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Assignment 1
Semester 1
Name : Hor Viratha
Major Writing
ID: 56674 skills
Year: 1 Group :2
Weekend class
C OVID-19 pandemic is the defining global health crisis of our time and the greatest
hallenge we have faced since World War Two. Also closure of schools due to the
OVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented challenges for everyone involved,
from the students themselves, to their teachers and their parents. As many other countries due to
coronavirus Cambodian student has to study online and here are some advantage and disadvantage
of study online during Covit-19.

Study online Or online Course has a lot of advantages especially time and transportation. Of
cause online class you don’t’ need to go to school you can study anywhere that you think
make you comfortable and easy to study . As a difficult situation as Covid-19 go outside is
not really safe because we don’t know who have corona virus and somehow other they may
not also know that they have corona virus or not so it is very dangerous to go outside a lot.
Save money for assignments paper , printing exercise , save transportation money, time and
so on.

Of cause study online has a lot of advantages but everything is not perfect here is some
disadvantages of study online especially during covid-19. First it waste a lot of money
internet/Wi-Fi also smartphone yes you don’t need smartphone in school but online class
have no choice so you need to have one . Get nothing form lady teacher yes your wrong
listening no if your zoom or other online meeting app has a lazy teacher the lesson is not
finish properly and you can not catch up the lesson . Spend money on school fee also is not
a good choice because during covid-19 many people lost the job so if the study or the cause
is not really importance better try to keep money on food or rental .

For me as a comment for Writing skills subject I feel worm even though in this situation we
have cant study in the class , meet friends, ask question face to face but study online I have
learn a lot different like zoom meeting self study. In conclusion I am happy with the writing
subject that I am studying with teacher Chum Piseth right now and I hope I will be able to
study with him in the future his such as a good teacher .


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