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Release Notes - 25th Feb 2021

Update History Tracking:

Name Status Date

Praveena Completed 23 Feb 2021

Chaitali Completed 24 Feb 2021

Pramod Completed 24 Feb 2021

Aurimas Completed 24 Feb 2021

Yogini Completed 24 Feb 2021

Ticket History Details:

Ticket Number Summary Owner

SALEF-4296 MC - change 2 messages in contract flow Praveena

SALEF-4244 Fiber account listview Aurimas

SALEF-3891 Add app from app exchange to allow users to add opportunity team members Chaitali

SALEF-4283 New Integration user and a new team within SME Sales. Chaitali

SALEF-4284 Add error message to feature Manually signed document for MC Pramod

SALEF-4181 Overwrite exiting logic for Fiber contract end date if manually updated Yogini

1. SALEF-4296
1.1 Overview:
MC - change 2 messages in contract flow

Business Design/Description -

1. When you create a contract with both TP & MObile and get the question if it should be combicase or not. Here we want to clarify the text.
2. When you have chosen combicase, but has not created an offer, and are trying to generate the agreement document. Then you get an error
message which the seller doesn´t understand, so we want to change it.

Change Description: Changed the text with the provided text for the combi case scenario in the MassCustomized/CreateSA omniscript and also
changed the text for the scenario where offer is not created in the Document/ContractDocument omniscript.

1.2 Solution:
The texts are replaced with the provided texts in the omniscript for combi case selection flow and offer not created scenario in contract document
generation flow.

1.3 Technical Changes:

Component Name API Name Component Type

MassCustomized/CreateSA MassCustomized/CreateSA Omniscript

Document/ContractDocument Document/ContractDocument Omniscript

2. SALEF-3891
2.1 Overview:

Add app from app exchange to allow users to add opportunity team members

Business Design/Description -

Cygate users need access to add opportunity team member regardless they own the opportunity or not.

Change Description:

Cygate users will be able to add team member on Cygate Opportunities using a button

2.2 Solution:
An app will be installed which will be available for all users. This app provides a button which will be added only on Cygate layout so that only Cygate
users can use this functionality. Using the button user scan added team members on the opportunity. This app from app exchange is a managed package.

App exchange link -

2.3 Technical Changes:

Component Name API Name Component Type

Opportunity Team Edit Override Opportunity Team Edit Override Package

3. SALEF-4283
3.1 Overview:
New Integration user and a new team within SME Sales.

Business Design/Description -

SME wants to create new integration user, which should have Sales team and Sales unit within SME. We need to create the new team, and that should be
reflected to all other systems we provide this information to.

When we have the new user and the team, then we will move customers to be owned by "integration user SME Sales".

The integration user should be named: Integration User SME Sales.

The Integration user SME Sales needs a Telia id which differ from the existing integration users Telia id in SF.
The new team should be named: SME Sales Other
(The sales unit for this team will be the existing sales unit: SME Sales.)
The new team, and the integration user SME Sales must be set up in the other systems

Change Description:

Sales Team will be updated and new dummy user for SME will be created.

3.2 Solution:
A new sales team needs to be added 'SME Sales Other' and its Sales Team Id will be '20420'. Same picklist is added in Suggested Sales Team.
3.3 Technical Changes:
Component Name API Name Component Type

Suggested Sales Team ID Suggested_Sales_Team_ID__c Custom Field

Sales Team ID Sales_Team_ID__c Custom Field

Sales Team Sales Team__c Custom Field

Suggested Sales Team Suggested_Sales_Team__c Custom Field

4. SALEF-4244
4.1 Overview:
Fiber account listview

4.2 Solution:
Fiber account owners want to create list view to filter out accounts for the field Real Estate Fiber Account Owner. Since out of the box functionality to see
accounts is either taking all accounts or by Account owner field which most of the time is Integration User, workaround for this is creating checkbox field
which checks if user connected is account owner.

4.3 Technical Changes:

Account object custom checkbox formula field MyRealEstateFiberAccounts. Formula Options: Real_Estate_Fiber_Account_Owner__c == $User.Id

5. SALEF-4284

5.1 Overview:
Add error message to feature Manually signed document received for MC users.

Business Design/Description : For MC Contracts if status is cancelled or in any other invalid state and user is trying to click Manually signed
button it should display an error message.

Change Description: Updated lightning component of manual signed functionality.

5.2 Solution:
Earlier if users are clicking on Manually Sign button when Contract is Cancelled or in in invalid state, it was not showing any message though it was
not allowing users to proceed.

With this change user will get an error message if they are trying to click Manually signed button if Contract is not in Draft status.

This will avoid user’s confusion and redirect them to the correct path.

5.3 Technical Changes:

Component Name API Name Component Type

eSignDocumentManual eSignDocumentManual Lightning Component

6. SALEF-4181
6.1 Overview:
Overwrite exiting logic for Fiber contract end date if manually updated
Business Design/Description -

For Fiber there is a logic in place that calculates the contract end date based on delivery date and contract term year/month. But also, users are able to
overwrite the end date as soon as the contract is in active status.

It has been discovered that if users update the contract end date manually and someone does changes on the contract after that, the above describe logic
kicks in and the end date gets updated based on the delivery date and contract term year/month. This also happens when we do data loader activities.

This should not be. If we overwrite the end date then the new end date should be the master.

The updated solution should work the same for start date since the delivery date and start date can also differ.

So the solution needs to be update to cover following scenarios:

1. Auto update Contract End Date only when Delivery Date / Contract Duration is updated.

1. Start date calculation should remain the same unless overwritten.

2. Seller should be able to manually override Contract End & Start Date and the new update date should be the master.

Change Description:

Changed the logic for start date and end date for fiber contract with 'Active' status as per the requirement.

6.2 Solution:
Updated contract code to bypass contract term calculation for end date and start date for Active Fiber contracts.

6.3 Technical Changes:

Component Name API Name Component Type

ContractTriggerHandler ContractTriggerHandler Apex class

Test_ContractTrigger Test_ContractTrigger Apex class

7. SALEF-3846
7.1 Overview:
Edit pricelist names to exclude the word Pricelist

Business Design/Description -

Can you do an analysis what the impact will be if we remove the word pricelist from the fiber pricelists names?

Change Description:

Updated the Omniscript Fiber Quote Generation and updated the pricelist names..

7.2 Solution:
Updated the Omniscript Fiber Quote Generation and updated the pricelist names..

Old pricelist name New pricelist name

MDU Pricelist MDU

Riksnet Pricelist Riksnet

7.3 Technical Changes:

Component Name API Name Component Type

Fiber Quote Generation Fiber Quote Generation Omniscript

8. SALEF-4321
8.1 Overview:
Adding support text to Nyttjare

Business Design/Description -

need to add support text:

Om du väljer "Ja" tänk på att kunden ska tillhöra ditt segment, om den inte gör det, beställ en kundflytt - en kundflytt kan ta upp till 3 månader att
genomföra - Vänd dig till din ledare.

Change Description:

Adding the provided text in Omniscrpit MassCustomized/CreateSA

8.2 Solution:
Updated the Omniscript MassCustomized/CreateSA and added the provided text.

8.3 Technical Changes:

Component Name API Name Component Type

MassCustomized/CreateSA MassCustomized/CreateSA Omniscript

9. SALEF-4320
9.1 Overview:
Add support text when creating contract object

Business Design/Description -

We need to add this support-text, it needs to be above the two we already have.

Tänk på att ta hänsyn till t.ex. inportering och välj ett realistiskt startdatum.

Change Description:

Updated the vlocity template TeliaSE_SelectOfferProuduct.

9.2 Solution:
Updated the vlocity template TeliaSE_SelectOfferProuduct and added the provided text.

9.3 Technical Changes:

Component Name API Name Component Type

TeliaSE_SelectOfferProuduct TeliaSE_SelectOfferProuduct Vlocity template

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