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Tips, Formulae and Shortcuts for

Ratio and Proportion


Cracku Tip 1 – Ratio and Proportion

 Ratio and Proportions is one of the easiest concepts in CAT. It is just an

extension of high school mathematics.

 Questions from this concept are mostly asked in conjunction with other
concepts like similar triangles, mixtures and alligations.

 Hence fundamentals of this concept are important not just from a stand-alone
perspective, but also to answer questions from other concepts

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Cracku Tip 2 – Ratio and Proportion

 A ratio can be represented as fraction a/b or using the notation a:b. In

each of these representation ′a′ is called the antecedent and ′b′ is called
the consequent.

 For a ratio to be defined, the quantities of the items should be of same

nature. We can not compare the length of the rod to the area of a square.

 However if these quantities are represented in numbers, i.e., length of a rod

is a cm and area of a square is b, we can still define the ratio of
these numbers as a:b

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Cracku Tip 3 – Ratio and Proportion
Properties of Ratios :

 A ratio need not be positive. However, if we are dealing with quantities of

items, their ratios will be positive. In this concept we will consider only
positive ratios.

 A ratio remains the same if both antecedent and consequent are

multiplied or divided by the same non-zero number, i.e.,

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Cracku Tip 4 – Ratio and Proportion
 Two ratios in their fraction notation can be compared just as we compare
real numbers.

 If antecedent > consequent, the ratio is said to be ratio of greater inequality.

 If antecedent < consequent, the ratio is said to be ratio of lesser inequality.

 If the antecedent = consequent, the ratio is said to be ratio of equality Download

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Cracku Tip 5 – Ratio and Proportion
If a, b, x are positive, then

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Cracku Tip 6 – Ratio and Proportion
If two ratios a/b and c/d are equal
Cracku Tip 7 – Ratio and Proportion
Cracku Tip 8 – Ratio and Proportion


A proportion is an equality of ratios. Hence a:b = c:d is a proportion. The first and
last terms are called extremes and the other two terms are called means.

If four terms a, b, c, d are said to be proportional, then a:b = c:d. If three terms a,
b, c are said to be proportional, then a:b = b:c

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Cracku Tip 9 – Ratio and Proportion
Properties of proportions:

If a:b = c:d is a proportion, then

 Product of extremes = product of means i.e., ad = bc

 Denominator addition/subtraction: a:a+b = c:c+d and a:a-b = c:c-d

 a, b, c, d,.... are in continued proportion means, a:b = b:c = c:d = ....

 a:b = b:c then b is called mean proportional and b2 = ac

 The third proportional of two numbers, a and b, is c, such that, a:b = b:c

 'd' is fourth proportional to numbers a, b, c if a:b = c:d

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Cracku Tip 10 – Ratio and Proportion
Variations :

 If x varies directly to y, then x is said to be in directly proportional with y and

is written as x ∝ y

x = ky (where k is direct proportionality constant)

x = ky + C (If x depends upon some other fixed constant C)

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Cracku Tip 11 – Ratio and Proportion


 If x ∝ y and y ∝ z then x ∝ z

 If x ∝ y and x ∝ z then x ∝ (y ± z)

 If a ∝ b and x ∝ y then ax ∝ by

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Cracku Tip 12(i) – Mixtures and Alligations

 If M1 and M2 are the values and Q1 and Q2 are the quantities of item 1 and item
2 respectively, and MA is the weighted average of the two items, then

 Weighted average MA can be calculated by:

Cracku Tip 12(ii) – Mixtures and Alligations

 Successive dilution: If a container has 'a' litres of liquid A, and if 'b' litres of
solution is withdrawn and is replaced with an equal volume of another liquid B
and the operation is repeated for 'n' times, then after nth operation,

Final quantity of liquid A in the container =

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Important Ratio & Proportions Questions for CAT

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 1

Arun's present age in years is 40% of Barun's. In another few years, Arun's age will be half of Barun's. By what percentage will Barun's
age increase during this period?


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Let Arun's current age be A. Hence, Barun's current age is 2.5A
Let Arun's age be half of Barun's age after X years.
Therefore, 2*(X+A) = 2.5A + X
Or, X = 0.5A
Hence, Barun's age increased by 0.5A/2.5A = 20%

Question 2

An elevator has a weight limit of 630 kg. It is carrying a group of people of whom the heaviest weighs 57 kg and the lightest weighs 53
kg. What is the maximum possible number of people in the group?


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It is given that the maximum weight limit is 630. The lightest person's weight is 53 Kg and the heaviest person's weight is 57 Kg.

In order to have maximum people in the lift, all the remaining people should be of the lightest weight possible, which is 53 Kg.

Let there be n people.

53 + n(53) + 57 = 630

n is approximately equal to 9.8. Hence, 9 people are possible.

Therefore, a total of 9 + 2 = 11 people can use the elevator.

Question 3

The number of girls appearing for an admission test is twice the number of boys. If 30% of the girls and 45% of the boys get admission,
the percentage of candidates who do not get admission is

A 35

B 50

C 60

D 65

Answer: D

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Let the number of girls be 2x and number of boys be x.

Girls getting admission = 0.6x

Boys getting admission = 0.45x

Number of students not getting admission = 3x - 0.6x -0.45x = 1.95x

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Percentage = (1.95x/3x) * 100 = 65%

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Question 4

A stall sells popcorn and chips in packets of three sizes: large, super, and jumbo. The numbers of large, super, and jumbo packets in its
stock are in the ratio 7 : 17 : 16 for popcorn and 6 : 15 : 14 for chips. If the total number of popcorn packets in its stock is the same as
that of chips packets, then the numbers of jumbo popcorn packets and jumbo chips packets are in the ratio

A 1:1

B 8:7

C 4:3

D 6:5

Answer: A

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The ratio of L, S, J for popcorn = 7 : 17 : 16

Let them be 7x, 17 x and 16 x

The ratio of L, S, J for chips = 6 : 15 : 14

Let them 6y, 15 y and 14 y

Given, 40x = 35 y, x = 8
Jumbo popcor = 16 x = 16 * 8 = 14y

Hence, the ratio of jumbo popcorn and jumbo chips = 1 : 1

Question 5

A class consists of 20 boys and 30 girls. In the mid-semester examination, the average score of the girls was 5 higher than that of the
boys. In the final exam, however, the average score of the girls dropped by 3 while the average score of the entire class increased by 2.
The increase in the average score of the boys is

A 9.5

B 10

C 4.5

D 6

Answer: A

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Let, the average score of boys in the mid semester exam is A.
Therefore, the average score of girls in the mid semester exam be A+5.
Hence, the total marks scored by the class is 20 × (A) + 30 × (A + 5) = 50 × A + 150
(50 × A + 150)
The average score of the entire class is 50 = A+3

wkt, class average increased by 2, class average in final term = (A + 3) + 2 = A + 5

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Given, that score of girls dropped by 3, i.e (A + 5) − 3 = A + 2
Total score of girls in final term = 30 × (A + 2) = 30A + 60

Total class score in final term = (A + 5) × 50 = 50A + 250

the total marks scored by the boys is (50A + 250) − (30A − 60) = 20A + 190
(20G + 190)
Hence, the average of the boys in the final exam is 20 = A + 9.5

Hence, the increase in the average marks of the boys is (A + 9.5) − A = 9.5
Question 6

Bottle 1 contains a mixture of milk and water in 7: 2 ratio and Bottle 2 contains a mixture of milk and water in 9: 4 ratio. In what ratio of
volumes should the liquids in Bottle 1 and Bottle 2 be combined to obtain a mixture of milk and water in 3:1 ratio?

A 27:14

B 27:13

C 27:16

D 27:18

Answer: B

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The ratio of milk and water in Bottle 1 is 7:2 and the ratio of milk and water in Bottle 2 is 9:4
7 9
Therefore, the proportion of milk in Bottle 1 is 9 and the proportion of milk in Bottle 2 is 13

Let the ratio in which they should be mixed be equal to X:1.

7X 9
Hence, the total volume of milk is 9 + 13
2X 4
The total volume of water is 9 + 13
They are in the ratio 3:1
7X 9 2X 4
Hence, 9 + 13 = 3 ∗ ( 9 + 13 )
Therefore, 91X + 81 = 78X + 108

Therefore X = 13

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Question 7

Out of the shirts produced in a factory, 15% are defective, while 20% of the rest are sold in the domestic market. If the remaining 8840
shirts are left for export, then the number of shirts produced in the factory is

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A 13600

B 13000

C 13400

D 14000

Answer: B

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Let the total number of shirts be x. Hence number of non defective shirts = x - 15% of x = 0.85x
Number of shirts left for export = No of non defective shirts - number of shirts sold in domestic market
= No of non defective shirts - 20% of No of non defective shirts
= 80% of No of non defective shirts
Hence 8840 = 0.8 * (0.85x) . Solving for x we get, x = 13000

Question 8

The average height of 22 toddlers increases by 2 inches when two of them leave this group. If the average height of these two toddlers
is one-third the average height of the original 22, then the average height, in inches, of the remaining 20 toddlers is

A 30

B 28

C 32

D 26

Answer: C

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Let the average height of 22 toddlers be 3x.
Sum of the height of 22 toddlers = 66x
Hence average height of the two toddlers who left the group = x
Sum of the height of the remaining 20 toddlers = 66x - 2x = 64x
Average height of the remaining 20 toddlers = 64x/20 = 3.2x
Difference = 0.2x = 2 inches => x = 10 inches
Hence average height of the remaining 20 toddlers = 3.2x = 32 inches

Question 9

In a village, the production of food grains increased by 40% and the per capita production of food grains increased by 27% during a
certain period. The percentage by which the population of the village increased during the same period is nearest to

A 16

B 13

C 10

D 7

Answer: C

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Let initial population and production be x,y and final population be z
Final production = 1.4y, final percapita = 1.27 times initial percapita
1.4y y
=> z = 1.27 × x
z 1.4
=> x = 1.27 ≈ 1.10
Hence the percentage increase in population = 10%

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Question 10

If a, b, c are three positive integers such that a and b are in the ratio 3 : 4 while b and c are in the ratio 2:1, then which one of the
following is a possible value of (a + b + c)?

A 201

B 205

C 207

D 210

Answer: C

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a : b = 3:4 and b : c = 2:1 => a:b:c = 3:4:2
=> a = 3x, b = 4x , c = 2x
=> a + b + c = 9x
=> a + b + c is a multiple of 9.
From the given options only, option C is a multiple of 9

Question 11

Consider three mixtures — the first having water and liquid A in the ratio 1:2, the second having water and liquid B in the ratio 1:3, and
the third having water and liquid C in the ratio 1:4. These three mixtures of A, B, and C, respectively, are further mixed in the proportion
4: 3: 2. Then the resulting mixture has

A The same amount of water and liquid B

B The same amount of liquids B and C

C More water than liquid B

D More water than liquid A

Answer: C

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The proportion of water in the first mixture is 3
The proportion of Liquid A in the first mixture is 3
The proportion of water in the second mixture is 4
The proportion of Liquid B in the second mixture is 4
The proportion of water in the third mixture is 5
The proportion of Liquid C in the third mixture is 5
1 1 1 149
As they are mixed in the ratio 4:3:2, the final amount of water is 4× 3 +3× 4 +2× 5 = 60

2 8
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2 8
The final amount of Liquid A in the mixture is 4× 3 = 3
3 9
The final amount of Liquid B in the mixture is 3× 4 = 4
4 8
The final amount of Liquid C in the mixture is 2× 5 = 5
149 8 9 8
Hence, the ratio of Water : A : B : C in the final mixture is 60 : 3 : 4 : 5 = 149 : 160 : 135 : 96
From the given choices, only option C is correct.

Question 12

Two types of tea, A and B, are mixed and then sold at Rs. 40 per kg. The profit is 10% if A and B are mixed in the ratio 3 : 2, and 5% if
this ratio is 2 : 3. The cost prices, per kg, of A and B are in the ratio

A 17 : 25

B 18 : 25

C 19 : 24

D 21 : 25

Answer: C

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The selling price of the mixture is Rs.40/kg.
Let a be the price of 1 kg of tea A in the mixture and b be the price per kg of tea B.
It has been given that the profit is 10% if the 2 varieties are mixed in the ratio 3:2
Let the cost price of the mixture be x.
It has been given that 1.1x = 40
x = 40/1.1
Price per kg of the mixture in ratio 3:2 = 5
3a+2b 40
5 = 1.1
3.3a + 2.2b = 200 --------(1)

The profit is 5% if the 2 varieties are mixed in the ratio 2:3.

Price per kg of the mixture in ratio 2:3 = 5
2a+3b 40
5 = 1.05
2.1a + 3.15b = 200 ------(2)

Equating (1) and (2), we get,

3.3a + 2.2b = 2.1a + 3.15b
1.2a = 0.95b
a 0.95
b = 1.2
a 19
b = 24

Therefore, option C is the right answer.

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Question 13

Raju and Lalitha originally had marbles in the ratio 4:9. Then Lalitha gave some of her marbles to Raju. As a result, the ratio of the
number of marbles with Raju to that with Lalitha became 5:6. What fraction of her original number of marbles was given by Lalitha to

A 5

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C 4

D 33

Answer: D

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Let the number of marbles with Raju and Lalitha initially be 4x and 9x.
Let the number of marbles that Lalitha gave to Raju be a.

It has been given that (4x+a)/(9x-a) = 5/6

24x + 6a = 45x - 5a
11a = 21x
a/x = 21/11

Fraction of original marbles given to Raju by Lalitha = a/9x (Since Lalitha had 9x marbles initially).
a/9x = 21/99
= 7/33.

Therefore, option D is the right answer.

Question 14

A wholesaler bought walnuts and peanuts, the price of walnut per kg being thrice that of peanut per kg. He then sold 8 kg of peanuts at
a profit of 10% and 16 kg of walnuts at a profit of 20% to a shopkeeper. However, the shopkeeper lost 5 kg of walnuts and 3 kg of
peanuts in transit. He then mixed the remaining nuts and sold the mixture at Rs. 166 per kg, thus making an overall profit of 25%. At
what price, in Rs. per kg, did the wholesaler buy the walnuts?

A 96

B 98

C 86

D 84

Answer: A

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Let the price of peanuts be Rs. 100x per kg
Then, the price of walnuts = Rs. 300x per kg
Cost price of peanuts for the shopkeeper = Rs. 110x per kg
Cost price of walnuts for the shopkeeper = Rs. 360x per kg
Total cost incurred to the shopkeeper while buying = Rs.(8 * 110x + 16 * 360x) = Rs. 6640x
Since, 5kg walnut and 3kg peanuts are lost in transit, the shopkeeper will be remained with (16-5)+(8-3)=16kgs of nuts
Total selling price that the shopkeeper got = Rs. (166 * 16) = Rs. 2656
Profit = 25%
So, cost price = Rs. 2124.80
Therefore, 6640x = 2124.80
On solving, we get x = 0.32
Therefore, price of walnuts = Rs. (300 * 0.32) = Rs. 96 per kg.
Hence, option A is the correct answer

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Question 15

In an apartment complex, the number of people aged 51 years and above is 30 and there are at most 39 people whose ages are below
51 years. The average age of all the people in the apartment complex is 38 years. What is the largest possible average age, in years, of
the people whose ages are below 51 years?

A 27

B 25

C 26

D 28

Answer: D

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The possible average age of people whose ages are below 51 years will be maximum if the average age of the number of people aged 51
years and above is minimum. Hence, we can say that that there are 30 people having same age 51 years.

Let 'x' be the maximum average age of people whose ages are below 51.

Then we can say that,

51 ∗ 30 + 39 ∗ x
30 + 39 = 38

⇒ 1530 + 39x = 2622

⇒ x = 1092/39 = 28
Hence, we can say that option D is the correct answer.

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Question 16

A trader sells 10 litres of a mixture of paints A and B, where the amount of B in the mixture does not exceed that of A. The cost of paint
A per litre is Rs. 8 more than that of paint B. If the trader sells the entire mixture for Rs. 264 and makes a profit of 10%, then the highest
possible cost of paint B, in Rs. per litre, is

A 16

B 26

C 20

D 22

Answer: C

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Let the price of paint B be x.
Price of paint A = x+8

We know that the amount of paint B in the mixture does not exceed the amount of paint A. Therefore, paint B can at the maximum
compose 50% of the mixture.

The seller sells 10 litres of paint at Rs.264 earning a profit of 10%.

=> The cost price of 10 litres of the paint mixture = Rs. 240

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Therefore, the cost of 1 litre of the mixture = Rs.24

We have to find the highest possible cost of paint B.

When we increase the cost of paint B, the cost of paint A will increase too. If the cost price of the mixture is closer to the cost of paint B,
then the amount of paint B present in the mixture should be greater than the amount of paint A present in the mixture.
The highest possible cost of paint B will be obtained when the volumes of paint A and paint B in the mixture are equal.

=> (x+x+8)/2 = 24
2x = 40
x = Rs. 20

Therefore, option C is the right answer.

Question 17

A CAT aspirant appears for a certain number of tests. His average score increases by 1 if the first 10 tests are not considered, and
decreases by 1 if the last 10 tests are not considered. If his average scores for the first 10 and the last 10 tests are 20 and 30,
respectively, then the total number of tests taken by him is


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Let the total number of tests be 'n' and the average by 'A'
Total score = n*A
When 1st 10 tests are excluded, decrease in total value of scores = (nA - 20 * 10) = (nA - 200)
Also, (n - 10)(A + 1) = (nA - 200)
On solving, we get 10A - n = 190..........(i)
When last 10 tests are excluded, decrease in total value of scores = (nA - 30 * 10) = (nA - 300)
Also, (n - 10)(A - 1) = (nA - 300)
On solving, we get 10A + n = 310..........(ii)
From (i) and (ii), we get n = 60
Hence, 60 is the correct answer.

Question 18

In an examination, the maximum possible score is N while the pass mark is 45% of N. A candidate obtains 36 marks, but falls short of
the pass mark by 68%. Which one of the following is then correct?

A N ≤ 200.

B 243 ≤ N ≤ 252.

C 201 ≤ N ≤ 242.

D N ≥ 253.
Answer: B

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Total marks = N
Pass marks = 45% of N = 0.45N
Marks obtained = 36
It is given that, obtained marks is 68% less than that pass marks
=>the obtained marks is 32% of the pass marks.
So, 0.32 * 0.45N = 36
On solving, we get N = 250
Hence, option B is the correct answer.

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Question 19

The scores of Amal and Bimal in an examination are in the ratio 11 : 14. After an appeal, their scores increase by the same amount and
their new scores are in the ratio 47 : 56. The ratio of Bimal’s new score to that of his original score is

A 4:3

B 8:5

C 5:4

D 3:2

Answer: A

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Let the score of Amal and Bimal be 11k and 14k
Let the scores be increased by x
So, after increment, Amal's score = 11k + x and Bimal's score = 14k + x
According to the question,
11k + x 47
14k + x = 56
On solving, we get x = 9k
Ratio of Bimal's new score to his original score
14k + x
= 14k
14k + 9
= 14k
= 14*9k


Hence, option A is the correct answer.

Question 20

A 20% ethanol solution is mixed with another ethanol solution, say, S of unknown concentration in the proportion 1:3 by volume. This
mixture is then mixed with an equal volume of 20% ethanol solution. If the resultant mixture is a 31.25% ethanol solution, then the
unknown concentration of S is

A 30%

B 40%

C 50%

D 60%

Answer: C

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Let the volume of the first and the second solution be 100 and 300.
When they are mixed, quantity of ethanol in the mixture
= (20 + 300S)
Let this solution be mixed with equal volume i.e. 400 of third solution in which the strength of ethanol is 20%.
So, the quantity of ethanol in the final solution
= (20 + 300S + 80) = (300S + 100)
It is given that, 31.25% of 800 = (300S + 100)
or, 300S + 100 = 250
or S = 2 = 50%
Hence, 50 is the correct answer.

Question 21

A jar contains a mixture of 175 ml water and 700 ml alcohol. Gopal takes out 10% of the mixture and substitutes it by water of the
same amount. The process is repeated once again. The percentage of water in the mixture is now

A 30.3

B 35.2

C 25.4

D 20.5

Answer: B

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700 90
Final quantity of alcohol in the mixture = 700 + 175 ∗ ( 100 )2 ∗ [700 + 175] = 567 ml

Therefore, final quantity of water in the mixture = 875 - 567 = 308 ml

Hence, we can say that the percentage of water in the mixture = 875 × 100 = 35.2 %

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Question 22

There are two drums, each containing a mixture of paints A and B. In drum 1, A and B are in the ratio 18 : 7. The mixtures from drums 1
and 2 are mixed in the ratio 3 : 4 and in this final mixture, A and B are in the ratio 13 : 7. In drum 2, then A and B were in the ratio

A 251 : 163

B 239 : 161

C 220 : 149

D 229 : 141

Answer: B

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It is given that in drum 1, A and B are in the ratio 18 : 7.

Let us assume that in drum 2, A and B are in the ratio x : 1.

It is given that drums 1 and 2 are mixed in the ratio 3 : 4 and in this final mixture, A and B are in the ratio 13 : 7.

By equating concentration of A
18 x
3∗ +4∗ Downloaded from
18 x
3∗ 18 + 7 +4∗ x + 1
⇒ 3+4 = 13 +7
54 4x 91
⇒ 25 + x + 1 = 20
4x 239
⇒ x + 1 = 100
⇒ x = 161
Therefore, we can say that in drum 2, A and B are in the ratio 161 : 1 or 239 : 161.

Question 23

The strength of a salt solution is p% if 100 ml of the solution contains p grams of salt. If three salt solutions A, B, C are mixed in the
proportion 1 : 2 : 3, then the resulting solution has strength 20%. If instead the proportion is 3 : 2 : 1, then the resulting solution has
strength 30%. A fourth solution, D, is produced by mixing B and C in the ratio 2 : 7. The ratio of the strength of D to that of A is

A 3 : 10

B 1:3

C 1:4

D 2:5

Answer: B

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Let 'a', 'b' and 'c' be the concentration of salt in solutions A, B and C respectively.

It is given that three salt solutions A, B, C are mixed in the proportion 1 : 2 : 3, then the resulting solution has strength 20%.
a + 2b + 3c
⇒ 1 + 2 + 3 = 20

⇒ a + 2b + 3c = 120 ... (1)

If instead the proportion is 3 : 2 : 1, then the resulting solution has strength 30%.
3a + 2b + c
⇒ 1 + 2 + 3 = 30

⇒ 3a + 2b + c = 180 ... (2)

From equation (1) and (2), we can say that

⇒ b + 2c = 45
⇒ b = 45 − 2c
Also, on subtracting (1) from (2), we get

a − c = 30
⇒ a = 30 + c
In solution D, B and C are mixed in the ratio 2 : 7
2b + 7c 90 − 4c + 7c 90 + 3c
So, the concentration of salt in D = 9 = 9 = 9

90 + 3c 90 + 3c
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90 + 3c 90 + 3c
Required ratio = 9a = 9(30 + c) = 1 : 3

Hence, option B is the correct answer.

Question 24

The average of 30 integers is 5. Among these 30 integers, there are exactly 20 which do not exceed 5. What is the highest possible
value of the average of these 20 integers?

A 3.5

B 5

C 4.5

D 4

Answer: C

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It is given that the average of the 30 integers = 5

Sum of the 30 integers = 30*5=150

There are exactly 20 integers whose value is less than 5.

To maximise the average of the 20 integers, we have to assign minimum value to each of the remaining 10 integers

So the sum of 10 integers = 10*6=60

The sum of the 20 integers = 150-60= 90

Average of 20 integers = 20 = 4.5

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Question 25

The strength of a salt solution is p% if 100 ml of the solution contains p grams of salt. Each of three vessels A, B, C contains 500 ml of
salt solution of strengths 10%, 22%, and 32%, respectively. Now, 100 ml of the solution in vessel A is transferred to vessel B. Then, 100
ml of the solution in vessel B is transferred to vessel C. Finally, 100 ml of the solution in vessel C is transferred to vessel A. The
strength, in percentage, of the resulting solution in vessel A is

A 15

B 13

C 12

D 14

Answer: D

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Each of three vessels A, B, C contains 500 ml of salt solution of strengths 10%, 22%, and 32%, respectively.

The amount of salt in vessels A, B, C = 50 ml, 110 ml, 160 ml respectively.

The amount of water in vessels A, B, C = 450 ml, 390 ml, 340 ml respectively.

In 100 ml solution in vessel A, there will be 10ml of salt and 90 ml of water

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Now, 100 ml of the solution in vessel A is transferred to vessel B. Then, 100 ml of the solution in vessel B is transferred to vessel C.
Finally, 100 ml of the solution in vessel C is transferred to vessel A

i.e after the first transfer, the amount of salt in vessels A, B, C = 40, 120, 160 ml respectively.

after the second transfer, the amount of salt in vessels A, B, C =40, 100, 180 ml respectively.

After the third transfer, the amount of salt in vessels A, B, C = 70, 100, 150 respectively.

Each transfer can be captured through the following table.

Percentage of salt in vessel A = 500 × 100

Question 26

John gets Rs 57 per hour of regular work and Rs 114 per hour of overtime work. He works altogether 172 hours and his income from
overtime hours is 15% of his income from regular hours. Then, for how many hours did he work overtime?


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It is given that John works altogether 172 hours i.e including regular and overtime hours.

Let a be the regular hours, 172-a will be the overtime hours

John's income from regular hours = 57*a

John's income for working overtime hours = (172-a)*144

It is given that his income from overtime hours is 15% of his income from regular hours

a*57*0.15 = (172-a)*114


The number of hours for which he worked overtime = 172-160=12 hrs

Question 27

In an examination, the score of A was 10% less than that of B, the score of B was 25% more than that of C, and the score of C was 20%
less than that of D. If A scored 72, then the score of D was


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Let the score of D = 100d

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The score of C = 20% less than that of D = 80d

The score of B = 25% more than C = 100d

The score of A = 10% less than B =90d


100d= 72*100/90

= 80

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Question 28

The salaries of Ramesh, Ganesh and Rajesh were in the ratio 6:5:7 in 2010, and in the ratio 3:4:3 in 2015. If Ramesh’s salary increased
by 25% during 2010-2015, then the percentage increase in Rajesh’s salary during this period is closest to

A 10

B 7

C 9

D 8

Answer: B

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Let the salaries of Ramesh, Ganesh and Rajesh in 2010 be 6x, 5x, 7x respectively

Let the salaries of Ramesh, Ganesh and Rajesh in 2015 be 3y, 4y, 3y respectively

It is given that Ramesh’s salary increased by 25% during 2010-2015,3y = 1.25*6x


Percentage increase in Rajesh's salary = 7.5-7/7=0.07


Question 29

In an examination, Rama's score was one-twelfth of the sum of the scores of Mohan and Anjali. After a review, the score of each of
them increased by 6. The revised scores of Anjali, Mohan, and Rama were in the ratio 11:10:3. Then Anjali's score exceeded Rama's
score by

A 26

B 32

C 35
D 24
Answer: B

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Let the scores of Rama, Anjali and Mohan be r, a, m.

It is given that Rama's score was one-twelfth of the sum of the scores of Mohan and Anjali
r= 12 ———-(1)

The scores of Rama, Anjali and Mohan after review = r+6, a+6, m+6

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a+6:m+6:r+6 = 11:10:3

Let a+6 = 11x => a= 11x-6

m+6=10x => m=10x-6

r+ 6 =3x => r = 3x-6

Substituting these values in equation (1), we get
3x-6= 12

12(3x-6) = 21x-12


Anjali's score exceeds Rama's score by (a-r)=8x=32

Question 30

Amala, Bina, and Gouri invest money in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5 in fixed deposits having respective annual interest rates in the ratio 6 : 5 : 4.
What is their total interest income (in Rs) after a year, if Bina's interest income exceeds Amala's by Rs 250?

A 6350

B 6000

C 7000

D 7250

Answer: D

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Assuming the investment of Amala, Bina, and Gouri be 300x, 400x and 500x, hence the interest incomes will be 300x*6/100=18x,
400x*5/100=20x and 500x*4/100 = 20x

Given, Bina's interest income exceeds Amala by 20x-18x=2x=250 => x=125

Now, total interest income = 18x+20x+20x=58x = 58*125 = 7250

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Question 31

In a class, 60% of the students are girls and the rest are boys. There are 30 more girls than boys. If 68% of the students, including 30
boys, pass an examination, the percentage of the girls who do not pass is


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Assuming the number of students =100x

Hence, the number of girls = 60x and the number of boys = 40x

We have, 60x-40x=30 => x=1.5

The number of girls = 60*1.5=90

Number of girls that pass = 68x-30=68*1.5-30 = 102-30=72

The number of girls who do not pass = 90-72=18

Hence the percentage of girls who do not pass = 1800/90=20

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Question 32

A chemist mixes two liquids 1 and 2. One litre of liquid 1 weighs 1 kg and one litre of liquid 2 weighs 800 gm. If half litre of the mixture
weighs 480 gm, then the percentage of liquid 1 in the mixture, in terms of volume, is

A 80

B 70

C 85

D 75

Answer: A

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The weight/volume(g/L) for liquid 1 = 1000

The weight/volume(g/L) for liquid 2 = 800

The weight/volume(g/L) of the mixture = 480/(1/2) = 960

Using alligation the ratio of liquid 1 and liquid 2 in the mixture = (960-800)/(1000-960) = 160/40 = 4:1

Hence the percentage of liquid 1 in the mixture = 4*100/(4+1)=80

Question 33

Ramesh and Gautam are among 22 students who write an examination. Ramesh scores 82.5. The average score of the 21 students
other than Gautam is 62. The average score of all the 22 students is one more than the average score of the 21 students other than
Ramesh. The score of Gautam is

A 53

B 51

C 48

D 49

Answer: B

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Assume the average of 21 students other than Ramesh = a

Sum of the scores of 21 students other than Ramesh = 21a

Hence the average of 22 students = a+1

Sum of the scores of all 22 students = 22(a+1)

The score of Ramesh = Sum of scores of all 22 students - Sum of the scores of 21 students other than Ramesh = 22(a+1)-21a=a+22 =
82.5 (Given)

=> a = 60.5

Hence, sum of the scores of all 22 students = 22(a+1) = 22*61.5 = 1353

Now the sum of the scores of students other than Gautam = 21*62 = 1302

Hence the score of Gautam = 1353-1302=51

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Question 34

A solution, of volume 40 litres, has dye and water in the proportion 2 : 3. Water is added to the solution to change this proportion to 2 :
5. If one fourths of this diluted solution is taken out, how many litres of dye must be added to the remaining solution to bring the
proportion back to 2 : 3?


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Initially the amount of Dye and Water are 16,24 respectively.

To make the ratio of Dye to Water to 2:5 the amount of water should be 40l for 16l of Dye=> 16l of water is added.

Now, the Dye and Water arr 16,40 respectively.

After removing 1/4th of solution the amount of Dye and Water will be 12,30l respectively.

To have Dye and Water in the ratio of 2:3, for 30l of water we need 20l of Dye => 8l of Dye should be added.

Hence , 8 is correct answer.

Question 35

An alloy is prepared by mixing three metals A, B and C in the proportion 3 : 4 : 7 by volume. Weights of the same volume of the metals
A. B and C are in the ratio 5 : 2 : 6. In 130 kg of the alloy, the weight, in kg. of the metal C is

A 48

B 84

C 70

D 96

Answer: B

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Let the volume of Metals A,B,C we 3x, 4x, 7x

Ratio weights of given volume be 5y,2y,6y

.'. 15xy+8xy+42xy=130 => 65xy=130 => xy=2.

.'.`The weight, in kg. of the metal C is 42xy=84.

Question 36

Two alcohol solutions, A and B, are mixed in the proportion 1:3 by volume. The volume of the mixture is then doubled by adding
solution A such that the resulting mixture has 72% alcohol. If solution A has 60% alcohol, then the percentage of alcohol in solution B is

A 90%

B 94%

C 92%

D 89%

Answer: C

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Initially let's consider A and B as one component

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The volume of the mixture is doubled by adding A(60% alcohol) i.e they are mixed in 1:1 ratio and the resultant mixture has 72% alcohol.

Let the percentage of alcohol in component 1 be 'x'.

(72−60 ) 1
Using allegations , x−72 = 1 => x= 84

Percentage of alcohol in A = 60% => Let's percentage of alcohol in B = x%

The resultant mixture has 84% alcohol. ratio = 1:3

(x−84 ) 1
Using allegations , 84−60 = 3

=> x= 92%

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Question 37

A batsman played n + 2 innings and got out on all occasions. His average score in these n + 2 innings was 29 runs and he scored 38
and 15 runs in the last two innings. The batsman scored less than 38 runs in each of the first n innings. In these n innings, his average
score was 30 runs and lowest score was x runs. The smallest possible value of x is

A 4

B 3

C 2

D 1

Answer: C

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sum of scores in n matches+38+15
Given, n+2 = 29
sum of scores in n matches
Given, n = 30
=> 30n + 53 = 29(n+2) => n=5

Sum of the scores in 5 matches = 29*7 - 38-15 = 150

Since the batsmen scored less than 38, in each of the first 5 innings. The value of x will be minimum when remaining four values are

=> 37+37+37+37 + x = 150

=> x = 2

Question 38

A sum of money is split among Amal, Sunil and Mita so that the ratio of the shares of Amal and Sunil is 3:2, while the ratio of the
shares of Sunil and Mita is 4:5. If the difference between the largest and the smallest of these three shares is Rs.400, then Sunil’s
share, in rupees, is


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Let the amount of money with Amal and Sunil be 6x and 4x. Now the amount of money with Mita be 5x. Difference between the largest
and smallest amount is ₹400 i.e. 6x-4x=400 or 2x=400 or x=200 . Amount of money with Sunil is 200(4)=₹800

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Question 39

The amount Neeta and Geeta together earn in a day equals what Sita alone earns in 6 days. The amount Sita and Neeta together earn in
a day equals what Geeta alone earns in 2 days. The ratio of the daily earnings of the one who earns the most to that of the one who
earns the least is

A 3:2

B 11:7

C 11:3

D 7:3

Answer: C

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Let the amounts Neeta, Geeta, and Sita earn in a day be n, g, and s respectively.

Then, it has been given that:

n+g=6s -i

s+n=2g -ii

ii-i, we get: s-g = 2g-6s

7s = 3g.

Let g be 7a. Then s earns 3a.

Then n earns 6s-g = 18a-7a = 11a.

Thus, the ratio is 11a:3a = 11:3

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Question 40

Onion is sold for 5 consecutive months at the rate of Rs 10, 20, 25, 25, and 50 per kg, respectively. A family spends a fixed amount of
money on onion for each of the first three months, and then spends half that amount on onion for each of the next two months. The
average expense for onion, in rupees per kg, for the family over these 5 months is closest to

A 26

B 18

C 16

D 20
Answer: B

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Let us assume the family spends Rs. 100 each month for the first 3 months and then spends Rs. 50 in each of the next two months.

Then amount of onions bought = 10, 5, 4, 2, 1, for months 1-5 respectively.

Total amount bought = 22kg.

Total amount spent = 100+100+100+50+50 = 400.

Average expense = 22 = Rs.18.18 ≈ 18

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Question 41

The strength of an indigo solution in percentage is equal to the amount of indigo in grams per 100 cc of water. Two 800 cc bottles are
filled with indigo solutions of strengths 33% and 17%, respectively. A part of the solution from the first bottle is thrown away and
replaced by an equal volume of the solution from the second bottle. If the strength of the indigo solution in the first bottle has now
changed to 21% then the volume, in cc, of the solution left in the second bottle is


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Let Bottle A have an indigo solution of strength 33% while Bottle B have an indigo solution of strength 17%.
A 21−17 4 1
The ratio in which we mix these two solutions to obtain a resultant solution of strength 21% : B = 33−21 = 12 or 3

Hence, three parts of the solution from Bottle B is mixed with one part of the solution from Bottle A. For this process to happen, we need
to displace 600 cc of solution from Bottle A and replace it with 600 cc of solution from Bottle B {since both bottles have 800 cc, three
parts of this volume = 600cc}.As a result, 200 cc of the solution remains in Bottle B.

Hence, the correct answer is 200 cc.

Question 42

Identical chocolate pieces are sold in boxes of two sizes, small and large. The large box is sold for twice the price of the small box. If
the selling price per gram of chocolate in the large box is 12% less than that in the small box, then the percentage by which the weight
of chocolate in the large box exceeds that in the small box is nearest to

A 144

B 127

C 135

D 124

Answer: B

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Let the selling price of the Large and Small boxes of chocolates be Rs.200 and Rs.100 respectively. Let us consider that the Large box
has L grams of chocolate while the Small box has S grams of chocolate.
200 100
The relation between the selling price per gram of chocolate can be represented as: L = 0.88 × S
L 25
On solving we obtain the ratio of the amount of chocolate in each box as: S = 11
The percentage by which the weight of chocolate in the large box exceeds that in the small box = ( 11 − 1) × 100 ≈ 127%

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Question 43

From a container filled with milk, 9 litres of milk are drawn and replaced with water. Next, from the same container, 9 litres are drawn
and again replaced with water. If the volumes of milk and water in the container are now in the ratio of 16 : 9, then the capacity of the
container, in litres, is


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Let initial volume be V, final be F for milk.
K n
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K n
The formula is given by : F = V ⋅ (1 − V ) n is the number of times the milk is drawn and replaced.

K 2
so we get F = V (1 − V)
here K =9
we get
16 9 2
25 V = V (1 − V )
9 4 4
we get 1 − V = 5 or − 5
9 4
If considering 1 − V = −5
V =5, but this is not possible because 9 liters is drawn every time.
9 4
Hence : 1 − V = 5 , V = 45 liters
Question 44

A box has 450 balls, each either white or black, there being as many metallic white balls as metallic black balls. If 40% of the white
balls and 50% of the black balls are metallic, then the number of non-metallic balls in the box is


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Let the number of white balls be x and black balls be y
So we get x+y =450 (1)
Now metallic black balls = 0.5y
Metallic white balls = 0.4x
From condition 0.4x=0.5y
we get 4x-5y=0 (2)
Solving (1) and (2) we get
x=250 and y =200
Now number of Non Metallic balls = 0.6x+0.5y = 150+100 = 250

Question 45

In a football tournament, a player has played a certain number of matches and 10 more matches are to be played. If he scores a total of
one goal over the next 10 matches, his overall average will be 0.15 goals per match. On the other hand, if he scores a total of two goals
over the next 10 matches, his overall average will be 0.2 goals per match. The number of matches he has played is


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Let Total matches played be n and in initial n-10 matches his goals be x
(x+1 )
so we get n = 0.15
we get x+1 =0.15n (1)
From condition (2) we get :
(x+2 )
n = 0.2
we get x+2 = 0.2n (2)
Subtracting (1) and (2)
we get 1 =0.05n
n =20
So initially he played n-10 =10 matches

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Question 46

A person buys tea of three different qualities at ₹ 800, ₹ 500, and ₹ 300 per kg, respectively, and the amounts bought are in the
proportion 2 : 3 : 5. She mixes all the tea and sells one-sixth of the mixture at ₹ 700 per kg. The price, in INR per kg, at which she
should sell the remaining tea, to make an overall profit of 50%, is

A 653

B 688

C 692

D 675

Answer: B

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Considering the three kinds of tea are A, B, and C.

The price of kind A = Rs 800 per kg.

The price of kind B = Rs 500 per kg.

The price of kind C = Rs 300 per kg.

They were mixed in the ratio of 2 : 3: 5.

1/6 of the total mixture is sold for Rs 700 per kg.

Assuming the ratio of mixture to A = 12kg, B = 18kg, C =30 kg.

The total cost price is 800*12+500*18+300*30 = Rs 27600.

Selling 1/6 which is 10kg for Rs 700/kg the revenue earned is Rs 7000.

In order to have an overall profit of 50 percent on Rs 27600.

Thes selling price of the 60 kg is Rs 27600*1.5 = Rs 41400.

Hence he must sell the remaining 50 kg mixture for Rs 41400 - Rs 7000 = 34400.

Hence the price per kg is Rs 34400/50 = Rs 688

Question 47

In a tournament, a team has played 40 matches so far and won 30% of them. If they win 60% of the remaining matches, their overall
win percentage will be 50%. Suppose they win 90% of the remaining matches, then the total number of matches won by the team in the
tournament will be

A 80

B 78

C 84

D 86

Answer: C

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Initially number of matches = 40
Now matches won = 12
Now let remaining matches be x
Now number of matches won = 0.6x
Now as per the condition :

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(12+0.6x) 1
40+x = 2
24 +1.2x=40+x
Now when they won 90% of remaining = 80(0.9) =72
So total won = 84

Question 48

The total of male and female populations in a city increased by 25% from 1970 to 1980. During the same period, the male population
increased by 40% while the female population increased by 20%. From 1980 to 1990, the female population increased by 25%. In 1990,
if the female population is twice the male population, then the percentage increase in the total of male and female populations in the
city from 1970 to 1990 is

A 68.25

B 68.75

C 68.50

D 69.25

Answer: B

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Let us solve this question by assuming values(multiples of 100) and not variables(x).

Since we know that the female population was twice the male population in 1990, let us assume their respective values as 200 and 100.

Note that while assuming numbers, some of the population values might come out as a fraction(which is not possible, since the
population needs to be a natural number). However, this would not affect our answer, since the calculations are in ratios and
percentages and not real values of the population in any given year.

Now, we know that the female population became 1.25 times itself in 1990 from what it was in 1980.

Hence, the female population in 1980 = 200/1.25 = 160

Also, the female population became 1.2 times itself in 1980 from what it was in 1970.

Hence, the female population in 1970 = 160/1.2 = 1600/12 = 400/3

Let the male population in 1970 be x. Hence, the male population in 1980 is 1.4x.

Now, the total population in 1980 = 1.25 times the total population in 1970.

Hence, 1.25 (x + 400/3) = 1.4x + 160

Hence, x = 400/9.

Population change = 300 - 400/9 - 400/3 = 300 - 1600/9 = 1100/9


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1600 1100
percentage change = 9 × 100 = 16 % = 68.75%

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Question 49

The arithmetic mean of scores of 25 students in an examination is 50. Five of these students top the examination with the same score.
If the scores of the other students are distinct integers with the lowest being 30, then the maximum possible score of the toppers is


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Let sum of marks of students be x
Now therefore x = 25*50 =1250
Now to maximize the marks of the toppers
We will minimize the marks of 20 students
so their scores will be (30,31,32.....49 )
let score of toppers be y
so we get 5y + 2 (79)=1250
we get 5y +790=1250
So scores of toppers = 92

Question 50

One part of a hostel’s monthly expenses is fixed, and the other part is proportional to the number of its boarders. The hostel collects ₹
1600 per month from each boarder. When the number of boarders is 50, the profit of the hostel is ₹ 200 per boarder, and when the
number of boarders is 75, the profit of the hostel is ₹ 250 per boarder. When the number of boarders is 80, the total profit of the hostel,
in INR, will be

A 20200

B 20500

C 20800

D 20000

Answer: B

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Profit per boarder = Total profit / Number of boarders.

Let the number of boarders be n.

Profit/boarder = 1600 - (Total cost/n)

Let the total cost be a + bn, where a = fixed, and b is the variable additional cost per boarder.

Profit/boarder = 1600 - (a + bn)/n

Profit/boarder = 1600 - a/n - b

1600 - a/50 - b = 200

1600 - a/75 - b = 250

Solving, we get a = 7500, and b = 1250

Hence, total profit with 80 people = 80 ( 1600 - 7500/80 - 1250) = 80 (350 - 7500/80) = 28000 - 7500 = Rs. 20500

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Question 51

A tea shop offers tea in cups of three different sizes. The product of the prices, in INR, of three different sizes is equal to 800. The
prices of the smallest size and the medium size are in the ratio 2 : 5. If the shop owner decides to increase the prices of the smallest
and the medium ones by INR 6 keeping the price of the largest size unchanged, the product then changes to 3200. The sum of the
original prices of three different sizes, in INR, is


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Let price of smallest cup be 2x and medium be 5x and large be y
Now by condition 1
we get 2x × 5x × y = 800
we get x2 y = 80 (1)
Now as per second condition ;
(2x + 6) × (5x + 6) y = 3200 (2)
Now dividing (2) and (1)
((2x+6 )× (5x+6 ))
we get x2 40 =
we get 10x + 42x + 36 = 40x2
we get 30x2 − 42x − 36 = 0
5x2 − 7x − 6 = 0
we get x=2
So 2x=4 and 5x=10
Now substituting in (1) we get y =20
Now therefore sum = 4+10+20 =34

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Question 52

If a certain weight of an alloy of silver and copper is mixed with 3 kg of pure silver, the resulting alloy will have 90% silver by weight. If
the same weight of the initial alloy is mixed with 2 kg of another alloy which has 90% silver by weight, the resulting alloy will have 84%
silver by weight. Then, the weight of the initial alloy, in kg, is

A 3.5

B 2.5

C 3

D 4

Answer: C

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Let the alloy contain x Kg silver and y kg copper
Now when mixed with 3Kg Pure silver
(x+3 ) 9
we get x+y+3 = 10
we get 10x+30 =9x+9y+27
9y-x=3 (1)
Now as per condition 2
silver in 2nd alloy = 2(0.9) =1.8
(x+1.8 ) 21
so we get x+y+2 = 25
we get 21y-4x =3 (2)
solving (1) and (2) we get y= 0.6 and x =2.4

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so x+y = 3

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