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Training: Basic Training Prepared by: Sebunya Steven
Course: NCAM Date: ………………………………………………….
Module: TCAM 103 Learning outcomes:
1. Make calculations on triangles of forces
Title: Triangle of Forces and polygon of force.

Triangle of Forces
If three coplanar forces acting at a point are in equilibrium, they can be represented in magnitude and
direction by the sides of a triangle taken in order. The above statement is known as the triangle of
forces rule. It should be noted that the word “taken in order” means that the direction of the forces
follow each other round each side of the triangle in either a clockwise or an anti-clockwise order.
Suppose three forces F 1, F 2 and F 3, acting at a point 𝑃,are in equilibrium with their lines of action
shown in figure 1(a)

By triangle of forces method, the force diagram is obtained as shown in figure above.
Bow’s Notation
This is useful when there are three or more forces to be considered. Upper case letters are inserted in
the spaces between forces in the space diagram. See figure 2 below:
1. A load of 200N is suspended by two ropes, 0X and 0Y, attached to a horizontal beam at X and Y,
1.8 m apart. If the ropes 0X and 0Y make angles of 30° and 45° respectively with the beam, find
graphically the tension in each rope when the system is in equilibrium.

Procedure (Force diagram):

- Draw vector ab vertically and 8 cm long to represent the magnitude and direction of the force
AB (of 2000 N) exerted by the load.
- From b, draw a line parallel to the line of action of force BC.
- From a, draw a line parallel to the line of action of force CA.
- The two lines (from a and b) meet at c.
- Measure the sides bc and ca and multiply by the scale factor to obtain the tensions in the ropes OX
and OY, respectively.
Class Exercise
1. State the principle of triangle of forces.
2. What is Bow’s notation?
3. A wheel and tyre assembly was balanced by having three small lead masses attached to the wheel
rim. Two of the balance have masses of 55g and 85g respectively, and the angle between them is
120°. Assuming that radial force is proportional to the mass, determine by triangle of forces method,
the magnitude and position of the third balance mass.
Polygon of forces
Law of polygon of forces states that: “If four or more coplanar forces acting at a point are in
equilibrium, they can be represented in magnitude and direction by the sides of a polygon taken in
Consider four coplanar forces acting at a point in equilibrium as shown in Figure below.
Since the system is in equilibrium, the polygon closes. If a system of a number of coplanar forces meet
at a point and that the system is not in equilibrium, then the polygon does not close and the force
required to produce equilibrium in the system is represented by the vector which joins the open
ends of the incomplete polygon. In Figure below, the equilibrant is represented by vector aa.

1. Four coplanar forces act at a point as shown below. Determine their resultant in magnitude and
Class Exercise
1. State the principle of polygon of forces.
2. Four coplanar forces each of magnitude 40 N, 80 N, 70 N and 50 N act at a point as shown in
Figure below. Determine their resultant in both magnitude and direction.

Resolution of a force into two components

A force acting at a point can be resolved into two components. These two components of force
could replace the given force and have the same effect on the point.
Since the two components (Fx and FY) are at right angles to each other, they are called rectangular
components of the force F.

1. At a certain instant a horizontal rope towing a vehicle makes an angle of 70° with the front axle. If
the force in the tow rope is 1300 N, Calculate the:
a) effective force pulling the vehicle forward
b) force pulling the vehicle sideways
Class Exercise.
1. Explain what is meant by resolution of a force into two components at right angles to each other.
2. Determine the vertical and horizontal components of each of the two forces acting at the joint O as
shown in Figure below.
Class Exercise
1. State the forces that act on a body resting on a smooth inclined plane.
2. A car of mass 1200 kg and stands on an incline of 1 in 12. Calculate the:
c) Force required to keep the vehicle at rest.
d) Normal reaction between the wheels and the road surface.
(Take acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.81 m/s2)
Assignment 2:

Victory is for those who are mentally positive to take on the challenges life presents!!!!!

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