down the diesel engine or if the completion objective or plans
in the event of runaway. Diesel engines have significantly changed, approval
which are continuously attended shall for such operations shall be requested
be equipped with either remote oper- on Form MMS–124, Sundry Notices and
ated manual or automatic-shutdown Reports on Wells.
devices. Diesel engines which are not (b) The following information shall
continuously attended shall be be submitted with Form MMS–124 (or
equipped with automatic-shutdown de- with Form MMS–123):
vices. (1) A brief description of the well-
completion procedures to be followed, a
§ 250.511 Traveling-block safety de- statement of the expected surface pres-
sure, and type and weight of comple-
After May 31, 1989, all units being tion fluids;
used for well-completion operations (2) A schematic drawing of the well
which have both a traveling block and showing the proposed producing zone(s)
a crown block shall be equipped with a and the subsurface well-completion
safety device which is designed to pre- equipment to be used;
vent the traveling block from striking
(3) For multiple completions, a par-
the crown block. The device shall be
checked for proper operation weekly tial electric log showing the zones pro-
and after each drill-line slipping oper- posed for completion, if logs have not
ation. The results of the operational been previously submitted; and
check shall be entered in the oper- (4) When the well-completion is in a
ations log. zone known to contain H2S or a zone
where the presence of H2S is unknown,
§ 250.512 Field well-completion rules. information pursuant to § 250.417 of this
When geological and engineering in- part.
formation available in a field enables (c) Within 30 days after completion,
the District Supervisor to determine Form MMS–125, Well Summary Report,
specific operating requirements, field including a schematic of the tubing
well-completion rules may be estab- and subsurface equipment, shall be sub-
lished on the District Supervisor’s ini- mitted to the District Supervisor.


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