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If you consistently copy words from the diagram, your vocabulary mark will go
down. Learn to recognize which words have different forms and can be changed
eg prepare (v) - preparation (n) and those which cannot be changed eg straw (n

Model answer
The man-made linear diagram shows the various steps involved in the construction of a
straw bale house. The process includes main stages of external and internal construction
resulting in sale of a new dwelling.
Initially, the procedure commences with the demolition of the previous building and the
preparation of the ground in order to provide a solid base for the new accommodation. The
next step is when bales are positioned and secured so that the roof could be installed which
completes external finish. Eventually, work continues with the inside installing steps
happening simultaneously. Electrical and plumbing arrangement is completed to provide heat,
light and water, and the house is insulated to reduce energy loss. At the next stage of the
process the structure is inspected by the building officer to ensure safety requirements. Before
the property can be furnished it must be decorated. This step involves painting and carpeting
as well as putting up curtains and other decorative fittings.
Once the construction is finished, the new household is ready to be sold.
(173 words)

1 sentence Say what the diagram is about Avoid using the words
Pictorial/non-pictorial from the task
1 sentence Make an overview of main stages: Express the purpose of
a. if there are 6-7 OR mention the first and the process using phrases
last stages from Useful language box
b. if there are only 4-5 stages start with what
you see (equipment, NARROW or BIG
chambers), only then say what happens
DO NOT USE WORDS IN THE LABELS (e.g Use synonyms OR change
fermentation, filtration) the word structure VERB-

6-7 sentences Start with simple ordering phrases, i.e. one- Useful language
two-word linkers such as Firstly, First of all

Add complex ordering, i.e. consisting of more Useful language

than 3 words such as At the next stage of the

Cause and effect Useful language

Again simple ordering Useful language

Add routes PLUS say what happens inside the From here there are two
process (where, in which) possible routes…

Talk about the last stage

1 sentence Say
a. if the process repeats itself again
b. if it is ready for usage / sale / transportation
c. OR talk about ecological aspect c. If you don’t have
enough words

Model answer
This pictorial cyclical diagram illustrates the natural movement of water in the
environment and the way it changes from a liquid into a gas and then back into a
liquid once more. As a result of heated water by the sun, it evaporates from the
ocean into the atmosphere. During this process, water also rises into the
atmosphere from plants and trees. This process is called transpiration.
As the warm water rises high in the air, it cools and condenses, forming clouds.
Eventually, the water in the clouds falls back down to ground by precipitation in
the form of rain. From here there are two possible ways where some of the water
goes onto the ground and after that runs into seas and lakes making a process,
called subsurface runoff. Some of the water runs straight from the surface of the
ground into the seas and lakes which leads to accumulation in the oceans. The rest
of the water is absorbed by trees and plants.
Once the water reaches the seas, lakes and forests, the process of evaporation
starts over again.
(181 words)


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