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so important in the Latin language as in modern ones , it is

however important to adopt the pronunciation of the
country in which we live ; and still more important, to pro
nounce according to the rules of prosody .
The fifth principle is repetition , or the mechanism by
which these words , with their meaning and pronunciation ,
are indelibly imprinted on the mind of the pupil .
Taking these principles as a basis, the teacher forms his
class of eight, ten , twenty , or one hundred. The number is
of little moment, it being as easy to teach a greater as a
smaller one, he then brings them at once to the language
itself, by reciting, with a loud articulate voice , the first verse ;
thus : - In in , principio beginning, Verbum Word , erat was ,
et and , Verbum Word , erat was , apud at, Deum God , et
and , Verbum Word , erat was , Deus God . Having recited
the verse once or twice himself, it is then recited precisely
in the same manner by any person of the class whom he
may judge most capable ; the person copying his manner
and intonations as much as possible . When the verse has
been thus recited , by six or eight persons of the class , the
teacher recites the second verse in the same manner , which
is repeated as the former; and thus he continues until he
has recited from ten to twelve verses, which usually con
stitute the first lesson of one hour. In three lessons , the
first Chapter may be thus readily translated , the teacher
gradually diminishing the number of repetitions of the same
verse till the fourth lesson , when each member of the class
translates his verse in turn from the mouth of the teacher ;
from which period fifty, sixty, or even seventy , verses may
be translated in the time of a lesson , or one hour. At the
seventh lesson , it is invariably found that the class can

translate without the assistance of the teacher , farther than

for occasional correction , and for those words which the
members may not have met in the preceding Chapters . But,
to accomplish this, it is absolutely necessary that every
member of the class know every word of the preceding
lessons; which is , however, an easy task , the words being
always taught him in class, while he has the key to refer to
out of it ; the key being translated in the very words which
the teacher has used in the class, from which , as has been
already remarked , he must never deviate . In ten lessons, it
will be found that the class can readily translate the whole
of the Gospel of St. John , which is called the first section
of the course . Should any delay , from any cause , prevent

them , it is in my classes always for account of the teacher,

who gives the extra lesson or lessons always gratis. It can
not be too deeply impressed on the mind of the pupil , that
a perfect knowledge of every word of the first section is most
important to the case and comfort of his future progress .
At the end of the ten lessons, or first section , the custom
of my Establishments is to give the pupil the Epitome His
toriæ Sacre, which is provided with a key in the same man
ner. It was first used in my classes for the first and second
sections ; I now teach it in one section of ten lessons, which
I find easier than to teach it in two sections before the pupil
has read the Testament. When he has read the Epitome ,

it will be then time to give him the theory of the verbs , and
other words which change their terminations . He has al
ready acquired a good practical knowledge of these things ;
the theory becomes then very easy . A grammar containing
the declensions and conjugations , and printed specially for
my classes , is then put into the pupil's hands, ( not to be got




In the Prefaces to the Interlineary Translations already

published, a sufficient explanation of the Hamiltonian
System has been given , to enable , at least, the adept in the
language to teach it on that plan , if he please : but , as those
who teach one language on this System may not always
teach others for which keys are provided , it is judged ne
cessary to enter so far into the principles and detail of the
System here , as to enable the most humble professor of Latin
to teach , with the help of this book , the first section in that
language .
The first principle of this System is , to teuch , in contra
distinction to the usual mode of tuition , in which it is as
sumed that the Master orders the pupil to learn , but does
not teach him .
The second principle is , that, with few exceptions , each
word , in every language , has one meaning only , and can be
rendered correctly into another language by one word only; ---
that, consequently, when a Dictionary gives forty meanings
be to one word , thirty -nine are false and wrong , as far as literal
translation is concerned ; these thirty - nine being at the

utmost only the implied or figurative meanings of the word ,

with which the teacher of any language has nothing to do ,
in the first three sections.
The precise literal meaning of the word , according to the
grammatical analysis of the phrase , is what must be always
given , to the exclusion of every other. That is the meaning
intended to be given in this key , from which the teacher ,
who uses it, must not deviate . He will perceive that this
principle of giving the precise meaning of the word is
carried so far as to sacrifice entirely to that consideration ,
the beauty , and even correctness , of the English lan
guage. Nay , sometimes , where a word does not offer to
convey the precise meaning of the Latin , a barbarism is
used for this purpose ; as tenebræ , darknesses.
The third principle is , that grammar consists of the ob
servations made on standard writers, and that it never is ,
what it is too often erroneously assumed to be , a collection
of the constituent principles of the language; no language
having any constituent principles, at least none whence a
knowledge of that language can be derived . Languages
were not formed by mathematicians and philosophers , but
by the fortuitous concurrence of innumerable circumstances
over which no philosopher had any control. It is , there
fore, held absurd and mischievous to attempt to convey a
knowledge of grammar , that is , of the supposed laws by
which the words of a language are combined , before the
pupil have acquired a knowledge of the words themselves .
The fourth principle is , that a knowledge of these words
should be communicated to the pupil by the teacher orally ,
as being the only way by which it is possible to give a know
ledge of pronunciation ; and though pronunciation be not

by heart, nothing is ever got by rote on this system ,) but

that he may comprehend more readily his teacher, who lec
tures on grammar generally, but especially on the verbs .
From this time , that is, from the beginning of the third sec
tion , the pupil studies the theory and construction of the
language as well as its practice. For this purpose he reads
the ancient authors, beginning with Cornelius Nepos , an
edition of which , with an interlineal translation , is now
printed , and constitutes the third section . Cæsar, or the
Selecte è Profanis, the fourth. The fifth and sixth sections
consist of Virgil and Horace , the key to the first of which
is just published . Enough of these is taken to enable the
pupil to read them with facility, and to give him correct
ideas of Prosody and Versification . Five or six months,
with mutual attention on the part of pupil and teacher , will
be found sufficient to acquire a knowledge of this language ,
which hitherto has rarely been the result of as many years .
The principal object and utility of this language being to
be able to read and understand it, nothing has been said
about writing it. Nothing more uselessly prolongs the time
usually devoted to this language than the practice of at
tempting to write it before the pupil knows the words of it .
The practice is as preposterous as it is mischievous . When
be knows the authors above-mentioned with the accuracy
which is almost necessarily the result of this System , he will
ind little difficulty in writing, because he will never have
occasion to look for the words in a Dictionary or Grammar
A single section may then be devoted to this object, and will
be found more efficacious than the reams of paper which are
scribbled over in schools for that purpose .

August, 1824 . JAMES HAMILTON .


In the present Edition an improved mode of marking the

quantity of the Penultimate has been introduced . It is to
be considered long in all cases , unless marked as short,
thus O ). In dissyllables , the general custom is to place
the accent on the first syllable , whatever may be its real
quantity .

J. W. U.

7 , Manchester Street,
Manchester Square.



1 In principio erat Verbum , et Verbum erat apud Deum ,

et Deus erat Verbum .
2 Hoc erat in principio apud Deum .
he 3 Omnța per ipsum facta sunt ; et sine ipso factum est
nihil , quod factum est .
to 4 In ipso vita erat , et vita erat lux hominum .
rt, 5 Et lux in teněbris lucet, et teněbræ eam non com
ce prehenderunt.
6 Fuit homo missus à Deo , cui nomen erat Joannes .
7 Hic venit in testimonịum , ut testimonịum perhiberet
de lumine, ut omnes creděrent per illum.
8 Non erat ille lux , sed ut testimonium perhiberet de
lumine .
9 Erat lux vera , quæ illumỉnat omnem homïnem veni
entem in hunc mundum .
10 In mundo erat, et mundus per ipsum factus est , et
mundus eum non cognovit .
11 In propría venit, et sui eum non receperunt .
12 Quotquot autem receperunt eum , dedit eis potes
tatem filĩos Dei fiéri, his qui credunt in nomine ejus.
13 Qui non ex sanguinìbus, neque ex voluntate carnis ,
neque ex voluntate viri, sed ex Deo nati sunt .
14 Et Verbum caro factum est , et habitavit in nobis :
et viděmus glorïam ejus, gloriam quasi unigeniti à Patre ,
plenum gratiæ et veritatis .
15 Joannes testimonìum perhibet de ipso , et clamat
dicens : Hic erat, quem dixi: Qui post me venturus est ,
ante me factus est , quia prior me erat.
16 Et de plenitudine ejus nos omnes accepimus, et
gratiăm pro gratiâ.

17 Quia lex per Moysen data est, gratia et verịtas

per Jesum Christum factæ sunt.
18 Deum nemo vidit unquam : unigenitus filius, qui
est in sinu Patris , ipse enarravit.
19 Et hoc est testimonium Joannis , quando miserunt
Judæi ab Jerosolymis Sacerdotes et Levitas ad eum , ut in
terrogarent eum : Tu quis es ?
20 Et confessus est, et non negavit : et confessus est :
Quia non sum ego Christus.
21 Et interrogaverunt eum : Quid ergo ? Elias es tu ?
Et dixit : Non sum . Propheta es tu ? Et respondit : Non .
22 Dixerunt ergo ei : Quis es ? ut responsum demus his ,
qui miserunt nos : quid dicis de teipso ?
23 Ait : Ego vox clamantis in deserto : . Dirigîte viam
Domini , sicut dixit Isaias Propheta .
24 Et qui missi fuerant, erant ex Pharisæis .
25 Et interrogaverunt eum , et dixerunt ei: Quid ergo
baptizas , si tu non es Christus, neque Elias, neque pro
pheta ?
26 Respondit eis Joannes, dicens : Ego baptizo in
aquâ : medíus autem vestrům stetit, quem vos nescitis .
27 Ipse est, qui post me venturus est, qui ante me factus
est : cujus ego non sum dignus, ut solvam ejus corrigiam
calceamenti .
28 Hæc in Bethabarâ facta sunt trans Jordanem , ubi
erat Joannes baptizans .
29 Altěrâ die vidit Joannes Jesum venientem ad se , et
ait : Ecce agnus Dei , qui tollit peccatum mundi .
30 Hic est, de quo dixi : Post me venit vir , qui ante me
factus est, quia prior me erat.
31 Et ego nesciebam eum , sed ut manifestetur in Isrăël ,
propterea veni ego in aquâ baptizans.
32 Et testimonium perhibăit Joannes , dicens : Quia
vidi Spiritum descendentem quasi columbam de cælo , et
mansit super eum .
33 Et ego nesciebam eum : sed qui misit me baptizare
in aquâ, ille mihi dixit : Super quem viděris Spirìtum de
scendentem, et manentem super eum , hic est qui baptizat
in Spiritu Sancto .
34 Et ego vidi : et testimonțum perhibủi , quia hic est
Filius Dei.

35 Altěrâ die iterum stabat Joannes, et ex discipūlis

ejus duo.
36 Et respiciens Jesum ambulantem , dicit : Ecce
Agnus Dei .
37 Et audierunt eum duo discipůli loquentem , et secuti
sunt Jesum .
38 Conversus autem Jesus, et videns eos sequentes se,
dicit eis : Quid quæritis ? Qui dixerunt ei: Rabbi , (quod
dicitur interpretatum , Magister,) ubi habitas ?
39 Dicit eis : Venite , et videte . Venerunt, et vide
runt, ubi maneret, et apud eum manserunt die illo : hora
autem erat quasi decima.
40 Erat autem Andreas frater Simonis Petri, unus ex
duobus , qui audièrant à Joanne , et secuti fuerant eum .
41 Invěnit hic primum fratrem suum Simonem , et dicit .
ei : Invenimus Messiam , (quod est interpretatum , Christus . )
42 Et adduxit eum ad Jesum . Intuitus autem eum
Jesus, dixit : Tu es Simon filius Jona ; tu vocaběris Cephas ,
quod interpretatur Petrus .
43 In crastinum volŭit exire in Galilæam , et invěnit
Philippum . Et dicit ei Jesus : Sequere me.
44 Erat autem Philippus à Bethsaïdâ, civitate Andreæ
et Petri.
45 Invěnit Philippus Nathanăël, et dicit ei : Quem
scripsit Moyses in lege , et Prophetæ , invenimus Jesum ,
filium Joseph à Nazăreth .
46 Et dixit ei Nathanaël : A Nazareth potest aliquid
boni esse ? Dicit ei Philippus: Veni , et vide.
47 Vidit Jesus Nathanăël venientem ad se , et dicit de
eo : Ecce verè Israëlita , in quo dolus non est.
48 Dicit ei Nathanăël : Unde me nôsti ? Respondit
Jesus, et dixit ei: Priusquam te Philippus vocaret, cùm
esses sub ficu , vidi te .
49 Respondit ei Nathanăël , et ait : Rabbi , tu es Filius
Dei , tu es Rex Isrăël .
50 Respondit Jesus, et dixit ei : Quia dixi tibi : Vidi
te sub ficu, credis ? majus his videbis.
51 Et dicit ei : Amen , amen dico vobis, videbîtis
cælum apertum , et angělos Dei ascendentes et descen
dentes supra Filium hominis .


1 Er die tertiâ nuptiæ factæ sunt in Canâ Galilææ :

et erat mater Jesu ibi .
2 Vocatus est autem et Jesus , et discipůli ejus, ad nuptſas .
3 Et deficiente vino , dicit mater Jesu ad eum : Vinum
non habent .
4 Et dicit ei Jesus : Quid mihi et tibi est, mulier ?
nondum venit hora mea ,
5 Dicit mater ejus ministris: Quodcumque dixěrit vobis,
6 Erant autem ibi lapiděæ hydriæ sex positæ secundùm
purificationem Judæorum , capientes singủlæ metretas binas
vel ternts.
7 Dicit eis Jesus : Implete hydrĩas aquâ. Et im
pleverunt eas usque ad summum .
8 Et dicit eis Jesus : Haurite nunc , et ferte architriclino .
Et tulerunt.
9 Ut autem gustavit architriclinus aquam vinum factam ,
et non sciebat unde esset (ministri autem sciebant , qui
hausėrant aquam) : vocat sponsum architriclinus .
10 Et dicit ei : Omnis homo primum bonum vinum
ponit : et cùm inebriati fuerint, tunc id , quod deterìus est :
tu autem servâsti bonum vinum usque adhuc.
11 Hoc fecit initium signorum Jesus in Canâ Galilææ :
et manifestavit gloriam suam , et crediderunt in eum dis
cipuli ejus .
12 Post hoc descendit Capharnăum ipse, et mater ejus ,
et fratres ejus, et discipůli ejus : et ibi manserunt non
multis diebus.
13 Et prope erat Pascha Judæorum , et ascendit Jesus
Jerosolymam :
14 Ét invenit in templo vendentes boves , et oves , et
columbas , et nummularios sedentes .
15 Et cùm fecisset quasi flagellum de funicėlis, omnes
ejecit de templo , oves quoque , et boves , et nummulariorum
effudit æs , et mensas subvertit.
16 Et his, qui columbas vendebant, dixit : Auferte ista
hinc , et nolite facère domum Patris mei , domum nego
tiationis .

17 Recordati sunt verò discipăli ejus, quia scriptum est :

Zelus domûs tuæ . comedit me .
18 Responderunt ergo Judæi , et dixerunt ei : Quod
signum ostendis nobis , quia hæc facis ?
i9 Respondit Jesus, et dixit eis : Solvīte templum hoc ,
et in tribus diebus excitabo illud .
20 Dixerunt ergo Judæi: Quadraginta et sex annis
ædificatum est templum hoc , et tu in tribus diebus exci
tabis illud ?
21 Ille autem dicebat de templo corporis sui
22 Cùm ergo resurrexisset à mortŭis , recordati sunt
discipůli ejus, quia hoc dicebat , et crediderunt Scripturæ
et sermoni, quem dixit Jesus.
23 Cùm autem esset Jerosolymis in Pascha in die festo,
multi crediderunt in nomine ejus, videntes signa ejus, quæ
24 Ipse autem Jesus non credebat semetipsum eis , eò
quòd ipse nôsset omnes.
25 Et quia opus ei non erat, ut quis testimonịum per
hiberet de homine : ipse enim sciebat , quid esset in homine.


| Erat autem homo ex Pharisæis , Nicodemus nomine,

princeps Judæorum .
2 Hic venit ad Jesum nocte , et dixit ei : Rabbi , scimus ,
quia à Deo venisti magister ; nemo enim potest hæc signa
facěre, quæ tu facis, nisi fuěrit Deus cum eo .
3 Respondit Jesus , et dixit ei : Amen , amen , dico tibi ,
nisi quis renatus fuěrit denŭò , non potest videre regnum Dei .
4 Dicit ad eum Nicodemus ; quomodo potest homo nasci ,
cum sit senex ? numquid potest in ventrem matris suæ
iteratò introire , et renasci ?
5 Respondit Jesus : Amen , amen dico tibi , nisi quis
renatus fuěrit ex aquâ , et Spiritu Sancto , non potest
introire in regnum Dei .
6 Quod natum est ex carne , caro est : et quod natum
est ex Spirịtu , spiržtus est.
7 Non mireris, quia dixi tibi : Oportet vos nasci denŭò .

8 Spiritus, ubi vult , spirat ; et vocem ejus audis , sed nescis,

unde veniat, aut quò vadat: sic est omnis, qui natus est ex
Spiritu .
9 Respondit Nicodemus, et dixit ei : Quomodo possunt
hæc fiéri ?
10 Respondit Jesus , et dixit ei : Tu es magister in Isrăël ,
et hæc ignoras?
11 Amen, amen dico tibi , quia , quod scimus, loquimur,
et quod vidimus, testamur, et testimonịum nostrum non
12 Si terrena dixi vobis , et non creditis : quomodo , si
dixěro vobis cælestỉa , credetis.
13 Et nemo ascendit in cælum , nisi qui descendit de
colo , Filius hominis, qui est in cælo .
14 Et sicut Moyses exaltavit serpentem in deserto ; ita
exaltari oportet Filium hominis ;
15 Ut omnis qui credit in ipsum , non pereat, sed haběat
vitam æternam .
16 Sic enim Deus dilexit mundum , ut Filium suum uni
genitum daret : ut omnis, qui credit in eum , non pereat, sed
habeat vitam æternam .
17 Non enim misit Deus Filium suum in mundum , ut
judicet mundum , sed ut salvetur mundus per ipsum .
18 Qui credit in eum , non judicatur: qui autem non
credit , jam judicatus est, quia non credit in nomine uni
genịti Filii Dei.
19 Hoc est autem judicium : quia lux venit in mundum ,
et dilexerunt homines magis teněbras, quàm lucem : erant
enim eorum mala opěra.
20 Omnis enim , qui malè agit, odit lucem , et non venit
ad lucem , ut non arguantur opera ejus.
21 Qui autem facit veritatem , venit ad lucem , ut mani
festentur opěra ejus, quia in Deo sunt facta .
22 Post hæc venit Jesus , et discipůli ejus, in terram Ju
dæam e , t illic demorabatur cum eis, et baptizabat.
23 Erat autem et Joannes baptizans in Ænon , juxta
Salim , quia aquæ multæ erant illic ; et veniebant , et bap
24 Nondum enim missus fuěrat Joannes in carcerem .
25 Facta est autem quæstio ex discipėlis Joannis cum
Judæis de purificatione.

26 Et venerunt ad Joannem , et dixerunt ei: Rabbi , qui

erat tecum trans Jordanem , cui tu testimonium perhibuisti,
ecce hic baptizat , et omnes vențunt ad eum .
27 Respondit Joannes, et dixit : Non potest homo acci
pére quidquam , nisi fuěrit ei datum de cælo .
28 Ipsi vos mihi testimonium perhibetis, quòd dixěrim :
Non sum ego Christus : sed quia missus sum ante illum .
29 Qui habet sponsam , sponsus est : amicus autem spon
si, qui stat et audit eum , gaudio gaudet propter vocem
sponsi. Hoc ergo gaudium meum impletum est.
30 Illum oportet crescăre, me autem minŭi .
31 Qui desursum venit, super omnes est : Qui est de
terrâ, de terrâ est, et de terrâ loquitur: Qui de cælo venit,
super omnes est.
32 Et quod vidit et audivit, hoc testatur ; et testimonium
ejus nemo accipit.
33 Qui accepit ejus testimonium , signavit , quia Deus
verax est.
34 Quem enim misit Deus, verba Dei loquitur ; non enim
ad mensuram dat Deus Spiritum .
35 Pater dilígit Filſum, et omnia dedit in manu ejus.
36 Qui credit in Filſum , habet vitam æternam: qui au
tem incredŭlus est Filío , non videbit vitam , sed ira Dei
manet super eum .


1 Ut ergo cognovit Jesus, quia audierunt Pharisæi , quod

Jesus plures discipŭlos facit et baptizat quàm Joannes.
2 (Quamquam Jesus non baptizaret,sed discipuli ejus :)
3 Reliquit Judæam , et abiit iterum in Galilæam .
4 Oportebat autem eum transire per Samariam .
5 Venit ergo in civitatem Samariæ , quæ dicitur Sichar,
juxta prædịum , quod dedit Jacob Joseph filio suo.
6 Erat autem ibi fons Jacob . Jesus ergo fatigatus ex
itiněre, sedebat sic supra fontem . Hora erat quasi sexta.
7 Venit mulier de Samariâ haurire aquam . Dicit ei
Jesus : Da mihi biběre.

8 ( Discipůli enim ejus abiérant in civitatem , ut cibos

eměrent . )
9 Dicit ergo ei mulier illa Samaritana : Quomodo tu
Judæus cùm sis , biběre à me poscis, quæ sum mulier Sama
ritana ? non enim conutuntur Judæi Samaritanis .
10 Respondit Jesus, et dixit ei : Si scires donum Dei , et
quis est , qui dicit tibi, Da mihi biběre : tu forsitan petiisses
ab eo , et dedisset tibi aquam vivain .
11 Dicit ei mulier : Domine , neque in quo haurias habes,
et putěus altus est : unde ergo habes aquam vivam ?
12 Numquid tu major es patre nostro Jacob , qui dedit
nobis putěum , et ipse ex eo bibit, et filii ejus, et pecora
ejus ?
13 Respondit Jesus , et dixit ei : Omnis , qui bibit ex aquâ
hâc , sitỉet itěrùm : qui autem biběrit ex aquâ , quam ego
dabo ei , non sitiet in æternum :
14 Sed aqua , quam ego dabo ei , fiet in eo fons aquæ sa
Jientis in vitam æternam .
15 Dicit ad eum mulier : Domine , da mihi hanc aquam ,
ut non sitỉam , neque veniam huc haurire .
16 Dicit ei Jesus : Vade , voca virum tuum , et veni huc.
17 Respondit mulier, et dixit : Non haběo virum . Dicit
ei Jesus ; Benè dixisti , quia non haběo virum :
18 Quinque enim viros habuisti : et nunc quem habes ,
non est tuus vir : hoc verè dixisti .
19 Dicit ei mulier : Domîne , viděo , quia propheta es tu .
20 Patres nostri in monte hoc adoraverunt, et vos dicitis,
quia Jerosolymis est locus , ubi adorare oportet .
21 Dicit ei Jesus : Mulier, crede mihi, quia venit hora
quando neque in monte hoc , neque in Jerosolymis , adora
bitis Patrem .
22 Vos adoratis , quod nescitis : nos adoramus , quod sci
mus , quia salus ex Judæis est.
23 Sed venit hora , et nunc est , quando veri adoratores
adorabunt Patrem in spirìtu et veritate . Nam et Pater
tales quærit, qui adorent eum .
24 Spirītus est Deus : et eos , qui adorant eum , in spirítu
et veritate oportet adorare.
25 Dicit ei mulțer : Scio , quia Messias venit ( qui dicītur
Christus :) cùm ergo veněrit ille , nobis annunciabit omnia.
26 Dicit ei Jesus: Ego sum , qui loquor tecum .

27 Et continŭò venerunt discipůli ejus: et mirabantur,

quia cum muliere loquebatur. Nemo'tamen dixit : Quid
quæris, aut quid loqueris cum eâ ?
28 Reliquit ergo hydrňam suam mulier , et abiit in civita
tem , et dicit illis hominibus :
29 Venite, et videte hominem , qui dixit mihi omnia , quæ
cumque feci: numquid ipse est Christus ?
30 Exierunt ergo de civitate , et veniebant ad eum .
31 Interea rogabant eum discipóli , dicentes : Rabbi ,
t manduca .
32 Ille autem dicit eis : Ego cibum haběo manducare ,
quem vos nescitis.
i 33 Dicebant ergo discipăli ad invicem : Numquid aliquis
) attălit ei manducare ?
34 Dicit eis Jesus : Meus cibus est , ut facìam voluntatem
ejus, qui misit me , ut perficiam opus ejus.
35 Nonne vos dicītis, quod adhuc quatủor menses sunt ,
et messis venit ? Ecce dico vobis : Levate ocŭlos vestros , et
videte regiones, quia albæ sunt jam ad messem .
36 Et qui metit, mercedem accipit, et congregat fructum
in vitam æternam : ut, et qui semïnat , simul gaudeat, et qui
metit .
37 In hoc enim est verbum verum : quia alius est, qui
semînat, et alſus est , qui metit.
38 Ego misi vos metěre, quod vos non laborâstis : alii
laboraverunt, et vos in labores eorum introistis .
39 Ex civitate autem illâ multi crediderunt in eum Sa
maritanorum , propter verbum mulieris testimonium perhi
bentis : Quia dixit mihi omnța, quæcumque feci.
40 Cum venissent ergo ad illum Samarit : ni, rogaverunt
eum, ut ibi maneret. Et mansit ibi duos dies.
41 Et multò plures crediderunt in eum , propter sermonem
42 Et mulièri dicebant : Quia jam non propter tuam lo
quelam credimus: ipsi enim audivīmus et scimus, quia hic
est verè Salvator mundi .
43 Post duos autem dies exiit inde , et abiit in Galilæam .
44 Ipse enim Jesus testimonțum perhibăit, quia Propheta
in suâ patriâ honorem non habet.
45 Cùm ergo venisset in Galilæam , exceperunt eum
10 1

Galilæi , cùm omnia vidissent , quæ fecěrat Jerosolymis in die

festo : et ipsi enim veněrant ad diem festum .
46 Venit ergo itěrum in Canâ Galilææ , ubi fecit aquam
vinum . Et erat quidam regŭlus, cujus filius infirmabatur
Capharnăüm .
47 Hic cum audisset, quia Jesus adveniret à Judæâ in
Galilæam , abiit ad eum , et rogabat eum , ut descenděret et
sanaret filțum ejus; incipiebat enim mori .
48 Dixit ergo Jesus ad eum ; Nisi signa et prodigia vide
ritis , non credetis.
49 Dicit ad eum regŭlus : Domine, descende priusquàm
moriatur filius meus .
50 Dicit ei Jesus : Vade, filius tuus vivit . Credựdit homo
sermoni , quem dixit ei Jesus , et ibat.
51 Jam autem eo descendente, servi occurrerunt ei , et
nunciaverunt dicentes, quia filius ejus vivěret.
52 Interrogabat ergo horam ab eis , in quâ melius habuě
rit . Et dixerunt ei : Quia heri horâ septimâ reliquit eum
febris .
53 Cognovit ergo pater, quia illa hora erat , in quâ dixit
ei Jesus , Filius tuus vivit ; et credidit ipse et domus ejus
tota .
54 Hoc itěrum secundum signum fecit Jesus, cùm venisset
à Judæâ in Galilæam .


1 Post hæc erat dies festus Judæorum , et ascendit Jesus

Jerosolğmam .
2 Est autem Jerosolýmis Probatịca piscina, quæ cognomi
natur Hebraicè Bethesda, quinque porticus habens.
3 In his jacebat multitudo magna languentium , cæcorum .
claudorum , aridorum , expectantium aquæ motum .
4 Angělus autem Domìni descendebat secundum tempus
in piscinam : et movebatur aqua , Et qui prior descendisset
in piscinam post motionem aquæ , sanus fiebat à quâcumque
detinebatur infirmitate .
5 Erat autem quidam homo ibi , triginta et octo annos
habens in infirmitate suâ .

6 Hunc cùm vidisset Jesus jacentem , et cognovisset , quia

jam multum tempus haberet , dicit ei : Vis sanus fiěri ?
7 Respondit ei languğdus : Domine, homïnem non haběo ,
ut, cùm turbata fuěrit aqua , mittat me in piscinam : dum
venio enim ego , alius ante me descendit.
8 Dicit ei Jesus , Surge, tolle grabatum tuum , et ambủla .
9 Et statim sanus factus est homo ille : et sustŭlit gra
batum suum , et ambulabat. Erat autem sabbătum in die
10 Dicebant ergo Judæi illi, qui sanatus fuerat: Sabbătum
est : non licet tibi tollěre grabatum tuum .
11 Respondit eis : Qui me sanum fecit, Ille mihi dixit :
Tolle grabatum tuum , et ambŭla ?
12 Interrogaverunt ergo eum : Quis est ille homo, qui
dixit tibi : Tolle grabatum tuum , et ambắla ?
13 Is autem , qui sanus fuěrat effectus, nesciebat, quis
esset . Jesus enim declinavit à turbâ constitutâ in loco .
14 Postěa invenit eum Jesus in templo, et dixit illi ;
Ecce sanus factus es : jam noli peccare, ne deterĩus tibi
aliquid contingat .
15 Abiit ille homo, et nunciavit Judæis, quia Jesus esset ,
qui fecit eum sanum .
16 Propterea persequebantur Judæi Jesum , quia hæc
faciebat in sabbăto .
17 Jesus autem respondit eis : Pater meus usque modo
operatur, et ego opěror.
18 Propterèa ergo magis quærebant eum Judæi interfi
cěre : quia non solum solvebat sabbătum, sed et Patrem
suum dicebat Deum , æqualem se faciens Deo . Respondit
ităque Jesus , et dixit eis :
19 Amen , amen dico vobis : non potest Filius à se facere
quidquam , nisi quod viděrit Patrem facientem : quæcum
que enim ille fecărit, hæc et Filius similiter facit.
20 Pater enim diligit Filium , et omnța demonstrat ei ,
quæ ipse facit : et majora his demonstrabit ei opěra , ut vos
miremini .
21 Sicut enim Pater suscitat mortŭos, et vivificat : sic
et Filſus, quos vult, vivificat.
22 Neque enim Pater judịcat quem quam : sed omne
judicìum dedit Filio ;
23 Ut omnes honorificent Filium , sicut honorifịcant

Patrem : qui non honorificat Filium , non honorificat Patrem 1

qui misit illum . 1
24 Amen , amen dico vobis, quia qui verbum meum audit,
et credit ei , qui misit me , habet vitam æternam , et in judi
cium non venit , sed transiit à morte in vitam .
25 Amen, amen dico vobis , quia venit hora , et nunc est ,
quando mortăi audient vocem Filii Dei : et qui audierint ,
vivent .
26 Sicut enim Pater habet vitam in semetipso ; sic dedit
et Filio habere vitam in semetipso :
27 Et potestatem dedit ei judicïum facere, quia Filius
hominis est.
28 Nolite mirari hoc , quia venit hora, in quâ omnes , qui
in monumentis sunt, audữent vocem Filii Dei :
29 Et procedent, qui bona fecerunt, in resurrectionem
vitæ : qui verò mala egerunt , in resurrectionem judicii .
30 Non possum ego à meipso facére quidquam . Sicut
audio , judico : et judicium meum justum est : quia non
quæro voluntatem meam , sed voluntatem ejus, qui misit me .
31 Si ego testimonium perhiběo de meipso , testimonțum
meum non est verum .
32 Alíus est, qui testimonțum perhibet de me ; et scio ,
quia verum est testimonium quod perhibet de me
33 Vos misistis ad Joannem : et testimonium perhibăit
veritati .
34 Ego autem non ab homine testimoníum accipio : sed
hæc dico , ut vos salvi sitis .
35 Ille erat lucerna ardens et lucens. Vos autem
voluistis ad horam exultare in luce ejus.
36 Ego autem haběo testimonium majus Joanne . Opěra
enim , quæ dedit mihi Pater, ut perficiam ea , ipsa opěra,
quæ ego facio , testimonium perhibent de me , quia Pater
misit me :
37 Et qui misit me Pater, ipse testimonțum perhibăit de
me : neque vocem ejus unquam audistis, neque speciem
ejus vidistis.
38 Et verbum ejus non habetis in vobis manens : quia
quem misit ille , huic vos non creditis .
39 Scrutamýni Scripturas, quia vos putatis in ipsis vitam
æternam habere , et illæ sunt, quæ testimonium perhibent
de me :

40 Et non vultis venire ad me , ut vitam habeatis .

41 Claritatem ab hominibus non accipio .
42 Sed cognovi vos, quia dilectionem Dei non habetis
in vobis .
43 Ego veni in nomine Patris mei , et non accipitis me :
si alſus venērit in nomine suo , illum accipietis .
44 Quomodo vos potestis creděre, qui glorïam ab invịcem
accipitis : et glorïam , quæ a solo Deo est, non quæritis.
45 Nolite putare , quia ego accusaturus sim vos apud
Patrem :
: est, qui accusat vos, Moyses , in quo vos speratis .
46 Si enim crederetis Moysi , crederetis forsỉtan et mihi :
de me enim ille scripsit .
47 Si autem illius littěris non creditis : quomodo verbis
meis credetis ?


1 Post hæc abiit Jesus trans mare Galilææ, quod est

Tiberiădis :
2 Et sequebatur eum multitudo magna , quia videbant
signa, quæ faciebat super his, qui infirmabantur.
3 Subiit ergo in montem Jesus: et ibi sedebat cum dis
cipulis suis.
4 Erat autem proximum Pascha , dies festus Judæorum .
5 Cùm sublevâsset ergo ocŭlos Jesus , et vidisset, quia
multitudo maxğma venit ad eum, dixit ad Philippum : Unde
ememus panes, ut manducent hi ?
6 Hoc autem dicebat tentans eum : ipse enim sciebat,
quid esset facturus.
7 Respondit ei Philippus : Ducentorum denariorum
panes non sufficìunt eis, ut unusquisque modicum quid
accipiat .
8 Dicit ei unus ex discipůlis ejus, Andreas frater Simonis
Petri :
9 Est puer unus hic, qui habet quinque panes hordea
ceos et duos pisces: sed hæc, quid sunt inter tantos?
10 Dixit ergo Jesus: Facîte homines discumběre . Erat
autem fenum multum in loco . Discubuerunt ergo viri ,
numéro quasi quinque millia.

11 Accepit ergo Jesus panes : et cùm gratias egisset,

distribùit discumbentìbus : similíter et ex piscibus, quantum
12 Ut autem impleti sunt, dixit discipůlis suis : Colligite,
quæ superaverunt fragmenta , ne pereant.
13 Collegerunt ergo, et impleverunt duoděcim cophỉnos
fragmentorum , ex quinque panībus hordeacéis quæ super
fuerunt his, qui manducavěrant.
14 Illi ergo homïnes cùm vidissent, quod Jesus fecěrát,
signum , dicebant: Quia hic est verè propheta , qui venturus
est in mundum .
15 Jesus ergo cùm cognovisset, quia venturi essent, ut
rapěrent eum, et facèrent eum regem , fugit itěrùm in montem
ipse solus ,
16 Ut autem serò factum est , descenderunt discipůli ejus
ad mare .
17 Et cùm ascendissent navim , venerunt trans mare in
Capharnăüm : et teněbræ jam factæ erant : et non veněrat
ad eos Jesus.
18 Mare autem , vento magno flante, exsurgebat.
19 Cùm remigàssent ergo quasi stadĩa viginti quinque
aut triginta , vident Jesum ambulantem supra mare , et
proximum navi fiéri, et timuerunt.
20 Ille autem dicit eis : Ego sum , nolite timere .
21 Voluerunt ergo accipěre eum in navim : et statim
navis fuit ad terram , in quam ibant.
22 Altěrå die, turba quæ stabat trans mare , vidit , quia
navicŭla alia non erat ibi nisi una , et quia non introisset
cum discipulis suis Jesus in navim , sed soli discipůli ejus
abiissent :
23 Aliæ vero supervenerunt naves à Tiberiăde juxta
locum , ubi manducaverant panem , gratias agente Domino .
24 Cùm ergo vidisset turba, quia Jesus non esset ibi ,
neque discipuli ejus, ascenderunt in navicŭlas et venerunt
Capharnăüm quærentes Jesum .
25 Et cùm invenissent eum trans mare , dixerunt ei :
Rabbi , quando huc venisti ?
26 Respondit eis Jesus, et dixit : Amen , amen dico
vobis : quæritis me , non quia vidistis signa , sed quia man
ducâstis ex panìbus , et saturati estis .
27 Operamini non cibum , qui perit, sed qui permănet

in vitam æternam , quem Filius hominis dabit vobis. Hunc

enim Pater signavit Deus.
28 Dixerunt ergo ad eum : Quid faciemus, ut operemur
opěra Dei .
29 Respondit Jesus , et dixit eis : Hoc est opus Dei , ut
credatis in eum , quem misit ille .
30 Dixerunt ergo ei : Quod ergo tu facis signum , ut
videamus et credamus tibi ? quid operaris ?
31 Patres nostri manducaverunt manna in deserto , sicut
scriptum est : Panem de coelo dedit eis manducare .
32 Dixit ergo eis Jesus : Amen , amen dico vobis : Non
Moyses dedit vobis panem de cælo , sed Pater meus dat
vobis panem de cælo verum.
33 Panis enim Dei est, qui de cælo descendit, et dat
vitam mundo.
34 Dixerunt ergo ad eum : Domine , semper da nobis
panem hunc .
35 Dixit autem eis Jesus: Ego sum panis vitæ : qui
venit ad me, non esuriet : et qui credit in me, non sitiet
unquam .
36 Sed dixi vobis, quia et vidistis me , et non credītis.
37 Omne, quod dat mihi Pater, ad me veniet : et eum ,
qui venit ad me , non ejiciam foras :
38 Quia descendi de cælo , non ut faciam voluntatem
meam, sed voluntatem ejus, qui misit me .
59 Hæc est autem voluntas ejus, qui misit me , Patris :
ut omne, quod dedit mihi , non perdam ex eo , sed resuscitem
illud in novissimo die.
40 Hæc est autem voluntas Patris mei , qui misit me : ut
omnis, qui videt Filțum , et credit in eum , haběat vitam
æternam, et ego resuscitabo eum in novissìmo die .
41 Murmurabant ergo Judæi de illo , quia dixisset : Ego
sum panis vivus , qui de cælo descendi.
42 Et dicebant: Nonne hic est Jesus filſus Joseph , cujus
nos novimus patrem et matrem ? Quomodo ergo dicit hic :
Quia de coelo descendi ?
43 Respondit ergo Jesus , et dixit eis : Nolite murmurare
in invicem :
44 Nemo potest venire ad me , nisi qui misit me ,
traxěrit eum : et ego resuscitabo eum in novissimo die.
45 Est scriptum in Prophetis : Et erunt omnes do

cibiles Dei . Omnis, qui audivit à Patre et didicit, venit

ad me .
46 Non quia Patrem vidit quisquam , nisi is , qui est à
Deo , hic vidit Patrem .
47 Amen , amen dico vobis : Qui credit in me , habet
vitam æternam .
48 Ego sum panis vitæ .
49 Patres vestri mauducaverunt manna in deserto , et
mortŭi sunt.
50 Hic est panis de cælo descendens : ut , si quis ex
ipso manducaverit, non moriatur.
51 Ego sum panis vivus, qui de cælo descendi.
52 Si quis manducavěrit ex hoc pane , vivet in æternum :
et panis, quem ego dabo, caro mer est pro mundi vitâ .
53 Litigabant ergo Judæi ad invicem , dicentes : Quo
modo potest hic nobis carnem suam dare ad manducandum ?
54 Dixit ergo eis Jesus: Amen , amen dico vobis : Nisi
manducaveritis carnem Filii hominis, et biberitis ejus san
guinem , non habebỉtis vitam in vobis .
55 Qui manducat meam carnem , et bibit meum san
guinem , habet vitam æternam : et ego resuscitabo eum in
novissimo die .
56 Caro enim mea , verè est cibus : et sanguis meus,
verè est potus .
57 Qui manducat meam carnem , et bibit meum san
guinem , in me manet, et ego in illo .
58 Sicut misit me vivens Pater , et ego vivo propter
Patrem : et qui manducat me , et ipse vivet propter me .
59 Hic est panis , qui de cælo descendit. Non sicut
manducaverunt patres vestri manna , et mortŭi sunt. Qui
manducat hunc panem , vivet in æternum .
60 Hæc dixit in synagogâ docens, in Capharnăüm .
61 Multi ergo audientes ex discipėlis ejus, dixerunt :
Durus est hic sermo, et quis potest eum audire ?
62 Sciens autem Jesus apud semetipsum , quia mur
murarent de hoc discipůli ejus, dixit eis : Hoc vos scan
dalizat ?
63 Si ergo videritis Filium hominis ascendentem , ubi erat
priùs ?
64 Spirìtus est qui vivificat : caro non prodest quidquam .
Verba quæ ego locutus sum vobis, spirịtus et vita sunt.

65 Sed sunt quidam ex vobis , qui non credunt. Sciebat

enim ab initio Jesus, qui essent non credentes, et quis tra
diturus esset eum .
66 Et dicebat : Propterea dixi vobis, quia nemo potest
venire ad me , nisi fuerit ei datum à Patre meo .
67 Ex hoc multi discipulorum ejus abierunt retrò , et
jam non cum illo ambulabant .
68 Dixit ergo Jesus ad duoděcim : Numquid et vos vultis
abire .
69 Respondit ergo ei Simon Petrus : Domịne, ad quem
ibỉmus ? verba vitæ æternæ habes ;
70 Et nos credidimus , et cognovimus, quia tu es Christus
Filius Dei .
il Respondit eis Jesus ; Nonne ego vos duoděcim elegi ?
et ex vrbis unus diabolus est.
72 Dicebat autem Judam Simonis Iscariotem : hic enim
erat traditurus eum , cum esset unus ex duoděcim .


1 Post hæc autem ambulabat Jesus in Galilæam ; non

enim volebat in Judæam ambulare , quia quærebant eum
Judæi interficere.
2 Erat autem in proximo dies festus Judæorum , sceng.
pegia .
3 Dixerunt autem ad eum fratres ejus: Transi hinc, et
vade in Judæam , ut et discipůli tui videant opěra tua , quæ
facis .
4 Nemo quippe in occulto quid facit, et quærit , ipse in
palàm esse : si hæc facis, manifesta teipsum mundo.
5 Neque enim fratres ejus credebant in eum.
6 Dicit ergo eis Jesus: Tempus meum nondum advenit :
tempus autem vestrum semper est paratum .
7 Non potest mundus odisse vos : me autem odit ; quia
ego testimonium perhiběo de illo, quod opěra ejus mala sunt .
8 Vos ascendite ad diem festum hunc ; ego autem non
ascendo ad diem festum istum , quia meum tempus nondum
impletum est.
9 Hæc cùm dixisset, ipse mansit in Galilæa .

10 Ut autem ascenderunt fratres ejus, tunc et ipse ascendit

ad diem festum , non manifestè , sed quasi in occulto.
11 Judæi ergo quærebant eum in die festo , et dicebant :
Ubi est ille ?
12 Et murmur multum erat in turbâ de eo . Quidam enim
dicebant : Quia bonus est. Alii autem dicebant : Non ,
sed seducit turbas .
13 Nemo tamen palàm loquebatur de illo propter metum
Judæorum .
14 Jam autem die festo mediante , ascendit Jesus in tem
plum , et docebat.
15 Et mirabantur Judæi , dicentes : Quomodo hic litěras
scit, cum non didicărit ?
16 Respondit eis Jesus, et dixit : Mea doctrina non est
mea, sed ejus, qui misit me .
17 Si quis voluěrit voluntatem ejus facěre , cognoscet de A
doctrinâ , utrum ex Deo sit , an ego à meipso loquar .
18 Qui à semetipso loquitur, gloriam propriam quærit:
qui autem quærit gloriam ejus, qui misit eum , hic verax
est, et injustitia in illo non est.
19 Nonne Moyses dedit vobis legem : et nemo ex vobis
facit legem ?
20 Quid me quæritis interficere ? Respondit turba, et
dixit : Dæmonium habes ; quis te quærit interficěre ?
21 Respondit Jesus , et dixit eis : Unum opus feci, et
omnes miramỉni :
22 Propterea Moyses dedit vobis circumcisionem : ( non
quia ex Moyse est , sed ex patribus :) et in sabbăto circum
ciditis hominem .
23 Si circumcisionem accìpit homo in sabbăto, ut non
solvatur lex Moysi , mihi indignamini , quia totum hominem
sanum feci in sabbăto ?
24 Nolite judicare secundùm faciem , sed justum judi
cium judicate .
25 Dicebant ergo quidam ex Jerosolymis : Nonne hic
est, quem quærunt interficere ?
26 Et ecce palàm loquitur, et nihil ei dicunt. Numquid
verè cognoverunt principes , quia hic est Christus ?
27 Sed hunc scimus unde sit : Christus autem cùm
veněrit , nemo scit unde sit.
28 Clamabat ergo Jesus in templo docens , et dicens :

Et me scitis , et unde sim scitis : et à meipso non veni ; sed

est verus, qui misit me , quem vos nescitis.
29 Ego scio eum : quia ab ipso sum , et ipse me misit .
30 Quærebant ergo eum apprehenděre : et nemo misit in
illum manus, quia nondum veněrat hora ejus.
31 De turbâ autem multi crediderunt in eum , et dice
bant : Christus cùm veněrit , numquid plura signa faciet,
quàm quæ hic facit ?
32 Audierunt Pharisæi turbam murmurantem de illo
hæc : et miserunt Principes et Pharisæi ministros , ut appre
henderent eum .
33 Dixit ergo eis Jesus: Adhuc modicum tempus vobis
cum sum , et vado ad eum , qui me misit .
34 Quæretis me , et non invenietis : et ubi ego sum , vos
non potestis venire .
35 Dixerunt ergo Judæi ad semetipsos : Què hic iturus
est, quia non inveniemus eum ? numquid in dispersionem
Gentium iturus est, et docturus Gentes?
36 Quis est hic sermo , quem dixit : Quæretis me, et non
invenietis : et ubi sum ego , vos non potestis venire ?
37 In novissimo autem die magno festivitatis stabat Jesus
et clamabat , dicens : Si quis sitit, veniat ad me et bibat.
38 Qui credit in me , sicut dicit Scriptura, flumîna de
ventre ejus fluent aquæ vivæ .
39 Hoc autem dixit de Spiritu , quem accepturi erant
credentes in eum : nondum enim erat Spiržtus datus, quia
Jesus nondum erat glorificatus.
40 Ex illâ ergo turbâ cùm audissent hos sermones ejus,
dicebant : Hic est verè propheta
41 Alii dicebant : Hic est Christus. Quidam autem dice
bant : Numquid à Galilæâ venit Christus ?
42 Nonne Scriptura dicit : Quia ex semîne David , et de
Bethlěhem castello , ubi erat David , venit Christus ?
43 Dissensĩo ităque facta est in turbâ propter eum .
44 Quidam autem ex ipsis volebant apprehenděre eum :
sed nemo misit super eum manus.
45 Venerunt ergo ministri ad Pontifîces et Pharisæos.
Et dixerunt eis illi : Quare non adduxistis illum ?
46 Responderunt ministri: Nunquam sic locutus est
homo sicut hic homo.

47 Responderunt ergo eis Pharisæi : Numquid et vos

seducti estis ?
48 Numquid ex principibus alĩquis credidit in eum , aut
ex Pharisæis ?
49 Sed turba hæc , quæ non novit legem , maledicti sunt.
50 Dixit Nicodemus ad eos, ille , qui venit ad eum nocte ,
qui unus erat ex ipsis :
51 Numquid lex nostra judicat hominem , nisi priùs
audiérit ab ipso, et cognoverit, quid facřat ?
52 Responderunt et dixerunt ei : Numquid et tu Galilæus
es ? Scrutare Scripturas , et vide , quia à Galilæâ propheta 1
non surgit.
53 Et reversi sunt unusquisque in domum suam .


1 Jesus autem perrexit in montem Oliveti : +

2 Et dilucŭlo itěrùm venit in templum et omnis popŭlus
venit ad eum , et sedens docebat eos .
3 Adducunt autem Scribæ et Pharisæi mulierem in adul
terio deprehensam : et statuerunt eam in medio ;
4 Et dixerunt ei : Magister, hæc mulier modò deprehensa
est in adulterio .
5 In lege autem Moyses mandavit nobis hujusmodi lapi
dare. Tu ergo quid dicis ?
6 Hoc autem dicebant tentantes eum , ut possent accusare
eum . Jesus autem inclinans se deorsùm , digito scribebat
in terrâ .
7 Cùm ergo perseverarent interrogantes eum , erexit se ,
et dixit eis : Qui sine peccato est vestrâm , primus in illam
lapidem mittat .
8 Et itěrùm se inclinans , scribebat in terrå .
9 Audientes autem unus post unum exibant , incipientes
à Seniorìbus : et remansit solus Jesus, et mulier in medio
stans .
10 Erigens autem se Jesus dixit ei : Mulier , ubi sunt ,
qui te accusabant ? nemo te condemnavit ?
11 Quæ dixit : Nemo, Domîne . Dixit autem Jesus :

Nec ego te condemnabo : Vade , et jam ampliùs noli

peccare .
12 Itěrùm ergo locutus est eis Jesus, dicens : Ego sum
lux mundi : qui sequitur me , non ambắlat in teněbris, sed
habebit lumen vitæ .
13 Dixerunt ergo ei Pharisæi : Tu de teipso testimonțum
perhỉbes: testimonium tuum non est verum .
14 Respondit Jesus, et dixit eis : Et si ego testimonìum
perhiběo de meipso , verum est testimonțum meum : quia
scio , unde veni , et quò vado : vos autem nescitis, unde
venio , aut quò vado .
15 Vos secundum carnem judicatis : ego non judico
16 Et si judịco ego , judicìum meum verum est, quia
solus non sum : sed ego , et qui misit me , Pater .
17 Et in lege vestră scriptum est, quia duorum homịnum
testimonịum verum est .
18 Ego sum , qui testimonium perhiběo de meipso : et
testimonium perhibet de me, qui misit me , Pater.
19 Dicebant ergo ei ; Ubi " est Pater tuus ? Respondit
Jesus: Neque me scitis , neque Patrem meum : si me
sciretis , forsitan et Patrem meum sciretis.
20 Hæc verba locutus est Jesus in gazophylacío , docens
in templo : et nemo apprehendit eum , quia necdum veněrat
hora ejus .
21 Dixit ergo itěrùm eis Jesus: Ego vado, et quæretis
me , et in peccato vestro moriemỉni . Quò ego vado, vos
non potestis venire :
22 Dicebant ergo Judæi : Numquid interficiet semet
ipsum , quia dixit : Quò ego vado , vos non potestis venire ?
23 Et dicebat eis : Vos de deorsum estis , ego de supernis
sum . Vos de mundo hoc estis , ego non sum de hoc mundo.
24 Dixi ergo vobis , quia moriemỉni in peccatis vestris :
si enim non credideritis, quia ego sum , moriemỉni in peccato
vestro .
25 Dicebant ergo ei : Tu quis es ? Dixit eis Jesus : Prin
cipium , qui et loquor vobis .
26 Multa haběo de vobis loqui , et judicare. Sed qui
me misit , verax est : et ego, quæ audivi ab eo , hæc loquor
in mundo .
27 Et non cognoverunt, quia Patrem ejus dicebat Deum.

28 Dixit ergo eis Jesus : Cùm exaltaveritis Filium ho

minis, tunc cognoscetis, quia ego sum , et à meipso facſo
nihil , sed sicut docŭit me Pater, hæc loquor :
29 Et qui me misit, mecum est, et non reliquit me solum ;
quia ego, quæ placīta sunt ei , facio semper.
30 Hæc illo loquente, multi crediderunt in eum.
31 Dicebat ergo Jesus ad eos , qui crediderunt ei , Judæos :
Si vos manseritis in sermone meo , verè discipůli mei eritis :
32 Et cognoscetis veritatem , et verſtas liberabit vos .
33 Responderunt ei; Semen Abrăhæ sumus, et nemîni
servivựmus unquam . Quomodo tu dicis ; Liběri erītis ?
34 Respondit eis Jesus ; Amen , amen dico vobis ; quia
omnis, qui facit peccatum , servus est peccati .
35 Servus autem non manet in domo in æternum ; filius
autem manet in æternum .
36 Si ergo vos filius liberaverit , verè liběri eritis .
37 Scio , quia filii Abrăhæ estis ; sed quæritis me interfi
cere, quia sermo meus non capit in vobis .
38 Ego quod vidi apud Patrem meum , loquor ; et vos
quæ vidistis apud patrem vestrum , facītis.
39 Responderunt et dixerunt ei: Pater noster Abrăham
est. Dicit eis Jesus : Si filii Abrăhæ estis , opěra Abrăhæ
40 Nunc autem quærſtis me interficere , hominem , qui
veritatem vobis locutus sum , quam audivi Deo ; hoc
Abrăham non fecit.
41 Vos facītis opěra patris vestri. Dixerunt ităque ei :
Nos ex fornicatione non sumus nati ; unum patrem habemus
Deum .
42 Dixit ergo eis Jesus: Si Deus Pater vester esset, dili
geretis utique me . Ego enim ex Deo processi, et veni ;
neque enim à meipso veni , sed ille me misit.
43 Quare loquelam meam non cognoscìtis ? Quia non
potestis audire sermonem meum.
44 Vos ex patre diabolo estis ; et desidería patris vestri
vultis facěre. " Ille homicida erat ab initio , et in veritate
non stetit, quia non est veritas in eo : cùm loquitur menda
cium , ex propriis loquitur, quia mendax est et pater ejus.
45 Ego autem si veritatem dico , non creditis mihi .
46 Quis ex vobis argủet me de peccato ? Si veritatem
dico vobis, quare non creditis mihi ?

47 Qui ex Deo est, verba Dei audit. Propterča vos non

auditis, quia ex Deo non estis .
48 Responderunt ergo Judæi , et dixerunt ei : Nonne
benè dicimus nos, quia Samaritanus es tu , et dæmonium
habes ?
49 Respondit Jesus : Ego dæmonĭum non haběo : sed
honorifựco Patrem meum , et vos inhonorâstis me.
50 Ego autem non quæro gloriam meam : est, qui
quærat, et judicet.
51 Amen , amen dico vobis: Si quis sermonem meum
servavěrit, mortem non videbit in æternum .
52 Dixerunt ergo Judæi : Nunc cognovimus , quia
dæmonium habes , Abrăham mortŭus est, et Prophetæ ;
et tu dicis : Si quis sermonem meum servavěrit, non gus
tabit mortem in æternum .
53 Numquid tu major es patre nostro Abrăham , qui
mortìus est ? et Prophetæ mortăi sunt. Quem teipsum
facis ?
54 Respondit Jesus : Si ego glorifico meipsum , gloria
mea nihil est : est Pater meus, qui glorificat me , quem vos
dicītis, quia Deus vester est.
55 Et non cognovistis eum : ego autem novi eum : Et si
dixěro, quia non scio eum , ero similis vobis mendax . Sed
scio eum , et sermonem ejus servo.
56 Abrăham pater vester exultavit , ut videret diem meum :
vidit et gavisus est .
57 Dixerunt ergo Judæi ad eum : Quinquaginta annos
nondum habes , et Abrăham vidisti ?
58 Dixit eis Jesus : Amen , amen dico vobis , antěquam
Abrăham fuěrit, ego sum .
59 Tulerunt ergo lapides , ut jacerent in eum : Jesus
autem abscondit se, et exivit de templo .


1 Et præterțens Jesus vidit hominem cæcum à nativitate.

2 Et interrogaverunt eum discipůli ejus: Rabbi , quis
peccavit, hic , aut parentes ejus, ut cæcus nasceretur ?

3 Respondit Jesus : Neque hic peccavit, neque parentes

ejus; sed ut manifestentur opěra Dei in illo .
4 Me oportet operari opera ejus qui misit me , donec dies
est : venit nox, quando nemo potest operari.
5 Quamdịu sum in mundo , lux sum mundi .
6 Hæc cùm dixisset , exspŭit in terram , et fecit lutum ex
sputo , et linivit lutum super ocủlos ejus.
7 Et dixit ei : Vade , lava in natatoria Silöe , ( quod in
terpretatur Missus.) Abiit ergo , et lavit , et venit videns.
8 Ităque vicini, et qui viděrant eum priùs, quia mendicus
erat, dicebant: Nonne hic est , qui sedebat et mendicabat ?
Alii dicebant : Quia hic est .
9 Alii autem : Nequaquam , sed similis est ei . Ille verò
dicebat : Quia ego sum .
10 Dicebant ergo ei: Quomodo aperti sunt tibi ocủli ?
11 Respondit : Ille homo, qui dicitur Jesus , lutum fecit,
et unxit ocŭlos meos , et dixit mihi: Vade ad natatoria
Silöe , et lava. Et abii , et lavi , et vidéo .
12 Et dixerunt ei : Ubi est ille ? Ait : Nescio .
13 Adducunt eum ad Pharisæos , qui cæcus fuěrat.
14 Erat autem sabbătum , quando lutum fecit Jesus , et
aperăit ocủlos ejus .
15 Itěrùm ergo interrogabant eum Pharisæi, quomodo
vidisset . Ille autem dixit eis : Lutum mihi posŭit super
ocủlos , et lavi et viděo .
16 Dicebant ergo ex Pharisæis quidam : Non est hic
homo à Deo, qui sabbătum non custodit. Alii autem dice
bant : Quomodo potest homo peccator hæc signa facěre ?
Et schisma erat inter eos.
17 Dicunt ergo cæco itěrùm ; Tu quid dicis de illo ,
qui aperăit ocŭlos tuos ? Ille autem dixit : Quia propheta
est .
18 Non crediderunt ergo . Judæi de illo , quia cæcus
fuisset, et vidisset, donec vocaverunt parentes ejus, qui
viděrat :
19 Et interrogaverunt eos , dicentes : Hic est filius
vester, quem vos dicītis , quia cæcus natus est ? Quomodo
ergo nunc videt ?
20 Responderunt eis parentes ejus et dixerunt : Scimus ,
quia hic est filſus noster , et quia cæcus natus est ;
21 Quomodo autem nunc viděat, nescimus ; aut quis

aperăit ocủlos, nos nescimus : ipsum interrogate ; ætatein

habet, ipse de se loquatur .
22 Hæc dixerunt parentes ejus, quonyam timebant Judæos ;
jam enim conspiraverant Judæi, ut si quis eum confiteretur
esse Christum , extra synagogam fiěret.
23 Propterea parentes ejus dixerunt : Quia ætatem
habet, ipsum interrogate .
24 Vocaverunt ergo rursùm homînem , qui fuěrat cæcus ,
et dixerunt ei : Da glorĩam Deo Nos scimus, quia hic
homo peccator est.
25 Dixit ergo eis ille : Si peccator est , nescio ; unum
scio, quia cæcus cùm essem , modò viděo .
26 Dixerunt ergo illi : Quid fecit tibi ? quomodo aperăit
tibi ocŭlos ?
27 Respondit eis : Dixi vobis jam , et non audistis ; quid
utěrum vultis audire ? numquid et vos vultis discipůli ejus
fiëri ?
28 Maledixerunt ergo ei , et dixerunt : Tu discipúlus
illius es : nos autem Moysi discipli sumus.
29 Nos scimus, quia Moysi locutus est Deus : hunc
autem nescimus, unde sit .
30 Respondit ille homo , et dixit eis : In hoc enim mira
bile est , quia vos nescitis unde sit, et aperŭit meos ocŭlos :
31 Scimus autem , quia peccatores Deus non audit : sed
si quis Dei cultor est , et voluntatem ejus facit, hunc exaudit.
32 A sæcŭlo non est auditum , quia quis aperăit ocŭlos
cæci nati .
33 Nisi esset hic à Deo , non potěrat facére quidquam .
34 Responderunt et dixerunt ei : In peccatis natus es
lotus, et tu doces nos ? Et ejecerunt eum fords.
35 Audivit Jesus, quia ejecerunt eum foras : et cùm in
venisset eum , dixit ei: Tu credis in Filțum Dei ?
36 Respondit ille , et dixit : Quis est , Domine, ut credam
in eum ?
37 Et dixit ei Jesus : Et vidisti eum , et qui loquitur
icum , ipse est .
38 At ille ait : Credo, Domine : et procidens adoravit
eum .
39 Et dixit Jesus : In judicium ego in hunc mundum
veni, ut qui non vident, viděant ; et qui vident, cæci fiant.
! 40 Et audierunt quidam ex Pharisæis, qui cum ipso

erant, et dixerunt ei : Numquid et nos cæci sumus ?

41 Dixit eis Jesus : Si cæci essetis , non haberetis pecca
tum . Nunc verò dicitis : Quia videmus ; peccatum vestrum
manet .


1 Amen , amen dico vobis; qui non intrat per ostium in

ovile ovịum , sed ascendit aliunde , ille fur est et latro .
2 Qui autem intrat per ostium , pastor est ovịum .
3 Huic ostiarìus apěrit, et oves vocem ejus audiunt, et
proprías oves vocat nominatim , et educit eas .
4 Et cùm proprias oves emisèrit, ante eas vadit ; et oves
illum sequuntur, quia sciunt vocem ejus.
5 Alienum autem non sequuntur, sed fugịunt ab eo ; quia
non noverunt vocem alienorum .
6 Hoc proverbịum dixit eis Jesus. Illi autem non cog
noverunt, quid loqueretur eis .
7 Dixit ergo eis itěrùm Jesus : Amen , amen dico vobis ,
quia ego sum ostium ovịum .
8 Omnes, quotquot venerunt , fures sunt et latrones , et
non audierunt eos oves .
9 Ego sum ostium . Per me si quis introiěrit, salvabitur :
et ingredietur, et egredietur, et pascủa invențet.
10 Fur non venit, nisi ut furetur, et mactet, et perdat.
Ego veni , ut vitam habeant, et abundantiùs habeant.
11 Ego sum pastor bonus . Bonus pastor animam suam
dat pro ovĩbus suis .
12 Mercenarğus autem , et qui non est pastor, cujus non
sunt oves propriæ , videt lupum venientem , et dimittit oves ,
et fugit ; et lupus rapit et dispergit oves :
13 Mercenarğus autem fugit, quia mercenarğus est , et non
pertinet ad eum de ovìbus.
14 Ego sum pastor bonus ; et cognosco meas , et cognos
cunt me meæ .
15 Sicut novit me Pater, et ego agnosco Patrem : et anì
mam meam pono pro ovĩbus meis .
16 Et alias oves haběo , quæ non sunt ex hoc ovili ; et
illas oportet me adducere , et vocem meam audient, et fiet
unum ovile, et unus pastor .

17 Proptereà me diligit Pater , quia ego pono animam

meam, ut itěrum sumam eam .
18 Nemo tollit eam à me ; sed ego pono eam à meipso ;
et potestatem haběo ponendi eam , et potestatem haběo itě
rùm sumendi eam ; hoc mandatum accepi à Patre meo .
19 Dissensĩo itěrum facta est inter Judæos propter ser
mones hos .
20 Dicebant autem multi ex ipsis ; Dæmonium habet et
insanit ; quid eum auditis ?
21 Alii dicebant ; Hæc verba non sunt dæmonĭum ha
bentis : numquid dæmonium potest cæcorum ocủlos aperire ?
22 Facta sunt autem Encænïa in Jerosolymis ; et hyems
23 Et ambulabat Jesus in templo , in porticu Salomonis.
24 Circumdederunt ergo eum Judæi, et dicebant ei ; Quo
usque animam nostram tollis ? si tu es Christus , dic nobis
palàm .
25 Respondit eis Jesus : Loquor vobis, et non creditis .
Opěra, quæ ego facỉo in nomine Patris mei , hæc testimo
nțum perhỉbent de me ;
26 Sed vos non creditis , quia non estis ex ovibus meis .
27 Oves meæ vocem meam audiunt ; et ego cognosco eas,
et sequuntur me ;
28 Et ego vitam æternam do eis ; et non peribunt in
æternum , et non rapřet eas quisquam de manu meâ.
29 Pater meus , qui dedit mihi, major omnìbus est ; et
nemo potest rapěre de manu Patris mei.
30 Ego et Pater unum sumus.
31 Sustulerunt ergo lapides Judæi , ut lapidarent eum .
32 Respondit eis Jesus: Multa bona opěra ostendi vobis
ex Patre meo , propter quod eorum opus me lapidatis ?
33 Responderunt ei Judæi: De bono opěre non lapida
mus te , sed de blasphemiâ : et quia tu , homo cùm sis , facis
teipsum Deum .
34 Respondit eis Jesus : Nonne scriptum est in lege ves
trâ : quia ego dixi , dii estis ?
35 Si illos dixit deos, ad quos sermo Dei factus est, et
non potest solvi Scriptura :
36 Quem Pater sanctificavit et misit in mundum , vos di
citis : Quia blasphemas : quia dixi , Filius Dei sum ?
37 Si non facio opěra Patris mei , nolite creděre mihi .

38 Si autem facỉo : et si mihi non vultis credere , operibus

credîte , ut cognoscatis et credatis, quia Pater in me est, et
ego in Patre.
39 Quærebant ergo eum apprehenděre; et exivit de ma
nibus eorum .
40 Et abiit itěrùm trans Jordanem , in eum locum , ubi
erat Joannes baptizans primùm : et mansit illic.
41 Et multi venerunt ad eum , et dicebant : Quia Joannes
quidem signum fecit nullum :
42 Omnia autem , quæcumque dixit Joannes de hoc , vera
erant . Et multi crediderunt in eum .

Erat autem quidam languens Lazărus a Bethaniâ , de
castello Mariæ et Marthæ sororis ejus .
2 ( Maria autem erat, quæ unxit Domịnum unguento, et
extersit pedes ejus capillis suis: cujus frater Lazărus infirma
batur. )
3 Miserunt ergo sorores ejus ad eum , dicentes , Domine ,
ecce quem amas infirmatur.
4 Audiens autem Jesus dixit eis ; Infirmitas hæc non est
ad mortem , sed pro gloriâ Dei , ut glorificetur Filius Dei
per eam .
5 Diligebat autem Jesus Martham , et sororem ejusMariam ,
et Lazărum .
6 Ut ergo audivit quia infirmabatur, tunc quidem mansit
in eodem loco duobus diebus .
7 Deinde post hæc dixit discipůlis suis : eamus in Ju
dæam iterum .
8 Dicunt ei discipůli : Rabbi , nunc quærebant te Judæi
lapidare , et itěrum vadis illuc ?
9 Respondit Jesus : Nonne duodécim sunt horæ diei ? Si
quis ambulavěrit in die , non offendit, quia lucem hujus
mundi videt .
10 Si autem ambulavěrit in nocte , offendit, quia lux non
est in eo .
11 Hæc ait , et post hæc dixit eis : Lazărus amicus noster
dormit : sed vado, ut à somno excitem eum .
12 Dixerunt ergo discipůli ejus : Domine , si dormit, sal
vus erit.
13 Dixěrat autem Jesus de morte ejus ; illi autem puta
verunt, quia de dormitione somni , diceret.
14 Tunc ergo Jesus dixit eis manifestè : Lazărus mortŭus
est :
15 Et gauděo propter vos, ut credatis, quoniam non eram
ibi . Sed eamus ad eum .
16 Dixit ergo Thomas, qui dicitur Didymus , ad condis
cipủlos: Eamus et nos, ut moriamur cum eo.
17 Venit ităque Jesus : et invenit eum quatăor dies jam
in monumento habentem .
18 (Erat autem Bethania juxta Jerosolymam quasi stadiis
quinděcim . )
19 Multi autem ex Judæis venerant ad Martham et Ma
riam , ut consolarentur eas de fratre suo .
20 Martha ergo utaudivit, quia Jesus venit, occurrit illi:
Maria autem domi sedebat.
21 Dixit ergo Martha ad Jesum : Domine , si fuisses hic ,
frater meus non fuisset mortŭus :
22 Sed et nunc scio , quia, quæcumque poposceris à Deo ,
dabit tibi Deus.
23 Dicit illi Jesus : Resurget frater tuus.
24 Dicit ei Martha : Scio, quia resurget in resurrectione
in novissimo die .
25 Dixit ei Jesus : Ego sum resurrectio, et vita : qui cre
dit in me , etiam si mortŭus fuerit, vivet :
26 Et omnis, qui vivit et credit in me , non morietur in
æternum . Credis hoc ?
27 Ait_illi : Utique Domine, ego credīdi, quia tu es
Christus Filius Dei vivi , qui in hunc mundum venisti.
28 Et cùm hæc dixisset, abiit, et vocavit Mariam sororem
suam silentio, dicens: Magister adest, et vocat te .
29 Illa , ut audivit, surgit citò, et venit ad eum :
30 Nondum enim veněrat Jesus in castellum : sed erat
adhuc in illo loco , ubi occurrěrat ei Martha .
31 Judæi ergo , qui erant cum eâ in domo , et consola
bantur eam , cùm vidissent Mariam , quia citò surrexit et
exiit , secuti sunt eam dicentes : Quia vadit ad monumentum ,
ut ploret ibi .
32 Maria ergo , cùm venisset ubi erat Jesus, videns eum ,
cecīdit ad pedes ejus, et dicit ei : Domine , si fuisses hîc ,
non esset mortŭus frater meus .

33 Jesus ergo, ut vidit eam plorantem , et Judæos, qui

venérant cum eâ , plorantes , infremŭit spiritu , et turbavit
seipsum .
34 Et dixit : Ubi posuistis eum ? Dicunt ei : Domine ,
veni , et vide .
35 Et lacrymatus est Jesus.
36 Dixerunt ergo Judæi : Ecce quomodo amabat eum .
37 Quidam autem ex ipsis dixerunt : Non potěrat hic ,
qui aperủit ocŭlos cæci nati, facére ut hic non moreretur ?
38 Jesus ergo rursùm fremens in semetipso , venit ad
monumentum : erat autem speluuca, et lapis superpositus
erat ei .
39 Ait Jesus: Tollite lapidem , Dicit ei Martha, soror
ejus qui mortŭus fuerat ; Domine , jam fætet, quatriduanus
est enim .
40 Dicit ei Jesus : Nonne dixi tibi , quoniam si credideris,
videbis glorïam Dei ?
41 Tulerunt ergo lapỉdem . Jesus autem , elevatis rursum
ocủlis, dixit : Pater, gratias ago tibi , quoniam audisti me .
42 Ego autem scibam , quia semper me audis , sed propter
populum , qui circumstat, dixi : ut credant quia tu memi
sisti .
43 Hæc cùm dixisset, voce magnâ clamavit : Lazăre,
veni foras.
44 Et statim prodïît , qui fuěrat mortŭus, ligatus pedes et
manus institis, et facřes illius sudarſo erat ligata. Dixit eis
Jesus : Solvīte eum , et sinîte abire .
45 Multi ergo ex Judæis , qui veněrant ad Mariam et
Martham , et viděrant quæ fecit Jesus, crediderunt in eum .
46 Quidam autem ex ipsis abierunt ad Pharisæos , et dix
erunt eis , quæ fecit Jesus,
47 Collegerunt ergo Pontifices et Pharisæi concilțum , et
dicebant : Quid facimus, quia hic homo multa signa facit ?
48 Si dimittimus eum sic , omnes credent in eum : et ve
nỉent Romani , et tollent nostrum locum , et gentem .
49 Unus autem ex ipsis, Caiăphas nomine, cùm esset
Pontifex anni illius , dixit eis : Vos nescitis quidquam ;
50 Nec cogitatis , quia expědit vobis, ut unus moriatur
homo pro populo , non tota gens perčat .
51 Hoc autem à semetipso non dixit : sed cùm esset
Pontifex anni illius , prophetavit, quod Jesus moriturus erat
pro gente ;
52 Et non tantùm pro gente , sed ut filios Dei , qui erant
dispersi , congregaret in unum .
53 Ab illo ergo die cogitaverunt, ut interficărent eum .
54 Jesus ergo jam non in palàm ambulabat apud Judæos,
sed abiit in regionem juxta desertum , in civitatem quæ dicitur
Ephrăim , et ibi morabatur cum discipėlis suis .
55 Proxymum autem erat Pascha Judæorum : et ascen
derunt multi Jerosolymam de regione ante Pascha , ut sanc
tificarent seipsos .
56 Quærebant ergo Jesum : et colloquebantur ad invicem
in templo stantes : Quid putatis, quia non vențet ad diem
festum . Deděrant autem Pontifices et Pharisæi mandatum,
ut apprehendant eum .


1 Jesus ergo sex ante Pascha diehus venit Bethanïam ,

ubi Lazărus fuěrat mortŭus , quem suscitavit Jesus.
2 Fecerunt autem ei cænam ibi : et Martha ministrabat ,
Lazărus verò unus erat ex discumbentibus cum eo .
3 Maria ergo accepit libram unguenti nardi pistici, pre
tiosi, et unxit pedes Jesu, et extersit pedes ejus capillis suis :
et domus impleta est ex odore unguenti .
4 Dixit ergo unus ex discipůlis ejus, Judas Iscariotes , qui
erat eum traditurus :
5 Quare hoc unguentum non vænïit trecentis denariis, et
datum est egenis ?
6 Dixit autem hoc, non quia de egenis pertinebat ad
eum , sed quia fur erat, et locủlos habens, ea , quæ mitteban
tur, portabat .
7 Dixit ergo Jesus : Sinite illam , ut in diem sepulturæ
meæ servet illud .
8 Pauperes enim semper habetis vobiscum : me autem
non semper habetis .
9 Cognovit ergo turba multa ex Judæis, quia illic est :
et venerunt non propter Jesum tantùm , sed ut Lazărum
viderent, quem suscitavit à mortŭis .

10 Cogitaverunt autem principes Sacerdotum , ut et Lază

rum interficěrent :
11 Quia multi propter illum abibant ex Judæis et crede
bant in Jesum .
12 In crastinum autem turba multa , quæ veněrat ad
diem festum , cùm audîssent, quia venit Jesus Jerosolymam :
13 Acceperunt ramos palmarum, et processerunt obviàm
ei , et clama nt : Hosanna ! benedictus , qui venit in nomine
Domini , Rex Isrăël .
14 Et invenit Jesus asellum , et sedit super eum , sicut
scriptum est :
15 Noli timere , filía Sion ; ecce Rex tuus venit sedens
super pullum asinæ.
16 Hæc non cognoverunt discipůli ejus primum : sed
quando glorificatus est Jesus , tunc recordati sunt, quia hæc
erant scripta de eo , et hæc fecerunt ei .
17 Testimonìum ergo perhibebat turba , quæ erat cum eo ,
quando Lazărum vocavit de monumento , et suscitavit eum
à mortuis .
18 Propterěà et obviàm venit ei turba, quia audierunt
eum fecisse hoc signum .
19 Pharisæi ergo dixerunt ad semetipsos : Videtis , quia
nihil proficimus ? ecce mundus totus post eum abiit
20 Erant autem quidam Gentiles, ex his qui ascenděrant ,
ut adorarent in die festo .
21 Hi ergo accesserunt ad Philippum , qui erat à Beth
saidâ Galilææ, et rogabant eum dicentes : Domîne , volúmnus
Jesum videre .
22 Venit Philippus, et dicit Andrěæ : Andreas rursum et
Philippus dixerunt Jesu .
23 Jesus autem respondit eis , dicens : Venit hora , ut cla
rificetur Filius hominis .
24 Amen , amen dico vobis , nisi granum frumenti cadens
in terram , mortŭum fuěrit, ipsum solum manet : si autem
mortŭum fuerit, multum fructum affert.
25 Qui amat anímam suam , perdet eam ; et qui odit
anìmam suam in hoc mundo , in vitam æternam custodit eam .
26 Si quis mihi ministrat, me sequatur : et ubi sum ego ,
illic et minister meus erit . Si quis mihi ministravěrit, hono
rificabit eum Pater meus.
27 Nunc anima mea turbata est : et quid dicam ? Pater ,

salvifica me ex hâc horâ . Sed propterěà veni in boram

hanc .
28 Pater, clarifica nomen tuum . Venit ergo vox de cælo :
Et clarificavi, et iterùm clarificabo.
29 Turba ergo quæ stabat et audiěrat, dicebat tonitrŭum
esse factum . Alii dicebant : Angelus ei locutus est .
30 Respondit Jesus et dixit : Non propter me hæc vox
venit, sed propter vos.
31 Nunc judicìum est mundi : nunc princeps hujus mundi
ejicietur forås.
32 Et ego si exaltatus fuěro à terrâ , omnia traham ad
meipsum .
33 ( Hoc autem dicebat, significans , quâ morte esset mo
riturus . )
34 Respondit ei turba : Nos audivimus ex lege , quia
Christus manet in æternum : et quomodo tu dicis ? Oportet
exaltari Filïum homìnis ? Quis est iste Filius hominis ?
35 Dixit ergo eis Jesus : Adhuc modịcum lumen in vobis
est . Ambulate, dum lucem habetis, ut non vos teněbræ
comprehendant : et qui ambúlat in teněbris, nescit , quò
vadat .
36 Dum lucem habetis , credite in lucem , ut filii lucis sitis .
Hæc locutus est Jesus : et abiit , et abscondit se ab eis .
37 Cùm autem tanta signa fecisset coram eis , non crede
bant in eum :
38 Ut sermo Isaiæ prophetæ impleretur, quem dixit :
Domine , quis credidit auditủi nostro ? et brachium Domžni
cui revelatum est ?
39. Propterěà non potěrant creděre , quia itěrùm dixit
Isaias :
40 Excæcavit ocŭlos eorum , et indıravit cor eorum : ut
non videant ocủlis , et non intelligant corde, et convertan
tur , et sanem eos,
41 Hæc dixit Isaias , quando vidit glorïam ejus , et locutus
est de eo.
42 Veruntămen et ex principibus multi crediderunt in
eum : sed propter Pharisæos non confitebantur , ut è syna
gogâ non ejicerentur :
43 Dilexerunt enim gloriam hominum magis quàm glo
riam Dei .

44 Jesus autem clamavit, et dixit : Qui credit in me,

non credit in me , sed in eum , qui misit me .
45 Et qui videt me, videt eum , qui misit me .
46 Ego lux in mundum veni : ut omnis, qui credit in me,
in teněbris non maněat .
47 Et si quis audièrit verba mea , et non custodiérit : ego
non judico eum . Non enim veni , ut judicem mundum , sed
ut salvificem mundum .
48 Qui spernit me , et non accìpit verba mea , habet, qui
judicet eum. Sermo , quem locutus sum , ille judicabit eum
in novissìmo die .
49 Quia ego ex meipso non sum locutus , sed qui misit
me Pater , ipse mihi mandatum dedit , quid dicam , et quid
50 Et scio , quia mandatum ejus, vita æterna est. Quæ
ergo ego loquor, sicut dixit mihi Pater, sic loquor .


1 Ante diem festum Paschæ , sciens Jesus , quia venit hora

ejus, ut transéat ex hoc mundo ad Patrem : cùm dilexisset
suos , qui erant in mundo , in finem dilexit eos .
2 Et cænâ factâ, cùm diabolus jam misisset in cor Judæ ,
Simonis , Iscariotæ , ut traděret eum :
3 Sciens, quia omnia dedit ei Pater in manus, et quia à
Deo exivit et ad Deum vadit .
4 Surgit à cænâ, et ponit vestimenta sua : et cùm acce
pisset lintum , præcinxit se .
5 Deinde mittit aquam in pelvim , et cæpit lavare pedes
discipulorum , et extergere lintěo, quo erat præcinctus .
6 Venit ergo ad Simonem Petrum . Et dicit ei Petrus :
Domine , tu mihi lavas pedes ?
7 Respondit Jesus, et dixit ei : Quod ego facỉo , tu nescis
modò ; scies autem postěà .
8 Dicit ei Petrus : Non lavabis mihi pedes in æternum .
Respondit ei Jesus : Si non lavěro te , non ' habebis partem
mecum .
9 Dicit ei Simon Petrus : Domîne , non tantùm pedes
meos, sed et manus, caput.

10 Dicit ei Jesus : Qui lotus est , non indiget , nisi ut

pedes lavet , sed est mundus totus . Et vos mundi estis , sed
non omnes ;
11 Sciebat enim quisnam esset, qui traderet eum : prop
terěà dixit : Non estis mundi omnes.
12 Postquam ergo lavit pedes eorum , et accepit vestimenta
sua, cùm recubuisset itěrùm , dixit eis : Scitis quid fecěrim
vobis ?
13 Vos vocatis me , Magister , et Domine : et benè dicitis ,
sum etěnim .
14 Si ergo ego lavi pedes vestros , Dominus et Magister :
et vos debetis alter alterius lavare pedes.
15 Exemplum enim dedi vobis , ut quemadmodum ego
feci vobis, ita et vos faciatis .
16 Amen , amen dico vobis: Non est servus major domìno
suo : neque apostolus major est eo , qui misit illum .
17 Si hæc scitis , beati erịtis , si feceritis ea .
18 Non de omnibus vobis dico : ego scio , quos elegěrim ,
sed ut adimpleatur Scriptura : qui manducat mecum panem ,
levabit contra me calcaněum suum .
19 A modò dico vobis , priusquam fiat : ut cùm factum
fuěrit, credatis , quia ego sum .
20 Amen , amen dico vobis : Qui accipit, si quem miséro ,
me accipit : qui autem me accìpit, accipit eum , qui me
misit .
21 Cùm hæc dixisset Jesus , turbatus est spiritu : et pro
testatus est , et dixit : Amen , amen dico vobis : Quia unus
ex vobis tradet me .
22 Aspiciebant ergo ad invicem discipůli , hæsitantes , de
quo diceret .
23 Erat ergo recumbens unus ex discipúlis ejus in sinu
Jesu , quam diligebat Jesus .
24 Innŭit ergo huic Simon Petrus , et dixit eis : Quis est ,
de quo dicit ?
25 Ităque cùm recubuisset ille supra pectus Jesu , dicit
ei : Domine, quis est ?
26 Respondit Jesus : Ille est, cui ego intinctum panem
porrexěro . Et cùm intinxisset panem, dedit Judæ Simonis
Iscariotæ .
27 Et post buccellam , introivit in eum Satănas . Et dixit
ei Jesus : Quod facis, fac citiùs.

28 Hoc autem nemo scivit discumbentium , ad quid dix

ërit ei.
29 Quidam enim putabant , quia locủlos habebat Judas ,
quòd dixisset ei Jesus : Eme ea , quæ opus sunt nobis ad
festum diem , aut egenis ut aliquid daret.
30 Cum ergo accepisset ille buccellam , exivit continŭo.
Erat autem nox.
31 Cùm ergo exisset , dixit Jesus : Nunc clarificatus est
Filïus hominis : et Deus clarificatus est in eo.
32 Si Deus clarificatus est in eo , et Deus clarificabit eum 1
in semetipso : et continŭò clarificabit eum .
33 Filioli, adhuc modicum vobiscum sum . Quæretis me :
et sicut dixi Judæis : Quò ego vado , vos non potestis venire :
et vobis dico modò .
34 Mandatum novum do vobis : Ut diligatis invicem ,
sicut dilexi vos , ut et vos diligatis invicem .
35 In hoc cognoscent omnes , quia discipůli mei estis, si
dilectionem habueritis ad invicem .
36 Dicit ei Simon Petrus : Domîne, quò vadis ? Respon
dit Jesus : Quò ego vado , non potes me modò sequi : seque
ris autem postěà.
37 Dicit ei Petrus : Quare non possum te sequi modò ?
anằmam meam pro te ponam .
38 Respondit ei Jesus : Anžmam tuam pro me pones ?
Amen , amen dico tibi : Non cantabit gallus, donec ter me
neges .


1 Non turbetur cor vestrum . Creditis in Deum , et in me

credite .
2 In domo Patris mei mansiones multæ sunt : si quo mi
nus , dixissem vobis .
3 Vado parare vobis locum : et si abiěro , et præparavěro
vobis locum , itěrùm veniam et accipiam vos ad meipsum ;
ut, ubi sum ego , et vos sitis .
4 Et quò ego vado scitis, et viam scitis .
5 Dicit ei Thomas: Domine, nescimus quò vadis : et quo
modo possumus viam scire ?

6 Dicit ei Jesus : Ego sum via, et veritas, et vita . Nemo

venit ad Patrem nisi per me ,
7 Si cognovissetis me , et Patrem meum utique cognovis
setis; et a modò cognoscetis eum , et vidistis eum .
8 Dicit ei Philippus: Domine , ostende nobis Patrem , et
sufficit nobis .
9 Dicit ei Jesus: Tanto tempore vobiscum sum , et non
cognovistis me , Philippe ? Qui vidit me , vidit et Patrem :
quomodo tu dicis : Ostende nobis Patrem ?
10 Non credítis, quia ego in Patre, et Pater in me est ?
Verba, quæ ego loquor vobis, à meipso non loquor . Pater
autem in me manens, ipse facit opěra.
11 Non credītis , quia ego in Patre , et Pater in me est ?
12 Alioquin propter opěra ipsa credite . Amen , amen
dico vobis , qui credit in me , opěra, quæ ego facỉo, et ipse
faciet, et majora horum faciet ; quia ego ad Patrem vado.
13 Et quodcumque petieritis Patrem in nomine meo , hoc
faciam ; ut glorificetur Pater in Filío .
14 Si quid petieritis in nomine meo , hoc faciam .
15 Si diligitis me , mandata mea servate.
16 Et ego rogabo Patrem , et alium Paracletum dabit vo
bis, ut maněat vobiscum in æternum ;
17 Spirịtum veritatis, quem mundus non potest accipere ,
quia non videt eum , nec scit eum . Vos autem cognoscetis
eum ; quia apud vos manebit, et in vobis erit .
18 Non relinquam vos orphănos ; venĩam ad vos.
19 Adhuc modicum , et mundus me jam non videt : vos
autem videtis me: quia ego vivo , et vos vivetis.
20 In illo die vos cognoscetis, quia ego sum in Patre meo ,
et vos in me , et ego in vobis .
21 Qui habet mandata mea et servat ea , ille est , qui dili
git me. Qui autem diligit me , diligetur à Patre meo ; et ego
dilígam eum , et manifestabo ei meipsum .
22 Dicit ei Judas , non ille Iscariotes: Domžne , quid
factum est; quia manifestaturus es nobis teipsum , et non
mundo ?
23 Respondit Jesus, et dixit ei : Si quis diligit me , ser
monem meum servabit, et Pater meus diliget eum , et ad eum
veniemus , et mansionem apud eum faciemus.
24 Qui non diligit me , sermones meos non servat. Et

sermonem , quem audistis, non est meus, sed ejus, qui misit
me, Patris.
25 Hæc locutus sum vobis , apud vos manens.
26 Paracletus autem Spiritus Sanctus , quem mittet Pater
in nomine meo , ille vos docebit vinna, et suggéret vobis
omnïa , quæcumque dixéro vobis .
27 Pacem relinquo vobis , pacem meam do vobis : non
quomodo mundus dat, ego do vobis . Non turbetur cor ves
trum , neque formidet.
28 Audivistis, quia ego dixi vobis : Vado et venỉo ad vos .
Si diligeretis me , gauderetis utique , quia vado ad Patrem ,
quia Pater major me est.
29 Et nunc dixi vobis , priusquam fiat, ut , cùm factum
fuěrit, credatis.
30 Jam non multa loquar vobiscum . Venit enim princeps
mundi hujus, et in me non habet quidquam.
31 Sed ut cognoscat mundus, quia diligo Patrem , et sicut
mandatum dedit mihi Pater, sic facio. Surgîte , eamus hinc .

1 Ego sum vitis vera , et pater meus agricola est.
2 Omnem palmîtem in me non ferentem fructum tollit ;
et omnem qui fert fructum purgat , ut fructum plus affěrat.
3 Jam vos mundi estis propter sermonem , quem locutus
sum vobis.
4 Manete in me, et ego in vobis . Sicut palmes non po
test ferre fructum à semetipso , nisi mansărit in vite ; sic nec
vos , nisi in me manseritis .
5 Ego sum vitis , vos palmîtes : qui manet in me, et ego
in eo , hic fert fructum multum : quia sine me nihil potestis
facere .
6 Si quis in me non mansărit , mittetur foràs sicut palmes ,
et arescet, et colligent eum , et in ignem mittent , et ardet.
7 Si manseritis in me , et verba mea in vobis mansērint :
quodcumque volueritis, petetis, et fiet vobis .
8 In hoc clarificatus est Pater meus , ut fructum plurğmum
afferatis, et efficiamỉni mei discipůli .
9 Sicut dilexit me Pater , et ego dilexi vos : manete in
dilectione meâ.

10 Si præcepta mea servaveritis, manebitis in dilectione

meà , sicut et ego Patris mei præcepta servavi , et maněo in
ejus dilectione.
11 Hæc locutus sum vobis : ut gaudium meum in vobis
sit , et gaudium vestrum impleatur.
12 Hoc est præceptum meum ut diligatis invịcem , sicut
dilexi vos .
13 Majorem hâc dilectionem nemo habet , ut anğmam
suam ponat quis pro amicis suis.
14 Vos amici mei estis, si feceritis quæ ego præcipio
15 Jam non dicam vos servos: quia servus nescit, quid
faciat dominus ejus . Vos autem dixi amicos: quia omnia ,
quæcumque audivi à Patre meo , nota feci vobis .
16 Non vos me elegistis : sed ego elegi vos , et posúi vos ,
ut eatis , et fructum afferatis, et fructus vester maněat : ut
quodcumque petieritis Patrem in nomine meo , det vobis .
17 Hæc mando vobis , ut diligatis invicem .
18 Si mundus vos odit, scitote, quia me priorem vobis
odio habởit.
19 Si de mundo fuissetis, mundus , quod suum erat , dili
gěret: quia verò de mundo non estis, sed ego elegi vos de
mundo, propterěd odit vos mundus.
20 Mementote sermonis mei , quem ego dixi vobis : Non
est servus major Domìno suo . Si me persecuti sunt , et vos
persequentur : si sermonem meum servaverunt, et vestrum
21 Sed hæc omnïa facient vobis propter nomen meum ,
quia nesciunt eum , qui inisit me .
22 Si non venissem , et locutus fuissem eis, peccatum non
haberent : nunc autem excusationem non habent de peccato
23 Qui me odit , et Patrem meum odit.
24 Si opěra non fecissem in eis , quæ nemo alíus fecit,
peccatum non haberent : nunc autem et viderunt, et oderunt
me et Patrem meum .
25 Sed ut adimpleatur sermo , qui in lege eorum scriptum
est : Quia odio habuerunt me gratis .
26 Cùm autem venerit Paracletus, ego mittam vo
2 bis à Patre , Spirìtum veritatis , qui à Patre procedit , ille tes
timonium perhibebit de me :

27 Et vos testimonium perhibebitis , quia ab initio mecum



1 Hæc locutus sum vobis , ut non scandalizemîni .

2 Absque synagogis facient vos : sed venit hora , ut omnis
qui interficit vos , arbitretur obsequium se præstare Deo.
3 Et hæc facient vobis , quia non noverunt Patrem , neque
me ,
4 Sed hæc locutus sum vobis , ut cùm venērit hora , eorum
reminiscamini, quia ego dixi vobis.
5 Hæc autem vobis ab initio non dixi, quia vobiscum
eram . Et nunc vado ad eum , qui misit me: et nemo ex
vobis interrogat me : Quo vadis ?
6 Sed quia hæc locutus sum vobis , tristitia implevit cor
vestrum .
7 Sed ego veritatem dico vobis : expédit vobis , ut ego
vadam : si enim non abiěro , Paracletus non veniet ad vos :
si autem abiero , mittam eum ad vos .
8 Et cùm veněrit ille , argủet mundum de peccato , et de
justitiâ , et de judicio .
9 De peccato quidem , quia non crediderunt in me :
10 De justitiâ verò, quia ad Patrem vado , et jam non
videbitis me :
11 De judicỉo autem , quia princeps hujus mundi jam
judicatus est.
12 Adhuc multa haběo vobis dicere : sed non potestis
portare modò.
13 Cùm autem veněrit ille Spiritus veritatis, docebit vos
omnem veritatem . Non enim loquetur à semetipso ; sed
quæcumque audiet, loquetur, et quæ ventura sunt, annun
ciabit vobis .
14 Ile me clarificabit : Quia de meo accipiet , et annun
ciabit vobis .
15 Omnia, quæcumque habet Pater, mea sunt. Propter
ěà dixi : Quia de meo accipiet, et annunciabit vobis.
16 Modicum , et jam non videbitis me ; et itěrùm modi
cum , et videbitis me; et quia vado ad Patrem .
17 Dixerunt ergo ex discipůlis ejus ad invicem : Quid est

hoc , quod dicit nobis : Modicum , et non videbitis me ; et

itěrum , modịcum , et videbịtis me ; et, quia vado ad Patrem ?
18 Dicebant ergo : Quid est hoc , quod dicit, Modịcum ?
nescimus quid loquitur .
19 Cognovit autem Jesus, quia volebant eum interrogare,
et dixit eis : De hoc quæritis inter vos , quia dixi , Modịcum ,
et non videbitis me; et itěrum , modịcum , et videbitis me ?
20 Amen , amen dico vobis : quia plorabītis et flebitis vos,
mundus autem gaudebit : vos autem contristabimîni , sed
tristitia vestra vertetur in gaudium .
21 Mulier cùm parit, tristitiam habet, quia venit hora
ejus: cum autem peperit puěrum , jam non meminit pressure
propter gaudium , quia natus est homo in mundum .
22 Et vos igitur nunc quidem tristitiam habebitis, itěrùm
autem videbo vos, et gaudebit cor vestrum : et gaudium ves
trum nemo tollit à vobis.
23 Et in illo die me non rogabītis quidquam . Amen ,
amen dico vobis ; si quid petieritis Patrem in nomine meo ,
dabit vobis .
24 Usque modò non petistis quidquam in nomine meo :
petite , et accipietis, ut gaudium vestrum sit plenum .
25 Hæc in proverbiis locutus sum vobis. Venit hora,
cùm jam non in proverbiis loquar vobis, sed palàm de Patre
annunciabo vobis.
26 In illo die in nomine meo petetis : et non dico vobis ,
quia ego rogabo Patrem de vobis:
27 Ipse enim Pater amat vos, quia vos me amâstis , et
credidistis , quia ego à Deo exivi.
28 Exivi à Patre, et veni in mundum : iterum relinquo
mundum , et vado ad Patrem .
29 Dicunt ei discipůli ejus: Ecce nunc palàm loquěris,
et proverbium nullum dicis .
30 Nunc scimus , quia scis omnța, et non opus est tibi , ut
quis te interroget : in hoc credimus , quia à Deo existi .
31 Respondit eis Jesus : Modò creditis ?
32 Ecce venit hora , et jam venit, ut dispergamini unus
quisque in propría, et me solum relinquatis : et non sum
solus, quia Pater mecum est.
33 Hæc locutus sum vobis , ut in me pacem habeatis. In
mundo pressuram habebitis : sed confidíte, ego vici mun
dum .


1 Hæc locutus est Jesus : et sublevatis ocủlis in cælum ,

dixit : Pater, venit hora , clarifica Filțum tuum , ut Filius
tuus clarificet te :
2 Sicut dedisti ei potestatem omnis carnis, ut omne , quod
dedisti ei , det eis vitam æternam .
3 Hæc est autem vita æterna : Ut cognoscant te , solum
Deum verum , et quem misisti , Jesum Christum .
4 Ego te clarificavi super terram : opus consummavi , quod
dedisti mihi, ut faciam :
5 Et nunc clarifica me , tu , Pater , apud temetipsum , cla
ritate , quam habủi priusquam mundus esset , apud te .
6 Manifestavi nomen tuum hominibus, quos dedisti mihi
de mundo . Tui erant, et mihi eos dedisti : et sermonem
tuum servaverunt.
7 Nunc cognoverunt, quia omnia, quæ dedisti mihi , abs
te sunt :
8 Quia verba , quæ dedisti mihi , dedi eis : et ipsi accepe
runt, et cognoverunt verè , quia à te exivi , et crediderunt,
quia tu me misisti .
9 Ego pro eis rogo: non pro mundo rogo , sed pro his,
quos dedisti mihi; quia tui sunt.
10 Et mea omnia, tua sunt ; et tua , mea sunt : et clarifi
catus sum in eis .
11 Et jam non sum in mundo , sed hi in mundo sunt, et
ego ad te venio . Pater sancte , serva eos in nomine tuo ,
quos dedisti mihi , ut sint unum , sicut et nos.
12 Cùm essem cum eis , ego servabam eos in nomine tuo .
Quos dedisti mihi , custodivi: et nemo ex eis periit , nisi filius
perditionis, ut Scriptura impleatur .
13 Nunc autem ad te venjo : et hæc loquor in mundo , ut
habeant gaudium meum impletum in semetipsis.
14 Ego dedi eis sermonem tuum , et mundus eos odio
habắit , quia non sunt de mundo , sicut et ego non sum de
mundo .
15 Non rogo, ut tollas eos de mundo , sed ut serves eos à
malo .
16 De mundo non sunt , sicut et ego non sum de mundo.
17 Sanctifica eos in veritate : sermo taus veritas est.

18 Sicut tu me misisti in mundum , et ego misi eos in

mundum .
19 Et pro eis ego sanctifico meipsum ; ut sint et ipsi
sanctificati in veritate .
20 Non pro eis autem rogo tantùm , sed et pro eis qui
credituri sunt per verbum eorum in me:
21 Ut omnes unum sint , sicut tu Pater in me , et ego in
te, ut et ipsi in nobis unum sint : ut credat mundus, quia tu
me misisti.
22 Et ego claritatem , quam dedisti mihi , dedi eis : ut sint
unum , sicut et nos unum sumus,
23 Ego in eis , et tu in me : ut sint consummati in unum ;
et cognoscat mundus , quia tu me misisti , et dilexisti eos, si
cut et me dilexisti .
24 Pater, quos dedisti mihi, volo , ut ubi sum ego , et illi
sint mecum ; ut viděant claritatem meam , quam dedisti mi
hi : quia dilexisti me ante constitutionem mundi .
25 Pater juste, mundus te non cognovit. Ego autem te
cognovi: et hi cognoverunt , quia tu me misisti.
26 Et notum feci eis nomen tuum , et notum faciam : ut
dilectio, quâ dilexisti me , in ipsis sit, et ego in ipsis.


1 Hæc cùm dixisset Jesus, egressus est cum discipėlis

suis trans torrentem Cedron , ubi erat hortus, in quem intro
ivit ipse, et discipuli ejus.
2 Sciebat autem et Judas, qui tradebat eum , locum : quia
frequenter Jesus conveněrat illuc cum discipėlis suis.
3 Judas ergo cùm accepisset cohortem , et à Pontificibus
et Pharisæis ministros, venit illuc cum laternis , et facibus, et
armis .
4 Jesus ităque sciens omnia, quæ ventura erant super
eum , processit, et dixit eis : Quem quærſtis .
5 Responderunt ei : Jesum Nazarenum . Dicit eis Jesus:
Ego sum . Stabat autem et Judas, qui tradebat eum , cum
6 Ut ergo dixit eis : Ego sum : abierunt retrorsùm et ce
ciderunt in terram .

7 Itěrùm ergo interrogavit eos : Quem quæritis ? Illi au

tem dixerunt : Jesum Nazarenum.
8 Respondit Jesus : Dixi vobis , quia ego sum ; si ergo me
quæritis , sinīte hos abire.
9 Ut impleretur sermo , quem dixit : Quia , quos dedisti
mihi , non perdìdi ex eis quemquam .
10 Simon ergo Petrus habens gladium , eduxit eum , et
percussit Pontificis servum , et abscidit auricŭlam ejus dex
těram . Erat autem nomen servo Malchus .
11 Dixit ergo Jesus Petro : Mitte gladìum tuum in vagi
nam . Calicem , quem dedit mihi Pater, non bibam illum?
12 Cohors ergo et tribunus , et ministri Judæorum com
prehenderunt Jesum , et ligaverunt eum ;
13 Et adduxerunt eum ad Annam primùm ; erat enim
socer Caiăphæ , qui erat Pontifex anni illius .
14 Erat autem Caiăphas, qui consilțum deděrat Judæis :
Quia expédit unum hominem mori pro popúlo .
15 Sequebatur autem Jesum Simon Petrus , et alius disci
půlus . Discipŭlus autem ille erat notus Pontifici , et introi
vit cum Jesu in atrĩum Pontificis .
16 Petrus autem stabat ad ostium forìs. Exivit ergo dis
cipŭlus alſus, qui erat notus Pontifici , et dixit ostiariæ , et
introduxit Petrum .
17 Dicit ergo Petro ancilla ostiaría : Numquid et tu ex
discipėlis es hominis istius ? Dicit ille : Non sum .
18 Stabant autem servi et ministri ad prunas , quia frigus
erat, et calefaciebant se : erat autem cum eis et Petrus stans,
et calefaciens se.
19 Pontifex ergo interrogavit Jesum de discipėlis suis , et
de doctrinâ ejus.
20 Respondit ei Jesus : Ego palàm locutus sum mundo :
ego semper docăi in synagogâ, et in templo , quò omnes Ju
dæi convenỹunt : et in occulto locutus sum nihil .
21 Quid me interrogas ? interroga eos , qui audierunt, quid
locutus sim ipsis : ecce hi sciunt, quæ dixěrim ego .
22 Hæc autem cùm dixisset, unus assistens ministrorum
dedit alăpam Jesu , dicens : Sic respondes Pontifici ?
23 Respondit ei Jesus : Si malè locutus sum, testimonỹum
perhibe de malo : si autem benè , quid me cædis ?
24 Et misit euni Annas ligatum ad Cajăpham Pontificem .
25 Erat autem Simon Petrus stans , et calefaciens se .

Dixerunt ergo ei : Numquid et tu ex discipůlis ejus es ? Ne

gavit ille , et dixit : Non sum .
26 Dicit ei unus ex servis Pontifîcis , cognatus ejus, cujus
abscidit Petrus auricŭlam : Nonne ego te vidi in horto cum
illo ?
27 Itěrùm ergo negavit Petrus : et statim gallus cantavit.
28 Adducunt ergo Jesum à Caiăphâ in prætorựum . Erat
autem mane : et ipsi non introierunt in prætorïum , ut non
contaminarentur, sed ut manducarent Pascha .
29 Exivit ergo Pilatus ad eos foràs, et dixit : Quam accu
sationem affertis adversus hominem hunc ?
30 Responderunt , et dixerunt ei : Si non esset hic male
factor, non tibi tradidissemus eum .
31 Dixit ergo eis Pilatus : Accipite eum vos , et secundum
legem vestram judicate eum . Dixerunt ergo Judæi . Nobis
non licet interficăre quemquam :
32 Ut sermo ejus impleretur, quem dixit significans, quâ
morte esset moriturus.
33 Introivit ergoitěrùm in prætorņum Pilatus , et vocavit
Jesum , et dixit ei: Tu es rex Judæorum ?
34 Respondit Jesus : A temetipso hoc dicis, an alii dixe
runt tibi de me ?
35 Respondit Pilatus? Numquid ego Judæus sum ? Gens
tua et pontifices tradiderunt te mihi: quid fecisti ?
36 Respondit Jesus : Regnum meum non est de hoc
mundo : si ex hoc mundo esset regnum meum , ministri mei
utỉque decertarent , ut non traděrer Judæis : nunc autem
regnum meum non est hinc .
37 Dixit itaque ei Pilatus : Ergo rex es tu ? Respondit
Jesus : Tu dicis , quia rex sum ego. Ego in hoc natus sum ,
et ad hoc veni in mundum , ut testimonțum perhibeam veri
tati : omnis qui est ex veritate , audit vocem meam .
38 Dicit ei Pilatus : Quid est veritas ? Et cùm hoc dix
isset, itěrum exivit ad Judæos, et dicit eis : Ego nullam in
venio in eo causam .
39 Est autem consuetudo vobis , ut unum dimittam vobis
in Paschâ : vultis ergo dimittam vobis regem Judæorum
40 Clamaverunt ergo rursùm omnes , dicentes : Non hunc ,
sed Barabbam . Erat autem Barabbas latro .


1 Tunc ergo apprehendit Pilatus Jesum , et flagellavit.

2 Et milites plectentes coronam de spinis , imposuerunt
capiti ejus: et veste purpurěâ circumdederunt eum .
3 Et veniebant ad eum , et dicebant : Ave , rex Judæorum :
et dabant ei alăpas.
4 Exivit ergo itěrum Pilatus foràs, et dicit eis : Ecce ad
duco vobis eum foràs, ut cognoscatis, quia nullam invențo in
eo causam .
5 ( Exivit ergo Jesus portans coronam spiněam et purpu
réum vestimentum ): Et dicit eis : Ecce homo.
6 Cùm ergo vidissent eum Pontifices et ministri , clama
bant dicentes : Crucifige eum . Dicit eis Pilatus : Accipite
eum vos, et crucifigite : ego enim non invenio in eo causam .
ī Responderunt ei Judæi: Nos legem habemus, et secun
dùm legem debet mori , quia Filium Dei se fecit.
8 Cùm ergo audisset Pilatus hunc sermonem , magis ti
9 Et ingressus est prætorîum itěrùm , et dixit ad Jesum :
Unde es tu ? Jesus autem responsum non dedit ei.
10 Dicit ergo ei Pilatus : Mihi non loquěris ? nescis , quia
potestatem haběo crucifigere te, et potestatem haběo dimit
těre te ?
11 Respondit Jesus : Non haberes potestatem adversum
me ullam , nisi tibi datum esset desăper . Proptereà qui me
tradidit tibi , majus peccatum habet.
12 Et exinde quærebat Pilatus dimittére eum . Judæi
autem clamabant dicentes : Si hunc dimittis , non es amicus
Cæsăris. Omnis enim , qui se regem facit, contradicit Cæ
sări ,
13 Pilatus autem cùm audîsset hos sermones , adduxit
foràs Jesum: et sedit pro tribunali, in loco , qui dicitur Li
thostrotos, Hebraïcè autem Gabbătha .
14 Erat autem Parasceve Paschæ , horâ quasi sextâ , et
dicit Judæis : Ecce rex vester .
15 Illi autem clamabant : Tolle , tolle , crucifige eum .
Dicit eis Pilatus : Regem vestrum crucifigam ? Responde
runt Pontifices : Non habemus regem , pisi Cæsărem .
6 Tunc ergo tradidit eis illum , ut crucifigeretur. Susce
perunt autem Jesum , et eduxerunt.

17 Et bajŭlans sibi crucem , exivit in eum , qui dicitur

Calvariæ , locum , Hebraicè autem Golgotha :
18 Ubi crucifixerunt eum , et cum eo alios duos , hinc et
hinc , medịum autem Jesum .
19 Scripsit autem et titŭlum Pilatus, et posŭit super cru
cem . Erat autem scriptum : Jesus Nazarenus, Rex Ju
dæorum .
20 Hunc ergo titŭlum multi Judæorum legerunt: quia
prope civitatem erat locus , ubi crucifixus est Jesus; et erat
scriptum Hebraicè , Græcè , et Latinè .
21 Dicebant ergo Pilato Pontifices Judæorum : Noli
scriběre , Rex Judæorum : sed , quia ipse dixit : Rex sum
Judæorum .
22 Respondit Pilatus : Quod scripsi , scripsi.
23 Milſtes ergo cùm crucifixissent eum , acceperunt vesti
menta ejus, ( et fecerunt quatăor partes , unicuique militi
partem ) et tunịcam. Erat autem tunịca inconsutilis, desă
per contexta per totum .
24 Dixerunt ergo ad invěcem : Non scindamus eam , sed
sortiamur de illâ , cujus sit : ut Scriptura impleretur, dicens :
Partiti sunt vestimenta mea sibi , et in vestem meam miserunt
sortem . Et milites quidem hæc fecerunt.
25 Stabant autem juxta crucem Jesu mater ejus, et soror
matris ejus, Maria Cleophæ , et Maria Magdalene.
26 Cùm vidisset ergo Jesus matrem , et discipŭlum stan
tem , quem diligebat, dicit matri suæ : Mulier, ecce filius
tuus .
27 Deinde dicit discipŭlo : Ecce mater tua . Et ex illâ
horâ accepit eam discipůlus in sua .
28 Postěà sciens Jesus, quia omnța consummata sunt, ut
consummaretur Scriptura , dixit : Sitio .
29 Vas ergo erat posïtum aceto plenum . Illi autem spon
giam plenam aceto , hyssopo circumponentes, obtulerunt ori
ejus .
30 Cùm ergo accepisset Jesus acetum , dixit : Consumma
tum est. Et inclinato capite, tradidit spiritum .
31 Judæi ergo , (quoniam Parasceve erat) ut non remane
rent in cruce corpora sabbăto, (erat enim magnus dies ille
Sabbăti ) rogaverunt Pilatum , ut frangerentur eorum crura ,
et tollerentur.

32 Venerunt ergo milites: et primi quidem fregerunt cru

ra , et alterïus , qui crucifixus est cum eo .
33 Ad Jesum autem cùm venissent , et viderunt eum ja.n
mortŭum , non fregerunt ejus crura .
34 Sed unus militum lancěâ latus ejus aperăit , et con
tinŭò exivit sanguis , et aqua.
35 Et qui vidit , testimonțum perhibŭit : et verum est tes
timonìum ejus. Et ille scit , quia vera dicit : ut et vos cre
datis .
36 Facta sunt enim hæc , ut Scriptura impleretur : Os
non comminuetis ex eo .
37 Et itěrum alía Scriptura dicit : Videbunt in quem
38 Post hæc autem rogavit Pilatum Joseph ab Arimathæâ ,
(eo quod esset discipůlus Jesu , occultus autem propter me
tum Judæorum ) ut tolleret corpus Jesu . Et permisit Pilatus.
Venit ergo , et tulit corpus Jesu .
39 Venit autem et Nicodemus , qui veněrat ad Jesum
nocte primum , ferens mixturam myrrhæ et alöes , quasi li
bras centum .
40 Acceperunt ergo corpus Jesu , et ligaverunt illud lin
těis cum aromatibus, sicut mos est Judæis sepelire.
41 Erat autem in loco , ubi crucifixus est, hortus : et in
horto monumentum novum, in quo nondum quisquam posĩ-
tus erat.
42 Ibi ergo propter Parasceven Judæorum , quia juxta
erat monumentum , posuerunt Jesum .

1 Una autem sabbăti , Maria Magdalene venit mane, cum
adhuc tenebræ essent , ad monŭmentum , et vidit lapidem
sublatum à monumento .
2 Cucurrit ergo , et venit ad Simonem Petrum et ad alium
discipůlum , quem amabat Jesus, et dicit illis : Tulerunt Do
minum de monumento, et nescimus ubi posuerunt eum .
3 Exỉit ergo Petrus , et ille alſus discipŭlus, et venerunt
ad monumentum .
4 Currebant autem duo simul , et ille alſus discipůlus præ
cucurrit citiùs Petro, et venit primus ad monumentum .

5 Et cum se inclinâsset , videt posïta linteamina , non ta

men introivit .
6 Venit ergo Simon Petrus sequens eum , et introivit in
monumentum , et vidit linteamỉna posīta.
7 Et sudarium , quod fuěrat super caput ejus, non cum
linteaminìbus posỉtum , sed separatim involutum in unum
8 Tunc ergo introivit et ille discipůlus qui venerat primus
ad monumentum : et vidit , et credidit .
9 Nondum enim sciebant Scripturam , quia oportebat eum
à mortŭis resurgěre .
10 Abierunt ergo utěrùm discipůli ad semetipsos.
11 Maria autem stabat ad monumentum forìs, plorans.
Dum ergo fleret, inclinavit se , et prospexit in monumentum :
12 Et vidit duos augělos in albis, sedentes, unum ad ca
put , et unum ad pedes , ubi positum fuěrat corpus Jesu .
13 Dicunt ei illi : Mulier, quid ploras ? Dicit eis : Quia
tulerunt Domịnum meum , et nescio , ubi posuerunt eum .
14 Hæc cùm dixisset , conversa est retrorsùm , et vidit
Jesum stantem : et non sciebat, quia Jesus est.
15 Dicit ei Jesus: Mulier, quid ploras ? quem quæris ?
Illa existimans quia hortulanus esset, dicit ei : Domine, si tu
sustulisti eum, dicito mihi , ubi posuisti eum : et ego eum
tollam .
16 Dicit ei Jesus : Maria . Conversa illa , dicit ei : Rab
boni (quod dicitur, Magister ).
17 Dicit ei Jesus : Noli me tangěre ; nondum enim as
cendi ad Patrem meum : vade autem ad fratres meos , et dic
eis : Ascendo ad Patrem meum , et Patrem vestrum , Deum
meum , et Deum vestrum .
18 Venit Maria Magdalene annuncians discipėlis : Quia
vidi Dominum , et hæc dixit mihi .
19 Cùm ergo serò esset die illo , unâ sabbatorum , et fores
essent clause, ubi erant discipůli congregati propter metum
Judæorum : venit Jesus , et stetit in medio, et dixit eis : Pax
vobis .
20 Et cùm hoc dixisset, ostendit eis manus et latus. Ga
visi-sunt ergo discipůli, viso Domịno .
21 Dixit ergo eis itěrum : Pax vobis . Sicut misit me
Pater, et ego mitto vos .


22 Hæc cùm dixisset, insufflavit, et dixit eis : Accipite

Spirìtum Sanctum .
23 Quorum remiseritis peccata , remittuntur eis : et quo
rum retinueritis , retenta sunt.
24 Thomas autem unus ex duoděcim , qui dicitur Didy
mus, non erat cum eis , quando venit Jesus .
25 Dixerunt ergo ei alii discipůli : Vidimus Dominum .
Ille autem dixit eis : Nisi viděro in manîbus ejus fixuram
clavorum , et mittam digitum meum in locum clavorum , et
mittam manum meam in latus ejus, non credam .
26 Et post dies octo, itěrùm erant discipůli ejus intus :
et Thomas cum eis. Venit Jesus , janŭis clausis, et stetit in
medio , et dixit : Pax vobis .
27 Deinde dicit Thomæ : Infer digitum tuum huc , et vide
manus meas ; et affer manum tuam , et mitte in latus meum :
et noli esse incredŭlus, sed fidelis.
28 Respondit Thomas, et dixit ei : Domịnus meus et Deus
meus .
29 Dixit ei Jesus : Quia vidisti me, Thoma , credidisti :
beati , qui non viderunt , et crediderunt.
30 Multa quidem , et alĩa signa fecit Jesus in conspectu
discipulorum suorum , quæ non sunt scripta in libro hoc .
31 Hæc autem scripta sunt, ut credatis , quia Jesus est
Christus , Filſus Dei , et ut credentes vitam habeatis in no
mîne ejus.


1 Postea manifestavit se itěrum Jesus discipulis ad mare

Tiberiădis . Manifestavit autem sic :
2 Erant simul Simon Petrus , et Thomas, qui dicitur Di
dýmus , et Nathanăël, qui erat à Cana Galilææ , et filii Ze
bedæi , et alii ex discipủlis ejus duo .
3 Dicit eis Simon Petrus: Vado piscari. Dicunt ei : Ve
nimus et nos tecum . Et exierunt, et ascenderunt in navim :
et illâ nocte nihil prendiderunt.
4 Mane antem facto , stetit Jesus in littore : non tamen
cognoverunt discipuli , quia Jesus est .
5 Dixit ergo eis Jesus: Puéri, numquid pulmentarțum
habetis ? Responderunt ei : Non.

6 Dicit eis : Mittřte in dextěram navigii réte , et invenietis.

Miserunt ergo : et jam non valebant illud trahere præ mul
titudine piscium .
7 Dixit ergo discipŭlus ille, quem diligebat Jesus , Petro :
Dominus est . Simon Petrus cùm audisset, quia Dominus
est , tunịcâ succinxit se (erat enim nudus ,) et misit se in
mare .
8 Alii autem discipůli navigio venerunt: (non enim longè
erant à terrâ , sed quasi cubitis ducentis) trahentes rete pis
cium .
9 Ut ergo descenderunt in terram , viderunt prunas posi
tas , et piscem superpositum , et panem .
10 Dicit eis Jesus : Afferte de piscibus , quos prendidistis
nunc .
11 Ascendit Simon Petrus, et traxit rete in terram , ple
num magnis piscîbus , centum quinquaginta tribus . Et cùm
tanti essent , non est scissum rete .
12 Dicit eis Jesus : Venite , prandete. Et nemo audebat
discumbentium interrogare eum : Tu quis es ? scientes, quia
Dominus est .
13 Et venit Jesus, et accipit panem , et dat eis, et piscem
14 Hoc jam tertio manifestatus est Jesus discipulis suis ,
cùm resurrexisset à mortŭis .
15 Cùm ergo prandissent, dicit Simoni Petro Jesus : Si
mon Jonæ , diligis me plus his ? Dicit ei ? Etiam , Domine ,
tu scis quia amo te. Dicit ei , Pasce agnos meos.
16 Dicit ei itěrùm : Simon Jonæ , diligis me ? Ait illi :
Etïam , Domîne , tu scis, quia amo te . Dicit ei ? Pasce
agnos meos.
17 Dicit ei tertiò : Simon Jonæ , amas me ? Contristatus
est Petrus , quia dixit ei tertio : Amas me ? et dixit ei: Do
mine , tu omnia nôsti : tu scis quia amo te . Dixit ei : Pasce
oves meas .
18 Amen , amen dico tibi : cùm esses junior, cingebas te ,
et ambulabas , ubi volebas. Cùm autem senuěris, extendes
manus tuas, et alịus te cinget, et ducet, quò tu non vis .
19 Hoc autem dixit , signifîcans, quâ morte clarificaturus
esset Deum . Et cùm hoc dixisset, dicit ei : Sequěre me .
20 Conversus Petrus vidit illum discipúlum , quem dilige

bat Jesus , sequentem , qui et recubúit in cænâ super pectu

ejus, et dixit , Domîne, quis est, qui tradet te ?
21 Hunc ergo cùm vidisset Petrus, dixit Jesu : Domine ,
hic autem quid ?
22 Dicit ei Jesus : Si eum volo manere , donec veniam ,
quid ad te ? tu me sequěre .
23 Exřit sermo iste inter fratres, quia discipůlus ille non
morîtur. Et non dixit ei Jesus : Non morîtur ; sed : Si
eum volo manere , donec venšam , quid ad te ?
24 Hic est discipůlus ille , qui testimonìum perhibet de
his, et scripsit hæc: et scimus, quia verum est testimonțum
25 Sunt autem et alĩa multa , quæ fecit Jesus ; quæ
scribantur per singúla, nec ipsum arbỉtror mundum capěr .
posse eos , qui scribendi sunt, libros.


1 Verbum erat in principio , et Verbum erat apud

WORD was in beginning, and Word was at
Deum , et Verbum erat Deus .
God , and Word was God .

2 Hoc erat in principio apud Deum .

This was in beginning at God.
Omnia sunt facta per ipsum : et sine
All things are made through self: and without
ipso nihil est factum , quod est facturn .
self nothing is made, which is made .
vita erat lux hominum .
4 In ipso vita erat , et
In self life was, and life was light of men .
Et lux lucet in teněbris, et teněbræ
And light shines in darknesses, and darknesses
comprehenderunt non eam .
comprehended not it.

6 Homo fuit missus à Deo , cui nomen erat

Man was sent from God, to whom name was
Joannes .
John .
testimonľum , perhiberet
7 . Hic venit in ut
This came into testimony , that he might furnish
testimonium de lumine , ut omnes creděrent
testimony of light, that all might believe
per illum .
rough him .

Ille erat non lux , sed ut perhiberet

That was not light, but that he might furnish
testimonſum de lumine .
testimony of light.
Erat vera lux , quæ illum¡nat omnem
He was true light, which enlightens every
homïnem venientem in hunc mundum .
тап coming into this world.
Erat in mundo , et mundus est factus per
He was in world , and world is made through
ipsum , et mundus cognovit eum non .
self, and world knew him not.
Venit in propria , et sui receperunt
He came into own things , and his own received
eum non.
him not.
Autem quotquot receperunt eum , dedit
But as-many-as received him , he gave
eis potestatem fiěri filios Dei , his qui
to them power to be made sons of God, to these who
credunt in nomỉne ejus:
believe in name of him :
Qui sunt nati , non ex sanguinibus, neque
13 Who are
born , not out of bloods, neither
ex voluntate carnis , neque ex voluntate viri,
out of will of flesh, neither out of will of man ,
sed ex Deo .
but out of God .
Et Verbum est factum caro , et habitavit in
And Word is made fesh , and hath dwelt in
nobis : et vidímus gloriam ejus, gloriam quasi
US : and we have seen glory of him , glory as if
unigeniti à Patre , plenum gratia et
of only begotten from Father, full of grace and
veritatis .
of truth .

15 Joannes perhibet testimonium de ipso , et

John furnishes testimony of self, and
clamat dicens : Hic erat , quem dixi : Qui
cries out saying : This was, whom I have said : Who
est venturus post me , est factus ante me , quia
is about to come after me, is made before me, because
erat prior me .
he was former than I.
Et nos omnes accepimus de plenitudine
And we all have received of fulness
ejus, et gratiam pro gratiâ .
of him , and grace for grace .
Quia lex est data per Moysen , gratỉa
Because law is given through Moses, grace
et verịtas est facta per Jesum Christum .
and truth is made through Jesus Christ.
18 Nemo unquam vidit Deum : unigenitus
Nobody ever hath seen God : only -begotten
Filius , qui est in sinu Patris, ipse enarravit .
Son , who is in bosom of Father, self has related .
Et hoc est testimonſum Joannis , quando Judæi
19 Jews
And this is testimony of John, when
miserunt Sacerdotes et Levitas ab Jerosolýmis ad
sent Priests and Levites from Jerusalems to
eum , ut interrogarent eum : Quis es tu ?
him , that they might question him : Who art thou ?
Et confessus -est , et negavit non : et
20 and he denied not : and
And he confessed,
ego sum non Chr ist us.
confessus- est : Quia
he confessed : Because I ат not Christ .
Et interrogaverunt eum : Quid ergo ? Es
And they questioned him : What therefore ? Art
tu Elias ? Et dixit : Sum non . Es tu
thou Elias ? And he suid : I am not. Art thou
Propheta ? Et respondit : Non .
Prophet ? And he answered : Not.

Dixerunt ergo ei : Quis es , ut

They said therefore to him : Who art thou , that
demus responsum his , qui miserunt nos ?
we may give answer to these, who have sent us ?
Quid dicis de teipso ?
What sayest thou of thyself ?
Ait : Ego VOX clamantis in deserto :
He says I (am) voice of (one) crying in desert :
Dirigite viam Domini , sicut Isaias propheta
Make straight way of Lord , so-as Isaiah prophet
dixit .
has said.
Et qui fuěrant missi , erant ex Pharisæis .
And who had been sent, were out -of Phurisees .
Et interrogaverunt eum , et dixerunt ei :
And they questioned him , and they said to him :
Quid ergo baptizas si tu es non Christus ,
What therefore baptizest thou if thou art not Christ,
neque Elias, neque Propheta ?
neither Elias , neither Prophet ?
Joannes respondit eis , dicens : Ego baptizo
26 I baptize
John answered to them , saying :
in aquâ : autem medìus vestrum stetit, quem VOS
in water : but middle of you has stood , whom ye
nescitis ;
know not ;
Ipse est , qui est venturus post me , qui est
Self is, who is about to come after me , who is
factus ante me : cujus ego sum non dignus ut
made before me : of whom I am not worthy that
solvam corrigiam calceamenti ejus.
I may loose thong of shoe of him .
Hæc sunt facta trans Jordanem in
These things are done beyond Jordan in
Bethabara , ubi Joannes erat baptizans .
Bethubara , where John was buptizing.

Alterâ die Joannes vidit Jesum venientem ad

In other day John saw Jesus coming to
se , et ait : Ecce agnus Dei , qui
himself, and he says : Behold lamb of God, who
tollit peccatum mundi .
takes away sin of world .
Hic est de quo dixi : vir venit post
This is of whom I have said : man comes after
me , qui est factus ante me : quia erat prior
me , who is made before me : because he was before
me .
than 1.
Et ego nesciebam eum ; sed ut manifes
And I did not know him ; but that he may be
tetur in Isrăël , propterea ego veni baptizans
manifested in Israel, on - that-account I came baptizing
in aquâ .
in water
Et Joannes perhibởit testimonium , dicens :
And John furnished testimony , saying :
Quia vidi Spirìtum descendentem quasi columbam
Because I saw Spirit descending as if dove
de colo , et mansit super eum .
from heaven , and he remained upon him.
Et ego nesciebam eum ; sed qui misit me
And I did not know him ; but who sent me
baptizare in aquâ, ille dixit mihi :Super quem
to baptize in water , he said to me :Upon whom
viděris Spirítum descendentem et manentem
thou shalt have seen Spirit descending and remaining
super eum , hic est, qui baptizat in Sancto Spirìtu.
upon him , this is , who baptizes in Holy Spirit.

24 Et ego vidi ; et perhibủi testimonịum , quia

And I saw ; and I furnished testimony , because
hic est Filius Dei.
this is Son of God .
Alterâ die itěrùm Joannes stabat , et duo
In other day again John did stand, and two
ex discipůlis ejus.
out- of disciples of him .
Et respiciens Jesum ambulantem , dicit :
And looking back upon Jesus walking , he says :
Ecce s
agnu Dei .
Behold lamb of God.
Et duo discipůli audierunt eum loquentem , et
37 and
And two disciples heard him speaking,
secuti-sunt Jesum .
they followed Jesus.
Autem Jesum conversus , et videns eos
But Jesus being turned, and seeing them
sequentes se , dicit eis ; Quid quæritis ? Qui
following himself, says to them ; What seek ye ? Who
dixerunt ei : Rabbi , (quod dicitur interpretatum ,
said to him : Rabbi , (which is said interpreted ,
Magister ,) ubi habitas ?
O Master,) where dwellest thou ?
Dicit eis : Venite et videte. Venerunt,
He says to them : Come ye and see ye . They came ,
et viderunt ubi maneret, et manserunt
and saw where he might remain , and they remained
apud eum illo die : autem hora erat quasi
at ( with) him in that day : but hour was
as if
decima .
tenth .
Autem Andreas frater Simonis Petri erat unus
40 But
Andrew brother of Simon Peter was one
ex duobus discipulis qui audièrant à Joanne ,
out- of two disciples who had heard from John ,
et secuti- fuěrant eum .
und had followed him .
41 Hic primùm invěnit suum fratrem Simonem , et
This first finds his brother Simon, and
dicit ei , Invenìmus Messiam , (quod est inter
says to him, We have found Messiah , (which is inter
pretatum , Christus . )
preted , Christ.)
Et adduxit eum ad Jesum , autem Jesus
42 Jesus,
And he led to him to but Jesus
intuitus eum , dixit : Tu es Simon filius
having looked upon him , said : Thou art Simon son
Jona ; tu vocaberis Cephas, quod interpre
of Jona ; thou shalt be called Cephus, which is inter
tatur Petrus .
preted Peter.
In crastinum volŭit exire in Galilæam ,
Into morrow he willed to go out into Galilee ,
et invěnit Philippum , et Jesus dicit ei :
and he finds Philip , and Jesus says to him :
Sequěre me .
Follow me .

44 Autem Philippus erat à Bethsaïda , civitate

But Philip was from Bethsaida , city
Andreæ et Petri .
of* Andrew and of Peter.
45 Philippus invěnit Nathanăël, et dicit ei :
Philip finds Nathanael, and says to him :
Invențmus Jesum filium Joseph à Nazareth ,
We have found Jesus son of Joseph from Nazareth ,
quem Moyses scripsit et Prophetæ in lege .
whom Moses hath written and Prophets in law .
Et Nathanăël dixit ei : Potest aliquid
And Nathanael said to him : Can, any thing
boni esse à Nazăreth ? Philippus dicit ei :
of good to be from Nazareth ? Philip says to him :
Veni , et vide .
Come, and see .
Jesus vidit Nathanăël venientem ad se , et
Jesus saw Nathanael coming to himself, und
dicit de eo : Ecce ! verè , Israëlita, in quo dolus
says of him : Behold ! truly, Israelite, in whom deceit
est non .
is not .
Nathanăel dicit ei : Unde nôsti
Nathanael says to him : Whence hast thou known
me ? Jesus respondit , et dixit ei : Priusquam
me ? Jesus answered , and said to him : Before that
Philippus vocaret te , cum esses sub
Philip might call thee , when thou mightest be under
ficu vidi te .
fiy - tree I saw thee .
Nathanăël respondit ei , et ait : Rabbi ,
49 Nath
anael answered to him , and says : Rabbi ,
tu es Filius Dei , tu es Rex Isrăël .
thou art Son of God, thou art King of Israel.
Jesus respondit , et dixit ei : Quia
Jesus answered , and said to him : Because
dixi tibi : Vidi te sub ficu , credis ?
I said to thee : I saw thee under fig -tree, believest thou ?
videbis majus his .
thau shalt see a greater thing than these.
Et dicit ei : Amen , amen dico ,
And he says to him : Amen , amen I say ,
vobis , videbitis cælum apertum , et angělos
to you , you shall see heaven opened , und angels
Dei ascendentes et descendentes supra Filſum
of God ascending and descending ироп Son
homìnis .
of man .


ET tertiâ die nuptiæ factæ -sunt in Canâ

AND in third day nuptials were -made in Cana
Galilææ , et mater Jesu erat ibi .
of Galilee , and mother of Jesus was there .
Autem et Jesus vocatus -est, et discipůli ejus
But and Jesus was -called , and disciples of him
ad nuptias.
to nuptials.
Et vino deficiente , mater Jesu dicit ad
And wine failing, mother of Jesus says to
eum : Habent non vinum .
him : They have not wine .
Et Jesus dicit ei : Quid est mihi et
And Jesus says to her : What is to me and
tibi , mulier ? mea hora venit nondum .
to thee , O woman ? my hour has come not yet .
Mater ejus dicit ministris : Quodcumque
5 1 Whatever
Mother of him suys to servants :
dixěrit vobis , facîte.
he shall have said to you, do ye .

6 Autem sex lapiděæ hydriæ erant positæ ibi

But six stony water -pots were placed there
secundum purificationem Judæorum , singủlæ
according to purification of Jews, each ( plur . )
capientes binas vel ternas metretas .
taking two or three measures.
Jesus dicit eis : Implete hydrías aquâ .
Jesus says to them : Fill water - pots with water.
Et impleverunt eas usque ad summum .
And they filled them until to highest. $

Et Jesus dicit eis : Haurite nunc , et ferte

And Jesus says to them : Draw now , and bear
architriclino . Et tulerunt.
to ruler - of -table. And they bore .
Autem ut architriclinus gustavit aquam factam
But as ruler -of- table tasted water made
vinum , et sciebat non unde esset,
wine, and did know not whence it might be ,
( autem ministri qui hausėrant aquam , sciebant) :
(but servants who had drawn water , did know ) :
architriclinus vocat sponsum , 1
ruler- of -table calls bridegroom ,
Et dicit ei : Omnis homo primùm ponit
And says to him : Every man first places
bonum vinum , et cum fuerint inebriati ,
good wine , and when they may have been inebriated ,
tunc id quod est deterius : autem tu servâsti
then that which is worse : but thou hast kept
bonum vinum usque adhuc .
good wine until hitherto.
Jesus fecithoc initium signorum in Canâ
Jesus mude this beginning of signs in Cana
Galilææ : et manifestavit suam gloriam , et dis
of Galilee : and manifested his glory , and dis
cipůli ejus crediderunt in eum ,
ciples of him believed into him .
Post hoc descendit Capharnaum , ipse
After this he descended ( to ) Capernaum , self
et mater ejus, et fratres ejus, et discipůli
and mother of him , and brothers of him , and disciples
ejus : el manserunt ibi non multis diebus .
of him : and they remained there not in many days.
Et Pascha Judæorum erat prope , et Jesus
And Passover of Jews was nigh, and Jesus
ascendit Jerosolymam :
ascended (to) Jerusalem :
Et invenit in templo vendentes boves, et
And he found in temple those selling oxen , and
oves , et columbas , et nummularios sedentes.
sheep , and doves , and money -changers sitting .
Et cum fecisset quasi flagellum
And when he might have made as if whip
de funicŭlis, ejecit omnes de templo , oves
from little-ropes, he cast out all from temple, sheep
quoque , et boves, et effudit æs nummula
also , and oxen , and he poured out brass of money
riorum , et subvertit mensas.
changers, and overturned tables .
Et dixit his qui vendebant columbas :
And he said to those who did sell doves :
Auferte ista hinc , et nolite facere
Bear away these things hence , and be-unwilling to make
domum mei Patris, domum negotiationis .
house of my Father, house of negotiation.
Verò discipli ejus recordati sunt, quia
But disciples of him recollected , because
scriptum - est: Zelus tuæ domûs comedit
it has been written : Zeal of thy house hath eaten up
me .
me ,
18 Ergo Judæi responderunt et dixerunt ei :
Therefore Jews answered and said to him :
Quod signum ostendis nobis, quia facis
What sign shewest thou to us , because thou doest
hæc ?
these things ?
Jesus respondit et dixit eis : Solvite hoc
19 this
Jesus answered and said to them : Loose
templum , et in tribus diebus excitabo illud .
temple, and in three days I will raise that.

20 Ergo Judæi dixerunt : In quadraginta et

Therefore Jews said : In forty

sex annis hoc templum ædificatum -est, et excitabis

six years this temple has been built , and wilt raise
tu illud in tribus diebus ?
thou that in three days ?
21 Autem ille dicebat de templo sui corporis.
But he did say of temple of his
Cùm ergo resurrexisset à F
When therefore he might have risen again from
mortŭis, discipůli ejus recordati- sunt, quia di
dead, disciples of him recollected , because he
cebat hoc , et crediderunt scripturæ et sermoni ,
did say this , and they believed to scripture and to word ,
quem Jesus dixit .
which Jesus said.
Autem cum esset Jerosolymis in Pascha 1
But when he might be in Jerusalems in Passover
in festo die, multi crediderunt in nomine ejus,
in festive day , many believed in name of him ,
videntes signa ejus, quæ faciebat.
seeing signs of him , which he did do.
24 Autem Jesus ipse credebat non semetipsum
But Jesus self did confide not himself
eis , ed quòd ipse nosset omnes .
to them , by that because self might have known all men .
Et quia opus erat non ei , ut quis
And because need was not to him , that any one
perhiberet testimonìum de homine : enim ipse
might furnish testimony of man : for self
sciebat quid esset in homine .
did know what might be in man .


AUTEM homo erat ex Pharisæis , nomine

BUT man wus out- of Pharisees , by name
Nicodemus , princeps Judæorum .
Nicodemus, chief of Jews.
Hic venit ad Jesum nocte , et dixit ei :
This came to Jesus by night, and said to him :
Rabbi , scimus quia venisti magister à
Rabbi, we know because thou hast come master from
Deo : enim nemo potest facere hæc signa , quæ
God : for по-опе can to do these signs, which
tu facis , nisi Deus fuerit cum eo .
thou doest , unless God may have been with him .
Jesus respondit et dixit ei : Amen , amen ,
Jesus answered and said to him : Amen , amen ,
dico tibi , nisi quis fuerit renatus
I say to thee, unless any one shall have been reborn

denŭo , potest non videre regnum Dei .

anew , he can not to see kingdom of God .
Nicodemus dicit ad eum : quomodo potest homo
4 Nicodemus
says to him : how can man
nasci, cùm sit senex ? numquid potest
to be born , when he may be old ? whether can he
introire iteratò in ventrem suæ matris , et
to enter again into belly of his mother, and
renasci ?
to be reborn ?
Jesus respondit : Amen , amen , dico tibi ,
Jesus answered : Amen, amen , I say to thee ,
nisi quis fuěrit renatus ex aqua
unless any one may have been reborn out -of water

et Sancto Spiritu, potest non introire in regnum

and Holy Spirit, he can not to enter into kingdom
Dei .
of God .
Quod est natum ex Curne , est caro ; et
What is born out-of flesh , is flesh ; and
quod est natum ex Spiritu , est spiritus.
what is born out-of Spirit, is spirit.
Mireris non , quia dixi tibi :
Thou mayest wonder not, because I said to thee :
Oportet VOS nasci denŭò .
It behoves you to be born anew .
Spirịtus spirat ubi vult ; et audis
Spirit (wind ) breathes where he wills ; and thou
vocem ejus, sed nescis unde
hearest voice of him , but thou knowest -not whence
veniat , aut quò vadat : sic est omnis
he may come , or whither he may yo : thus is every one
qui natus -est ex Spirītu .
who has been born out-of Spirit.
dixit ei : Quomodo
9 Nicodemus respondit et
Nicodemus answered and said to him : How
possunt hæc fieri ?
сап these things to be done ?
Jesus repondit, et dixit ei : Es tu
10 Jesus answered, and said to him : Art thou
magister in Isrăël et ignoras hæc ?
master in Israel and knowest- not these things ?
Amen , amen , dico tibi , quia loquimur
11 Amen , amen , I to thee , because we speuk
testamur quod vidimus, et 3
quod scimus, et
what we know , and we testify what we have seen , and
accipitis non nostrum testimonium .
you receive not our testimony .
Si dixi terrena vobis et creditis
If I have said earthly things to you and you believe

non , quomodo credetis, si dixěro

not, how will you believe , if I shall have said
coelestia vobis ?
heavenly things to you ?
Et nemo ascendit in cælum , nisi
And nobody has ascended into heaven , unless
qui descendit de celo, Filïus homînis, qui
who descended from heaven , Son of man , who
est in cælo .
is in heaven .
Et sicut Moyses exaltavit serpentem in deserto ,
14 serpent
And so-as Moses exalted in desert,
ita oportet Filïum hominis exaltari ;
thus it behoves Son of man to be exalted ;
Ut omnis qui credit in ipsum , pereat
That every one who believes into him , may perish
non , sed habeat æternam vitam .
not, but may have eternal life.
Eni m Deus sic dilexit mundum , ut daret
For God so loved the world , that he might give
suum unigenitum Filium ; ut omnis , qui
his only -begotten Son ; that every one , who
credit in eum , perěat non , sed habeat
believes into him , may perish not, but may have
æternam vitam .
eternal life.
Enim Deus misit non suum Filium in
For God sent not his Son into
mundum , ut judicet mundum , sed ut mundus
world , that he may judge world, but that world
salvetur per ipsum .
may be saved through him .
Qui credit in eum , judicatur non : autem
18 Who believes into him , is judged not : but

qui credit non , judicatus -est jam : quia

who believes not, has been judged already : because

credit non in nomine unigeniti Filii

he believes not in name of only -begotten Son
Dei .
of God .
lux venit
19 Autem hoc est judicium :
because light came
But this is
in mundum , et homines dilexerunt teněbras
into world , and men have loved darknesses
magis quàm lucem , enim opěra eorum erant
more than light, for works of them were
mala .
Enim omnis qui agit malè , odit
For every one who acts budly , hus hated
lucem , et venit non ad lucem , ut opěra
light, and comes not to light, that works
ejus arguantur non .
of him may be blamed not .
ad lucem , ut
21 Autem qui facit veritatem venit
But who does truth comes to light, that
opěra ejus manifestentur, quia facta -sunt
works of him may be manifested because they have
in Deo .
been done in God.
Post hæc Jesus venit , et discipuli
After these things Jesus came, and disciples
ejus in Judæam terram : et demorabatur illic
of him into Judean land : and did tarry there
cum eis et baptizabat.
with them and did baptize.
Autem et Joannes erat baptizans in Ænon
23 was baptizing in Ænon
But and John
multæ aquæ erant illic , et
juxta Salim , quia
near Salim , because many waters were there , and
veniebant , et baptizabantur.
they did come , and they were baptized .
Enim Joannes fuěrat missus nondum in
For John had been sent not-yet into
carcerēm .
prison .
25 Autem quæstio facta est ex discipulis Joannis
But inquiry was made out-of disciples of John
cum Judæis de purificatione.
with Jews of purification .
Et venerunt ad Joannem , dixerunt
And they came to John , and
ei : Rabbi , qui erat tecum trans Jordanem ,
to him : Rabbi , who was with thee beyond Jordan ,
cui tu perhibuisti testimonìum , ecce hic
to whom thou furnishedst testimony,, behold this
baptizat , et omnes veniunt ad eum .
baptizes, and all соте to him .

27 Joannes respondit et dixit : Homo potest non

John answered and said : Man can not
accipere quidquam , nisi fuěrit datum
to receive ary thing, unless it may have been given
ei de celo .
to him from heaven .
28 Vos ipsi perhibetis testimonium mihi , quòd
You selves furnish testimony to me , that
dixěrim : Ego sumn non Christus, sed quia
I muy have said : I am not Christ, but because
missus-sum ante illum .
I huve been sent before him .
Qui habet sponsam , est sponsus : autem
Who has bride, is bridegroom : but
amicus sponsi, qui stat et audit eum ,
friend of bridegroom , who stands and hears him ,
gaudet gaudyo propter vocem sponsi .
rejoices with joy because -of voice of bridegroom .
Ergo hoc meum gaudium impletum -est .
Therefore this my joy has been fulfilled.

30 Oportet illum crescăre , autem me

It behoves him to increase, but me
minŭi .
to be diminished .
Qui venit desursum , est super omnes .
Who comes from above , is over all.
Qui est de terrâ , est de terr â , et loquitur
Who is from earth , is from earth , and speaks
de terrâ . Qui venit de cælo , est super omnes .
of earth . Who comes from heaven , is over all.
Et quod vidit , et audivit , hoc
And what he has seen , and has heard, this
testatur, et nemo accipit testimonium ejus.
he testifies, and no one receives testimony of him.
Qui accepit testimonium ejus signavit,
Who has received testimony of him has sealed ,
quia Deus est verax .
because God is true .

34 Enim quem Deus misit, loquitur

loquitur verba Dei :
For whom God sent, he speaks words of God ;
enim Deus dat non Spirítum ad mensuram .
for God gives not Spirit to measure .
Pater dilîgit Filțum , et dedit omnia
Father loves Son , and has given all things
in manu ejus.
in hand of him .
Qui credit in Filſum , habet æternam vitam ;
Who believes into Son , has eternal life ;
autem qui est incredŭlus Filio , videbit non vitam ,
but who is incredulous to Son, shall see not life,
sed ira Dei manet super eum .
but anger of God remains over him .


UT ergo Jesus cognovit , quia Pharisæi

WHEN therefore Jesus knew , because Pharisees
audierunt, quod Jesus facit et baptizat plures
heard, that Jesus makes and baptizes more
discipŭlos quàm Joannes .
disciples than John .

2 ( Quamquam Jesus baptizaret non , sed discipůli

( Although Jesus might baptize not, but disciples
of him. )
Reliquit Judæam , et abỉit itěrum in
He left Judæa, and went away again into
Galilæam .
Galilee .
Autem oportebat eum transire per Samariam .
But it did behove him to pass through Samaria .
Ergo venit in civitatem Sanariæ ,
5 quæ
Therefore he came into city of Samaria, which
dicitur Sichar : juxta prædịum quod Jacob dedit
is said Sichar : near farm which Jacob gave

Joseph suo filio .

to Joseph his son
Autem fons Jacob erat ibi. Ergo
But fountain of Jacob was there . Therefore
Jesus fatigatus ex itinere , sedebat sic supra
Jesus fatigued out-of journey, did sit thus above
fontem . Hora erat quasi sexta .
fountain Hour was as-if sixth .
Mulier venit de Samariâ haurire aquam .
Woman came from Samaria to draw water .
Jesus dicit ei : Da mihi biběre .
Jesus says to her : Give to me to drink.

( Enim discipuli ejus abierant in

( For disciples of him had gone away into 3
civitatem , ut emerent cibos. ) a
city , that they might buy foods.) 0
illa Samaritana mulìer dicit ei :
9 Ergo 0
Therefore that Samaritan woman says to him :
Quomodo cùm tu sis Judæus , poscis
How when thou mayest be Jew , askest thou
bibere à me , quæ sum Samaritana mulier ?
to drink from me , who am Samaritan woman ?
enim Judæi conutuntur non Samaritanis.
for Jews use - together not with Samaritans .
Jesus respondit et dixit ei : Si
Jesus answered and said to her : If
scires donum Dei , et quis est
thou mightest know gift of God, and who it is
qui dicit tibi: Da mihi bibere : tu forsitan
who says to thee : Give to me to drink : thou perhaps
petiisses ab eo , et dedisset
wouldest have asked from him, and he would have given
tibi vivam aquam .
to thee live water .
Mulier dicit ei : Domine , habes neque
Woman says to him : O Lord, thou hast neither
in quo haurias, et putěus est altus :
in what thou mayest draw , and well is deep :
unde ergo habes vivam aquam ?
whence therefore hast thou live water ?
es tu major nostro pater
12 Numquid
Whether art thou greater than our father
Jacob , qui dedit putěum nobis , et ipse bibit
Jacob , who gave well to us , and self drank
ex eo , et filii ejus, et pecora ejus ?
out-of it , and sons of him , and cattle of him ?
Jesus respondit et dixit ei : Omnis
Jesus answered and said to her' : Every one

qui bibit ex hâc aqua sitiet itěrùm :

who drinks out of this water shall thirst again :

autem qui biběrit ex aquâ , quam ego

but who may have drunk out- of water , which I
dabo ei , sitiet non in æternum :
will give to him, shall thirst not into eternal :
Sed aqua quam ego dabo ei
14 But
water which I will give to hin

fiet in eo fons aquæ salientis in

shall be made in him fountain of water leaping into
æternam vitam .
eternal life.
Mulier dicit ad eum : Domine, da mihi
Woman suys to him : O Lord, give to me

hanc aquam , ut sitiam non , nequ . veniam

this water , that I may thirst not , neither may come
huc haurire,
hither to draw .
Jesus dicit ei : Vade , voca tuum virum ,
16 to her : Go , call thy man
Jesus says
et veni huc .
(husband ), and come hither .
dixit : Haběo non viium .
17 Mulier respondit et
Woman answered and said : I have not man .

Jesus ei :
dicit Dixisti benè : quia
Jesus to her : Thou hast said well : because
habeo non virum .
I have not man .
Enim habuisti quinque viros : et quem
18 For thou hast had five men : and whom
habes nunc , est non tuus vir : dixisti
thou hast now , is not thy man : thou hast said
hoc verè .
this truly .

Mulier dicit ei : Domîne , vidéo quia

19 Woman
says to him : O Lord , I see because
tu es Propheta.
thou art Prophet .
Nostri patres adoraverunt in hoc monte ,
Our fathers adored in this mountain ,
et VOS dicitis quia locus est Jerosolymis , ubi
and you say because place is in Jerusalems, where
oportet adorare .
it behoves to adore .
Jesus dicit ei : Mulier , crede mihi,
Jesus says to her : O Woman , believe to me ,

quia hora venit, quando adorabitis Patrem

because hour: comes , when ye shall adore Father
in hoc monte , neque in Jerosolymis .
neither in this mountain , neither in Jerusalems.
Vos adoratis quod nescitis : nos adoramus
You adore what you know not : we adore
quod scimus, quia salus est ex Judæis .
what we know , because salvation is out -of Jews.
Sed hora venit, et est nunc , quando
23 and
But hour comes , is now , when
veri adoratores adorabunt Patrem in spirītu et
true adorers shall adore Father in spirit and
veritate . Nam et Pater quærit tales qui
in truth . For and Father seeks such who
adorent eum .
may adore him .
Deus est spirítus : et oportet eos qui
24 God is spirit : and it behoves them who
adorant eum , adorare in spiritu et veritate .
adore him , to adore in spirit and in truth .
Mulier dicit ei : Scio quia Messias
25 Woma because Messiah
n says to him : I know

(qui dicitur Christus ) venit : cùm ergo ille

(who is said Christ) comes : when therefore he
veněrit , annunciabit omnia nobis.
shall have come, he will announce all things to us .
Jesus dicit ei : Ego sum qui loquor
26 Jesu says
s to her : I am (he) who speak
tecum .
with thee .
Et continŭò discipůli ejus venerunt : et
And forthwith disciples of him came : and
mirabantur, quia loquebatur cum muliere .
they did wonder, because he did speak with woman.
Tamen nemo dixit : Quid quæris, aut quid
However no one said : What seekest thou , or what
loquěris cum eâ ?
speakest thou with her ?
28 Ergo mulier reliquit suam hydríam , et
Therefore woman left her water -pot, and
abỉit in civitatem , et dicit illis hominibus :
went away into city , and says to those men :
Venite et videte hominem , qui dixit mihi
Come and see тап ,, who said to me
omnia quæcumque feci: numquid ipse est
all things whatsoever I have done : whether he is
Christus ?
Christ ?
30 Ergo exierunt de civitate , et
Therefore they went out from city , and
veniebant ad eum .
did come to him .
Interea discipůli rogabant eum , dicentes :
31 saying :
Meanwhile disciples did ask him ,
Rabbi , manduca.
Rabbi, eat .

haběo cibum
32 Autem illedicit eis : Ego
But he says to them : I huve food
manducare , quem VOS nescitis .
to eat, which you know not.
Ergo discipůli dicebant ad
Therefore disciples did say to themselves )
invicem : Numquid aliquis attulit ei
mutually : Whether some one hath brought to him
manducare ?
to eut ?
Jesus dicit eis : Meus cibus est, ut
Jesus says to them : My food is, that
faciam voluntatem ejus qui misit me , ut
I may do will of him who sent me , that
perficiam opus ejus.
I may perfect work of him .
Ne dicitis non , quod adhuc quatŭor
Whether say you not , that as- yet four
menses sunt et messis venit ? Ecce dico vobis :
months ure and harvest comes ? Behold I say to you :
Levate vestros ocủlos , et videte regiones , quia
Lift your eyes, and see countries , because
sunt jam albæ ad messem .
they are now white to harvest .

36 Et qui metit , accìpit mercedem , et congrègat

And who reaps, receives reward, and gathers
fructum in æternam vitam : ut et qui seminat
fruit into eternal life : that and who sows
et qui metit, gauděat simul .
and who reaps, may rejoice together.
Enim verbum est verum in hoc : quia
37 For
word is true in this : because
alſus est qui , seminat , et alſus est qui metit.
other is who sows , and other is who reaps.
Ego misi VOS metěre , quod VOS
Í huve sent you to reap , what you
aborâstis non : alii laboraverunt, et VOS
have laboured not : others have laboured, and you
introîstis in labores eorum .
have entered into labours of them .
39 Autem multi Samaritanorum ex illa,
But тапу of Samuritans out-of that
civitate crediderunt in eum , propter verbum
city believed into him , on account of word
mulieris perhibentis testimonium : Quia dixit
of woman furnishing testimony : Because he suid
mihi omnia quæcumque feci.
to me all things whatsoever I have done.
Ergo cum Samaritani venissent ad
Therefore whe when n Samaritans might have come to
illum , rogaverunt eum ut maneret ibi :
him , they asked him that he might remain there :
et mansit ibi duos dies .
and he remained there two days.
Et multo plures crediderunt in eum
And by much more believed into him
propter sermonem ejus .
on account of word of him.
Et dicebant mulieri : Quia jam
42 And they did say to woman : Because γιο
credimus, non propter loquelam
tuam loquel am , enim
we believe , not on account of thy speech , for
ipsi audivímus, et scimus , quia hic est
selves we have heard , and we know , because this is
verè Salvator mundi .
truly Saviour of world .
Autem post duos dies exiit inde et
But after two days he went out thence and
abiit in Galilæam .
he went away into Galilee .
44 Enim Jesus ipse perhibăit testimonium , quia
For Jesus self furnished testimony,

Propheta habet non honorem in suâ patria .

Prophet hus not honour in his own country .
cùm venisset in Galilæam ,
45 Ergo
Therefore when he might have come into Galilee,
Galilæi exceperunt eum , cum vidissent
Galileans received him, when they might have seen
omnia quæ fecerat Jerosolymis in festo
all things which he hud done in Jerusalems in festive
die : et enim ipsi venerant ad festum diem .
day : and for selves had come to festive day..
venit itěrum in Canà Galilææ ,
46 Ergo
Therefore he comes again in Cana of Galilee ,
ubi fecit aquam vinum . Et quidam regulus
where he made water wine, And certain ruler
erat, filius cujus infirmabatur Capharnăüm .
was, son of whom was infirm at Capernaum .
Cum hic audisset quia Jesus
47 because
When this might have heard Jesus
adveniret à Judæa in Galilæam , abiit
might come- to from Judea into Galilee , he went away
ad eum , et rogabat eum ut descendĕret et
to him, and did ask him that he might descend and
sanaret filium ejus ; enim incipiebat mori .
might heal son of him ; for he did begin to die .
Jesus dixit ad eum : Nisi videritis
48 Ergo
Therefore Jesus said to him : Unless ye shall
signa et prodigia , credetis non .
have seen signs and prodigies, ye will believe not.
49 Regŭlus dicit ad eum : Domîne , descende
Ruier says to him : O Lord, descend
priusquam meus filius moriatur,
before that my son may die.
Jesus dicit ei : Vade , tuus filius vivit .
50 Je says
sus to him : Go , thy son lives.

Homo credidit sermoni , quem Jesus dixit ei :

Man believed to word, which Jesus said to him :
et ibat .
and he did yo .
Autem eo jam descendente, servi occurrerunt
But he now going down, servants met
ei et nunciaverunt, dicentes, quia filius
to him and announced , suying , because son
ejus vivěret .
of him might live .
Ergo interrogabat horam ab eis,
Therefore he did question hour from them ,
in qua habuěrit ( se ) melius . Et
in which he may have had himself )
( himself) better. And
dixerunt ei : Quia heri septima hora
they said to him : Because yesterday in seventh hour
febris reliquit eum .
fever left him .
Ergo Pater cognovit quia illa erat hora ,
Therefore Father knew because that was hour ,
in quâ Jesus dixit ei : tuus filius vivit : et
in which Jesus said to him : thy son lives : and
ipse credidit, et tota domus ejus.
self believed , and whole house of him .
Jesus itěrum fecit hoc secundum signum ,
54 Jesus again made this second sign ,
cum venisset Judæâ in a
Galilæam .
when he might have come from Judeu into Gulilee.


Post hæc erat festus dies Judæorum ,

AFTER these things was festive day of Jews,
et Jesus ascendit Jerosolymam .
and Jesus ascended to Jerusalem .
Autem est Jerosolýmis probatica - piscina,
But there is in Jerusalems sheep -pool,
quæ cognominatur Hebraicè , Bethesda , habens
which is surnamed Hebraically, Bethesda, having
quinque porticus.
five porches.
In lis magna multitudo languentium
In these great multitud of those languishing
jacebat , cæcorum , claudorum , aridorum , expectantium
did lie, of blind, of lame, of withered, expecting
motum aquæ .
motion of water.
Domìni descendebat secundum
4 Autem angělus
But ungel of Lord did descend according to
tempus in piscinam : et aqua movebatur . Et
time into fish - pool: and water was moved. And
qui prior descendisset in piscinam , post
who former might have descended into fish -pool, after
motionem aquæ , fiebat sanus à quâcumque
motion of water, was made whole from whatsoever
infirmitate detinebatur.
infirmity he was detained .
Autem quidam homo erat ibi , habens triginta
5 man was
But certain there, having thirty
et octo annos in suâ infirmitate .
and eight years in his infirmity.
Cùm Jesus vidisset hunc jacentem ,
When Jesus might have seen this man lying,

et cognovisset quia jam haberet

and might have known because now he might have
multum tempus, dicit ei : Vis fieri
much time, he says to him : Willest thou to be made
sanus ?
whole ?
Languidus respondit ei : Domine, habeo
The languid man answered to him : O Lord , I have
non hominem, ut cum aqua fuerit tur
not man , that when water shall have been dis
bata , mittat me in piscinam : enim dum ego
turbed, may send me into fish -pool: for whilst I
venio , alſus descendit ante me .
come, other descends before me .
Jesus dicit ei : Surge, tolle tuum grabatum
Jesus says to him : Arise, take up thy couch
et ambŭla .
and walk .
Et statim ille · homo factus - est sanus : et
And immediately that man was made whole : and
sustŭlit suum grabatum et ambulabat. - Autem sab
he took - up his couch and did walk . But sab
bătum erat in illo die .
bath was in that day .
10 Ergo Judæi dicebant illi qui sanatus
Therefore Jews did say to him who had been
fuěrat : Est sabbătum , licet non tibi
healed : It is sabbath , it is lawful not to thee
tollere tuum grabatum .
to take- up thy couch .
Respondit eis : Qui fecit me sanum ,
He answered to them : Who made me whole ,
ille dixit mihi : Tolle tuum grabatum et ambŭla .
he said to me : Take -up thy couch and walk .
interrogaverunt eum : Quis est ille
12 Ergo
Therefore they questioned him : Who is that

homo, qui dixit tibi : Tolle tuum grabatum

man , who said to thee : Take-up thy couch
et ambula ?
and walk ?
Autem is, qui effectus- fuěrat sanus ,
But he, who had been rendered whole,
nesciebat quis esset. Enim Jesus declinavit
did not know who he might be. For Jesus turned off
à turbâ constitutâ in loco .
from crowd placed together in place.
Postěa Jesus invenit eum in templo, et
Afterwards Jesus found him in temple, and
dixit illi : Ecce factus-es sanus , jam
said to him : Behold thou hast been made whole, now
noli peccare , ne aliquid deterius contingat
be-unwilling to sin, lest something worse may happen
tibi .
to thee .
Ille homo abiit , et nunciavit Judæis ,
That man went away , and announced to Jews,
quia esset Jesus, qui fecit eum sanum .
because it might be Jesus, who made him whole.
Propterea Judæi persequebantur Jesum ,
On that account Jews did pursue Jesus,
quia faciebat hæc in sabbăto ,
because he did do these things in sabbath .
Autem Jesus respondit eis : Meus Pater
17 But My Father
Jesus answered to them :
operatur usque modo , et ego opěror.
works until now , and I work .

18 Propterea ergo Judæi quærebant magis

On that account therefore Jews did seek more
interficăre eum : quia solvebat non solum
to kill him : because he did loose (break) not only
sabbătum , sed et dicebat Deum suum Patrem , faciens
sabbath , but and did say God his Father , making
se æqualem Deo . Itaque Jesus respondit,
himself equal to God. Therefore Jesus answered ,
et dixit eis :
and said to them :
Amen , dico
amen, vobis : Filius potest non
Amen , amen ,
I say to you : Son can not
facére quidquam à se , nisi quod viděrit
to do any thing from himself, unless what he shall have
Patrem facientem : enim quæcumque ille
seen Father doing : for what -things-soever he
fecărit, et Filius facit hæc similſter .
shall have done, and Son does these likewise .
Enim Pater dilîgit Filium , et demonstrat
20 and demonstrates
For Father loves Son ,
omnia ei quæ ipse facit : et demonstrabit
all things to him which self does : and he will demon
ei majora opěra his ut VOS
strate to him greater works than these that you
miremini .
may wonder ,
Enim sicut Pater suscitatmortŭos , et
21 dead men ,
For so-as Father raises and
vivificat : sic et Filius vivificat quos vult.
makes alive : thus and Son makes alive whom he wills .
Enim neque Pater judicat quemquam : sed
22 judges but
For neither Father any one :
dedit omne judicium Filio ;
he has given every judgment to Son ;
Ut omnes honorificent Filium , sicut honori
That all may honour Son , so-as they
ficant Patrem : qui honorificat non Filium , no
honour Father : who honours not Son , ho

norificat non Patrem qui misit illum .

nours not Father who sent him .
amen , dico vobis , quia qui audit
24 Amen ,
Amen , amen, I say to you , because who hears

meum verbum , et credit ei qui misit me , habet

my word , and believes to him who sent me , has
æternam vitam , et venit non in judicium , sed
eternal life, and comes not into judgment, but
transiit à morte in vitam .
hasgone over from death into life.
dico vobis , quia hora venit,
25 Amen , amen ,
Amen , amen , I say to you , because hour comes,
et est nunc , quando mortăi audient vocem Filii
and is now , when dead shall hear voice of Son
Dei : et qui audierint vivent .
of God : and who shall have heard shall live .
Enim sicut Pater habet vitam in semetipso : sic
For so-as Father has life in himself : thus
dedit et Filio habere vitam in semetipso .
he has given and to Son to have life in himself.
Et dedit ei potestatem facere judi
And he has given to him power to do judg
cium , quia est Filius hominis .
ment , because he is Son of man.
Nolite mirari hoc , quia hora venit ,
Be unwilling to wonder-at this , because hour comes,
in quâ omnes qui sunt in monumentis, audient
in which all who are in tombs , shall hear
vocem Filii Dei :
voice of Son of God :
Et qui fecerunt bona procedent in
And who have done good things shall go forth into
resurrectionem vitæ ; verò quiqui egerunt mala
resurrection of life ; but who have acted wicked A
in resurrectionem judicii.
things into resurrection of judgment.
30 Ego possum non
facère quidquam à meipso .
I can not
to do any thing from myself.
Sicut audio , judịco ; et meum judicium est justum ;
So -as I hear, I judge ; and my judgment is just ;

quia quæro non meam voluntatem sed voluntatem

because I seek not my will, but will
ejus qui misit me.
of him who sent me .
Si ego perhiběo testimonium de meipso , meum
If I furnish testimony of myself, my
testimonium est non verum .
testimony is not true ,
Est alſus , qui perhỉbet testimonțum de me ;
There is other, who furnishes testimony of me ;
et scio quia testimonium est verum , quod
and I know hecause testimony is true , which
de me .
he furnishes of me .
Vos misistis ad Joannem ; et perhibuit
You have sent to John ; and he furnished
testimonium veritati .
testimony to truth .
Autem ego accipio non testimonịum ab
34 But
I receive not testimony from
homine ; sed dico hæc ut VOS sitis salvi.
man ; but I say these things that you muy be safe.
Ille erat ardens et Jucens lucerna . Autem vos
He was burning and shining lamp. But you
voluistis exultare ad horam in luce ejus .
willed to exult to hour in light of it .

36 Autem ego haběo testimonium majus Joanne.

But 1 have testimony greater than John .
Enim opěra, quæ Pater dedit mihi , ut perficiam
For works , which Father gave to me , that I may perfect
ea , opera ipsa, quæ ego facio, perhibent tes
them , works selves, which I do , furnish tes
timonium de me, quia Pater misit me :
timony of me, because Futher sent me :
Et Pater ipse qui misit
misit me perhibủit
And Father self who sent me has furnished
testimonium de me ;neque audîstis unquam
testimony of me ;neither have you heard ever
vocem ejus, neque vidistis speciem ejus.
voice of him, nor have you seen likeness of him.
Et habetis non verbum ejus manens in
And you have not word of him remaining in
vobis ; quia vos credītis non huic , quem ille misit.
because ye believe not to this , whom he sent.
you ;
39 Scrutamini Scripturas , quia vos putatis habere
Scrutinize Scriptures, because ye think to have
æternam vitam in ipsis ; et illæ sunt, quæ
eternal life in selves ; and they are, which
perhỉbent testimonìum de me ,
furnish testimony of me.
Et vultis non venire ad me ut habeatis vitam .
And ye will not to come to me that ye may have life.
. 41 Accipio non claritatem ab hominibus .
I receive not brightness from men ,
Sed cognovi Vos , quia habetis non
42 not
But I have known you , because ye have
dilectionem Dei in vobis .
love of God in you .
Ego veni in nomine mei Patris, et
I have come in name of my Father, and
accipitis non me : si alíus venerit in suo
ye receive not me ; if other shall have come in his own
nomine, accipietis illum .
name, ye will receive him .
44 Quomodo potestis vos creděre, qui accipitis
How can ye to believe, who receive
gloriam ab invicem , et quærịtis non
glory from ( yourselves) mutually, and seek not
gloriam , quae est a Deo solo ? !
glory , which is from God alone ?
Nolite putare quia ego sim
Be unwilling to think because I may be
accusaturus vos apud Patrem ; est qui accusat
about to accuse you at Father ; there is who accuses
vos , Moyses, in quo vos speratis.
you , Moses, in whom ye hope.
Enim si crederetis Moysi , forsitan
46 perhaps
For if ye might believe to Moses,
crederetis et mihi ; enim ille scripsit de me .
ye might believe and to me ; for he wrote of me .
Autem si creditis non litteris illius ;
But if ye believe not to letters of him ;
quomodo credetis meis verbis ?
how will ye believe to my words ?


Post hæc Jesus abiit trans mare

AFTER these things Jesus went-away beyond sea
Galilææ , quod est Tiberiădis.
of Galilee, which is of Tiberias.
Et magna multitudo sequebatur eum , quia
And great multitude did follow him , because
videbant signa, que faciebat superbis , qui
upon these, who
they did see signs, which he did do
were - infirm .
Jesus subiit in montem : et
3 Ergo
Therefore Jesus went up into mountain : and
sedebat ibi cum suis discipůlis .
did sit there with his disciples.
Autem Pascha , festus dies Judæorum , erat
But Passover , festive day of Jews, was
proximum .

Ergo cùm Jesus sublevâsset ocŭlos

Therefore when Jesusmight have lifted up eyes
et vidisset quia maxima multitudo venit
and might have seen because greatest multitude came
ad eum , dixit ad Philippum : Unde emeinus
to him , he said to Philip : Whence shall we buy
panes , ut bi manducent ?
breads , that these may eat ?
dicebat hoc tentang eum : enim ipse
6 Autem
But he did say this trying him : for self
sciebat quid esset facturus.
did know what he might be about to do .
7 Philippus respondit ei : Panes ducentorum
Philip answered to him : Breads of two hundred
denariorum sufficiunt non eis , ut unusquisque
denarii suffice not to them , that each one
accipiat quid modicum .
may receive any thing moderate .
Unus ex discipůlis ejus, Andreas frater
One out -of disciples of him , Andrew brother
Simonis Petri, dicit ei :
of Simon Peter , says to him :
Unus puer est hic , qui habet quinque
One boy is here , who has five
hordeacěos panes et duos pisces : sed quid sunt
barley breads and two fishes: but what are
hæc inter tantos ?
these things among so-many ?
10 Ergo Jesus dixit : Facîte homines dis
Therefore Jesus said : Make ye men to
cumběre . Autem multum fænum erat in loco .
recline. But much hay was in place.
Lirgo viri discubuerunt numéro quasi quinque
Therefore men reclined in number as -if five
millia .
thousands .

Jesus accepit panes : et cùm

11 Ergo
Therefore Jesus received breads : and when
egisset gratias, distribùit discum
he might have acted thanks, he distributed to ( those )
bentibus : et similiter ex piscibus, quantum
reclining : and likewise out-of fishes, as-much-as
they did will
Autem ut impleti-sunt, dixit suis dis
But when they were filled he said to his dis
cipůlis : Colligite fragmenta , quæ superaverunt,
ciples : Collect ye fragments, which have surpassed ,
ne pereant.
lest they may perish.
Ergo collegerunt, et impleverunt duoděcim
Therefore they collected , and they filled twelve
cophỉnos fragmentorum ex quinque hordeacěis
baskets of fragments out- of five barley
panībus , quæ superfuerunt his qui manducavěrant.
breads , which were -over to these who had eaten .
Ergo illi homïnes cùm vidissent
Therefore those men when they might have seen
1 signum , quod Jesus fecerat, dicebant : Quia
sign , which Jesus had done , did say : Because
hic est verè propheta, qui est venturus in
this is truly prophet, who is about to come into
mundum .
world .
Jesus ergo cùm cognovisset ,
Jesus therefore when he might have known ,
quia essent venturi ut rapérent
because they might be about to come that they might seize
eum , et facèrent eum regem , fugit iterum
him , and might make him king , fled again
in montem ipse solus.
anto mountain self alone.

Autem ut factum -est serò, discipůli ejus

But as it was made late, disciples of him
descenderunt ad mare .
descended to sea .
Et cùm ascendissent navim ,
17 And when they might have ascended ship,
venerunt trans mare in Capharnăüm . et jam
they came beyond sea into Capernaum : and now
teněbræ facta - erant ; et Jesus veněrat non
darknesses had been made ; and Jesus had come not
ad eos,
to them ,
18 Autem magno vento flante, mare exsurgebat.
But great wind blowing, sea did rise.
Cùm ergo remigassent , quasi viginti
When therefore they might have rowed as-if twenty
quinque aut triginta stadia , vident Jesum
five or thirty stadia , they see Jesus
ambulantem supra mare , et fieri proximum
walking above sea , and to be made nearest
navi , et timuerunt .
to ship, and they feared.
Autem ille dicit eis : Ego sum , nolite
But he says to them : I ат ,, be unwilling
timere .
to fear.
Ergo voluerunt accipere eum in navim ;
21 1
Therefore they willed to receive him into ship ;
et statim navis fuit ad terram , in quam
and immediately ship u'as to lund, into which
they did go .
Altěrâ die , turba quæ stabat trans
In other day,
day , crowd which did stand beyond
mare , vidit , quia alia navicŭla erat non ibi ,
sea, saw , because other little -ship was not there

nisi una , et quia Jesus introîsset non

unless one , and because Jesus might have entered not
in navim cuin suis discipėlis, sed discipůli
into ship with his disciples, but disciples
ejus abiissent soli .
of him might have gone away alone.
Vero aliæ naves supervenerunt à Tiberiade,
But other ships came over from Tiberias,
juxta locum ubi manducavěrant panem , Domino
near place where they had eaten bread, Lord
agente gratias.
acting thanks.
cùm turba vidisset
24 Ergo quia
Therefore when crowd might have seen because
Jesus esset non ibi , neque discipůli ejus ,
Jesus might be not there, nor disciples of him ,
ascenderupt in navicŭlas , et venerunt Capharnăüm
they ascended into little ships, and came (to) Capernaum
quærentes Jesum .
seeking Jesus.
Et cum invenissent eum trans
. 25 beyond
And when they might have found him
mare, dixerunt ei : Rabbi , quando venisti
sea, they said to him : Rabbi, when camest thou
huc ?
hither ?
Jesus respondit eis , et dixit : Amen , amen
26 Amen , amen
Jesus answered to them, and said :
dico vobis : quæritis me, non quia vidistis
I say to you : ye seek me , not because ye have seen
signa, sed quia mand ucâs tis ex panibus et
signs, but because ye have eaten out-of bread and
saturati -estis .
have been filled .
Operamini non cibum qui perit , sed qui
27 Work
not food which perishes, but which

permănet in æternam quem

vitam , Filius
remains-through into eternal life,which Son
hominis dabit vobis . Enim Pater Deus signavit
of man will give to you . For T'ather God hath sealed
hunc .
28 Ergo dixerunt ad eum : Quid faciemus,
Therefore they said to him ; Whut shall we do ,
ut operemur opě ra Dei .
that we may work works of God .
Jesus respondit , et dixit eis : Hoc est
29 to them : This is
Jesus answered, and said
opus Dei , ut credatis in eum , quem
work of God, that ye may believe into him , whom
ille misit.
he hath sent .
dixerunt ei : Quod signum
30 Ergo
Therefore they said to him : What siyn
ergo facis tu , ut videamus, et credamus
therefore doest thou , that we may see , and we may believe
tibi ? Quid operaris ?
to thee ? What workest thou ?
Nostri Patres manducaverunt manna in deserto ,
Our Fathers ate manna in desert ,
sicut scriptum -est : Dedit panem coelo
S0-as has been written : He guve bread from heaven
eis manducare .
to them to eat .
Jesus ergo dixit eis : Amen , amen dico
Jesus therefore said to them : Amen , amen I say
vobis : Moyses dedit non vobis panem de
to you : Moses gave not to you bread from
cælo , sed meus Pater dat vobis verum panem
heaven , but my Father gives to you true bread
de cælo .
from heaven .
Enim panis
Dei , est qui descendit
33 For
of God , is who huth descended
de cælo , et dat vitam mundo .
from heaven , and gives life to world .
Ergo dixerunt ad eum : Domine , da
Therefore they said to him : O Lord , give

semper nobis hunc panem .

always to us this bread .
Autem Jesus dixit eis : Ego
panis sum
35 to them : I am
But Jesus said bread
vitæ : qui venit ad me, esurſet non : et
of life : who comes to me , shull hunger not : and
qui credit in me , sitiet non unquam .
who believes into me, shall thirst not ever.
Sed dixi vobis , quia et vidistis,
But I have said to you , because and ye have seen
me , et credītis non .
me , and ye believe not.
Omne , quod Pater dat mihi , veniet
Eve ry g
thin , whi ch Fat her give s to me , shall come
ad me : et eji cia m non eum foras, qui
to me : and I will cast-out not him without, who
venit ad me :
comes to me :
de colo , non
38 Quia descendi ut
Because I descended from heaven , not that
faciam meam voluntatem , sed voluntatem ejus,
I may do my will , but will of him ,
qui misit me .
who sent me .
Autem hæc est voluntas ejus qui misit
But this is will of him who sent
me , Patris , ut omne , quod dedit
me , of Father, that every thing , which he hath given
mihi, perdam non ex eo , sed resuscitem
to me , I may lose not out- of it, but I may raise again
illud in novissimo die .
it in newest ( last) day .
Autem hæc est voluntas mei Patris , qui
But this is will of my Father, who
misit me : ut omnis , qui videt Filium , et
sent me : that every one , who sees Son , and
credit in m , habeat æternam vitam , et ego
believes into him , may have eternal life, and I
resuscitabo eum in novissimo die .
will raise again him in newest day .
41 Ergo Judæi murmurabant de illo , quia
Therefore Jews did murmur of him , because
dixisset : Ego sum vivus panis , qui
he should have said : I ат live bread, who
descendi de cælo ?
have descended from heaven ?
Et dicebant : Ne est non hic Jesus
And they did say : Whether is not this Jesus
filius Joseph , patrem et matrem cujus nos
son of Joseph , father and mother ofwhom we
novựmus ? quomodo ergo dicit hic : Quia
have known ? how therefore says this : Because
descendi de colo ?
I have descended from heaven ?
Ergo Jesus respondit , et dixit eis :
43 Therefore Jesus answered, and said to them :
Nolite murmurare in -invicem .
Be unwilling to murmur to - one- another .
Nemo potest venire ad me , nisi Pater ,
No опе can to come to me , unless Father ,
qui misit me , traxěrit eum : et ego
who sent me , shall have drawn him : and I
resuscitabo eum in novissimo die .
will raise again him in newest day.
Est scriptum in Prophetis , et omnes erunt
It is written in Prophets, and all shall be

docibiles Dei . Omnis qui audivit à

teachable of God . Every one who hus heard from
Patre , et didicit, venit ad me .
Father , and has learned , comes to me .
Non quia quisquam vidit Patrem , nisi
46 has seen Father, unless
Not because any one
is , qui est à Deo , hic vidit Patrem .
he , who is from God , this has seen Father .
Amen , amen dico vobis : qui credit ' in
Amen , amen I say to you : who believes into
me, habet æternam vitam .
me, has eternal life.

48 Ego sum panis vitæ .

I am bread of life.
Vestri patres manducaverunt manna in deserto,
Your fathers have eaten manna in desert,
et mortŭi- sunt.
and have died.
50 Hic est panis descendens de cælo :
This is bread descending from heaven :
ut, si quis manducavěrit ex ipso , moriatur
that , if any one shall have eaten out-of it, he may die
non .
sum vivus panis, qui descendi
I am live bread, who have descended
de colo ?
from heaven ?
Si quis manducavěrit ex hoc pane
52 If any one shall have eaten out-of this bread
vivet in æternum : et panis quem ego
he shall live into eternal (time) : and bread which I
dabo est mea caro pro vitâ mundi.
will give is my flesh for life of world .
Ergo Judæi litigabant ad - invicem dicentes :
Therefore Jews did dispute together saying :
Quomodo potest hic dare nobis suam carnem ad
How can this to give to us his flesh to
manducandum ?
to eat ?
Ergo Jesus dixit eis : Amen , amen dico
Therefore Jesus said to them : Amen, amen I say
vobis : nisi manducaveritis carnem Filii
to you : unless ye shall have eaten flesh of Son
hominis, et biberitis sanguinem ejus,
of man , und ye shall have drunk blood of him ,
habebitis non vitam in vobis .
ye shall have not life in you .
Qui manducat meam carnem , et bibit
Who eats my flesh , and drinks
meum sanguinem , habet æternam vitam : et ego
my blood, has eternal life : and I
resuscitabo eum in novissimo die.
will raise again him in newest day.
Enim mea caro est verè cibus , et meus
56 and my
For my fesh is truly food,
sanguis est verè potus.
blood is truly drink.
Qui manducat meam carnem , et bibit
Who eats ту flesh, and drinks
meum sanguinem , manet in me , et ego in illo.
my blood , remains in me , and I in him .
Sicut vivens Pater misit me , et ego
So -as living Father sent me , and I
vivo propter Patrem : et qui manducat me ,
live on -account -of Father : and who eats me ,
et ipse vivet propter me .
and self shall live on -account- of me .
Hic est panis, qui descendit de celo .
This is bread, which descends from heaven .
Non sicut vestri patres manducaverunt manna ,
Not SO -as your fathers have euten inanna ,
et mortúi -sunt. Qui manducat hunc panem ,
and have died . Who eats this bread,
vivet in æternum .
shall live into eternal ( time).
Dixit hæc docens in synagoga , in
He said these things teaching in synagogue, in
Capharnăüm .
Capernaum .
Multi ergo ex discipůlis ejus audientes
Muny therefore out- of disciples of him hearing
dixerunt : Hic sermo est durus , et quis potest
suid : This speech is hard, and who can
audire eum ?
to hear it ?

62 Autem Jesus , sciens apud semetipsum , quia

But Jesus, knowing at (within) himself, because
discipůli ejus murmurarent de hoc , dixit eis :
disciples of him might murmur of this, said to them :
Scandalizat hoc vos ?
Scandalizes this you ?
Si ergo videritis Filium hominis
If therefore ye shull have seen Son of man
ascendentem ubi erat prius ?
ascending where he was formerly ?
Spiritus est qui vivificat : caro prodest
Spirit is which makes alive : flesh profits

non quidquam : verba , quæ ego locutus-sum vobis,

not any thing : words, which i have spoken to you ,
sunt spiritus et vita .
are spirit and life.
Sed sunt quidam ex vobis, qui credunt
But there are some out-of you , who believe
non : enim Jesus sciebat ab initio , qui
not : for Jesus did know from beginning, who

essent non credentes , et quis esset traditurus

might be not believing, and who might be about to deliver
eum .
him .
Et dicebat : Propterea dixi vobis,
And he did say : On that account I suid to you ,
quia nemo potest venire ad me , nisi fuerit
because no one сап to come to me , unless it may
datum ei à meo Patre .
have been given to him from my Father .
Ex hoc multi discipulorum ejus abierunt
Out-of this many of disciples of him went away
retrò : et jam ambulabant non cum illo .
backward : and now they did walk not with him .
Ergo Jesus dixit ad duodecim : Numquid
Therefore Jesus said to twelve : Whether
et vultis VOS abire ?
and will ye to go away .
Ergo Simon Petrus respondit ei :
Therefore Simon Peter answered to him :
Domine, ad quem ibimus ? Habes verba
O Lord , to whom shall we go ? Thou hast words
æternæ vitæ .
of eternal life.
Et nos credidimus, et cognovimus,
And we have believed, and we have known,
quia tu es Christus, Filius Dei .
because thou art Christ, Son of God. 1
Ne ego elegi
71 Jesus respondit eis :
Jesus answered to them : Whether I huve elected
non VOS duodec :im et unus ex vobis est
not you twelve : and опе out-of you is
diabolus ?
devil ?
Autem dicebat Judam Iscariotem ( filium )
72 he did say
But Judas Iscariot ( son )

Simonis : enim hic erat traditurus eum , cum

of Simon : for this was about to deliver him , when
esset unus ex duodecim ?
he might be one out- of twelve ?


AUTEM post hæc Jesus ambulabat

1 these things Jesus
BUT after did walk
in Galilæam , enim volebat non ambulare in
into Galilee , for he did will not to walk into
Judæam , quia Judæi quærebant interficere eum .
Judea , because Jews did seek to kill him .

2 Autem scenopegia, festus dies Judæorum , erat

But tent- fixing, festive day of Jews, was
in proximo.
in nearest.
Autem fratres ejus dixerunt ad eum : Transi
But brothers of him said to him : Go - over
hinc , et vade in Judæam , ut et tui discipůli
) hence , and go into Judea , that and thy disciples
videant tua opěra , quæ facis .
may see thy works, which thou doest.
facit quid in occulto , et
4 Quippe nemo
For no one does any thing in secret, and
ipse quærit esse in palàm : si facis hæc ,
self seeks to be in openly : if thou doest these things,

manifesta teipsum mundo.

manifest thyself to world .
5 Enim neque fratres ejus credebant in eum .
For neither brothers of him did believe into him.
Jesus ergo dicit eis : Meum tempus
Jesus therefore says to them : My time

advenit nondum : autem vestrum tempus est

hath arrived not yet : but your time 2S

semper paratum .
always prepared .
Mundus potest non odisse VOS : autem
World can not to have hated you : but
odit me : quia ego perhiběo testimonium
it has hated me : because I furnish testimony
de illo, quod opěra ejus sunt mala.
of that, because works of it are evil.
Ascendite vos ad hunc festum diem , autem ego
Ascend ye to this festive day, but I
ascendo non ad istum festum diem , quia meum
ascend not to that festive day , because my

tempus est nondum impletum . PE

time is not yet fulfilled .
Cùm dixisset hæc , ipse mansit
When he might have said these things , self remained
in Galilæa .
in Galilee .
Autem ut fratres ejus ascenderunt, tunc
But when brothers of him ascended , then
et ipse ascendit ad festum diem , non manifestè
and self ascended to festive day, not manifestly

sed quasi in occulto .

but as -if in secret.
Judæi ergo quærebant eum in festo die,
Jews therefore did seek him in festive day,
et dicebant : Ubi est ille ?
and did say : Where is he ?
Et multum murmur erat in turbâ de
12 in
And much murmur was crowd of
en : enim quidam dicebant : Quia est
him : for certain (men) did say : Because he is

bonus. Autem alii dicebant : Non , sed seducit

good . But others did say : Not, but he seduces
turbas .
Tamen nemo loquebatur palàm de illo ,
However no one did speak openly of him ,
propter Judæorum .
on account of fear of Jews.
Autem festo die jam mediante,
But festive day now being in the middle ,
Jesus ascendit in templum , et docebat.
Jesus ascended into temple , and did teach .
Et Judæi mirabantur , dicentes : Quomodo
And Jews did wonder, saying : How
scit hic literas , cùm didicěrit non ?
knows this letters, when he may have learnt not ?
Jesus respondit eis , et dixit : Mea doctrina
Jesus answered to them , and said : My doctrine
est non mea, sed ejus qui misit me .
is not mine , but of him who sent me .

17 Si quis voluerit facere voluntatem

If any one shall have willed to do will
ejus, cognoscet de doctrinâ , utrum sit
of him , he will know of doctrine , whether it may be
ex Deo , an ego loquar à meipso .
out- of God , or I may speak from myself.

18 Qui loquitur à semetipso quærit propriam

Who speaks from himself seeks own
gloriam : autem qui quærit glorïam ejus, qui
glory : but who seeks glory of him , who
misit eum , hic est verax , et injustitia est non
sent him , this is true, and injustice is not
in illo .
in him .

Ne dedit non Moyses vobis legem : et

Whether gave not Moses to you law : and
nemo ex vobis facit legem ?
no one out-of you does law ?

20 Quid quærītis interficere me ? Turba respondit,

What seek ye to kill, me ? Crowd answered ,
et dixit : Habes dæmonium : quis quærit
and said : Thou hast demon : who seeks
interficěre te ?
to kill thee ?
dixit eis : Feci
21 Jesus respondit , et
Jesus answered, and said to them : I have done
unum opus, et omnes miramỉni .
опе work , and all ye wonder . E
Propterea Moyses dedit vobis circum
On thut account Moses gave to you circum
cisionem : ( non quia est ex Moyse , sed
cision : (not because it is out-of Moses, but
ex patrîbus,) et circumciditis hominem in
out- of fathers ) and ye circumcise man in
sabbăto .
sabbath .

23 Si homo accìpit circumcisionem in sabbăto ,

If man receives circumcision in sabbath ,
ut lex solvatur non Moysi : indignamini
that law may be loosed not to Moses : are ye indignant
mihi , quia feci totum hominem sanum
to me , because I have made whole man sound
in sabbăto ?
in sabbath ?
Nolite judicare secundum faciem , sed
Be unwilling to judge according- to face. but
judicate justum judicium .
judge just judgment.
cu Quidam ergo ex Jerosolymis dicebant :
Certain therefore out- of Jerusalems did say :

Ne est non hic , quem quærunt interficěre ?

Whether is not this , whom they seek to kill ?
Et ecce loquitur palàm , et dicunt
And behold he speaks openly, and they say
nihil ei : Numquid verè princípes cognoverunt
nothing to him : Whether truly chiefs have known
quia hic est Christus ?
because this is Christ ?
sit : autem
27 Sed scimus hunc ,unde
But we know this, whence he may be : but
cùm Christus venērit , nemo scit unde
when Christ shall have come , no one knows whence
sit .
he may be .
Jesus ergo clamabat docens in templo ,
Jesus therefore did cry teaching in temple,
et dicens : Et scitis me , et scitis unde
and saying : And ye know me , and ye know whence
sim : et veni non à meipso , sed est
I may be : and I came not from myself, but he is
verus , qui misit me , quem vos nescitis .
true , who sent me , whom ye know not.
o scio sum ab
29 Eg eum , quia ipso , et
I know him , because I am from self and
ipse misit me .
self sent me .
Ergo quærebant apprehendere eum : et
Therefore they did seek to apprehend him : and
nemo misit manus in eum , quia hora ejus
no one sent hunds into ( upon ) him , because hour of him
veněrat nondum .
had come not yet.
Autem multi de turbâ crediderunt in
But many from crowd believed into
eum , et dicebant : Cùm Christus veněrit ,
him , and did say : When Christ shall have come,

numquid faciet plura signa quàm quæ hic

whether will he do more signs than which this
facit ?
does ?
Pharisæi audierunt turbam murmurantem hæc
32 murmuring these
Pharisees heard crowd
de illo :et princîpes et Pharisæi miserunt
things of him : and chiefs and Pharisees sent
ministros ut apprehendèrent eum .
officers that they might apprehend him .
Jesus ergo dixit eis : Adhnc sum
Jesus therefore said to them : As yet I am
vobiscum modicum tempus, et vado ad eum , qui
with you little time, and I go to him , who
misit me .
sent me .
et invenietis non : et
34 Quæretis me ,
Ye shall seek me , and ye shall find not : and
ubi ego sum , vos potestis non venire.
where I am , ye can not to come.
Judæi ergo dixerunt ad semetipsos : Quò
Jews therefore said to themselves : Whither
est hic iturus , quia inveniemus non eum ?
is this about to go , because we shall find not him ?
Numquid est iturus in dispersionem gentium
Whether is he about to go into scattering of nations
et docturus gentes ?
and about to teach nations ?
est hic sermo , quem dixit : Quæretis
36 Quis
What is this speech, which he suid : Ye shall seek
me , et invenietis non : et ubi ego sum , VOS
me , and ye shall find not : and where I am , ye
potestis non venire ?
can not to come ?
Autem in novissimo magno die festivitatis
But in newest. (last) great duy of festivity

Jesus stabat et clamabat , dicens : Si quis

Jesus did stand and did cry out , saying : If any one
sitit, veniat ad me, et bibat.
thirsts, he muy come to me , and he may drink .
in sicut
38 Qui credit me , Scriptura dicit ,,
Who believes into me , so-as Writing says ,
Alumina viva aquæ fluent de ventre ejus.
rivers of live water shall flow from belly of him .
Autem dixit hoc de Spiritu , quem
But he suid this of Spirit, which
credentes in eum erant accepturi ; enim
( those ) believing into him were about to receive ; for
Spiritus erat nondum datus , quia Jesus erat
Spirit was not-yet given , because Jesus was
nondum glorificatus.
not-yet glorified .
ex illâ turbâ, cùm audissent
40 Ergo
Therefore out-of that crowd, when they might have
hos sermones ejus, dicebant : Hic est
heard these speeches of him , they did say : This is
verè Propheta .
truly Prophet.
Alii dicebant : Hic est Christus : autem
41 did say : Christ : but
Others This is
quidam dicebant : Numquid Christus venit à
certain did say : Whether Christ comes from
Galilæa ?
Galilee ?
Ne dicit non Scriptura ; quia Christus
Whether says not Writing ; because Christ
venit ex semine David , et de castello
comes out- of seed of David, and from castle
Bethlěhem , ubi David erat ?
of Bethlehem , where Duvid was ?

43 Ităque dissensio facta -est in turbâ propter

Therefore dissension was made in crowd on account of
eum .
Autem quidam ex ipsis volebant apprehenděre
But certain out-of selves did will to apprehend
eum : sed nemo misît manus super eum .
him : but no one sent hands over him .

45 Ergo ministri venerunt ad Pontifices et

Therefore servants came to High Priests and
Pharisæos . Et illi dixerunt eis : Quare
Pharisees. And they said to them : Wherefore
adduxistis non illum ?
have ye brought not him ?
46 Ministri responderunt : Nunquam homo locutus
Servants answered : Never man has spo
est sic , sicut hic homo.
ken thus , so - as this man .
Pharisæi eis :
47 Ergo
Pharisees answered to them :
Numquid et vos seducti-estis ?
Whether and ye
have ye been seduced ?
48 Numquid aliquis ex principibus aut ex
Whether some-one out -of chiefs or out- of
Pharisæis credidit in eum ?
Pharisees has believed into him ?
Sed hæc turba , quæ novit non legem ,
But this crowd, which has known not law,
sunt maledicti .
are accursed .
Nicodemus dixit ad eos, ille , qui venit ad
Nicodemus said to them, that, who came to
eum nocte , qui erat unus ex ipsis :
him by night, who was опе out-of selves :
uid nostra
nostra lex
51 Numq judịcat hominem , nisi
Whether our law judges a man , unless

prius audiérit ab ipso et cognoverit

before it shall have heard from self and it shall have
quid faciat ?
known what he may do ?
52 Responderunt et dixerunt ei : Numquid
They unswered and said to him : Whether
et es tu Galilæus ? Scrutare scripturas, et
and art thou Galilean ? Scrutinize thou writings, and
vide, quia propheta surgit non à Galilæa .
see , because prophet rises not from Galilee .
Et reversi- sunt unusquisque in suam domum .
And they returned each -one into his house.

Autem Jesus perrexit in montem Oliveti ;
But Jesus proceeded into mountain of Olivet;
Et itěrum dilucŭlo venit in templum , et
And again in dawn he came into temple, and
omnis popůlus venit ad eum , et sedens docebat
all people came to him , and sitting he did teach
Autem Scribæ et Pharisæi adducunt mulierem
But Scribes und Pharisees lead - to woman
deprehensam in adulterio, et statuerunt eam in
caught in adultery , and they placed her in
medio ;
middle ;
Et dixerunt ei : Magister, hæc mulier
And they said to him : Master , this woman
deprehensa- est modo in adulterïo .
has been caught just -now in adultery.

Autem Moyses in lege mandavit nobis

5 Moses has commanded
But in law to us
lapidare hujusmodi. Ergo quid dicis tu ?
to stone of this sort . Therefore what sayest thou ?
Autem dicebant hoc , tentantes eum , ut
But they did say this, tempting him , that
possent accusare eum . Autem esus
they might be able to accuse him . But Jesus
inclinans se deoreum , scribebat digito in
inclining himself downwards, did write with finger in
terra .
Cum ergo perseverarent interrogantes
When therefore they might persevere asking
eum, erexit se , et dixit eis : Qui
him , he erected himself, and said to them : Who
vestrum est sine peccato , primus mittat lapidem
of you is without sin , first may send stone
in illam .
againt her.
Et itěrum inclinans se , scribebat in terrâ .
And again inclining himself, he did write in land .
9 Autem audientes exibant unus post unam ,
But hearing they did go out one after one,
incipientes à senioribus : et Jesus solus remansit
beginning from elders : and Jesus alone remained
et mulier stans in medio .
and woman standing in middle .
Autem Jesus erigens se , dixit ei :
But Jesus erecting himself, said to her :
Mulier, ubi sunt qui accusabant te ? con
O woman , where are who did accuse thee ? has
demnavit nemo te ?
condemned no-one thee ?
Quæ dixit : Nemo , Domîne . Autem Jesus
11 But Jesus
Who said : No-one, O Lord .
dixit : Nec ego condemnabo te : Vade, et jam
suid : Nor I will condemn thee : Go , and now
noli peccare amplius .
be -unwilling to-sin more.
Ergo Jesus locutus - est itěrùm eis
Therefore Jesus spoke again to them ,
dicens : Ego sum lux mundi: qui sequïtur me ,
saying : 1 am light of world : who follows me ,
ambŭlat non in teněbris, sed habebit lumen
walks not in darknesses, but he shall have light
vitæ .
of life.
Pharisæi ergo dixerunt ei : Tu per
Pharisees therefore said to him : Thou fur
hibes testimonſum de teipso : tuum testimonium
nishest testimony of thyself : thy testimony
est non verum .
is not true .
dixit eis : Et si ego
14 Jesus respondit, et
Jesus answered, and said to them ; And if I
perhiběo testimonium de meipso , meum testimonịum
furnish testimony of myself, my testimony
est verum : quia scio unde veni , et quò
is true : because I know whence I came, and whither
vado : autem vos nescitis unde venin , aut quò
I go : but ye know not whence I come , or whither
I go
Vos judicatis secundùm carnem ; ego judico
15 according - to flesh ; I judge
Ye judge
non quemquam .
not any - one.
Et si ego judico , meum judicium est verum ,
16 And if I judge, ту judgment is true ,
D 2

quia sum non solus, sed ego, et Pater , qui

because I am not alone, but I, and Father, who
misit me .
sent me .
Et scriptum - est in
vestrâ lege, quia
And it has been written
your law ,
in because
testimonium duorum hominum est verum .
testimony of two men is true .
18 Ego sum , qui perhiběo testimonium de meipso :
I ат , who furnish testimony of myself :
et Pater , qui misit me , perhibet testimonium
und Father, who sent me , furnishes testimony
de me .
of me .
Ergo dicebant ei : Ubi est tuus
Therefore they did say to him : Where is thy
Pater ? Jesus respondit : Scitis neque me , neque
Father ? Jesus answered : Ye know neither me , nor
meum Patrem : si sciretis me , forsitan et
my Father : if ye might know me , perhaps and
sciretis meum Patrem .
ye might know my Father.
Jesus locutus-est hæc verba in gazophylacio ,
20 Jesus spoke
these words in treasury,
docens in templo : et nemo apprehendit eum ,
teaching in temple : and no one apprehended him ,
quia necdum hora ejus venerat.
because nor-yet hour of him had come.
Jesus ergo dixit iterùm eis : Ego vado ,
Jesus therefore said again to them : I go,
et quæretis me, et moriemỉni in vestro peccato .
and ye shall seek me , and ye shall die in your sin .
Quò ego vado , vos potestis non venire .
Whither I go, ye can not to come .
Judæi ergo dicebant : Numquid interficiet
Jews therefore did say : Whether will he kill
semetipsum , quia dixit : Qud ego vado , vos
himself, because he said : Whither I go, ye
potestis non venire ?
can not to come ?
Et dicebat eis : Vos estis de
And he did say to them : Ye are from
deorsum : ego sum de supernis. Vos estis de
downwards : I am from above . Ye are from
hoc mundo , ego sum non de hoc mundo .
this world , I am not from this world .
Ergo dixi vobis , quia moriemini in
Therefore I said to you , because ye shall die in
vestris peccatis : enim si credideritis non
your sins : for if ye shall have believed not
quia ego sum , moriemîni in vestro peccato .
because I am , ye shall die in your sin .
Ergo dicebant e i : Quis es tu ?
Therefore they did say to him : Who art thou ?
Jesus dixit eis : Principium , et qui loquor
Jesus said to them : Beginning, und who speak
vobis ,
to you .
Haběo multa loqui de vobis et
I have many things to speak of you and
judicare, sed qui misit me , est verax : et quæ
to judge, but who sent me, is true : and what
ego audivi ab eo , loquor hæc
things I have heard from him , I speak these things
ñ mundo,
in world .
dicebat Patrem
27 Et cognoverunt non , quia
And they knew not, because he did say Father
ejus, Deum .
of him, God .
Jesus ergo dixit eis : Cùm exaltaveritis
28 .
*Jesus therefore said to them : When ye shall have exalted

Filium hominis , tunc cognoscetis , quia ego sum ,

Son of man , then ye shall know , because I ат ,,
et facio nihil à meipso , sed sicut Pater
and I do nothing from myself, but so-as Father
docŭit me , loquor hæc :
hath taught me , I speak these things :
Et qui misit me , est cum me , et reliquit
And who sent me, is with me , and has left
non me solum : quia ego semper facỉo quæ
not me alone : because I always do what things
sunt placita ei.
are pleasing to him .
multi crediderunt in eum .
30 Illo loquente hæc ,
He speaking these things , many believed into him .
Jesus ergo dicebat ad eos Judæos, qui
Jesus therefore did say to those Jews, who
crediderunt ei : Si vos manseritis in meo
believed to him : If ye shall have remained in my
sermone , erìtis verè mei discipuli :
speech , ye shall be truly my disciples :
Et cognoscetis veritatem , et veritas
And ye shall know truth , und truth
liberabit VOS.
shall free you .
Responderunt ei: Sumus semen Abrăhæ ,
They answered to him : We are seed of Abraham ,
et servivīmus nemini unquam : quomodo dicis
and we have served to no one ever : how sayest
tu : Eritis liberi ?
thou : Ye shall be free ?

respondit eis : Amen, amen dico

34 Jesus
Jesus answered to them : Amen , amen I say
vobis : quia omnis, qui facit peccatum , est
to you : because every one , who does sin , is .
servus peccati.
servant of him.

Autem servus manet non in domo in

But servant remains not in house into
æternum : autem Filius manet in æternum .
eternal : but Son remains into eternal.
Si ergo Filius liberaverit vos , erìtis
If therefore Son shall have freed you , ye shall be
verè liberi .
truly free.
Scio quia estis filii Abrăhæ : sed
37 sons of Abraham : but
I know because ye are
quæritis interficăre
interficere me, quia meus sermo capit
ye seek to kill me , because my speech tukes
non in vobis .
not in you .
Ego loquor quod vidi apud meum
I speak what I have seen at my
Patrem : et
vos facitis, quæ vidistis
Father : and
ye do, what things ye have seen
apud vestrum Patrem .
at your Father .
39 Responderunt et dixerunt ei : Abrăbam
They answered and said to him : Abraham
est noster Pater. Jesus dicit eis : Si estis
is our Father. Jesus says to them : If ye are
filii Abrăhæ , facîte opěra Abrăhæ .
sons of Abraham , do ye works of Abraham .
Autem nunc quæritis interficere me , hominem ,
But now ye seek to kill me , тап ,,
qui locutus-sum veritatem vobis , quam audivi
who have spoken truth to you , which I have heard
à Deo : Abrăham fecit non hoc .
from God : Abraham did not this.
Vos facitis opěra vestri Patris. Itaque
Ye do works of your Father , Therefore
dixerunt ei : Nos nati-sumus non ex
they said to him : We have been born not out-of
fornicatione: habemus unum Patrem , Deum .
fornication : we have опе Father, God.
Jesus ergo dixit eis : Si Deus esset
Jesus therefore said to them : If God might be
vester Pater , utỉque diligeretis me . Enim ego
your Father, truly ye would love me . For I
processi et veni ex Deo ; enim
have proceeded and have come out-of God ; for
neque veni à meipso , sed ille misit
neither have I come from myself, but he huth sent
me .
me .
Quare cognoscitis non meam loquelam ?
Wherefore know ye not my speech ?
Quia potestis non audire meum sermonem .
Because ye can not to hear my speech .
Vos estis ex patre Diabolo : et vultis
44 Ye
are out-of father Devil : and ye will
facere desideria vestri patris. Ille erat homicida
to do desires of your father. He was murderer
ab initio , et stetit non in veritate ; quia
from beginning, and stood not in truth ; because
verĭtas est non in eo : cùm loquitur mendacium ,
truth is not in him : when he speaks fulsehood ,
loquitur ex propriis , quia est mendax
he speaks out- of own things , because he is lying
et pater ejus.
and father of it .
Autem si ego dico veritatem , creditis non
But if I say truth , ye believe not
mihi .
to me .
Quis ex vobis arguet me de peccato ?
46 me
Who out-of you will convict of sin ?

Si dico veritatem vobis , quare creditis non

If I say truth to you , wherefore believe ye not
mihi ?
to me ?
Qui est ex Deo , audit verba Dei .
Who is out-of God , hears words of God .
Propterea vos auditis non , quia estis
On -that -account ye hear not, because ye are
non ex Deo .
not out-of God .
Judæ i ergo responderunt, et dixerunt
Jews therefore answered , and said
ei : Ne dicimus nos non ,
to him : Whether say we not well, because
tu es Samaritanus, et habes dæmonịum ?
thou art Samaritan , and hast demon ?
Jesus respondit :Ego haběo non dæmonịum :
49 demon :
Jesus answered : I have not
sed honorifico meum Patrem , et VOS inho
but I honour my Father , and ye have
norâstis me .
dishonoured me.
non est
50 Autem ego quæro meam gloriam :
But I seek not my glory : there is
qui quærat et judịcet .
who may seek and may judge.
dico vobis : Si
51 Amen , amen , quis
Amen , amen , I say to you : If any one
servaverit meum sermonem , videbit non
shall have kept my word , he shall see not
mortem in æternum .
death into eternal
Judæi ergo dixerunt : Nunc cognověmus
Jews therefore said : Now we have known
quia habes dæmonïum . Abrăham mortŭus -est ,
because thou hast demon . Abraham has died ,

et Prophetæ , et tu dicis : Si quis serva

and Prophets, and thou sayest : If uny one shall
věrit meum sermonem , gustabit non mortem
have kept my word, he shall taste not death
in æternum .
into eternal.
es tu major nostro patre
53 Numquid
Whether art thou greater than our father
Abrăham , qui mortŭus- est ? et Prophetæ mortŭi - sunt .
Abraham , who has died ? and Prophets have died .
Quem facis teipsum ?
Whom makest thou thyself ?
Jesus respondit : Si ego glorifịco meipsum ,
Jesus answered : If I glorify myself,
mea glorţa est nihil : est meus Pater, qui
my glory 2S nothing : he is my Father, who
glorificat me , quem VOS dicitis , quia est
me , whom ye say , because he is
vester Deus.
your God.
Et cognovistis non eum : autem ego
And ye have known not him : but I
novi eum : et si dixěro , quia
have known him : and if I shall have said, because
scio non eum , ero similis vobis, mendax.
I know not him , I shall be like to you , lying.
Sed scio eum , et servo sermonem ejus .
But I know him and I keep word of him .
Abrăham vester pater exultavit, ut videret
Abraham your father exulted , that he might see
meum diem : vidit , et gavisus -est.
my day : he saw , and rejoiced .
Judæi ergo dixerunt ad eum : Habes
Jews therefore said to him : Thou hast

nondum quinquaginta annos , et . vidisti

not-yet fifty yeurs , and hast thou seen
Abrăhamı ?
Abraham ?
eis : Amen , amen , dico vobis ,
58 Jesus dixit
Jesus said to them : Amen , umen , I say to you ,
antěquam Abrăham fieret, ego sum .
before - that Abraham might be made, I um .
Ergo tulerunt lapides, ut jacerent
Therefore they bore stones, that they might throw
in eum : autem Jesus abscondit se , et
against him : but Jesus hid himself, and
exivit de templo.
went out from temple .


Ет Jesus præteriens vidit hominem cæcum

AND Jesus passing by saw man blind
à nativitate .
from birth .
Et discipůli ejus interrogaverunt eum :
And disciples of him questioned him :
Rabbi , quis peccavit , hic, aut parentes ejus,
Rabbi , who has sinned, this , or parents of him ,
ut nasceretur cæcus ?
that he might be born blind ?
Jesus respondit : Neque hic peccavit neque
Jesus answered : Neither this has sinned nor
parentes ejus ; sed ut opěra Dei mani.
parents of him , but that works of God may
festentur in illo .
be manifested in him .

qui misit
4 Oportet me operari opěra ejus,
It behoves me to work works of him , who sent
me , donec dies est : nox venit , quando nemo
me , while day is : night comes , when no one
potest operari .
is able to work .
5 Quamdiu sum in mundo , sum lux mundi ,
As - long-as I am in world , I am light of world .
Cùm dixisset hæc exspăit
6 When he might have said these things he spat-out
in terram , et fecit lutum ex sputo , et
into earth , und made clay out-of spittle, and
linivit lutum super ocủlos ejus.
smeared clay upon eyes of him .
Et dixit ei : Vade, lava in natatoria
And said to him : Go, wash into swimming - pools
Silöe , (quod interpretatur, Missus . ) Abiit
of Siloe, (which is interpreted, Sent.) He went away
ergo et lavit , et venit videns .
therefore and washed, and came seeing .
Ităque vicini , et qui viděrant eum
8 had seen
Therefore neighbours, and who him
priùs , quia erat mendicus , dicebant : Ne
formerly , because he was beggar, did say : Whether
est non hic qui sedebat , et mendicabat ? Alii
is not this who did sit , and did beg ? Others
dicebant : Quia hic est.
did say : Because this is.
Autem alii : Nequaquam , sed est similis
But others : By - no -means , but he is like
ei : Verò ille dicebat : Quia ego sum .
to him : But he did say : Because I am .
Dicebant ergo ei ; Quomodo aperti
They did say therefore to him : How have been
sunt ocŭli tibi ?
opened eyes to thee ?
Respondit : Ille homo, qui dicitur Jesus,
11 That man ,
He answered : who is said Jesus,
fecit lutum : et unxit meos ocủlos, et dixit
made clay : and anointed my eyes, and said
mihi : Vade ad natatoria Siloë , et lava.
to me : Go thou to swimming pools of Siloe, and wash .
Et abii, et lavi , et viděo .
And I went away , und I washed, and I see .
Et dixerunt ei : Ubi est ille ? Ait,
And they said to him : Where is he ? He says ,
Nescio .
I know -not.
Adducunt eum , qui fuěrat cæcus , ad
They lead - to him , who had been blind, to
Pharisæos .
Pharisees .
Autem erat sabbătum , quando
quando Jesus fecit
But it was sabbath , when Jesus made
lutum , et aperăit ocŭlos ejus.
clay , and opened eyes of him .
Pharisæi ergo interrogabant itěrum eum ,
Pharisees therefore did usk again him ,
quomodo vidisset. Autem ille dixit eis :
how he might have seen . But he said to them :
Posúit lutum mihi super ocŭlos , et lavi ,
He put clay to me upon eyes , and I washed,
et viděo .
and I see.
Quidam ergo ex Pharisæis , dicebant :
Certain therefore out of Pharisees, did say :
Hic homo , qui custodit non sabbătum , est non
This man , who guards not sabbath , is not
à Deo : Autem alii dicebant : Quomodo potest
from God : But others did say : How can

homo peccator facere hæc signa ? Et erat

man sinner to do these signs ? And there was
schisma inter eos .
schism among them .
dicunt iterùm cæco ; Quid
17 Ergo
Therefore they say again to blind man ; What
dicis tu de illo , qui aperă it tuos ocŭlo s?
sayest thou of that, who opened thy eyes ?
Autem ille dixit : Quia est Propheta .
But he said : Becuuse he is Prophet.
Judæi ergo crediderunt non de illo ,
18 therefore believed not of him ,
quia fuisset cæcus , et vidisset,
because he might have been blind, and might have seen ,
donec vocaverunt parentes ejus, qui viděrat
until they called parents of him , who had seen .
Et interrogaverunt eos , dicentes : Est · hic
And they asked them , saying : Is this
vester filſus, quem VOS dicit is quia natus-est
your son , whom ye say because he was born
cæcus ? Quomodo ergo videt nunc ?
blind ? How therefore sees he now ?
Parentes ejus responderunt eis , et
Parents of him answered to them , and
dixerunt : Scimus quia hic est noster filius,
said : We know because this is our son ,
et quia natus-est cæcus :
and because he was born blind :
nunc , nescimus : aut
21 Autem quomodo viděat
But how he may see now , we know-not : or
quis aperăit oculos ejus , nos nescimus : interrogate
who has opened eyes of him , we know-not : ask ye
ipsum ; habet ætatem , ipse loquatur de se .
self ; he has uge , self may speak of himself.
Parentes ejus dixerunt hæc , quonlam
Parents of him said these things, since

timebant Judæos ; enim jam Judæi conspiravérant,

they did fear Jews; for already Jews had conspired ,
ut si quis confiteretur eum esse Christum ,
that if any one might confess him to be Christ,
fieret extra synagogam .
he might be made without synagogue.
parentes ejus dixerunt :
23 Propterea
On- that -account parents of him said :
Quia habet ætatem , interrogate ipsum .
Because he has age, ask ye self.
Ergo vocaverunt homïnem rursum , qui
24 man
Therefore they called again , who
fuerat cæcus, et dixerunt ei : Da gloriam
had been blind, and said to him : Give glory
Deo , nos scimus quia hic homo est peccator .
to God, we know because this man is sinner .
Ergo ille dixit eis : Si est peccator
25 Therefore
he said to them : If he is sinner
nescio : scio unum , quia cum essem
I know not : I know one thing, becuuse when I might be
cæcus , modò viděo .
blind, now I see .
dixerunt illi : Quid fecit tibi ?
26 Ergo
Therefore they said to him : What did he to thee ?
quomodo aperăit ocŭlos tibi ?
how opened he eyes to thee ?
eis : Dixi vobis jam ,
27 Respondit
He answered to them : I have said to you already,,
et audistis non : quid vultis audire iterùm ?
and ye have heard not : what will ye to hear ugain ?
numquid et vultis vos fieri discipůli ejus ?
whether and will ye to be made disciples of him ?
maledixerunt ei , et
28 Ergo
Therefore they said ill ( reviled ) to him , and
dixerunt : Tu sis discipůlus illius : autem
said : Thou mayest -be disciple of him : but
nos sumus discipůli Moysi .
we are disciples to Moses.
Nos scimus , quia Deus locutus - est Moysi :
We know , because God has spoken to Moses :
autem nescimus hunc unde sit
but we know -not this whence he may be .
Ille homo respondit, et dixit eis : Enim
That man answered , and said to them : For
est mirabile in hoc , quia vos nescitis unde
it is wonderful in this , because ye know not whence
sit , et aperăit meos ocŭlos :
he may be , and he has opened my eyes :
31 Aute
m scimus quia Deus audit non pec
But we know because God hears not sin
catores : sed si quis est cultor Dei , et
ners : but if any one is worshipper of God, and
facit voluntatem ejus, exaudit hunc.
does will of him , he hears this.
m non à sæcŭlo , quia
32 Auditu -est
It has been heard not from age , beeause
quis aperăit ocŭlos nati cæci ..
any one has opened eyes of born blind .
Nisi hic esset à Deo, potěrat non
Unless this might be from God, he was able not
facere quidquam .
to do any thing.
Responderunt et dixerunt ei : Natus- es
They answered and said to him : Thou hast
totus in peccatis , et doces tu nos ?
been born whole in sins , and teachest thou us ?
Et ejecerunt eum foràs.
And they cast -out him without .

35 Jesus audivit quia ejecerunt eum foràs ;

Jesus heard because they cast-out him without

et cùm invenisset eum , dixit ei ;

and when he might have found him , he said to him ;
Credis tu in Filium Dei ?
Believest thou into Son of God ?

36 Ille respondit et dixit : Quis est, Domine ,

He answered and said : Who is he , O Lord ,
ut credam in eum ?
that I may believe into him ?
Et Jesus dixit ei : Et vidisti eum,
And Jesus said to him : And thou hast seen him,
et qui loquitur tecum , est ipse.
and who speaks with thee , is self.
At ille ait : Credo, Domîne . Et pro
But that says : I believe , O Lord. And fall
cidens adoravit eum .
ing before he worshipped him .
Et Jesus dixit : Ego veni in hunc mundum
And Jesus said : I came into this world
in judicium : ut qui vident non , viděant, et
into judgment: that who see not , may see , and
qui vident , fiant cæci .
who see , may be made tlind.
Et quidam ex Pharisæis , qui erant cum
40 And some out-of Pharisees, who were with
ipso audierunt, et dixerunt ei : Numquid et
self heard , and said to him : Whether and
sumus nos cæci ?
are we blind ?
Jesus dixit eis : Si essetis cæci,
Jesus said to them : If ye might be blind ,
haberetis non peccatum , verd nunc dicitis :
ye would have not sin , but now ye say :
Quia videmus ; vestrum peccatum manet.
Because we see ; your sin remains.


Amen , amen , dico vobis : qui intrat non

AMEN , amen , I say to you : who enters not
per ostium in ovile ovịum , sed ascendit
through door into fold of sheep, but ascends
aliunde , ille est fur et latro .
from elsewhere , he is thief and robber.
intrat per
2 Autem qui ostřum , est pastor
But who enters through door, is shepherd
ovịum .
of sheep
Ostiarius apěrit huic , et oves audìunt
Door - keeper opens to this , and sheep hear
vocem ejus , et vocat proprías oves nominatim ,
voice of him , and he calls own sheep by -name,
et educit eas .
and he leads-out them .
Et cum emisèrit proprias
oves ,
And when he shall have sent-out own sheep,
vadit ante eas : et oves sequuntur illum , quia
he goes before them : and sheep follow him , because
sciunt vocem ejus.
they know voice of him .
5 Autem non alienum , sed fugiunt ab
But they follow not alien , but flee fron
eo : quia noverunt non vocem alienorum .
him : because they have known not voice of aliens.
Jesus dixit hoc proverbium eis : Autem illi
Jesus said this proverb to them : But they
cognoverunt non quid loqueretur eis .
knew not what he might speak to them .
Ergo Jesus dixit itěrùm eis : Amen ,
Therefore Jesus said again to them : Amen ,

amen , dico vobis , quia ego sum ostium

amen , I say to you , because I am door
ovịum .
of sheep.
Omnes, quotquot venerunt, sunt fures, et
All, as-many -as have -come, are thieves, and
latrones , et oves audierunt non eos.
robbers, and sheep heard not them .
Ego sum ostřum . Si quis introierit
9 am
I door. If any one shall have entered
per me salvabitur : et ingredietur, et
through me he shall be saved : und he shallgo-in, and
egredietur, et invențet pascủa.
he shall go -out, and shall- find pastures.
Fur venit non nisi ut furetur, et
Thief comes not unless that he may steal, and
mactet, et perdat. Ego veni , ut
may slaughter and may destroy . I have come, that
habeant vitam , et habeant abundantiùs.
they may have life, and тау have more-abundantly .
sum bonus Pastor. Bonus Pastor
11 Ego
I am good Shepherd. Good Shepherd
dat suam anīmam pro suis ovìbus.
gives his life for his sheep .
Autem mercenarius, et qui est non pastor,
12 But hireling, and who is not shepherd,
cujus oves sunt non propriæ , videt lupum
of whom sheep are not own , sees wolf
venientem , et dimittit oves, et fugit: et
coming, and dismisses sheep, and flees : and
lupus rapit et dispergit oves .
wolf snatches and disperses sheep .
mercenarìus fugit, quia est mer
13 Autem
But hireling flees, because he is hire
cenarius , et pertinet non ad eum de ovìbus.
ling, and it belongs not to him of sheep .

Ego sum bonus Pastor : et cognosco meas, 2

I am good Shepherd : and I know mine ,
et meæ cognoscunt me .
and mine know me.
Sicut Pater novit me, et ego agnosco
So -as Futher has known me , and I acknowledge
Patrem , et pono meam animam pro meis ovìbus .
Father , and I place my life for my sheep.
Et haběo alựas oves , quæ sunt non ex
And I have other sheep, which are not out- of
hoc ovili ; et oportet me adducere illas,
this sheepfold ; and it behoves me to lead to them ,
et audient meam vocem , et fiet
and they shall hear my voice , and it shall be made
unum ovile , et unus pastor .
опе sheepfold, and one shepherd.
Proptereà Pater diligit me , quia ego
On- that-account Father loves me , because I
pono meam animam , ut sumam eam iterum .
place my life, that I may take it again .
Nemo tollit eam à me : sed ego
18 takes away
No one it from me : but I
pono eam à meipso , et haběo
place it from myself, and I have
ponendi eam , et haběo potestatem sumendi
of placing it , and I have power of taking
eam iterum : accepi hoc mandatum à
it again : I have received this command from
meo Patre .
my Father .
Dissensio facta -est iterùm inter Judæos
Dissension was -made again between Jews
propter hos sermones .
because of these speeches.
Autem multi ex ipsis dicebant : Habet
20 did say : He has
But muny out-of selves

e dæmonium , et insanit : quid auditis eum ?

demon , and is -mad : why hear ye him ?
Alii dicebant : Hæc verba sunt non
21 are
Others did say : These words not
habentis dæmonium : numquid potest dæmonium
of one having demon : whether can demon
aperire ocŭlos cæcorum ?
to open eyes of blind ?
Autem Encænia facta -sunt in Jero
But dedication ( feasis) were -made in Jeru
solýmis ; et erat hyems .
salems ; and it was winter.
Et Jesus ambulabat in templo , in porticu
And Jesus did walk in temple, in porch
Salomonis :
of Solomon :
Judæi ergo circumdederunt eum , et dice
Jews therefore surrounded him , and did
bant ei : Quousque tollis nostram
say to him : Until -when raisest thou (suspendest) our
lanìmam ? Si tu es Christus, dic nobis palàm .
soul ? If thou art Christ, say to us openly.
Jesus respondit eis : Loquor vobis, et
25 Jesus I speak to you ,
answered to them : and
creditis non ; opěra , quæ ego facủo in nomine
ye believe not ; works , which I do in name
mei Patris , hæc perhibent testimonium de me .
bf my Father, these furnish testimony of me .
Sed VOS creditis non , quia estis non
26 because ye are not
But ye believe not,
Тех meis ovibus.
out -of my sheep.
Meæ oves audſunt meam vocem : et ego
27 My sheep hear voice : and I
Icognosco eas , et sequuntur me :
know them , and they follow me :

Et ego do æternam vitam eis : et CT

And I give eternal life to them : and 07
peribunt non in æternum , et quisquam
they shall perish not into eternal, and any one e
rapřet non eas de meâ manu .
shall snatch not them from my hand .
dedit mihi , est major de
29 Meus Pater , qui
My Father , who gave to me , is greater
omni bus : et nemo potest rapěre de manu
than all : and no-one can to snatch from hand
mei Patris.
of my Father.
Ego et Pater sumus unum .
I and Father are one .
Judæi ergo sustulerunt lapides, ut lapi
31 Jews stones ,
therefore took - up that they
darent eum .
might stone him .
Jesus respondit eis : Ostendi multa
32 Jesus I have shewn
answered to them : many
bona opěra vobis ex meo Patre , propter
good works to you out -of my Father, on -account -of
quod opus eorum lapidatis me ?
which work of them stone ye me ?
Judæi responderunt ei : De bono opěre
33 good work
Jews answered to him : Of
lapidamus non te, sed de blasphemiâ : et quia
we stone not thee , but of blasphemy : and because
tu , cùm sis homo , facis teipsum
thou, when thou mayest be man , makest thyself
Deum .
Jesus respondit eis : Ne est non
Jesus answered to them : Whether is at not

scriptum in vestrâ lege : Quia ego dixi ,

writtten in your law : Because I have said,
ta ! Estis dii ?
| Ye are gods ?
35 Si dixit illos deos , ad quos sermo Dei
If he said them gods, to whom word of God
factus - est, et Scriptura potest non solvi :
has been made, and Scripture can not to be loosed :
Quem Pater sanctificavit, et misit in
Whom Father has sunctified, and has sent into
mundum , vos dicitis : Quia blasphemas, quia
world , ye say : Because thou blasphemest, because
dixi, sum Filius Dei ?
I said, I am Son of God ?
Patris, nolite
37 Si facio non opěra mei
If I do not works of my Father, be-unwilling
credere mihi .
to believe to me.
Autem si facio , et si vultis non credere
But if I do, and if ye will not to believe
mihi , credite operibus, ut cognoscatis, et
to me , believe to works , that ye may know , and
credatis, quia Pater est in me , et ego
ye may believe because Father is in me , and I
in Patre .
in Father .

39 Ergo quærebant apprehendere eum ; et

Therefore they did seek to apprehend him ; and
exivit de manibus eorum .
he went-out of hands of them .
Et abiit iterum trans Jordanem , in
And he.went-away again beyond Jordan, into
eum locum , ubi Joannes erat baptizans primùm :
that place, where John was baptizing first:
et mansit illic .
ana he remained there.

Et multi venerunt ad eum et dicebant : D
41 An many
d came to him and did say :
Quia Joannes quidem fecit nullum signum ; co
Because John indeed made no ut
sign ;
42 Autem omnia , quæcumque Joannes dixit de
But all things whatsoever John said of
hoc , erat vera . Et multi crediderunt in enm .
this, were true. And many believed into him .



AUTEM quidam Lazărus

quidam à Bethania erat
BUT certain Lazarus from Bethany was
languens , de castello Mariæ et Marthe ,
languishing , of town of Mary and of Martha,
sororis ejus .
sister of her.
2 (Autem Maria erat, quæ unxit Dominum
( But Mary was , who anointed Lord
unguento , et extersit pedes ejus suis
with ointment , and wiped feet of him with her
capillis ; frater cujus Lazărus infirmabatur.)
locks ; brother of whom Lazarus was sick . )
sorores ejus miserunt ad
3 Ergo eum ,
Therefore sisters of him sent to him ,
dicentes : Domîne , ecce amas in
saying : O Lord, behold whom thou lovest is
sick .
audiens, dixit eis :
4 Autem Jesus Hæc
But Jesus hearing, said to them : This
infirmitas est non ad mortem , sed pro gloriâ
sickness is not to death , but for glory

Dei , ut Filius Dei glorificetur per

of God, that Son of God may be glorified through
eam .
it .
5 Autem Jesus diligebat Martham , et
But Jesus did love Martha, and sister
ejus Mariam , et Lazărum .
of her Mary , and Lazarus .
Ut ergo audivit quia infirmabatur,
When therefore he heard becuuse he was - sick ,
tunc quidem mansit in eodem loco duobus
then indeed he remained in same place two
Deinde post hæc dixit suis
Afterwards after these things he said to his
discipůlis : Eamus itěrùm in Judæam .
disciples : Let us go again into Judea .
Rabbi , nunc Judæi
8 Discipůli dicunt ei ,
Disciples say to him , Rabbi , now Jews
quærebant lapidare te , et vadis iterum
did seek to stone thee , and goest thou again
illuc ?
thither ?
Jesus respondit, Ne sunt non duodecim
Jesus answered , Whether are there not twelve
hora diei ? Si quis ambulaverit in
hours of day ? If any one shall have walked in
die , offendit non , quia videt lucem hujus
day , he stumbles not , because he sees light of this
mundi ,
world .
Autem si ambulaverit in nocte , of
10 But he
if he shall have walked in night,
fendit , quia lux est non in eo .
stumbles , because light is not in him.

Ait hæc , et post hæc

He says these things, and after these things
dixit eis : Lazărus noster amicus dormit :
he said to them : Luzarus our friend sleeps :
sed vado ut excitem eum à somno .
but I yo that I may awake him from sleep .
Ergo discipůli ejus dixerunt : Domine ,
Therefore disciples of him said : O Lord ,
si dormit, erit salvus .
if he sleeps, he shall be safe .
Autem Jesus dixěrat de morte ejus : Autem
But Jesus had said of death of him : But
illi putaverunt , quia diceret de dormitione
they thought, because he might say of sleeping
somni .
of sleep.
Tunc ergo Jesus dixit manifeste eis :
Then therefore Jesus said manifestly to them :
Lazărus mortŭus -est .
Lazarus has died .
Et gauděo propter Vos , quoníam eram
And I rejoice because of you , because I was
non ibi , ut cre datis . Sed eamus ad
not there, that ye may believe . But let us go to
eum .
him .
Thomas ergo , qui dicitur Didymus , dixit
Thomas therefore who is said Didymus, said
Et nos eamus , ut moriamur
ad condiscipŭlos:
to fellow - disciples : And we let us go , that we may die
cum eo .
with him .
Jesus itaque venit , et invenit eum jam
Jesus therefore cume , and found him already
habentem quatủor dies in monumento .
having four days in monument.

(Auten Bethania erat juxta Jerosolymam ,

18 ( But Bethany was near Jerusalem ,
quasi quinděcim stadiis . )
as -if fifteen stadia .)
Autem multi ex Judæis veněrant ad
19 had come
But many out- of Jews to
Martham et Mariam , ut consolarentur eas
Martha and Mary , that they might console them
de suo fratre.
of their brother .
Martha ergo , ut audivit quia Jesus
Martha therefore, when she heard because Jesus
venit, occurrit illi: autem Maria sedebat
сате , met to him : but Mary did sit
domi .
of (at) home .
Martha ergo dixit ad Jesum : Domîne ,
Martha therefore said to Jesus : O Lord ,
si fuisses hic , meus frater mortŭus
if thou mightest have been here, my brother would
fuisset non :
have died not :
Sed et nunc scio , quia quæcumque
But and now I know , because whatever things
poposceris a Deo , Deus dabit
thou shalt have demanded from God , God will give
tibi .
to thee .
Jesus dicit illi : Tuus frater resurget.
Jesus says to her : Thy brother shall rise again .
Martha dicit ei : Scio quia resurget
24 Martha says to him : I know because he shall
in resurrectione in novissimo die .
rise again in resurrection in newest day.
Jesus dixit ei : Ego sum resurrectio
Jesus said to her : I ат resurrection

et vita : qui credit in me , etiam si mortŭus.

und life : who believes into me , even if he shall
fuerit, vivet .
have died , he shall live .
Et omnis qui vivit , et credit in
And every one who lives , and believes into
me , morietur non in æternum . Credis hoc ?
me , shall die not into eternal . Believest thou this ?
Ait illi : Utique, Domine, ego credidi
27 She
Truly ,, O Lord ,
says to him : Truly 1 have be
quia tu es Christus Filius vivi Dei ,
lieved because thou art Christ Son of live God,
qui venisti in hunc mundum .
who hast come into this world .
Et cùm dixisset hæc ,
28 she might have said
And when these things,
abiit , et vocavit Mariam suam sororem
she went away , and called Mary her sister
silenio, dicens : Magister adest , et vocat te .
in silence, saying : Master is present, and calls thee .
Ut illa audivit , surgit citò , et venit
29 When she heard,
she rises quickly , and comes
ad eum .
to him .
Enim Jesus venerat nondum in castellum ;
For Jesus had come not yet into castle ;
sed erat adhuc in illo loco , ubi Martha
but he was as-yet in that place, where Murtha
occurrërat ei .
had met to him.
erant cum ea in domo ,
31 Judæi ergo , qui
Jews therefore, who were with her in house
et consolabantur eam , cùm vidissent
and did console her ,
when they might have seen
Mariam , quia surrexit citò et exiît,
Mary, because she arose quickly and went out,

secuti-sunt eam , dicentes : Quia vadit ad

they followed her, saying : Because she goes to
monumentum , ut ploret ibi .
monuments that she may weep there .
Maria ergo , cùm venisset ubi
Mary therefore, when she might have come where
Jesus erat, videns eum , cecidit ad pedes ejus,
Jesus was , seeing him , fell to feet of him ,
et dicit ei : Domine , si fuisses
and says to him : O Lord , if thou mightest have been
hic , meus frater nortŭus -esset non .
here, my brother would have died not.
Jesus ergo ut vidit eam plorantem
Jesus therefore when he saw her weeping,
et Judæos , qui veněrant cum eâ , plorantes ,
and Jews, who had come with her, weeping,
infremŭit spirītu , et turbavit seipsum .
groaned in spirit, and disturbed himself.
Et dixit : Ubi posuistis eum ? Dicunt
And said : Where have ye placed him ? They say
ei : Domine , veni et vide.
to him : O Lord , come and see.
Et Jesus lacrymatus-est .
And Jesus wept.
Judæi ergo dixerunt : Ecce quomodo
Jews therefore said : Behold how
amabat eum .
he did love him .
Aut quidam ex ipsis dixerunt : Hic ,
37 Butem certain out-of selves said : This ,
qui aperăit ocủlos nati cæci , potěrat non
who opened eyes of born blind, was he able not
facěre, ut hic moreretur non ?
to make, that this might die not ?
Jesus ergo rursum fremens in semetipso ,
Jesus therefore again groaning in himself

venit ad monumentum ; autem erat spelunca , et

came to monument ; but it was cavern , and
lapis erat superposỉtus ei .
stone wus placed-over to it.
Jesus ait : Tollite lapidem . Martha,
39 Take-away
Jesus says : stone. Murtha ,
soror ejus qui mortŭus -fuěrat, dicit e i :
sister of him who had -died , says to him :
Domine , jam fætet , enim est quatriduanus .
O Lord , now he stinketh , for he is fourth -day .
Jesus dicit ei : Ne dixi non tibi ,
Jesus says to her : Whether said I not to thee ,
quoniam si credideris, videbis gloriam
since if thou shalt have believed , thou shalt see glory
Dei ?
of God ?
Ergo tulerunt lapidem : autem Jesus,
Therefore they took stone : but Jesus,
ocŭlis elevatis sursùm , dixit : Pater, ago
eyes being raised upwards said : Father, I act
gratias tibi, quoniam audîsti me.
thanks to thee , since thou hast heard me.
Autem ego sciebam quia audis me
42 thou hearest
But I did know because me
semper, sed dixi propter populum qui
always , but I said because -of people which
circumstat ; ut credant , quia tu
stunds-around ; that they may believe, because thou
misisti me .
hast sent me .
Cùm dixisset hæc , ' clamavit
When he might have said these things, he cried - out
magna voce : Lazăre, veni foras.
with great voice : O Lazarus , come without.
Et statim , qui fuerat mortŭus
And immediately , who hud been dead ,

prodiit, ligatus pedes et manus instītis ,

went- forth, bound feet and hands with bandages,
et facies illius erat ligata sudarſo . Jesus
and face of him was bound with napkin . Jesus
dixit eis : Solvite eum , et sinite abire .
said to them : Loose him , and suffer to go away .
Multi ergo ex Judæis, qui venerant
Many therefore out-of Jews, who had come
ad Mariam et Martham , et viděrant quæ
to Mary and Martha , and had seen what things
Jesus fecit, crediderunt in eum .
Jesus did , believed into him .
Autem quidam ex ipsis abierunt ad
But certain out-of selves went away to
Pharisæos, et dixerunt eis , quæ Jesus
Pharisees , and said to them , what things Jesus
Ergo Pontifices et Pharisi collegerunt
Therefore High - priests and Pharisees collected
concilium , et dicebant : Quid facimus, quia
council, and did say : What do we , because
hic homo facit multa signa ?
this man makes many signs?
Si dimittìmus eum sic , omnes credent
If we dismiss him thus , all will believe
in eum : et Romani venient, et tollent
into him : and Romans will come, and they will take
nostrum locum et gentem .
away our place and nation .
Autem unus ex ipsis , Caiăphas nomine ,
49 But out- of selves, Caiaphas by name ,
cum esset Pontifex illius anni , dixit
when he might be High -priest of that year said
eis : Vos nescitis quidquam ;
to them ; Ye know not any thing ;

Nec cogitatis quia expedit vobis ,

50 think ye it is expedient
Nor because to you .
ut unus homo moriatur pro populo , et tota
that one man may die for people, and whole

gens pereat non .

nation may perish not.
dixit hoc non à semetipso ;
51 Autem
But he said this not from himself:
sed cùm esset Pontifex illius anni ,
but when he might be High - priest of that year,
prophetavit , quòd Jesus erat moriturus pro
he prophesied , because Jesus was about - to - die for
gente ;
nation ;
Et non tantùm pro gente , sed ut
And not only for nation , but that
congregaret in unum filios Dei, qui erant
he might collect into one sons of God, who were
dispersi .
dispersed .
Ab illo die ergo cogitaverunt ut
From that day therefore they thought that
interficerent eum .
they might kill him .
Jesus ergo jam ambulabat non in palàm
Jesus therefore now did walk not in openly
apud Judæos , sed abïît in regionem juxta
at Jews, but went - away into region near
desertum , in civitatem , quæ dicitur Ephrăim ,
desert , into city , which is said Ephraim ,
et ibi morabatur cum suis discipulis.
and there he did delay with his disciples.
Autem Pascha Judaeorum erat proximum :
55 Passover
But of Jews was nearest :
et multi ascenderunt de regione Jerosolymam
and many ascended from region (to) Jerusalem

ante Pascha , ut sanctificarent seipsos .

before Passover, that they might sanctify themselves.
Jesum ; et
56 Ergo quærebant
Jesus ;
Therefore they did seek and they did
bantur ad -invịcem stantes in templo : Quid
speak -together to-one -another standing in temple: What
putatis , quia venit non ad festum diem ?
think ye , because he came not to festive day ?
Autem Pontifices et Pharisæi dederant man
But High -priests and Pharisees had given com
datum , ut si quis cognoverit ubi sit ,
mand, that if any one may have known where he may be
indicet , ut apprehendant eum .
he may indicate, that they may apprehend him ,


JESUS ergo , sex diebus ante Pascha,

JESUS therefore, in six days before Passover,
venit Bethaniam , ubi Lazărus , quem Jesus
came (to ) Bethuny , where Lazarus , whom Jesus
suscitavit ,
mortŭus -fuěrat .
raised , had -died .
Autem fecerunt coenam ibi ei , et
2 But
they made supper there to him , and
Martha ministrabat, verò Lazărus erat unus
Martha did minister , but Lazarus was one
ex discumbentibus cum eo .
out- of ( those)reclining with him .
Ergo Maria accepit libram unguenti,
Therefore Mary received pound of ointment,
pistici, pretiosi nardi , et unxit pedes
of faithful (genuine), precious nard, and anointed feet
Jesu , et extersit pedes ejus suis capillis :
of Jesus, and wiped feet of him with her locks:
et domus impleta -est ex odore unguenti .
und house was filled out-of odour of ointment .
Unus ergo ex discipulis ejus, Judas
One therefore out-of disciples of him , Judas
Iscariotes , qui erat traditurus eum , dixit :
Iscariot, who was about -to -deliver -up him , said :
hoc vænỉit non tre
5 Quare unguentum
Wherefore this ointment was sold not for
centis denariis , et datum- est egenis ?
three - hundred denarii, and was given to needy ?
Autem dixit hoc , non quia pertinebat
But he said this, not because it did pertain
ad eum de egenis , sed quia erat fur,
to him of needy, but because he was thief,
et habens locŭlos , portabat ea quæ
and having purses, he did carry those things which
were sent.
Jesus ergo dixit : Sinite illam ut
7 said : Suffer ye
Jesus therefore her that
servet illud in diem meæ sepulturæ .
she may keep that into day of my burial.

8 Enim habetis pauperes semper vobiscum : autem

For ye have poor always with you : but
habetis non me semper .
ye huve not me always.
Ergo multa turba ex Judæis cognovit,
Therefore much crowd out- of Jews knew ,
quia est illic : Et venerunt , non tantum
because he is there : And they came , not only
propter Jesum , sed ut viderent Lazărum ,
on -account- of Jesus, but that they might see Lazarus,
quem suscitavit a mortŭis.
whom he raised from dead .

Autem principes sacerdotum cogitaverunt ut

But chiefs of priests thought that
interficerent et Lazărum :
they might kill also Lazarus :
Quia multi ex Judæis abibant
11 out- of Jews did go -away
Because many
propter illum , et credebant in Jesum ,
on -account-of him , and did believe into Jesus.
Autem in crastinum , multa turba quæ
But into morrow , much crowd which
venerat ad festum diem , cum audissent
had come to festive day, when they might have heard
quia Jesus venit Jerosolymam :
because Jesus came (to) Jerusalem :
13 Acceperunt ramos palmarum , et processerunt
Took branches of palms, and proceeded
obviam ei , et clamabant : Hosanna , benedictus,
towards to him , and did cry out : Hosannah, blessed ,
qui venit in nomine Domini, Rex Israël.
who comes in name of Lord, King of Israel .
Et Jesus invenit asellum , et sedit super
And Jesus found little -ass, and sat upon
eum , sicut est scriptum :
it , SO -as it is written :
Noli timere , filia Sion ; ecce,
Be- unwilling to fear, daughter of Sion : behold ,
tuus Rex venit sedens super pullum asinæ .
thy king comes sitting upon foal of she-ass .
cognoverunt non hæc
16 Discipůli ejus these things
Disciples of him knew not
primùm : sed quando Jesus glorificatus- est, tunc
first: but when Jesus was-glorified , then
recordati-sunt , quia hæc scripta -erant
they remembered , because these things had been written
de eo , et fecerunt hæc ei .
of him , and they did these things to him .
turba quæ erat cum eo , quando
17 Ergo
Therefore crowd which was with him , when
vocavit Lazărum de monumento , et suscitavit
he called Lazarus from monument , and raised
eum à mortŭis , perhibebat testimonțum .
him from deud, did furnish testimony.
et turba venit obviảm
18 Proptereà
On-that-account also crowd came towards
ei : quia audierunt eum fecisse hoc
to him : because they heard him to have done this
signum .
Pharisæi ergo dixerunt ad semetipsos:
Pharisees therefore said to themselves :
Videtis quia proficimus nihil : ecce , totus
Ye see because we profit nothing : behold, whole
mundus abiit post eum .
world has gone-away after him.
Autem erant quidam Gentiles ex
But there were certain Gentiles out-of
bis, qui ascenděrant ut adorarent in
these , who had ascended that they might adore in
festo die .
festive day.
Hi ergo accesserunt ad Philippum ,
21 These therefore approached to Philip ,

qui erat à Bethsaida Galilææ , et rogabant

who was from Bethsaida of Galilee , and did ask
eum , dicentes : Domine , volămus videre Jesum .
him , saying : O Lord , we will to see Jesus.
Philippus venit et dicit Andreæ : Andreas
Philip comes and says to Andrew : Andrew
rursum et Philippus dixerunt Jesu .
again and Philip said to Jesus.
Autem Jesus respondit eis , dicens . Hora
23 But Jesus answered to them , saying : Hour
venit , ut Filius hominis clarificetur.
has come, that Son of man may be glorified .
amen , dico vobis , nisi granum
24 Amen ,
Amen , amen , I say to you , unless gruin
frumenti cadens in terram , mortŭum -fuěrit, ipsum
of corn falling into earth , shall have died , self
manet solum : autem si mortŭum -fuěrit, affert
remains alone : but if it shall have died , it brings
multum fructum .
much fruit.
Qui amat suam anìmam , perdet eam ; et
25 his
Who loves life, shall lose it ; and
qui odit suam ' anğmam in hoc mundo, custodit
who has hated his life in this world , guards
eam in æternam vitam ,
it into eternal life.
Si quis ministrat mihi , sequatur me :
If any - one ministers to me, he may follow me :
Et ubi ego sum , illic et meus minister
And where I am , there also ту servant
erit. Si quis ministravěrit mihi,
shall be . If any one shall have ministered to me ,
meus Pater honorificabit eum .
ту Father will honour him.
Nunc mea anima est turbata : et quid
Now my soul is disturbed : and what
dicam ? Pater , salvifîca
ex hâc me
shall I say ? O Father, saveout-of this me
horâ . Sed propterěà veni in hanc horam .
hour. But on- that-account I came into this hour.
Pater , clarifica tuum nomen . Ergo
Father glorify thy name . Therefore

VOX venit de cælo : Et clarificavi, et

voice came from heaven : And I have glorified , and
clarificabo iterum .
I will glorify again .
Turba ergo stabat, et audièrat ,
29 quæ
Crowd therefore which did stand , and had heard ,
dicebat, tonitrŭum factum - esse. Alii dicebant :
did say , thunder to have been made. Others did say :
Angélus locutus-est ei .
Angel spoke to him .
dixit : Hæc VOX venit
30 Jesus respondit et
Jesus answered and said : This voice came
non propter me , sed propter VOS.
not on - account -of me, but on - account -of you .
Nunc est judicium mundi : nunc princeps
Now is judgment of world : now chief
hujus mundi ejicietur foràs.
of this world shall be cast -out without.
Et ego , si fuěro exaltatus à
And I, if I shall have been exalted from
terrâ , traham omnia ad meipsum .
earth , will draw all things to myself.
( Autem dicebat hoc ,
33 significans quâwhat
( But he did say this , signifying by
morte esset moriturus . )
death he might be about- to -die .)
Turba respondit ei : Nos audivựmus ex
Crowd answered to him : We have heard out-of
lege , quia Christus manet in æternum ; et
law , that Christ remains into eternal ; and
tu : Oportet Filium homìnis
quomodo dicis
how sayest thou : It behoves Son of man
exaltari ? Quis est iste Filius hominis ?
to be exalted ? Who is that Son of man ?
us ergo dixit eis : Adhuc est
35 Jes
Jesus therefore said to them : As-yet there-is
modicum lumen in vobis ; dum
ambulate, habetis
little light in you ; walk ,while ye have
lucem , ut teněbræ comprehendant non VOS .
light, that darknesses may seize not you.
Et qui ambulat in teněbris, nescit quò
And who walks in darknesses, knows -not whither
vadat .
he may go .
Dum habetis lucem , credīte in lucem ,
Whilst ye have light, believe into light,
ut sitis filii lucis . Jesus locutus -est
that ye may be sons of light. Jesus spoke
hæc , et abiit et abscondit se
these things, and went- away and hid himself
ab eis.
from them .
Autem cum fecisset tanta signa
But when he might have made so -great signs
coram eis, credebant non in eum .
before them , they did believe not into him.
Ut sermo Isaia prophetæ impleretur,
. 38
That speech of Isaiah prophet might be fulfilled ,
quem dixit : Domine , quis credidit nostro
which he said : O Lord, who has believed to our
auditŭi ? et cui revelatum-est brachiūm
hearing ? and to whom has been revealed arm
Domìni ?
of Lord ?
potěrant non creděre,
39 Proptereà
On - that - account they were able not to believe ,
quia Isaias dixit itěrum :
because Isaiah said again :
Excæcavit ocŭlos eorum , et induravit
He has blinded eyes of them , and has hardened
cor eorum : ut viděant non ocủlis , et
heart of them : that they muy see not with eyes, and

intelligant non corde , et convertantur ,

may understand not with heart, and may be converted,
et sanem eos .
und I may heal them.
41 Isaias dixit hæc , quando vidit gloriam
Isaiah said these things , when he saw glory
ejus , et locutus- est de eo .
of him , and spoke of him .
Veruntămen , multi et ex principibus
42 also chiefs
Nevertheless , many out -of
crediderunt in eum : sed propter Pharisæos ,
believed into him : but on -account- of Pharisees,
confitebantur non , ut ejicerentur non
they did confess not , that they might be cast - out not
synagogâ .
out-of synagogue.

43 Enim dilexerunt gloriam hominum magis quàm

For they loved ylory of men more than
glorïam Dei .
glory of God .
Autem Jesus clamavit et dixit : Qui credit
But Jesus cried - out and said : Who believes
in me, credit non in me , sed in eum , qui
into me , believes not into me , but into him , who
misit me .
sent me .
Et qui videt
me , videt eum , qui misit me
And who sees
me , sees him , who sent me .
Ego veni lux in mundum , ut
I have come light into world, that
omnis qui credit in me, maneat non in
every-one who believes into me , may remain not in
tenebris .
Et si quis audierit mea verba ,
And if any - one shall have heard ту words,
et custodierit non , ego judịco non eum ;
and shall have guarded not, I judge not him ;
enim veni non ut judicem mundum , sed
for I came not that I may judge world , but
ut salvificem mundum .
that I may save world .
spernit me , et non mea
48 Qui accìpit
Who despises me , and receives not my
verba, habet qui judicet eum . Sermo quem
words, has who may judge him . Speech which
locutus-sum , ille judicabit eum in novissimo die .
I have spoken , that will judge him in newest day .
Quia ego locutus-sum non ex meipso ,
Because I have spoken not out-of myself,
sed Pater , qui misit me , ipse dedit mandatum
but Father , who sent me , self gave command
mihi quid dicam , et quid loquar.
to me what I may say , and what I may speak.
Et scio quia mandatum ejus est
And I know because command of him is
æterna vita . Ergo quæ ego loquor , sic
eternal life. Therefore what things I speak, SO
loquor sicut Pater dixit mihi .
I speak so-as Futher said to me .


ANTE festum diem Paschæ , Jesus sciens

BEFORE festive day of Passover, Jesus knowing
quia hora ejus venit , ut transeat
because hour of him came, that he may pass - over
ex hoc mundo ad Patrem : Cum dilex
out- of this world to Father : When he might
isset suos , qui erant in mundo , dilexit
have loved his own , who were in world , he loved
eos in finem ,
them into end.
Et canâ facta , cùm diabolus jam
And supper being made, when devil now
misisset in cor Judæ Iscariotæ Simonis ,
might have sent into heart of Judas Iscariot of Simon ,
ut traděret eum .
that he might deliver -up him .
Sciens quia Pater dedit omnia ei
Knowing because Father gave all things to him
in manus , et quia exivit à Deo , et
into hands, and because he went-out from God, and
vadit ad Deum :
goes to God :
Surgit à cænâ , et ponit sua vestimenta :
He rises from supper, and places his garments :
ei cùm accepisset linteum , præcinxit
and when he might have taken towel, he begirt
Deinde mittit aquam in pelvim , et
Afterwards he sends water into ewer, and
coepit lavare pedes discipulorum , et extergere
began to wash feet of disciples, and to wipe
lintěo , quo erat præcinctus.
with towel, with which he was begirt.
Ergo venit ad Simonem Petrum ; et
Therefore he comes to Simon Peter ; and
Petrus dicit ei : Domine , lavas tu pedes
Peter says to him : O Lord , washest thou feet
to me ?
respondit , dixit ei : Quod ego
7 Jesus et
Jesus answered, and said to him : What I

facio , tu nescis modò ; autem scies

do, thou knowest -not now ; but thou shalt know
postěà .
Petrus dicit ei : Lavabis non pedes
Peter says to him : Thou shalt wash not feet
mihi in æternum . Jesus respondit ei : Si
to me into eternal. Jesus answered to him : If
lavero non te , habebis non
I shall have washed not thee , thou shalt have not
partem mecum .
part with-me .
Simon Petrus dicit ei : Domine , non tantum
Simon Peter says to him : O Lord , not only
meos pedes, sed et manus et caput.
ту feet, but also hands and head.
Jesus dicit ei : Qui lotus - est,
Jesus says to him : Who has been -washed ,

indiget non , nisi ut lavet pedes, sed

wants not , unless that he may wash feet, but
est totus mundus . Et VOS estis mundi ,
mundi sed
he - is whole clean, And ye are clean, but
non omnes.
not all .
Enim sciebat quisnam esset, qui
11 Fo
r he did know who he might be , who
traderet eum : Proptered dixit, Estis
should deliver -up him : On - that - account he said , Ye are
non omnes mundi.
not all clean .
Ergo postquam lavit pedes eorum ,
Therefore after that he washed feet of them ,
et accepit sua vestimenta , cùm recubuisset
and received his garments, when he might have reclined

iterum , dixit eis : Scitis quid fecerim

again , he said to them : Know ye what I may have done
vobis ?
to you ?
, et Domine : Et
13 Vos vocatis me , Magister ,
Ye call we, A Master, and O Lord : And
dicitis benè , ett .. sum .
ye suy : well, for I am .

Ergo , si ego Domỉnus et Magister

14 Therefor , if I Lord and Master
lavi vestros pedes, et VOS debetis alter
have washed your feet, and ye owe other
lavare pedes alterius .
to wash feet of other .
Enim dedi exemplum vobis , ut
15 7
For I have given example to you , that
quemadmodum ego feci vobis , ita et VOS
as I have done to you , SO also ye
may do.
Amen , amen , dico vobis : Servus est non
Amen , amen , I say to you : Servant is not
major suo domìno , neque est apostolus major
greater than his lord , neither is apostle greater
eo qui misit illum .
than he who sent him . be
Si . scitis hæc eritis beati , si
If ye know these things, ye will be blessed , if
feceritis ea.
ye shall have done them .
Dico non de vobis omnibus: Ego scio quos
: 18
I say not of you all : I know whom

elegerim , sed ut Scriptura adimpleatur :

I may have chosen , but that Writing may be fulfilled :

Qui manducat panem mecum , levabit suum

Who eats bread with -me, shall lift his
calcaneum contra me .
heel against me.
A modò dico vobis, priusquam fiat:
From now I say to you , before - that it may be done :
ut cŭm factum - fuěrit, credatis , quia
that when it shall have been done, ye may believe, because
ego sum .
Amen , amen dico vobis : Qui accipit , si
Amen, атеп I say to you : Who receives, if
misěro quem , accipit me ; autem qui
I shall have sent any one , receives me ; but who
accìpit me , accipit eum qui misit me .
receives me , receives him who sent me .
21 Cum Jesus dixisset hæc , turba
When Jesus might have said these things , he was
tus-est spiritu : et protestatus- est et dixit ,
disturbed in spirit : and he protested and said ,
Amen , amen , dico vobis, quia unus ex
Amen , amen , I say to you , because опе out-of
vobis tradet me .
you will deliver -up me .
22 Discipůli ergo aspiciebant ad invěcem ,
Disciples therefore did look to - one - another,
hæsitantes de quo diceret .
hesitating of whom he might say .
unus ex discipůlis ejus erat
23 Ergo
Therefore опе out-of disciples of him was
recumbens in sinu Jesu , quem Jesus diligebat.
reclining in bosom of Jesus, whom Jesus did love.
Simon Petrus ergo innŭit huic , et
24 Simon Peter therefore nodded to this, and
dixit ei : Quis est de quo dicit ?
said to him : Who is he of whom he says?.

25 Ităque cùm ille recubuisset supra

Therefore when he might have reclined upon
pectus Jesu , dicit ei :
Domine , quis est ?
breast of Jesus he says to him : O Lord , who is he ?
Jesus respondit : Ille est , cui ego por
Jesus answered : He is, to whom I shall
rexěro panem , intinctum . Et cum intinx
have reached bread, dipped in . And when he might
isset panem , dedit Judæ Iscariotæ
have dipped in breud , he gave to Judas Iscariot
Simonis .
of Simon .
Et post buccellam , Satănas introivit in eum .
27 him .
And after little -morsel, Satan entered into
Et Jesus dixit ei : Quod facis, fac
And Jesus said to him : What thou doest, do
more- quickly.
Autem n'emo discumbentium scivit hoc ,
But no one of those reclining knew this,
ad quid dixerit ei
to what he may have said to him .
Judas habebat
29 Enim quidam putabant, quia
For certain did think , because Judus did have
locủlos, quòd Jesus dixisset ei : Eme
purses, that Jesus might have said to him : Buy
ea quæ sun t op us nobis ad festum diem ;
those things which are needful to us to festive day ;
aut ut daret aliquid egenis .
that he might give something to needy.
Cum ergo ille accepisset
When therefore he might have received
buccellam , exivit continŭo . Autem erat
little- morsel , he went out immediately. But it was
nox .
exisset, Jesus
31 Cum ergo
When therefore he might have gone -out, Jesus
dixit : Nunc Filius hominis est clarificatus, et
said : Now Son of man is glorified , and
Deus est clarificatus in eo.
God is glorified in him .
Si Deus est clarificatus in eo , et Deus
If God is glorified in him, and God
clarificabit eum in semetipso : et continuò
will glorify him in himself: and immediately
clarificabit eum .
he will glorify him.
Filioli , adhuc modicum vobiscum .
O little-sons, hitherto I am
a- little with- you .
Quæretis me : et sicut dixi Judæis : Quò
Ye shall seek me : and so as I said to Jews: Whither
ego vado , vos potestis non venire , dico et vobis
I go, you can not to come , I say also to you
now .
Do novum mandatum vobis : Ut diligatis
I give new command to you : That ye may love
invịcem , sicut dilexi vos , ut VOS et dili
mutually , so - as I have loved you , that ye also may
gatis invicem .
love mutually .
In hoc omnes cognoscent, quia estis mei
In this all shall know , because ye are my
discipůli , si habueritis dilectionem ad - invịcem .
disciples, if ye shall have had love to-one -another.
Simon Petrus dicit ei : Domine , quò
36 to him : O Lord , whither
Simon Peter says
vadis ? Jesus respondit : Quò ego vado ,
goest thou ? Jesus answered : Whither I go,

potes non sequi me modo : autem seque

thou canst not to follow me now : but thou
ris postěà .
shalt follow afterwards.
Petrus dicit ei : Quare possum non
Peter says to him : Wherefore can I not
sequi te mo dò ? po na m meam animam pro
to follow thee now ? I will place my life for
te .
thee .
respondit ei : Pones tuam
38 Jesus
Jesus answered to him : Wilt thou place thy
animam pro me ? Amen , amen , dico tibi : Gallus
life for me ? Amen, amen, I say to thee : Cock
cantabit non , donec neges me ter.
shall sing not, until thou mayest deny me thrice .


VESTRUM cor turbetur non . Creditis

YOUR heart let it be disturbed not. Ye believe
in Deum , credite et in me.
into God, believe also into me .
Sunt multæ mansiones in domo mei Patris.
There are many mansions in house of my Father .
Si quo - minus dixissem vobis .
If otherwise I would have said to you.
Vado parare locum vobis : et si abiero,
I go to prepare place to you : and if I shall
et præparavěro locum vobis,
have gone -away and shall have prepared place to you ,
veniam itěrum , et accipiam VOSad meipsum ,
I will come again , and will receive you to myself,
ut ubi ego sum, VOS et sitis .
that where I am, ye also may be .
Et quò ego vado, scitis, et scitis
And whither I go , ye know , and ye know
way .
Thomas dicit ei : Domine, nescimus
Thomas says to him : O Lord, we know -not
quò vadis ; et quornodo possėmus scire
whither thou goest ; and how can we to know
viam ?
way ?
Jesus dicit ei : Ego sum via , et verịtas, et
Jesus says to him : I am way , and truth , and
vita . Nemo venit ad Patrem , nisi per me.
life. No one comes to Father, unless through me.

7 Si cognovissetis me , utique cognovis

If ye might have known me , truly ye might
setis et meum Patrem ; et a modò
have known also my Father ; und from now
cognoscetis eu m, et vidistis eum .
ye shall know him , and ye have seen him.

8 Philippus dicit ei : Domine , ostende Patrem

Philip says to him : O Lord, shew Father
nobis, et sufficit nobis.
to us, und it suffices to us.
Jesus dicit ei : Tanto tempore sum
Jesus says to him : In so -much time I am
vobiscum , et cognovistis non me, Philippe ? Qui
with you, and have ye known not me , O Philip ? Who
videt me , videt et Patrem : quomodo dicis tu :
sees me, sees also Father : how sayest thou :
Oste nde Patrem nobis ?
Shew Father to us ?

Creditis non , quia ego in Patre , et

Believe ye not, because I (am ) in Father, und
Pater est in me ? Verba quæ ego loquor vobis,
Father is in me ? Words which I speak to you ,
loquor non à meipso ; autem Pater manens
I speak not from myself; but Father remaining
in me , ipse facit opěra .
in me , self does works.
Credītis non , quia ego in Patre , et
Believe ye not, because I (am) in Father , and
Pater est in me ?
Father is in me ?
12 Alioquin credite propter opěra ipsa .
Otherwise believe on -account-of works selves.
Amen , amen , dico vobis , qui credit in me ,
Amen , umen , I say to you , who believes into me,
et ipse faciet opěra quæ ego facio , et
and self shall do works which I do , and
faciet majora horum , quia ego vado ad
he shall do greater of these, because I go to
Patrem .
Father .
Et quodcumque petieritis Patrem in
And whatever ye shall have asked Father in
meo nomịne, faciam hoc , ut Pater glorificetur
ту пате , I will do this, that Father may be glorified
in Filio .
in Son .
14 Si petieritis quid in meo noinîne,
If ye shall have asked any thing in my name,
faciam hoc .
I will do this .
15 Si diligitis me , servate mea
If ye love me , keep my commandments.
Et ego rogabo Patrem , et dabit alium
And I will ask Father, and he will give other

Paracletum vobis , ut maneat vobiscum in

Comforter to you , that he may remain with you into
æternum :
eternal :
Spiritum veritatis, quem mundus potest non
Spirit of truth , whom world can not
accipěre , quia videt non eum , nec scit eum .
to receive , because it sees not him , nor knows him .
Autem vos cognoscetis eum , quia manebit
But ye shall know him , because he will remain
apud vos, et erit in vobis.
at you , and shall be in you .

18 Relinquam VOS non orphănos ; veniam ad

I willleave you not orphans ; I will come to
you .
19 Adhuc modicum , et mundus jam videt non
As-yet a little , and world now sees not
me : autem vos videtis me : quia ego vivo , et
me : but ye see me : because I live, and
vos vivetis .
ye shall live.

In illo die
vos cognoscetis , quia ego sum
In that day
ye shall know , because I am
in meo Patre , et VOS in me , et ego in vobis .
in my Father , and you in me, and I in you .
Qui habet mea mandata et serva t ea ,
Who has my commandments and keeps them ,
ille est qui diligit me. Autem qui diligit me
he is who loves me. But who loves me ,
diligetur à meo Patre ; et ego diligam eum
shall be loved by my Fa'her ; and I will love him
et manifestabo meipsum ei .
and will manifest myself to him .
Judas , non ille Iscariotes, dicit ei : Domine ,
Judas, not that Iscariot, says to him : O Lord,

quid factum - est, quia es manifestaturus

what has been done, because thou art about-to -manifest
teipsum nobis , et non mundo ?
thyself to us , and not to world ?
respondit , dixit ei : Si quis
23 Jesus et
Jesus answered, und said to him : If any-one
diligit me, servabit meum sermonem , et meus
loves me , he will keep my speech, and my
Pater diliget eum , et veniemus ad eum , et
Father will love him , and we will come to him , and
faciemus mansionem apud eum .
we will make dwelling at him .
meos sermones.
24 Qui diligit non me, servat non
Who loves not me , keeps not my speeches.
Et sermonem quem audistis est non meus, sed
And speech which ye have heard is not mine , but

ejus qui misit me , Patris .

of him who sent me , of Father.
Locutus -sum hæc vobis, manens apud
I have spoken these things to you, remaining at
you .
Autem Paracletus, Sanctus Spiritus ,
26 quem
But Comforter, Holy Spirit, whom
Pater mittet in meo nomine , ille docebit VOS
Father will send in my name, he will teach you
omnia , et suggéret omnia vobis, quæcumque
all-things, and will suggest all things to you , whatever
dixěro vobis .
I shall have said to you.
do meam
27 Relinquo pacem vobis , pacem
I leave peace to you, I give my peace
vobis : non quomodo mundus dat , ego do
to you : not in -what-manner world gives , ſ give
vobis. Vestrum cor turbetur non, neque
to you . Your heart let it be disturbed not , nor
let it dread .
quia ego dixi vobis : Vado ,
28 Audivistis
Ye have heard because I have said to you : I go.
et venio ad VOS , Si diligeretis me, gaudere
and I come to you . If ye might love me , ye would
tis utique , quia vado ad Patrem
Patrem ,, quia
rejoice truly, becuuse I go to Father , because
Pater est major me.
Father is greater than I.
Et nunc dixi vobis , priusquam
And now I have said to you , before- that
fiat, ut, cùm factum - fuerit,
it may be done, that, when it shall have been done,
ye may believe .

30 Jam loquar non multa vobiscum .

Now I will speak not ' many things with-you .
Enim princeps hujus mundi venit, et habet non
For chief of this world comes , and has not
quidquam in me .
any thing in me .
Sed ut mundus cognoscat , quia diligo
But that world may know , because I love
Patrem , et sicut Pater dedit mandatum mihi , sic
Father, and so-as Futher gave command to me , so
facio . Surgite, eamus hinc .
I do . Rise , let us go hence.


EGO sum vera vitis , et meus Pater est

I am true vine, and ту Futher is
husbandman .
Tollit omnem palmitem non ferentem
He takes -away every branch not bearing
fructum in me ; et purgat omnem , qui fert
fruit in me ; and purifies every one, which bears
fructum , ut afferat fructum plus .
fruit, that it may bear fruit more .
Jam VOS estis mundi propter sermonem ,
Now ye are clean on -account of speech ,
quem locutus -sum vobis .
which I have spoken to you .
Manete in me , et ego in vobis . Sicut palmes
Remain in me , and I in you . So -as branch
potest non ferre fructum à semetipso , nisi
can not to bear fruit from itself, unless
mansērit in vite ; sic nec vos , nisi
it shall have remained in vine ; thus neither ye, unless
manseritis in me .
ye shall have remained in me .
Ego sum vitis, vos palmîtes : qui manet in
5 am
I vine, ye branches : who remains in
me , et ego in eo , hic fert multum fructum :
me , and I in him , this bears much fruit:
quia sine me potestis facere nihil .
because without me ye can to do nothing .
6 Si quis mansēri t non in me ,
If any one shall have remained not in me ,
mittetur fords, sicut palmes , et arescet ,
he shall be sent without , so - as branch , and shall wither ,

et colligent eum , et mittent in

and they shall collect him , and they shall send into
ignem , et ardet.
fire, and he burns.
Si manseritis in me , et mea
If ye shall have remained in me , and ту
verba mansērint in vobis ,quodcumque
words shall have remained in you , whatsoever
volueritis , petetis, et fiet
ye shall have wished , ye shall seek , and it shall be done
to you .
In hoc meus Pater clarificatus - est, ut
In this my Father has been - glorified, that
afferatis plurìmum fructum , et efficiamỉni
ye may bear most fruit, and ye may be made
mei discipůli.
my disciples.
Sicut Pater dilexit me , et ego dilexi
So -as Futher has loved me, and 1 have loved
VOS : manete in meâ dilectione .
you : remain in my love .
Si servaveritis mea præcepta , manebītis
If ye shall have kept my precepts, ye will remain
in meâ dilectione , icut et ego servavi
in my love , so-as and I have kept
præcepta mei Patris , et maněo in dilectione
precepts of my Father, and I remain in love
of him .
Locutus- sum hæc vobis , ut meum
11 that my
I have spoken these things to you ,
gaudium sit in vobis , et vestrum gaudium im
joy may be in you , and your joy тау
be filled.

Hoc est meum præceptum , ut diligatis

12 This is that
my precept, ye may love
invěcem , sicut dilexi VOS.
mutually , so-as I have loved you .
Nemo habet majorem dilectionem hâc ,
No one has greater love than this ,
ut quis ponat suam anằmam pro suis
that any one may place his life for his
amicis .
Vos estis mei amici , si feceritis
Ye are ту friends, if ye shall have done
quæ ego præcipio vobis.
what things I command to you .
Jam dicam non VOS servos , quia
Now I will say (call ) not you servants, because
servus nescit quid dominus ejus faciat.
servant knows-not what lord of him may do.
Autem dixi vos amicos , quia feci
But I have said you friends, because I have made
omnia, quæcumque audivi à meo
all things, whatever I have heard from my
Patre, nota vobis.
Father, known to you .
Vos elegistis non me ; sed ego elegi
You have chosen not me ; but I have chosen
vos, et posúi Vos,
ut eatis, et afferatis
you , and have placed you , that ye may go , and may bear
fructum , et vester fructus maneat : ut
fruit, and your fruit may remain : that

quodcumque petieritis Patrem in meo nomine,

whatever ye shall have asked Father in my name,
det vobis.
he may give to you .

Mando hæc vobis, ut diligatis

I command these things to you , thut ye may love
invicem .
Si mundus odit vos, scitote quia
If world huted you , know ye because
habuit me priore m vobis in odio .
it had me former than you in hatred .

19 Si fuissetis de mundo , mundus

If ye might have been from world , world
diligeret quod erat suum : verò quia estis
would love what was its - own : but because ye are
non de mundo , sed ego elegi VOS de
not from world, but I have chosen you from
mundo , propterěà mundus odit VOS.
world, on-that-account world has hated you .
Mementote mei sermonis , quem ego dixi
20 Remember of my speech , which I said
vobis : servus est non major suo Domino ,
to you : servant is not greater than his Lord .
Si persecuti-sunt me , et persequentur
If they have persecuted me , and they will persecute
VOS : si servaverunt meum sermonem , servabunt
you : if they have kept my speech, they will keep
et vestrum.
also your .
Sed facient omnia hæc vobis,
21 all these things
But they will do to you ,
propter meum nomen , quia nesciunt
on -account-of my name , because they know-not
eum qui misit me.
him who sent me.
venissem non , et locutus - fuissem
If I might have come not, and might have spoken
eis , haberent non peccatum : autem nunc
to them, they would have not sin : but now
habent non excusationem de suo peccato .
they have not excuse of their sin .
Qui odit me, odit et meum Patrem .
Who huted me , hated , also my Father.
Si fecissem non opěra in eis,
24 not works in them ,
If I might have done
quæ nemo alius fecit, habe ent non
which no-one other hath done, they would have not
peccatum : autem nunc et viderunt , et
sin : but now and they have seen , and
oderunt et me et meum Patrem .
have hated and me and my Father ,
Sed ut sermo adimpleatur, qui est
But that speech may be fulfilled , which is

scriptus in lege eorum : Quia habuerunt me

written in law of them : Because they had me
odio gratìs .
in hatred without - cause .
Autem cùm Paracletus venèrit , quem
But when Comforter shall have come , whom
ego mittam vobis à Patre , Spiritum veritatis ,
1 will send to you from Father , Spirit of truth ,
qui procedit à Patre , ille perhibebit testimonium
who proceeds from Father, he will furnish testimony
de me :
of me :
Et VOS perhibebitis testimonium , quia
And ye will furnish testimony, because
estis mecum ab initio ,
ye are with me from beginning .


LocurUS-SUM hæc vobis , ut scan

I HAVE SPOKEN these things to you , that ye may
dalizemini non .
be scandalized not.
Facient vos absque synagogis : sed hora
They will make you without synagogues : but hour
venit , ut omnis qui interficit v03 , arbitretur
comes, that every one who kills you , may think
se præstare obsequium Deo .
himself to afford compliance to God..
Et facient hæc vobis , quia
And they will do these things to you , because
noverunt non Patrem neque me .
they have known not Father nor me .
Sed locutus - sum hæ c vobis , ut cum
But I have spoken these things to you , that when
hora veněrit, reminiscamini eorum ,
hour shall have come , ye may remember of them,
quia ego dixi vobis.
because I have said to you .
Autem dixi non hæc vobis ab
But I said not these things to you from
initio , quia eram vobiscum . Et nunc
beginning, because I was with- you. And now
vado ad eum qui misit me ; et nemo ex
I go to him who sent me ; and no - one out-of
vobis interrogat me : Quò vadis ?
you questions me : Whither goest thou ?
Sed quia locutus - sum hæc vobis ,
But because I have spoken these things to you ,
tristitia implevit vestrum cor .
sadness has filled your heart.
Sed egodico veritatem vobis : expédit
But I suy truth to you : it is expedient
vobis, ut ego vadam : enim si abiěro
to you, that I may go : for if I shall have gone away
non , Paracletus veniet non ad VOS : autem si
not , Comforter will come not to you : but
abiěro , mittam eum
VOS . ad
I shall have gone away , I will send him
you . to
Et cùm ille venerit , arguet
And when he shall have come, he will convict
mundum de peccato , et de justitiâ , et de
world of sin, and of justice, and of
judicio .
De peccato quidem , quia crediderunt
Of sin indeed , because they have believed
non in me :
not into me :
Verò de justitiâ , quia vado ad Patrem ,
of justice, because I go to Father,
et jam videbitis non me .
and now ye shall see not me .
Autem de judicio , quia princeps hujus
11 But of judgment, because prince of this
mundi jam judicatus-est .
world now has been judged .
Haběo multa adhuc dicére vobis : sed
I have many things as- yet to suy to you : but
potestis non portare modò .
ye can not to bear now .
Autem cùm ille Spirìtus veritatis venerit,
But when that Spirit of truth shall have
docebit VOS omnem veritatem. Enim
come , he will teach you all truth . For
loquetur non à semetipso : sed quæcumque
he shall speak not from himself: but whateverthings

audiet, loquetur, et annunciabit vobis

he shall hear , he will speak, and he will announce to you
quæ sunt ventura .
what things are about -to - come.
Ille clarificabit me : quia accipiet
He will glorify me : because he will receive
de meo , et annunciabit vobis .
from mine , and will announce to you .
Omnia quæcumque Pater habet sunt mea .
All things whatever Father has are mine.
Proptereà di xi : quia accipiet de
On-that-account I said : because he will receive from
meo , et annunciabit vobis.
mine, und will announce to you .
Modicum , et jam videbitis non me : et
A - little, and now ye shall see not me : and
iterum modịcum , et videbitis me : et quia
again a - little, and ye shall see me : and because
vado ad Patrem .
I go to Father .
ex discipůlis ejus dixerunt
17 Ergo
Therefore ( some) out-of disciples of him said
ad-invicem : Quid est hoc , quod dicit nobis :
to - one -another : What is this, which he says to us :
modicum et videbitis me non , et iterum
a - little and ye shall see me not, and again
modicum et videbitis me : et quia vado ad
a - little and ye shall see me : and because I go to
Patrem ?
Father ?
Ergo dicebant : Quid est hoc , quod
Therefore they did say : What is this, which
dicit , modicum ? nescimus quid loquitur.
he says, a - little ? we know-not what he speaks.
Autem Jesus cognovit, quia volebant
But Jesus knew, because they did will

interrogare eum , et dixit eis : Quæritis

to question him , and he said to them : Ye seek
inter VOS de hoc , quia dixi , modicum , et
among you of this, because I said, a - little, and
videbitis non me , et iterum modicum , et
ye shall see not me , and again a - little, and
videbitis me,
ye shall see me .
vobis :
20 Amen , amen , dico quia vos plo
Amen , amen , I say to you : because ye shall
rabitis, et flebitis, autem mundus gaudebit :
mourn , and shall weep , but world will rejoice :
autem VOS contristabimini , sed vestra tristitia
but ye shall be saddened , but your sadness
vertetur in gaudium .
shall be turned into joy .
21 Mulier , cùm parit, habet tristitiam ,
Woman , when she brings - forth , has sadness ,
quia hora ejus venit : autem cum
because hour of her has come : but when
peperit puěrum , jam memỉnit
she has brought forth boy, now she has remembered
non pressuræ , propter gaudium , quia homo
not of pain , on -account- of joy , because тап
natus-est in mundum .
has been born into world .
Et YOS igitur nunc quidem habebitis
And ye therefore now indeed shall have
tristitiam , autem videbo vos itěrum ,et vestrum
sadness, but I shall see you again , and your
cor gaudebit : et nemo tollit vestrum
heart shall rejoice: and no- one takes-away your
gaudium à vobis,
joy from you.
in illo die rogabītis non me
23 Et quid
And in that day ye shall ask not me апу

quam . Amen , amen , dico vobis : si petieritis

thing. Amen, amen , I say to you : if ye shall have

Patrem quidquam in meo nomine , dabit

asked Father any thing in my name , he will give
to you .
24 Usque modò petistis non quidquam in
Until now ye have asked not any thing in
meo nomine : petite, et accipietis , ut vestrum
ту name : ask , and ye shall receive , that your
gaudium sit plenum .
joy may be full.
Locutus-sum hæc vobis in proverbiis .
I have spoken these things to you in proverbs.
Hora venit, cum loquar non vobis in
Hour comes , when I shall speak not to you in
proverbiis, sed annunciabo vobis palàm de
proverbs, but I will announce to you openly of
Patre .
Father .
In illo die petetis in meo nomîne : et
In that day ye shall ask in my name : and
dico non vobis ; quia ego rogabo Patrem
I not to you ,, because I will pray Father
de vobis .
concerning you .
Enim Pater ipse amat VOS , quia VOS
For Father self loves you , because you
amâstis me , et credidistis quia ego
have loved me , and have believed because I
exivi à Deo .
have gone forth from God.
Exivi à Patre , et veni
I have gone- forth from Father, and have come
in mundum : iterùm relinquo mundum , et vado
into world : again I leave world , and I go
ad Patrem .
to Father.
29 Discipuli ejus dicunt ei : Ecce nunc
Disciples of him suy to him : Behold now
loquěris palàm , et dicis nullum proverbỉum .
thou speakest openly, and sayest no proverb.
Nunc scimus , quia scis omnia , et
Now we know , because thou knowest all things , and
est non opus tibi , ut quis interroget
there - is not need to thee, that any -one may interrogate
te : credimus in hoc , quia existi
thee : we believe in this because thou hast gone- forth
à Deo .
from God.
Jesus respondit eis : Creditis modo ?
Jesus answered to them : Believe ye now ?
Ecce hora venit, et jam venit,
Behold hour comes , and already has come ,
ut dispergamỉni unusquisque in propria ,
that ye muy be scattered each- one into own things,
et relinquatis me solum. Et sum non solus ,
and ye may leave me alone . And I am not alone,
quia Pater est mecum .
because Father is with-me .
Locutus -sum hæc vobis , ut habeatis
I have spoken these things to you , that ye may have
pacem in me . Habebitis pressuram in mundo :
peace in me . Ye shall have pressure in world :
sed confidîte, ego vici mundum .
but confide, I have conquered world .


JESUS locutus -est hæc : et ocŭlis

1 with eyes
JESUS spoke these things : and
sublevatis in cælum , dixit , Pater, hora venit,
lifted -up into heaven , said, O Father, hour has come,
clarifica tuum Filſum, ut tuus Filius clarificet
glorify thy Son , that thy Son may glorify
te :
thee :
Sicut dedisti potestatem ei omnis
2 power to him of all
So -as thou hast given
carnis , ut omne quod dedisti ei ,
flesh , that every thing which thou hast given to him ,
det æternam vitam eis .
he may give eternal life to them .

3 Autem hæc est æterna vita, ut cognoscant

But this is eternal life, that they may know
te solum verum Deum, et Jesum Christum ,
thee only true God , and Jesus Christ,
quem misisti .
whom thou hast sent .
Ego clarificavi te super terram : con
I have glorified thee upon earth : I have
summavi opus , quod dedisti mihi , ut
consummated work , which thou hast given to me , that
faciam .
I may do.
Et nunc clarifica me , tu , Pater, apud
And now glorify me, thou , O Father, at
temetipsum , claritate, quam habui apud te ,
thyself, with glory , which I have had at thee ,
priusquam mundus esset.
before - that world might be.

tuum nomen hominibus , quos

6 Manifestavi
I have manifested thy пате to men , whom
dedisti mihi de mundo . Erant tui ,
thou hast given to me from world. They were thine ,
et dedisti eos mihi, et servaverunt
and thou hast given them to to me,
me , and they have kept
tuum sermonem .
thy speech.
Nunc cognoverunt , quia omnia , quæ
Now they have known , becuuse all things, which
dedisti mihi, sunt abs te .
thou hast given to me , are from thee .
Quia dedi eis verba , quæ
Because I have given to them words, which
dedisti : et ipsi acceperunt, et
thou hast given to me : and selves have received , and
cognoverunt verè , quia exivi à
have known truly, because I have gone-out from
te , et credide runt, quia tu misisti
thee , and they have believed , because thou hust sent
me .
me .
Ego rogo pro eis : rogo non pro mundo ,
I ask for them : I ask not for world ,
sed pro his, quos dedisti mihi ; quia
but for these , whom thou'hast given to me ; because
sunt tui.
they are thine.
Et omnia mea .sunt tua , et tua
And all my things are thine , and thine
sunt mea : et clarificatus - sum in eis.
are mine :
and I have been glorified in them .
Et jam sum non in mundo , sed hi
And now I am not in world , but these
suint in mundo , sed ego venio ad te . Sancte
are in world , but I come to thee O Holy

Păter, serva eos in tuo nomine, quos de

Father, keep them in thy name , whom thou
disti mihi , ut sint unum , sicut
hast given to me , that they may be one , SO - as
et nos .
also we .
12 Cùm essem cum eis , ego servabam
When I might be with them , I did keep
eos in tuo nomîne. Custodivi quos
them in thy пате . I have guarded whom
dedisti mihi : et nemo ex eis
thou hast given to me : and no-one out-of them
nisi filius perditionis , ut Scriptura
hath perished , unless son of perdition , that Scripture
may be fulfilled .
Autem nunc venio ad te : etloquor
But now I come to thee : and
I speak
hæc in mundo , ut habeant meum
these things in world, that they may have my
gaudium impletum in semetipsis.
joy fulfilled in themselves .
dedi tuum sermonem eis, et
14 Ego
I have given thy speech to them, and
mundus habŭit eos odio , quia sunt non
world had them in hatred , because they are not
de mundo , sicut et ego sum non de
from world , so-as also I am not from
world .
non , ut tollas eos
15 Rogo
I ask not , that thou mayest take-away them
de mundo , sed ut serves eos à
from world , but that thou mayest keep them from
malo .

Sunt non de mnndo , sicut et ego

16 SO - as also 1
They are not from world ,
sum non de mundo .
am not from world .
Sanctifica eos in veritate . Tuus sermo est
17 truth . Thy speech is
Sanctify them in
truth .
Sicut tu misisti me in mundum , et
18 and
So - as thou hast sent me into world ,
ego misi eos in mundum .
I have sent them into world.
Et ego sanctifico meipsum pro eis, ut
19 that
And I sanctify myself for them ,
et ipsi sint sanctificati in veritate .
also selves may be sanctified in truth .
Autem rogo non pro eis tantùm , sed et
But I ask not for them only, but also
pro eis , qui sunt credituri in me per
for them , who are about- to -believe in me through
verbum eorum :
word of them :
Ut omnes sint unum , sicut tu , Pater ,
That all may- be one , so-as thou , O Father,
in me , et ego in te , ut et ipsi sint
in me , and I in thee , that also selves may be
unum in nobis ; ut mundus credat, quia
one in US ; that world may believe because
tu misisti me .
thou hast sent me .
Et ego dedi eis claritatem , quam
And I have given to them glory, which
dedisti mihi : ut sint unum ,
thou hast given to me : that they may be one thing ,
sicut et nos sumus unum ;
80-as also we are one thing :

Ego in eis, et tu in me : ut
23 I in them , and thou in me : that
sint consummati in unum , et mundus
they may be consummated into опе , and world
cognoscat, quia tu misisti me , et di
may know , because thou hast sent me , and thou
lexisti eos, sicut et dilexisti me .
hast loved them , so-as also thou hast loved me .
Pater, volo quos dedisti mihi ,
24 O Father, I will whom thou hast given to me
ut ubi ego sum , et illi sint mecum :
1 that where I am, also they may be with-me :
ut videant claritatem
meam clarita tem , quam dedisti
that they may see ту glory , which thou hast
mihi: quia dilexisti me ante con
given to me : because thou hast loved me before con
stitutionem mundi.
stitution of world .
Juste Pater, mundus cognovit non te.
25 O Just Father , world has known not thee.
Autem ego cognovi te : et hi cognoverunt,
But I have known thee : and these have known ,
tu misisti me .
because thou hast sent me .
Et feci notum tuum nomen eis,
26 And I have made known thy name to' them ,
et faciam notum : ut dilectio , qua
and I will make known : that love, with which
me, sit in ipsis , et ego in
dilexisii me , may be in selves, and I in
thou hast loved

ipsis .
selves .


CUM Jesus dixisset hæc egressus

WHEN Jesus might have said these things he went
est cum suis discipulis trans torrentem Cedron ,
out with his disciples beyond torrent Cedron ,
ubi hortus erat , in quem ipse introivit , et
where garden was , into which self entered, and
discipuli ejus.
disciples of him.
Autem et Judas , qui tradebat eum ,
But also Judas, who did deliver up him ,
sciebat locum , quia Jesus frequenter con
did know place, because Jesus frequently had
veněrat illuc cum suis discipėlis .
come-together thither with his disciples.
Ergo cùm Judas accepisset CO
3 Therefore when Judas might have received CO
hortem , et ministros à Pontificibus et Pha
hort, and officers from High - priests and Pha
risais , venit illuc cum laternis , et facibus,
risees, he came thither with lanterns, and torches,
et armis.
aud arms.

4 Ităque Jesus, sciens omnia , quæ erant

Therefore Jesus, knowing all things , which were
ventura super eum , processit , et dixit eis :
about- to-come upon him , proceeded , and said to them :
Quem quæritis ?
Whom seek ye ?
Responderunt ei : Jesum Nazarenum . Jesus
5 Nazarene .
They answered to him : Jesus Jesus
dicit eis : £go sum . Autem et Judas, qui
says to them : I am . But and Judas, who

tradebat eum , stabat cum ipsis .

did deliver -up him, did stand with selves.
Ut ergo dixit eis : Ego sum ,
When therefore he said to them : I am ,
abierunt retrorsùm , et ceciderunt in terram .
they went-away backwards, and they fell upon earth .
eos :
7 Itěrùm ergo interrogavit Quem
Again therefore he asked them : Whom
quæritis ? Autem illi dixerunt, Jesum Nazarenum .
seek ye ? But they said , Jesus Nazarene.
vobis , quia ego
8 Jesus respondit : dixi
Jesus unswered : I have said to you , because I
sum : si ergo quærītis me, sinīte hos abire .
am : if therefore ye seek me , suffer these to go -away .
Ut sermo , quem dixit , impleretur :
That speech , which he said, might be fulfilled :
Quia , quos dedisti mihi, perdidi non
Beca use, whom thou hast given to me, I have lost not
quemquam ex eis.
iny -one out- of them .
Ergo Simon Petrus habens gladium ,
Therefore Simon Peter having sword ,
duxit eum , et percussit servum Pontificis ,
drew -out it, and struck servant of High - priest,
et abscidit dextěram auricŭlam ejus. Autem nomen
and cut -off right ear of him . But name
servo erat Malchus .
to servant was Malchus.
Ergo Jesus dixit Petro : Mitte tuum
Therefore Jesus said to Peter : Send thy
gladium in vaginam . Bibam non illum
sword into sheath . Shall I drink not that
calicem , quem Pater dedit mihi ?
сир , which Father has given to me ?
Cohors ergo et tribunus, et ministri
Cohort therefore and tribune, and officers

Judæorum comprehenderunt Jesum , et ligaverunt

of Jews apprehended Jesus, and bound
eum :
him :
Et adduxerunt eum ad Annam primùm ; enim
And they led him to Annas first; for
erat socer Caiăphæ , qui erat Pontifex
he was father -in -law of Caiphas, who was High - priest
illius anni .
of that year.
Autem Caiăphas erat , qui deděrat consilium
But Caiphas was , who had given counsel
Judæis : Quia expédit unum homịnem mori
to Jews : Because it is expedient one тап to die
pro popúlo .
for people.
Autem Simon Petrus sequebatur Jesum , et
15 and
But Simon Peter did follow Jesus,
alſus discipůlus. Autem ille discipŭlus erat notus
other disciple. But that disciple was known
Pontifici, et introivit cum Jesu in atrĩum
to High - Priest, and entered with Jesus into hall
of High - Priest.
16 Autem stabat ad ostỉum forìs.
But Peter did stand to door without.
Ergo alius discipŭlus , qui erat notus
Therefore other disciple, who WAS known
Pontifici , exivit, et dixit ostiaria , et
to High - Priest, went-out, and said to porteress, and
introduxit Petrum .
she led-in Peter .

17 Ergo ostiaría ancilla dicit Petro :

Therefore porteress maid -servant says to Peter •
Numquid es tu et ex discipėlis istius
Whether art thou also out-of disciples ofthat
hominis ? Ille dicit ; Sum non .
man ? . He says ; I am not .
Autem servi et ministri stabant ad
But servants and officers did stand to
prunas , quia frigus erat, et calefaciebant
live -coals, because cold was , and they did warm
se : autem Petrus erat et stans cum
themselves : but Peter standing with
was also stunding
eis , et calefaciens se .
them , and warming himself.
Pontifex ergo interrogavit Jesum de suis
High -Priest therefore questioned Jesus of his
discipůlis , et de doctrina ejus.
disciples, and of doctrine of him .
20 Jesus respondit ei : Ego locutus-sum palàm
Jesus answered to him : I have spoken openly
mundo : Ego docủi semper in synagoga , et
to world : I have taught always in synagogue, and
in templo , quò omnes Judæi conveniunt : et
in temple, whither all Jews come - together : and
locutus-sum nihil in occulto .
I have spoken nothing in secret.
21 Quid interrogas me ? interroga eos, qui
What questionest thou me ? question those, who
audierunt quid locutus-sim ipsis : ecce
have heard what I may have spoken to selves : behold
hi sciunt , quae ego dixěrim .
these know , what things 1 may have said.
Autem cùm dixisset hæc , unus
But when he might have said these things, one
ministrorum assistens dedit alăpam Jesu , dicens :
of officers standing by gave slap to Jesus, suying :
Respondes sic Pontifici ?
Answerest thou thus to High -Priest ?

Si locutus - sum
23 Jesus respondit ei : malè ,
Jesus answered to him : If I have spoken ill,
perhibe testimonìum de malo : autem si benè, quid
furnish testimony of evil: but if well, what
cædis me ?
strikest thou me ?
Et Annas misit eum ligatum ad Caiapham
And Annas sent him bound to Caiaphas
Pontificem .
High - priest.
Autem Simon Petrus erat stans , et
But Simon Peter was standing , and
calefaciens se . Ergo dixerunt ei :
warming himself Therefore they said to him :
Numqui d tu es et ex discipůlis ejus? Ille
Whether thou art also out-of disciples of him ? He
negavit , et dixit : Sum non .
denied , and said : I am not .
Unus ex servis Pontifîcis , cognatus
One out-of servants of High - priest, relation
ejus, cujus Petrus abscidit auricŭlam , dixit :
of him , of whom Peter cut-off ear, said :
Ne vidi ego non te in horto cum illo ?
Whether saw I not thee in garden with him ?
Petrus ergo itěrùm negavit , et statim
Peter therefore again denied , and immediately
gallus cantavit .
cock sang .
Ergo adducunt Jesum à Caiapha in
Therefore they leud Jesus from Caiaphas into
prætorium . Autem erat mane ; et ipsi in
prætorium . But it was morning ; and selves en
troierunt non in prætorňum , ut contaminarentur
tered not into prætorium , that they might be con
non , sed ut manducarent Pascha.
taminated not, but that they might eat Passover,
Ergo Pilatus exivit ad eos forås,
29 them without ,
Therefore Pilate went-out to
et dixit : Quam accusationem affertis adversus hunc
and said ; What accusation bear ye against this
homînem ?
man ?
30 Responderunt et dixerunt ei : Si hic
They unswered and said to him : If this
esset non malefactor, tradidissemus non
might be not evil-doer , we would have delivered - up not
eum tibi.
him to thee .
Pilatus dixit eis : VOS
31 Ergo
Therefore Pilate said to him :
Receive ye
eum et judicate eum secundum vestram legem .
him and judge him according - to your law .
Ergo Judæi dixerunt : Licet non nobis
Therefore Jews said : It is - lawful not to us
interficere quemquam .
to kill any-one.
Ut sermo ejus impleretur, quem
That speech of him might be fulfilled , which
dixit , significans , quâ morte esset
he said , signifying, by what death he might be
moriturus .
about- to - die.
33 Ergo Pilatus introivit itěruin in prætorïum .
Therefore Pilate entered again into prætorium .
et vocavit Jesum , et dixit ei : Es tu rex
and called Jesus, and said to him : Art thou king
Judæorum ?
of Jews ?
Jesus respondit : Dicis hoc à temetipso ,
Jesus answered : Sayest thou this from thyself,
an dixerunt alii tibi de me ?
or said others to thee of me ?
G 2

Judæus ?
35 Pilatus respondit : Numquid sum
Pilate answered : Whether I Jew ?
tua gens et pontifices tradiderunt te
thy nation and high -priests have delivered -up thee
mihi : quid fecisti ?
to me : what hast thou done ?
Jesus respondit : Meum regnum est non de
Jesus answered : My kingdom is not from
hoc mundo : si meum regnum esset ex hoc
this world : if my kingdom might be out of this
mundo , mei ministri utique decertarent, ut
world , my officers truly would contend, that
traděrer non Judæis : autem nunc meum
I might be delivered -up not to Jews : but now my
regnum est non hinc .
kingdom is not hence .
e Pilatus dixit ei : Ergo es
37 Itaqu
Therefore Pilate said to him : Therefore art
tu rex ? Jesus respondit: Tu dicis, quia ego
thou king ? Jesus answered ; Thou sayest , because I
sum rex ? Ego natus-sum in hoc, et veni
ann ling ? I have been born unto this , and I have come
ad hoc in mundum , ut perhibeam testimonțum
to this into world , that I may furnish testimony
veritati : omnis qui est ex veritate , audit
to truth : every one who is out- of truth , hears
meam vocem ,
my voice .
Quid est veritas ? Et
38 Pilatus dicit ei :
Pilate says to him : What is truth ? And
cùm dixisset hoc , exivit iterùm ad
when he might have said this , he went-out again to
Judæos , et dicit eis : Ego invenio nullam causam
Jews , und says to them : I find no cause
jan eo .
in him.

Autem est consuetudo vobis , ut

But there is custom to you , that
diinittam unum vobis in Paschâ : vultis
I may dismiss опе to you in Passover : will ye
ergo dimittam vobis regem Judæorum ?
therefore I may dismiss to you king of Jews ?
Ergo omnes clamaverunt rursùm , dicentes :
Therefore all cried -out again , saying :
Non hunc , sed Barab bam . Autem Barabbas erat
Not this, but Barabbas. But Barabbas was
latro .


TUNC ergo Pilatus apprehendit Jesum , et

1 und
THEN therefore Pilate apprehended Jesus ,
fiagellavit .
scourged him .
Et milites plectentes coronam de spinis,
And soldiers plaiting crown of thorns,
imposuerunt capiti ejus , et circumdederunt eum
placed -upon to head of him , and surrounded him
purpurea veste .
with purple garment .
Et veniebant ad eum , et dicebant : Ave,
And they did come to him , and did say : Hail,
rex Judæorum : et dabat alăpas ei .
king of Jews: and they did yive slaps to him .
Ergo Pilatus exivit foràs iterum , et
4 Therefore Pilate went- out without again , and
dicit eis : Ecce adduco eum foràs vobis,
says to them : Behold I lead him without to you ,

ut cognoscatis, quia invenio nullam causan .

that ye may know , because I find no cause
in eo .
in him .
Ergo Jesus exivit portans spiněam
5 (
( Therefore Jesus went-out bearing thorny
coronam , et purpureum vestimentum :) et dicit
crown , and purple vestment:) and he says
eis : Ecce homo .
to them : Behold man .
cum pontifices et
6 Ergo ministri vidissent
Therefore when high -priests and officers might have
eum , clamabant , dicentes : Crucifige, crucifige
seen him , they did cry , saying : Crucify , crucify
eum . Pilatus dicit eis : Accipite vos eum , et
him. Pilate says to them : Receive ye him , and
crucifigite , enim ego invenio non causam in eo .
crucify, for I find not cause in him .

7 Judæi responderunt ei : Nos habemu s legem ,

Jews answered to him : We have law ,
et secundùm legem debet mori, quia fecit
and according -to law he ought to die, because he mude
se Filium Dei .
himself Son of God .
Ergo cum Pilatus audisset hunc
Therefore when Pilate might have keard this
sermonem , timŭit magic
speech , he feared more .
Et ingressus- est prætorïum iterùm , et dixit
And he entered prætorium again , and said
ad Jesum : Unde es tu ? Autem Jesus dedit.
to Jesus : Whence art thou ? But Jesus gave
non responsum ei .
not answer to him .
Pilatus ergo dicit ei : Loquěris
10 Pilate
therefore says to him : Speakest thou

non mihi ? nescis quia habéo potestatem

not to me ? knowest- thou -not because I have power
crucifigere te , et haběo potestatem dimittěre
to crucify thee , and I have power to dismiss
te ?
thee ?
Jesus respondit, Haberes non ullam
11 Jesus answered, Thou wouldest have . not any
potestatem adversum me , nisi datum-esset
power against me, unless it might have been given
tibi desúper . Proptereà , qui tradit
to thee from - above. On-that-account who delivered -up
me tibi , habet majus peccatum .
me to thee , has greater sin.
Et exinde
12 Pilatus quærebat dimittere eum .
And thenceforth Pilate did seek to dismiss him.
Autem Judæi clamabant, dicentes : Si dimittis
But Jews did cry , saying : If thou dismissest
hunc , es non amicus Cæsăris. Enim
this man , thou art not friend of Cæsar. For
omnis , qui facit se regem , contradicit
every one , who makes himself king, contradicts
Cæsări .
to Cesar .
Autem cum Pilatus audisset hos
But when Pilate might have heard these
sermones, adduxit Jesum fords : et sedit pro
speeches, he led Jesus without : and sat before
tribunali , in loco , qui dicitur Lithostrotos, autem
tribunal, in place, which is said Lithostrutos, but
Hebraice , Gabbătha.
Hebraically, Gabbatha .
Parasceve Paschæ erat , horâ
14 Autem quasi
But Preparation of Passover was , in hour as- if
sextâ, et dicit Judæis : Ecce vester rex
sixth , and he says to Jews: Behold your king

Autem illi clamabant: Tolle , tolle ,

But they did cry : Take -away, tuke- away ,
crucifige eum . Pilatus dicit eis : Crucifigam
crucify him . Pilate says to them : Shall I crucify
vestrum regem ? Pontifices responderunt : Habemus
your king ? High -priests answered : We have
non regem , nisi Cæsărem .
not king , unless Cæsar .
Ergo tunc tradidit illum eis , ut
Therefore then he delivered -up him to them , that
crucifigeretur. Autem susceperunt Jesum et
he might be crucified. But they took Jesus and
led -out.
Et bajúlans crucem sibi , exivit in
And carrying cross for himself, he went -out into
eum locum , qui dicītur Calvariæ , autem Hebraſcè,
that place , which is said of Skull, but Hebraically ,
Golgotha :
Golgothu :
Ubi crucifixerunt eum , et duos alios cum
Where they crucified him , and two others with
eo , hinc et hinc, autem Jesum medium .
him , hence and hence, but Jesus middle .

19 Autem Pilatus scripsit et titúlum , et posŭit

But Pilate wrote also title , and placed

super crucem . Autem erat scriptum : Jesus Naza

upon cross . But it was written : Jesus Naza
renus , Rex Judæorum .
rene , King of Jews.

20 Ergo multi Judæorum legerunt hunc titŭlum ,

Therefore many of Jews read this title ,
quia locus , ubi Jesus crucifixus - est, erat prope
because place, where Jesus was crucified , was nigh
civitatem ; et erat scriptum Hebraựcè, Græcè ,
city ; and it was written Hebraically, Grecianly ,
et Latinè .
and Latinly .
21 Ergo Pontifices Judæorum dicebant
Therefore High -priests of Jews did say
Pilato : Noli scriběre Rex Judæorum : sed ,
to Pilate : Be- unwilling to write King of Jews : but ,
quia ipse dixit, Sum Rex Judæorum .
because self said, I am King of Jews.
Pilatus respondit : Quod scripsi ,
Pilate answered : What I have written,
scripsi :
I have written .
Milites ergo, cùm crucifixissent
Soldiers therefore, when they might have crucified
eum , acceperunt vestimenta ejus, (et fecerunt
him , received garments of him , and they made
quatŭor ' partes , partem unicuique militi , ) et
four parts, part to each-one soldier ,) and
tunịcam . Autem tunica erat inconsutilis , contexta
Tunic But tunic was seamless , woven - together
desúper per totum .
from -above through whole .
dixerunt ad - in vịcem : Scindamus
24 Ergo
Therefore they suid to -one -another : We may cut
non eam , sed sortiamur de illâ , cujus
not it, but we may cast - lots of that , of whom
sit : ut Scriptura impleretur, dicens :
it may be : that Scripture might be fulfilled , saying :
Partiti-sunt mea vestimenta sibi , et
They have parted my garments to them.selves, and
miserunt sortem in meani vestem . Et
have sent lot into (upon my vest . And

milites quidem fecerunt hæc .

soldiers indeed did these things.
Autem juxta crucem Jesu , mater ejus,
But near Cross of Jesus, mother of him ,
et soror matris ejus, Maria Cleophæ , et
and sister of mother of him , Mary of Cleophas, and
Maria Magdalene , stabant .
Mary Magdalene, did stand,
Ergo cùm Jesus vidisset matrem ,
Therefore when Jesus might have seen mother ,

et discipúlum , quem diligebat , stantem , dicit

and disciple, whom he did love, standing, he says
suæ matri : Mulier, ecce tuus filius.
to his mother : Woman, behold thy son .
Deinde dicit discipŭlo : Ecce tua
Afterwards he says to disciple : Behold thy
mater. Et ex illâ horâ discipůlus accepit
mother . And out of that hour disciple received
eam in sua .
her into his own .
Postěà , Jesus sciens quia omnia
28 because
Afterwards, Jesus knowing all things
consummata -sunt , ut Scriptura consummaretur,
were consummated, that Scripture might be consummated ,
dixit : Sitio .
said : I thirst.
vas posỉtum -erat plenum
29 Ergo
Therefore vessel had been placed full

aceto . Autem illi circumponentes spongiam

with vinegar. But they placing around sponge
plenam aceto hyssopo , obtulerunt ori
full with vinegar to hyssop , offered to mouth
of him.
cùm Jesus accepisset
30 Ergo acetum ,
Therefore when Jesus might have received vinegar,
dixit : Est consummatum . Et capite inclinato ,
he said : It is consummated , And head being inclined,
tradidit spiritum .
he delivered -up spirit.
Ergo Judæi , (quonĩam Parasceve erat ),
Therefore Jews, (because Preparation was),
ut corpora remanerent non in cruce sabbăto ,
that bodies might remain not in cross in sabbath ,
(enim ille erat magnus dies Sabbăti , ) rogaverunt
( for that was great day of Sabbath ,) asked
Pilatum , ut crura eorum frangerentur, et
Pilate , that legs of them might be broken , and
tollerentur .
they might be taken away.
Ergo milites venerunt : et quidem fre
Therefore soldiers сате : and indeed they
gerunt crura primi , et alterus , qui cru
broke legs of first, and of other, who was
cifixus - est
cum eo .
crucified with him.
Autem cum venissent ad Jesum ,
33 to Jesus,
But when they might have come
ut viderunt eum jam mortŭum , fregerunt non
as they saw him already dead , they broke not
crura ejus.
legs of him .
Sed unus militum aperăit latus ejus
But опе of soldiers opened side of him
lancea , et continúò sanguis exivit, et
with lance, and immediately blood went-out, and
aqua .
Et qui vidit, perhibuit testimonľum :
And who hath seen , has furnished testimony :
et testimonyum ejus est verum. Et ille
and testimony of him is true . And he

scit , quia dicit vera : ut et VOS

knows, because he says
he says true things : that also ye
credatis .
may believe.
Enim hæc facta - sunt , ut Scrip
For these things have been done, that Scrip
tura impleretur : Comminuetis non OS
ture might be fulfilled : Ye shall break not bone
ex eo .
out-of him .
Et iterum , alia Scriptura dicit : Vide
And again , other Scripture says : They
bunt in quem transfixerunt.
shall see into ( upon ) whom they transfixed .
Autem post hæc, Joseph ab Ari
But after these things , Joseph from Ari
matha , ( eo quod esset discipŭlus
mathea, (by that because he might be disciple
Jesu , autem occultus propter metum
of Jesus, lut hidden on - account-of fear
Judæorum ,) rogavit Pilatum , ut tolleret
of Jews ) asked Pilate , that he might take-away
corpus Jesu . Et Pilatus permisit . Ergo
body of Jesus. And Pilate permitted. Therefore
venit, et tulit corpus Jesu.
he came , and bore body of Jesus.
Autem et Nicodemus venit , qui venerar
But also Nicodemus came, who had come
ad Jesum nocte primùm , ferens mixturam
to Jesus by night first , beuring mixture
myrrhæ et alöes , quasi centum libras .
of myrrh and of aloes, as -if hundred pounds.
acceperunt corpus Jesu , et
40 Ergo
Therefore they received body of Jesus, and

ligaverunt illud linteis cum aromatibus, sicut

bound it with linens with spices , SO-as
mos est Judæis sepelire .
manner is to Jews to bury.
Autem hortus erat in loco ubi crucifixus
But garden was in place where he was cru
est : et novum monumentum in horto , in
cified : and new monument in garden , in
quo quisquam positus -erat.
which not -yet
any one had been placed
pos uer unt Jesum ibi ,
42 Ergo propter
Therefore they placed Jesus there, on -account -of
Parasceven Judæorum , quia monumentum erat
Preparation of Jews, because monument was
juxta .


AUTEM unâ (die) sabbăti , Maria Magda

BUT in one (day ) of sabbath , Mary Magda
lene venit mane , cùm teněbræ essent
lene came in -morning, when darknesses might be
adhuc , ad monumentum , et vidit lapidem
as -yet , at monument, and she sau stone
sublatum à monumento .
taken -away from monument.
Ergo cucurrit , et venit ad Simonem
2 she ran , Simon
Therefore and came to
Petrum et ad alſum discipůlum , quem Jesus
Pet and to other disciple , whom Jesus
amabat , et dicit illis : Tulerunt Dominum
did love, and says to them : They have borne Lord

de monumento , et nescimus ubi posu

from monument, and we know-not where they have
erunt eum .
pluced him .
Ergo Petrus exiit , et ille alius
Therefore Peter went-out, and that other
discipŭlus , et venerunt ad monumentum .
disciple, and they came to monument.
Autem duo currebant simul , et ille alſus
4 But two did run together , and that other
discipŭlus præcucurrit citiùs Petro , et
disciple ran -before more- quickly than Peter , and
venit primus ad monumentum ,
he came first to monument .
5 Et cùm inclinâsset se , videt
And when he might have inclined himself, he sees
linteamỉna posïta, tamen introivit non .
linens placed, however he entered not.
Ergo Simon Petrus venit sequens eum ,
Therefore Simon Peter came following him,
et introivit in monumentum , et vidit linteamîna
and entered into monument, and saw linens
posita ;
placed ;
Et sudarium , quod fuěrat
super caput
7 And napkin , which had been
upon head
ejus , non positum cum linteaminibus, sed involu
of him , not placed with linens, but rolled
tum separatim in unum locum .
ир separately into one place.
Tunc ergo et ille discipŭlus , qui veněrat
Then therefore also that disciple, who had come
primus ad monumentum , introivit : et vidit , et
first to monument, entered : and he saw , and
credidit :
believed :
Enim sciebant nondum Scripturam , quia
For they did know not-yet Scripture, because
oportebat eum resurgěre à mortuis .
it did behove him to rise- again from dead .
Ergo discipůli abierunt iterùm ad semet
Therefore disciples went away again to them
ipsos .
Autem Maria stabat ad monumentum
But Mary did stand at monument
foràs, plorans. Ergo dum fleret,
without bewailing. Therefore while she might weep ,
inclinavit se , et prospexit in monu
she inclined herself, and looked -forward into топи
mentum .
Et vidit duos angelos in albis , sedentes,
And she saw two angels in white , sitting,
unum ad caput , et unum ad pedes , ubi
one to head, und опе to feet, where
corpus Jesu positum - fuerat.
body of Jesus had been placed .
Illi dicunt ei : Mulier, quid
They say to her : O Woman , what
ploras ? Dicit eis : Quia tule
bewailest thou ? She says to them : Because they
runt meum Domịnum , et nescio ubi
have borne my Lord , and I know-not where
posuerunt eum .
they have placed him .
Cùm dixisset hæc , conversa
When she might have said these things, she was
est retrorsùm , et vidit Jesum stantem : et
turned backwards, and saw Jesus standing : and
sciebat non quia est Jesus .
she did know not because he is Jesus.

Jesus dicit ei : Mulier, quid ploras ?

15 Jesus says to her : O woman , what bewailest thou ?
quem quæris ? Illa existimans quia esset
whom seekest thou ? She supposing because it might be
hortulanus , dicit ei : Domine, si tu SUS
gardener , says to him : O Lord , if thou hast
tulisti eum , dicito mihi , ubi posuisti
taken-away him , say to me , where thou hast placed
eum , et ego tollam eum .
him , und I will take -away him .
Jesus dicit ei : Maria . Illa conversa ,
Jesus says to her : Mary . She being turned ,
dicit ei : Rabboni , (quod dicitur, Magister. )
says to him : Rabboni , ( which is suid, O Master.)
Jesus dicit ei : Noli tangěre me,
Jesus says to her : Be- unwilling to touch me ,
enim ascendi nondum ad meum Patrem :
for I have ascended not-yet to my Father :
autem vade ad meos fratres, et dic eis :
but go to my brothers, and say to them :
Ascendo ad meum Patrem , et vestrum Patrem ,
I ascend to my Father, and your Father ,
meum Deum , et vestrum Deum .
ту God, and your God.

18 Maria Magdalene venit annuncians discipůlis :

Mary Magdalene cume announcing to disciples :
Quia vidi Dominum , et dixit hæc
Because I have seen Lord, and he said these
mihi .
things to me .
Ergo cùm esset serà illo die ,
Therefore when it might be late in that day ,
una sabbatorum , et fores clausæ - essent,
in one of sabbaths , and doors might have been shut,
ubi discipůli erant congregati propter metum
where disciples were assembled on- account of fear

Judæorum : Jesus venit , et stetit in medio , et

of Jews : Jesus came , and stood in middle , and
dixit eis : Pax vobis .
said to them : Peace to you .
Et cùm dixisset hoc , ostendit
And when he might have said this, he shewed
manus et latus eis . Ergo discipůli
hands and side to them . Therefore disciples
gravisi -sunt , Domino viso .
rejoiced, Lord being seen .
21 Ergo , dixit iterum eis : Pax
Therefore he said again to them : Peace
vobis . Sicut Pate r mis it me , et ego mitto vos.
to you . So - as Father sent me, also ] send you
Cùm dixisset hæc , insufflavit,
When he might have said these things , he breathed
et dixit eis : Accipite Sanctum
upon , and said to them : Receive Holy
Spirìtum .
Peccata quorumremiseritis , remit
Sins of whom
ye shall have remitted , they
tuntur eis , et quorum retinueritis ,
are remitted to them , and of whom ye shall have retained ,
sunt-retenta .
they have been retained .
Autem Thomas , unus ex duodecim , qui
But Thomas, опе out -of twelve , who
dicitur Didymus , erat non cum eis , quando
is said Didymus, was not with them , when
Jesus venit .
Jesus came .
Alii discipůli ergo dixerunt ei :
Other disciples therefore said to him :
Vidimus Dominum . Autem ille dixit eis :
We have seen Lord . But he said to them :

Nisi viděro fixuram clavorum in

Unless I shall have seen impression of nails in
manibus ejus, et mittam meum digitum
hunds of him , and I may send my finger
in locum clavorum , et mittam meam manum
into place of nails, and I may send my hand
in latus ejus, credam non .
into side of him , I will believe not .
Et post octo dies , discipůli ejus erant
And after eight day, disciples of him were
itěrùm intus, et Thomas cum eis . Jesus venit ,
again within , and Thomas with them. Jesus сате ,
janŭis clausis , et stetit in medio , et dixit :
gutes being shut , and stood in middle , and he said :
Pax vobis.
Peace to you
Deinde dicit Thomæ : Infer tuum
Afterwards he says to Thomas : Bear in thy
digitum huc, et vide meas manus , et affer
finger hither, and see my hands, and bring
tuam manum , et mitte in meum latus : et
thy hand, and send into ту side : and
noli esse incredulus, sed fidelis .
be -unwilling to be incredulous , but faithful.
Thomas respondit , et dixit ei : Meus
28 and
Thomas answered , said to him : My
Dominus et meus Deus .
Lord and my God.
Jesus dixit ei : Quia vidisti me ,
29 Because thou hust seen me ,
Jesus said to him :
Thoma , credidisti : beati . qui viderunt
Thomas , thou hast believed : blessed , who have seen
non , et crediderunt.
not, and have believed .
Jesus quidem fecit multa et alía signa
Jesus indeed made many and other signs

in conspectu suorum discipulorum , quæ sunt non

in sight of his disciples, which are not
scripta in hoc libro .
written in this book .
Autem hæc
31 scripta- sunt,
But these things have been written, that
credatis, quia Jesus est Christus, Filìus
ye may believe, because Jesus is Christ , Son
Dei , et ut credentes habeatis vitam in
of God, and that believing ye may have life in
nomine ejus.
name of him .


1 Postea Jesus manifestavit se itěrùm

AFTERWARDS Jesus manifested himself again
discipėlis ad mare Tiberiadis . Autem mani
to disciples to (at) sea of Tiberias. But he ma
festavit sic :
nifested " thus :
Simon Petrus , et Thomas qui dicitur
Simon Peter , and Thomas who is suid
Didỹmus, et Nathanăël , qui erat à Canâ
Didymus, and Nathanael, who was from Cana
Galilææ , et filii Zebedæi , et duo alii
of Galilee, and sons of Zebedee, and two others
ex discipólis ejus erant simul .
out-of disciples of him were together.
Simon Petrus dicit eis : Vado
3 piscari .
Simon Peter says to them : I go to fish .
Dicunt ei : Et nos venimus tecum .
They say to him : And we come with - thee.
Et exierunt , et ascenderunt in navim :
And they went-out, and they ascended into ship :
et prendiderunt nihil illa nocte .
and they caught nothing in that night.
Autem mane facto, Jesus stetit in
But morning being made, Jesus stood in
littore : tamen discipuli cognoverunt non quia
shore : however disciples knew not because
est Jesus.
it is Jesus.
Ergo Jesus dixit eis : Puěri . numquid
Therefore Jesus said to them : O Boys, whether
habetis pulmentarìum ? Responderunt ei , Non .
have ye victual ? They answered to him , Not.
Licit eis : Mittỉte rete in dexteram
6 Send net into right ( hand )
Че says to them :
navigii, et invenietis . Ergo miserunt :
of vessel, and ye shall find. Therefore they sent :
et jam valebant non trahere illud præ
und now they were able not to draw that for
multitudine piscìum .
multitude of fishes.
ille discipŭlus quem
7 Ergo Jesus diligebat ,
Therefore that disciple whom Jesus did love,
dixit Petro , Est Dominus. Simon Petrus , cùm
said to Peter , It is Lord . Simon Peter , when
audîsset quia est Dominus, succinxit
he might have heard because it is Lord, begirt
se tunicâ , ( enim erat nudus ) , et misit
himself with tunic , ( for he was naked ) , and sent
se in mare .
himself into sea .
Autem alii discipăli venerunt navigio : enim
But other disciples came in vessel: ( for

erant non longè à terra , sed quasi

they were not far from land, but as-if
dncentis cubītis) , trahentes rete piscium .
two -hundred cubits), drawing net of fishes.
Ut ergo descenderunt in terram ,
When therefore they descended into land,
viderunt prunas positas, et piscem superpositum
they saw live -coals placed , and fish placed -upon
et panem .
and bread.
Jesus dicit eis : Afferte de piscibus,
Jesus says to them : Bring from fishes,
quos prendidistis nunc .
which ye have taken now .
Simon Petrus ascendit , et traxit rete in
Simon Peter ascended , and drew net into
terram , plenum magnis piscibus , centum
land, full with great fishes, with hundred
quinquaginta tribus. Et cùm essent tanti ,
fifty three . And when they might be so-yreat ,
rete scissum -est non .
net was-cut not .
dicit eis : Venite, prandete . Et
12 Jesus
Jesus says to them : Come, dine. And
nemo discumbentium audebat interrogare eum :
no- one of those reclining did dare to question him :
Quis es tu ? scientes , quia est Dominus .
Who art thou ? knowing , because it is Lord.
Et Jesus venit , et accipit panem , et
And Jesus comes , and receives bread, and
dat eis , et piscem similiter .
gives to them , and fish likewise.
Jesus manifestatus -est suis discipůlis jam
Jesus was manifested to his disciples now

hoc tertio ( tempore ) , cùm resurrexisset

in this third (time), when he might have risen -again
à mortŭis .
from dead .
Ergo cùm prandissent , Jesus
Therefore when they might have dined , Jesus
dicit Simoni Petro : Simon ( fili) Jonæ ,
says to Simon Peter : O Simon (son) of Jonas,
diligis me plus his ? - Dicit ei :
lovest thou me more than these ? He says to him :
Etiam , Domine , tu scis quia amo
Also, O Lord, thou knowest because I love
te . Dicit ei : Pas ce meo s agn os.
thee . He says to him : Feed ту lambs.
Dicit ei itěrum : Simon Jonæ ,
He says to him again : O Simon of Jonas,
diligis me ? Ait illi : Etiam , Domine,
lovest thou me ? He says to him : Also , O Lord ,
tu scis quia amo te . Dicit ei :
thou knowest because I love thee . He says to him :
Pasce meos agnos .
Feed my lambs.
Dicit ei tertio : Simon Jonæ ,
He says to him thirdly : O Simon of Jonas,
amas me ? Petrus contristatus - est, quia
lovest thou me ? Peter was grieved , because
dixit ei tertiò : Amas me ? et dixit
he said to him thirdly : Lovest thou me ? and he said
ei : Domine , tu nôsti omnia : tu
to him : O Lord, thou hast known all things : thou
scis "quia amo te . Dixit ei : Pasce
knowest because I love thee . He said to him : Feed
meas oves.
my sheep
Amen , amen , dico tibi: cùm esses
Amen , amen , I say to thee : when thou mightest be

junior , cingebas te , et ambulabas ubi

younger , thou didst gird thee , and thou didst walk where
volebas . Autem cùm senuěris ,
thou didst will. But when thou shalt have grouin-old,
extendes tuas manus , et alius cinget
thou shalt extend thy hands, and another will gird
te , et ducet quò tu vis non .
thee , and will lead whither thou wilt not.
Autem dixit hoc , significans quâ morte
But he said this, signifying by what death
esset clarificaturus Deum . Et cùm
he might be about-to -ylorify God. And when
dixisset hoc, dicit ei : Sequěre me .
he might have said this , he says to him : Follow me .
Petru s conve rsus vidit illum disci pulum , quem
Peter being turned saw that disciple, whom
Jesus diligebat , sequentem , qui et recibŭit in
Jesus did love , following, who also reclined in
conâ super pectus ejus , et dixit : Domine ,
breast of him , and said : O Lord ,
supper upon
quis est qui tradet te ?
who is who will deliver ир thee ?
cùm Petrus vidisset hunc,
21 Ergo Peter
Therefore when might have seen this ,
dixit Jesu : Domine , autem quid hic ?
he said to Jesus : O Lord, but what this ?
Jesus dicit ei : Si volo eum manere ,
Jesus says to him : If I will him to remain ,
donec venïamn , quid ad te ? Sequere tu me .
until I may come, what to thee ? Follow thou me .
Jste sermo exiit inter fratres , quia
That speech went -out among brothers, because

ille discipŭ
discipůlus moritur non . Et Jesus dixit non
that disciple dies not. And Jesus said not
ei : Moritur non : sed , Si volo eum manere
to him : He dies not : but, If I will him to remai
donec venïam , quid ad te ?
until I may come , what to thee ?
Hic estille discipŭlus, qui perhibet testi
This is that disciple , who furnishes testi
monium de his , et scripsit hæc ,
mony of these things , and wrote these things
et scimus , quia testimonium ejus est verum ,
and we know , because testimony of him is true .
Autem et multa alia sunt , quæ
But also many other things are , whic?
Jesus fecit : quæ si scribantur per
Jesus did : which if they may be written throug?
singŭla , arbitror nec mundum ipsum posse
each things, I suppose nor world itself to be able
capĕre eos libros, qui sunt scribendi .
to take those books, which are to be written .


THIS SYSTEM has been pronounced , by the Edinburgh Review ,

one of the most useful andimportant discoveries of the age,” and
by the Westminster Review , “the most extraordinary improvement
in the Method of Instruction which the ingenuity of the human
mind has hitherto devised.” This Review also ascribes to the Author
of the Hamiltonian System , exclusively, “ the great merit of intro
ducing Translations, made in invariable accordance with a principle
of a strict verbal analysis;" and it remarks, that “it this peculiar
ity which renders them such invaluable instruments to the learner.

The following Books, on the Hamiltonian System , are published at

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First six Books of the
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Books . 6 6
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Mr. Hamilton's Lecture at Liverpool, and his answers to
to the Edinburgh and Westminster Reviews 1 6
• Any of the Eight Books may be had separately , price 2s. sewed ; and the
Latin Text of the whole, in one volume, 68. in cloth.



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ésirerary Gazette, April 2nd.
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