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Disscussion Text.

Offline Classes for Senior High Students.

Nowadays, learning has important roles and positive effect in human life. As the result of covid-19
pandemic since march 2019, some schools from over the world learnt from home or have online classes.
But now the pandemic almost over. There are so many schools have face-to-face classes like 3 years ago
before COVID-19 exist.

Having face-to-face classes have both positive and negative effect for teachers and students. The lessons
in face-to-face classes are more understandable than having online lesson. In addition, face-to-face classes
give easy access to communicate with teachers properly and directly. However, face-to-face classes make
students feel more tiring than having online classes because it needs many efforts to do activities that we
don’t need to do in online classes such as taking kinds of transportation to reach the school.

Since it is pandemic, it isn’t really safe to have face-to-face classes even if the school organized it in shifting
system. The school cannot guarantee that they won’t infected with covid-19. Today, there are still many
people being infected of covid-19. They don’t care about health protocol such as keep their distance from
each other or not even wear their mask. Therefore, they might be get infected the covid-19 virus without
realizing it, if they suffer from covid-19 and they will give impact to other person’s life either at home or
at school. In addition, Due to effectiveness, face-to-face class is more effective than online classes and I
think it gives more benefits than online class does. In face-to-face classes, there are a great interaction
between the students and teachers. They can participate more in class activities.

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