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MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY  there are microbes representing each of the
four major nutritional categories
INTRODUCTION (photoautotrophs, photoheterotrophs,
chemoautotrophs, chemoheterotrophs;
 Physiology is the study of the vital life terms defined later in this chapter).
processes of organisms, especially how
these processes normally function in living
 Microbial physiology concerns the vital life TERMS RELATING TO AN ORGANISM’S
processes of microorganisms. ENERGY SOURCE
 Each tiny single-celled bacterium strives to
produce more cells like itself, and, if water  The terms phototroph and chemotroph
and an adequate nutrient supply are pertain to what an organism uses as an
available, it often does so at an alarming energy source.
rate  Phototrophs use light as an energy source,
 Most of today’s genetic knowledge was and whereas chemotrophs use chemicals as a
still is being obtained by studying these source of energy.
microorganisms.  Chemotrophs use either inorganic or
organic chemicals as an energy source.
 Chemolithotrophs (or simply
lithotrophs) are organisms that use
MICROBIAL NUTRITIONAL inorganic chemicals as an energy
 Chemoorganotrophs (or simply
 Studies of bacterial nutrition and other
organotrophs) are organisms that
aspects of microbial physiology enable
use organic chemicals as an energy
scientists to understand the vital chemical
processes that occur within every living cell,
including those of the human body.
 To build necessary cellular materials, every
organism requires a source (or sources) of TERMS RELATING TO AN ORGANISM’S
energy, a source (or sources) of carbon, CARBON SOURCE
and additional nutrients.
 The term nutrients refer to the various  Autotrophs use carbon dioxide as their sole
chemical compounds that organisms— source of carbon, whereas heterotrophs use
including microorganisms— use to sustain other carbon-containing compounds as their
life. carbon source
 Nutrients also serve as sources of carbon,  Heterotrophs are organisms that use
nitrogen, and other elements. organic compounds other than CO2 as their
carbon source.
 Photoautotrophs are organisms (such as
plants, algae, cyanobacteria, purple, and
green sulfur bacteria) that use light as an
energy source and CO2 as a carbon
ACCORDING TO THEIR ENERGY AND  Photoheterotrophs, like purple nonsulfur
CARBON SOURCES and green nonsulfur bacteria, use light as
an energy source and organic compounds  Endoenzymes remain within the cell that
other than CO2 as a carbon source. produced them, whereas exoenzymes leave
 Chemoautotrophs (such as nitrifying, the cell to catalyze reactions outside of the
hydrogen, iron, and sulfur bacteria) use cell.
chemicals as an energy source and CO2 as  Enzymes produced within a cell that are
a carbon source. then released from the cell—to catalyze
 Chemoheterotrophs use chemicals as an extracellular reactions—are called
energy source and organic compounds exoenzymes.
other than CO2 as a carbon source.  To catalyze a reaction, an apoenzyme must
 Ecology is the study of the interactions first link up with a cofactor (either a mineral
between organisms and the world around ion or a coenzyme).
 The term ecosystem refers to the
interactions between living organisms and
their nonliving environment.

 Certain physical or chemical changes can

METABOLIC ENZYMES diminish or completely stop enzyme activity,
because enzymes function properly only
 Metabolism refers to all the chemical under optimum conditions.
reactions (metabolic reactions) that occur  An enzyme will function at peak efficiency
within a living cell. over a particular pH range.
 These chemical reactions are  Likewise, an enzyme will function at peak
referred to as metabolic reactions. efficiency over a particular temperature
 Metabolic reactions are enhanced and range.
regulated by enzymes, known as metabolic  Enzyme efficiency is influenced by various
enzymes. factors, including pH, temperature, and the
concentration of the substrate.
 Sometimes, a molecule that is similar in
BIOLOGIC CATALYSTS structure to the substrate can be used as an
inhibitor to deliberately interfere with a
 Enzymes are known as biologic catalysts. particular metabolic pathway.
 Enzymes are proteins that catalyze (speed
up or accelerate) the rate of biochemical
 A particular enzyme can only catalyze one METABOLISM
chemical reaction.  the term metabolism refers to all the
 The substance upon which an enzyme acts chemical reactions occurring within a cell.
is known as that enzyme’s substrate.  A metabolite is any molecule that is a
 An enzyme does not become altered during nutrient, an intermediary product, or an end
the chemical reaction that it catalyzes. product in a metabolic reaction
 Enzymes do not last indefinitely; they finally  Most metabolic reactions fall into two
degenerate and lose their activity. categories: catabolism and anabolism.
 Enzymes produced within a cell that remain  The term catabolism refers to all the
within the cell— to catalyze reactions within catabolic reactions that are occurring in a
the cell—are called endoenzymes. cell.
 Catabolic reactions involve the breaking of  Catabolic reactions are often referred to as
chemical bonds and the release of energy degradative reactions; they degrade larger
 Any time that chemical bonds are broken, molecules down into smaller molecules.
energy is released. Catabolic reactions are
a cell’s major source of energy.
 Anabolism refers to all the anabolic
reactions that are occurring in a cell.  A biochemical pathway is a series of linked
 Anabolic reactions involve the formation of biochemical reactions that occur in a
bonds, which requires energy. stepwise manner, leading from a starting
 Energy is required for bond formation. Once material to a product.
formed, the bonds represent stored energy.  Glucose is the favorite “food” or nutrient of
 ATP molecules are the major energy-storing cells, including microorganisms.
or energy-carrying molecules within a cell.  Nutrients should be thought of as energy
 The energy that is released during catabolic sources, and chemical bonds should be
reactions is used to drive anabolic thought of as stored energy.
reactions.  Two common processes are the
 In addition to the energy required for biochemical pathways known as aerobic
metabolic pathways, energy is also required respiration and fermentation reactions.
by the organism for growth, reproduction,
sporulation, movement, and the active
transport of substances across membranes.
Some organisms (e.g., certain planktonic AEROBIC RESPIRATION OF GLUCOSE
dinoflagellates) even use energy for
 Aerobic respiration involves (a) glycolysis,
(b) the Kreb’s cycle, and (c) the electron
 Chemical reactions are essentially energy
transport chain.
transformation processes during which the
 The complete catabolism of glucose by the
energy that is stored in chemical bonds is
process known as aerobic respiration (or
transferred to produce new chemical bonds.
cellular respiration) occurs in three phases,
 The cellular mechanisms that release small
each of which is a biochemical pathway: (a)
amounts of energy as the cell needs it
glycolysis, (b) the Krebs cycle, and (c) the
usually involve a sequence of catabolic and
electron-transport chain.
anabolic reactions
 Although the first phase—glycolysis—is an
CATABOLISM anaerobic process, the other two phases
require aerobic conditions; hence the name,
 The key thing about catabolic reactions is aerobic respiration.
that they release energy.  Glycolysis, also known as the glycolytic
 Catabolic reactions release energy because pathway, the Embden-Meyerhof pathway,
chemical bonds are broken. and the EmbdenMeyerhof-Parnas pathway,
 The energy produced by catabolic reactions is a nine-step biochemical pathway,
can be used to wiggle flagella and actively involving nine separate biochemical
transport substances through membranes, reactions, each of which requires a specific
but most of the energy produced by enzyme
catabolic reactions is used to drive anabolic  In glycolysis, a six-carbon molecule
reactions of glucose is ultimately broken down
into two three-carbon molecules of
pyruvic acid (also called pyruvate).
 Krebs Cycle. The pyruvic acid molecules  The next step in fermentation reactions is
produced during glycolysis are converted the conversion of pyruvic acid into a
into acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) product.
molecules, which then enter the Krebs cycle  Fermentation reactions produce very little
 The Krebs cycle is a biochemical energy (approximately two ATP molecules);
pathway consisting of eight separate therefore, they are very inefficient ways to
reactions, each of which is controlled catabolize glucose
by a different enzyme.
 Electron Transport Chain. As previously
mentioned, certain of the products produced
during the Krebs cycle enter the electron
transport chain (also called the electron REACTIONS
transport system or respiratory chain).
 Oxidation-reductionon reactions are paired
 Many different enzymes are involved reactions in which electrons are transferred
in the electron transport chain, from one compound to another
including cytochrome oxidase (also
 Oxidation reactions involve the loss of an
called cytochrome c, or merely
electron, whereas reduction reactions
oxidase), the enzyme responsible for
involve the gain of an electron.
transferring electrons to oxygen, the
 The resulting gain of one or more electrons
final electron acceptor.
by a molecule is called reduction, and the
 During the electron transport chain,
molecule is said to be reduced.
many ATP molecules (32 in
procaryotic cells and 34 in
eucaryotic cells) are produced by a
process known as oxidative
phosphorylation; oxidation referring
to a loss of electrons and
phosphorylation referring to the ANABOLISM
conversion of ADP molecules to
ATP molecules.  Anabolism refers to all the anabolic
 The catabolism of glucose by aerobic reactions that are occurring in a cell.
respiration is just one of many ways in  Anabolic reactions require energy because
which cells can catabolize glucose chemical bonds are being formed.
molecules.  Most of the energy required for anabolic
reactions is provided by the catabolic
reactions that are occurring simultaneously
 Anabolic reactions are often referred to as
 The first thing to note about fermentation biosynthetic reactions.
reactions is that they do not involve oxygen;
therefore, fermentations usually take place
in anaerobic environments.
 The first step in the fermentation of glucose
is glycolysis, which occurs exactly as COMPOUNDS
previously described.  The biosynthesis of organic compounds
requires energy and may occur either
through photosynthesis (biosynthesis using
light energy) or chemosynthesis organism’s phenotype is all the physical
(biosynthesis using chemical energy). traits, attributes, or characteristics of an
 Phenotype is the manifestation of genotype.
PHOTOSYNTHESIS  Most bacteria possess one chromosome,
which usually consists of a long, continuous
 In photosynthesis, light energy is converted (circular), double-stranded DNA molecule,
to chemical energy in the form of chemical with no protein on the outside (as is found in
bonds eucaryotic chromosomes).
 The goal of photosynthetic processes is to  Genes are the fundamental units of heredity
trap the radiant energy of light and convert it that carry the information needed for the
into chemical bond energy in ATP special characteristics of each different
molecules and carbohydrates, particularly species of bacteria.
glucose, which can then be converted into  Genes direct all functions of the cell,
more ATP molecules later through aerobic providing it with its own traits and
respiration. individuality.
 Bacteria that produce oxygen by  Constitutive genes are always expressed,
photosynthesis are called oxygenic whereas inducible genes are expressed
photosynthetic bacteria, and the process is only when needed.
known as oxygenic photosynthesis  Genes that are expressed always are called
 Photosynthetic reactions do not always constitutive genes
produce oxygen. Purple sulfur bacteria and  Those that are expressed only when
green sulfur bacteria (which are obligately the gene products are needed are
anaerobic photoautotrophs) are referred to called inducible genes.
as anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria  Because there is only one chromosome that
because their photosynthetic processes do replicates just before cell division, identical
not produce oxygen (anoxygenic traits of a species are passed from the
photosynthesis). parent bacterium to the daughter cells after
binary fission has occurred.

 The chemosynthetic process involves a
chemical source of energy and raw  A change in the characteristics of a cell
materials for synthesis of the metabolites caused by a change in the DNA molecule
and macromolecules required for growth (genetic alteration) that is transmissible to
and function of the organisms. the offspring is called a mutation.
 Chemotrophs that use organic molecules  Beneficial mutations, as the name implies,
other than CO2 as their carbon source are are of benefit to the organism
called chemoheterotrophs.  the mutation enables the organism to be
resistant to a particular antibiotic.
 Beneficial mutations are of benefit to an
BACTERIAL GENETICS organism, whereas harmful mutations result
in the production of nonfunctional enzymes.
 Genetics—the study of heredity. Some harmful mutations are lethal to the
 An organism’s genotype (or genome) is its organism.
complete collection of genes, whereas an
 most mutations are silent mutations (or  Two categories of bacteriophages
neutral mutations), meaning that they have  Virulent phages (which were
no effect on the cell. described in Chapter 4) always
 spontaneous mutations (random mutations cause the lytic cycle to occur, ending
that occur naturally) occur more or less with the destruction (lysis) of the
constantly throughout a bacterial genome. bacterial cell
 The mutation rate can be increased by  After temperate phages (also known
exposing cells to physical or chemical as lysogenic phages) inject their
agents that affect the chromosome. Such DNA into the bacterial cell, the
agents are called mutagens phage DNA integrates into
 The organism containing the mutation is (becomes part of) the bacterial
called a mutant. chromosome but does not cause the
 The types of mutagenic changes frequently lytic cycle to occur.
observed in bacteria involve cell shape,  This situation—in which the phage genome
biochemical activities, nutritional needs, is present in the cell but is not causing the
antigenic sites, colony characteristics, lytic cycle to occur—is known as lysogeny.
virulence, and drug resistance.  During lysogeny, all that remains of the
phage is its DNA; in this form, the phage is
 In a test procedure called the Ames test referred to as a prophage
(developed by Bruce Ames in the 1960s), a  The bacterial cell containing the prophage is
mutant strain of Salmonella is used to learn referred to as a lysogenic cell or lysogenic
whether a particular chemical (e.g., a food bacterium.
additive or a chemical used in some type of  A lysogenic bacterium is capable of
cosmetic product) is a mutagen. producing one or more new gene products
as a result of infection by a temperate
 There are at least four additional ways that
 Transduction means “to carry across.”
the genetic composition of bacteria can be
changed:  Only small segments of DNA are transferred
from cell to cell by transduction compared
 Lysogenic conversion (involves
with the amount that can be transferred by
bacteriophages and the acquisition
transformation and conjugation
of new viral genes)
 This phenomenon may occur after infection
 Transduction (involves
of a bacterial cell by a temperate
bacteriophages and the acquisition
of new bacterial genes)
 Transformation (involves the uptake
 Conjugation (involves the transfer of
genetic information from one cell to  In transformation, a bacterial cell becomes
another through a hollow sex pilus) genetically transformed following uptake of
DNA fragments (“naked DNA”) from the
 Transformation experiments, performed by  Many industrial and medical benefits may
Oswald Avery and his colleagues, proved be derived from genetic engineering
that DNA is indeed the genetic material research.
 Transformation is probably not widespread  Recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology can
in nature. be thought of as the process by which rDNA
 Transformation was first demonstrated in is produced.
1928 by the British physician Frederick  Genetic engineering can be thought of as
Griffith and his colleagues, performing the process by which rDNA is used to
experiments with S. pneumoniae and mice modify an organism’s genome—often to
 Some competent bacterial cells have enable that organism to produce a particular
incorporated DNA fragments from certain gene product that it previously was unable
animal viruses. to produce or to accomplish a task that it
previously was unable to accomplish.
CONJUGATION  In medicine, there is potential for making
engineered antibodies, antibiotics, and
 On conjugation, genetic material, usually in
drugs; for synthesizing important enzymes
the form of a plasmid, is transferred through
and hormones for treatment of inherited
a hollow sex pilus from a donor cell to a
diseases; and for making vaccines.
recipient cell.
 The transfer of genetic material by the
process known as conjugation was
discovered by Joshua Lederberg and GENE THERAPY
Edward Tatum in 1946, while experimenting
with E. coli.  Gene therapy of human diseases
 If a plasmid contains multiple genes for involves the insertion of a normal gene
antibiotic resistance, the plasmid is referred into cells to correct a specific genetic or
to as a resistance factor or R-factor. acquired disorder that is being caused
 Transduction, transformation, and by a defective gene.
conjugation are excellent tools for mapping  The first gene therapy trials were
bacterial chromosomes and for studying conducted in the United States in 1990.
bacterial and viral genetics.  Viral delivery is currently the most
common method for inserting genes into
cells, in which specific viruses are
selected to target the DNA of specific
 An array of techniques has been developed
to transfer eucaryotic genes, particularly
human genes, into other easily cultured
cells to facilitate the large-scale production
of important gene products (proteins, in
most cases). This process is known as
genetic engineering or recombinant DNA
 Genetically engineered microorganisms can
also be used to clean up the environment

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