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-1500 talents for Athens if no path

free of enemy-controlled spaces can

Peloponnesian War – Defensive Strategy Spaces and Other Key Spaces be traced from Euxine to Athens

+1000 talents if Epidamnos is ❾

controlled & can trace a path free
of enemy units to Home space

Base Income:
3500 talents for Athens
2500 talents for Sparta

-50 talents for each Ravaged /
Rebellion / enemy-controlled space

-200 talents for Sparta for each of

Thebes / Corinth which is enemy-

❷ ❽ +1000 talents for Athens if Athens ❹

is player-controlled and Athens,
❸ Piraeus, Panactum & Decelea have
no enemy units / Ravage markers

+500 talents for Sparta if Syracuse
is allied & not enemy-controlled
+1000 talents for Athens if Syracuse
is controlled & Athens has ZOI in
every space in Sicily
❶ - Priority

- Enemy occupied space(s)
- If enemy ZOI reaches Syracuse
→ Attack Athens [10H 1C]
❸ - Coalition Neutrals
- Income Spaces

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