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Читай, слухай, говори


УДК 371.01(075.1)
ББК 81.2Англ-922
А64 Лексичний запас — це головна передумова успішного засвоєння
іноземної мови. Саме лексика відіграє ключову роль у вмінні читати
А64 тексти, сприймати інформацію на слух, а також в усному мовленні.
Англійська мова. Читай, слухай, говори / Hot English. Read, Listen, Talk / Іноземну мову слід вивчати комплексно. Книга «Hot English. Read,
укладач С. Коул — Чернігів: КММЕДІА, 2016. — 256 с. Listen, Talk» допоможе розвинути одразу три види мовленнєвої діяль-
ності: читання, аудіювання (сприйняття інформації на слух) та усне
ISBN 978-617-7183-23-4 мовлення. Більш того, «Hot English. Read, Listen, Talk» — це видання
нового покоління, два в одному: словник-книга та електронний словник.
У словнику-книзі слова розподілені по темах, які відповідають на-
вчальній програмі. Яскраві та кольорові фотографії, що ілюструють
слова, допоможуть швидше та легше запам’ятати нові лексичні одини-
Посібник створено для розвитку всіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності: ці та словосполучення.
читання, аудіювання та усного мовлення. До книги розроблено мобіль- До кожної теми підібрані тексти різного ступеня складності та жан-
ний електронний додаток з мультимедійними матеріалами. Лексичний рової стилістики, включаючи оригінальний (третій), який взято з ан-
матеріал підібрано відповідно до Програми вивчення іноземних мов.
гломовного джерела. Читання таких текстів допоможе навчитися
Комплект буде корисним учням, їхнім батькам, а також усім, хто бажає
впізнавати вивчені слова і правильно їх використовувати у мовлен-
вивчати англійську мову.
ні. Всі тексти та слова озвучені носієм англійської мови; це допоможе
учню розвинути навички сприйняття на слух, а також сформувати пра-
вильну артикуляцію звуків та інтонацію.
УДК 371.01(075.1) Перевагою видання є використання сучасних інтерактивних техно-
ББК 81.2Англ-922 логій у вигляді мобільного додатка «KM Media Bookshelf».
Мобільний додаток складається з аудіо- та відеофайлів, які відкри-
вають доступ до електронного словника, у якому значення кожного
слова з книги розширюється за допомогою найбільш часто вживаних
іменників, прикметників, дієслів. Скориставшись ними, можна само-
стійно складати словосполучення та речення. Аудіофайли дають змогу
прослухати вимову всіх слів і текстів із словника-книги та електронного
словника. Зразки використання слів в активному вжитку представлені
у реченнях, діалогах та текстах. До кожного тексту підібрано яскравий
відеоряд, який сприяє розкриттю змісту. Тексти озвучені носієм мови
і мають цікавий сюжет, культурологічний та країнознавчий контекст.
Доступ до мобільного додатка «KM Media Bookshelf» відкривається
© Коул С., укладач, 2016 за допомогою QR-коду на сторінці книги у верхньому куті, а інструкція
© Соколов О. В., худож. оформ., 2016 з його використання розміщена на обкладинці книги.
ISBN 978-617-7183-23-4 © КММЕДІА, 2016

Alphabet / Aлфавіт

З моменту першого використання мультимедійного додатку «KM Друкований Рукописний

Media Bookshelf» він зберігається у мобільному пристрої, тому заняття Транскрипція
шрифт шрифт
англійською мовою можливі навіть поза межами школи і домівки за
Aa [eɪ]
умови наявності доступу до мережі Internet.
Bb [bi:]
Впевнені, що такий комплексний підхід до вивчення лексики англій-
ської мови надзвичайно ефективний. Cc [si:]
Посібник «Hot English. Read, Listen, Talk» допоможе учням середньої шко- Dd [di:]
ли, а також усім, хто вивчає англійську мову на різних рівнях засвоєння. Ee [i:]
Ff [ef]
Бажаємо успіхів! Gg [dʒi:]
Hh [eɪtʃ]
Ii [aɪ]
Jj [dʒeɪ]
Kk [keɪ]
Ll [el]
Mm [em]
Nn [en]
Oo [əʊ]
Pp [pi:]
Qq [kju:]
Rr [ɑ:]
Ss [es]
Tt [ti:]
Uu [ju:]
Vv [vi:]
Ww [dʌb(ə)l ju:]
Xx [eks]
Yy [waɪ]
[zed] (BrE),
[zi:] (AmE)

4 5
1 / Education / Освіта 2 / Types of Schools/ Типи шкіл

compulsory education
nursery school [ˈnɜ:sərɪ sku:l] —
[kəmˈpʌlsərɪ ˌеdju(:)ˈkeɪʃən] —
дитячий садок
обов’язкова освіта
primary school [ˈpraɪmərɪ sku:l] —
початкова школа
infant school [ˈɪnfənt sku:l] —
школа для малят
junior school [ˈʤu:njə sku:l] —
молодша школа

education [ˌеdjʊˈkeɪʃən] —

high / secondary education

[haɪ / ˈsеkəndərɪ ˌеdju(:)ˈkeɪʃən] — professional school
середня освіта [prəˈfеʃənl sku:l] — професійне училище
day school [deɪ sku:l] —
elementary education grammar school [ˈgræmə sku:l] —
денна школа
[ˌеlɪˈmеntəri ˌеdju(:)ˈkeɪʃən] — класична середня школа
state school [steɪt sku:l] —
початкова освіта
державна школа
post-school education [pəʊst sku:l ˌеdju(:) private school [ˈpraɪvɪt sku:l] —
ˈkeɪʃən] — позашкільна освіта приватна школа
gymnasium [ʤɪmˈneɪzjəm] —
free education [fri: ˌеdju(:)ˈkeɪʃən] — гімназія
безкоштовна освіта lyceum [laɪˈsɪəm] — ліцей
college [ˈkɒlɪʤ] — коледж
comprehensive [ˌkɒmprɪˈhеnsɪv] —
загальноосвітній institute [ˈɪnstɪtju:t] — інститут
university [ˌju:nɪˈvɜ:sɪtɪ] — mixed school [mɪkst sku:l] —
університет школа для спільного навчання
faculty (BrE*) хлопчиків і дівчат
higher education / department chair (AmE**)
[ˈhaɪər ˌеdju(:)ˈkeɪʃən] — * BrE — британська англійська
[ˈfækəltɪ / dɪˈpɑ:tmənt ʧɛə] —
вища освіта ** AmE — американська англійська

6 7
Texts / Тексти Education / Освіта

Education plays a very important role in our life. It is one of the most
Level 1 My School valuable possessions which a man can get in his life. Human progress mostly
WORDS: depends upon well-educated people. Self-education is very important for
the development of human’s talents. Only through self-education a person
to remain — залишатися can have a harmonically developed personality.
to start — розпочинати A person becomes a highly qualified specialist after getting some special
lawn — газон education. We get our knowledge of this world and life through education.
competition — змагання Education develops different sides of human personality, reveals his abilities.
assembly hall — зала Education brings people closer to each other, helps them to understand
various — різноманітний each other better.

Every person has some places that remain in his mind and soul for the
whole life. For me it is school. I started schooling at the age of 6 and left Level 3 Finding the Niche in Higher Education
it when I was 17. Our classes started at 8:30 a.m. and lasted till 3 p.m.
Our school was built 20 years ago. There was a sports ground behind the WORDS:
school-building and a green lawn with flower beds in front of it. The ground
floor was for junior pupils. Also there was a cloakroom and a water closet. expert — эксперт
Besides, there was a gym where we had our physical training lessons and to award — нагороджувати
all sorts of competitions. On the first and second floors there were many to occur — відбуватися
classrooms, laboratories, workshops. On the third floor you could see an to advance — покращувати
assembly hall, where various parties and meetings were held. My favorite integrally — інтегровано
subjects at school were mathematics and physics.

Education in Our Life According to experts, by 2022, one-third of all degrees awarded will
be master’s degrees. However, this does not mean there is an enormous
Level 2 growth occurring in graduate programs.
Growth opportunities in graduate programs in the future will occur in
programs and areas outside the currently dominate fields of Education and
Business. The best opportunities for growth within these dominate fields
valuable — цінний will occur in specialty and/or niche programs.
to depend — залежати Specialty and niche programs are integrally tied to professional and career
harmonically — гармонійно opportunities, which promote the various stages of career and professional.
to reveal — відкривати While undergraduate programs typically focus on career starts, graduate
closer — ближче programs appeal to students looking for ways to advance, change or cross

8 9
Texts / Тексти Types of Schools / Типи шкіл

The educational system of Great Britain is very complex and bewildering.

It is very difficult to generalize particular types of schools as schools differ
Level 1 School of My Dream from one to the other. Schooling for children is compulsory from 5 to 16,
though some provision is made for children under 5 and some pupils remain
WORDS: at school after 16 to prepare for higher education.
well-equipped — добре облаштований The state school system is usually divided into 2 stages (secondary
technology — технологія and primary). The majority of primary schools are mixed. They are
useful — корисний subdivided into infant schools and junior schools. Technical Schools offer
to carry — нести a general education with a technical bias and serve those pupils who
to change — змінювати are more mechanically minded. The curriculum includes more lessons of
science and mathematics. The curriculum includes more practical subjects.
My name is Ann Brown. I’d like to tell you a few words about a school of Comprehensive schools bring about a general improvement in the system
my dream. of secondary education.
First of all, my dream school should be modern and well-equipped with Secondary Schools Fail to Get Teenagers
large corridors and light classrooms. Also the school needs whiteboards Level 3 into Work — Despite Booming Jobs Market
with markers or even smart boards. A smart board is a new technology,
which is especially useful for studying. WORDS:
Secondly, I would cancel homework. It would be better, if children could
do all exercises during school hours and then be free. I also think that disproportionately —непропорційно
schoolchildren shouldn’t carry such heavy rucksacks. They could simply to drive up — призводити до зростання
leave their textbooks and workbooks at school (library, for example). As for grant — грант
the dining room, I would change the food there and would make the breaks
Young school leavers are disproportionately more likely to be unemployed
a little longer, so that children can eat without running.
even in areas which are seeing a job boom, new research has found.
This is the idea of my dream school and I hope that someday schools will
Campaigners for free schools said this made the case for more of the
become a better place to study.
independently run schools to challenge the failing institutions and help the
poorest children succeed. Nick Timothy, the director of the network which
The Educational System of Great Britain Level 2 is part-funded by Government grants, said: ‘Parents want to send their
children to a school that gives its pupils a great education and prepares
them for life after school.’
WORDS: Mr Timothy — who was an adviser to Home secretary Theresa May before
the general election — said the figures made the case for more free schools
bewildering — своєрідний
to be set up to challenge those which are below standards.
particular — певний
He added: ‘We urgently need more good new schools. Free schools are
a provision — забезпечення
better placed to drive up standards and give parents what they want’
bias — нахил

10 11
3 / At School / У школі

main entrance [meın ˈentrəns] — головний вхід

mark [mɑ:k] — оцінка
principal (AmE) [ˈprɪnsəp(ə)l] — директор коледжу чи школи
bell [bel] — дзвоник

pupil [ˈpju:p ə l] — учень

class teacher [klɑ:s ˈti:ʧə] —

reading room [ˈri:dɪŋ ru:m] —
класний керівник
читальна зала
reading-hall [ˈri:dıŋhɔ:l] —
campus [ˈkæmpəs] — шкільне подвір’я читальна зала
school [sku:l] — школа

canteen [kænˈti:n] — їдальня school uniform

[sku:lˈju:nɪˌfɔ:m] —
шкільна форма

form (BrE*) [fɔ:m] — клас

grade (AmE**) [greɪd] — клас
classroom [ˈklɑ:sˌru:m] —
класна кімната, аудиторія teacher [ˈti:ʧə] — вчитель
cloakroom [ˈkləʊkˌru:m] —
lyceum [laɪˈsi:əm] — ліцей
holiday [ˈhɒlɪdeɪ] — канікули
class [klɑ:s] — клас (група учнів) teachers’ room [ˈti:tʃəz ru:m] — вчительська
gym [ʤɪm] — спортивна зала
head teacher’s office (BrE) [hedˈti:ʧəz ˈɒfıs] — кабінет директора
water closet [ˈwɔ:tər ˈklɒzɪt] — туалет, вбиральня
school hall [sku:l hɔ:l] — актова зала
gymnasium [ʤɪmˈneɪzjəm] — гімназія break [breɪk] — перерва
lesson [ˈles(ə)n] — урок, заняття curriculum [kəˈrɪkjʊləm] — навчальний план
library [ˈlaɪbr(ə)rɪ] — бібліотека
test [test] — тест, контрольна робота

12 13
Texts / Тексти At School / У школі

practically all its classrooms are big, light and well equipped. There is a
spacious hall on the ground floor. Meetings, conferences, concerts and all
Level 1 A Teacher the celebrations take place there or in our school-hall which is situated on
WORDS: the first floor. There are excellent sporting facilities including a gym and a
swimming pool on the ground floor and a sports ground with a basketball
to pay — платити field and a tennis court outside the school building. So our pupils have a
to evaluate — цінувати good opportunity.
humorous — веселий We have classes six days a week and after them you can participate in
source — джерело extracurricular activities including all kinds of school clubs and societies.
extracurricular — факультативний The only thing I don’t like about our school is the necessity to wear a
uniform, but such is the policy and we have no right to change it.
Education is one of the holiest occupations in my view. I disagree with
that teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn.
Level 3 Home Schooling: More Pupils, Less Regulation
Although teachers are important for students, the most important part for
learning knowledge is students themselves.
Different teachers have different style, so it is hard to aevaluate how well WORDS:
each teacher teaches according to how much students learn. As nobody to require — вимагати
would have the same character, teachers also have their own teaching to certify — підтверджувати
styles such as humorous and gentle. to submit — здавати
On the other hand, how much or how well students learn depends on сommitment — зобов’язання
students themselves. The more attention students pay, the more knowledge precise — точний, чіткий
they learn. In addition, knowledge that students learn not only comes from
the teachers, but also from many sources. Family influence, extracurricular Families keeping their children out of traditional classrooms were required
reading and out-class teaching are some of the sources that can provide to register each year with their local school district, outlining study plans and
students with knowledge. certifying that adults in the home did not have a criminal record. At the end
My School Level 2 of the year, they submitted portfolios of student work to private evaluators
WORDS: for review. ‘We believe that because parents who make this commitment to
teach their children at home are dedicated and self-motivated.’ said Dewitt
brick — цегла
T. Black III.
cosy — затишний
Eleven states do not require families to register with any school district
spacious — просторий
or state agency that they are teaching their children at home, according
facility — оснащення
to the Coalition for Responsible Home Education. The Home School Legal
opportunity — можливість
Defense Association wants to go further. ‘What we would like is for there to
be a total hands-off policy’, said Mr. Black.
It’s an old four-storey building made of red brick. It’s very cosy and I’m
sure all our pupils like it a lot. What I like about my school is that Source:

14 15
4 / School Subjects / Шкільні предмети

Physical Education (PE) [ˈfızık(ə)l ˌ edju:ˈkeıʃ(ə)n] — фізкультура

subject [ˈsʌbʤɪkt] — предмет Sport [spɔ:t] — фізкультура

Drawing [ˈdrɔ:ɪŋ] — малювання

Art [ɑ:t] — мистецтво

English [ˈɪŋglɪʃ] —
англійська мова

writing [ˈraɪtɪŋ] — письмо

Physics [ˈfɪzɪks] — фізика

German [ˈʤɜ:mən] —
Algebra [ˈælʤɪbrə] — алгебра
німецька мова
Biology [baɪˈɒlədʒɪ] — біологія
Informatics [ˌɪnfəˈmætɪks] — інформатика
Technology [tekˈnɒlədʒɪ] — технології reading [ˈri:dɪŋ] — читання
Nature-study [ˈneɪtʃəˈstʌdɪ] — природознавство
maths (BrE) [mæθs] — математика Geography [ʤɪˈɒgrəfɪ] — географія
math (AmE) [mæθ] — математика Geometry [dʒɪˈɒmɪtrɪ] — геометрія
mathematics [ˌmæθəˈmætɪks] — математика

Chemistry [ˈkemɪstrɪ] — хімія

Literature [ˈlɪtərɪtʃə] —
Music [ˈmju:zɪk] — музика * BrE — британська англійська
** AmE — американська англійська History [ˈhɪstərɪ] — історія

16 17
Texts / Тексти School Subjects / Шкільні предмети

impossible for me to remember all these formulas and definitions; they all
Different School Subjects
Level 1 are mixed up in my head. That’s why I have to sit for hours. English has
WORDS: always been my beloved subject. I read English books in the original, try
to translate some stories from newspapers from English into Russian and
to translate — перекладати
vice versa when I have some spare time. I do some exercises twice a week
essay — твір, есе
in order to practice my knowledge in grammar. Now I don’t have such an
to continue — продовжувати
opportunity, but I spend plenty of time listening to the tapes, imitating the
knowledge — знання
sounds and intonations of the native English speakers.
to sew — шити

My name is Liza. I’m thirteen years old. We have many interesting

subjects at school, but my favourite is English. We read and translate, we Level 3 Why Are Independent Schools So Successful?
learn poems, we write short essays, we have discussions, and the best part
is when we play some speaking games. Our teacher says that my English WORDS:
is really good and I need to develop my knowledge if I continue studying
English in the future. My dream is to become a professional interpreter. to achieve — досягати
Other subjects that I like are Geography and Biology. I also enjoy Handicraft, average — средній
where we learn cooking and sewing. There are some subjects which I don’t to expect — очікувати
like at all, but I try to understand them. They are Chemistry, Math, Physics commitment — старанність
and Informatics. I’m lucky to be sitting next to the smartest boy in our
class. So he often helps me out and explains the things I don’t understand.
Independent schools have achieved strikingly good A-level results this
I adore Art and Physical education, because in such way I develop my
year with 50 per cent being graded A* and A against a national average of
mental and physical sides.
25.9 per cent.
My Favourite Subject at School One in 14 independent school candidates achieved three or more A* grades.
Level 2 The numbers taking maths A-level continue to grow. Modern languages
WORDS: remain relatively popular in independent schools. So why are independent
schools so successful? They are strong at teaching the traditional facilitating
definition — термін
subjects that Russell Group universities require, including modern English,
to mix up — плутати
German, Algebra, Geometry, Physics, Chemistry and Biology as well as
vice verse — навпаки
History and Geography. Schools also expect hard work and commitment
to imitate — копіювати
from pupils and have high aspirations for them.
intonation — інтонація
In short they offer an excellent education in every way and, with yet
another year of excellent A-level results, prepare pupils well to go onto
My name is Olena. At school we learn many subjects: among them there
further success at university.
are Nature-Study, English, German, History, Art, Physics, Music, Chemistry
and many others. Though I devote a lot of time to sciences it’s almost Source:

18 19
5 / Classroom Objects / Шкільне приладдя

board [ˈblækbɔ:d] — backpack [ˈbækˌpæk] — pencil sharpener [ˈpens(ə)l ˈʃɑ:p(ə)nə] — точилка для олівця
класна дошка рюкзак, ранець, портфель
pencil case [ˈpens(ə)l ˈkeɪs] — пенал

scissors [ˈsɪzərz] — ножиці

ruler [ˈru:lə] — лінійка

chalk [ʧɔ:k] — крейда

chair [ʧeə] — стілець
globe [ˈɡləʊb] — глобус

pen [pen] — ручка

glue [glu:] — клей tape [teɪp] — скотч
marker [‘mɑ:kə] — маркер textbook [ˈtekstbʊk] — підручник

notebook [ˈnəʊtˌbʊk] — зошит

crayon [ˈkreɪɒn] — кольоровий олівець, кольорова крейда

desk [desk] — парта

pencil [ˈpens(ə)l] — олівець
eraser [ɪˈreɪzə] — ластик
rubber (BrE) [ˈrʌbə] — ластик
diary [ˈdaɪərɪ] — щоденник

compasses [ˈkʌmpəsəz] — циркуль

* BrE — британська англійська
** AmE — американська англійська water colors [ˈwɔ:tə ˈkʌləz] — акварельні фарби

20 21
Texts / Тексти Classroom Objects / Шкільне приладдя

fluid to the nib. Another writing instrument that remained active in history
for a long period was the quill pen. Introduced around 1300 years ago in
Level 1 700 AD, the quill was a pen made from a bird feather. The five outer left
Tom’s Backpack
wing feathers were plucked from the birds in the spring season. The left
WORDS: wing was chosen because the feathers curved outward and remained away
when used by a right-handed writer. Goose feathers were most common,
backpack — рюкзак swan feathers were of a high quality, being scarce and most expensive.
thing — річ When writers had better inks and paper and handwriting had developed
bright — яскравий into both an art form and an everyday occurrence, man’s inventive nature
convenient — зручний once again turned to improving the writing instrument. This led to the
development of the modern fountain pen in the 19th century.
This is Tom’s backpack. There are many things there. Pupils need them
every day. This is a pencil case. Tom takes his pencil case every day to
Level 3 Work Space Requirement
school. It is very bright and convenient. There are many pens and colorful
pencils there. He needs them every day. Also there is a ruler. WORDS:
He needs a ruler for Maths lessons. Also there is a pencil sharpener. He goal — мета
uses a pencil sharpener when he wreaks his pencil. There are scissors and to create — створювати
markers in the pencil case also. There is a compass. He uses it at Maths to require — вимагати
lessons. It is very easy to draw circles with a compass. Also every pupil has calculator — калькулятор
his own diary where he writes his schedule and teachers write there marks communal — загальний
and notes. For every lesson pupils need textbooks and copybooks. level — рівень

Who Invented the Pen? A core goal of education is to create lifelong learners. Success in the
Level 2
workplace requires an ability to pick up new high-quality knowledge. To create
WORDS: a more effective work environment, create a distractionfree zone during work
ancient — стародавній time. The habits children create reach all the way down to the level of where
to convert — перетворювати they should look to find the tools and supplies they need to study. That
fluid — рідина means children’s work space should be set up so that they do not need to
stem — стебло search each day for pencils, pens, textbooks, pencil sharpeners, erasers or
nib — кінчик, вістря calculators. Children who study at a desk should keep that desk set up the
quill — перо same way each day. Children who study at a communal table at home should
have a nearby bin or a tray with supplies where they can regularly find what
Many years ago ancient Egyptians converted bamboo stems into a they need without having to spend a lot of time thinking about how to prepare
primitive form of a fountain pen. They cut one end into the form of a pen for studying.
nib or point. A writing fluid or ink filled the stem and the reed forced the Source:

22 23
6 / Classroom Actions / Дії у класі

to answer [ˈɑ:nsə] — відповідати to open / close (a book) [ˈəʊpən / kləʊz ] —

to choose [ʧu:z] — вибирати відкривати / закривати книгу

to put in order [pʊt ɪn ˈɔ:də] —

to ask [ɑ:sk] — ставити питання, запитувати розташовувати по порядку
to circle [ˈsɜ:kl] — обводити
to repeat [rɪˈpi:t] — повторювати
to pronounce [prəˈnaʊns] — вимовляти
to raise а hand [reɪz ə hænd] — піднімати руку

to underline [ˌʌndəˈlaın] — підкреслювати

to fill in the blanks [fɪlɪn ðə blænks] —

заповнювати пропуски
to correct [kəˈrekt] — виправляти to sit down / take your seat
to cross out [krɒs aʊt] — закреслювати [sɪt daʊn / teɪk jɔ: si:t] — сідати / cідай

to say [seɪ] — казати, говорити

to listen to spell [spel] — вимовляти по буквах to stand up
[ˈlɪsn] — [stænd ʌp] —
слухати вставати

to look [lʊk] — дивитися to write [raɪt] — писати

to sign a name [saɪn ə neɪm] —
to go to the board [ɡəʊ tʊ ðə bɔ:d] — іти до дошки написати ім’я

24 25
Texts / Тексти Classroom Actions / Дії у класі

and last till 14.30. Usually we have 6 or 7 lessons a day. We study a lot
Level 1 My English Lesson of different subjects: English, Ukrainian, Literature, History, Geography,
WORDS: Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Math, etc. I like Math and English most of all.
I usually receive good marks in all subjects. So at Math we draw a lot of
to pronounce — вимовляти various figures, underline important formulas and solve difficult exercises.
to invite — запрошувати I adore English, that’s why I learn many new words and write my own
spelling — vocabulary. We transcribe, read and write at English. Moreover we learn
написання слів по літерах many dialogues and practice our pronunciation.
quiz — вікторина
atmosphere — атмосфера
among — серед Level 3 Britain’s Exam System is a Farce

As you know, our group has two English lessons a week: on Tuesday and
Friday. We usually start it by pronouncing different words and sounds. Then
we are usually invited to the blackboard by the teacher. brainy — розумний
Then, using tests in our exercise-books, we usually write spelling, two tests to baffle — спантеличувати
and a quiz. During the lesson we speak mostly English, but sometimes, to stimulate — стимулювати
when the students don’t understand the teacher or the task in the text- bottom — дно
book, we start speaking our native language. What I like best of all in our league — клас, союз
English lessons is friendly atmosphere in the class. To the end of the lesson
the teacher always gives us a huge homework. And I want to tell you that
all English lessons are among the most interesting and the most exciting My friend’s brainy son was baffled during his History GCSE. When he was
lessons; that’s why I like them very much. asked to identify a photograph of a man with a moustache, James thought it
must be a trick question.
My School Life Schools that were keen to educate their young charges rather than simply
Level 2
WORDS: teaching them to pass exams opted instead for the International GCSE. Good
for them, you might think, stimulating and stretching their pupils. But now
to deserve — заслуговувати
those very schools have been sent to the bottom of the class. According to
to receive — отримувати
this year’s school league tables, the notorious thickos of Westminster and
various — різноманітний
Eton — aka the best schools in the country — failed to meet the official
formula — формула
benchmark of five A* to C grades in GCSE subjects.
to underline — підкреслювати
The league tables are a total farce. Untesting tests mean our kids are
pronunciation — вимова
poorly prepared for university and for work. Schools that give their students
My name is Olena and I’m a pupil of the 10th form. I study at school number more demanding material deserve a merit, not to be rubbed off the board
22. I go to school five days a week except Saturday and Sunday, when I altogether.
have deserved rest. Classes in our school start at 8 o’clock in the morning Source:

26 27
7 / Family Members / Члени родини

family [ˈfæmɪlɪ] — родина relatives [ˈrel(ə)tɪvz] — родичі

grandparents [ˈgrændˈpe(ə)rənts] — бабуся і дідусь
uncle [ˈʌŋkl] — дядько

grandfather grandmother
[ˈɡrænˌmʌðə] — бабуся aunt [a:nt] — тітка
[ˈɡrænˌfɑ:ðə] — дідусь

niece [ni:s] —
племінниця nephew [ˈnevju:] —

parents [ˈpe(ə)rənts] — батьки

father [ˈfa:ðə] — тато mother [ˈmʌðə] — мама

cousin [ˈkʌzn] — двоюрідний брат / сестра

stepmother [ˈstepˌmʌðə] — мачуха godmother [ˈgodˌmʌðə] —

daughter [ˈdɔ:tə] — stepfather [ˈstepˌfa:ðə] — вітчим хрещена мати

sister [ˈsɪstə] —
godfather [ˈgodˌfa:ðə] —
хрещений батько
brother [ˈbrʌðə] —

son [sʌn] — син

28 29
Texts / Тексти Family Members / Члени родини

Hi, my name is Emma. Let me introduce my family. I have two sisters.

Level 1 Tom’s Family They are very nice. Their names are Eva and Nora. Eva is younger than
me. She is twelve years old. Nora is older than me. She is twenty. My
mother is beautiful. Her name is Andrea. She has a great memory. She can
WORDS: remember telephone numbers of all our relatives and grandparents. My
father is smart. He is an engineer. His name is Pete. He builds big houses.
ill — хворий, нездоровий
We also have a black cat in our family. His name is Tommy. He is very lazy.
people — люди
We are very friendly. I love my family very much!
pet — домашній улюбленець

Tom has a large family: a mother, a father, two brothers, a granny and Level 3
a grandpa. Tom’s mother is very beautiful and looks great. Tom’s mother Mysterious Connection by Mary Tyler
works at school and she teaches English. Children love her lessons. Tom’s
father is a doctor and he is a real patriot. He works at the hospital and helps WORDS:
ill people, even if their health problems are difficult. His brother James is
ten years old. James is fond of baseball and music. Scott is fourteen years to enjoy most of all —
old and he plays tennis. Tom has two adorable pets. First one is Jim, he is подобатись більш за все
a small black cat. Second is Roxy. the mystery person — загадкова людина
Roxy is a large, fluffy and brown dog. Tom loves his family very much! to intrigue — інтригувати
His grandparents live in a small village, where they have a farm and an to remain a mystery —
apple garden. His granny is the best, who makes sweets. His grandpa is a залишатися загадкою
My Family
Through my great-aunt Edith Quimby I learned many things about life
and love. But what I enjoyed most of all were the stories that she would tell
WORDS: Level 2
about her family — my family. But my great-grandfather Eldolph Lorry was
to introduce — представляти the one person who really made me want to find out who was in my family
nice — гарний, хороший tree. He is the mystery person in my family — I never knew him. All I know
older — старший is where he came from, what he did in life, and where he lived, but l want
beautiful — красивий, гарний to know who he was.
memory — пам’ять Between these two people, I have travelled into a world that intrigues
smart — розумний me more than life itself. While I knew and loved my great-aunt, my great-
engineer — інженер grandfather still remains a mystery to me. It is the mystery that makes me
to build — будувати want to dig deeper into my family story.
lazy — лінивий
Source: Ancestry magazine. Sep-Oct 2006

30 31
8 / Age / Вік 9 / Marital Status / Сімейний стан

single [ˈsɪŋɡəl] — неодружений, неодружена

baby [ˈbeɪbɪ] — дитина, маля

toddler [ˈtɒdlə] — дитина, яка починає ходити

child [tʃaɪld] — дитина

adult [ˈædʌlt] — дорослий (а)

married [ˈmærɪd] — заміжня, одружений

divorced [dɪˈvɔ:st] — розлучений, розлучена

separated [ˈsepəreɪtɪd] — розлучений, розлучена
teenager [ˈti:nˌeɪdʒə] —
підліток, тінейджер (13-19 років)
widower [ˈwɪdəʊə] — вдівець

kid [kɪd] — дитина (будь-якого віку)

widow [ˈwɪdəʊ] — вдова

elderly (old) [ˈeldəlɪ (əʊld)] — літній (я)

32 33
Texts / Тексти Age / Вік

Today I would like to tell you about my family members. My grandparents

Level 1 A Meeting are elderly people and they are retired now. My grandmother is fifty-five
and my grandfather is sixty. In spite of their age, they still take up sport and
WORDS: ride bicycles. Though they live in a village, they often come to visit their
children, whom they love immensely.
to be glad — радіти They have two adult daughters, my mother Mary and my aunt Emma.
to be the only child — My mother is thirty-two years old. She is a doctor. She has three sons.
бути єдиною дитиною One is a baby and the other two are my twin brother and I. We are both
teenagers and go to school. My aunt Emma and uncle Tom have two
— Hi, Molly! children: one toddler, who is two years old, and a baby who is six months
— Hi, John! How are you? old. My grandparents say that no matter how old their daughters are they
— I am ok. And you? will always be kids for them. Truth be told, I adore all my relatives.
— I am ok, too. Thanks. I wanted to ask how old are you? Life in Elementary School
— I am thirteen years old. And you? Level 3
— I am ten. You are a teenager and I am still a child.
— Yes, you are right. Do you have a brother or a sister or you are the only WORDS:
special — особливий
— No, I have a baby brother. He is so quiet.
biggest deal ever — найбільша подія
— And I have a toddler sister. She is very small and likes to play with her
exciting — захоплюючий
peer pressure — тиск з боку однолітків
— Do you have grandparents?
— Sure. My grandparents are old. They are 69 and 75 years old. I love them
very much. ...Was your tenth birthday kind of special? I remember turning ten and
— I have two grandmothers and two grandfathers. I love them very much it was the biggest deal ever to me. I remember how cool it was actually
too! hang out with my older sister, Ashley, and my big brothers, Benjamin and
— I am glad that we have such great families. Samuel. That birthday was a big step and a change for me, but there
— Yes, but I only wanted to have an adult sister. wasn’t anything too exciting going on at school.
Level 2 Elementary school was a great place to have fun and grow up. Fifth
My Family and sixth grades were okay, but life was pretty simple and I don’t recall
WORDS: much peer pressure. Sure, some kids decided to cheat on tests, and they
to be retired — бути на пенсії
sometimes would try to get others to do it. I never did. But there sure
in spite of — незважаючи на
wasn’t anybody going around saying I should ‘go kiss so-and-so’ or ‘date
bicycle — велосипед
so-and-so.’ That would happen big time in junior high during seventh grade.
immensely — неймовірно, дуже
Figuring out your life may seem like putting together a big puzzle without
to adore — обожнювати
a box top...

34 35
Texts / Тексти Marital Status / Сімейний стан

Wendy Wang has studied changes in the American family for many
years. But she says even she was surprised by some recent census data
Level 1 My Brother’s Marriage
about Americans between the ages of 24 and 35. ‘Almost half of them have
never been married.’
to get married — That percentage is a record low for the United States. Ms. Wang is a
виходити заміж, одружуватися researcher with the Pew Research Center in Washington, DC. The center’s
special dress — new report on marriage shows another important change. It found that
особлива сукня women who continued their education beyond college are now just as likely
to get smb’s hair done — to be married as women who never went to college. In 1960, Ms. Wang
зробити зачіску says, women with advanced degrees paid a ‘marriage penalty.’ About one
cute — милий in three never married.
Today, she says, women are overall better educated than men, and
Hello, my mane is Emma. I am nine years old. I am in fourth grade and I they are looking for husbands with steady jobs. At the same time, the job
have a pet fish. In my family there are four people: a mother, a father and market for men is getting worse…
an elder brother. My parents are divorced and I live with my mother and
grandmother, who is a widow.
My brother’s name is John, he is a football player. He is very famous in Level 3
All about Marriage
our town and all adore him. Today my brother John got married and I was
on his wedding. I dressed my special dress and even got my hair done, I WORDS:
looked pretty good. We danced all evening, my relatives were very happy
and smiled all the time. I saw that John and his wife were really cute that permanent — постійний
day. It was a marvelous day in a year. perpetually — вічно
After the wedding I asked my new sister-in-law: ‘ What is good about being to cut short — обривати
married’ and she said ‘ When you get married, you are happier, healthier a lot happens — всяке трапляється
and will live longer.’ to endure — витримувати

Record Percentage of Americans Marriage is the process by which two people make their relationship
Have Never Married Level 2 public, official, and permanent. It is the joining of two people in a bond
that perpetually lasts until death, but in practice is increasingly cut short by
divorce. Of course, over the course of a relationship that can last as many
as seven or eight decades, a lot happens. Personalities change, bodies age,
percentage — показник and romantic love waxes and wanes. And no marriage is free of conflict.
record low — рекордно низький What enables a couple to endure is how they handle that conflict. So how
researcher — дослідник do you manage the problems that inevitably arise? And how can you keep
steady — постійний the spark alive?

36 37
10 / Everyday Activities / Повсякденні справи

to wake up [weɪk ʌp] — прокидатися

to get up [ɡet ʌp] — вставати з ліжка to come home [kʌm həʊm] — приходити додому

to sleep [sli:p] — спати

make а bed [meɪk ə bed] —

застеляти ліжко
to cook dinner [kʊk ˈdɪnə] — to start work [sta:t wɜ:k] —
to brush teeth [brʌ∫ ti:θ] —
готувати обід, вечерю починати роботу
чистити зуби
to finish work [ˈfɪnɪ∫ wɜ:k] —
закінчувати роботу

to watch television/TV
to wash face [wɔ:∫ feɪs] — [wɒʧ ˈtelɪˌvɪʒ(ə)n/ˌti:ˈvi:] —
умиватися дивитися телевізор
to put on make-up [pʊt ən meɪk ʌp] —
робити макіяж
to go by bus [ɡəʊ baɪ bʌs] — їхати автобусом

to brush (comb) hair to drive a car [draɪv ə ka:] — керувати

[brʌ∫ (kəʊm) hɛə] — розчісуватися автомобілем

to have breakfast / lunch / dinner/ supper to do homework

[hæv ˈbrekfəst / lʌnʧ / ˈdɪnə / ˈsʌpə] — [du: ˈhəʊmwɜ:k] —
снідати, обідати, вечеряти виконувати домашнє завдання

to get dressed [ɡet drest] — одягатися

to go to school [ɡəʊ tə sku:l] — йти до школи to take a shower [teɪk ə ∫aʊə] — to go to bed [ɡəʊ tə bed] —
to study [ˈstʌdɪ] — навчатися приймати душ лягати спати

38 39
Texts / Тексти Everyday Activities / Повсякденні справи

Alfred’s Daily Routine On weekdays Jill gets up at half past seven. She takes shower, gets
dressed, and brushes her hair. Jill has breakfast at eight o’clock and leaves
Level 1
WORDS: home at half past eight.
School starts at nine o’clock. A break is from twenty past ten until twenty
an American boy — хлопчик із Америки to eleven. Jill goes outside at break. On Thursday mornings Jill goes
quarter — чверть swimming. At midday she has lunch at school. On Tuesdays Jill goes to
to catch the bus to school — chess club in her lunch break. On Monday afternoons Jill has a singing
сідати у шкільний автобус lesson and on Wednesdays she plays netball. On Friday afternoons she
laying the table — накривати на стіл does gymnastics. Jill likes Fridays best. School finishes at half past three.
to dine — обідати Jill catches the bus home.
pajama — піжама On Friday evenings Jill goes skating. On weekdays Jill goes to bed at
half past eight. On Saturdays she has a ballet lesson in the morning and
Alfred is an American boy. He lives in Los Angeles, California. He is eleven watches videos with her friends in the evening.
years old and he has got an older brother David, and a younger sister,
He starts his day at about half past seven. He gets up and goes to the The Daily Routine of a Writer
Level 3
bathroom, takes a shower, brushes his teeth and gets dressed. Then he
has breakfast at a quarter past eight, leaves home and catches the bus to WORDS:
novel — роман
Classes begin at half past eight. He usually has lunch at the school canteen
without variation — без змін
at half past twelve. After school, at a quarter past five, he goes home.
mesmerism — гіпноз
There he does his school homework and when he finishes it he helps his
to require — вимагати
Mum laying the table. At half past seven the family dines together.
necessary — необхідний
He usually watches TV for a while after dinner, and at about ten o’clock
the most he brushes his teeth again, puts on his Spider Man pajamas and
goes to bed. When I’m in writing mode for a novel, I get up at four a.m. and work for
Jill’s Everyday Activities five to six hours. In the afternoon, I run for ten kilometers or swim for fifteen
Level 2
hundred meters (or do both), then I read a bit and listen to some music. I
WORDS: go to bed at nine p.m. I keep to this routine every day without variation.
break — перерва
The repetition itself becomes the important thing; it’s a form of mesmerism.
lunch — ланч
I mesmerize myself to reach a deeper state of mind. But to hold to such
chess club — шаховий клуб
repetition for so long — six months to a year — requires a good amount
to play netball — грати у нетбол
of mental and physical strength. In that sense, writing a long novel is like
to do gymnastics —
survival training. Physical strength is as necessary as artistic sensitivity.
займатися гімнастикою

40 41
11 / Colors / Кольори

color (AmE **) (colour (BrE *)) [ˈkʌlə] — колір

black [blæk] — red [red] — deep grey

grey [greɪ] —
чорний червоний [di:p greɪ] —

white [waɪt] — brown [braʊn] — pale pink

beige [beʒ] —
білий коричневий [peɪl pɪnk] —

green [gri:n] — yellow [ˈjeləʊ] — gold [ɡəʊld] — light green

зелений жовтий золотий [laɪt gri:n] —

pink [pɪŋk] — silver [ˈsɪlvə] — turquoise

orange [ˈɒrɪndʒ] — [ˈtɜ:kwɑ:z] —
рожевий срібний
помаранчевий бірюзовий

blue [blu:] — dark green
purple [ˈpɜ:pl] — [dɑ:k gri:n] —
[ˈеm(ə)r(ə)ld] —
синій фіолетовий смарагдовий

* BrE — британська англійська

** AmE — американська англійська

42 43
Texts / Тексти Colors / Кольори

If your favourite colour is red, your action oriented with a deep need for
A Talk physical fulfillment. If orange is your favourite colour, you have a great need
Level 1
to be with people, to socialize with them, and be accepted and respected
WORDS: as part of a group.
If green is your favourite, you have a deep need to belong, to love and
favourite — улюблений be loved, and to feel safe and secure. Indigo lovers have a need to live in
skateboard — скейтборд harmony and to be accepted by others as the aware and intuitive spiritual
animal — тварина beings that they are.
same — такий самий If purple or violet is your favourite colour, you have a deep need for
emotional security and to create order and perfection in all areas of your
Teacher: Hi Nick! Nice to meet you. Tell me, what are your favourite life.
things? If your personality color is pink you have a deep need to be accepted and
Nick: My favorite things… let me think… hmmmmm… I think a green loved unconditionally. If turquoise is your favourite colour your deepest
skateboard and a blue pen are my favorite things. need is to create emotional balance.
Teacher: And what is your favourite colour?
Nick: My favourite colour is green, but I also like black.
Level 3 The Color Answer Book: From the
Teacher: And what’s your favourite animal?
World’s Leading Color Expert
Nick: Cat, I like cats.
Teacher: And what is your favourite toy?
Nick: I do not play toys any more. I go to school now and have a lot of
homework to do. fortunately — на щастя
Teacher: Thank you for your answers, Nick. approval — схвалення
Nick: You are welcome! warm fuzzies — приємні емоції
Teacher: You can now ask your friend the same questions. Then tell fluffy — пухнастий
me about his answers.
What Does Your Personality Colour Fortunately, many color-related childhood memories are positive, and
Say аbout You? studies tell us this continues into adulthood — most people have far more
Level 2 positive responses than negative. Every green-eyed person can relate to
the compliments they got when as children they wore green. As adults,
fulfillment — виконання that approval continues and green remains their favorite color. We all
to socialize — спілкуватися need ‘warm fuzzies’, so every time we wear a color that evokes a positive
intuitive — інтуїтивний response, a bell rings in our psyches signaling approval. What was the color
spiritual — духовний of your favorite fluffy toy that accompanied you to bed every night when
perfection — досконалість you were a little person?
unconditionally — беззаперечно

44 45
12 / Shapes and Sizes / Форми та розміри

oval [ˈəʊv(ə)l] — овальний, овал round [raʊnd] — круглий

big [bɪɡ] — великий circle [ˈsɜ:kl] — коло
small [smɔ:l] — малий, маленький, невеликий

large [la:ʤ] — великий, крупний

medium [ˈmi:dɪəm] —
rectangle [reˈktæŋɡ(ə)l] — прямокутник
rectangular [rekˈtæŋɡjələ] — прямокутний
little [ˈlɪtl] — маленький, невеликий

shallow [ˈ∫æləʊ] — мілкий, мілководний

deep [di:p] — глибокий, глибина
near [nɪə] — близький, близько, поблизу
huge [hju:ʤ] — величезний, гігантський

far [fa:] — далекий, віддалений

triangle [ˈtraɪæŋɡ(ə)l] — трикутник
wide [waɪd] — широкий short [∫ɔ:t] — короткий

square [skwɛə] —
квадрат, квадратний

angle [ˈæŋɡ(ə)l] — кут, кутовий

segment [ˈsеɡmənt] — відрізок
long [lɒŋ] — довгий pentagon [ˈpеntəɡ(ə)n] — п’ятикутник
narrow [ˈnærəʊ] — вузький

46 47
Texts / Тексти Shapes and Sizes / Форми та розміри

triangles, pentagons, and more. Geometric shapes with only straight edges
are called polygons. Circles and other shapes with curves are not polygons.
Level 1 It is fun to play with different geometric shapes. You can compare them to
Tom’s Collection
see if they are the same or different. Two shapes can be compared to see
WORDS: if they are congruent. They are congruent if they are the same size and the
same shape. Congruent shapes can be turned. They can be flipped. They
to collect — збирати can slide into a new position. As long as they are the same size and shape,
bumpy — бугристий they are congruent. Geometric shapes are various and interesting to learn,
jar — банка but sometimes difficult.

Making Marks: Discover

Tom collects rocks, he is crazy about them. He collects big rocks and small Level 3 the Art of Intuitive Drawing
rocks, wide rocks and narrow rocks. He collects brown rocks and green WORDS:
rocks. He collects bumpy rocks and smooth rocks. Tom keeps his rocks in a
rectangle jar by his table. The jar is big. to struggle to breathe — важко дихати
Tom likes to look at all of the rocks he has collected. He likes to take his an inner response — внутрішня відповідь
rocks out of the jar. He puts the rocks on his wide bed. oppressed — пригнічений
Tom counts the rocks. He has a lot. He sorts the rocks by color, by shape, to prompt — підказати
and then by size. Then Tom puts the rocks back in his jar. He goes outside to overtake — поглинати
to collect more rocks to show his friends. Sometimes he gives rocks to fondness — симпатія, любов
his friends. Tom likes to spend all his time in the woods, there he finds
adorable shapes. His hobby is unusual, be he is fond of it. All his friends
think that it is a stupid hobby, but his brother supports him and sometimes Often feelings and memories that rise from seeing shapes, lines, color, and
goes with him for new rocks. texture are connected to certain life experiences that seem unrelated to the
shapes themselves. For example, I immediately noticed I was struggling
Geometric Shapes to breathe when I saw the first image of the rectangle on top of the little
Level 2 oval. The weight of it really got me, but if I had not paid attention. I might
WORDS: have not noticed this. Gazing, breathing, and allowing myself to go beyond
two-dimensional — двовимірний rational thinking helped me recognize an inner response I had. The question
polygons — багатокутник asks, ‘Do you think the oval is oppressed?’ This is a leading question, one
congruent — відповідний; that prompts the response ‘Yes, the little oval is being overtaken by this
той, що співпадає enormous rectangle.’
rectangle — прямокутник Looking again, I feel new fondness for the image. That little oval reminds
me of a pure and perfect white stone.
Geometric shapes are two-dimensional. This means they are flat. There
are many different kinds of shapes. There are circles, squares, rectangles, Source:

48 49
13 / Other Adjectives / Інші прикметники

open [ˈəʊp(ə)n] — відкритий clean [kli:n] — чистий

wet [wet] — мокрий

quiet [ˈkwaɪət] —
dry [draɪ] — сухий
спокійний, тихий

dirty [ˈdɜ:tɪ] — брудний

noisy [ˈnɒɪzɪ] — шумний
shut [ʃʌt] — закритий

light [laɪt] — світлий, легкий

expensive [ɪksˈpensɪv] — дорогий
heavy [ˈhevɪ] — важкий
cheap [ʧi:p] — дешевий

wooden [ˈwʊdn] — дерев’яний

metal [ˈmetl] — металевий

hard [hɑ:d] — твердий, жорсткий aromatic

soft [sɒft] — м’який [ˌærəʊˈmætɪk] —
cold [kəʊld] — холодний
comfortable [ˈkʌmfət(ə)bl] —
зручний, комфортний, затишний
difficult [ˈdɪfɪk(ə)lt] — важкий, складний

slow [sləʊ] — повільний

sweet [swi:t] — солодкий
new [nju:] — новий
sour [ˈsaʊə] — кислий
fast [fɑ:st] — швидкий

ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt] — стародавній

hot [hɒt] — гарячий, жаркий
smooth [smuːð] — гладкий, рівний
rough [rʌf] — грубий, нерівний
unusual [ʌnˈju:ʒ(ə)l] — дивний, незвичайний
full [fʊl] — повний empty [ˈemptɪ] — порожній modern [ˈmɒd(ə)n] — сучасний

50 51
Texts / Тексти Other Adjectives / Інші прикметники

The seats were good, but I wanted something closer to the field. However,
Level 1 we sat and enjoyed the game. Well, we enjoyed it until we started arguing.
A Talk The problem with my brother and I is that we both think our team is better
than the other team. He always says to me that the Eagles are faster,
WORDS: stronger, and smarter than the Hawks. I never agree. On this day, he was
a wider range — великий вибір wrong. The Hawks played better than the Eagles. They looked stronger and
a quick turn over — швидкий обіг товарів tougher than the Eagles.
location — місцезнаходження One thing I didn’t like was that the food and drinks were much more
central — центральний expensive than in other places, and tasted much worse.

Oliver: Hey, Kim. This bag is getting heavier and heavier! I’ve just been Level 3 Friendship Brings Peace
to the new supermarket and it’s a long walk, but the food is cheaper than
at the one I used to shop at before. WORDS:
Kim: Oh yeah, I’ve been there myself, but I don’t agree with you actually.
The cheese and some of the biscuits are more expensive there. civilized — цивілізований
Oliver: You may be right, but you get a wider range in the new one and enemy — ворог
the food is fresher because they have a quicker turn over. Mesopotamia — Месопотамія
Kim: Must be because its location is more central. hungry — голодний
Oliver: Maybe, you are right. But still I like that shop. to destroy — руйнувати
Kim: But fruits there are awful, they are not fresh. settlement — поселення
Oliver: Really? It is terrible, Kim. I will not go there anymore.
Kim: That’s a right decision! You health will be ok. Among friends there is peace, but between enemies there is war. Civilized
Oliver: Thank you for useful information. people soon began to realize that without peace civilized life could not
A Football Game Level 2 continue. In their own country, civilized people found it easy to organize
peace by orders and laws, ways of life, and by cooperation, but outside their
WORDS: own land or country their job was not easy. We know that in Mesopotamia
men from outside the river valley came down from the mountains seeking
excited — схвильований
for food and supplies. They were wild and hungry. They were not civilized
stronger and tougher —
and they almost destroyed the new civilization. On the other hand, the men
сильніший та жорсткіший
and women in the settlements were not hungry, and their interests were in
building, not fighting. They were building houses, making clothes, growing
Yesterday my brother and I went to see a football game. We watched our
grain, carrying water, and as the years passed, the houses and the halls
two favorite teams, the Eagles and the Hawks. It was the second week of
became larger and more beautiful.
the season and the day was much colder than the week before. We were
excited because I love the Hawks and he loves the Eagles. Source: Reading Comprehension Materials by Joko Wicoyo

52 53
14 / Body / Тiло

body [ˈbɒdɪ] — тіло finger [ˈfɪŋɡə] — палець (на руці)

head [hed] — голова

hair [hɛə] — волосся

arm [a:m] —
рука (від кисті до плеча) elbow
[ˈelbəʊ] —

chest [ʧest] — hand [hænd] —

грудна клітка back [bæk] —
рука (кисть)
waist [weɪst] —

knee [ni:] —
leg [leɡ] —
нога (від стегна
до ступні)

foot [fʊt] —
мн. feet [fi:t] — ступня, нога
ступні, ноги

54 55
14 / Body / Тiло

[ˈfɔ:hed] — лоб eye [aɪ] — око brain [breɪn] — мозок

skull [skʌl] —

temple [ˈtempl] —
eyelashes скроня
[ˈaɪˌlæʃəz ] —
вії ear [ɪə] — вухо
lung [lʌŋ] — легеня
[ʧi:k] — щока lip [lɪp] — губа

heart [ha:t] —
liver [ˈlɪvə] — печінка серце

mouth tongue
[maʊθ] — рот [tʌŋ] — язик
kidney [ˈkɪdnɪ] — нирка
[tu:θ] — зуб
chin [ʧɪn] —

muscle [ˈmʌsl] — м’яз

blood [blʌd] — кров

skin [skɪn] — шкіра

56 57
Texts / Тексти Body / Тiло

two lips. Inside it has teeth for chewing and a tongue for licking and tasting
Level 1 my food. It lets me talk, too. My head sits on my neck. It lets me turn my
My Friend head and look to my left and right and up and down. Inside my chest my
heart beats day and night. When I eat my stomach fills with food. My two
WORDS: arms can hug you, and with my two hands and ten fingers I can touch your
hair or write my name. And with my two legs, two feet and ten toes I walk
mole — родимка
or kick the ball!
slim — стрункий, худий
flexible — гнучкий
Level 3
A Dream Realized (an extract)
This is my friend. Her name is Ann. She is ten. She has got long brown
hair. Her face is oval. Her eyes are blue. Her eyelashes are long and thick. WORDS:
She has got a small nose and small ears. Her lips are red. Her cheeks are
comely — миловидний
rosy. She’s got a mole on her left cheek.
reckon — вважати
Ann is not tall and she is very slim. She hasn’t got strong muscles, but
countenance — вираз обличчя
she is very flexible. Her waist is thin. She has long legs and thin ankles. Her
surly — похмурий, сердитий
feet are small.
vivacity — жвавість
Ann has got beautiful hands with thin long fingers. She can play the piano
tawny — смаглявий, темношкірий
and sing. I like to talk and sing with Ann. She also is a good dancer and a
lot of her friends envy that. She is cute and pleasant, but not all love her He was a comely, handsome fellow, perfectly well made, with straight,
because of it. All in all she is a nice person, I adore her. Moreover, she helps strong limbs, not too large; tall, and well-shaped; and, as I reckon, about
everyone who needs it, without saying a word. twenty-six years of age. He had a very good countenance, not a fierce and
surly aspect, but seemed to have something very manly in his face; and yet
My Body Parts Level 2 he had all the sweetness and softness of a European in his countenance,
too, especially when he smiled. His hair was long and black, not curled like
to cover — покривати wool; his forehead very high and large; and a great vivacity and sparkling
to chew — жувати sharpness in his eyes. The color of his skin was not quite black, but very
to taste — куштувати tawny; and yet not an ugly, yellow, nauseous tawny, as the Brazilians and
to hug — обіймати Virginians, and other natives of America are, but of a bright kind of a dun
to kick — бити olive-color, that had in it something very agreeable, though not very easy
to describe. His face was round and plump; his nose small, not flat, like the
This is my body. Let’s start with my head. On the top it is covered with Africans; a very good mouth, thin lips, and his fine teeth well set, and as
hair. On each side of my head I have an ear, so I can hear you. I also have white as ivory.
two big eyes. They let me see you. My nose is for smelling. My mouth has Daniel Defoe “Robinson Crusoe”

58 59
15 / Appearance / Зовнішність

young [jʌŋ] — молодий(а)

thin [θɪn] — худий(а) fat [fæt] — товстий(а) straight [streɪt] —
прямий, рівний (про волосся)

curly [ˈkɜ:lɪ] —
кучерявий, хвилястий
(про волосся)
tall [tɔ:l] — високий(а)
dark [dɑ:k] — темний (про волосся)
fair [fɛə] — русий, світлий (про волосся) bald [bɔ:ld] — лисий
brown [braʊn] — коричневий, карий (про очі)

short [ʃɔ:t] — низький(а)

black [blæk] —
blond(e) [blɒnd] —
чорний (про волосся)
блондин, блондинка
red [red] — рудий(а)
weak [wi:k] — слабкий(а)
pretty [ˈprɪtɪ] — милий, чарівний(а)
handsome [ˈhæns(ə)m] —
красивий, статний (про чоловіка)
beautiful [ˈbju:tɪf(ə)l] —
красивий, прекрасний(а)
ugly [ˈʌɡlɪ] — потворний(а) blond [blɒnd] —

grey [ɡreɪ] — сивий(а)

strong [strɒŋ] — сильний(а) old [əʊld] — старий(а)

60 61
Texts / Тексти Appearance / Зовнішність

strength under his quietness, and every student in his class knows this.
He is quiet and pleasant because he is strong. Strength is generally quiet;
Level 1 A Strange Man weakness often is not. He reads a great many books, and he writes books
WORDS: for his students. In the picture you can see him sitting in his study, in a big
armchair by the fire. A bright fire is burning in the fireplace. It burns all day
wrinkled — зморшкуватий
in cold weather. Another armchair is on the opposite side of the fire. On his
crooked — кривий, зігнутий
left there is a tray with a coffee-pot and a coffee-cup on it, and near to it
full — повний
you can see his pipe and tobacco.
beard — борода
funny — кумедний, смішний
In Front of the Mirror
Level 3
What a strange man! His face is square. His forehead and cheeks are
wrinkled. He has black eyes and thick eyebrows. His nose is long and WORDS:
crooked. His lips are full and red. We can’t see his chin because he has a
beard. His beard is short and grey. He has very little hair on his head, we apply — застосовувати
can say that he is bald. He is not very old. He is not ugly, but we can’t say pluck — щипати
that he is handsome. He has a white shirt and a brown suit on. He has a smear — намазувати
black bag in his hands. He is not tall, but also is not small. His smile is a
cruel, but with a drop of kindness. This strange man has a funny language Angela dreams of the day she’s old enough to wear make-up, too. For
and nobody can understand him. That’s why he is so strange to every now though, she has to be content to watch her older sister Lizzy apply the
person in our city. colorful powders and creams to her face in front of the mirror. ‘Ouch!’сries
Mr. Priestley Level 3 Lizzie, plucking her eyebrows — one hair at a time. ‘The things I do for
beauty!’ Next, she powders her face to hide the freckles on her cheeks
WORDS: and adds rouge to them to make them rosy-red. Too much powder, Angela
thinks to herself, as it wafts through the air and into her left nostril. ‘Achoo!’
to go grey — сивіти
Lizzy takes some blue eyes shadow and smears it across her eyelids. Then
strength — сила
she puts mascara on. It makes her eyelashes long and dark. She looks like
quietness — спокій
a different person. Lastly, Lizzy takes a pink lipstick and applies it to her
pleasant — симпатичний
lips. She presses her upper and lower lip together to make sure the color is
even. When Lizzy smiles, she notices some lipstick on her teeth and quickly
This is Mr. Priestley. Нe teaches English and he knows English, French and removes it with her tongue. But Angela notices some wrinkles around her
German, and he speaks and reads and writes these languages very well. sister’s eyes and says, ‘Lizzy, you’re getting old! Look at all those wrinkles.’
He is not a young man, but he is not old. He is about forty-four or forty- When Lizzy is done she turns to Angela and asks, ‘What do think, little
five years old. He is a good-looking man, tall, handsome, rather thin, with sister?’ And Angela replies, ‘I liked you better before!’ then she pokes
dark-brown hair just beginning to go grey. He is always very well-dressed, out her tongue and runs out of the bathroom. Suddenly, she doesn’t think
but quietly, in good taste. Mr. Priestley usually wears suits of dark brown, make-up is so cool.
dark blue or dark grey. He speaks quietly and pleasantly, but there is Source:

62 63
16 / Action Verbs / Дієслова дії

to jump [dʒʌmp] — стрибати

to carry [ˈkærɪ] —
носити, нести

to catch [kæʧ] — ловити to crawl [krɔ:l] — повзати to march [mɑ:ʧ] — марширувати

to lie [laɪ] — лежати

to run [rʌn] — бігати to put down [pʊt daʊn] —


to fly [flaɪ] — літати

to drink [drɪŋk] — пити

to sit [sɪt] — сидіти

to drive [draɪv] — їздити, керувати

to throw [θrəʊ] — кидати

to eat [i:t] — їсти

to stand up [stænd ʌp] — вставати (на ноги)
to give [ɡɪv] — давати to hop [hɒp] — to take [teɪk] — брати
to go [ɡəʊ] — ходити, іти стрибати, підстрибувати to talk [tɔ:k] — говорити, розмовляти
to hold [hɒld] — тримати to walk [wɔ:k] — to wait [weɪt] — чекати
ходити пішки to fall [fɔ:l] — падати

64 65
Texts / Тексти Action Verbs / Дієслова дії

covers the entire human body is the fifth sense organ and sends tactile
Level 1 messages to the brain.
A Growing Baby The brain is the most important organ of our body. With the help of
our brain we can survive, think, love, create and remember. The brain is
connected to the entire body through nerves.
everything — все
The trunk is the body part that connects all the other parts and hosts many
to wave — махати
important internal organs such as: heart, lungs, stomach, liver, kidneys and
just — тільки
reproductive organs.
in the beginning — cпочатку
A human being has four limbs: two arms and two legs. With the help of
nature — природа
our arms we can catch, hold and carry objects. With the help of our legs
A baby has arms and legs. It has a mouth and eyes. It looks at everything. we can walk, run and jump.
It smiles a lot and plays too much. It cries and eats a lot. It sleeps a lot and
tries to talk. It makes funny sounds. It says ‘Googoo’. It waves its arms and Level 3 Body Movement
legs. It doesn’t do much else.
It doesn’t sit up. It doesn’t stand up. It doesn’t talk. It lies on its back. It WORDS:
lies on its stomach. After a year, it will do many things. It will crawl back awkward — дивний
and forward. It will stand up. It will quickly walk. It will talk. It will run and sighted — зрячий
jump. But in the beginning, it just grows bigger and bigger. That’s a child’s by observation — спостерігаючи
life in nature. What can be better? posture — постава, поза
The Human Body Functions Level 2
If a blind child does not receive special training in this area, he may not
WORDS: know how his body can move and his movements may be awkward. Body
movement is mistakenly often not taught. Sighted parents and teachers
entire — цілісний think that all children automatically learn how to run, jump, and skip. They
extremity — межа do not realize that these skills have to be learned. Sighted children learn
to host — містити to run by watching other children run. A blind child will not be able to
sensation — сприйняття, відчуття learn to run by observation. He might hear the word run in a conversation
and realize that it is the body movement of ‘walking fast,’ but that does
The human body is the entire structure of the human organism and not tell him how the body moves when running. A parent might have to
its main parts are: head, neck, trunk and limbs. Each part has different show the child how to run by letting the child feel his body movements
functions and contains different organs. as the parent runs either slowly or in place. Or the parent might have to
The human head is the upper extremity of the body; it hosts the brain move the child’s body to show the child the different movements the body
and contains four sense organs: nose, eyes, ears and mouth. They all send makes when running. Give the child plenty of time to learn and practice
sensation messages to the brain: the nose sends smells, the eyes send these movements: running, jumping, hopping, skipping, marching, rolling,
images, the ears send sounds and the mouth sends tastes. The skin that leaping, balance, turning, and posture.

66 67
17 / Health and Illnesses / Здоров’я та хвороби

health [helθ] — здоров’я

illness [ˈɪlnɪs] — хвороба, слабкість sunburn [ˈsʌnˌbɜ:n] — сонячний опік
allergy [ˈæləʤɪ] — алергія toothache [ˈtu:θeɪk] — зубний біль

plaster [ˈplɑ:stə] — пластир

splinter [ˈsplɪntə] — скабка

bruise [bru:z] — синець
insomnia [ɪnˈsɒmnɪə] — безсоння

cough [kɒf] — кашель

cut [kʌt] — поріз, рана
dizzy [ˈdɪzɪ] — запаморочливий
to feel dizzy [fi:lˈdɪzɪ] — відчувати запаморочення hiccup [ˈhɪkʌp] — гикавка
fever [ˈfi:və] — жар, лихоманка to fracture [ˈfræktʃə] — зламати
headache [ˈhedeɪk] — головний біль
medicine [ˈmed(ɪ)sɪn] — ліки, медицина
chill / cold — простуда
аmbulance [ˈæmbjələn(t)s] —
runny nose [ˈrʌnɪ nəʊz] — нежить машина швидкої допомоги
scratch [skræʧ] — подряпина
sick [sɪk] — хворий(а)

to feel sick [fi:l sɪk] — нудити, відчувати нудоту

ill [ɪl] — хворий(а) bandage [ˈbændɪdʒ] — бинт, перев’язочний матеріал
to be ill [bɪ ɪl] — бути хворим (хворіти) thermometer [θəˈmɒmɪtə] — термометр
to fall ill [fɔ:l ɪl] — захворіти

to sneeze [sni:z] — чхати

syringe / squirt [sɪˈrɪndʒ / ˈskwɜ:t] — шприц
sore throat [sɔ: θrəʊt] — біль у горлі

crutch [krʌtʃ] — милиця

stomachache [ˈstʌməkˌeɪk] — біль у животі
X-ray [ˌeksˈreɪ] — рентген, рентгенівський знімок

68 69
Texts / Тексти Health and Illnesses / Здоров’я та хвороби

the illness. He will prescribe you some pills. A week ago I got sick with the
simple cold and did not want to go to the doctor. But still I had to do it
Level 1 Illnesses because I needed a medical certificate for my job. I was putting off a visit
to the doctor to the last. Two days later I decided to make an appointment.
WORDS: When the doctor saw me, he was shocked. Pale appearance, red eyes,
bunged up nose, sore throat and a high temperature. All these things made
necessary — необхідний him indignant. As it turned out later, it was the flu, not just the cold and as
physical — фізичний it seemed to me. I took blood tests and the doctor told me that I may have
a virus — вірус slight sequela. If I had come earlier, I could have avoided it. Once and for
to influence — впливати all I vowed to never ignore a visit to the doctor.
a treatment — лікування

It is known that heath is very important and necessary thing for

everybody. We should remember that health is not only the absence of Level 3
A Day’s Wait (an extract)
illnesses but it is physical, social and mental welfare. It influences not only
our physical state but mood, our relations with people. When person is
healthy he is opened for society, he is full of forces, he can do everything. WORDS:
So it goes without saying that the proverb ‘health is better than wealth’ is
a capsule — капсула
true. But unfortunately nowadays to be healthy is very difficult because
to bring down — знижувати
there are a lot of bacteria and viruses around us. Now some of them begin
to overcome — побороти, перемагати
to adapt themselves to influence of medicines that is why to overcome
an epidemic — епідемія
them is difficult in some cases. So to know different diseases, their reasons,
their treatment is very important to try avoiding them.

Visiting a Doctor Downstairs the doctor left three different medicines in different colored
Level 2 capsules with instructions for giving them. One was to bring down the
fever, another a purgative, the third to overcome an acid condition. The
WORDS: germs of influenza can only exist in an acid condition, he explained. He
seemed to know all about influenza and said there was nothing to worry
a disease — хвороба about if the fever did not go above one hundred and four degrees. This was
to prescribe — приписувати a light epidemic of flu and there was no danger if you avoided pneumonia.
a visit — відвідування Back in the room I wrote the boy’s temperature down and made a note of
the time to give the various capsules.
If you suddenly came down with a disease, you need to go to the doctor.
A good doctor will tell you what to do and what is forbidden to do during Source: ‘A Day’s Wait’ by E. Hemigway

70 71
18 / In the Hospital / У лікарні

syringe / squirt [sɪˈrɪndʒ / ˈskwɜ:t] — шприц

nurse [nɜ:s] — медсестра

patient [ˈpeɪʃənt] —
хворий, пацієнт
scar [skɑ:] — шрам

waiting room [ˈweɪtɪŋ ru:m]— crutch [krʌtʃ] — милиця


sling [slɪŋ] — пов’язка

trolley [ˈtrɒlɪ] — візок

X-ray [ˌeksˈreɪ] — рентген

surgery [ˈsɜ:dʒərɪ] — операція

injection [ɪnˈdʒekʃən] — wheelchair [ˈwi:lˌtʃeə] —

ін’єкція крісло-каталка, інвалідний візок
needle [ˈni:dəl] —

72 73
Texts / Тексти In the hospital / У лікарні

checked, blood tests and an electrocardiogram are to be made. If a patient

A Terrible Toothache has a fracture, then an X-ray is made. If it is an emergency surgery, it may
Level 1
begin immediately after the test results are received. If it is a planned
WORDS: surgery one should visit some doctors, such as cardiologist, physician and
surgeon, who will allow doing the surgery if the patient’s health is in shape.
terrible — жахливий
Besides a surgeon there are also anesthesiologist, who gives medicine
to pull oneself together —
that will make patient sleep and nurse, who assists the surgeon. After the
опанувати себе, зібратись із силами
surgery the surgeon puts in stitches, which will be taken out depending on
to continue — продовжувати
the patient’s health condition.
to fill a tooth — ставити пломбу в зуб
anesthetization — анестезія

Level 3 Three Men in a Boat (an extract)

Once Nick woke up with a terrible toothache. It was a high time to go to
the doctor. Nick was afraid of dentists, but all in all he went to the doctor.
When he came to the dentist, he had to wait in a waiting room. The boy
was ready to go home without any treatment, but pulled himself together
and continued waiting his turn. In 20 minutes the nurse called him and
typhoid fever — черевний тиф
Nick came into the doctor’s office. He sat in the dental chair and the doctor
housemaid’s knee —
examined his teeth. The doctor said that there was a need to fill a tooth.
бурсит колінного суглоба
Nick asked the doctor to make the anesthetization. The doctor took a little
waist — талія
syringe and needle and made the injection while Nick closed the eyes. Nick
didn’t feel anything. The doctor filled the tooth and in 10 minutes Nick was
free. Now he knows that it is not painful to fill teeth and it is necessary to
I came to typhoid fever — read the symptoms — discovered that I
brush teeth twice a day not to have problems.
had typhoid fever — began to get interested in my case, and so started
Surgery Level 2 alphabetically.
WORDS: Cholera I had, with severe complications. I looked through the twenty-
six letters, and the only disease I had not got was housemaid’s knee. I tried
electrocardiogram — to examine myself. I felt my pulse. I could not at first feel any pulse at all.
електрокардіограма Then it seemed to start off. I pulled out my watch and timed it. I tried to
to be in (out of) shape — feel my heart. I could not feel my heart. It had stopped beating. I patted
бути у формі (не у формі) myself all over my front, from what I call my waist up to my head but I
put in stitches — накласти шви could not feel or hear anything. I tried to look at my tongue. I stuck it out
take out stitches — зняти шви and shut one eye and tried to examine it with the other. I could only see
the tip, but I felt more certain than before that I had scarlet fever.
There may be a planned and an emergency surgery. Before it the medical
examination has to be made — the pulse is to be felt, bloodpressure is to be Source: ‘Three Men in a Boat’ by Jerome K. Jerome

74 75
19/ Medicines/ Медикаменти

drops [drɒps] — краплі cough mixture

bandage [ˈbændɪdʒ] — [kɒf ˈmɪkstʃə] —
бинт, матеріал для перев’язок мікстура від кашлю
syrup [ˈsɪrəp] —
throat lozenges
mixture [ˈmɪkstʃə] — [θrəʊt ˈlɒzɪndʒ əz] — льодяники
мікстура, сироп від болю у горлі

cream [kri:m] — крем antibiotics [ˌæntɪbaɪˈɒtɪks] —

pills [pɪlz] — aspirin[ˈæsprɪn] — аспірин
піґулки cold remedy [kəʊld ˈrеmɪdɪ] —
протизастудний засіб

lip balm [lɪp bɑ:m] — sleeping pill [ˈsli:pɪŋ pɪl] —

бальзам для губ снодійне
tissuez [ˈtɪʃu:z], [ˈtɪsju:z] — cotton bud
painkiller [ˈpeɪnˌkɪlə] — [ˈkɒtən bʌd] —
знеболювальне ватна паличка

vitamin[ˈvɪtəmɪn] — вітамін

ointment[ˈɔɪntmənt] — мазь

spray [spreɪ] —

mustard plaster antiseptic [ˌæntɪˈseptɪk] —

ampoule [ˈæmpu:l] — ампула
[ˈmʌstəd ˈplɑ:stə] — гірчичник антисептичний засіб

76 77
Texts / Тексти Medicines/ Медикаменти

splint should be long enough that the injured area is comfortable. Use two
Medicines bandages on the area, one above and one below the area. The arm should
Level 1 be in a bent position. You can use a triangular bandage or a scarf. Carefully
WORDS: fold the injured arm across the chest. Follow the same procedure with
an open fracture, but the area first needs to be cleaned and dressed and
to catch — підхоплювати
painkillers should be used for the pain. All fractures are terrible and lead to
to prescribe — приписувати
the huge problems.
chemist — аптека
to overcome illness — видужувати Who Invented Medicine?
infection — інфекція Level 3
medicine box — аптечка WORDS:

invention — винахід
Everyone may catch a cold and in this case it is better to go to the doctor
remedy — ліки
who will examine and prescribe particular medicines. All medicines can be
disease — хвороба
found in the chemist. The doctor may prescribe nasal drops if you have
surgery — хірургія
a runny nose. If you have a cough, you may take pills and mixture which
medieval — середньовічний
will help you to overcome illness. If you have a burn, you may use spray
witchcraft — чаклунство, магія
or a special cream. An ointment is a good painkiller if you have a back or
renewal — відновлення
knee ache. Use a bandage if you have a cut in order not to bring infection.
It is better to have medicines in your medicine box and do not fall ill. All
people have various diseases and that’s why we have to choose between The invention of medicines dates back to centuries. It was in around
medicines. We need to take medicines in order to be healthy. 3000 B.C. that the Egyptians used remedies to fight diseases and they also
performed basic surgeries by general examination of the patient and mainly
the guess work and magic worked. In Greece Hippocrates was considered
Fractures Level 2
as the father of the medicine. He was the one to classify diseases and
the first to perform the chest surgery. The Romans were the one who
marked the science of surgical instruments; they used the instruments
and developed the cataract operations. Later in the medieval period the
to apply — подавати, прикладати
medicines field faced a period of downfall. People had more faith in magic
injured — поранений
and witchcraft. The history of medicine faced renewal in 1865 when Joseph
splint — медична шина
Lister brought the importance of antiseptics to the public. And then one
across — через
by one people like Gregor Mendel with Mendel’s law, Louis Pasteur along
with Charles had theories of germs, development of X-Ray’s and ECG’s,
A fracture may be open or closed. If it is open, there is no need to apply antibiotics and penicillin, Crick and Watson with DNA, ailments for cancer,
a bandage over it. Do not give the injured person either food or drink. heart and kidney diseases all contributed to the history of medicines.
Before treating the fracture it is good to treat the bleeding. If the injured
is in shock, treat the shock. Immobilize the fracture with a splint. The Source:

78 79
20 / Cosmetics / Косметичне приладдя

eyeliner [ˈaɪˌlaɪnə] — підводка для очей electric shaver [ɪˈlektrɪk ˈʃeɪvə] —

електрична бритва
eyebrow pencil [ˈaɪbraʊ ˈpensl] —
олівець для брів
shaving gel [ˈʃeɪvɪŋ dʒel] —
гель для гоління

eye shadow [aɪ ˈʃædəʊ] — toothpaste [ˈtu:θˌpeɪst] —

тіні для повік зубна паста razor [ˈreɪzə] — бритва
foundation [faʊnˈdeɪʃən] — toothbrush [ˈtu:θˌbrʌʃ] —
основа для макіяжу, тональний крем зубна щітка

blusher / rouge brush [brʌʃ] —

[ˈblʌʃə / ru:ʒ] — рум’яна пензлик

lipstick [ˈlɪpˌstɪk] —
губна помада

mascara [mæˈskɑ:rə] — conditioner [kənˈdɪʃənə] —

туш кондиціонер
nail clippers [neɪl ˈklɪpəz] — shampoo [ʃæmˈpu:] — perfume[ˈpɜ:fju:m] — парфуми
кусачки для нігтів шампунь
nail scissors [neɪl ˈsɪzəz] —
манікюрні ножиці hairdryer [ˈheəˌdraɪə] —
nail file [neɪl faɪl] — фен
пилка для нігтів
[ˈtwi:zəz] —

comb [kəʊm] — гребінь, гребінець

nail polish [neɪl ˈpɒlɪʃ] —
hairbrush [ˈheəˌbrʌʃ] — щітка для волосся
лак для нігтів

80 81
Texts / Тексти Cosmetics / Косметичне приладдя

that it is better to lay emphasis on one thing — either on eyes or on lips. If

Level 1 Beauty a woman chooses a bright lipstick, she should use natural eye shadow and
vice versa.
To look handsome men should look after themselves. They may use
to improve — покращувати electric shaver or razor and shaving gel to get shaved. They should also
to enhance — посилювати groom hair using shampoo and do hip and edgy hairdo. Of course either men
to call attention — or women should have fresh breath and use toothpaste and toothbrush of
привертати увагу high quality. Women adore to look wonderful and they put all their efforts
feature — особливість to be unique.
skillfully — майстерно
There are different ways to improve your appearance but many of them Level 3
– like diet, exercise, and surgery — are expensive or risky or take a lot of
time. You can improve your life dramatically right now for very little cost
simply by learning how to make your skin soft and beautiful and to use ceremony — церемонія
cosmetics. You will see the difference it makes immediately! And then just toiletry — гігієнічний засіб
watch how doors begin to open for you. When applied correctly, makeup neroli — ефірна олія з квітів
enhances your own natural beauty, it calls attention to your best features. апельсинового дерева
It helps you to project your own sense of yourself, when it is done tastefully bergamot — бергамот
and skillfully — along with wardrobe, hair. When we dress well, take care of to dilute — розбавляти
our hair, and apply makeup skillfully, it affects the behavior of those around raw materials — сировина
us in a positive way.
Perfumed oils were applied to the skin for either cosmetic or medical
Women Want to Look Beautiful Level 2 purposes. During the Old and Middle Kingdoms perfumes were reserved
exclusively for religious rituals such as cleansing ceremonies. Then they were
WORDS: used during festivals and Egyptian women also used perfumed creams and
oils as toiletries and cosmetics. The refreshing blend of rosemary, neroli,
to lay emphasis — підкреслювати
bergamot and lemon was used in a multitude of different ways: diluted
to groom hair —
in bath water, mixed with wine, eaten on a sugar lump, as a mouthwash,
доглядати за волоссям
injected directly. Due to its jasmine, rose and orange-growing trades, the
hip and edgy — стильний і сучасний
town of Grasse in Provence established itself as the largest production
center for raw materials. Paris became the commercial counterpart to
Women want to look beautiful and use different cosmetics to lay emphasis Grasse and the world center of perfume. Lots of perfume houses were
on their beauty. A good makeup, a pretty hairdo, a wellgroomed manicure based in Paris.
and pleasant perfume will perfect your image. Women should remember Source:

82 83
21 / Clothes / Одяг 22 / Shoes / Взуття

clothes [kləʊðz] — одяг

pajamas (AmE) /pyjamas (BrE)
dress [dres] — сукня
[pəˈdʒɑ:məz] — піжама
suit [sju:t] — костюм tights [taɪts] — колготки

jacket [ˈdʒækɪt] — panties [ˈpæntɪz] — дитячі штанці,

куртка, жакет трусики
anorak [ˈæn(ə)ræk] —
тепла куртка с капюшоном shoes [ʃu:z] — взуття, туфлі
boots [bu:ts] — черевики, бутси
coat [kəʊt] — (спортивне взуття)
пальто, верхній одяг
raincoat [ˈreɪnkəʊt] — slippers [ˈslɪpəz] — капці
sandals [ˈsændlz] —
sweater [ˈswetə] — светр
сандалі, босоніжки
sweatshirt [ˈswetʃɜ:t] —
trainers [ˈtreɪnəz] — спортивне
спортивний светр
взуття, кросівки
sneakers [ˈsni:kəz] — кеди,
shirt [ʃɜ:t] —
напівкеди, тенісні черевики
сорочка (чоловіча)
blouse [blaʊs] — блузка
T-shirt [ˈti:ʃɜ:t] — футболка hat [hæt] — капелюх
cap [kæp] — кепка

pants (AmE**) [pænts] — штани

trousers [ˈtraʊzəz] [ˈтраузэз] —
dressing gown [‘dresɪŋ ɡaʊn] —
fur coat [fɜ: kəʊt] — шуба
track suit [træk sju:t] —
спортивний костюм
skirt [ˈskɜ:t] — спідниця
socks [sɒks] — шкарпетки
jeans [ˈʤi:nz] — джинси
vest [vest] — жилет, жилетка
shorts [ˈʃɔ:ts] — шорти
* BrE — британська англійська
** AmE — американська англійська
** AmE — американська англійська
84 85
Texts / Тексти Clothes / Одяг

Women wear light blouses and skirts. In cold weather people usually put
What Women and Men Wear? on warm clothes: jeans and trousers, sweaters and jackets, overcoats and
Level 1
caps. In winter they wear fur coats and fur caps, high boots and mittens
WORDS: or gloves.
The proverb says: ‘There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes.’
to depend — залежати Another proverb says: ‘Everything is good in its season.’ Do you understand
to wear — носити it? When you think what to wear, choose the right dress. Think what is
pair — пара good on the sports ground and what is good at the party and why a long
umbrella — парасолька dress looks beautiful on a woman but is funny on a little girl. When you buy
clothes, try them on. Make sure that they are your size, that they suit you
and that you like their color.
Can you tell us what women wear? It depends on the season of the year.
Usually it is a skirt and a blouse or a dress. If it is cold, they wear a coat or
Level 3 Is Your Look Right for You?
a fur coat. A pair of gloves and a hat are necessary. They also wear tights
and shoes. WORDS:
Can you tell us what men wear? They usually wear a shirt and trousers,
a coat or a jacket, socks and shoes. If it is cold, they put on a sweater, a wide-leg — широкі (про штанини)
coat, a cap or a hat and a pair of gloves. If it rains, men and women wear stovepipes — вузькі брюки
a raincoat. In autumn, when it is raining hard an umbrella, is necessary. button-up — сорочка на ґудзиках
At home people usually wear some comfortable, casual clothes: trousers, array — багато
T-shirts, shorts, dressing gowns. A lot of people sleep in pajamas. Everyone pumps — балетки
also tries to dress for the occasion. For example, at work we have to wear
a uniform, but in our free time we wear whatever we like.
Does your style stay the same every season? If so, it’s time to renew
your favorite pieces.
Level 2 Replace wide-leg black pants with more flattering stovepipes. Switch
from a loose skirt to a sleek mini. Pair a blouse with a blazer, flame-ticked
WORDS: skirt with a navy button-up. Tuck a scarf into the neck of a cashmere
sweater. There is an array of styles and colors to choose from. If you can’t
to bring — приносити
let go of your favorite little black dress, slip into red pumps. Keep your
mittens — рукавиці
traditional cashmere topper, but have an alternative on hand. Keep an eye
gloves — рукавички
out for special touches. Use a diamond brooch as the closure to a velvet
proverb — прислів’я
jacket, attach a silk scarf to your bag. When the question ‘Should I buy the
funny — смішний
pink bag or the black one?’ arises, go for the more exciting choice. Select
bags with character. They’re sure to enliven every outfit.
Each season brings different weather and different clothes. When it is
hot, people wear T-shirts and shorts, sports shoes, socks and sandals. Source:

86 87
Texts / Тексти Shoes / Взуття

The evolution of shoes from moccasins to stilettos includes several key

Shoes moments of innovation and fine craftsmanship. Most shoes during the mid-
Level 1 1800s were made using the same shoemaking tools created in ancient
WORDS: times with very few modifications. American shoemakers were important
article — стаття innovators in shoe history. Many of these notable shoe artisans improved
to match — пасувати upon European design and created machinery for mass shoe production.
classic — класичний Lyman Blake created a machine to sew shoe parts together efficiently.
heel — підбор According to the Paynesville Historical Society, in the early 18th century
sparkly — блискучий John Adams Dagyr created the first shoe factory in America. Jan Matzlenger
Mall — великий торгівельний центр created a machine that could produce upwards of 700 shoes a day. He
received a patent for this technology in 1883.
Most of girls and women are crazy about shoes. They read articles about
fashion and always think that they need a new pair of boots, sandals and Is your Look Right for You?
so on. Of course, I like them too. I have a pair of flat black shoes matching Level 3
my school uniform, a pair of sneakers for sports activities, and a pair of WORDS:
As I like wearing dresses, I have a pair of classic shoes without heels. intended — призначений
But I would like to have another pair of dress shoes with low heels and enormously — надзвичайно
sparkly elements. contemporary — сучасний
Usually I go to a shoe shop together with my mum. She can always give complexity — складність
me a good piece of advice. We want to go shopping next weekend. We will sole — підошва
go to four different shoe stores. The Mall always has sales on Saturday. If strap — ремінець
the sale price is good, we might buy two pairs of shoes.
A shoe is an item of footwear intended to protect and comfort a human
An Evolution of Shoes foot while doing various activities. Shoes are also used as an item of
Level 2 decoration. The design of shoes has varied enormously through time and
from culture to culture, with appearance originally being tied to function.
Additionally, fashion has often dictated many design elements, such as
stilettos — туфлі на шпильках whether shoes have very high heels or flat ones. Contemporary footwear
craftsmanship — майстерність varies widely in style, complexity and cost. Basic sandals may consist of
tool — інструмент only a thin sole and simple strap. High fashion shoes may be made of very
modification — зміна expensive materials in complex construction and may be sold for thousands
artisan — майстер of dollars a pair. Other shoes are for very specific purposes, such as boots
upwards — більше, понад designed specifically for mountaineering or skiing.

88 89
23/ Accessories / Аксесуари

accessories [əkˈsesərɪz] — аксесуари brooch [brəʊtʃ] — брошка

button [ˈbʌtn] — ґудзик, кнопка
glasses [ˈɡlɑ:sɪz] — окуляри
sunglasses [ˈsʌnɡla:sɪz] — bracelet [ˈbreɪslеt] — браслет
сонцезахисні окуляри ring [rɪŋ] —
watch [wɒtʃ] — годинник (наручний) каблучка, обручка
umbrella [ʌmˈbrelə] — парасоля

scarf [skɑ:f] — шарф keychain [ˈki:ˌtʃeɪn] —

handkerchief [ˈhæŋkətʃɪf] — брелок для ключів
носова хусточка
sweatband [ˈswetbænd] — пов’язка на голову
(захищає від поту, особливо під час занять спортом)
tie [taɪ] — краватка
belt [belt] — ремінь, пасок , scarf-pin / tie-pin [ˈskɑ:fpɪn /ˈtaɪˌpɪn]
— шпилька для краватки

cufflink / stud [ˈkʌflɪŋk / stʌd] — запонка

glove [ɡlʌv] — рукавичка
mitten [ˈmɪtn] — рукавиця tie clip [ˈtaɪˌklɪp] — зажим для краватки
purse [pɜ:s] — гаманець, портмоне
wallet [ˈwɒlɪt] — гаманець bandanna [ˌbænˈdænə]
— бандана
bag [bæɡ] — сумка, валіза, портфель, ранець
helmet [ˈhelmət] — захисний головний убір, шолом
handbag [ˈhændbæɡ] — дамська сумочка
braces [ˈbreɪsɪz] — підтяжки
shoelace [ˈʃu:leɪs] — шнурок для
jewelry (AmE**), jewellery (BrE*) [ˈdʒu:əlrɪ] черевиків
— коштовності, ювелірні вироби leggings [ˈlɛɡɪŋz] — гетри
case [keɪs] — дипломат
earring [ˈɪərɪŋ] — сережка
muff [mʌf] — муфта
necklace [ˈnekləs] — намисто, кольє beret [ˈbereɪ] — берет
chain [tʃeɪn] — ланцюжок аrm warmes [ɑ:m ˈwɔ:mz] —
* BrE — британська англійська мітенки
** AmE — американська англійська
90 91
Texts / Тексти Accessories / Аксесуари

Choosing the right accessories for an outfit can make the outfit. You
Clothes and Accessories can have the most beautiful dress in the world on, but without the proper
Level 1
accessories it will look like it is lacking something. On the other hand, you
WORDS: can have the simplest dress on, but with just the right accessories you can
really make it pop.
totally — повністю, цілком The important things are to choose the right accessories, but also choose
to follow — слідувати the right amount of accessories. You can use something as simple as a new
stylish — стильний, модний scarf or belt to breathe life into a tired old outfit.
to depend on — залежати від The most popular accessories are: earrings, ring, bracelet, brooch,
purpose — мета handbag, purse, scarf, glasses, sunglasses, belt, chain, necklace and so on.
occasion — випадок, подія But remember, too many accessories could be overwhelming for an outfit
and instead of looking fashionable it will just look busy.
There’s a saying that clothes make the man and woman, but an outfit
isn’t totally complete without the right accessories. The idea of men and Fashion Accessories
Level 3
women accessories came from western countries. Nowadays there is a
great number of accessories for those people who want to look pretty and WORDS:
follow fashion.
It’s natural for girls to like stylish things. Most of them have different capacity — здатність
scarves, handbags, bracelets, rings, bracelets, earrings, belts, sunglasses, disposition — вдача, характер
bright umbrellas, gloves and so on. Men usually wear belts, ties, glasses identity — особистість, індивідуальність
or sunglasses, watches, cufflinks or tie clips. Some accessories we use hue — відтінок, різновид
for sport, for example a sweatband or leggings. The choice of all these costly — дорогий, шикарний
elements depends on the style, purpose, color, occasion and other factors.
But right accessories can help us to look more interesting.
Fashion accessories are fashion items that individuals wear with their
pieces of clothing to make them look great and complete in their outfits.
Accessories Level 2 Any kind of embellishment or accessory that you pick ought to have the
capacity to demonstrate your disposition and identity. Accessories have
WORDS: numerous hues and shapes, so ensure that you select the ones that can
make you appear gorgeous and interesting. Proper brooch, bracelet,
to choose — вибирати
necklace, scarf, watch or handbag can perform wonders. Accessories can
outfit — вбрання
make any inexpensive piece of clothing to seem costly. It can make you look
to lack — бракувати
different, it can also add unique styles to your match and mix wardrobe.
pop — модний
Accessories can completely change the way you look, even when you are
amount — кількість
wearing the same garments.
to overwhelm — перевантажувати

92 93
24/ National Clothes / Національний одяг

kaftan [ˈkæftæn] — кафтан (східний халат kurta [ˈkʊətə] — курта, вільна довга
з паском; східне вбрання типу туніки з паском) сорочка, традиційний одяг у Пакистані,
Афганістані, Таджикістані, Бангладеш,
hijab / headscarf [hɪˈdʒæb], Індії, Непалі та Шрі-Ланці
[heˈdʒɑ:b] / [ˈhedˌskɑ:f] — хіджаб
(накидка, що закриває обличчя та
руки жінки-мусульманки) turban [ˈtɜ:bən] —
тюрбан, чалма

[vɪʃɪˈvanka], [vɪˈʃɪvanka] —
jilbab [dʒɪlˈbɑ:b] — вишиванка
джильбаб (одяг для african dress
жінок-мусульманок) [ˈæfrɪkən dres] —
одяг народів Африки kilt [kɪlt] — кілт

[kɪˈməʊnəʊ] —

salwar kameez
[ˈsælwɑ: ˌkæmi:z] —
широкі штани,
шаровари tunic [ˈtju:nɪk] —
туніка, традиційний одяг
sari [ˈsɑ:rɪ] — у Давній Греції та Римі
сарі (жіночий одяг в Індії)

94 95
Texts / Тексти National Clothes / Національний одяг

National Indian clothing for women is the sari or the salwar kameez and
National Clothes also Ghaghra Cholis (Lehengas). For men traditional clothes are the Dhoti,
Level 1
Lungi or Kurta. The sari has its own distinctive style depending on which
WORDS: part of India it comes from — every region has its own special colors,
decoration and style. One more thing is that both men and women wear
to represent — представляти turbans, because they live in a hot part of the planet. Indian people wear
identity — ідентичність light colors as they grow older.
to symbolize — символізувати The Arabic word ‘hijab’ literally translates into English as ‘veil’. The word
vibrantly — жваво ‘hijab’ applied to both men and women in terms of protecting both their
versatile — багатосторонній private lives from outsiders and to protect one’s own honor, not in specific
heritage — спадок relation to one’s desires. Men wear kaftans and women wear jilbabs, all
their clothing is colorful and has a lot of gold strings.

National clothes represent our culture and identity. It is necessary to hold

on to it if we wish to preserve our traditions. Furthermore, people wearing
Level 3 Kimono
their national dresses symbolize unity. African dress is often vibrantly
colored, for example: a kurta (for men) or a long colorful dress (for women). WORDS:
Vyshyvanka is the Ukrainian national clothing which contains elements of plural — множина
Ukrainian ethnic embroidery. Local features are usually represented in the festival — фестиваль
shirt’s ornamental pattern. Japan is famous for its kimono. The kimono, formal — формальний
literally ‘the thing worn’, is the classic garment for both men and women. polite — ввічливий
Scottish people are extremely patriotic and believe that the kilt is much to wear — одягати
more than a versatile piece of clothing, it is a symbol of their heritage. sleeve — рукав

The kimono is a Japanese traditional garment. The word ‘ kimono’, which

National Clothes Level 2
actually means a ‘thing to wear’ has come to denote these full-length
WORDS: robes. The standard plural of the word ‘kimono’ in English is kimonos, but
the unmarked Japanese plural kimono is also sometimes used. Kimono is
own — власний always used in important festival or formal moments, it is the representative
decoration — прикраса of polite and a very formal clothing.
literally — буквально Kimonos are T-shaped, straight-lined robes worn so that the hem falls
veil — вуаль to the ankle, with attached collars and long, wide sleeves. Kimonos are
in terms of — cтосовно wrapped around the body, always with the left side over the right (except
desire — бажання when dressing the dead for burial) and secured by a sash called ‘anobi’,
which is tied at the back.

96 97
25 / Products / Продукти

food [fu:d] — їжа

sandwich (BrE*) [ˈsænwɪʤ] — сендвіч, бутерброд
ham [hæm] — шинка
salt [sɔ:lt] — сіль
meat [mi:t] — м’ясо
sugar [ˈʃʊɡə] — цукор
candy [ˈkændɪ] — цукерка
sausage [ˈsɒsɪʤ] —
ковбаса, сосиска

pizza [ˈpi:tsə] — піца jam [ʤæm] — варення, джем

jelly [ˈʤelɪ] — желе
soup [su:p] — суп

ice-cream [ˌaɪsˈkri:m] — морозиво

chocolate [ˈʧɒklət] — шоколад
salad [ˈsæləd] — салат cake [keɪk] — торт, кекс, тістечко
cookie (AmE*) [ˈkʊkɪ] — печиво
biscuit (BrE*) [ˈbɪskɪt] — печиво

egg [eɡ] — яйце porridge [ˈpɒrɪʤ] — каша (вівсяна) honey [ˈhʌnɪ] — мед
flour [ˈflaʊə] — борошно pancakes [ˈpænkeɪks] — млинці
bread [bred] — хліб pie [paɪ] — пиріг, пиріжок

chicken [ˈʧɪkɪn] — курка broth [brɒθ] — відвар, бульйон

chop / cutlet [tʃɒp /ˈkʌtlət] — вітбивна котлета
cheese [ʧi:z] — сир
hamburger [ˈhæmˌbɜ:ɡə] — гамбургер

butter [ˈbʌtə] — масло

hot dog [ˌhɒtˈdɒɡ] — хот-дог
pasta [ˈpæstə] — макаронні вироби
French fries [ˌfrentʃˈfraɪz] — картопля фрі
fish [fɪʃ] — риба * BrE — британська англійська
** AmE — американська англійська

98 99
Texts / Тексти Products / Продукти

turkey, duck) normally roast, or slowly cooked in a casserole, accompanied

by potatoes and probably two other vegetables. The second course may
be called ‘pudding, ‘sweet’ or ‘dessert, and is often some kind of pastry in
Level 1 A Candy-Maker the form of a tart or pie, filled with fruit. Over this may be poured cream
or custard, a sweet sauce, traditionally made from eggs, sugar, and milk,
WORDS: flavored with vanilla, but nowadays often made from a powder or ready-
made from a tin. In the health-conscious modern world, cheese and fruit
candy-maker — виробник цукерок are often eaten as an alternative to ‘pudding.
to bake — пекти
nearest — найближчий
signature dish — коронна страва
Level 3 Breakfast at Tiffany’s (an extract)

Liza is a candy-maker. She bakes biscuits, pies, cakes every day at work
and at the weekend she cooks for her family. Liza’s son enjoys eating WORDS:
pancakes with jam or honey. Liza’s husband likes chocolate cakes and
sweatbox — шафа для сушених фруктів
home-made ice-cream. Liza’s daughter prefers eating fruit pies and jelly.
brandied — просочений бренді
These dishes are cooked for an hour, so Liza gets up early in the morning
pheasant — фазан
and bakes the favorite dishes of her nearest and dearest. She always has
dubious — двозначний
flour and sugar in the kitchen and is ready to bake something at any time.
Liza’s signature dish is chocolate candies with hazel-nut inside. Liza’s family
keep to the healthy leaving, but once a week they afford eating something
tasty and sweet. It is so pleasant to treat oneself after a hard week. She spent whole hausfrau afternoons slopping about in the sweatbox of
her midget kitchen: José says I’m better than the Colony. Really, who would
have dreamed I had such a great natural talent? A month ago I couldn’t
A Traditional English Sunday Lunch Level 2 scramble eggs. And still couldn’t, for that matter. Simple dishes, steak, a
proper salad, were beyond her. Instead, she fed José, and occasionally
WORDS: myself, outré soups (brandied black terrapin poured into avocado shells)
Neroish novelties (roasted pheasant stuffed with pomegranates and
lamb — баранина persimmons) and other dubious innovations (chicken and saffron rice served
beef — яловичина with a chocolate sauce: ‘An East Indian classic, my dear). Wartime sugar
pork — свинина and cream rationing restricted her imagination when it came to sweets —
veal — телятина nevertheless, she once managed something called Tobacco Tapioca: best
not describe it.
A traditional English Sunday lunch typically has just two courses: the
‘main’ course - usually meat (lamb, beef, pork,veal) or poultry (chicken,
Source: ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ by Capote Truman

100 101
26 / Drinks / Напої

kvass [kvɑ:s] — квас

drink [drɪŋk] — напій
syrup [ˈsɪrəp] — сироп
Coca [ˈkɒka] — кока-кола
cocktail [ˈkɒkteɪl] — коктейль smoothie [ˈsmu:ðɪ] — смузі

fizzy drink [ˈfɪzɪ drɪŋk] — газований

cocoa [ˈkəʊkəʊ] — какао
coffee [ˈkɒfɪ] — кава

fruit infusion [ˈfru:t ɪnˈfju:ʒ(ə)n] — морс

compote [ˈkɒmpɒt] — компот
kissel [ˈkɪs(ə)l] — кисіль

juice [ʤu:s] — сік hot chocolate [hɒt ˈʧɒklət] fresh juice [freʃ ˈdʒu:s] — фреш, свіжовичавлений сік
lemonade [ˌleməˈneɪd] — лимонад — гарячий шоколад

milk [mɪlk] — молоко protein shake [ˈprəʊti:n ʃeɪk] — протеїновий коктейль

cappuccino [ˌkæpʊˈtʃi:nəʊ] — капучіно
espresso [eˈspresəʊ] — кава «еспресо»
latte [ˈlæteɪ] — кава-лате

milk shake [mɪlk ∫eɪk] — молочний

water [ˈwɔ:tə] — вода
tea [ti:] — чай
yog(h)urt [ˈjɒgət] / [ˈjəʊgət ] — йогурт
soda [ˈsəʊdə] — содова (газована) вода
green tea [ɡri:n ti:] — зелений чай
mineral water [‘mɪn(ə)rəl ˈwɔ:tə] — мінераль-
на вода

102 103
Texts / Тексти Drinks / Напої

Flat white consists of double shot espresso with single shot of milk.
Level 1 Drinks Macchiato — single shot espresso with foamy milk, served in a
WORDS: demitasse cup.
Long espresso — double shot espresso and hot water.
to prefer — надавати перевагу Chocolate latte is a double shot espresso, double shot chocolate,
fizzy — газований textured with velvet milk.
mineral — мінеральний Long macchiato — double shot espresso over hot water and marked with
type — тип milk foam.
to prepare — готувати Cafe latte — double shot espresso, double shot of steamed milk.
Short espresso — single shot espresso in a demitasse cup.
In different seasons and weather people have different drinks. In summer Enjoy these tasty drinks and relax.
and spring people prefer to drink cold drinks with ice such as milk shake,
fruit infusion, fresh juice, smoothie and fizzy drinks such as Coca, soda or The Green Door
mineral water. In winter and autumn people drink hot drinks such as hot Level 3
(an extract)
cocoa, coffee with all its types — cappuccino, espresso, latte, green and
black tea, hot chocolate. Milk and yoghurt may be drunk in all seasons. WORDS:
Almost all drinks can be made at home or bought in the supermarket.
Drinks usually may be drunk as a part of a meal or just simply as a snack. array — безліч
Prepare the drink according to your taste, take an interesting book and pickle — солоні і мариновані огірки
relax. oyster — устриця
rapturously — із захопленням
unerring — безпомилковий, точний
Coffee Level 2
He dashed out the green door and down the stairs. In twenty minutes he
was back again, kicking at the door with his toe for her to open it. With both
foam — пінка arms he hugged an array of wares from the grocery and the restaurant. On
to serve — подавати the table he laid them — bread and butter, cold meats, cakes, pies, pickles,
demitasse — чашечка для кави oysters, a roasted chicken, a bottle of milk and one of red-hot tea. ‘This is
double — подвійний ridiculous,’ said Rudolf, ‘to go without eating. Supper is ready. He helped
her to a chair at the table and asked: ‘Is there a cup for the tea?’ ‘On the
Nowadays there are a lot of types of coffee. Among them one can find shelf by the window, she answered. When he turned again with the cup he
the following: saw her, with eyes shining rapturously, beginning upon a huge Dill pickle
Cappuccino — double shot espresso with a rich crown of foam. that she had rooted out from the paper bags with a woman’s unerring
White chocolate latte is a double shot espresso, double shot white instinct. He took it from her, laughingly, and poured the cup full of milk.
chocolate, textured with velvet milk. Source: ‘The Green Door’ by O. Henry

104 105
27 / Fruits and Berries / Фрукти та ягоди

fruit [fru:t] — фрукт

pineapple [ˈpaɪnˌæpl] — ананас strawberry [ˈstrɔ:b(ə)rɪ] — полуниця
apricot [ˈeɪprɪkɒt] — абрикос raspberry [ˈrɑ:zb(ə)rɪ] — малина
banana [bəˈnɑ:nə] — банан

gooseberry [ˈɡʊzb(ə)rɪ] — аҐрус

blueberry [ˈblu:b(ə)rɪ] — чорниця

pear [pɛə] — груша
lime [laɪm] — лайм
kiwi fruit [ˈki:wi: fru:t] — ківі black currant [blæk ˈkʌr(ə)nt] — смородина (чорна)
cranberry [ˈkrænb(ə)rɪ] — журавлина
red currant [red ˈkʌr(ə)nt] — червона смородина
grape [ɡreɪp] — виноград
grapefruit [ˈɡreɪpfru:t] — грейпфрут persimmon [pəˈsɪmən] — хурма

watermelon [ˈwɔ:təˌmelən] — кавун

cherry [ˈʧerɪ] — вишня

pomegranate [ˈpɒmɪˌɡrænɪt] — гранат

blackberry [ˈblækb(ə)rɪ] — ожина

melon [ˈmelən] — диня

lemon [ˈlemən] — лимон
orange [ˈɒrɪndʒ] — апельсин

peach [pi:ʧ] — персик coconut [ˈkəʊkənʌt] — кокос

plum [plʌm] — слива
apple [ˈæpl] — яблуко tangerine / mandarin [ˌtændʒ(ə)ˈri:n / ˈmændərɪn ] — мандарин

106 107
Texts / Тексти Fruits and Berries / Фрукти та ягоди

Roses, jasmines, narcissuses, and daisies bloom on all sides. Nature is

Life in Countryside seen at her best here. It is a paradise on earth. There are fruits in the
Level 1
garden. It is a place of love and peace. You can find big and sweet red
WORDS: apples on all trees, of course you can find and small paradise pink apples
which are sour a bit. These apples are signs of love. Moreover there you
to gather — збирати can see an amazing and old apple-tree which is really rare. This tree is
yield — урожай huge and full of ancient history.
mellow — солодкий і соковитий
to freeze — заморожувати
stewed fruit — узвар
Level 3 Exotic Fruits
Mark lives in countryside and grows different fruits, berries. Markstarts to
gather the yield from June, when it is cherry season till October when there WORDS:
are the last yield of grapes and apples. During the summer Mark gathers
identifiable — пізнаваний
and tastes cherries, apricots, plums, pears, apples, peaches, grapes. There
crisp — хрусткий
are also lots of berries in Mark’s garden such as strawberry, raspberry,
delectable — чудовий
gooseberry, blackberry, red and black currant, cranberry, mulberry. He also
prickly pear — кактус «колюча
grows watermelon and melon. Though they are not so large as in the
market or supermarket, they are very mellow. Mark sells some of the yield
pulp — м’якуш плоду
and people buy berries and fruits. Besides, Mark preserves berries and
fruits for winter, he freezes them or makes jams and stewed fruit.

Persimmons. There are two varieties that are commonly available in

The Ram Bag of Amritsar Canada. Hachiya, which is bright orange in color and identifiable by its
Level 2
acorn-like shape (round with a pointy base), is soft, creamy and tangysweet
when completely ripe. Fuyu persimmons are similar in color but smaller and
look like flattened tomatoes; they are sweeter and crisper. Both are native
to note — відомий to China and Japan. Papayas. The orange flesh of delectable papaya has a
cool — прохолода sweet-tart flavor. Most of what we find in stores today comes from Hawaii,
daisy — маргаритка Central America and Mexico. Prickly pears. Also called cactus pears, these
sour — кислий avocado-shaped fruits have a vibrant ruby-red or golden pulp that is mild
sign — знак and sweet (like a cross between watermelon and lemon). They often come
from the Southwest U.S. or Mexico.
The Ram Bag of Amritsar is noted for its beauty. All trees give a cool,
dark shade. Under them there reigns peculiar calm and quiet. The grassy
lawns are cool and crisp. The flower-beds are a store-house of beauty. Source:

108 109
28 / Vegetables / Овочі

vegetables [ˈveʤɪtəb(ə)ls] — овочі

broccoli [ˈbrɒkəlɪ] — броколі

pepper [ˈpepə] — перець

pea [pi:] — горох

cabbage [ˈkæbɪdʒ] — капуста pumpkin [ˈpʌmpkɪn] — гарбуз

cauliflower [ˈkɒlɪflaʊə] — цвітна капуста

lettuce [ˈletɪs] — салат-латук

courgette [kʊəˈʒet] — кабачок

parsley [ˈpɑ:slɪ] — петрушка

tomato [təˈma:təʊ] — помідор

corn [kɔ:n] — кукурудза
carrot [ˈkærət] — морква mushroom [ˈmʌʃrʊm] — гриб

dill [dɪl] – кріп

celery [ˈsel(ə)rɪ] — селера

potato [pɔˈteɪtəʊ] — картопля ginger [ˈdʒɪndʒə] — імбир
aubergine [ˈəʊbədʒi:n] — баклажан radish [ˈrædɪʃ] — редис
onion [ˈʌnjən] — цибуля
garlic [ˈga:lɪk] — часник

beetroot [ˈbi:tru:t] — буряк

beans [bi:nz] — боби

110 111
Texts / Тексти Vegetables / Овочі

sprouts, carrots, squash, sweet potato, aubergine, bell peppers, spinach

and onions. Tomatoes, brussels sprouts, spinach and onions full of vitamins
A Farmer
Level 1 (from vitamin A to K), keep the blood pressure in check and prevent
from heart diseases. Broccoli and bell peppers help to reduce the risk of
WORDS: stomach, lung, rectal, colon and bladder cancers. Carrots are the richest
source of vitamins A and C. Squash helps to treat asthma, osteoarthritis
seeds — насіння and rheumatoid arthritis. Sweet potato is a good source of iron. Aubergine
to sprout — проростати helps to protect the brain cells from damage. Eat these vegetables every
day and be healthy!

Steve is a farmer. He grows lots of vegetables and sells them in the Timing
market. He spends a lot of time on the land. In spring he plants different Level 3
seeds, waters them and waits when they sprout. In summer Steve grubs WORDS:
up weeds and looks forward to the yields. Steve likes to pick first yields
veggies — овочі
and taste them. In summer he admires the rainbow of vegetables — from
cultivar — сорт культурної рос-
yellow peppers and courgettes to purple aubergines. Steve likes cucumbers,
tomatoes, radish and cabbage, so he asks his wife to cook vegetable salad
to sustain — підтримувати
from these ingredients adding an onion, oil and some parsley. Steve knows
bounty — щедрий урожай
that broccoli, celery and beans are very useful, so he tries to eat these
turnip — ріпа
vegetables more often. Steve and his wife sell all the vegetables they grow,
so people, who buy them, also find these vegetables delicious and useful
grown by own hands. A well-timed garden will produce a rotation of fresh veggies from spring
through fall. Essentially, develop a succession plan for your garden by
If One Wants to Be Fit and Sound… Level 2 planting a variety of vegetables with staggered ripening times. Your goal
is never have an unplanted spot in your garden, therefore maximizing
your yield. Include a variety of cool- and warm-season vegetables. Cool-
season cultivars germinate and grow at lower temperatures and are ideal
brussels sprouts — for jump-starting your garden in spring and sustaining your bounty through
брюсельська капуста fall. Some cool-season vegetables are broccoli, cabbage, kale, onion, pea,
aubergine — баклажан radish, spinach, turnip, and garlic. The seeds for warm-season crops will
bell pepper — болгарський перець rot if planted in cold, damp soil. Summer performers include cantaloupe,
bladder — сечовий міхур cucumber, aubergine, pepper, pumpkin, squash, sweet corn, tomato, and
If one wants to be fit and sound, one should regularly eat at least 10
healthy vegetables. These vegetables are: tomatoes, broccoli, brussels Source:

112 113
29 / National Dishes / Національні страви

fasolada [fasəˈladə] — фасолада

Wiener schnitzel [ˈvi:nə ˈʃnɪtsəl] — (національна страва о. Кіпр)
віденський шніцель (національна ав-
doner kebab [ˈdɒnə kəˈbæb] —
стрійська страва)
донер кебаб (національна турецька
dolma [ˈdɒlmə] — долма (національна страва)
азербайджанська страва)
pizza [ˈpi:tsə] — піца (національна
італійська страва)
moules-frites [mʊl frɪt] — муль-фріт taco [ˈtɑ:kəʊ] — тако (національна
(національна бельгійська страва, мідії з мексиканська страва)
картоплею фрі)
kraft dinner [krɑ:ft ˈdɪnə] — крафт sushi [ˈsu:ʃɪ] — суші (національна
діне (національна канадська страва, японська страва)
макарони з сиром)
beshbarmak [bəʃbəˈma:k] — бешбармак
(національна казахська страва з м’яса та
pasta [ˈpæstə] — паста (національна
італійська страва) bigos [ˈbi:ɡɒs] — бігос (національна
польська страва з м’яса та капусти)
Peking duck [ˌpi:ˈkɪŋ dʌk] — качка
по-пекінськи (національна китайська fish and chips [fɪʃ ənd tʃɪps] — риба
страва) з картоплею фрі (національна англійська
kushari [ˈkɒʃæɾi] — кушарі (національна страва)
страва Єгипту з рису, макаронів та сочевиці) hamburger [ˈhæmˌbɜ:ɡə] — гамбургер
(національна американська страва)
draniki [ˈdranɪkɪ] — драники (національ-
souvlaki [su:ˈvlækɪə] — сувлакі на білоруська страва)
(національна грецька страва,
borshch [bɔːʃtʃ] — борщ (національна
шашлички на шпажках)
українська страва)

pot-au-feu [pɒ tɒ fɒ] — по-то-фо

(національна французька страва, pelmeni [pelˈmenɪ] — пельмені
яловичина з овочами) (національна російська страва)

114 115
Texts / Тексти National Dishes / Національні страви

foodstuffs that can be prepared in a distinctive way, such as Fruits de

mer, served along the west coast of France. It contains a particular ‘exotic’
Level 1 A National Dish ingredient that is produced locally, such as the South American paprika
grown in the Europe. It is served as a festive culinary tradition that forms
WORDS: part of a cultural heritage — for example, barbecues at summer camp or
dish — страва
fondue at dinner parties. National dishes are part of a nation’s identity
sour — кислий
and self-image. During the age of European empire-building, nations would
spicy — гострий
develop a national cuisine to distinguish themselves from the irrivals.
to try — пробувати

Almost every country has its own national dish. If you are in this particular Wiener Schnitzel
Level 3
country, you should try national dish. Being in Belgium, taste its national
dish — moules-frites. If you are in Canada, do not forget to try eating kraft WORDS:
dinner. Having a holiday in Egypt, eat its national dish kushari. If you are in
Russia, try pelmeni with sour cream. If you don’t eat meat, but are fond of designation — назва
fish, try English national dish — fish and chips. If you like spicy dishes, try recipe — рецепт
curry — a national Indian dish. If you visit Kazahstan, try its traditional dish to serve — подавати
beshbarmak. Such a dish as a hamburger is cooked all around the world, sprout — зелень
but the best and the tastiest hamburgers are in the USA, where this dish is slice — шматок у вигляді кільця
a national cuisine. Choose the food you like and eat with pleasure!
The designation ‘Wiener Schnitzel first appeared in the end of the 19th
What is a National Dish? Level 2 century, with the first known mention in a cookbook from 1831. In the
popular southern German cookbook by Katharina Prato, аccording to a
WORDS: legend, field marshal Joseph Radetzky von Radetz brought the recipe
to associate — асоціювати from Italy to Vienna in 1857. The dish is traditionally served in Austria
local — місцевий with Kopfsalat (lettuce tossed with a sweetened vinaigrette dressing,
to prepare — готувати optionally with chopped chives or onions), potato salad, cucumber salad,
distinctive — особливий or parsley potatoes. Currently it is also served with rice, french fries or
to serve — подавати roasted potatoes. It is common to serve it with a slice of lemon, to give the
to develop — розвивати bread crumbs more taste, and a sprout of parsley. It has however become
common in Northern Germany to serve it with lemon, cucumber slices,
A national dish is a culinary dish that is strongly associated with a sardines and capers, to achieve a pleasant appearance.
particular country. A dish can be considered a national dish for a variety
of reasons. It is a staple food, made from a selection of locally available Source:

116 117
30 / House / Дім

house [haʊs] — дім garden [ˈɡɑːdən] — сад

wallpaper [ˈwɔ:lpeɪpə] — vegetable garden
apartment (AmE**) kitchen garden
шпалери [ˈvedʒɪtəb(ə)l ˈɡɑːdən]
[əˈpɑ:tmənt] — квартира [ˈkɪʧɪn ˈɡɑːdən] — город
upstairs [ʌpˈstɛəz] — flat (BrE*) [flæt] — квартира — город
на верхньому поверсі window [ˈwindəʊ] — вікно mailbox [ˈmeɪlbɒks]
flower-bed [ˈflaʊəbed]
— клумба — поштова скринька
door [dɔ:] — двері
balcony [ˈbælkənɪ] —
attic [ˈætɪk] — мансарда,
celling [ˈsɪlɪŋ] —
roof [ru:f] — дах, стеля
room [ru:m] — wall [ˈwɔ:l] — стіна
study [ˈstʌdɪ] —
toilet [ˈtɒɪlət] — робочий кабінет
hallway [ˈhɔ:lweɪ] —
[ˈbɑ:θˌru:m] —
ванна кімната stairs [stɛəz] —
bedroom сходинки
[ˈbedru:m] —
[ˈlɪvɪŋˌrʊm] —
kitchen [ˈkɪʧɪn] — вітальня
hall [hɔ:l] — зала, хол
dining room
[ˈdaɪnɪŋ ru:m] — downstairs
їдальня [ˈdaʊnˈsteəz] —
внизу, на нижньому
floor [flɔ:] — поверсі
pool [pu:l] — басейн

* BrE — британська англійська garage closet [ˈklɒzet] — basement [ˈbeɪsmənt] cellar [ˈselə] —
** AmE — американська англійська [ˈɡærɑ:ʒ] — гараж чулан — підвал підвал, погріб

118 119
Texts / Тексти House / Дім

three-bedroom apartment on the ninth floor of the nine-storeyed building.

It consists of a living-room, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a
Level 1 My New Flat
study and two balconies.
WORDS: We don’t like too much furniture at home, so in the living-room there are
two comfortable armchairs, sofa, coffee-table, carpet on the floor and TV-
to imagine — уявляти
set which are opposite the window. We like to receive our guests in this
to receive — отримувати
room. The study has two writing-tables with computers, a bookcase and
instrument — інструмент
a sofa in this room. Our bedrooms are smaller than a living-room. In the
fuss — метушня
kitchen you can see some bar-stools, a table, a cupboard, a set of built-in
closets, a sink with water taps, a fridge and a gas cooker. Of course, we
The time will come and I will be alone in my flat. I wait for this moment usually have our meals there. We like our apartment very much.
and imagine, that my new flat will be at least three roomed. There will be a
study, a bed-room, a dinning-room, also will be a kitchen and a bathroom.
The dinning- room will be a big comfortable room with a big table in the One Man Spent 22 Years Carving
Level 3
center. There will be several armchairs, and a big TV set in it. In this room Out This Tiny Tree Stump House
I shall receive guests. I also shall put a piano in one of the corners of
the room and shall start taking piano lessons, because I like this musical
instrument very much. carving — різьблення
The bed-room will become my favorite one because it is a room of rest, coast — узбережжя
where everybody can spend several hours without noise and fuss. There I impressive — вражаючий
shall put my PC that helps me very much. to display — демонструвати
The study will be the place where I shall do all my work. There will be a overturned — перевернутий
large table full of papers and several shelves with big collection of books. spruce — деревина

Artist Noel Wotten of Canada’s Haida Gwaii islands on the north coast of
My Home Level 2 British Columbia, has carved out a hobbit-sized living space in the stump
WORDS: of a goliath Sitka Spruce. It took him 22 years to do so, but the results are
impressive: the quirky shed-size structure features handmade furniture,
residential — житловий built-in shelves, and a cone-shaped, cedarshingled roof sporting a dormer
area — район window and drooping copper peak.
opposite — протилежний Inside, unpainted walls display art, photographs, and memorabilia from
guest — гість musicians who have played there. A photo tacked to the hut’s interior
gas — газ depicts the overturned stump in its raw state — before Wotten started
carving it — dwarfing the people in front of it. Sitka is the largest species of
I would like to tell you a few words about my home. Our family lives in
spruce, capable of reaching heights over 300 feet and diameters of 16 feet.
a new apartment in one of the largest newly built residential areas. It is a

120 121
31 / Domestic Animals / Свійські тварини

pheasant [ˈfez(ə)nt]
dog [dɒɡ] — собака — фазан
cat [kæt] — кіт / кішка turkey [ˈtɜ:kɪ] —

hen [hen] — курка calf [kɑ:f] —

cock [kɒk] — теля

mare [mɛə] — кобила

horse [hɔ:s] — кінь / cow [kaʊ] —
кобила корова
rabbit [ˈræbɪt] —
chicken [ˈtʃɪkɪn] — курча
кролик donkey
[ˈdɒŋkɪ] —
mouse / mice осел
[maʊs] / [maɪs]
— миша / миші pig [pɪɡ] —

rat [ræt] — guinea pig

[ˈɡɪnɪ pig] — ram [ræm] —
щур hamster [ˈhæmstə] — goat [ɡəʊt] —
морська свинка баран
хом’як коза / козел

duck [dʌk] — качка

goose / geese
[ɡu:s] / [gi:s] — sheep [ʃi:p] — lamb [læm] —
гусак / гуси овечка, вівці ягня, баран

122 123
Texts / Тексти Domestic Animals / Свійські тварини

I like to play with my cat at home. Murka prefers to sit under the table in
the kitchen or to lie on the carpet in my room.
Level 1 Animals
Some years ago my mother brought a dog into our house. It was a grey
small puppy. His name is Dick. I go for a walk with my dog two times a day
WORDS: and I do it with pleasure. My friends play with him all the day long.
I have got a hamster at home. His name is Chris. He is brown and fluffy.
wild — дикий
When my friends come to see me I show them my pets.
field — поле
I like wild animals too. I can see them at the Zoo. Every summer my
domestic — свійський
parents and I go to the Zoo to look at them.
truck — вантажівка

There are two types of animals. We know wild animals. They are those
that live in the woods, jungles and in the fields. They are: foxes, tigers, Animals as Pets
wolves, elephants, hares and so on. Level 3
And there are animals that live near the people. They are called domestic WORDS:
animals. And some of them even help people: horses, donkeys, bulls,
guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs and calves. to keep — тримати
Many years ago when there were no cars and trucks people used horses, companionship — товариство
donkeys, cows and bulls working in the fields. Dogs are our great friends, certain — певний
but they also guard our houses and they are used in the army and by the ethical — етичний
police. Cats catch mice and rats. As for other domestic animals they are inappropriate — недоречний
also very useful. Hens, ducks, geese, turkeys give meat and eggs. Cows danger — небезпека
and goats give milk.
Keeping pets gives many people companionship and great happiness. And
My Favourite Animals it provides many animals with a loving home and an apparently happy life.
Level 2
Many breeds of certain animal species — dogs and cats, for example —
have a long history of being human companions, and keeping these as
WORDS: pets is morally good, since this is the natural way for these animals to live.
Indeed, forcing such animals to live in a wild environment that they are
to take care of — піклуватися unfitted for, would be morally wrong.
to prefer — надавати перевагу Adopting an animal that has no home and might otherwise be destroyed
pleasure — задоволення is clearly a morally good thing to do.
But there are ethical problems involved in keeping animals as pets —
these become obvious if the animal is not well looked after or if it is an
I like animals and I have got a cat, a dog and a hamster at home. I take inappropriate animal to keep as a pet. It’s also unethical to keep an animal
care of my pets feeding them. I spend much time with my animals. that is a danger to other people or animals.
The cat’s name is Murka. She is little and black. Murka is a fluffy cat and Source:

124 125
32 / Household Chores / Домашні обов’язки

household chores [ˈhaʊshəʊld ʧɔ:z] — to hang the clothes

домашні обов’язки [hæŋ ðə kləʊðz] —
to air the room [ɛə ðə rʊm] — розвішувати одяг
провітрювати кімнату take out the trash /
to clean the apartment / house rubbish [teɪk aʊt ðə træ∫ /
[kli:n ðə əˈpa:tmənt / haʊz] — ˈrʌbɪ∫] — виносити сміття
прибирати квартиру / будинок
to mop the floor [mɒp ðə flɔ:] — мити підлогу

to do the washing-up [du: ðə ˈwɒ∫ɪŋˌʌp] — to vacuum / hoover [ˈvækjʊ(ə)m /ˈhu:və]

мити посуд — пилососити
to wash the dishes [wɔ:∫ ðə dɪ∫ɪz] —
мити посуд to sweep the floor [swi:p ðə flɔ:] —
підмітати підлогу
to iron [ˈaɪrən] — прасувати

to water the flowers [ˈwɔ:tə ðəˈflaʊəz] —

to feed the pet [fi:d ðə pet] — поливати квіти
годувати домашню тварину
to mow the lawn [məʊ ðə lɔ:n] —
to walk the dog [wɔ:k ðə dɒɡ] — косити газон
вигулювати собаку
to rake the leaves [reɪk ðə li:vz] —
гребти листя

to bring up [ˈbrɪŋˈʌp] —
to do the laundry [du: ðəˈlɔ:ndrɪ] —
виховувати дітей
to dust [dʌst] — витирати пил to lay the table [leɪ ðəˈteɪbl] —
накривати на стіл
to fix things [fɪks θɪŋz] —
ремонтувати речі to make а bed [ˈmeɪk ə ˈbed] —
застеляти ліжко

126 127
Texts / Тексти Household Chores / Домашні обов’язки

best which products we need. She buys bread, milk and vegetables every
day and if there is too much to bring from the supermarket.
Level 1 My Duties My chore is to do the washing up after we have finished with our meal. I
WORDS: also have to dust the furniture and to sweep the floor, feed the pet and iron
my clothes. My brother’s duties are to take out the trash, rake the leaves
responsibilities — обов’язки and fix things. My father usually works long hours and he is very tired at the
device — прилад end of the day. Therefore, his only duty on weekdays is to walk our dog and
several — декілька mow the lawn. On Saturday all the family is busy with their chores as we
blender — блендер make our flat neat. Everyone in our family treats his chores very seriously.

My name is Kate. Many children in our country have some responsibilities

around the house. Some children are not happy about this, because Level 3 How Household Chores
simply watching TV or playing computer games. From the other hand, it is Keep You in Shape
important for every person to have at least some responsibilities. Cooking
is the main responsibility of my mum and I sometimes help her with that.
My own chores include washing the dishes, cleaning the dust, doing the to relish — бути в захваті
laundry and vacuum cleaning. My father is responsible for repairing some to pump — накачувати
devices and objects in our flat. Together we go shopping for food and for to substitute — заміняти
clothes. I can’t say that these chores are difficult or take a lot of my time. I calories — калорії
know that only several years ago women spent much more time on house
work, when they didn’t have such household appliances as a microwave, a
You might not relish the idea of doing household chores, but new research
washing machine, a vacuum cleaner, a blender and others. In my opinion,
claims that dusting, vacuuming and mopping with gusto are as good for
having certain responsibilities is very important.
you as any session at the gym.
So if you don’t have time to pump weights at the gym or attend Pilates
My Family classes, then substitute them with everyday household tasks.
Level 2
They will stretch and tone your muscles, and you’ll burn up to 315 calories
WORDS: an hour — that’s more than twice as many as you would sit in front of the
member — член родини television.
product — продукт The results are a scientific estimate of what a ten-stone person would
to treat — поводитися burn while doing the following activities at a comfortable pace, based on
seriously — серйозно the calories burned in an hour per pound of body weight. If you push
yourself very hard at, say, walking, add more calories.
My family is quite large. It consists of five members: my mother, my And it should be remembered that since housework isn’t a good form of
father, my younger brother and me. cardiovascular exercise, you will still need to work your heart and lungs.
My mother usually goes shopping because she is the only one who knows Source:

128 129
33 / Days of Week / Дні тижня 34 / Months / Місяці
35 / Seasons / Пори року

on Sunday — у неділю May [meɪ] — травень
on Sundays, every Sunday — по неділях June [ʤu:n] — червень
July [ʤu:ˈlaɪ] — липень
August [ˈɔ:gəst] — серпень
Monday [ˈmʌndeɪ, ˈmʌndɪ] — September [səpˈtembə] — вересень
April [ˈeɪpr(ə)l] — квітень
Tuesday [ˈtju:zdеɪ] —
вівторок Friday [ˈfraɪdеɪ] —
Sunday March [ma:ʧ] — березень
[ˈsʌndeɪ, ˈsʌndɪ] —

October [ɒkˈtəʊbə] — жовтень

November [nəuˈvembə] — листопад
December [dɪˈsembə] — грудень
in December — в грудні
January [ˈʤænjʊ(ə)rɪ] — січень
February [ˈfebrʊ(ə)rɪ] — лютий
spring [sprɪŋ] — весна
summer [ˈsʌmə] — літо
in autumn — восени winter [ˈwɪntə] —
Wednesday зима
Thursday [ˈθɜ:zdеɪ] — четвер
[ˈwenzdеɪ] — середа

autumn [ˈɔ:təm] — осінь

Saturday [ˈsætədеɪ] — субота fall (AmE**) [fɔ:l] — осінь
** AmE — американська англійська
130 131
Texts / Тексти Days of Week / Дні тижня

my clothes, comb my hair, put a little make-up. At a quarter to eight I grab

My Working Day my bag and rush to my school. My school starts at 8 o’clock.
Level 1
Usually I have six or seven lessons a day, it lasts till 3 o’clock. When
school is over I go home. First of all I need to walk my dog and I have my
dinner and a little rest. My parents get home about six o’clock on Monday
to finish — закінчувати and Wednesday, about seven on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On days off
ordinary — звичайний we watch soap opera on TV, have supper together.
assignment — завдання
Origin of the Names of the Days
Level 3
I’d like to describe you my working day. On weekdays I usually get up at WORDS:
7. I do my morning exercises all weekdays and days off. Then I wash my to derive — походити
face and hands and clean my teeth. At half past seven I am ready to have to increase — зростати
my breakfast. I like to have a light breakfast. pagan — язичницький
My school is not far from my house. Lessons begin at 8:30 a.m. and finish war-god — бог війни
at about 3 p. m. Six or seven lessons a day is the ordinary timetable.
When I come home, I have dinner. Sometimes I read a book or talk to
my friends over telephone. The names of the days are in some cases derived from Teutonic deities
After that I start doing my home assignments. Twice a week I go to have or, such as in Romance languages, from Roman deities. The early Romans,
private lessons in Maths in order to improve my knowledge. around the first century, used Saturday as the first day of the week. As the
As a rule, I finish doing my homework at about 9 o’clock. But one day worshipping of the Sun increased, the Sun’s day (Sunday) advanced from
a week is not so busy. This is Thursday. On Thursday I usually help my position of the second day to the first day of the week.
mother to cook. Sunday. The name comes from the Latin dies solis, meaning ‘sun’s day:
the name of a pagan Roman holiday. It is also called Dominica (Latin), the
My Weekdays Level 2 Day of God.Monday. The name comes from the Anglo-Saxon monandaeg,
‘the moon’s day. This second day was sacred to the goddess of the moon.
WORDS: Tuesday. This day was named after the Norse god Tyr. The Romans
named this day after their war-god Mars: dies Martis. Wednesday. The day
to differ — відрізнятися named to honor Wodan (Odin).The Romans called it dies Mercurii, after
sleepy — сонний their god Mercury. Thursday. The day named after the Norse god Thor. In
to grab — хaпати the Norse languages this day is called Torsdag. The Romans named this
day dies Jupiter, their most important god. Friday. The day in honor of the
My weekdays do not differ much one from another. On weekdays my Norse goddess Frigg. To the Romans this day was sacred to the goddess
working day begins early in the morning. My school starts at 8 o’clock. I Venus, and was known as dies Veneris. Saturday. This day was called dies
never wake up myself, my mother always wakes me up. The shower makes Saturni, ‘Saturn’s Day, by the ancient Romans in honor of Saturn.
me feel not so sleepy. Then I go back to my room, make the bed. I put on Source:

132 133
Texts / Тексти Months / Місяці

there. This summer was not an exception. In June and July I stayed in
Level 1 My Working Day the country. There I enjoyed fresh air, pleasant views of the surrounding
nature. I helped my grandma and grandpa about home and in the garden.
WORDS: I watered plants and weeded the garden, mowed the long grass.
leap — високосний Besides my grandparents, I have some friends in the country. This
to add — додавати summer we went fishing and camping together. Also we liked lying in the
to grow — рости sun and bathing in the river. In the evening we went boating on the lake.
to ski — кататися на лижах We went to the forest and gathered raspberries. It was a real pleasure to
snowman — сніговик stay out of town!
In August I went abroad, namely, to Finland with my parents and a little
In the times of Julius Caesar the first month of the year was March, which sister. We were touring by car around the country, so we could see a lot of
is now the third month. Now the first month of the year is January. It is very new places. I had a good time in this country.
cold in January.
The second month is February. It has twenty-eight days. Every leap year Naming March — Mars’ Month
February adds on a twenty-ninth day. The third month — March (then April Level 3
and May) is the first month of spring. In spring the days grow longer and WORDS:
the weather becomes warmer. calendar — календар
June, July and August are summer months of which July and August are both — обидва
the hottest ones. Autumn months: September, October and November the predecessor — попередник
days grow shorter. to consist — складатися з
The weather is bad. It often rains. December is the twelfth and last month daffodil — нарцис
of the year. At the same time it is the first month of winter. There is usually courage — відвага
much snow in winter. It’s windy and frosty. But children can enjoy going
skating, skiing, tobogganing, throwing snowballs and making a snowman.
March is the third month of the year in both the Gregorian calendar and
its predecessor, the Julian calendar. It was named after the Roman god of
My Summer Holidays Level 2 war, Mars.
WORDS: March is the third month of the year in the Julian and Gregoriancalendar
that consists of 31 days. It was the first month of the year in the 10-month
exception — виключення Roman calendar. It is considered the seasonal equivalent of September in
pleasant — приємний the Northern Hemisphere.
view — вид March starts on the same day of the week as February and November
to gather — збирати and ends on the same day of the week as June in common years. March’s
birth flower is the daffodil. The birthstones for March are aquamarine and
bloodstone which symbolize courage.
Most people like to leave their places on holidays. As for me, I prefer going
to the country on holidays. Almost every summer I visit my grandparents Source:

134 135
Texts / Тексти Seasons / Пори року

freeze and we can go skating and skiing. March, April and May are the
Level 1 My Favourite Season spring months. The weather is fine, it is warm. There are many green trees
in the streets in the parks and in the yards. The June, July and August are
WORDS: the summer months. The days are long and the nights are short. There
are many nice flowers in the parks and squares in the summer. July is
rarely — рідко the middle month of summer. It is hot and sun shines brightly. August
enough — досить is the last summer month sometimes it is cold in August, but there are
shady — дрімучий many mushrooms, berries and fruits. September, October and November
are autumn months. The weather is changeable. It often rains. You can see
yellow, red, brown leaves everywhere.

There are four seasons in a year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. All Summer in the North and Winter in the South
seasons are good in their own way. My favorite season is summer, because Level 3
I was born in summer. It is warm and sometimes hot. There are many WORDS:
fruits, berries and vegetables. In summer I can spend my time on the
powerful — потужний
beach of lakes and rivers. I swim in lakes and rivers. I can drive my bicycle
force — сила
and a car. We go to the forest for looking for berries and mushrooms. We
orbit — орбіта
go to the village for a month. My grandmother and grandfather live there.
elliptically — еліптично
My sister and I help them in the garden. And of course I like summer
intensity — міць
very much because there is the longest holiday in summer. Summer is the
ray — промінь
season when the sun shines brightly, the sky is rarely cloudy and the water
in the sea becomes warm enough to swim. Even if it becomes too hot, you
can always go for a walk in the shady woods. The seasons are a powerful force in our lives. They affect the activities we
do, the foods we crave, the clothes we wear and quite often, the moods we
are in. The seasons officially change once again on Saturday, with summer
Seasons beginning in the Northern Hemisphere and winter starting in the south.
WORDS: Level 2
What is it that causes the change in seasons? The ability to predict the
usually — зазвичай seasons — by tracking the rising and setting points of the sun throughout
to shine — світити the year — was a key to survival in ancient times. We now know that Earth
brightly — яскраво orbits the sun elliptically and, at the same time, spins on an axis that is
yard — подвір’я tilted relative to its plane of orbit. This means that different hemispheres
middle — середній are exposed to different amounts of sunlight throughout the year. Because
changeable — мінливий the sun is our source of light, energy and heat, the changing intensity and
concentration of its rays give rise to the seasons of winter, spring, summer
Winter, spring, summer and autumn are the seasons of the year. December,
and fall.
January and February are the winter months. The weather is cold, usually
it snows. The days are short and the nights are long. The rivers and lakes Source:

136 137
36 / Time / Час

midday [ˌmɪdˈdeɪ] — полудень

noon [nu:n] — середина дня
at noon — опівдні
time [taɪm] — afternoon — [ˌa:ftəˈnu:n] — час після обіду
час in the afternoon — пополудні, вдень
at night — вночі
midnight [ˈmɪdnaɪt] — північ
present [ˈprez(ə)nt] — теперішній час
at present — в даний час
past [pa:st] — минулий
future [ˈfju:ʧə] — майбутній
century [ˈsenʧ(ə)rɪ] — століття
year [jɪə] — рік evening
month [mʌnθ] — місяць [ˈi:vnɪŋ] — вечір night [naɪt] —
week [wi:k] — тиждень ніч
day [deɪ] — день
hour [aʊə] — година
[ˈ∫edju:l] —
morning [ˈmɔ:nɪŋ] — ранок
розклад, список
midday [ˌmɪdˈdeɪ] — полудень

in the morning — вранці schedule time — час, вказаний в розкладі

weekend [ˌwi:kˈend] — вихідний
workday [ˈwɜ:kdeɪ] — робочий день
weekday [ˈwi:kdeɪ] — будній день
on weekdays — в будні дні

working day [ˈwɜ:kɪŋdeɪ]

— будній (робочий день)
calendar [ˈkælɪndə] — календар
minute [ˈmɪnɪt] — хвилина at the weekend — у вихідні
second [ˈsekənd] — секунда

138 139
Texts / Тексти Time / Час

I play tennis 2 years. It is an exciting game, and I like it very much. Every
4 month I take part in different tennis competition.
Level 1
Leisure Time Soon I will graduate from my school and I have to choose a profession.
WORDS: However, I have many interests and hobbies, for example, sports, travelling,
music, so it’s not so easy to choose an occupation. My parents want me to
to prefer — надавати перевагу be a computer programmer, like my Dad.
to devote — присвячувати But I’m not sure because I’m not very good in mathematics. Also I like
occupation — заняття tennis, but I don’t want to be a professional sportsman. You can ask me,
to extend — розширювати why? Because I have another passion, which is in my heart every minute!
boundary — зв’язок I’m fond of travelling so I’d like to work for a tour company. I dream to
visit all countries throughout the world and to see all sightseeing and great
Somebody prefers only to sleep at the weekends, but most of us prefer to places. I hope my dreams will come true!
do a great number of interesting things. It may be reading, various types
of sport games, watching TV, listening to music and soon. I f we have a What Is Time?
few hours or a week we prefer to go to the cinema. Many pupils have six Level 3
or seven lessons a day and go to school five or six days a week. Even WORDS:
during weekend we learn our lessons. Oldest of us are working after school
to resolve — приймати рішення
or institute in the afternoon, evening or even at night. As for me, a large
quantum — квантовий
part of my free time is devoted to reading. I like to read books about other
to challenge — піддавати сумніву
countries, other times and other worlds. Also I read books about history of
measure — міра/одиниця
our country. In the future I will travel to the south, to the warm sea. I think
complete — завершений
all people must have other occupations besides their basic work the whole
year, because it extends the boundaries of the familiar world.
‘If you try to get your hands on time, it’s always slipping through your
About Myself Level 2 fingers,’ says Barbour. People are sure time is there, but they can’t get hold
of it. My feeling is that they can’t get hold of it because it isn’t there at all.
WORDS: Barbour speaks with a disarming English charm that belies an iron resolve
and confidence in his science. His extreme perspective comes from years of
exciting — захоплюючий looking into the heart of both classical and quantum physics. Isaac Newton
competition — змагання thought of time as a river flowing at the same rate everywhere. Einstein
passion — пристрасть changed this picture by unifying space and time into a single 4-D entity.
to visit — відвідувати But even Einstein failed to challenge the concept of time as a measure
of change. In Barbour’s view, the question must be turned on its head.
Channeling the ghost of Parmenides, Barbour sees each individual moment
My name is Igor. I and my friends spend a lot of time together: in the as a whole, complete and existing in its own right. He calls these moments
morning, afternoon and evening. We play football, volleyball, basketball on ‘Nows.
weekdays. Source:

140 141
37 / Kinds of Sport / Види спорту

wrestling [ˈreslɪŋ] — боротьба

running [ˈrʌnɪŋ] —
біговій спорт sailing [ˈseɪlɪŋ] — вітрильний спорт
sport [spɔ:t] — спорт
rugby [ˈrʌɡbɪ] — регбі

football [ˈfʊtˌbɔ:l] —
[ˈsnəʊbɔ:dɪŋ] — сноубординг
skiing [ˈski:ɪŋ] — лижний спорт
ice skating [aɪs ˈskeɪtɪŋ] — фігурне катання
[ˈba:skɪtˌbɔ:l] — windsurfing [ˈwɪndˌsɜ:fɪŋ] — віндсерфінг
баскетбол surfing [ˈsɜ:fɪŋ] — серфінг
cricket [ˈkrɪkɪt] — крикет
tennis [ˈtenɪs] — теніс cycling [ˈsaɪklɪŋ] — велоспорт
golf [ɡɒlf] — гольф motor racing [ˈməʊtə ˈreɪsɪŋ] — автоперегони
volleyball [ˈvɒlɪˌbɔ:l] — волейбол swimming [ˈswɪmɪŋ] — плавання
badminton [ˈbædmɪnt(ə)n] — бадмінтон karate [kəˈrɑ:tɪ] — карате
table tennis [ˈteɪb(ə)l ˈtenɪs] — настольний теніс canoeing / kayaking [kəˈnu:ɪŋ] / [ˈkaɪækɪŋ] —
hockey [ˈhɒkɪ] — хокей веслування на байдарці (каное)

water skiing [ˈwɔ:tə ˈski:ɪŋ] — водні лижі

baseball [ˈbeɪsˌbɔ:l]
jogging [ˈdʒɒɡɪŋ] — оздоровчий біг
— бейсбол
mountaineering [ˌmaʊntɪˈnɪrɪŋ] — альпінізм
snorkeling [ˈsnɔ:klɪŋ] — підводне плавання
[ˈbɒksɪŋ] — бокс

142 143
Texts / Тексти Kinds of Sport / Види спорту

those that take place in air, land and water. All the extreme sports can be
My Favourite Kinds of Sport divided into two large groups: vehicle sports; non-vehicle sports. Vehicle
Level 1
extreme sports suppose the use of vehicles (parachute, ski, surfboard,
WORDS: wing suit). This category in its turn can be divided into: motorized (gliding
and rolling) sports: wakeboarding, offshore racing, air racing, waterskiing
among — серед and rallying, F1, motocross; nonmotorized (gliding and rolling) sports:
especially — особливо windsurfing, surfing, skiing, kite boarding, parachuting, snowboarding,
as fit as a fiddle — sailing, wing suit and mountain biking, skateboarding, free-style biking. As
якнайкраще for the non-vehicle sports — they don’t require to use any kind of vehicle.
healthy — здоровий

Sport is very important in our life. It’s popular among young and old Level 3 The Origins of Football and Rugby
people. I enjoy different kinds of sport. But one of my favorites are football,
basketball, volleyball, tennis and table tennis as well. In summer I like
swimming, scuba diving and water skiing, especially in the sea. To be WORDS:
always fit and feel as fit as a fiddle I try to do jogging at our stadium. public school — середня школа
When I have time I play bowling with my friends. In the future I plan to boarding school — школа-інтернат
take up one more interesting kind of sport — karate, but my mother says to spread — розповсюджувати
it’s better to take up boxing or wrestling which I don’t like. To my mind any field — поле
kind of sport plays a great role in the physical and psychical forming of the enthusiast — ентузіаст
personality. The old Latin saying goes ‘A healthy mind in a healthy body. I
absolutely agree with this saying and try to do my best in order to keep to
folk wisdom. The origin of football go back hundreds of years. The teams had to try
and get a ball past the opponent’s line. Sometimes the lines were over a
Extreme Sports Level 2 mile apart, and the field was the village street. People could kick the ball,
run with it, throw it — anything was allowed.
WORDS: In the nineteenth century, public schools developed fast; and since many
of them were boarding schools, they had to keep boys occupied all day.
extreme — екстремальний Sport was a popular way of doing this. In many schools, carrying the ball
in air — на свіжому повітрі was not allowed; the game was called «football».
to divide — розділяти In 1863, a group of enthusiasts, who had played ball games at different
to suppose — вважати schools, met in London to fix rules for the game. They formed the Football
vehicle — апарат Association. Eighteen years later, as the game was getting more and more
popular. Since then, the popularity of both football and rugby has continued
Speed, excitement, danger. You can find all these in the different extreme to spread across the world
sports that have become popular recently. Extreme sports are classified into Source:

144 145
38 / Going in for Sport / Заняття спортом

stadium [ˈsteɪdɪəm] — стадіон

surfboard [ˈsɜ:fˌbɔ:d] —
field [fiːld] — поле дошка для серфінгу
fan [fæn] — вболівальник
ball [bɔ:l] — м’яч

goal [ɡəʊl] — гол

oar [ɔ:] — весло
net [net] — сітка
goggles [ˈɡɒɡəlz] —
окуляри для плавання

referee [ˌrefəˈri:] —
суддя, рефері
swimming suit
ring [rɪŋ] — баскетбольне кільце
[ˈswɪmɪŋ sju:t] —
swimming hat skates [skeɪt] —
glove [ɡlʌv] — рукавичка [ˈswɪmɪŋ hæt] — ковзани
шапочка для

ski [ski:] — лижі

racket [ˈrækɪt] — ракетка mast [mɑ:st] — щогла

helmet [ˈhelmɪt] — шолом

mask [mɑ:sk] — маска для плавання

snorkel [ˈsnɔ:kəl] — трубка для підводного плавання boat [bəʊt] — човен, яхта sledge [sledʒ] — сани, санчата

146 147
Texts / Тексти Going in for Sport / Заняття спортом

I don’t care about what I look like or how good I am at it. When I was
Swimming learning to surf I never realized how fun it was even though I couldn’t stand
Level 1 up I just loved being out in the water. Surfing is truly amazing, watching it
WORDS: or doing it.
It’s pleasant to feel the cool freshness of the water against you body.
to provide — забезпечувати For this kind of sport you need a surfboard, a swimming suit and a lot of
to relax — розслаблятися endurance. I think surfing is the only sport which makes all your muscles
numerous — численні work while doing it. I also like to watch surfing competitions on TV. And
advantage — перевага of course I always try follow surfing events, such as world contests and
Olympic Games.
I’m a fan of such kind of sport as swimming. I’ve liked water since my
childhood. When I was 10 my parents sent me to the swimming pool where my 10 Facts about Football
Level 3
trainer taught me swimming. Swimming is a very popular sport; furthermore,
it provides individuals with several physical and mental benefits. Swimming WORDS:
is also an effective way to relax. It’s a wonderful recreational activity both goal — гол
for children and adults. It has numerous advantages in comparison to other single — одиночний
kinds of sport and if done consistently will keep you in shape for the long during — протягом
period of time. score — рахунок
If you are going to attend the swimming pool you need such things as riot — повстання
swimming suit, goggles, mask, swimming hat and sometimes snorkel. Now
I’m 20 and I take up sport swimming. In the future I would like to become
the world champion in the field of swimming. That’s why I’m always busy 1. Football is the most played and most watched sport on earth.
with my swimming training. 2. The maximum number of goals scored by one player in a single Football
match was 16.
My Favourite Sport Level 2 3. Football players run an average of 9.65 kms during every game.
WORDS: 4. The very first game of basketball was played with a soccer ball.
5. The highest scoring game was clocked 149-0. Stade Olympique de
to realize — усвідомлювати L’emyrne, a team from Madagascar scored their own goals.
pleasant — приємний 6. Only Americans and Canadians call football ‘soccer.
freshness — свіжість 7. In 1964, a referee’s call during a football match in Peru caused a riot
endurance — витривалість that killed over 300 people.
competition — змагання 8. The Portuguese boast of scoring the world’s greatest goals to game
ratio of 1.77. 9. The ball used in professional football has remained exactly
My favorite sport is surfing. I have been surfing for 2 years but I love the the same size and shape for 120 years — 28 inches in circumference. 10.
feeling of catching a wave. My favorite part is that nobody can tell you how The first live coverage of a football match was shown on television in 1937.
to do it. I know I’m not near as good as girls my age but it is the one sport Source:

148 149
39 / Kinds of Shops / Види крамниць

shop [ʃɔ:p] — магазин

chemist’s (BrE*) [ˈkemɪsts] — аптека

drugstore (AmE**) [ˈdrʌɡstɔ:] — аптека

dairy [ˈdaɪərɪ] — молочний магазин

store [stɔ:] — крамниця, магазин, універсальний
магазин greengrocer’s [ˈgri:nˌgrəʊsəs] — овочевий
department store [dɪˈpa:tmənt stɔ:] — універмаг магазин
department [dɪˈpa:tmənt] — відділ

newsagent’s [ˈnju:zˌeidʒents] — газетний

bookstore [ˈbʊkstɔ:] — книгарня

baker’s [ˈbeɪkəs] — хлібний магазин grocer’s (grocery) [ˈgrəʊsəz (ˈgrəʊs(ə)rɪ)] —

(булочна) бакалія

supermarket [ˈsju:pəˌma:kɪt] —
butcher’s (shop) [ˈbʊʧ(ə)z] — м’ясний супермаркет

market [ˈma:kɪt] — ринок, базар

* BrE — британська англійська
** AmE — американська англійська

150 151
Texts / Тексти Kinds of Shops / Види крамниць

they suddenly disappeared I wouldn’t know where to go to buy things. I

Going Shopping already know you’d get meat at a butcher’s, fish at a fishmonger’s, bread
Level 1
at a bakery, etc. But where would you go for other household items? This
WORDS: occurred to me because I’d like to get a nice large bag of washing soda
and I know that a fair number of grocery stores probably wouldn’t carry
escalator — ескалатор
that. For practical purposes I’m interested in stores in the US, but out of
to recommend —
more general interest anecdotes about store types in other parts of the
рекомендувати, радити
world would be of purely academic interest too. For example from personal
range — асортимент
experience I know that in Egypt there are store devoted exclusively to
roasted nuts. Except for Western-style groceries, these nut roasters are
Mrs. Smith is going shopping with her son. They are looking for a pretty much the only place to get your hands on peanuts.
present for Mr. Smith’s birthday. Mrs. Smith wants to buy him a new camera
and Tom wants to buy him a jumper. They drive to the department store
on the High Street. Mrs. Smith uses the escalator to go to the Electrical Level 3 Marketing Planning Guide
Department on the third floor and Tom takes the stairs up to the Men’s
Clothing Department on the first floor. When she gets to the Electrical
Department she finds that cameras are sold in the Photography Department
on the ground floor. She takes the elevator down and asks a sales assistant retail — роздрібна торгівля
there for some help. She doesn’t know much about cameras and needs consumer — споживач
some advice. He recommends an automatic camera by Olympus, but it is positioning — розміщення
too expensive. She asks him if he has anything a little cheaper and he tells limited-line — лімітована лінійка
her about a special offer on the Pentax range. It still seems expensive so (товарів)
she thanks the assistant and decides to shop around first. Meanwhile, Tom
is looking at the jumpers. He only has £10 to spend so he can’t afford most At the retail level, the choice of firms to handle the product involves
of them. He sees his mother and they decide to go to the smaller shops knowing in which kinds of stores (supermarkets, drug stores, and so on)
round the corner. the consumer expects to find different products, and within a given kind of
What Kinds of Stores Are Out There? Level 2 store (drugstores, for example), the types of stores in which the product
would be sold. This second area involves the image projected by the stores
and their compatibility with the image the product projects to customers.
to get used — звикнути If an overall strategy involves positioning a product as a luxury item in
washing soda — сода, миючий засіб the jewelry line, the kinds of appropriate stores may be the higher-priced
nut roasters — крамниці, що торгують jewelry departments of exclusive department stores and limited-line jewelry
смаженими горішками stores appealing to upper-income customers. Two decisions were involved
in this example: to use jewelry stores or jewelry.
What kinds of stores are out there? I’ve gotten so used to buying most
of my things at department stores or large chain grocery stores that if Source:

152 153
40 / At the Department Store / В універмазі

to buy [baɪ] — купувати

to sell [sel] — продавати

stuff [stʌf] — продукти,

речі (розмовний варіант)
clothes shop [kləʊðs ʃɔ:p] — магазин одягу

shoes store [ʃu:z stɔ:] — магазин взуття stall [stɔ:l] — прилавок

to taste [teɪst] — пробувати на смак
to try on [traɪ ɒn] — приміряти

furniture shop [ˈfɜ:nɪʧə ʃɔ:p]

— магазин меблів discount [ˈdɪskaʊnt] – знижка
sale [seɪl] – розпродаж (за зниженими

shop assistant [ʃɒp əˈsɪstənt] —

buyer [ˈbaɪə] — покупець to fit [fɪt] — підходити, відповідати
customer [ˈkʌstəmə] — покупець (пасувати)

price [praɪs] — ціна

bill [bɪl] — чек, рахунок

pets shop [pets ʃɔ:p] — cash [kæʃ] — готівка


154 155
Texts / Тексти At the Department Store / В універмазі

Other products come from companies that make and package them for us.
Shopping at the Supermarket Here is Stephanie, one of our stock clerks. She puts cans and boxes on the
Level 1 shelves. Prices are on the front of the shelves, right below the products.
WORDS: We want our shelves to look full and neat — never empty and messy. See
how Stephanie turns all the products so the name on each one faces out?
to prefer — надавати перевагу Shelves are lined up in rows in the supermarket. Between each row is an
spicy — гострий aisle for walking. The sign above each aisle tells you what items you’ll find
to prefer fish to meat — in that aisle. So now you know what is going on here!
надавати перевагу рибі над

Here I am at the supermarket. I’m Sara and I’m with my daughter Marketing Express
Level 3
Claire. She loves supermarkets and I like them, too. My husband doesn’t
like supermarkets. That’s why he is at home reading the newspaper and
we are going to buy sweet things. Let me see… I like apples and coke. WORDS:
Claire prefers grapes and orange juice. For breakfast I like milk because
it’s very important for our bones, especially for children! Sometimes we self-service — самообслуг
drink juice and eat sandwiches.Claire likes yoghurts of all kind, she is crazy complete line — повна лінійка
about them. I also like vegetables: lettuce, tomatoes and carrots. I don’t (товарів) овування
like onions and Claire doesn’t like onions too. But my husband adores all buying habit — купівельна звичка
spicy food. My daughter prefers fish to meat, but we can’t imagine our life
without meat and vegetables.
Supermarkets are large self-service stores that carry a complete line
At the Supermarket Level 2 of food products, as well as some non food products such as cosmetics
and non-prescription drugs. Supermarkets are arranged in departments
WORDS: for maximum efficiency in stocking and handling products but have central
checkout facilities. They offer lower prices than smaller neighborhood
to package — пакувати
grocery stores usually provide free parking, and also may cash checks.
stock clerk —працівник складу
Today, consumers make more than three-quarters of all grocery purchases
messy — безладний
in supermarkets. Even so, supermarkets’ total share of the food market is
lined up — розташований у ряд
declining because consumers have widely varying food preferences and
full and neat — повний та акуратний
buying habits, and in many communities, shoppers can choose from several
convenience stores, discount stores, and specialty food stores, as well as a
Hello, everyone! I’m Mark. I work here at the supermarket. Today we’ll wide variety of restaurants.
see how food gets to us, so we can get it to you. All day long, trucks deliver
food and other goods to the supermarket. Food comes right from farms. Source:

156 157
Texts / Тексти At the Department Store / В універмазі

Sam was pleased with the robe, and he left the shop. Before he climbed on
Maddy’s Shopping his donkey to ride home, the shopkeeper and the shop assistant ran out.
Level 1 ‘You didn’t pay for the robe!’ said the shopkeeper.
WORDS: ‘But I gave you the trousers in exchange for the robe, didn’t I?’ replied
lace — шнурок Sam. ‘Yes, but you didn’t pay for the trousers, either!’ said theshopkeeper.
shoe area — взуттєвий відділ ‘But I didn’t buy the trousers,’ replied Sam. ‘I am not so stupid as
crowded — переповнений людьми to pay for something which I never bought’.
long wait — довга черга
to tie laces — зав’язувати шнурки
Level 3 Stores and Services
Maddy loves to jump rope, ride her scooter, and ride her skateboard.
One day, Maddy gets a hole in the shoes which she likes best while riding WORDS:
her scooter. They are pink with hearts and a Velcro tab. Now she needs
new shoes. Maddy’s mom takes her to the department store on Saturday mall — торгівельний комплекс
morning. The store is filled with people looking for shirts, dresses, pants, specializing — той, що
and toys. Maddy’s mom takes her to the shoe area. The shoe area is спеціалізується
crowded, and there is a long wait. Maddy does not mind. Maddy sees a pair item — найменування, одиниця
of purple sneakers with orange laces. She sees a pair of red sandals with товару
dots. She sees a pair of green flip-flops. She wants the purple sneakers. directories — каталоги
‘But you do not know how to tie your laces’ says Maddy’s mom. ‘I will learn,
says Maddy. Maddy’s mother thinks. She does not want to tie Maddy’s laces Most malls have:
each morning before school. — specialty stores, or stores specializing in books, electronics, furs,
shoes, gifts, clothing, toys, jewelry, sporting goods and anything else you
Sam Goes Shopping Level 2
can name!
— department stores, or large stores with many kinds of items. You
WORDS: may buy linens, jewellery, shoes, pajamas, TVs, and stationery. Many
department stores also have beauty salons and photography services.
shopkeeper — власник крамниці Directories. Usually, you can find store directories, or maps of the mall,
to be pleased — бути задоволеним near the entrances. You may also ask at the information desk.
to climb — видиратися, залазити Rest rooms. Every mall has at least one public rest room on each floor,
especially near the food court. Department stores also have rest rooms.
Restaurants. Most malls have food courts, or large areas with tables and
One day Sam went to town to buy new clothes. First he tried on a many types of foods. The food is served ‘over-the-counter’, or cafeteria style.
pair of trousers. He didn’t like the trousers, so he gave them back to the
Source: ‘Hello! USA: Everyday Living for International Residents and
shopkeeper. Then he tried a robe which had the same price as the trousers. Visitors’ by Judy Priven

158 159
41 / A Book / Книга 42 / Genres / Жанри

literature [ˈlɪt(ə)rətʃə] — story / short story [ˈstɔ:rɪ / ʃɔ:t ˈstɔ:rɪ] —

література розповідь
book [bʊk] — книга introduction [ˌɪntrəˈdʌkʃ(ə)n] — вступ
author [ˈɔ:θə] — письменник soft cover [sɒft ˈkʌvə] —
page [peɪdʒ] — сторінка м’яка обкладинка

brochure [ˈbrəʊʃjʊə] — брошура prose [prəʊz] — проза

drama [ˈdrɑ:mə] — драма novel [ˈnɒv(ə)l] — роман
fiction [ˈfɪkʃ(ə)n] — белетристика, poem [ˈpəʊɪm] — вірш
художня література

dictionary [ˈdɪkʃ(ə)n(ə)rɪ] — словник

atlas [ˈætləs] — атлас
horror fiction [ˈhɒrə ˈfɪkʃ(ə)n] — title [ˈtaɪtl] — заголовок
література жахів, містика passage [ˈpæsɪdʒ] — уривок
poetry [ˈpəʊɪtrɪ] — поезія

fairy tale [ˈfɛərɪˌteɪl] — казка

handbook [ˈhæn(d)bʊk] —
fantasy [ˈfæntəzɪ] — фентезі керівництво, довідник
fable [ˈfeɪbl] — байка reference book [ˈref(ə)rənsbʊk] —

textbook [ˈtekstbʊk] —
encyclopedia [ɪnˌsaɪkləˈpi:dɪə] — translation [trɑ:nsˈleɪʃ(ə)n] —
енциклопедія переклад
chapter [ˈtʃæptə] — розділ volume [ˈvɒlju:m] —
том, книга
contents [ˈkɒntents] — зміст

160 161
Texts / Тексти A Book / Книга

and Elizabethan is a play. The idea of genre is open to discussion and there
Books is good reason to discuss genre. Understanding genre will help you know
Level 1
WORDS: what to expect from a text based on its genre; it will also help you notice
when an author is playing with your expectations. Wouldn’t you like to be in
to be fond of — бути у захваті від on the joke? First, you must learn some basics. Some consider these to be
greedy — жадібний the main genres of writing: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, and folklore.
to be real friends — бути справжніми Every piece of writing can fall into one of these categories. Each main genre
друзями has a group of subgenres. Each subgenre has as set of characteristics that
to remain the same — залишатися you must learn in order to identify them.
такими самими

We know that a book is one of the greatest wonders. Why are we fond
Level 3 Choose the Right Book
of reading? The world of books is very interesting. Together with the main
heroes you can find yourself in different countries, have a lot of adventures
and meet new friends. The book is a true friend. We try to look like the
characters from our favorite books: to be brave, honest, not to be greedy, to feed — вигодовувати, підтримувати
to be real friends. We like fairytales and collection of fables when we were book club boom — розквіт книжкових
small kids and Granny read them. They taught us to be kind, clever, to respect клубів
and understand other people. Books have been with us since childhood. to scan — переглядати
Every author wants his books to be useful and interesting. Who hasn’t read contemporary — сучасний
‘Alice in the wonderland’ or ‘Snow White’? Everyone has a collection of his to announce — оголошувати
favorite books at home, different editions, different translations; only our inventory — засоби
favorite heroes

Trade book publishers have recognized and fed the book club boom, and
Books Genres now offer Free reading group discussion guides for their major ‘quality’ titles.
Level 2
Scan the cover of almost any contemporary novel and somewhere you’ll
see a headline announcing ‘reading group guide included.’ Some guides
expectations — очікування are conveniently printed right in the back of the book, while an even larger
folklore — фольклор inventory is available on publishers’ websites. The Random House website,
fall into — ділитися, належати до for example, lists more than 100 book club study guides, all immediately
subgenre — піджанр downloadable. All these discussion guides, of course, are not just a service
to identify — визначати to book clubs, but a very low-cost way to promote multiple copy sales. The
Internet has supported the book club trend in a number of ways...
The study of genre is not an exact science. Some texts may belong in
Source: ‘Literature Circles: Voice and Choice in Book Clubs
more than one genre. For example: Romeo and Juliet is a drama, a tragedy,
and Reading Groups’, by Harvey Daniels

162 163
Texts / Тексти Genres / Жанри

poetry, drama, and fiction. These general genres are often subdivided into
Reading Books more specific genres and subgenres. For instance, precise examples of
Level 1
genres might include murder mysteries, westerns, sonnets, lyric poetry,
WORDS: epics, tragedies, etc. Bookstores, libraries, and services like Redbox or
equally — однаково Netflix may label and subdivide their books or films into genres for the
to admit — визнавати convenience of shoppers seeking a specific category of literature. For
librarian — бібліотекар example, drama describes a genre of narrative fiction (or semi-fiction)
a great number of — величезна intended to be more serious than humorous in tone, focusing on in-depth
кількість development of realistic characters who must deal with realistic emotional
panorama — панорама struggles. A drama is commonly considered the opposite of a comedy, but
psychological — психологічний may also be considered separate from other works of some broad genre,
such as a fantasy
I enjoy reading books. And it doesn’t matter what kind of book it is. It can
be a collection of short stories, a book of poems or adventures. I equally Literary Genres
enjoy them all. But there’s one thing that matters. When I choose a book Level 3
for reading, it should be interesting. I used to get some of my books from
my school library. I must admit our school library had a good collection of invented — винайдений
books and the librarian was always ready to help in one’s choice of books. adhering — дотримання
A great number of volumes filled the shelves. One could find books of narrative — розповідь
adventure stories, historical novels and tales that opened up panoramas to encompass — охоплювати
of life and history of other countries, psychological novels, collections of commonalities — спільнота
short stories, the immortal classics. Our school library subscribed to several recurring — що повторюється
newspapers and magazines.
Literature refers to stories that are invented through the imagination of
Level 2 the mind with different literary genres sharing some similar characteristics,
such as adhering to a universal narrative text structure. They all have
WORDS: characters, settings, and major events that encompass a problem and
solution. These genres also contain inherent lessons and themes from which
feature — риса the reader should learn. Despite these commonalities, how characters,
broad — широкий settings, and events interact with one another is particularly unique to each
murder — вбивство genre; consequently, the themes that emerge from their stories also reflect
to subdivide — розподілятися different motifs, or recurring ideas. With that understanding in mind, if your
goal is to direct students’ thinking toward the purpose of identifying the
author’s message.
Genre is a type or category of literature or film marked by certain shared
Source: ‘Close Reading in Elementary School: Bringing Readers
features or conventions. The three broadest categories of genre include and Texts Together’ by Diana Sisson, Betsy Sisson

164 165
43 / On TV / На екрані 44 / Genres / Жанри

TV set [ˌti:ˈviː set] cartoon [kɑ:ˈtu:n] —

— телевізор мультиплікація, комікс
talk show [ˌtɔ:kˈʃəʊ] —
presenter [prɪˈzentə] —

reality show [rɪˈælətɪ ʃəʊ] —

television [ˈtelɪvɪʒ(ə)n] —
quiz [kwɪz] — вікторина
aerial / antenna [ˈɛərɪəl / ænˈtenə] —

telecast [ˈtelɪkɑ:st] — телепередача;

news [nju:z] — новини
to telecast [ˈtelɪkɑ:st] — передавати, sports programme [spɔːtsˈprəʊɡræm]
показувати — спортивна програма
(по телебаченню)

programme [ˈprəʊɡræm] — програма

commercial [kəˈmɜ:ʃ(ə)l] —
editor [ˈedɪtə] — редактор реклама
remote [rıˈməʋt] — пульт
viewer [ˈvju:ə] — глядач TV station [ˌti:ˈvi: ˈsteɪʃ(ə)n] — series [ˈsɪəri:z] — серіал
телестанція, телевізійна станція

talent show [ˈtælənt ʃəʊ] —

конкурс талантів
weather forecast
[ˈweðəˌfɔ:kɑ:st] —
прогноз погоди

166 167
Texts / Тексти Television / Телебачення

piece of furniture.
There are two viewpoints on television. Some people think that it prevents
Level 1 Profession of My Dream
them from communicating with each other, from visiting friends, or relatives.
But there are a lot of people who consider TV to be helpful because it gives
WORDS: us a lot of information. We become better informed by watching different
TV channels. Television gives wonderful possibilities for education.
remote — дистанційний
Still, it’s not a good thing for children to be glued to the TV screen all day
gift — хист, талант
long. It’s very harmful for their health and for developing personalities,
energy — енергія
because children prefer low-standard hits, horror films or silly series.

Since I was so young I’ve dreamt about the profession of a TV presenter.

I was fond of different TV programs and telecast that’s why I switched on Level 3 Reality Television
the remote various channels. Television is a kind of art, something which is
similar to the theatrical performances where a lot of viewers are. WORDS:
My best friend, her name is Alison, also likes watching TV. Once she told unscripted — імпровізований
me that she wanted to become a TV editor. She has a gift to write texts on eligible — відповідний
different subject area. locale — місце дії
My parents say that my child’s dream has come true. Now I’m working for fabricated — вигаданий
the big TV company in our city. Every time I go to work I’m in good spirits participant — учасник
and always full of energy. What is more, Alison also works in this sphere, designed — розроблений
she is an editor of the TV news, but unfortunately we are in different
companies now. I hope that in the near future, she’ll come to us and we’ll
be not only best friends but also good colleagues. Reality television is a genre of television which presents unscripted
dramatic or humorous situations, documents actual events.
Part of reality television’s appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people
Television as a Type of Mass Media Level 2 in extraordinary situations. For example, on the ABC show, an eligible male
WORDS: dates a dozen women simultaneously, travelling on extraordinary dates to
scenic locales.
mass — масовий Some commentators have said that ‘reality television’ is an inaccurate
to prevent — перешкоджати description for several styles of program. In competitionbased programs
to inform — інформувати such as Big Brother and Survivor the producers design the format of the
to prefer — надавати перевагу show creating a completely fabricated world in which the competition
horror — жах plays out. Producers specifically select the participants and use carefully
designed scenarios, events, and settings to encourage particular behavior
Television nowadays has become one of the most important mass media. and conflicts.
It informs, educates and entertains people. The TV set now is not just a Source:

168 169
Texts / Тексти Genres / Жанри

information. You may see films on TV as well.

My favorite TV channel is ‘MTV’ music channel. ‘MTV’ is probably the most
Level 1 My Favourite Genres of TV
popular in the world. There are also different programs on this channel. For
example: ‘12 fierce spectators’ ‘Full contact’, ‘Star dance floor’, and many
WORDS: others. But my favorite program is ‘Star dance floor’, this program is the
show, where 4 hip-hop dancers compete with each other in order to win.
to absorb — поглинати They dance hip hop, and the best dancer will win and get some presents
jolly — веселий from the show organizers. It’s really an interesting show; I think it’s very
commercial — реклама suitable for teenagers.

When I was a child I used to watch a lot of cartoons on different channels.

Every time I had time I asked my mum to switch on the TV set to watch my Level 3 Children’s Television Viewing
favorite cartoons. One of my favorites were ‘Karlson’. I absorbed these cartoons Habits in the UK
with such eagerness because they were the most interesting and jolly.
Now I’m twenty one and being an adult I have been interested to such
genres as reality shows, talk shows, talent shows, series and films. When to express concern — виявляти
I have time I also watch TV news because I want to be informed into the занепокоення
latest news in my country and in the whole world. As for weather forecast I to aim — націлювати
don’t usually watch them on TV but rather read about it in the internet. But fiction — белетристика
thing that always irritates me most is commercial. In my opinion there is a to consider — розглядати
lot of it in different types of mass media that should be removed.

Parents and teachers throughout the country often express concern about
My Favourite TV Program Level 2 the amount of hours that children spend in front of the television.
According to recent statistics, teenagers watch between 2.5 and 3.2 hours
WORDS: of television every day. Many children watch television in the mornings over
breakfast but most viewing takes place after school in the evenings. They
indispensable — необхідний watch soap operas, music programs and quiz shows. Between the hours of
spectator — глядач four and six, when the programs are specifically aimed at children, the viewing
to compete — змагатися figures are much lower. Girls watch more drama series, documentaries and
organizer — організатор news programs. Boys watch more science fiction and sport.
Television plays an important part in the lives of children. What parents
and their children have to consider is how much time should be spent
Nowadays the TV is an indispensable thing for us. People often watch watching television and which programs are suitable or unsuitable.
TV in their free time. One can choose the program one likes best: sport,
music, news and so on. TV program gives us much useful and interesting Source:

170 171
45 / Nature / Природа

jungle [ˈʤʌŋgl] — джунглі

nature lake [leɪk] — озеро

[ˈneɪʧə] —

tree [tri:] — дерево

mountain [ˈmauntɪn] — гора

waterfall [ˈwɔ:təˌfɔ:l] — водопад

branch [bra:ntʃ] — гілка

flower [ˈflaʊə] — квітка

hill [hɪl] — пагорб
bush [bʊʃ] — кущ plain [pleɪn] — рівнина
hollow [ˈhɒləu] — впадина

rock [rɒk] — камінь, скеля

landscape [ˈlændˌskeɪp] — пейзаж, ландшафт
coast [kəʊst] — берег, морський берег ocean [ˈəuʃ(ə)n] — океан
desert [ˈdezət] — пустеля river [ˈrɪvə] — річка
forest [ˈfɒrɪst] — ліс steppe [step] — степ
field [fi:ld] — поле sea [si:] — море
pond [pɒnd] — ставок
canyon [ˈkænjən] — каньйон
island [ˈaɪlənd] — острів

reef [ri:f] — риф, підводна скеля

meadow [ˈmedəu] — луг
glacier [ˈglæsɪə] — льодовик grow [grəυ] — вирощувати, рости

172 173
Texts / Тексти Nature / Природа

The most mountainous part is Scotland where we can find the highest
peak of isles — Ben Nevis. Its height is 1,343 meters. Another high mountain
Level 1 Save Our Waterfall and Sea!
is situated in Wales. It’s called Snowdon and rises to the height of 1,085
metres above the level of the sea.
On the islands there are many beautiful lakes. The largest one is Lough
famous — відомий Neagh in Ireland with an area of 381 square kilometres. There are also
scavenging — прибирання сміття several long rivers among which the lengthy is Shannon. It is 368 kilometres
dust-heaps — звалище long.
factory — фабрика, завод The forests and the meadows occupy a large part of the islands. They are
garbage — сміття considered to be important natural resources and the British do their best
to save them for future.
Our waterfall is very beautiful. It is one of the famous places in the
Carpathian Mountains. Many tourists come to see this wonderful place to The Grand Canyon
admire it and have a rest there. Ill-bread people pollute it. We organized Level 3
scavenging several times but waste is in different places not only in the
dust-heaps. Save the territory of the waterfall! Our nature must be clean
and beautiful! steep-sided — крутий
Our Black Sea is also needed to help. There are many animals and fishes to carve — вирізати
in it. The people have a rest on its beaches. But there are two problems: preservation — збереження
visitors and factories. There is a factory not far from the coast that pollutes timing — часові межі
the nature. Some businessmen want to build new factories here. We have configuration — форма, обрис
to order to stop them. Save our sea from garbage. Don’t allow anybody to
make our territory dirty!
British Landscape The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River
Level 2 in the state of Arizona in the United States. President Theodore Roosevelt
WORDS: was a major proponent of preservation of the Grand Canyon area, and
visited it on numerous occasions to hunt and enjoy the scenery.
coast — узбережжя The Grand Canyon is 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide and attains a
to include — включати depth of over a mile. While the specific geologic processes and timing that
major — головний formed the Grand Canyon are the subject of debate by geologists, recent
to be situated — бути розташованим evidence suggests that the Colorado River established its course through
the canyon at least 17 million years ago. Since that time, the Colorado River
The British Isles are a group of islands lying off the north-west coast of continued to erode and form the canyon to its present-day configuration.
the continent of Europe. This archipelago includes two major islands — For thousands of years, the area has been inhabited by Native Americans
Great Britain and Ireland and about six thousand small islands. who built settlements within the canyon and its many caves.
As for the relief, there are no very high mountains on these islands. Source:

174 175
46 / Village / Село

hut [ˈhʌt] — хатина, халупа

barn [ˈbɑ:n] — амбар

chapel [ˈtʃæpəl] — капличка straw [ˈstrɔ:] — солома

team [ti:m] — упряжка

village [ˈvɪlɪdʒ] — село

farm [ˈfɑ:m] — ферма

hay [ˈheɪ] — сіно tractor [ˈtræktə] — трактор

stable [ˈsteɪbl] — стайня

shad [ˈʃæd] — сарай yard [jɑ:d] — двір

kitchen garden
cart [kɑ:t] — віз pitchfork [ˈpɪtʃfɔ:k] — вила
[ˌkɪtʃɪnˈɡɑ:d(ə)n] — город
rural [ˈrʊər(ə)l] — сільський

rake [reɪk] — граблі

cow house [ˈkaʊ haʊs] — корівник
stack [ˈstæk] — копиця

176 177
Texts / Тексти Village / Село

sunbathe and play games. We also like to go camping or to make small huts
My Summer Holidays to play there.
Level 1
Of course we don’t only rest there but also help our grandparents with
the rural housework. Every day I help my granny to store up the stacks of
WORDS: hay or straw for our cow and horse into the cow house and stable. In order
to do that I use pitchfork and rake. I also like to go to the hen house to
to spend — проводити
check whether there are any eggs.
to take care of — піклуватися про
The most interesting thing is to drive a cart and to run the horse team.
to prepare — готувати
I get a lot of fun and pleasure by doing it. Sometimes my granddad and
I work on the tractor on the field. So I like to live in the countryside in
This year I decided to spend my summer holidays in a village at my summer because only there I can rest from the city life and to feel happy.
grandparents’. There I had an active rest and work also. Every day I got
up early in the morning, took a shower, had breakfast and worked with
my grandma in a garden. We took care of vegetables, I liked to water our Welcome to the Museum of Village
Level 3
plants. and Rural Life
Also, I want to say, I liked to take care of our animals, especially hens, WORDS:
ducks, pigs and cow. It was interesting to see how they eat. We had a lot
assembled — зібраний
of work every day in the farm and in the shad. I want to add that I liked
acre — акр
to help my grandparents on the pasture. One day I helped my granny in
implement — начиння
the kitchen-garden. Next day I together with my grandfather worked on
device — пристрій, прилад
the tractor. The weather was fine, so we had done a lot of work. When we
settings — оточення
came home my granny prepared dinner for us. In the evening I sat with
arboretum — деревний розсадник
my grandparents in the yard and read a book. I was in a village one month.
Unfortunately these days are ended but I have good memories.
The Rural Life Centre is a country life museum, assembled by the late
The Rest in the Village Mr & Mrs Henry Jackson and now run by a charitable trust. It is pleasantly
Level 2
distributed over ten acres of field, woodland and barns, and our exhibits
comprise of a large number of implements and devices marking over 150
WORDS: years of farming. Many aspects of village and rural life are also displayed in
realistic individual settings. There is so much to explore!
camping — кемпінг
The museum is currently open on Wednesday to Sunday between 10am
countryside — сільська місцевість
and 5pm. We have plenty of free parking and the museum has a children’s
play area, an arboretum, a gift shop and a picnic areas. For refreshments,
Every summer I go to the country to stay with my grandparents. In the home cooked meals, light bites and a wonderful selection of cakes why not
village I go fishing and go for long bike rides. I have many friends there. try The Old Kiln Cafe.
From the early morning we like to go to the river. We swim in warm water, Source:

178 179
47 / City / Місто

hotel [həʊˈtel] — готель

library [ˈlaɪbr(ə)rɪ] — бібліотека
market [ˈmɑ:kɪt] — базар, ринок
city [ˈsıtı] — місто (велике)

town [taʊn] — місто (маленьке)

multistory building [ˌmʌltɪˈstɔ:rɪ ˈbɪldɪŋ] —

багатоповерховий будинок
bridge [brɪʤ] — міст police office [pəˈli:sˈɒfɪs] — museum [mju:ˈzɪəm] —
поліцейське управління (міста) музей

bar [bɑ:] — бар
[ˈrestəˌrɒŋ, ˈrestərɒŋ, -ɒnt] —
post office [pəust ˈɒfɪs] — пошта
building [ˈbɪldɪŋ] — будова, дім
square [skwɛə] — площа, квартал (міста)
cafe [ˈkæfeɪ] — кафе
car park [kɑ: pɑ:k] — автомобільна зупинка
church [ʧɜ:ʧ] — церква
stadium [ˈsteɪdɪəm] — стадіон

cinema [ˈsɪnɪmə] — кінотеатр

suburb [ˈsʌbɜ:b] — передмістя, околиця
subway [ˈsʌbweɪ] — підземний перехід (тунель),
(америк.) метро, підземна залізна дорога
underground [ˌʌndəˈgraʊnd] — метрополітен
hospital [ˈhɒspɪt(ə)l] — лікарня
theater [ˈθɪətə] — театр
bank [bænk] — банк
railway station (BrE*) [ˈreɪ(ə)lweɪ ˈsteɪʃ(ə)n] — залізничний вокзал
gas station [gæs ˈsteɪʃ(ə)n] — автозаправочна станція
* BrE — британська англійська

180 181
Texts / Тексти City / Місто

historic monuments. There are a lot of possibilities of shopping. What is

Level 1 My Native Town more, there are a lot of working places in a city. On the other hand, there
are some disadvantages of living in a big city. Cities are very crowded on
WORDS: the pavements and in the buses. What is more, the traffic is heavy and
city’s parking lots are always very full. Moreover, the other disadvantage is
wide — широкий the the lack of safety in the city. There is a big crime rates in cities. So you
man-made — рукотворний have to be very careful at night. To sum up I would like to say that living in
beauty — краса a city has some advantages and disadvantages.

American Cities are Coming Back

There are many beautiful cities and towns in the world. But there is no Level 3
place like home. My city is old and modern at the same time. Now my city WORDS:
looks modern because of its architecture. Almost all the buildings were built
after the war. The streets and avenues are wide and clean. to account for — забезпечувати
I live in the main street. It is the widest street in the city. A lot of cars, outlook — перспектива
buses and trolley-buses run fast along it. If you want to see the places overall — загалом
of interest in our city, you can walk along the main street. It leads to the to remain — залишатися
main square. It will be a short trip, but you can see a lot: many different vast — широкий
cafes, bars, restaurants, the city hall, banks, post office, hotel, church and
cathedral. Our city stands on the river. Parks, lanes, bridges across the American cities account for a vast majority of the population and are a
river, small waterfalls and man-made islands add much to the beauty of huge engine of economic growth. Economists look at them as an important
the city. Just come and see everything with your own eyes. It is better to indicator for the country’s economic outlook. In America’s biggest metro
see than to hear. areas, such as San Francisco, high-skill jobs — formally called ‘professional
Advantages and Disadvantages and business services’ — are driving economic growth. San Francisco’s
of Living in a City Level 2 economy grew 5.2% in 2014. Dallas and Chicago were among the top 10
fastest growing cities, also big centers of high-skill jobs. Here are the 10
WORDS: largest cities in the country, ranked by economic growth in 2014:
entertaining — розважальний 1. Dallas: 8.5% 6. Los Angeles: 2.3%
multistorey — багатоповерховий 2. San Francisco: 5.2% 7. Chicago: 1.8%
lack — нестача 3. Atlanta: 3.0% 8. Houston:1.8%
rate — рівень 4. Boston: 2.6% 9. Philadelphia: 1.1%
5. New York City: 2.4% 10. Washington, D.C.: 0.3%
Big city life…what is it? What advantages and disadvantages does it have?
I would like to start with the advantages of the big city life. There are a lot Overall though, the report is an encouraging sign that America’s economy
of theatres, concerts, galleries, cinemas, museums and other entertaining remains on the right track.
centers. The city offers a lot of huge multistory buildings, skyscrapers and Source:

182 183
48 / Religions / Релігії

the Tipitaka [ðə tɪˈpɪtəkə] —

Типітака (священна книга буддистів)

icon [ˈaɪkɒn] — ікона

Sikh temple [si:k ˈtempl] — храм

monk [mʌŋk] — чернець
Christian church [ˈkrɪstjən ʧɜ:ʧ] —
християнська церква
to bless [bles] — благословляти
to baptise [bæpˈtaɪz] — хрестити

vicar [ˈvɪkə] —
священник, вікарій Jewish synagogue [ˈʤu(:)ɪʃ ˈsɪnəgɒg] —
єврейський храм (єврейський храм синагога)

the Torah [ðə ˈtəʊrə / tɔˈra] —

the Bible [ðə ˈbaɪbl] — Тора (священна книга іудеїв)
Біблія (священна книга християн)
Hindu temple [ˈhɪnˈdu: ˈtempl] —
to respect [rɪˈspekt] — поважати rabbi [ˈræbaɪ] — рабин, равин індуїстський храм
fresco [ˈfreskəʊ] — фреска imam [ɪˈmɑ:m] — імам
the Koran [ðə kɔ:ˈrɑ:n] —
ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt] — Коран (священна книга мусульман )

Buddhist temple
[ˈbʊdɪst ˈtempl] —
буддистський храм

holly [ˈhɒlɪ] — святий mosque [mɒsk] — мечеть

religion [rɪˈlɪdʒən] — релігія priest [pri:st] — священник Muslim [ˈmʊzlɪm / ˈmʌzlɪm] — мусульманин, мусульманка

184 185
Texts / Тексти Religions / Релігії

creating and regulating the universe, and its processes. This belief forms
Different Religions the core of the various religious ideologies that prevail all over the world.
Level 1
WORDS: A basic question that pertains is regarding the exact definition of the term
‘religion’, the answer to which is not as simple as it seems. Religion is a
major — головний very relative concept, and may mean different things to different people.
between — між Religion, in a nutshell, can thus be defined as ‘a system of beliefs and
holy — святий practices, which a person inherits at birth, and the norms of which, he
to include — включати is expected to follow all through his life, in order to lead a good and a
revelation — відкриття fruitful existence, alongside gaining social acceptance’. Religion thus, not
ancient — давній, древній only defines who we are, but it also shapes our views with regards to the
society and the world around us.
Here are three major religions that have differences and similarities.
There are many similarities and differences between Judaism, Christianity, The Bible
Level 3
and Islam. And also my religion is Islam so I’m a Muslim.
There are three holy books. First, The Qur’an is the holy book for Islam and WORDS:
it is written in Arabic. It includes the revelations god made to Muhammad. collection — колекція
Second, The Tenaha is the holy book of Judaism. It is written in Hebrew sacred — священний
— sacred language of Judaism. Third, is the Bible; it’s the holy book of to exist — існувати
Christianity. It’s made up of two parts, the Old Testament and the New influence — вплив
Testament. The Old Testament is the history of the law and prophets of the to refer — відноситись
ancient Hebrews. The New Testament includes the four Gospels — stories feature — риса
of Jesus life, letters, and stories of early Christians. There are three gods.
The God of Islam called Allah. The God of Judaism is called Adonai. And the The Bible is a collection of texts sacred in Judaism and Christianity. There
God of Christianity is called Yahweh. is no single «Bible» and many Bibles with varying contents exist. With
Religion estimated total sales of over 5 billion copies, the Bible is widely considered
Level 2 to be the bestselling book of all time and has been a major influence on
literature and history, especially in the West where the Gutenberg Bible was
primordial — споконвічний
the first mass-printed book. Jewish Bible. Judaism preserves and hands
entity — буття
down a collection of scriptures called the Tanakh or the Jewish Bible. In a
to pertain — належати
context outside of Judaism, it is more generally referred to as the Hebrew
exact — точний
Bible. Christian Bibles. The Christian Old Testament features more than 24
in a nutshell — у двох словах
books of the original Hebrew Bible. There are a number of different versions
to inherit — успадкувати
of the Christian Bible. The unifying property of the varying Christian Bibles
Each religion has its own unique set of principles and ethics. The very is that all their books were originally written in Greek.
foundation of all existence is based on the belief of a primordial entity Source:

186 187
49 / England / Англія

the North Sea [ðə nɔ:θ si:] — Північне море

Newcastle [ˈnju:ˌkɑ:səl] — Ньюкасл
the Irish Sea [ði ˈaɪərɪʃ si:] —
Ірландське море
Big Ben [bɪg ben] — Біг Бен

the Celtic Sea [ðə ˈkeltɪk si:] —

Кельтське море
Tower Bridge
[ˈtaʊə brɪʤ] —
the English Channel [ði ˈɪŋglɪʃ ˈʧænl] — Тауерський міст
Англійський канал (Ла-Манш)
The Thames [ðə temz] — Темза
Cambridge University [ˈkeɪmbrɪʤ ˌju:nɪˈvɜ:sɪtɪ] —
Stonehenge [ˌstəʊnˈhendʒ] — Кембриджський університет

the Channel Tunnel [ðə ˈʧænl ˈtʌnl] —

Євротунель (тунель під Ла-Маншем)
Oxford University [ˈɒksfəd ˌju:nɪˈvɜ:sɪtɪ] —
London [ˈlʌndən] — Лондон
Оксфордський університет Bodiam Castle [ˈboʊdiəm ˈkɑ:səl] —
the Buckingham Palace [ðə ˈbʌkɪŋəmˈpælɪs] — замок Бодіам
Букінгемський палац
Trafalgar Square
[trəˈfælgə skwɛə] —
Трафальгарська площа
red rose [red rəʊz] — червона троянда
Saint George [seɪnt ʤɔ:ʤ] — Святий Георгій

Tower of London [ˈtaʊər əv ˈlʌndən] —

Liverpool [ˈlɪvəˌpu:l] — Ліверпуль Лондонський Тауер
Angles [ˈæŋɡəls] — англи St.Paul’s Cathedral [seɪnt pɔ:lz kəˈθi:drəl] — Собор Святого Павла

188 189
Texts / Тексти England / Англія

England and Devon counties. Most of the southwest is on a peninsula, defined by

Level 1 WORDS: moorlands and rocky outcrop. Many people who visit England will go to
Cornwall because of its beaches — it’s known for surfing!
greeting — привітання The houses you will see in this region have rustic thatched roofs and are
to visit — відвідувати quite quaint. You can also find Stonehenge in this region. You will find some
island — острів farming here, but most of their economy is textiles. The south-eastern part
to make up — складати of England consists of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire, Kent, Isle
the Isle of Wight — острів Уайт of Wight, Surrey, Oxfordshire, East Sussex, and West Sussex counties, and
the Pennine Mountains — London itself.
Пеннінські гори

‘Hello! Welcome to England!’ You might hear this greeting if you visit Level 3 England
England. England is part of an island called Great Britain. The other parts
of Great Britain are Scotland and Wales. Along with Northern Ireland, they
make up the United Kingdom.
England’s capital and largest city is London. About 7 million people live
in London. England is about the size of North Carolina. The land is divided to make up — складати
into thirty-four counties. One of these counties is called the Isle of Wight. It to refer to — відноситись до
is a small island. The Isle of Wight is a good place to find dinosaur bones. as a whole — у цілому
The Pennine Mountains rise in northern England. Because there are many
lakes there, people call this area the Lake District. Tourists visit the Lake
District every year.
About England England is one of three countries that make up Great Britain. The other
two countries are Scotland (to the north) and Wales (to the west). These
WORDS: Level 2
three countries, plus Northern Ireland, make up the United Kingdom (UK).
county — графство The term ‘Britain’ is often used to refer to the United Kingdom as a whole.
peninsula —півострів People from Britain are British subjects (citizens). They come from England,
rocky — скелястий Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland. It is a big mistake to use the term
outcrop — виступ ‘English’ for someone out of Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland. An English
rustic — селянський person comes from England, just as a Welsh person comes from Wales, a
thatched — солом’яний Scot from Scotland, and a Northern Irishman from Northern Ireland. A
British person is therefore anyone who comes from the United Kingdom of
Each region of England is famous for different things. Here’s a quick Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which is the official name for the UK.
look at each of them. In the south-western part of England, you will find
Cornwall, Somerset, Bristol, Gloucestershire, Swindon, Wiltshire, Dorset, Source: ‘England: A Primary Source Cultural Guide’ by Graham Faiella

190 191
50 / Scotland / Шотландія 51 / Wales / Уельс

dragon [ˈdræɡən] — дракон

Edinburgh [ˈedɪnbərə] — Едінбург

Saint Andrew [seɪnt ˈændru:] —

Святий Андрій

thistle [ˈθɪsəl] — будяк daffodil [ˈdæfədɪl] — нарцис

Snowdonia [snəʊˈdəʊnɪə] — Сноудонія

bagpipes [ˈbæɡˌpaɪps] — волинка

kilt [kɪlt] — кілт

Saint David [seɪnt ˈdeɪvɪd] — St. David’s Cathedral
Святий Давид [seɪnt ˈdeɪvɪdz kəˈθi:drəl] —
Edinburgh Castle [ˈedɪnbərə ˈkɑ:sl] —
Собор Святого Давида
Едінбурзький замок
Eilean Donnáin Castle [ˈeɪlən ˈdɒnən ˈkɑ:səl] — the Millennium Stadium
Замок Ейлен-Донан [ðə mɪˈlenɪəm ˈsteɪdɪəm] —
cтадіон Міленіум
Glasgow [ˈɡlɑ:zɡəʊ / ˈɡlæzɡəʊ] — Глазго

laverbread [ˈlɑ:vəˌbred] —
Swansea Bay лавербред, млинці з морських
castle [ˈkɑ:səl] — замок [ˈswɒnzɪ beɪ] — водоростей з беконом
затока Свонсі Бей
the Cambrian Mountains
Loch Ness Monster [lɒk nes ˈmɒnstə] —
[ðə ˈkæmbrɪənˈmaʊntɪnz] —
Лохнеське чудовисько
Кембрійські гори
Ben Nevis [ben ˈnevɪs] — Бен-Невіс Welsh [welʃ] —
Scotland Highlands [ˈskɒtlənd ˈhaɪləndz] — Північно-Шотландська височина cawl [kaʊl] — каул (традиційна страва Уельсу) валлійська мова

192 193
Texts / Тексти Scotland / Шотландія

the awesome old Bell Tower that dominates the town looking across the
Level 1 Scotland loch at the hills on the other side. This rather gorgeous guy happened to be
standing next to me, so I casually said, ‘It’s really beautiful here in England.’
full of — наповнений, повний Do you know what he replied? ‘Well, why don’t you go there then?’ Then
to cut — різати, вирізати he laughed and explained that he was used to foreigners making mistakes
background — фон, тло about that. After that bad start we got on really great, though. Fergus told
disciple of Jesus — me lots about Scotland. I’d already noticed the unusual names: Fergus,
послідовник Ісуса Angus, Hamish for the guys and Ina, Gillian and Aileen for girls. They also
church — церква typically have surnames that begin with Mac or Mc — Mackay, McDonald.
Abbeys — абатства

Scotland is the north part of Great Britain. Five million people live in
Level 3
Scotland. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. There are two large cities Key Facts about Scotland
here: Glasgow and Aberdeen. Scotland is full of mountains and lakes. The
highest mountain is Ben Nevis. There are a lot of rivers. The sea nearly cuts WORDS:
the mountains into parts.
entities — елементи
The Scottish flag is a white cross on a blue background. The cross is the
separate — окремий
cross of Saint Andrew. Saint Andrew was a disciple of Jesus. A long time
landmass — суходол
ago the Scots built many large churches beside the river. These churches
population — населення
were called Abbeys. The Scots built Melrose Abbey in 1136 but the English
unique — унікальний
destroyed it in 1544. In the days of the Abbeys, the hills and farms were
identity — ідентичність
full of sheep and they still are. Some people go to Scotland by plane. Some
people go there by ship.
Scotland is a country within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
A Letter from Scotland Northern Ireland. Scotland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom are all
Level 2
different entities. Great Britain contains the three countries on its island:
England, Scotland and Wales. The United Kingdom also includes Northern
awesome — чудовий Ireland, which is on a separate landmass.
to dominate — домінувати The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. Scotland has a population of just
loch — озеро over ve million. The currency of Scotland is the Pound Sterling. The United
gorgeous — розкішний Kingdom as a whole is the sixth largest economy in the world, and is
therefore a member of the elite G8 forum. It wasn’t until 1707 that Scotland
Dear Marilyn, and England were joined together to form the United Kingdom. However, it
Scotland! Wow!!! What a fantastic place. I’m having a great time. I’m still retains its own unique identity.
afraid that I started off badly by making a fool of myself. I was standing in Source: ‘101 Amazing Facts about Scotland’ by Jack Goldstein

194 195
Texts / Тексти Wales / Уельс

perhaps first seen in Britain in the shape of the ‘draco’ a standard carried
Level 1 Wales by the cohorts of the Roman legion. The dragon is seen as a symbol of
national independence in the story of the red dragon battling with the white
WORDS: dragon of the Saxon enemy. Despite its occasional use by other figures
famous in Welsh history, the red dragon became the symbol of the Welsh
to depict — зображати nation through its adoption by the Tudor ancestors of king Henry VII. The
national — національний leek and the daffodil both emblems of Wales. They share the Welsh name
patron saint — покровитель Ceninen.
rugby — реґбі

Wales is a part of the United Kingdom. It is not a very big country. The
population is about three million people. There are two official languages Level 3
History of Modern Wales
in Wales — Welsh and English. Children study both these languages in
schools. WORDS:
There are many mountains in Wales, especially in the north and central
to act — грати роль, виступати як
regions. The highest mountain is Snowdon. There are also a lot of beautiful
metropolis — столиця
lakes. Many tourists visit this country.
urban centre — міський центр
There aren’t many big cities in Wales. The capital of the country is Cardiff.
shire — графство
The country is represented by the symbol of the red Welsh Dragon, which
to dominate — домінувати
is depicted on the national flag. St. David is the patron saint of Wales. The
thence — звідти
country has its own national game called rugby.

Welsh Peculiarities Level 2

For north Wales, the vital capitals were Chester, and later Liverpool, while
WORDS: even Dublin was more familiar than any southern Welsh town. In the south,
Bristol played a similar role as the centre of commerce, finance and social
cohorts — когорти life. It acted as a real metropolis, an urban centre that drew into its orbit
Roman legion — Римський легіон the surrounding counties of England as well as the shires of the south Wales
adoption — прийняття coast. Shrewsbury was the regional capital for mid-Wales, and it dominated
the Tudor ancestors — the crucial woolen industry. The threefold division of Wales was reinforced
предки династії Тюдорів by the nature of roads within the principality. There were traditionally three
emblem — емблема great roads. One led from Chester to Caernarvon; one from Hereford to
Brecon and Carmarthen, and thence to St David’s. A third was the southern
Snowdon is the highest mountain at 3,650 feet. The coastline is almost coastal route, through Cardiff and Swansea.
750 miles long. The Welsh flag has two equal horizontal stripes, white
above green, and a large red dragon passant. The dragon standard was Source: ‘A History of Modern Wales’ by Philip Jenkins

196 197
52 / The Northern Ireland / Північна Ірландія

Ulster University
Belfast [ˈbelfɑ:st / belˈfɑ:st] — Белфаст [ˈʌlstə ˌju:nɪˈvɜ:sɪtɪ] —
Ольстерський університет

shamrock [ˈʃæmˌrɒk] —
трилисник, конюшина

Queen’s University Belfast

[kwi:nz ˌju:nɪˈvɜ:sɪtɪ ˈbelfɑ:st] —
Королівський університет Белфасту

the National Eisteddfod [ðə ˈnæʃənl aɪsˈteðvɒd / aɪˈstedfəd] — Giant’s Causeway [ˈʤaɪənts ˈkɔ:zweɪ] —
національний фестиваль Айстедфод Дорога гігантів (Стежка Велетня)

Saint Patrick [sənt ˈpætrɪk] — Святий Патрик

the Mourne Mountains

[ðə mɔ:n ˈmaʊntɪn] — гори Моурн

jig [dʒɪɡ] — джига (жига),

традиційний ірландський танок

Scrabo Tower [skræbə ˈtaʊə] — вежа Скрабо

island [ˈaɪlənd] — острів
golf [ɡɒlf] — гольф

198 199
Texts / Тексти The Northern Ireland / Північна Ірландія

the Bronze Age. The 5,000-year-old henge, known as Giant’s Ring, is

Northern Ireland located near Belfast, and Iron Age hill fort remains still are present in the
Level 1 surrounding hills. While Belfast stayed a small settlement during the Middle
WORDS: Ages, the city played a leading role in the Industrial Revolution and was
the North Channel — Північний канал
Ireland’s largest city around the early part of the 20th century. When the
shamrock — конюшина
U.S. Civil War disrupted Europe’s cotton supply, Irish linen experienced a
launched — спущений на воду
revival. Linen companies flourished, and Belfast became the world’s largest
harbor — гавань
linen-producing area, hence its nickname, Linenopolis.
coast — узбережжя
Holidays in Northern Ireland
formation — утворення
Level 3 WORDS:
Northern Ireland is a part of Great Britain. It is the second most populated
part of the UK. The country is washed by the North Channel and by the Protestant group —
Irish Sea. Most of the land of Northern Ireland is covered in rich green grass протестантська група
and you can see really beautiful views. The shamrock and the red hand are the Battle of the Boyne —
the national symbols of Northern Ireland. St. Patrick is the Ireland’s Patron битва на річці Бойн
Saint and people celebrate the Saint Patrick’s Day on March 17. the Ancient Order of the Hibernians —
Belfast is the capital and largest city of Northern Ireland. It is a great древній орден Хіберніанс
industrial centre and a large port. Did you know that Titanic was built and to hold marches — проводити марші
launched from Belfast Harbor? The most famous feature of the northern the Feast of the Assumption —
coast is the Giant’s Causeway, a rock formation consisting of thousands of Свято Успіння
closely placed, pillars of black basalt. The country is very popular among music recital — музичний концерт
Irish Peculiarities Holidays in Northern Ireland are called public holidays. Northern Irish
Level 2 celebrate all of the United Kingdom’s holidays. July I2 is a public holiday
WORDS: called the Twelfth. On this day, a Protestant group called the Orange Order
marches in parades. The group is celebrating King William III’s victory
the Bronze Age — доба бронзи
over King James II in the Battle of the Boyne. A Catholic organization,
the Middle Ages — середні віки
the Ancient Order of the Hibernians (AOH), also holds marches during the
the Industrial Revolution —
year. Two of the AOH marches celebrate the Feast of the Assumption on
промислова революція
August I5 and Saint Patrick’s Day on March l7. Northern Ireland’s most
to disrupt — зривати
famous festival is the International Arts Festival. It is held each November
at Queen’s University of Belfast. Festival goers enjoy music recitals, plays,
Belfast is the second largest city on the island of Ireland. Northern Ireland,
art shows, lectures, and movies.
along with England, Scotland and Wales make up the United Kingdom of
Great Britain. The land that makes up Belfast has been occupied since Source: ‘Northern Ireland’ by Tamara L. Britton

200 201
53 / Birthday / День народження

guests [ɡests] — гості

birthday cake [ˈbɜ:θˌdeɪ keɪk] — торт
party [ˈpɑ:tɪ] — вечірка

cookie (AmE**) [ˈkʊkɪ] —

домашнє печиво
biscuit (BrE*) [ˈbɪskɪt] —
banner [ˈbænə] —
домашнє печиво
birthday [ˈbɜ:θˌdeɪ] —
День народження
clown [klaʊn] — клоун pinata [pɪnˈjɑ:tə] — піньята
noise maker [nɔɪz ˈmeɪkə] —
balloon [bəˈlu:n] —
повітряна кулька
to blow out [bləʊ aʊt] —
задувати, гасити
confetti [kənˈfetɪ] — invitation [ˌɪnvəˈteɪʃən] —
конфетті запрошення
candy [ˈkændɪ] — greeting card [ˈɡri:tɪŋ kɑ:d] —
цукерка листівка з привітанням
candle [ˈkændəl] —
party hat [ˈpɑ:tɪ hæt] — капелюх
для вечірки (конусоподібний)
gift [ɡɪft] — подарунок
Happy birthday! [ˈhæpɪ ˈbɜ:θˌdeɪ] —
present [ˈprezənt] — подарунок З Днем народження!

* BrE — британська англійська

** AmE — американська англійська

202 203
Texts / Тексти Birthday / День народження

have them around, because they were there for me when I was growing
My Birthday Party up. Even though my parents couldn’t be there, I always felt very special
Level 1
and happy, I wouldn’t change any of it. I remembered that on the night
before my birthday, I was crying because I couldn’t find one of my dolls.
I got mad at everybody because it was one of my favorite dolls and I’ve
to hold a party —
looked everywhere and it was still missing. However, the next day I was
організовувати вечірку
so surprised that it was on the top of my birthday cake as part of the
to invite — запрошувати
delicious — дуже смачний
mango cake — манговий пиріг
exciting — захоплюючий Level 3 Interesting Facts about
Today, it was my 8 years old birthday. My mother held a party for me.
I invited my classmates to my birthday party. My mother prepared many parish record — церковний запис
delicious foods such as chicken wing, fishballs and my favorite mango cake to implement — реалізовувати
and we put up the decorations. When my classmates came, they gave their census — перепис
presents and said happy birthday to me. We played a lot of games such as to be named after — бути названим
hangman, catch, computer games and other exciting games. After playing на честь
the games, we were hungry and ate the food. My classmates sang the
birthday song to me. I blew the candles and made a wish before cutting the Recording births
cake. Then, we ate the cake happily. Everybody enjoyed my party very much. Before the 19th century, dates of birth were not officially noted, although
I hope next year my mother will hold another birthday party for me again. baptisms occasionally were. England began keeping parish records of
births, deaths and marriages in 1538 but this wasn’t implemented for the
entire population until the Registration Act of 1836. The first British census
Birthday Level 2 in 1801 didn’t record age, and it wasn’t introduced as a question until 1831
— even then it wasn’t mandatory to answer. It wasn’t until the 1851 census
that people had to record their precise ages.
childhood years — дитинство
Name days
birthday bash — святкування
As well as celebrating the anniversary of your birth, some countries also
Дня народження celebrate name days. These originated as saint days, when people named
to get mad — розсердитися
after a given saint would celebrate that saint’s feast day. Greece sets aside
a Sunday for those who aren’t named after saints so they aren’t left out.
In my childhood years, birthday was the most important event in my life. The University of Helsinki publishes a calendar of Finnish and Swedish name
Here is the picture of my 7th birthday. I always had a big birthday bash days: today belongs to people called Perttu, Bertel and Berta. Tomorrow is
and it wouldn’t be possible if not because of my grandmother who was for Louises and Tuesday August 27 for Ralfs.
standing on my left side and my aunts were too. I am very grateful to Source: The Telegraph Journal

204 205
54 / Easter / Великдень

to bless [bles] — благословляти, освячувати God [ɡɒd] — Бог

Easter [ˈi:stə] — Великдень
Paska / Easter Bread
Jesus [ˈdʒi:zəs] — Ісус Христос [ˈpʌskə / ˈi:stə bred] — паска
priest [pri:st] — священник
church [tʃɜ:tʃ] — церква
Easter egg hunt [ˈi:stər eɡ hʌnt] —
полювання на пасхальні яйця

the Bible [ˈbaɪb(ə)l] — Біблія jelly beans [ˈdʒelɪ bi:nz] — драже

Lent [lent] — Великий піст желе-боби
cross [krɒs] — хрест candle [ˈkændl] — пасхальна свічка

Easter palm [ˈi:stə pɑ:m] —

to decorate [ˈdekəˌreɪt] — прикрашати пасхальна пальма
Easter bunny [ˈi:stə ˈbʌnɪ] —
пасхальний кролик Palm Sunday [ˌpɑ:mˈsʌndɪ] —
Вербна неділя
chocolate bunny [ˈtʃɒklət ˈbʌnɪ] —
шоколадний кролик
ham [hæm] — шинка
Easter egg [ˈi:stər eɡ] — Easter cake [ˈi:stə keɪk] —
пасхальне яйце паска

hot cross bun [hɒt krɒs bʌn] —

булочка з родзинками та
глазурованим хрестом
holy water [ˈhəʊlɪ ˈwɔ:tə] —
Easter basket
свячена вода
[ˈi:stə ˈba:skɪt] —
Happy Easter! [ˈhæpɪ ˈi:stə] —
пасхальний кошик
З Великоднем!

206 207
Texts / Тексти Easter / Великдень

miracle showed that life could win over death.

Level 1 Easter Bunny For Christians the egg is a symbol of Jesus’ resurrection, as when they are
cracked open they stand for the empty tomb. No one actually knows when
bunny — кролик eggs were first used as symbols at festival times but it was long before
to bring — приносити Jesus’ time. Eggs were always thought to be special because although they
swift — швидкий do not seem alive, they have life within them especially at springtime when
wise — мудрий chicks hatch out. Long ago people gave gifts of eggs carved from wood or
sunset — захід Сонця precious stones. The first sweet eggs that were eaten were made in the last
dawn — світанок 100 years from sugar or marzipan. Since then chocolate eggs have become
popular and these are given on Easter Sunday.
We hear of the Easter Bunny who comes each Easter Day before sunrise
to bring eggs for boys and girls, so we think there is only one. But this is not
Level 3 Easter Тraditions
so. There are really five Easter Bunnies, and they must be the five kindest,
and swiftest, and wisest bunnies in the whole wide world, because between WORDS:
sunset on Easter Eve and dawn on Easter Morning they do more work than
most rabbits do in a whole year. to dye — фарбувати
When one of the Easter Bunnies grows old and can no longer run fast, to dry — сушити
the old, wise, and kind Grandfather Bunny who lives at the Palace of Faster to spell out — писати,
Eggs calls the bunnies together from the whole world to select the very читати по літерах
best one to take the place. hidden — захований
Often a mother bunny says to her child, ‘Now if you learn to be wise, hard-boiled — зварені круто
and kind, and swift, some day you may grow up to be one of the Easter
Bunnies.’ After you dye the eggs and let them dry, you will have colored eggs-
which spell out your children’s names that are ready to be hidden. And who
Easter Eggs Level 2 does the hiding? Well, the Easter Bunny, of course! He comes and hides
WORDS: a basket of candy or coin filled plastic eggs along with hardboiled eggs,
because he knows how much Dad loves hard-boiled eggs. It would be great
custom — звичай if the Easter Bunny left a map indicating where he hid the eggs, because it
to raise from the dead — воскресати always seems that a few of his plastic eggs are never found.
з мертвих Obviously, your children need to find all the eggs so that they may spell
to win — вигравати out their names. Once they do that and turn those in to Dad, they get one
resurrection — воскресіння present. Personally, I liked the big Easter baskets, or big, stuffed Easter
to hatch out — вилуплятися Bunnies for their rooms. Again, this holiday is not so much about the present
as it is about the egg hunt.
The custom of giving eggs at Easter celebrates new life. Christians
remember that Jesus, after dying on the cross, rose from the dead. This Source: ‘Holidays for Kids’ by Charles Pascalar

208 209
55 / Christmas and New Year /
Різдво і Новий Рік

Christmas [ˈkrɪsməs] — Різдво

(Christmas) lights [laɪts] — різдвяні вогні
Christmas Eve [ˈkrɪsməs i:v] -
переддень Різдва (Святвечір) mistletoe [ˈmɪs(ə)ltəʊ] — омела
New Year [ˈnju: ˈjɪə] — Новий Рік
New Year’s Day [nju: jɪəz deɪ] — snowman [ˈsnəʊˌmən] — сніговик
день Нового року (1 січня)
New Year’s Eve [nju: jɪəz i:v] —
напередодні Нового року (31 грудня) star [stɑ:] — зірка
decoration [ˌdekəˈreɪʃn] — Santa Claus [ˈsæntə klɔ:z] —
ялинкова прикраса Санта Клаус
sleigh [sleɪ] /
sledge [sledʒ] —

snowflake [ˈsnəʊˌfleɪk] — сніжинка

reindeer [ˈreɪndɪə]— північний олень
tinsel [ˈtɪnsəl]— блискітки, мішура

candy cane [ˈkændɪ keɪn] —

Christmas tree [ˈkrɪsməs tri:] — льодяник у вигляді палички
різдвяна ялинка
candle [ˈkændl] — свічка caroler [ˈkærələ — колядник
angel [ˈeɪnʤəl] — ангел
chimney [ˈʧɪmnɪ] — димохід (Christmas) present wreath [ri:Ɵ] —
[ˈkrɪsməs ˈpreznt] — вінок, гірлянда (на дверях)
fireplace [ˈfaɪəˌpleɪs] — камін
різдвяний подарунок carol [ˈkærəl] — різдвяна пісня, колядка
Christmas card [ˈkrɪsməs kɑ:d] —
різдвяна листівка bells [belz] — дзвіночки
ginger bread [ˈʤɪnʤə bred] — Merry Christmas! [ˈmerɪ ˈkrɪsməs] —
імбирний пряник Щасливого Різдва!
(Christmas) stocking
Happy New Year! [ ˈhæpɪ ˌnju: ˈjɪə] —
[ˈkrɪsməs ˈstɒkɪŋ] —
Щасливого Нового року!
різдвяна шкарпетка

210 211
Christmas and New Year /
Texts / Тексти
Різдво і Новий Рік

Christmas tree in their house for Christmas. The decorating of the tree is
usually a family occasion, with everyone helping. Holly, ivy and mistletoe are
Level 1 Christmas
also sometimes used to decorate homes or other buildings. Most villages,
WORDS: towns and cities are decorated with Christmas lights over Christmas. Often
a famous person switches them on. The most famous Christmas lights in
to put up — ставити the UK are in Oxford Street in London. Every year thousands of people
to hang — вішати go to watch the big ‘switch on’ around the beginning of November. Father
carol — колядка Christmas or Santa Claus leaves presents in stockings or pillow-cases. These
to put out — виставляти are normally hung up by the fire or by a child’s bed on Christmas Eve.

Christmas is in December. It is a season with many traditions. People think The Christmas Quilt / The New
Level 3
about family, friends and giving to people. Most families put up a tree, hang Year’s Quilt (an extract)
decorations and give gifts. Christmas Eve is December 24th. It is the night
before Christmas. It is a great time to sing carols. Will you remember to put WORDS:
out milk and cookies for Santa? Christmas Day is December 25th. Wake up
forgetful — забудькуватий
early. Then you can run to open the presents under the tree. There is going
lid — кришка
to be a lot of food to eat today! It is a time to spend with family and people
replica — репліка
you love. Christmas is the best time for all children, because they will get a
strudel — штрудель
lot of presents and surprises. Of course it is time when miracles are in the
air and all wishes come true! But be careful, sometimes you need to wish
less and give all your ‘free-wishes to those, who are in need. ...’I was afraid, since the Christmas decorations had been stored away
so long’, she said softly, ‘that Claudia stopped celebrating Christmas after
I left’.
Christmas Time Level 2 ‘You forgot about the aluminium tree’, said Sarah. ‘Remember? Maybe
she couldn’t have a traditional Bergstrom holiday on her own, but she did
WORDS: celebrate Christmas’.
‘And of course there was also the — Oh, my goodness. You’re not the only
present — подарунок forgetful one.’ Agnes beckoned her daughter forward. ‘Cassie, would you
ivy — плющ give Sylvia her present, please’?
mistletoe — омела Cassandra placed the white cardboard bakery box on Sylvia’s lap. ‘You
to decorate — прикрашати should open it now’, she said, smiling. ‘Don’t wait for Christmas morning’.
pillow-case — наволочкa Sylvia lifted the lid, and on any other day she would have been astonished
to find an exact replica of the famous Bergstrom strudel, but not that day.
‘Where on earth did you buy this’? she exclaimed...
In the UK (or Great Britain), families often celebrate Christmas together,
so they can watch each other open their presents. Most families have a Source: ‘The Christmas Quilt’ by Jennifer Chiaverini

212 213
Appendices / Додатки English Irregular Verbs /
Англійські неправильні дієслова

Infinitive Past simple Past participle Translation

awoke / [əˈwəʊk] / awaked / [əˈweɪkt] / прокидатись,
awake [əˈweɪk]
awaked [əˈweɪkt] awoken [əˈwəʊkən] будити
be [bi:] was / were [wɒz] / [wɜ:] been [bi:n] бути
bear [bɛə] bore [bɔ:] born(e) [bɔ:n] нести; народжувати
beat [bi:t] beat [bi:t] beat / beaten [bi:t] / [bi:tn] бити, збивати
become [bɪˈkʌm] became [bɪˈkeɪm] become [bɪˈkʌm] ставати
begin [bɪˈgɪn] began [bɪˈgæn] begun [bɪˈgʌn] починати(ся)
bend [bend] bent [bent] bent [bent] згинати(ся)
bind [baɪnd] bound [baʊnd] bound [baʊnd] зв’язувати, прив’язувати
bite [baɪt] bit [bɪt] bit(ten) [ˈbɪtn] кусати(ся)
bleed [bli:d] bled [bled] bled [bled] кровоточити
blow [bləʊ] blew [blu:] blown [bləʊn] дути, продувати
ламати(ся), рвати(ся),
break [breɪk] broke [brəʊk] broken [ˈbrəʊk(ə)n]
bring [brɪŋ] brought [brɔ:t] brought [brɔ:t] приносити, привозити
build [bɪld] built [bɪlt] built [bɪlt] будувати, створювати
burn [bɜ:n] burnt / burned [bɜ:nt] burnt / burned [bɜ:nt] горіти, палати
burst [bɜ:st] burst [bɜ:st] burst [bɜ:st] розриватися
buy [baɪ] bought [bɔ:t] bought [bɔ:t] купувати
come [kʌm] came [keɪm] come [kʌm] приходити
cost [kɒst] cost [kɒst] cost [kɒst] коштувати
creep [kri:p] crept [krept] crept [krept] повзати
cut [kʌt] cut [kʌt] cut [kʌt] різати, відрізати
deal [di:l] dealt [delt] dealt [delt] спілкуватися, мати справу
dig [dɪg] dug [dʌg] dug [dʌg] копати, рити
do [du:] did [dɪd] done [dʌn] робити
draw [drɔ:] drew [dru:] drawn [drɔ:n] тягти; малювати
dream [dri:m] dreamt /dreamed [dremt] dreamt / dreamed [dremt] мріяти, уявляти, бачити сон

214 215
Appendices / Додатки English Irregular Verbs /
Англійські неправильні дієслова

Infinitive Past simple Past participle Translation

drink [drɪŋk] drank [dræŋk] drunk [drʌŋk] пити
drive [draɪv] drove [drəʊv] driven [drɪvn] їхати, гнати
eat [i:t] ate [et] eaten [ˈi:tn] їсти
fall [fɔ:l] fell [fel] fallen [ˈfɔ:lən] падати
feed [fi:d] fed [fed] fed [fed] годувати
feel [fi:l] felt [felt] felt [felt] відчувати
fight [faɪt] fought [fɔ:t] fought [fɔ:t] битися, боротися
find [faɪnd] found [faʊnd] found [faʊnd] знаходити
fly [flaɪ] flew [flu:] flown [fləʊn] літати
forbid [fəˈbɪd] forbad(e) [fəˈbæd] forbidden [fəˈbɪdn] забороняти
forget [fəˈget] forgot [fəˈgɒt] forgotten [fəˈgɒtn] забувати
forgive [fəˈgɪv] forgave [fəˈgeɪv] forgiven [fəˈgɪvn] прощати
freeze [fri:z] froze [frəʊz] frozen [ˈfrəʊzn] заморожувати
get [get] got [gɒt] got (ten) (amer.) [gɒt] отримувати, здобувати
give [gɪv] gave [geɪv] given [ˈgɪvn] давати
go [gəʊ] went [went] gone [gɒn] іти, їхати
grow [grəʊ] grew [gru:] grown [grəʊn] рости, вирощувати
hang [‘hæŋ] hung / hanged [hʌŋ] hung/ hanged [hʌŋ] висіти, вішати, розвішувати
have [hæv] had [hæd] had [hæd] мати, володіти
hear [hɪə] heard [hɜ:d] heard [hɜ:d] слухати, чути
hide [haɪd] hid [hɪd] hid(den) [hɪd] ховати(ся)
hit [hɪt] hit [hɪt] hit [hɪt] бити, ударяти
hold [həʊld] held [held] held [held] тримати
hurt [hɜ:t] hurt [hɜ:t] hurt [hɜ:t] пошкодити, завдати болю
keep [ki:p] kept [kept] kept [kept] зберігати(ся)
knit [nɪt] knit(ted) [ˈnɪtɪd] knit(ted) [ˈnɪtɪd] в’язати, скріплювати
know [nəʊ] knew [nju:] known [nəʊn] знати
lay [leɪ] laid [leɪd] laid [leɪd] лежати, прокладати

216 217
Appendices / Додатки English Irregular Verbs /
Англійські неправильні дієслова

Infinitive Past simple Past participle Translation

lead [li:d] led [led] led [led] вести, керувати, очолювати
lean [li:n] leant / leaned [lent] leant / leaned [lent] нахиляти(ся), опиратися,
learn [lɜ:n] learnt / learned [lɜ:nt] learnt / learned [lɜ:nt] вчити(ся)
leave [li:v] left [left] left [left] покидати, залишати
lend [lend] lent [lent] lent [lent] давати в борг, позичати
let [let] let [let] let [let] дозволяти, давати
lie [laɪ] lay / lied [leɪ] / [li:d] lied / lain [li:d] / [leɪn] обманювати, лежати
light [laɪt] lit / lighted [lɪt] / [laɪtɪd] lit / lighted [lɪt] / [laɪtɪd] світити, запалювати
lose [lu:z] lost [lɒst] lost [lɒst] губити, втрачати
make [meɪk] made [meɪd] made [meɪd] робити, виробляти
mean [mi:n] meant [ment] meant [ment] означати
meet [mi:t] met [met] met [met] зустрічати(ся)
pay [peɪ] paid [peɪd] paid [peɪd] платити
put [pʊt] put [pʊt] put [pʊt] (по)класти, (по)ставити
read [ri:d] read [red] read [red] читати
ride [raɪd] rode [rəʊd] ridden [ˈrɪdn] їхати (верхи)
ring [rɪŋ] rang [ræŋ] rung [rʌŋ] дзвонити
rise [raɪz] rose [rəʊz] risen [ˈrɪz(ə)n] підніматися, вставати
run [rʌn] ran [ræn] run [rʌn] бігати
saw [sɔ:] sawed [sɔ:d] sawn / sawed [sɔ:n] / [sɔ:d] пиляти, розпилювати
say [seɪ] said [sed] said [sed] говорити, сказати
see [si:] saw [sɔ:] seen [si:n] бачити
seek [si:k] sought [sɔ:t] sought [sɔ:t] шукати
sell [sel] sold [səʊld] sold [səʊld] продавати
send [send] sent [sent] sent [sent] відправляти, посилати
set [set] set [set] set [set] встановлювати
sew [səʊ] sewed [səʊd] sewn / sewed [səʊn] / [səʊd] шити, пришивати, зашивати
shake [ʃeɪk] shook [ʃʊk] shaken [ˈʃeɪkən] трясти

218 219
Appendices / Додатки English Irregular Verbs /
Англійські неправильні дієслова

Infinitive Past simple Past participle Translation

shave [ʃeɪv] shaved [ʃeɪvd] shaved / shaven [ˈʃeɪv(ə)n] голитися
shoot [ʃu:t] shot [ʃɒt] shot [ʃɒt] стріляти
show [ʃəʊ] showed [ʃəʊd] shown [ʃəʊn] показувати
shut [ʃʌt] shut [ʃʌt] shut [ʃʌt] закривати
sing [sɪŋ] sang [sæn] sung [sʌŋ] співати
sink [sɪŋk] sank [sæŋk] sunk [sʌŋk] тонути
sit [sɪt] sat [sæt] sat [sæt] сидіти
sleep [sli:p] slept [slept] slept [slept] спати
smell [smel] smelt [smelt] smelt [smelt] пахнути, нюхати
speak [spi:k] spoke [spəʊk] spoken [ˈspəʊkn] говорити, розмовляти
speed [spi:d] sped [sped] sped [sped] спішити, прискорювати
spell [spel] spelt / spelled [spelt] spelt / spelled [spelt] читати слова по літерах
spend [spend] spent [spent] spent [spent] витрачати
spoil [spɔɪl] spoilt / spoiled [spɔɪlt] spoilt / spoiled [spɔɪlt] псуватися, балувати
spread [spred] spread [spred] spread [spred] розповсюджувати(ся)
stand [stænd] stood [stʊd] stood [stʊd] стояти
steal [sti:l] stole [stəʊl] stolen [ˈstəʊln] вкрасти, красти
stick [stɪk] stuck [stʌk] stuck [stʌk] втикати, приклеювати(ся)
swear [swɛə] swore [swɔ:] sworn [swɔ:n] божитися
sweep [swi:p] swept [swept] swept [swept] мести, замітати
swim [swɪm] swam [swæm] swum [swʌm] плавати
swing [swɪŋ] swung [swʌŋ] swung [swʌŋ] качатися, гойдатися
take [teɪk] took [tʊk] taken [ˈteɪkn] брати
teach [ti:tʃ] taught [tɔ:t] taught [tɔ:t] вчити, викладати
tell [tel] told [təʊld] told [təʊld] говорити, розповідати
think [θɪŋk] thought [ðɔ:t] thought [ðɔ:t] думати
throw [θrəu] threw [θru:] thrown [θrəʊn] кидати
tread [tred] trod [trɒd] trodden [trɒdn] іти, крокувати

220 221
Appendices / Додатки English Irregular Verbs /
Англійські неправильні дієслова

Infinitive Past simple Past participle Translation

understand [ˌʌndəˈstænd] understood [ˌʌndəˈstʊd] understood [ˌʌndəˈstʊd] розуміти
wake [weɪk] woke / waked [wəʊk] woken / waked [ˈwəʊkən] прокидатися, будити
wear [wɛə] wore [wɔ:] worn [wɔ:n] носити (про одяг)
weep [wi:p] wept [wept] wept [wept] плакати
win [wɪn] won [wʌn] won [wʌn] перемагати
write [raɪt] wrote [rəʊt] written [ˈrɪtn] писати

222 223
The Map of Europe / Карта Європи The Map of the UK /
Карта Об’єднаного Королівства

224 225
The Map of England / Карта Англії The Map of Scotland / Карта Шотландії

The Map of Scotland / Карта Шотландії

226 227
The Map of Wales / Карта Уельсу The Map of the Northern Ireland /
Карта Північної Ірландії

The Map of Wales / Карта Уельсу

228 229
Index / Алфавітний покажчик

A anesthetization 76 at noon 140 banana 112 Ben Nevis 198 blue 42

angel 216 at present 141 bandage 78 beret 92 blueberry 112
abbeys 194 angle 47 at the weekend 141 bandana 92 bergamot 85 blusher 82
absorb 176 Angles 194 athletics 145 bank 186 berry 112 boarding school 7,
accessories 92,160 animal 44 atmosphere 26 banner 202 beshbarmak 109 147
account 189 ankle 54 attic 120 baptize 190 bestseller 167 boat 149
accountability 15 announce 169 aubergine 117, 118 bar 186 between 192 Bodiam Castle 195
achieve 18 answer 24 August 133 barn 182 bewildering 10 body 54
acre 185 antenna 172 aunt 29 baseball 144 Bible 212 bold 61
across 80 antibiotics 79 author 164 basement 121 bicycle 34 bone 57
act 203 antiseptic 79 authority 11 bash 204 big 46 book 164
add 136 apartment 120 autumn 133 basketball 144 Big Ben 195 bookshop 153
adhering 171 appearance 60 average 18 bathroom 120 biggest deal ever 35 boots 87
admit 10, 170 apple 112, 63, 80 award 9 be fond of 168 bigos 109 borscht 109
adoption 196 apricot 113 awesome 194 be ill 69 billiards 145 both 137
adore 34, 126 April 133 awkward 67 be in shape 76 biographical novel bottled food 156
adult 32 arboretum 185 axe 161 be named after 211 166 bottom 27
advancement 9 area 122 be out of shape 76 biology 17 boundary 142
advantage 150 arm 55 be pleased 162 birthday 202 bounty 119
adventure novel 166 arm warmer 93 B be situated 180 birthday cake 203 bow 209
aerial 172 aromatic 51 beans 116 biscuit 101, 203 bowling 145
african dress 96 array 89,107 baby 32 beard 62 black 42, 61 boxing 145
afternoon 140 art 16 back 54 beautiful 30, 60 black currant 113 boy 40
aim 177 article 90 background 194 beauty 188 blackberry 113 bracelet 93
air the room 128 artisan 90 backpack 20, 22 bedroom 120 blackboard 20 braces 92
aisle 156 as a whole 197 badminton 144 beef 102 bladder 118 bradawl 161
algebra 17 ask 24 bag 92 beetroot 117 blender 130 brain 57
allergy 68 aspirin 79 bagpipes 198 begin 66 bless 190, 212 brain cells 118
ambulance 69 assembled 185 bake 102 beige 43 blond 61 brainy 27
American 40 assembly hall 8 bakery 157 Belfast 198 blonde 61 branch 178
among 26, 146 assignment 134 balcony 121 bell 12 blood 57 brandied 103
amount 94 associate 110 ball 148 bell pepper 118 bloom 178 bread 100
ampoule 79 at midnight 141 balloon 202 bells 219 blouse 86 break 13, 40
ancient 22, 51,190,192 at night 141 banal 174 belt 92 blow out 202 breathe 49

230 231
Index / Алфавітний покажчик

brick 14 buying habit 159 cardiologist 75 challenge 143 Christmas lights 218 cocktail 104
bridge 186 by observation 67 carol 219, 220 change 10 Christmas stocking cocoa 104
bright 22 caroler 219 changeable 138 217 coconut 113
brightly 138 carrot 116 chapter 164 Christmas tree 217 coffee 104
bring 88,214 C carry 10, 64 cheap 51 church 186, 194, cohorts 196
bring down 73 cart 183 check 157 212 cold 51, 69
bring up 129 cabbage 117 cartoon 173 check blood-pressure church service 219 cold remedy 79
broad 170 cabbage rolls 109 carve 181 75 cinema 186 collect 48
broccoli 116 café 186 carving 123 checkout desk 156 circle 24, 47 collection 165, 193
brooch 93 cake 101 case 92 cheek 56 circus 126, 187 college 7
broth 101 calamari 100 cash 157,160 cheese 101 city 186 color 42
brother 28 calculator 23 cashier 156 chemist 80 city hall 187 colour 42
brother-in-law 29 calendar 137, 140 casserole 102 chemistry 17 civilized 53 comb 83
brown 42, 61 calf 124 castle 198 chemists 160 class 12 comb hair 38
bruise 68 calories 131 cat 124 cherry 112 class teacher 12 come home 39
brush 82 Cambridge catch 40, 64, 80 chess club 40 classic 90 comely 59
brush hair 38 University 195 catching disease 70 chest 54 classical literature comfortable 50
brush teeth 38 campaigner 11 cathedral 186 chew 58 166 commercial 173, 176
brussels sprouts 118 camping 184 cauliflower 117 chicken 101, 124 classroom 12 commonalties 171
Buddhist temple 191 campus 12 caviar 100 chicken-pox 70 clean 51 communal 23
build 30 candle 202, 213, 216 cawl 193 child 32 clean the apartment companionship 127
building 186 candy 100, 202 ceiling 121 childhood years 204 128 compass 21
building store 153 candy cane 216 celery 116 children’s book 167 climb 162 compete 176
bumpy 48 candy-maker 102 cellar 121 chill 69 cloakroom 12 competition 8, 142,
bunny 214 canoeing 145 cemetery 182 chimney 121, 217 close 24 150
bus 40 cantaloupe 119 census 211 chin 56 closer 8 complete 143
bus stop 186 canteen 13 central 52 chocolate 101 closet 120 complete line 159
bush 178 canyon 178 century 140 chocolate bunny 212 clothes 86, 160 complexity 91
butcher’s 153 cap 86 ceremony 85 choose 24, 94 clown 209 compulsory
butter 100 capacity 95 certain 127 chop 101 coast 123 education 6
button 93 cappuccino 104 certify 15 Christian church 190 coast 179, 180, 200 compulsory
button-up 89 capsule 73 chain 93 Christmas 216 coat 86 education 6
buy 161 car park 186 chair 20 Christmas card 218 Coca 104 concern 177
buyer 161 Cardiff 199 chalk 20 Christmas Eve 216 cock 124 condiments 156

232 233
Index / Алфавітний покажчик

conditioner 83 coverage 151 dairy products 156 derive 135 do gymnastics 40 dye 215
confectionary 157 cow 124 daisy 114 desert 178 do homework 39
confetti 202 cow house 182 danger 127 deserve 26 do the laundry 128
confidence 84 cozy 14 dangling 45 designation 111 do the washing-up E
configuration 181 craftsmanship 90 dark 43, 61 designed 175 128
conflict 37 cranberry 113 dark green 43 desire 98 doctor 75 ear 56
congruent 48 crawl 64 darts 145 desk 20 dog 124 earache 71
consider 177 crayon 21 date so-and-so 35 destroy 53 dolma 108 earring 93
consist 137 cream 78 daughter 28 detective story 167 domestic 126 Easter 212
consumer 155 create 23 dawn 214 develop 110 dominate 194, 197 Easter basket 212
contemporary 91,169 cricket 144 day 140 device 130, 185 doner kebab 109 Easter Bread 212
contents 164 crisp 115 day nursery 7 devote 142 donkey 125 Easter bunny 212
continue 18, 76 crooked 62 day off 132 diary 21 door 120 Easter cake 213
convenience store 159 cross 212 day school 7 differ 134 double 106 Easter egg 212
convenient 22 cross out 24 deaf 70 difficult 50 downstairs 120 Easter egg hunt 213
convert 22 crowded 162 deal 18 dig 31 dragon 199 Easter palm 213
conveyor belt 156 crutch 75 debate 18 dilute 85 drama 166 easy 50
cook dinner 39 cucumber 117 December 133 dine 40 draniki 108 eat 64
cookie 101, 203 cufflink 93 decorate 212, 220 dining room 121 drawing 16 Edinburgh 198
cool 114 cultivar 119 decoration 98, 216 directories 163 dress 36, 86 Edinburgh Castle
copy 165 curly 61 deep 43, 46 dirty 51 dressing gown 87 198
corn 117 curriculum 13 deep gray 43 disciple of Jesus 194 drink 64,104 edition 165
correct 24 curry 108 deeper 31 discount 161 drinks 156 editor 165, 172
costly 95 custom 214 definition 18 discount store 159 drive 64 education 6
cotton bud 79 customer 156, 161 delectable 115 disease 68, 72, 81 drive a car 39 egg 100
cough 68 cut 68, 194 delicious 204 dish 110 drops 78 Eilean Donnain
cough mixture 79 cute 36 demitasse 106 display 123 dry 51, 215 Castle 198
countenance 59 cutlet 101 dentist 75 disposition 95 dry goods 156 either 158
country 196 cycling 145 department chair 7 disproportionately 11 dubious 103 elbow 55
countryside 182, 184 department store disrupt 200 duck 124 elder 30
courage 137 152 distinctive 110 dull pain 71 elderly 32
courgette 116 D depend 8, 88 divide 146 during 151 electric shaver 83
cousin 29 depend on 94 divorced 33 dust 129 electrocardiogram
cover 58 daffodil 137, 199 depict 196 dizzy 68 dust-heaps 180 76

234 235
Index / Алфавітний покажчик

elementary education essay 18 faint 70 179 force 139 garden 121

6 ethical 127 fair 61 fig 113 forehead 56 garlic 116
elf 219 evaluate 14 fairy tale 167 fill a tooth 76 forest 179 gas 122
eligible 175 evening 141 fall 65, 133 fill in the blanks 24 forgetful 221 gas station 187
elliptically 139 everything 66 fall ill 69 film 173 form 12 gate 148
embellishment 95 exact 192 fall into 168 finger 55 formal 99 gather 114, 136
emblem 196 exam 13 family 28 finish 134 formation 200 geese 124
emerald 43 exception 136 famous 180 finish work 39 formula 26 genres 167
employment 11 excited 52 fan 148 fireplace 218 foundation 82 geography 17
empty 50 exciting 35,142, 204 fancy goods 152 fish 100 fracture 69 geometry 17
encompass 171 exist 193 far 46 fish and chips 109 free education 6 germ 70
endurance 150 expectations 168 farm 182 fish and seafood 157 freeze 114 German 16
endure 37 expensive 51 fasolada 108 fit 161 fresco 190 get dressed 38
enemy 53 expert 9 fast 50 fix things 128 fresh juice 105 get mad 210
energy 174 express 177 fat 60 fizzy 106 freshness 150 get married 36
engineer 30 extend 142 father 28 fizzy drink 104 Friday 132 get up 38
English 16 extreme 146 father-in-law 28 flame-ticked 89 frozen foods 156 geyser 179
enjoy 31 extremely 66 favourite 44 flat 46, 120 fruit 112 Giant’s Causeway
enormously 91 eye 56 feature 170, 193 flexible 58 fruit infusion 105 199
enough 138 eye shadow 82 feature 84 floor 120 fulfillment 44 gift 174, 202
entertaining 188 eyebrow 56 February 133 florist’s 153 full 50, 62 ginger bread 45, 218
entertaining center eyebrow pencil 82 feed 126, 169 flour 100 full and neat 158 give 64
187 eyelash 56 feed the pet 128 flower 178 full of 194 glacier 178
enthusiast 147 eyeliner 82 feel 65 flower-bed 121 full-time education 6 glad 34
entire 66 feel dizzy 68 flu 70 funny 62, 88 Glasgow 198
entities 195 feel shivery 71 fluid 22 furniture 153 glasses 93
entity 192 F feel sick 68 fly 64 fuss 122 globe 21
epidemic 73 feel the pulse 75 foam 106 future 141 glove 92, 148
equal 51 fable 167 feel well 71 folklore 168 gloves 88
equally 170 fabricated 175 festival 99 follow 94 glue 21
eraser 21 face 56 fever 68 fondness 49 G go 64
escalator 154 facility 14 fiction 166, 177 food 100 go by bus 39
especially 146 factory 180 fiddle 146 football 144 gallery 187 go grey 62
espresso 104 faculty 7 field 126, 147, 148, for coat 86 garage 120, 180 go to bed 39

236 237
Index / Алфавітний покажчик

go to school 38 grow 136, 178 harbor 200 hiccup 69 hot chocolate 104 imitate 18
go to the board 24 guest 122 hard 50 hidden 215 hot cross bun 212 immensely 34
goal 23, 148, 151 guests 203 hard cover 164 hide 65 hotel 187 implement 185, 211
goat 124 guide book 167 hard-boiled 215 high 46 hour 140 impressive 123
gobble off 45 guinea pig 125 harmonically 8 high education 6 house 120 improve 84
God 213 gym 13 hat 86 high school 7 household chores in air 146
godfather 29 gymnasium 7, 12 hatch out 214 higher education 6 128 in autumn 133
godmother 29 have breakfast 38 high-skill 189 household goods in spite of 34
goggles 149 have dinner 38 hijab 96 152 in the afternoon 140
gold 43 H have fun 209 hill 178 household products in the evening 141
golf 144, 198 have lunch 38 Hindu temple 191 157 in the morning 140
good-looking 62 haberdashery 160 have supper 38 hip 54 housemaid’s knee in the past 141
goose 124 hair 56 have weak sight 70 hip and edgy 84 77 inappropriate 127
gooseberry 113 hairbrush 83 hay 182 historical novel 166 hue 95 include 180, 192
gorgeous 194 hairdryer 83 head 54 history 17 hug 58 increase 135
grab 134 hall 121 head teacher’s office hockey 145 huge 46 indispensable 176
grade 12 hallway 121 12 hold 64 humanities 6 infant school 7
grammar school 7 ham 100, 212 headache 68 hold marches 201 humorous 14 infection 80
grandfather 28 hamburger 109 headscarf 96 holiday 13 hungry 53 influence 72, 193
grandmother 28 hammer 161 health 68 hollow 178 hut 183 inform 174
grandparents 28 hamster 125 healthy 146 holly 190, 217 informatics 16
grant 11 hand 55 hear 65 holubtsi 109 information desk
grape 112 hand made 153 heart 57 holy 192 I 163
grapefruit 113 handbag 92 heart attack 70 holy water 213 inherit 192
gray 43 handicraft 16 heartburn 70 home electronic ice skating 144 injection 74
great number of 170 handkerchief 92 heavy 50, 188 technology 160 ice-cream 101 injured 80
greedy 168 handle 37 heel 54, 90 honey 101 icon 190 inner 49
green 42 handsome 60 held a party 204 hoover 129 identifiable 115 innovation 103
green tea 105 hang 220 helmet 92, 148 hop 64 identify 95, 98, 168, insomnia 69
greeting 196 hang the clothes hen 124 horror 174 201 institute 7
greeting card 203 128 hen house 182 horse 125 ill 30, 69 instrument 122
grey 43, 61 Happy Easter! 213 heritage 98 hospital 187 illness 68 integrally 9
grocery 152 Happy New Year! hero 165 host 66 imagine 122 intended 91,171
groom hair 84 219 heroine 165 hot 51 imam 191 intensity 139

238 239
Index / Алфавітний покажчик

intonation 18 jump 64 lake 179 limited-line 155 make up 196, 197 medium 46
intrigue 31 June 133 lamb 102, 125 lined up 158 mall 163 mellow 114
introduce 30 jungle 178 landmass 195 lip 56 Mall 90 melon 112
introduction 164 junior school 7 landscape 178 lip balm 78 mandarin 112 member 130
intuitive 44 just 66 language courses 7 lipstick 82 mango 113 memory 30
invention 81 large 46 listen 24 mango cake 204 Merry Christmas!
inventory 169 latte 104 literally 98 man-made 188 219
invitation 203 K launched 200 literature 17, 164, 165 mantelpiece 218 mesmerism 41
invite 26, 204 laverbread 193 little 46 manuscript 165 Mesopotamia 53
iron 129 kaftan 96 lawn 8 liver 57 March 133 messy 158
island 179, 196, 199 karate 145 lay emphasis 84 Liverpool 194 march 65 metal 51
item 163 kayaking 145 lay the table 128 living-room 121 mark 13 metro 187
ivy 220 keep 127 laying the table 40 locally 110 marker 21 metropolis 197
keychain 93 lazy 30 locate 175 market 187 mice 124
kick 58 league 27 location 52 married 33 midday 140
J kid 32 leap 136 loch 194 mascara 82 middle 138
kidney 57 leek 117 Loch Ness Monster mask 148 midnight 141
jacket 86 kilt 97 leg 54 198 mass 174 milk 105
jam 101 kimono 97 legend 167, 198 long 46 mast 149 milk shake 105
January 133 kitchen 120 leggings 92 long wait 162 match 24, 90 millinery 152
jar 48 kitchen garden 121, lemon 112 look 24 math 17 minced meat 100
jeans 87 182 lemonade 105 look forward 204 mathematics 17 mineral 106
jelly 101 kiwi fruit 112 Lent 213 low 46 maths 17 mineral water 104
jelly beans 212 knee 54 lesson 12 lunch 40 May 133 minute 140
Jesus 213 knowledge 18 lettuce 117 lung 57 meadow 179 mistletoe 218, 220
jewellery 93 kraft dinner 108 level 23 lyceum 7, 13 meal 106 mitten 92
jewelry 93, 160 kurta 96 librarian 170 measles 70 mittens 88
Jewish synagogue 191 kushari 108 library 12, 187 measure 143 mix up 18
jig 199 lid 221 M meat 100, 157 mixed school 7
jilbab 96 lie 65 medical examination mixture 78
jogging 145 L light 43, 50 mailbox 121 75 modern 51
jolly 176 light green 43 main entrance 12 medicine 68 modification 90
juice 105 lace 162 lights 218 major 180, 192 medicine box 80 mole 58
July 133 lack 94, 188 lime 112 make a bed 38, 128 medieval 81 Monday 132

240 241
Index / Алфавітний покажчик

month 140 nail clippers 82 non-fiction 166 orange 42, 112 Palm Sunday 213 pencil case 20
Months 133 nail file 82 noon 140 orbit 139 pancakes 101 pencil sharpener 20
mop the floor 129 nail polish 82 nose 56 ordinary 134 panorama 170 peninsula 196
morning 140 nail scissors 82 note 114 organizer 176 panties 87 pentagon 47
mosque 191 narrative 171 notebook 20 outcrop 196 pants 87 people 30
mother 28 narrow 46 novel 40,166 outfit 94 parents 28 pepper 116
mother-in-law 28 national 196 November 133 outlook 189 parish 211 perfection 44
motor racing 145 National Eisteddfod numerous 150 oval 47 parsley 116 perfume 83
moules-frites 108 204 nurse 74 overall 189 participant 175 perfumery 160
mountain 178 nature 66,178 nursery school 7 overcome 73 particular 10 periodicals 152
mountaineering 145 nature-study 16 nut roasters 154 overcome illness 80 part-time education permanent 37
mouse 124 near 46 nutshell 192 overtaken 49 6 persimmon 113
mouth 56 nearest 102 overturned 123 party 209 person 31
mow the lawn 129 necessary 41 overwhelm 94 party hat 203 pertain 192
muff 93 necessary 72 O own 98 Paska 212 pet 30
mulberry 113 neck 54 Oxford University 195 passage 164 pheasant 103, 125
multistorey 188 necklace 93 oar 149 oyster 107 passion 142 physical 72
multistory building 186 needle 74 occasion 94 past 141 physical education
murder 170 nephew 29 occupation 142 pasta 101, 109 (PE) 16
muscle 55 neroli 85 occur 9 P pastry 102 physician 75
museum 187 net 148 ocean 179 pasture 183 physics 16
mushroom 117 new 50 October 133 package 158 patient 74 pickle 107
music 16 New Year 216 ointment 78 pagan 135 patron saint 196 pie 101
music school 7 New Year’s Day 216 old 32, 60 page 164 pawpaw 113 pig 125
musical recital 201 New Year’s Eve 216 older 30 painkiller 78 pay 14 pillow-case 220
Muslim 191 Newcastle 195 on Sunday 132 paint 161 pea 116 pills 78
mustard plaster 78 news 173 on Sundays 132 paint roller 161 peace 114 pinata 203
mute 71 newsagents 152 on weekdays 141 paintbrush 161 peach 112 pineapple 112
mystery 31 nib 22 onion 116 pair 88 pear 112 pink 42
nice 30 only child 34 pajama 40 peer pressure 35 pitchfork 183
niece 29 open 24, 50 pajamas 87 Peking duck 108 pizza 109
N night 141 opportunity 14 pale 43 pelmeni 109 plain 178
noise maker 203 opposite 122 pale pink 43 pen 20 plane 161
nail 161 noisy 50 oppressed 49 palm 55 pencil 20 plant 178

242 243
Index / Алфавітний покажчик

play 167 precise 15 proverb 88 quiet 50 reading 17 renewal 81

play netball 40 predecessor 137 provide 150 quietness 62 reading room 12 repeat 25
player 36 prefer 106, 126, 142, provision 10 quill 22 ready-made clothes replica 221
pleasant 62, 136, 150 158, 174 psychological 170 quinsy 71 152 represent 98
pleasure 126 prepare 106, 110, public rest room 163 quiz 173 reality show 173 require 15, 23, 41
pluck 22, 63 184 public schools 147 quiz 26 realize 150 researcher 36
plum 112 prescribe 72, 80 publishing house receive 26, 84,122 residental 122
plural 99 prescription 75 165 recipe 111 resolve 143
pneumonia 70 present 141, 176, pull oneself together R reckon 59 respect 84, 190
poem 167 202, 217, 220 76 recommend 154 response 49
poetry 166 presenter 172 pulp 115 rabbi 191 record low 36 responsibilities 130
poisoning 71 preservation 181 pump 131 rabbit 125 record percentage restaurant 186
police office 187 pretty 60 pumpkin 116 racket 148 36 result 9
polite 99 prevent 174 pupil 13 radish 116 rectangle 47, 48 resurrection 214
polo 145 price 161 purple 42 railway station 187 rectangular 47 retail 155
polygons 48 prickly pear 115 purpose 94 raincoat 86 recurring 171 retired 34
pomegranate 113 priest 190, 213 purse 92 raise from the dead red 42, 61 reveal 8
pond 179 primary school 7 put down 65 214 red currant 113 revelation 192
pool 121, 187 primordial 192 put in order 25 raise your hand 25 red rose 194 ribbon 209
pop 94 principal 12 put in stitches 76 rake 183 refer 193 ring 93, 148
popular arts 152 printing house 165 put on make-up 38 rake the leaves 129 refer to 197 riot 151
popular-scientific private school 7 put out 220 ram 125 referee 148 river 178
literature 166 product 130 put up 220 range 154 reference book 167 rock 179
population 195 professional school putatively 37 rank 8 reflect 27 rocky 196
pork 102 7 pyjamas 87 rapturously 107 reform 18 role 8
porridge 100 programme 172 rarely 138 reindeer 218 Roman legion 196
positioning 155 project 155 raspberry 112 relatives 29 roof 120, 179
post office 187 prompt 49 Q rat 124 relax 150 room 120
post-school education pronounce 25, 26 rate 188 religion 190 rouge 82
6 pronunciation 26 quantum 143 rather 62 relish 131 rough 51
posture 67 proper 103 quarter 40 raw materials 85 remain 8, 31, 168, round 47
potato 116 prose 166 Queen’s University ray 139 189 rubber 21
pot-au-feu 108 Protestant group Belfast 199 razor 83 remedy 81 rugby 144, 196
powerful 139 201 queue 157 read 25 remote 172, 174 ruler 20

244 245
Index / Алфавітний покажчик

run 65 schedule time 141 settlement 53 silver 43 Snowdonia 199 173

running 145 school 12, 40 several 130 single 33, 151 snowflake 219 spray 78
runny nose 68 school hall 13 sew 18 sister 28 snowman 136, 219 spread 147
rural 182 school of arts 7 shad 183 sister-in-law 29 socialize 44 spring 133
rustic 196 school uniform 13 shady 138 sit 65 socks 86 sprout 111, 118
science fiction 166 shallow 46 sit down 25 soda 104 spruce 123
scissors 20 shampoo 83 skate 44 soft 50 square 187
S score 14, 151 shamrock 198, 200 skates 149 soft cover 164 square 47
Scotland 198 sharp pain 71 ski 148 sole 91 squirt 74
sacred 193 Scotland Highlands shaving gel 83 skiing 136, 145 son 28 St. David’s Cathedral
sailing 145 198 sheep 125 skin 57 sore throat 69 199
Saint Andrew 198 Scrabo tower 198 shine 138 skirt 86 soup 100 St.Paul’s Cathedral
Saint David 199 scratch 69 shire 197 skull 57 sour 51, 110, 114 195
Saint George 194 screw 161 shirt 86 sledge 149, 218 source 14 stable 183
Saint Patrick 198 scuba diving 145 shoe area 162 sleep 39 souvenirs 160 stack 182
salad 100 sea 179 shoelace 92 sleeping pill 79 souvlaki 108 stadium 148, 187
salt 101 sea products 100 shoes 87, 160 sleepy 134 spacious 14 stairs 121
salwar kameez 96 Seasons 133 shop 152 sleeve 99 sparkly 90 stall 160
same 44 second 140 shop assistant 161 sleigh 218 special 35, 36 stand up 25, 65
sandals 87 secondary education shopkeeper 162 slice 111 specializing 163 star 219
sandwich 101 6 shopper 156 slim 58 spectator 176 start 8
Santa Claus 218 seeds 118 shopping bag 156 sling 74 spell 25 start work 39
sari 96 segment 47 short 46, 60 slippers 87 spell out 215 state school 7
Saturday 132 select 10 shorts 87 slow 50 spelling 26 stationery 153
sausage 100 self-service 159 show-scale 152 small 46 spend 184 steady 36
saw 161 sell 161 shrimps 100 smart 30 spicy 110 steep-sided 181
Saxons 194 semester 13 shut 50 smear 63 spicy 158 stem 22
say 25 sensation 66 sick 68 smooth 51 spiritual 44 stepfather 28
scale 161 separate 195 sighted 67 smoothie 105 splint 80 stepmother 28
scales 157 separated 33 sign 114 sneakers 87 splinter 69 steppe 179
scan 169 September 133 sign your name 25 sneeze 68 sport 16, 144 stewed fruit 114
scarf 92 series 173 signature dish 102 snorkel 148 sport goods 160 stilettos 90
scavenging 180 seriously 130 sign-board 157 snorkeling 145 sport school 7 stimulate 27
schedule 141 serve 106, 110, 111 Sikh temple 191 snowboarding 145 sports programme stitches 74

246 247
Index / Алфавітний покажчик

stock clerk 158 sunglasses 93 take a bath 39 textbook 20, 167 196 toolbox 161
stocking 217 sunset 214 take a shower 39 textiles 153 The Thames 195 tooth 56
stomach 55 supermarket 152 take care of 126, thatched 196 the Tipitaka 191 toothache 69
stomachache 69 suppose 146 184 the Ancient Order of the Torah 191 toothbrush 83
Stonehenge 194 surfboard 149 take out stitches 76 the Hibemians 201 theater 187 toothpaste 83
store 152 surfing 145 take out the rubbish the Battle of the thence 197 tortilla 109
stovepipes 89 surgeon 74 128 Boyne 201 thermometer 74 totally 94
straight 60 surgery 74, 81 take out the trash the Bible 190 thin 60 Tower Bridge 195
strap 91 surly 59 128 the Bronze Age 200 thing 22 Tower of London
straw 182 sushi 109 take your seat 25 The Buckingham thistle 198 195
strawberry 112 sustain 66, 119 talent show 173 Palace 195 throat lozenges 79 town 186
strength 62 swamp 179 talk 65 the Cambrian throw 65 toys 153
strong 60 Swansea Bay 193 talk show 173 Mountains 193 Thursday 132 tractor 183
stronger and tougher sweatband 92 tall 60 the Celtic Sea 194 tidy-up the room Trafalgar Square 195
52 sweatbox 103 tangerine 112 the Channel Tunnel 128 trainers 87
strudel 221 sweater 86 tape 21 194 tie 93 translate 18
struggling 49 sweep the floor 129 tape measure 161 The Cheviot Hills 195 tie clip 93 translation 165
stud 93 sweet 51 taste 58, 160 the English Channel tie laces 162 treat 130
study 121 swift 214 tawny 59 194 tights 86 treatment 72
study 38 swimming 145 tea 105 the Feast of the time 140 tree 178
stuff 160 swimming hat 149 teacher 13 Assumption 201 timetable 13 trial and error 67
stylish 94 swimming pool 187 teacher’s room 13 the Industrial timing 181 triangle 47
subdivide 170 swimming suit 149 team 183 Revolution 200 tinned food 156 trolley 74, 156
subgenre 168 symbolize 98 technology 10 the Irish Sea 194 tinsel 217 trousers 87
subject 16 syringe 74 teenager 32 the Isle of Wight 196 tissues 78 truck 126
submit 15 syrup 79, 105 teeth 56 the Koran 191 title 164 try 110
substitute 131 telecast 172 the Middle Ages 200 tobogganing 136 try on 160
suburb 187 television 172 the Millennium toddler 32 T-shirt 86
subway 187 T temple 56 Stadium 193 toe 54 Tudor ancestors 202
sugar 101 tennis 144 the Mourne Mountains toilet 13, 120 Tuesday 132
suit 86 table tennis 144 term 98 199 toiletry 85 tunic 97
summer 133 taco 109 terrible 76 the North Channel 200 tomato 116 turban 97
sunburn 69 tactile 66 test 13 the North Sea 194 tongue 56 turkey 125
Sunday 132 take 65 tests 74 the Pennine Mountains tool 90 turnip 119

248 249
Index / Алфавітний покажчик

turquoise 43 V W week 140 write 25

TV set 172 weekday 141 writer 164
TV station 172 vacuum 129 waist 54, 77 weekdays 132 writing 16
tweezers 82 valuable 8 wait 65 weekend 141
two-dimensional 48 various 8, 26 waiting room 74 weight 157
type 106, 126 vast 189 wake up 38 well-equipped 10 X
typhoid fever 77 veal 102 walk 65 Welsh 193
vegetable garden walk the dog 129 wet 51 X-ray 75
121 wall 121 wheelchair 74
U vegetables 116 wallet 92 white 42
veggies 119 wallpaper 121, 161 wide 46, 188 Y
ugly 60 vehicle 146 war-god 135 wide-leg 89
Ulster University 199 veil 98 wash face 38 wider range 52 yard 138, 183
umbrella 88, 92 versatile 98 wash the dishes 128 widow 33 year 140
uncle 29 vest 86 washing soda 154 widower 33 yellow 42
unconditionally 44 vibrantly 98 watch 93 Wiener schnitzel 108 yield 114
underground 187 viburnum 113 watch television 39 wild 126 yoghurt 104
underline 24, 26 vicar 190 watch TV 39 win 214 young 60
unerring 107 vice versa 18 watches 152 window 120
unique 195 view 136 water 104 windsurfing 145
university 7 viewer 172 water closet 13 winter 133
unscripted 175 village 183 water colors 21 wise 214
unusual 51 virus 72 water skiing 145 wish 209
upper-income visit 72, 142, 196 water the flowers wish list 219
customers 155 vitamin 79 129 witchcraft 81
upstairs 120 vivacity 59 waterfall 178 without variation 41
upwards 90 vocational education watermelon 112 wonder 154
urban center 203 6 wave 66 wooden 51
useful 10 volcano 179 weak 60 workday 132, 141
usual 51 volleyball 144 wear 88, 99 working day 141
usually 138 volume 165 weather forecast wreath 219
vyshyvanka 97 173 wrestling 145
wedding saloon 153 wrinkled 62
Wednesday 132 wrist 55

250 251
Contents / Зміст

School life / Шкільне життя . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Health / Здоров’я . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

1. Education / Освіта . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 17. Health and Illnesses / Здоров’я та хвороби . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2. Types of Schools / Типи шкіл . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 18. In the Hospital / У лікарні . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3. At School / У школі . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 19. Medicines / Медикаменти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4. School Subjects / Шкільні предмети . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 20. Cosmetics / Косметичне приладдя . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5. Classroom Objects / Шкільне приладдя. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Fashion / Мода . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
6. Classroom Actions / Дії у класі . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 21. Clothes / Одяг . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 22. Shoes / Взуття . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Family / Родина . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
7. Family Мembers / Члени родини . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 23. Accessories / Аксесуари . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
8. Age / Вік . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 24. National Clothes / Національний одяг . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
9. Marital Status / Сімейний стан . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Texts /Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Food / Їжа . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
10. Everyday Activities / Повсякденні справи . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 25. Products / Продукти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Adjectives to Describe Things / 26. Drinks / Напої . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Прикметники для опису речей . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
11. Colors / Кольори . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 27. Fruits and Berries / Фрукти та ягоди . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
12. Shapes and Sizes / Форми та розміри . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 28. Vegetables / Овочі . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
13. Other Adjectives / Інші прикметники . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 29. National Dishes / Національні страви . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Human Being / Людина . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 My Нome / Моя оселя . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
14. Body / Тіло . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 30. House / Дім . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
15. Appearance / Зовнішність . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 31. Domestic Аnimals / Cвійські тварини . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
16. Action Verbs / Дієслова дії . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 32. Household Chores / Домашні обов’язки . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

252 253
Contents / Зміст

Calendar / Календар . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 The UK / Об’єднане Королівство . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

33. Days of week / Дні тижня . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 49. England / Англія . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
34. Months / Місяці . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
35. Seasons / Пори року . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 50. Scotland / Шотландія . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 51. Wales / Уельс . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
36. Time / Час . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 52. The Northern Ireland / Північна Ірландія . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Sport / Спорт . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
37. Kinds of Sport / Види спорту . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Holidays / Свята . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 53. Birthday / День нарождення . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
38. Going in for Sport / Заняття спортом . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 54. Easter / Великдень . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Shopping / Покупки . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
39. Kinds of Shops / Види крамниць . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 55. Christmas and New Year / Різдво і Новий рік . . . . . . . . . 210
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
40. At the Department Store / В універмазі . . . . . . . . . . . .154 Appendices / Додатки . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 1.English Irregular Verbs / Англійські неправильні дієслова . . . . 214
Literature / Література . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 2.Maps / Карти. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
41. A book / Книга . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 The Map of Europe / Карта Європи. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 224
42. Genres / Жанри . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 The Map of the UK / Карта Об’єднаного Королівства. . . . . . . . 225
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 The Map of England / Карта Англії . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Television / Телебачення . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 The Map of Scotland / Карта Шотландії . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
43. On TV / На екрані . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 The Map of Wales / Карта Уельсу. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
44. Genres / Жанри . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 The Map of the Northern Ireland / Карта Північної Ірландії . . . . 229
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Index / Алфавітний покажчик . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
The World Around Us / Світ навколо нас . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
45. Nature / Природа . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
46. Village / Село . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
47. City / Місто . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
48. Religions / Релігії . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Texts / Тексти . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186

254 255
Навчальний посібник

Hot English. Read, Listen, Talk

Англійська мова. Читай, слухай, говори

Укладач Саманта Коул

Редактор Ю. В. Науменко
Дизайн обкладинки О. В. Соколов
Комп’ютерна верстка О. В. Соколов
Коректор Т. Г. Мишкун

Підписано до друку 28.03.2016 р. Формат 70×100/16

Папір офсетний. Друк офсетний. Ум. друк. арк. 20,74
Наклад 5 000 пр.

Видавець Почечун Л. Ю.
Реєстр. свід. ДК № 4535 від 30.04.2013 р.
14013, м. Чернігів, а/с 201, тел.: +38 (068) 151-01-01

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