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Name Seojin Lee

Year Group 8
Date January, 2022
LEE, Seojin || Year 8 || Monday, January 31, 2022

Dear Parent,

Please find attached the latest progress report for Seojin. The information below provides an explanation of the terminology

Current Grade: This is the grade at which Seojin is currently working.

End of Phase / Course potential grade: This is the minimum grade Seojin is expected to achieve by the end of the academic

Position against anticipated grade: This illustrates whether your son or daughter is below target, on target, or above target.
This is expressed as a numerical value of 1 number per grade.

Progress towards anticipated grade

Above Progress is above Target

On Target Progress is in line with Target

Below Progress is below Target

The Effort Grade: This grade is applied to each subject and considers how hard a student is working, how they demonstrate
school values, how they approach things such as independent study or homework, and how they participate with others and
organise themselves. The highest grade is 5 and the lowest is 1.

Should you wish to discuss the report further then please do not hesitate to contact their subject teacher or The Head of the
Primary School for students in Nursery to Year 6, and the tutor or Head of Secondary for students in Years 7-13.

Yours sincerely

Emma Newman

Name Year Group

LEE, Seojin Year 8

English B 4 Below 8.50 8.00

Attainment Effort Position vs Ecuadorian Quimestre
Mr. Newman
Challenge Grade Exam Result

Comment : Seojin is working well in English, showing control and skill with his punctuation, sentence structures and
vocabulary. His writing has shown good understanding of the intended audience and purpose, and so I would like him to
secure this by writing assignments of greater length: 1 side of A4 is my recommendation because the more he writes, so
the more skills he can include and demonstrate. Paragraphs should be of about 10 lines as a general rule. He has
performed very well in our weekly spelling tests and has maintained high scores.

Mathematics Ast 5 Above 10.00 10.00

Attainment Effort Position vs Ecuadorian Quimestre
Mr. Samaniego
Challenge Grade Exam Result

Comment : Seojin always applies his knowledge to an excellent effect and shows a great deal of understanding of topics
learned in lessons. His written work is always clear, organized and includes all the relevant parts of the process. He shows
a well-developed application of critical skills and is normally able to approach unfamiliar situations with ease. He has
completed all his work on time and is normally organized. He rarely communicates his doubts and looks for help when
needed. To improve Seojin needs to communicate more, even if he is not sure as to how to ask something.

Science C+ 4 Below 8.00 8.00

Attainment Effort Position vs Ecuadorian Quimestre
Mrs. Parkinson
Challenge Grade Exam Result

Comment : Seojin is a quiet and polite member of the class. He has a good understanding of the subject content in
science. His written work shows he can describe and make simple comparisons while linking previous learning to new
content. His written explanations and arguments use a good range of science vocabulary. He is good at mathematical
problems in science and shows his work logically. To improve he should continue working on science vocabulary to boost
his confidence so that verbally he is able to participate in class discussions.

Drama B 3 Below 8.50 6.50

Attainment Effort Position vs Ecuadorian Quimestre
Miss. Espinosa
Challenge Grade Exam Result

Comment : Seojin is a dedicated and hard-working member of the class and has put in a satisfactory performance
throughout the first term. He usually shows a sound understanding of most of the techniques and he can employ
appropriate language and register to sustain the credibility of a role, adapting it to changing circumstances. Seojin
generally, works well within a team and independently, but he needs to be more assertive and develop self-confidence to
express himself more readily. An excellent performance, keep it up!
Physical Education B 4 Below 8.50 8.50
Attainment Effort Position vs Ecuadorian Quimestre
Mr. Moors
Challenge Grade Exam Result

Comment : Seojin has demonstrated a thorough understanding of the concepts explored in Pop lacrosse, fitness, ultimate
Frisbee, and Volleyball over the last two partials of learning. His performance is always strong when demonstrating skills in
isolation, and also in game situations. He can articulate understanding of his own performance and others when coaching
or tactically in games. Seojin's effort in class is always of a good level and he is keen to develop and impress. Seojin should
now focus on maintaining this application in PE in the months to come and show more confidence with communication.

Art C+ 2 Below 8.00 8.00

Attainment Effort Position vs Ecuadorian Quimestre
Miss. Arellano
Challenge Grade Exam Result

Comment : Increasingly Seojin is applying his knowledge with effect. This can show a decent understanding of the topics
learned. He sometimes recognises simple relationships between learning content and its application in the real sense. He
can present explanations and he is showing improving skills. He can explain his thoughts and concepts when facts and
themes are interpreted through deeper reading and analysis, and make plausible conclusions. Seojin should improve his
work after teacher feedback and the presentation on time of his assignments.

Music B+ 5 On Target 9.50 10.00

Attainment Effort Position vs Ecuadorian Quimestre
Miss. Cano
Challenge Grade Exam Result

Comment : Sojin shows good musical skills, he is able to recognize rhythms and play them as well as specific notes in a
correct order. He always communicates his ideas in clear ways, and even though he is still learning musical vocabulary
words he manages to ask well formulates questions. Seojin has the ability to keep a steady beat to play instruments and to
memorize melodies. He always pays attention in class and works on the acitivites with a lot of positivity. I think Seojin
should work to improve his knowledge in the location of the notes in the staff.

Spanish as a Foreign C+ 3 n/a 8.00 9.00

Attainment Effort Position vs Ecuadorian Quimestre
Language Challenge Grade Exam Result
Mr. Tabango Target

Comment : Seojin demuestra que comprende una secuencia de instrucciones, escucha e identifica los puntos principales
en explicaciones breves. Con andamiaje - casillas de verificación/verdadero-falso, muestra una comprensión del material
audiovisual. Seojin construye sus propias oraciones habladas en base a lo que sabe sobre español, ya no depende del uso
de frases que se escuchan con frecuencia. Continuar leyendo párrafos largos para mejorar y aumentar el vocabulario y
lograr una mayor fluidez.

Humanities C 3 Below 7.50 7.50

Attainment Effort Position vs Ecuadorian Quimestre
Miss. Sawyers
Challenge Grade Exam Result

Comment : Seojin is respectful in class and seeks to complete all tasks set to a good standard. He sometimes seeks
guidance from his peers or myself when uncertain. He has continually worked to develop his communication shills and the
sharing of his ideas. He can work independently and demonstrates care as part of a group. He usually completes
homework, although it is not always submitted on time or it is completed inconsistently. I would like to see Seojin
continue to develop the ways in which he communicates ideas.

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