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Graphic Organizer

Main Ideas

1. Write a main idea in the top box on the left side of the diagram.
2. Write information that supports the main idea in the boxes below the top box. Information that
supports the main idea can include reasons, explanations, and examples.

Main Idea: 1-New York City knows that idling is bad.

2-New York City still has problems with vehicles sitting with their engines running.
3-New York City passed a new law.
4-Let's look at gasoline combustion again.
5-Particulates can stick to surfaces.
6-Polluted air can be dangerous.

1-That's why it passed a law in 1971. The law was to stop idling.
2-Many of these vehicles idle near schools.
3-The law began on February 10, 2009.
4-The original carbon compounds are called hydrocarbons. Some of
them do not burn completely. Carbon monoxide gas (CO) is made.
5-They can harm plants. They can damage buildings.
6-Because you take more air into your lungs. Over time, people who
breathe polluted air can get lung disease.

1-It said that vehicles should not idle for longer than three minutes.
2-Sometimes, teachers must close their classroom windows.
3-Thats why it should cut pollution near schools.
4-Also, nitrogen in the air reacts with oxygen in the engine.
Compounds of nitrogen and oxygen are made. One compound is nitric oxide (NO). These
gases react with water vapor in the air.
5-They can harm other objects outdoors, too.
6-people who breathe polluted air can get lung disease

1-However, few tickets have been given out. In 2002, only 325 idling tickets were given. New York is a
city of eight million people. Only 325 tickets is a very small number.
2- Fumes from the vehicles make some students sick.
3-Vehicles near schools will be allowed to idle for only 60 seconds. People who break the law can be
given tickets.
4-These gases react with water vapor in the air. Smog and acid rain are formed. As vehicles became
more common, more carbon monoxide was given off.
5-Dusty air can darken the day; so can a dust storm. Each can make it difficult to see. Particulates can
be carried high into the atmosphere.
6-They can get other health problems, too. Extra problems are caused for young children and older
adults. They are caused for people with asthma, too.

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