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Impacts of Historical Events

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Impacts of Historical Events

During the early ages, America, even after attaining independence, ruled the same way as

the Europeans. They practiced all sorts of discrimination, from racism to gender inequality. The

education system was also under bias which caused the blacks and the white to not study under

the same roof. The act angered citizens, which led them to start the civil rights movement to

change the governing regulations imposed by the government. Activists before the civil rights

opted to express their frustration through literature, where they wrote books, letters, diaries, and

even published articles on magazines like the “Anglo-American Magazine." The literature of

Emancipation as it is regarded help to end oppression in the country. As history is a subject

studied for future generations, some events were not elaborate after the war happened. These

events led to questioning how literature was affected during and after the civil war, thus, forming

a discussion on what impact it brought.

To support how the civil war impacted literature, it is evident that women also expressed

themselves through writing and were involved in works that were mainly designated for men.

Also, the script changed from initiating justice to embracing the new revolution after the ending

of the war. The discussion has led to participants like Kevin being a college student, analyzing

the debate on civil rights influencing literature in the country. During the brainstorming process,

Kevin was curious if, after society abolished slavery during the civil war, did the newspapers

change how they viewed the blacks as literature plays a huge role in influencing people's

thoughts. The response to the question was evidence as America provided equal opportunity to

its citizens. Being my partner, Kevin supported how literature was influenced, which brought out

an aspect that how literature is written today differs from the past showing acceptance by people.

Carrying out a similar discussion is welcomed as it opens up a new understanding of how events



Dhooge, B. (2018). "Living literature": revolution, civil war, modernity and life in exile.

Transcending the borders of countries, languages, and disciplines in Russian Émigré

culture (pp. 19-46). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

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