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People are blind to see that the Humanity is slowly fading?

One morning, I couldn’t help overhearing the news about a newly born infant thrown
along the street in one of the barangays in Cagayan de Oro City. And just recently I watched the
Western Conference of the NBA when Steve Kerr emotionally talked about the Texas
Elementary School shooting. One could ponder on the chaos the devastates our society, our
perception of people and the environment and even how we perceive ourselves in situations
which would propel us to become violent and monstrous enough to destroy. Destruction to
others, destruction to the environment and inevitably the boldness to destroy ourselves.

According to Richard Weikart, The Death of Humanity explores our culture's declining

respect for the sanctity of human life.

Humans have dealt with violence for centuries, but has it gone worst as time progresses?
Human nature has always been complex and adding to this complexity is the preoccupation of
ambition and humans could hardly catch up with progress as societies have gone sophisticated.
Parents as the first teachers and influencers of all persons have probably reap the fruits of their
labor in nurturing their children. What do people perceive to be significant in life is attributed to
the person’s upbringing. What do we value the most? What is significant in life?

Teenage pregnancy for instance; how could a 14-year-old teenager raise a baby without
support? How could a young mind ponder and reflect on the consequence of her actions? How
could she think of responsibility when such untimely pregnancy is an act of irresponsibility? And
how could she be guided when in the first place, she already lost that guidance? The adults
would say “I never told you to get pregnant or to go crazy out with friends.” But is this an
acceptable reason or some would call it excuse for faulty parenting.

People are blind to see that humanity is fading because people continue to give excuses
for not being there for their children. A student was caught stabbing a teacher in the classroom.
A child murdering her family without remorse. People grabbing lands. These are a few crimes
we see on the news. Truly humanity fades as we fail to respect the sanctity of life. However,
humans as we are, are we going to tolerate and allow this disrespect to spread in the society
faster than any contagion? The society has reached the point of no return and we cannot blame
our founding fathers for what has become of us.
Our awareness of the fading humanity is enough. Now that we are aware, what should we
do about it? As a youth perhaps I should ask myself “What is my role to lift the standards of the
society?” As much as I am aware of my environment, my moral obligation to the society, and my
social responsibility, I know in my mind, my heart and in my whole being, believe when I say
the youths know what to do.

I know the illnesses of my political culture; I am aware that spitting anywhere is a

murderous act in this pandemic. I know that when I stay out late with friends, I am courting
danger. I know that alcohol, smoking and illegal drugs could do harm. But why do we still do it?
The disrespect to the sanctity of human life is in my hands and it is in my hands to correct my
flaws, as well. Awareness is not enough, and I know I have time to make others know that
violence and crimes could be managed if I have the support from my guide and influencers.

The power of one could still work to rescue a blinding society and make others see the
truth that this society is losing humanity.

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