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Material de trabajo (Inglés Profesional)




COURSE: Inglé Profesional II

TEACHER: Adolfo Enrique Salazar Perez


 Aguilar Aguado, Evelin Julia

 Colque Basilio, Jessica Wendy

 Huaranga Estrada, Vanesa

FACULTY : Humanities

CAREER : Psychology


PERÚ – 2022
Material de trabajo (Inglés Profesional)


I. Summary 3

II. Introduction 4

III. Formulation of the problem 5

IV. Situational Diagnosis 5

V. Justification 5

VI. Objectives 6

VII. Activities 7

VIII. Materials 7

IX. Methodology 8

X. Results 8

XI. Conclusions 9

XII. Bibliographic references 9

XIII. Tables, Graphics, Figures 10

Material de trabajo (Inglés Profesional)

I. Summary

The current research project arises from the concern, observation, and interest of

the students, since observing in our context there are many abandoned animals and

few people who help and provide heartfelt shelter. The main objective of this project

is to provide voluntary support to the dog shelter "Emilia Rescata” in the city of

Huancayo. Develop events and activities for the benefit of animals

In addition, for this research we used as a methodology, a support plan, in which

support activities were developed such as information and awareness on the care

and welfare of animals, donation of food for the shelter collaboration in cleaning

activities, for a good quality of life of the animals, and promoting the adoption and

assistance to the Canine Shelter "Emilia Rescata", which has more than 100

abandoned dogs.
Material de trabajo (Inglés Profesional)

II. Introduction

The abandonment and mistreatment of animals are some of the most listened to

problems worldwide. This difficulty is not only of these times, but it has already been

occurring for many years, being so that according to the latest study developed, there

are occasional dropouts for the following reasons, in which we find the unwanted

litter (offspring ), the bad behavior of the animals, economic factors, loss of interest

towards them and recent changes of address.

The reason why this project is developed is to help these animals, which are

abandoned and with many needs within rescue shelters, it is known that within the

province of Huancayo there are more than 12 thousand abandoned dogs, what

which causes a problem for the city that can suffer bites or transmit diseases.

The purpose we have as a group is to support animal rescuers, as is the case of

“Emilia rescata”, since many times we do not know how to raise awareness among

the population, that is why through volunteering and various activities that we will do

as a group we can reach more people to become aware that an animal is part of The

family is a living being that, like us, knows how to feel hungry, sleepy, cold, etc. And

that as a mission is to defend them from all danger and love them.
Material de trabajo (Inglés Profesional)

III. Formulation of the problem

What consequences does the problem of abandoned animals bring to the community?

IV. Situational Diagnosis

Many of us have seen animals walking through the market, parks, avenues, roads, etc. We

probably haven't helped the dogs we saw on the streets. According to the "Health Network

of the Valle del Mantaro, until 2020 in the province of Huancayo there were 66 thousand

dogs, of which 12 thousand are abandoned. The abandonment of dogs has generated a

serious public health problem in Huancayo and Concepción, the Red de salud valle del

mantaro (2019) reported about 10,000 abandoned dogs in both provinces, which did not

receive rabies vaccination, but also cause bites and transmit parasites, mainly to children.

Maribel Hilario mentioned that in Huancayo there are an average of 15 canine shelters,

where they pick up dogs from the street and give them food and shelter, including the "Emilia

Rescata" shelter, which has more than 100 dogs, including disabled ones who need Watch

out. aid. He also said that the best thing to do with abandoned dogs is to sterilize them since

a female can give birth to 5 to 8 dogs.

The objective of this work is to provide voluntary support to the "Emilia Rescata" dog shelter

in the city of Huancayo.

V. Justification
We see mistreatment and abandonment of animals every day in our country, this

problem is not only of these times, on the contrary, but it has also already been

happening for many years and animal shelters are limited to taking care of animals.
Material de trabajo (Inglés Profesional)

They do not have enough food, cleaning, or money, people do not adopt pets, there is

no responsibility to take care of their pets and leave them, economic factors, and loss

of interest in them.

While we know, that many people enjoy the company of your dog or cat and would

never think of getting rid of your pet, there are people who do. Moreover, animal shelters

have to collect dogs abandoned by their bad owners it is there where we can notice the

commitment and responsibility that animal shelters have, as they promote adoption and

a better quality of life for animals.

VI. Objectives

General Objective:
- Provide voluntary support to the dog shelter "Emilia Rescata" in the city of
Specific objectives:
- Protect and get owners of abandoned animals from the dog shelter "Emilia
Rescata” from the city of Huancayo.
- Encourage people to adopt dogs from the dog shelter "Emilia Rescata" in the
city of Huancayo.
- Spread the protectionist idea through social networks of the canine shelter
"Emilia Rescata" in Huancayo.
- To develop events and activities for the benefit of the animals of the canine
shelter "Emilia Rescata" in the city of Huancayo.
Material de trabajo (Inglés Profesional)

VII. Activities


Donation of food (cookies, vegetables, potatoes, rice) for the shelter "Emilia 05/06/ 2022
Rescata Huancayo"

Dissemination of the "Mondongo Solidarity" activity to raise funds for the 12/06/2022

Cleaning and washing of blankets and dishes of the dogs of the shelter 19/06/2022
"Emilia Rescata Huancayo"

Preparation of publications promoting the adoption of animals through 19/06/2022

photos, videos on the official Facebook page of "Emilia Rescata Huancayo"

VIII. Materials

For this project, we will use materials and resources, within the resources; we have the

human resources that are the solidarity help to clean, care, cook and attend the activities

and events that have the canine shelter "Emilia Rescata Huancayo"

We will also make use of technology to make publications on social networks that encourage

responsible adoption of dogs, for this, we will publish photographs; we will make videos

where they show the animals that need a home and a family that wants them.

The materials that we will use for our project are:

• Social networks (Facebook)

Material de trabajo (Inglés Profesional)

• Mobility

• Disinfectants (detergent, bleach, soap)

• Food (croquettes, celery, carrot, rice, pumpkin, sweet potato)

IX. Methodology

In this project, we will carry out intervention plans, in which we will develop activities to

provide support in an animal shelter, as well as information and awareness on the care and

welfare of animals.

We will assist in cleaning activities, we will bring food and products necessary for a good

quality of life for the animals and we will promote adoption and social assistance to the Dog

Shelter "Emilia Rescata" which has more than 100 dogs in abandonment. Likewise, we will

hold a schedule of activities, and meetings with the person who owns the shelter.

X. Results

The results obtained from this entire process of the project "VOLUNTARY SUPPORT TO

THE “EMILIA RESCATA” HUANCAYO ANIMAL SHELTER" were favorable since as a team

and through the donation we made, which was published on the Facebook page of the

"Emilia Rescata" shelter, we encouraged and raised awareness that other people also make

donations for these dogs. Likewise, through the Facebook publications, more people were

able to support the “mondongo” to raise funds and encourage them to become part of the

volunteering to help in activities such as cleaning and washing things used by the dogs of

the shelter, thus promoting the importance to show solidarity in the face of this problem of

abandonment within the shelters that many times as a society we leave aside.
Material de trabajo (Inglés Profesional)

XI. Conclusions


ANIMAL SHELTER, we were able to show the shortcomings of the "Emilia Rescata" shelter,

that there is not much support from the congressmen, as well as from the population, and

we even showed some attacks from our authorities.

We concluded that people should be made more aware so that they can support this cause

or social work that Emilia, who is in charge of the shelter, does. As a team, we gave our best

effort to be able to contribute at least a little, since the shortcomings are many.

XII. Bibliographic references

● Región Junin( 2 de enero del 2020) 12 mil perros se hallan en situación de

abandono en Huancayo .Recuperado de

● Diario el Correo(23 de Octubre del 2019) 10 mil perros en las calles son un
peligro.Recuerado de:
Material de trabajo (Inglés Profesional)

XIII. Tables, Graphics, Figures

Annex 1
Material de trabajo (Inglés Profesional)
Material de trabajo (Inglés Profesional)

Annex 2

Annex 3
Material de trabajo (Inglés Profesional)
Material de trabajo (Inglés Profesional)

Annex 4

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