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Shekainah Mejia

Practical Research 1
Creative & Critical Thinking Activities

1. What is your complete research title?
● Stress Coping Strategies of Online Gamers
2. Write down the objectives and assumptions of your study.
● Objectives
This study aims to determine the stress coping strategies of online
gamers in Nueva Ecija Senior high School.
Specifically, it will seek to achieve the following objectives:
1.1) To determine the common stressors in a typical online game.
1.2) To determine the effects of these common stressors.
1.3) To determine the stress coping strategies applied by the participants to
deal with stress.
● Assumptions
1) The common stressors in an online game have significant effects on online
2) Online gamers have stress coping strategies they employ to counter these
3) The stress coping strategies online gamers employ are effective for them.
3. Who are the respondents of your study? How did you choose your respondents?
● The respondents that participated in our study are from Nueva Ecija Senior
High School and from different strands as they are chosen personally by the
researchers with their permission. We specifically chose our respondents
who play online video games to answer our survey questionnaire.
4. What is your sampling design? Explain fully how you were able to determine
your sample.
● Our sampling design is Purposive Sampling. We first decided that 15 sample
size is the right amount of sample considering our topic and study being
qualitative in nature. Using our judgement, we each choose 3 participants
from our gamer friends/family members as the online gaming community is
not limited by age or distance.
5. Explain fully the research design of your study.
● The research design of our study is qualitative, phenomenological and is
employed to determine the stress coping strategies of online gamers in
Nueva Ecija Senior high School, From the word "phenomenon" which means
something known through sensory experience, phenomenology refers to the
study of how people find their experiences meaningful with the primary goal
to make people understand their personal experiences. A phenomenology is
a form of qualitative research that focuses on the study of an individual’s
lived experiences within the world. The phenomenological research design is
appropriate for the study as the researchers deal with the common stressors
of online gamers, as well as the causes and effects of said stressors.
6. Explain the process of the development of your research instrument.What are
the components of every part of your research instrument.
● A questionnaire is used for our research instrument. Each participant had to
answer the questions that came from the instrument for us to obtain
answers. The component of our research instrument is a semi-structured
interview that's composed of mixed closed and open-ended inquiries. It is
conducted using an interview questionnaire or schedule that consists of
primary questions or question stems that are predetermined or scheduled.
7. Explain your data gathering procedure.
● The data of this study is gathered using a semi-structured interview
prepared by the researchers. The researchers conducted an interview in a
video conferencing app (Zoom), then the data gathered were analysed and
interpreted by the researchers.
8. Explain the method of data/statistical analysis that you have employed.
● To determine what stress coping strategies the online gamer-participants
use, the researchers employed thematic and content analyses. The data from
the interview transcripts and footages was collected and then analysed to
find the most relevant and reoccurring answers for our questions. This
answers is then grouped into themes using a Data Matrix. This was done to
discover similar and different content and to draw conclusions from it.

9. What are the major findings of your study? Enumerate based on your research
Common Stressors in an Online Game
● Profanity/Trash Talking/Toxicity
● FPS Drop/Device lag
● Overheating devices
● Slow Internet
● Skill difference
Effects of the Common Stressors in an Online Game
● Causes anger, agitation
● Loss of motivation to do everyday tasks
● Raises competitiveness
Stress Coping Strategies employed by Online Gamers
● Talks to friends/family
● Does various hobbies/activities
10. What conclusions have you made based on the results of your study?
● Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. The Common Stressors being faced by the participants while playing
online games are:
a.) Toxicity,
b.) Fps Drops/Device Lag,
c.) Overheating Devices,
d.) Slow Internet,
e.) Skill Difference.
2. The Identified Effects of the Common Stressors the participants
experiences are:
a.) Anger, Agitation ,
b.) Loss of Motivation to do Everyday tasks
c.) Raises Competitiveness.
3. The Coping Strategies employed by the participants with the stress
brought by playing online games are:
a.) Talking to friends/family
b.) Doing Various Hobbies/ Activities.

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