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Name: Dean Mark A.

Anacio Subject: TRW2

Course/Year/Block: BS Criminology 2A Instructor: Mrs. Marites Antonio

INSTRUCTION: Explain in your own words the following concepts:
A. Report writers who write without thinking.
 Writers who are like this are lazy and careless. They do not consider if their readers will
understand their output. These are also writers who are not taking much effort in gathering
facts, looking for errors, and correcting the grammar of their written works. Simply, this
kind of writer lacks the ability to make reliable and credible output that can lead to inability
to earn a reputation in an organization and worst, can lost his/her job.

B. Report writers who write and think at the same time.

 These are the writers who is better than the previous one. They review and verify their
works but because they work fast, all their written outputs are not properly documented.
They do the gathering of information and writing simultaneously. They are writers with an
average capability in doing written works.

C. Report writers who think first and write afterwards.

 This last type of writer is the best among the other types. Writers like this can be expected
to come up with reliable and credible outputs. They work hard in refining their works and
they are concern about completeness, fairness, conciseness, specificness, and accurateness
of their works. And that makes them more likely to be candidates for any recognition and
promotion in an organization.

D. Among the three types of writers mentioned above, which do you think is the type that could best
describe you as a writer? Explain.
 I think it would be the last type that could best describe me as a writer, the writer who
thinks first and write afterwards. Because I could say that I am the type of person who loves
to learn, and I don't ask for it right away, of course everything has to go through perfection
and series of practice to come up with better and organize work. Also, because maybe most
of us probably don’t want to be embarrassed and judged for just doing unpleasant outputs
due to laziness and carelessness. So, having the qualities of a writer who thinks first and
write afterwards, we can avoid that kind of events and can also pave the way for more
opportunities in our chosen field.

INSTRUCTION: Examine the pictures below and formulate 5 questions for each using the 5W’s and 1H
questions. (Image source: Clip Art Gallery)
1ST Picture
 Who worked on the case?
 Who responded on the report?
 Who investigates the crime?
 How did the policeman respond?
 When did the police arrived?
2ND Picture
 What evidences are recovered from the crime scene?
 Who searched and gathered the evidences?
 Where are the evidences of the crime?
 How did they discover the evidences?
 What evidences are presented in court?
3RD Picture
 How did the law enforcers arrest the criminal?
 Why did the suspect hide from the authorities?
 When was the suspect arrested?
 Where was the suspect found?
 Who is the culprit?
4TH Picture
 Why did the suspect surrender to the authorities?
 When did the suspect surrender to the authorities?
 Where is the suspect now?
 What did the police do with the suspect?
 How many people are involved in the commission of the crime?
5TH Picture
 When did the crime happen?
 Why did the suspect commit the crime?
 How was the offense of the crime committed?
 Where did the crime take place?
 What law was violated?

INSTRUCTION: Write T if the statement is TRUE; F if it is FALSE after each statement.
1. A sworn statement is an objective statement of the findings of the investigators. F
2. A report is an official record of all the information that is relevant to any investigation. T
3. Report are directly helpful and may influence the career of a prosecutor. F
4. Recognition and promotion are mostly based on the quality of the investigator’s report. T
5. Reports that are well written reflects a favorable impression not only on the competence of the
investigator but also to his credibility as a writer. T
6. The best language in report writing is characterized by its conciseness, clarity, organization,
thoroughness, accuracy, and adequacy. T
7. One of the purposes of a report is to account and justify the exclusive activities of the police
organization only. F
8. For the purpose of administrative control, a report is written. T
9. In the persecution of mammals, reports are used as legal documents. F
10. A report can be used as a basis for research. T

INSTRUCTION: Fill in the blank with the correct answer.
1. Reports are extremely helpful to the relationship of the police and community.
2. Faulty report is not impressive because it is misleading.
3. The accurate content of the report is seriously considered because it can affect the lives of the people
and the organization.
4. All facts and information that are both favorable and unfavorable to the suspects should be included in
a report.
5. The report is a true reflection, and representation of the facts to the best of the investigator’s
6. Completeness of a report refers to establishing facts from answering the 5 W’s and 1 H.
7. Omitting materials or information that are useless and irrelevant refers to the brevity of the report.
8. Fairness refers to the taking of facts as it is and making theories consistent with the facts.
9. The other agencies can access to police documents and can use reports as a reference.
10. Report serve as a reflection of the investigators or the writer’s credibility.

INSTRUCTION: Rewrite the sentences below to make each item free from wordiness.
1. A physical confrontation happened between the police and the group of rallyists.
 A confrontation happened between the police and the group of rallyist.
2. There was a verbal altercation before he hit the victim in the forehead.
 An argument happened first before he hit the victim in the forehead.
3. As of the present time, there is no lead to the whereabouts of the perpetrators.
 As for now, there is no lead on where the perpetrators are.
4. The death of the young woman is as of this time still a mystery.
 The woman’s death is still a mystery.
5. The investigators queried about the constant companion of the suspect.
 The investigators asked about who’s the suspect always with.
6. She visually perceived a dead body lying in the sidewalk.
 She saw a dead body in the sidewalk.
7. She was in the possession of the prohibited drugs when the police apprehended her.
 She was under the influence of drugs when she was arrested.
8. Prior to the murder, she heard a loud scream from the room.
 Before the murder, she heard a scream from the room.
9. Subsequent to his testimony, the principal witness disappeared.
 He testified; the principal witness disappeared.
10. He was investigating on the subject of the unidentified body found in the sidewalk.
 He was investigating the cadaver found in the sidewalk.
INSTRUCTION: Underline the appropriate answer from the choices inside the parenthesis to complete each
statement below.
1. A report is an (objective, subjective, conjunctive) statement, which is considered as official record that
is (relevant, redundant, recalcitrant) to an investigation.
2. Well-written reports are products of writing activities that are (constructed, perfected, abbreviated)
over constant practice.
3. Report writers are greatly expected to be (well-groomed, well-informed, well-versed) in grammar and
all its governing (sanctions, information, rules).
4. Just like any other (activity, action, presentation) writing is a process that requires (stamina, structure,
5. There are writers who write without (considering, reconstructing, thinking).
6. One of the basic (works, affair, addiction) of an investigator is writing (novels, reports, short stories).
7. (Reports, Lists, Précis) serve as records for planning, directing and organizing unit’s duties for police
(visibility, service, administrators).
8. A (mediocre, good, average) report writer undergoes the process of writing, and (editing, copying,
exemplifying) their written materials.
9. An accurate report is a true reflection and (classification, representation, acquisition) of the facts to the
best of the writer’s (conscience, knowledge, ability).
10. Brevity is achieved by (omitting, constructing, evaluating) information that is useless, irrelevant, and
(common, redundant, reconstructed).
11. (Perspective, selection, organization) refers to the point of view from which the investigator presents
the findings of his report.
12. In police report (simulation, gathering, writing) the (5 W’s and 1H, 1W and 5H’s, 6W’s and 2H’s) are the
most important questions that an investigator must take into consideration.

INSTRUCTION: Read the news report below; identify the statement and words that answer the 5 W’s and 1H
and classify them in tabular form.
News report: Inayawan Resident Faces Murder Charge (Source: http//
Sitio Babao,
For allegedly Before the
A 38-year-old Charged with Barangay
Yesterday killing his Regional Trial
man murder Inayawan,
neighbor court
Cebu City
In relation to
Fernandez, wife Filed murder
Evening stabbing to
of the victim charges against
of July 22 death of
Anecito their neighbor
Second Assistant Clarificatory
City Prosecutor investigation
Liceria Lofranco-
Said that when
the suspect
Two Barangay surrendered to
officials of them, he
Inayawan admitted
committing the
Claimed that he
As the latter
was only
Abanon punched him
himself from
and was about
being stabbed by
to stab him
Said he wrestled
for the knife, but
The suspect
stabbed Anecito
in the process
At the Cebu
Abanon Is now detained City Police

INSTRUCTION: Read the news item carefully; identify what question the underlined word answers. Categorize
the under lined word according to the 5W’s and 1H.
News report: Cops to File Murder Charge vs Boy, 15 (Source: http//
1. 15-year old boy
2. Jonas Ritualla
3. 14-year old
4. Victim’s companion
5. Police
6. Potardo Olofernes
1. Murder charge
2. Bloods Gang
3. Report
4. “Intsik”
5. Left armpit and heart
6. Investigation showed
7. Crisp Gang
8. Gun
1. Tuesday
2. Receiving the information
1. CEBU, Philippines
2. Cogon-Ramos
3. Department of Social Welfare and Development
4. Along R. Landon Street
5. CCPO Homicide Section
1. Suddenly chased
1. Voluntarily surrendered
2. Voluntarily surrendered
3. Fired at the victim

INSTRUCTION: Discuss the following in your own words.
1. Police Records
 Documents and records that is by kept in any law enforcement agency for basis and retrieval
2. Police Records Management
 All written materials received and managed by any law enforcement agency for preservation
protection, retention, and retrieval.
3. Case Report Numbers
 The control number given by the senders for all police reports.
4. Arrest Report Numbers
 The number given to arrested and booked persons who committed criminal offenses or traffic
5. Identification Number
 The number given by those assigned in the arrest and personal identification service detail.

INSTRUCTION: Explain the importance and relevance of the Philippines National Police Uniform Crime Periodic
Reporting to the present crime situation of our country.
With the help of Philippine National Police Uniform Crime Periodic Reporting in today’s crime situation
of our country, PNP can monitor what crimes are most prevalent and in which these crimes mostly happen.
Correspondingly, PNP UCPR is being conducted not only to detect, monitor, collect, and report crime data in
certain area but also it is being used as working basis for policies and programs on various anti-criminality
measures. Through PNP UCPR crime solution of our joined law enforcement agencies in the country will
improved, hopefully not just to the present crime situation but through succeeding years.

INSTRUCTION: Identify the answer of each statement below. Write your answer after each statement.
1. These are the orders, instructions, or directives written by a person in authority to his/her
 Administrative Issuances
2. An inter-office communication dealing with official matters in the police organization.
 Memorandum
3. This part of the memorandum contains the office origin, address, file reference, identifying initials,
date, subject, thru channels, and addressee.
 Heading
4. This is also known as the office symbol which is written on the first margin two spaces below the
 File Reference
5. These are the initials of the person encoding, and the ones dictating the memorandum.
 Identifying Initials
6. The receiver of the memorandum who is either a superior or a subordinate.
 Addressee
7. This is addressed to a specific individual or head of a unit or by the use of an office symbol.
 Attention line
8. This is the message of the memorandum; it is double-spaced when the message is less than nine lines.
 Body
9. These are authority line, signature, list of enclosures, and list of copy furnished found below the last
paragraph of the body.
 Complimentary Ending
10. This is the authorized signatory of the sender of the message.
 Authority line
11. These are materials included in the memorandum.
 Enclosures
12. This is also termed as MC which has subjects that explains or classifies rules and regulation for
subordinates to comply.
 Memorandum Circulars
13. These are issuances corning from the DILG, which are administrative instructions.
 Circulars
14. These are administrative instructions requiring compliance from personnel or office dealing with the
subjects like delegation of authority.
 Office Circulars
15. These are directives signed by the Chief Directorial Staff for the appointment, transfer, promotion,
reductions of personnel.
 Special Orders
16. This is written for immediate planning purposes or for specific action for an existing condition.
 Action Plan
17. This is about instructions to be followed on a routinely basis concerning regular procedures.
 Standard Operating Procedure
18. These provides objectives, programs, and policies prescribing methods and procedures that in turn
affect the organization.
 Administrative Issuances

INSTRUCTION: Write T if the statement is TRUE, and write F if it is FALSE before each number.
1. A complain may be filed before the prosecutor’s office court. T
2. Rule 120 is the Prosecution Process of the Revised Rule of Criminal Procedure. F
3. The institution of the criminal action shall interrupt the period of prescription of the offense charged
unless otherwise provided in special laws. T
4. The Philippine National Police is excluded in the filing of the criminal complaint. F
5. The person against whom or whose property the crime was committed can file a complaint. T
6. Any person under investigation for the commission of an offense shall have the right to be informed of
his/her right to remain silent and to have a competent and independent counsel preferable of his own
choice. T
7. A subpoena is a notice telling a person that he/she has to appear in court at a specific time and place
to answer a criminal charge. F
8. Summons is an order from the court that requires an individual to be somewhere in person at a certain
place, date, and time to testify as a witness in case. F
9. Subpoena ad Testificandum orders a person to bring physical evidence before the ordering authority or
face punishment. F
10. Subpoena Duces Tecum orders a person to testify before the ordering authority or face punishment. F
11. Arrest is the taking of a person into custody in order that he may be bound to answer for the
commission of an offense. T
12. Shall be the duty of the judge to whom the warrant of arrest was delivered for execution shall cause
the warrant to be executed ten days from its receipt. F
13. It shall be the duty of the officer executing warrant to arrest the accused and deliver him to the nearest
police station or jail without unnecessary delay. T
14. A judge may not issue a warrant of arrest without recommendation for bail where offense is bailable. T
15. A search warrant is an order in writing issued in the name of the Philippines signed by a judge directed
to any peace officer. T
16. An arrest warrant is in the nature of a criminal process akin to a writ of discovery. F
17. Inquest is an informal and summary investigation conducted by a public prosecutor in criminal case
involving persons arrested and detained without the benefit of a warrant. T
18. The city or provincial prosecutor shall designate the prosecutors assigned to inquest duties and shall
furnish the PNP a list of their names and their schedule of assignment. T
19. A complainant can execute an affidavit of desistance when he/she no longer wishes to pursue a case
against an accused or defendant in a court case. T
INSTRUCTION: “Writing your own Memorandum” Below are jumbled parts of a memorandum, arrange them in its
proper place and order. For each part, supply the appropriate text/body in your own words. Observe
proper spacing.
a. Body
b. Addressee
c. Letterhead
d. Attention line
e. Date
f. Complimentary ending
g. Subject

University of Cagayan Valley

(formerly Cagayan Colleges Tuguegarao)
Balzain Campus, Tuguegarao CITY, Cagayan Valley, Philippines

Series 2020

TO : All Student Leaders

FROM : Office of the Student Clubs and Organizations President

SUBJECT : Conduct of Classes in the New Normal

DATE : June 15, 2020

1. Reference: Memo from the University President dated May 30, 2020, Subject: same as above.

2. This pertains to the embracing of the university to the new normal in education by innovating and
implementing educational arrangements that would assure the students of quality education and at the same time
create a bridge between students and teachers amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

3. Student leaders of the different clubs and organization of the university are expected to disseminate
information in their respective departments regarding safety measures on preventing the spread of COVID-19 inside the
university and are requested to help in the intensifying the health protocols during the conduct of classes such as; (1)
SOCIAL DISTANCING should be strictly observed. (2) No mask, no entry inside the university premises.

4. For strict compliance.


Student Clubs and Organizations
INSTRUCTION: Give the advantages and disadvantages of the methods of supervision by following the matrix
 Adherence and lawful compliance  Difficulties in applying correct,
to policy and procedure. effective, and appropriate
implementation of governing
ADMINISTRATIVE  Provide work environment that policies, procedures, statutes,
permits workers to do job and laws.
 Dispels ignorance and Upgrades  Knowing the worker’s ignorance
skills and/or ineptitude regarding the
 Improve worker’s capacity to do knowledge, attitude, and skills
job more effectively, help worker required to do the job.
EDUCATIONAL grow and develop professionally,
and maximize clinical knowledge
and skills to the pint where
worker can perform
independently of supervision
 Improve and sustain morale and  Primary problem is maintaining
job satisfaction the worker’s morale and job
SUPPORTIVE  Help workers to feel good about satisfaction.
doing job.

INSTRUCTION: Fill out the actual Incident Record Form with fictional details and information, follow the
instructions carefully and pass the filled-out form to your instructor for approval/correction.


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