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Priority Strand Training Module for PPST 2.

4S (Safety, Security, School Climate, & Subjective Well-being) Survey

for Administrators, Staff, and Faculty

Name of School ____COMON HIGH SCHOOL__ Date _July 15, 2022_______________

Accomplished by: ___RUEL D. DELLOSA ______ Designation: ____Teacher I _____

Part I. School Safety

In general, how safe do you feel at this school?

● Very safe
● Generally safe
● Somewhat safe
● Not very safe
● Unsafe

Please indicate all areas where you feel less than “generally safe.”
● Empty classroom/Laboratory rooms
● Cafeteria/Canteen
● Teachers’ faculty room/staff lounge
● Hallways
● Stairwells
● Office area
● Campus grounds/athletic facilities
● Bathrooms
● Parking lot
● Gym/locker rooms
● Others, please specify ________________________________________________

Please indicate the time(s) of the day when you feel less than generally safe in any of
these areas.
● Before school opens
● During class change periods
● Evenings after-school events
● During class sessions
● After school is dismissed
● Working late in the building
● During lunch/break period
● Evenings during school events

Part II. School/Classroom Security

Indicators Yes No Uncertain

1. Classroom safe zones or protection are established. ●
2. Classroom has access to a two-way communication system. ●
3. All areas of the classroom are visible from the school doors. ●
4. Classroom doors can be locked from the inside. ●

Priority Strand Training Module for PPST 2.1

5. Classroom doors with windows can be covered. ●

6. Classrooms have adequate aisle space for quick exits. ●
7. Class rosters are reviewed and updated on a regular basis. ●
8. Faculty and staff are assigned to check that all classrooms and

bathrooms are locked after the school day.
9. Valuable items are secured (e.g., instruments, computers, video

10. Chemicals, poisons, and flammable materials are properly

secured and stored.
11. Fire extinguishers are inspected on an annual basis. ●
12. Personnel working with hazardous materials have received

appropriate training.
13. The school has established mechanisms inside the classroom to
ensure zero to minimal risk of COVID-19 transmission to the ●

Part III. School Climate/Culture

Indicators Yes No Uncertain

1. Faculty, students, and staff are all provided with safety and
security information/training. ●
2. Security information and training include training on how to identify
suspicious packages. ●
3. Faculty and staff have been trained to respond to and report
threatening/suspicious phone calls appropriately. ●
4. Faculty and staff monitor hallways, stairwells, and restrooms
during school hours. ●
5. Students do not have access to the school without direct staff
supervision. ●
6. Curricula and programs aimed at preventing harmful behaviors are
implemented (e.g., social problem-solving, life skills, anti-bullying,
mentoring programs, character education). ●
7. School maintains, reviews, and updates a code of conduct/school
handbook. ●
8. Code of conduct/school handbook contains standard definitions
and procedures that identify school crime. ●
9. School has a well-developed network of service providers that
students can be referred to (e.g., mental health & social services). ●

Part IV. Subjective Well-being and School-based Mental Health

Priority Strand Training Module for PPST 2.1

Indicators Yes No Uncertain

1. Each school engages in prevention activities (youth mental health
first aid training, mental health awareness). ● ●
2. Each school has its own behavioral health problem-solving team. ●
3. Academic and Non-academic personnel work together to support
students. ●
4. Academic and Non-academic personnel are receiving training
annually on mental health,social-emotional support, and students
with special needs. ●
5. School implements policies and laws that promote mental health
support for all. ●
6. For the entire school year, the school has ensured and maintained
the availability of basic mental health and psychosocial support, as
well as guidance and counseling services to students, teachers, and
personnel. ●

Part IV. Plans and Procedures

Indicators Yes No Uncertain

1. There are clear policies in place for collecting and acting on
information about a threatening or potentially threatening situation. ● ● ●
2. Policies explain how the information will be handled confidentially
and appropriately. ● ● ●
1. The facility has a security system installed; the Alarm system is
connected to local law enforcement. ● ● ●
2. School has adequate utility service capability to meet normal and
emergency needs. ● ● ●
1. A comprehensive school emergency operations (crisis) plan has
been developed. ●
2. Plan has been developed in coordination with community partners
(e.g., local law enforcement, emergency medical personnel, and fire
department personnel). ●
3. Plan takes into consideration numerous circumstances and criteria
for response (e.g., lockdown, evacuation,shelter-in-peace.) ●
4. Plan includes components for post-incident response/recovery (e.g.,
stress management, mental health services, infrastructure
restoration,post-incident evaluation, business continuity plans, etc.) ●
5. The school conducts regular exercises/drills of emergency plans. ●

Priority Strand Training Module for PPST 2.1

1. The school has developed COVID- 19 prevention and detection

strategies. ●
2. The school has devised strategies for isolating and managing
COVID-l9. ●
3. The school has set up a clear method of referral for COVID-l9
confirmed and suspected staff members and students. ●
4. For close contacts of COVID- 19 confirmed positive cases, the
school has established a clear contact tracing and quarantine system. ●


1. How would you rate your school in terms of 4S? Complete the matrix below:

Areas 3 2 1
Excellent Satisfactory Poor



Classroom/School Climate

Subjective Well-being and School- ✔

based Mental Health
Sub-Total 6 4 0

2. What are the strengths of your school in terms of 4S?

We have a strong connection, partnership and support from our stakeholders and the officials of
our barangay.

3. What are the weaknesses of your school in terms of 4S?

Needs more improvement on the structure of every classroom. Classroom must be converted
into typhoon-proof room.

Priority Strand Training Module for PPST 2.1

4. What Policy-based classroom rules related to a safe and secure physical learning
environment, teacher-to-student, and student-to-student interaction must be developed
and/or enhanced in your school?

Always conduct psychosocial support, earthquake drills, fire drills and etc. which may help in the
awareness of every personnel and student in the school.

5. What strategies and/or practices can you propose in adherence to the safe, effective,
and efficient conduct of the face-to-face learning modality on SY 2022-2023?

Mobilization of DRRM team, health coordinator, mental health coordinator and other
ancillary in order to improve and have manpower in the readiness and preparation this
coming school year 2022-2023.

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