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Essay: The Night Market.

(This is a descriptive essay)

Vocabularies and Phrases:

1. all walks of life - different kinds of people
2.patronising - to do business with mingling freely - to mix freely
4.respective stalls - their own stalls
5.strategically arranged - arranged in such a way
that can be easily noticed.
6.a brisk day - a busy and new day
7.entice - attract assortment - a variety of things or items
9.rainbow-coloured parasols - big, brightly coloured
canvas umbrella
10.concoction - a mixture of
11. gaiety - cheerfulnesd
12.kaleidoscope - a mixture of colours, scenes and
13.has been tagged - already priced
14. haggling - bargaining
15. caught their fancy - something that interest them
16. haven of local gourmet - a variety of fantastic
and delicious local food
17. endless stream - continuously without stopping
18. sprinkling of tourists - a few tourists can be seen
here and there
19. dwindled - slowly reducing
20. recedes - fade away
21.bantering - joking
22. eyesore - not a nice sight to see

1) One of the most interesting place - Malaysia -
night market - locally known - "pasar malam" - Malay
2) people from all walks of life - local - foreigners -
seen patronising it - mingling freely - harmonously
3) most common feature - local society

1st paragraph
1) night market begins - vendors arriving - late
afternoon - ladening - goods - wares - setting up -
respective stalls - ready - brisk day of business.
2) stalls - neatly - strategically arranged - entice -
3) an assortment - goods sold ranging from toys,
clothings, footwear, food; just to name a few.
4) Moreover, - goods - prices way below - sold -
shopping malls - local markets - even bargainable

2nd paragraph
1) Large rainbow-coloured parasols - used - shade
people - rain or shine.
2) A concoction of blaring music - heard giving an air
of gaiety - atmosphere - funfair - - blooming voices
- vendors attracting - buy their goods,
coupled with - voices - customers haggling - lower
price than what - tagged, add to - already noisy
3) an amazing kaleidoscope of sights, colours -
4) Little children - tagging along behind - excitedly
demand - toy - caught their eyes.
3rd paragraph
1) - night market - famously known - a haven by
local gourmet - can enjoy - kinds - mouth-watering
local cuisine.
2) - crowd walks up - down in endless stream -
favourite food - take away or stop - enjoy - food -
sitting - long benches - stools set up - walkway,
regardless of people around them.
3) - food - cooked on the spot - smell - emitting from
it makes one's saliva drools - mouth.
4) Sprinkling of tourists join - experience - lifestyle -
typical Malaysian folks, with awe.

4th paragraph
1) As the night wears off - crowd - dwindled, police
receded, vendors - chance - rest - weary feet -
bantering - each other.
Last paragraph
1)By 10pm - vendors - pack - goods - van.
2) One by one, - leave, leaving behind pieces of
paper, plastic bags - discarded boxes.
3) real eyesore!
4) Finally, - quiet - still once more. Street cleaners
started - clear - clean up - mess - daylight

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