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Motivation, Communication, Technical Issues, Institutional Strategy, Health, Emotion and
Family Situation.
S.No Statement SDA DA UD A SA
1 I am not able to concentrate fully on my studies because of
a drastic change which affects my routine in this pandemic
2 Online classes prevent clarification of my doubts with my
3 I am afraid that a long-term lockdown will affect my
4 I have trouble sleeping because I worried about the
assignments in online classes.
5 Online classes do not inculcate a sensible understanding in
6 A lot of the time available in this lockdown helps me a lot
in competitive exam preparation.
7 I do not agree that online classes help me to learn without a
break in learning.
8 Learning from home without going to college in this
lockdown creates a negative attitude.
9 I think online classes do not motivate me compared to
regular classes.
10 I could not easily attend the online classes during the
COVID 19 lockdown period as I did not have advanced
equipment like 4G- Smartphone and Wi-Fi in my home.
11 The lack of contact between me and my teacher during this
pandemic period and the lack of contact with my friends is
very painful.
12 I feel negative emotions in me because I don’t go anywhere
outside in this pandemic period.
13 COVID 19 pandemic lockdown gave me joy at first and
then disgust.
14 Despite the best efforts of my college teachers, I was
unable to focus on my studies during this epidemic period.
15 I hate the social isolation imposed during this period of
COVID-19 pandemic because it prevents my group study
with my friends.
16 Poverty at home without pay for parents and family
members in this lockdown makes me very anxious.
17 I feel that I can control the negative emotions in my life
because of the epidemic.
18 I get very nervous and scared when I find out that people I
know, relatives and friends are affected by COVID
19 I am sure that learning in a live class in college will
develop the skills in me.
20 I am afraid that the long-term lockdown will affect my
21 Instead of attending my teachers' online classes, I spend
more time on the Internet to learn about COVID-19 and its
protocols. I fear that this habit will make me a psychopath.
22 I am afraid that the corona virus will attack me more than
others regardless of my family situation. Life seems to be
more important than my study.
23 Excessive time spent looking at the mobile phone causes
eye pain and lethargy, leading to more sleep.
24 Since the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic will
greatly affect me personally I will consider the closing of
schools and colleges is a good decision.
25 Due to my anxiety of COVID-19, I am ingesting
significantly more drugs than normal, which results in my
boredom in academic works.
26 Online classes are taught daily at our college so that I
believe our learning will not be hampered.
27 I do not think the assignments that my college professors
give in the online class are unnecessary.
28 I strongly say in this pandemic situation our teachers give
their hard work for our betterment through online classes.
29 The pandemic lockdown made it clear that being at home
was more like hell than being in college.
30 My college management is not ready to understand our
situation in this pandemic period, our college does not take
online classes properly, but they force us to pay the tuition
fees properly.
31 I am not able to understand anything because the teacher's'
explanation in the online classes is not detailed enough.
32 My brothers and sisters in my house also must attend
online classes so we all suffer from not having enough
space, internet connectivity and adequate smartphones.
33 As exams are conducted online, I am disgusted to see so
many people writing exams against their conscience. Thus,
there is no difference between those who are truly studied
and those who copied the study materials.
34 My teachers do not make sure that whether their students
understand the lesson correctly or not. Tts a main drawback
of online classes in pandemic period.
35 Where do I go to pay for college when our family is
struggling to feed me during this pandemic period? How do
I pay for my exam? Where can I recharge the internet?
36 In this pandemic lockdown, only government college and
university teachers are paid in full. My family has no
government employees. This scenario enrages me. How to
pay for college without money? This is my biggest stressor.
37 I could not concentrate on my studies as I had become
accustomed to eating and sleeping during this lockdown.
38 I firmly believe that this COVID-19 pandemic period has
greatly affected my learning and skills.
39 I assure that my teachers play a major role in providing a
best learning experience even they are paid very little
salary from the college management during this COVID-19
40 It can be said that there is no involvement in the study due
to lack of proper exercise in this pandemic period.
41 I am afraid that my college life will end at COVID
42 My parents think that spending more money for my online
classes in addition to college fee is a terrible stress since
with poor economic condition spending money for internet,
smartphone, laptop, and Wi-Fi which produce a horrible
burden in this pandemic period.
43 This pandemic period stifles us from being able to clarify
the doubts related to the lesson due to the lack of direct
contact of the teacher in the online class.
44 I have been unable to express my personal talents in this
college during this COVID-19 pandemic.
45 I can assure that I have not experienced any setbacks in
learning due to this COVID-19 period.
46 Sometimes my teachers send tutorials via WhatsApp after
online class and advise us to take printouts. Our house does
not have a printer facility. There are no shops open near the
house. So, there is a situation where we can do nothing.
47 I am sure that learning through online classes during this
pandemic period without the option of directly
participating in teacher training classes, which is a
significant aim of mine, will have an adverse effect on my
future growth.
48 I think teachers do not have enough experience in taking
class online. I feel like they are simply wasting time.
49 I learned a lot of extracurricular activities using the
lockdown implemented during this pandemic period.
50 During this COVID-19 lockdown period I developed a lot
of my teaching skills through online seminars and
51 It can be said that the various expert talks, webinars, and
online modules conducted by my college on online
platforms during this COVID-19 pandemic period further
enhanced my knowledge.
52 I can proudly say that my college has been student
supportive in every way during this COVID-19 pandemic
53 My college management has not compelled us to pay the
fees and of course they have announced fees concession to
help poor students in this pandemic period.
54 My college management is money minded. The
management is not ready to give fees concession in this
pandemic period.
55 I wouldn't argue that the COVID-19 lockdown is harmful
to my academic well-being.

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