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Chương trình Anh ngữ Thiếu Niên

Thông tin trước khoá học

1.1 Quý Phụ huynh vui lòng:
- Cung cấp số điện thoại, email và địa chỉ liên lạc của Phụ huynh cho Nhà trường để giữ liên lạc giữa Nhà
trường và Phụ huynh. Khi có thay đổi về số điện thoại, email hay địa chỉ liên lạc, Phụ huynh vui lòng thông
báo cho Nhà trường để cập nhật vào hồ sơ Học viên.
- Cài đặt ứng dụng VUS App. Mọi thông tin về ngày khai giảng, ngày kết khóa, nội dung của khóa học,
ngày nghỉ lễ (nếu có) sẽ được thông tin đến Quý phụ huynh qua VUS App.

1.2 Quy định về học phí:

- Học phí đã đóng sẽ không được hoàn lại. Đối với trường hợp đặc biệt, học phí chỉ được phép bảo lưu
trong vòng 3 tháng.
- Học viên được giải quyết lưu học phí 1 lần/khóa, thời gian bảo lưu tối đa 3 tháng. Nếu quá thời gian bảo
lưu mà Phụ huynh vẫn chưa liên hệ với Nhà trường để tiếp tục việc học thì xem như Phụ huynh đã tự ý
cho Học viên thôi học. Việc xét bảo lưu được áp dụng trong các trường hợp đặc biệt sau:
Học viên chuyển trường đến địa phương khác (có xác nhận của trường học).
Bị ốm hoặc tai nạn (có xác nhận của bệnh viện).
- Học viên được giảm 30% học phí khi đăng ký học lại cấp độ đã học trong vòng 3 tháng kể từ ngày
kết khóa. Mức học phí áp dụng theo chính sách học phí vào thời điểm đăng ký học lại.

1.3 Nhà trường được phép sử dụng hình ảnh Học viên trong những hoạt động xuyên suốt quá trình học để
cập nhật trên Cổng thông tin liên lạc điện tử VUS và trên các phương tiện truyền thông khác.

Quy ịnh về học tập và thi cử

- Học viên cần tham gia đầy đủ các buổi học. Trường hợp vắng học cần thông báo trước cho Phòng
Tuyển sinh để thuận tiện cho việc theo dõi chuyên cần.

- Học viên tham gia các hoạt động trong lớp theo sự hướng dẫn của Giáo viên / Trợ giảng và làm bài
tập ở nhà đầy đủ.

- Học viên tham dự đầy đủ các kỳ thi Giữa khóa và Cuối khóa để được xét lên lớp. Trường hợp Học viên
không dự thi theo lịch của lớp, Phụ huynh vui lòng liên hệ Phòng Tư vấn Tuyển sinh để cho Học viên thi
bổ sung.
- Điểm tổng kết khoá học được tính như sau:

Điểm thi Điểm thi Điểm tham gia Điều kiện

Chương trình
giữa khoá cuối khoá hoạt động lớp hoàn tất khoá học

Học viên phải đạt

Anh ngữ Thiếu Niên 30% 60% 10% tổng điểm từ
(YL) 5.0 điểm trở lên

- Thời gian thi bổ sung hoặc thi lại đối với kỳ thi Giữa khóa không quá 15 ngày, kỳ thi Cuối khóa không quá
7 ngày kể từ ngày thi chính thức.
- Mọi thắc mắc về bài thi sẽ được giải quyết trong vòng 1 tháng kể từ ngày thi.
- Học viên đạt điểm số theo quy định sẽ được cấp Chứng chỉ hoàn tất khóa học.
- Chứng nhận / Chứng chỉ hoàn tất khóa học được phát tại phòng Tư vấn Tuyển sinh trong vòng 2 tuần và
được lưu giữ trong vòng 6 tháng kể từ ngày kết khóa.

Quy ịnh về tác phong học tập

- Học viên đi học đúng giờ, tích cực tham gia các hoạt động tại lớp, tôn trọng Giáo viên / Trợ giảng / Nhân
viên nhà trường và các Học viên khác.
- Học viên đến lớp và trở lại lớp sau giờ giải lao đúng giờ. Việc ra vào lớp trong giờ học cần được sự đồng ý
của Giáo viên / Trợ giảng.
- Học viên không được phép rời khỏi khuôn viên nhà trường khi không được sự cho phép của Nhà trường /
Phụ huynh.
- Học viên giữ gìn an ninh trật tự và bảo vệ tài sản chung. Khi có sự việc phát sinh, Học viên cần liên lạc
Phòng Tư vấn Tuyển sinh để được hỗ trợ và có hướng xử lý thích hợp.
- Học viên tự quản lý tài sản cá nhân của mình. Phụ huynh không nên cho các em mang theo tư trang có
giá trị và vật dụng có tính sát thương vào lớp.
- Để đảm bảo hiệu quả lớp học, Học viên vui lòng chuyển điện thoại sang chế độ rung và chỉ nên sử dụng
khi cần thiết.
- Trong trường hợp Học viên vi phạm quy định:
Nhà trường sẽ mời Học viên xuống phòng Tư vấn Tuyển sinh làm việc, viết tường trình (trường hợp cần
thiết) và thông tin đến Phụ huynh.
Phụ huynh có trách nhiệm bồi thường các thiệt hại (nếu có),
Trường hợp Học viên vi phạm từ lần thứ hai, để hạn chế ảnh hưởng đến hiệu quả lớp học, nhà trường có
quyền từ chối việc tiếp tục học của Học viên.
Hướng dẫn an toàn cho Học viên
- Phụ huynh cho Học viên ăn uống đầy đủ trước khi đến lớp hoặc tự chuẩn bị thức ăn nhẹ mang theo
để đảm bảo vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm và Học viên có được tinh thần tốt nhất cho việc học tập.

- Phụ huynh cho Học viên mang theo bình nước cá nhân để đảm bảo an toàn vệ sinh và thuận tiện
cho việc sử dụng.

- Phụ huynh cho Học viên mang giày có quai hậu hoặc giày thể thao chống trơn trợt để đảm bảo
an toàn khi đến trường.

- Phụ huynh nhắc nhở Học viên một số nguyên tắc để đảm bảo an toàn cho bản thân và bạn bè tại trường:
Di chuyển theo hàng, luôn đi phía bên phải khi di chuyển trên cầu thang và hành lang.

Vui chơi trong trật tự. Không chạy nhảy, leo trèo. Đặc biệt cẩn thận tại các khu vực nguy hiểm, trơn trợt,
dễ dẫn đến chấn thương (cầu thang, thang máy, thang cuốn, nhà vệ sinh …).

Không đánh, không xô đẩy bạn. Cẩn thận khi đóng mở cửa lớp tránh làm kẹp tay chân bản thân và các bạn.

Không tiếp xúc và giao tiếp với người lạ từ bên ngoài, báo ngay cho Giáo viên / Trợ giảng / Nhân viên
nhà trường về sự xuất hiện của người lạ.

Luôn ở bên trong khuôn viên nhà trường, kể cả giờ giải lao. Xin phép Giáo viên / Trợ giảng khi muốn ra
khỏi lớp học.

Đưa ón Học viên

- Đối với Học viên chương trình Young Leaders: Phụ huynh đưa Học viên đến lớp học hoặc đảm bảo các
em vào trong khuôn viên nhà trường

- Trường hợp Quý Phụ huynh đồng ý cho Học viên tự ra về sau giờ học, Phụ huynh vui lòng điền thông
tin sau:

Tôi tên là (ghi rõ họ tên): .................................................................................................................................

là (Ba / Mẹ / Người giám hộ) (ghi rõ) .............................................................................................................
của Học viên (ghi rõ họ tên): ...........................................................................................................................

Tôi đồng ý cho em : ............................................................................................................ được phép tự ra

về sau giờ học.

Phương tiện tự đi về : ......................................................................................................................................

*** Lưu ý: đối với trường hợp Học viên tự ra về có sự đồng ý của Phụ huynh, Nhà trường sẽ hoàn toàn không
chịu trách nhiệm khi Học viên đã ra khỏi khuôn viên trường học.

Trường hợp khẩn cấp liên quan ến sức khỏe

- Nhà trường sẽ liên hệ với Quý Phụ Huynh theo số điện thoại mà Phụ huynh đã cung cấp.

- Trong trường hợp khẩn cấp mà Nhà trường không liên hệ được với Quý Phụ huynh, Nhà trường sẽ
chủ động chuyển Học viên đến cơ sở y tế gần nhất.
Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 1, Film and TV, Vocabulary and Reading

 Classroom language, trang 5

 Vocabulary 1, trang 6:
Từ vựng về các thể loại phim (Film Types)
action adventure animated comedy
fantasy horror musical romantic comedy
science-fiction thriller war western

 Reading 1, trang 7:
Đọc hiểu về các thể loại phim bạn trẻ nước Anh yêu thích

 Bài tập: Sách bài tập, trang 5

Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 1, Film and TV, Grammar and Listening

 Grammar 1, trang 8-9:

Thì hiện tại đơn (The Present Simple)

Affirmative Negative
I/You like I/You don’t
He/She/It likes thrillers. He/She/It doesn’t like thrillers.
We/You/They like We/You/They don’t
Questions Short answers
Do I/you Yes, I/you do. No, I/you don’t.

Does he/she/it like thrillers? Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn’t.
Do we/you/they Yes, we/you/they do. No, we/you/they don’t.

Từ để hỏi: What, Where, When, Who, Why, How often

 Listening, trang 9:
Nghe hiểu bài phỏng vấn sao nhí Mia Straw

 Bài tập: Sách bài tập, trang 6-7

YE1_Study plan 3
Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 1, Film and TV, Speaking and Culture

 Speaking, trang 10-11: Luyện nghe nói theo chủ đề phim ảnh
Cách diễn đạt sở thích

 I really like animated films. They are great.

 I like western films.

 I don’t mind science-fiction.

 I don’t like horror films. They’re awful.

 I can’t stand romantic comedies.

 Oral Practice K1.1:

Luyện nói theo dạng bài thi KET

 Culture, trang 11:

Đọc và nghe hiểu về các giải thưởng điện ảnh ở các nước nói tiếng Anh

 Bài tập: Sách bài tập, trang 12 & 126

Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 1, Film and TV, Vocabulary, Reading and Grammar

 Vocabulary 2, trang 12:

Từ vựng về các chương trình truyền hình
cartoon chat show comedy programme
documentary drama game show
reality show soap opera sports programme
the news

 Reading 2, trang 12-13:

Đọc hiểu bài Too much TV and not enough sleep?

 Grammar 2, trang 13:

Trạng từ chỉ tần suất (Adverbs of frequency):
never, hardly ever, sometimes, often, usually, always
0% 100%

 Bài tập: Sách bài tập, trang 8-9

4 YE1_Study plan
Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 1, Film and TV, Writing, CLIL and Vocabulary Guide

 Writing, trang 14:

Luyện viết bài bình luận về chương trình TV em yêu thích
Học cách dùng dấu chấm câu

 CLIL, trang 15:

Đọc và nghe hiểu bài Music – The 1960s

 Ôn tập từ vựng:

Ôn từ vựng về các thể loại phim và các chương trình truyền hình

 Bài tập: Sách bài tập, trang 10-11

Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 2, Adventure, Vocabulary and Reading

 Vocabulary 1, trang 18:

Từ vựng về các kỹ năng sinh tồn trong các cuộc phiêu lưu
build camp chop climb cook
find fish hike look for sleep

build fires find/look for animals cook/find/look for food

chop/find/look for fruit fish in a river sleep in a tent
climb trees chop/look for wood

 Reading 1, trang 19:

Đọc hiểu bài Survive in the Wild

 Bài tập: Sách bài tập, Listening trang 14, và trang 15

YE1_Study plan 5
Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 2, Adventure, Grammar and Listening

 Grammar 1, trang 20-21:

Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn (The Present Continuous)

Affirmative and Negative Questions and short answers

I am / ‘m not Am I camping? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
He/She/It is / isn’t Is he camping? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.
We/You/They are / aren’t Are they camping? Yes, they are.
No, they aren’t.
Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn để diễn đạt tương lai đã được sắp xếp, đi kèm với các cụm trạng ngữ chỉ
thời gian: tomorrow afternoon, next week, on Saturday, at the weekend, this evening.

 Listening, trang 21:

Nghe hiểu bài Young Adventurers

 Bài tập: Sách bài tập, trang 16-17

Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 2, Adventure, Speaking and Culture

 Speaking, trang 22-23:

Luyện nghe nói về kế hoạch của chuyến đi dã ngoại với trường
Cách đưa ra kế hoạch

Are you free after school tomorrow?

Sorry, I’m busy. What about on Tuesday afternoon?
Where shall we meet?
What about in front of the supermarket?
What time?
How about meeting at half past four?

 Oral Practice K1.2:

Luyện nói theo dạng bài thi KET

 Culture, trang 23:

Đọc và nghe hiểu bài Summer Camps

 Bài tập: Sách bài tập, trang 22 & 127

6 YE1_Study plan
Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 2, Adventure, Vocabulary, Reading and Vocabulary Guide

 Vocabulary 2, trang 24:

Các tính từ mô tả cảm xúc
angry bored embarrassed excited
jealous nervous pleased sad
scared surprised tired worried

 Reading 2, trang 24-25:

Đọc hiểu bài Life with the Tribe

 Ôn tập từ vựng:

Ôn tập các từ vựng về kỹ năng sinh tồn và tính từ mô tả cảm xúc

 Bài tập: Sách bài tập, trang 18

Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 2, Adventure, Grammar and Writing

 Grammar 2, trang 25:

Phân biệt thì hiện tại đơn và thì hiện tại tiếp diễn
Present simple (thói quen) Present continuous (hành động đang diễn ra)
Where does she usually work? What are they doing in Africa?
She always works from home. They’re living with a tribe.

 Writing, trang 26:

Luyện viết nhật ký trực tuyến
Học cách dùng từ nối and, but và because.

 Ôn tập: Ôn tập cho bài thi giữa khóa

 Bài tập: Sách bài tập, trang 19-21

YE1_Study plan 7
Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Progress Check and Midterm test

 Progress Check, trang 17 và 29:

Ôn tập từ vựng và ngữ pháp bài 1 và 2

 Midterm Test:
Kiểm tra giữa khóa
Sửa bài kiểm tra giữa khóa

 Bài tập: Sách bài tập, trang 13 và 23

Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 3, History, Vocabulary and Reading

 Vocabulary 1, trang 30:

Động từ về quá trình khám phá
arrive discover drive explore
fly go land leave
ride sail take off travel

 Reading 1, trang 31:

Đọc hiểu bài A discovery of food

 Bài tập: Sách bài tập, Listening trang 24, và trang 25

8 YE1_Study plan
Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 3, History, Grammar and Listening

 Grammar 1, trang 32-33:

Thì quá khứ đơn (The Past Simple)

Regular and irregular verbs Past simple with BE

They cooked the biscuits. It was from Italy.
Rice began in China They were popular.
They didn’t cook the biscuits. It wasn’t from Italy.
Rice didn’t begin in Russia. They weren’t popular.

 Listening, trang 33:

Nghe hiểu bài History quiz

 Bài tập: Sách bài tập, trang 26-27

Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 3, History, Speaking and Culture

 Speaking, trang 34-35:

Luyện nghe nói theo ngữ cảnh trong thư viện trường
Cách hỏi thông tin

Cô thủ thư Học sinh

Can I help you? I’m looking for information on explorers.
What type of information do you need? I’d like to find out about Captain Scott.
There are some books in the history section. Thanks for your help.

 Oral Practice K1.3:

Luyện nói theo dạng bài thi KET

 Culture, trang 35:

Đọc và nghe hiểu bài Explorers

 Bài tập: Sách bài tập, trang 32 & 128

YE1_Study plan 9
Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 3, History, Vocabulary and Reading

 Vocabulary 2, trang 36:

Từ vựng về thiên tai
drought earthquake famine fire
flood hurricane landslide tornado
tsunami volcanic eruption

 Reading 2, trang 36-37:

Đọc hiểu bài Great European Disasters

 Bài tập: Sách bài tập, trang 28

Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 3, History, Grammar and Writing

 Grammar 2, trang 37:

Thì quá khứ đơn
Questions Short answers
Did you study history last week? Yes, I did.
No, I didn’t.
When did the earthquake happen?

 Writing, trang 38:

Luyện viết tiểu sử
Học cách dùng giới từ chỉ thời gian: on 15th April 1452, at 10:30pm, in May 1519.

 Bài tập: Sách bài tập, trang 29-31

10 YE1_Study plan
Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Revision 1

 Vocabulary, trang 42:

Ôn tập từ vựng bài 1-3

 Sketch, trang 44:

Luyện nói bằng cách đóng vai theo đoạn hội thoại Street artists

 Project, trang 45:

Thực hành nói và viết qua dự án về Our favourite Artist

 DVD:
Xem phim và luyện nghe nói về Home

Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 4, Myths and legends, Vocabulary and Reading

 Vocabulary 1, trang 46:

Tính từ chỉ tính cách
brave cheerful cruel friendly
funny kind lazy loyal
selfish shy stubborn wise

 Reading 1, trang 47:

Đọc hiểu bài British legends

 Bài tập: Sách bài tập, trang 35

YE1_Study plan 11
Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 4, Myths and legends, Grammar and Listening

 Grammar 1, trang 48-49:

Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn (The Past Continuous)

Affirmative Negative
He was living in London. He wasn’t living in Japan.
They were planning the battle. They weren’t fighting the battle.

Questions Short answers

Was he walking near the lake? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t.
Were they having fun? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

 Listening, trang 49:

Nghe hiểu bài A highwayman

 Bài tập: Sách bài tập, trang 36-37

Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 4, Myths and legends, Speaking and Culture

 Speaking, trang 50-51:

Luyện nghe nói về ngày nghỉ cuối tuần
Cách hỏi và trả lời về hoạt động trong quá khứ

Questions Responses
How was your weekend? It was great! I had a brilliant time.
Did you go anywhere interesting? Yes, we went to Scotland.
What did you do there? We went to a castle.
Where did you have lunch? We ate in the restaurant in the castle.

 Oral Practice K1.4:

Luyện nói theo dạng bài thi KET

 Culture, trang 51:

Đọc và nghe hiểu bài Castles and legends

 Bài tập: Sách bài tập, trang 42 & 129

12 YE1_Study plan
Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 4, Myths and legends, Vocabulary and Reading

 Vocabulary 2, trang 52:

Động từ chỉ hoạt động
carry cross drop fall
follow jump lead lift
move pull push sit stand

 Reading 2, trang 53:

Đọc hiểu bài April Fool

 Bài tập: Sách bài tập, trang 38

Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 4, Myths and legends, Grammar and Writing

 Grammar 2, trang 53:

Phân biệt thì quá khứ đơn và thì quá khứ tiếp diễn
They were watching a documentary when they saw farmers in Switzerland.
While I was sitting with some friends, something lifted us into the air.

 Writing, trang 54:

Luyện viết văn trần thuật
Học cách dùng từ nối chỉ thời gian: One day, Then, Later, In the end.

 Ôn tập:
Ôn tập chuẩn bị kiểm tra cuối khóa

 Bài tập:
Sách bài tập, trang 39

YE1_Study plan 13
Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Unit 4, Myths and legends, CLIL and DVD

 CLIL, trang 55:

Đọc và nghe hiểu bài Climate zones

 DVD:
Xem phim và luyện nghe nói về Food

 Bài tập:
Sách bài tập, phần Listening, trang 34 và 44

Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Review and Final Test

 Final test:
Làm bài kiểm tra cuối khóa trên giấy

 Sửa bài:
Sửa bài kiểm tra

 Ôn tập:
Ôn tập chuẩn bị cho bài thi Nói

14 YE1_Study plan
Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: Oral Test and KET Listening Practice

 Oral test:
Làm bài kiểm tra nói cuối khóa

 KET Listening Practice:

Làm bài thi thử KET kỹ năng Nghe và sửa bài

Ngày: ……………………………………
Bài học: KET Reading & Writing Practice and KET Speaking Practice

 KET Reading & Writing Practice:

Làm bài thi thử KET kỹ năng Đọc – Viết và sửa bài

 KET Speaking Practice:

Luyện tập kỹ năng Nói theo dạng bài thi KET

YE1_Study plan 15
Starter Unit

pages 4-5

art (n) /ɑːt/ the skill of creating objects such as paintings and
drawings, especially when you study it (môn họa,
môn mỹ thuật)
e.g. She's good at art and design.

aunt (n) /ɑːnt/ the sister of your father or mother; the wife of your
uncle (cô, dì, mợ)
e.g. My aunt lives in Canada.

brother (n) /ˈbrʌðə(r)/ a boy or man who has the same mother and
father as another person (anh trai, em trai)
e.g. He's my brother.

boots (n) /buːts/ strong shoes that cover the foot and ankle and
often the lower part of the leg (giày bốt, ủng)
e.g. a pair of black leather boots

coat (n) /kəʊt/ a piece of outdoor clothing with sleeves worn over
other clothes to keep warm or dry (áo khoác)
e.g. He is wearing a long winter coat.

cousin (n) /ˈkʌzn/ a child of your aunt or uncle (anh/chị/em họ)

e.g. She's my cousin.

daughter (n) /ˈdɔːtə(r)/ a person's female child (con gái)

e.g. We have two sons and a daughter.

drama (n) /ˈdrɑːmə/ plays considered as a form of literature (môn kịch

e.g. I studied English and Drama at college.

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 19

dress (n) /dres/ a piece of women's clothing that is made in one
piece and covers the body down to the legs,
sometimes reaching to below the knees, or to the
ankles (áo đầm)
e.g. a long white dress

English (n) /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/ English language or literature as a subject

of study (môn Tiếng Anh/)
e.g. English is my best subject.

father (n) /ˈfɑːðə(r)/ a male parent of a child or an animal; a person

who is acting as the father to a child (ba, bố, cha)
e.g. Ben's a wonderful father.

French (n) /frentʃ/ the language of France and some other

countries (Tiếng Pháp)
e.g. I can't speak a word of French.

geography (n) /dʒiˈɒɡrəfi/ the scientific study of the earth's surface, physical
features, divisions, products, population, etc. (môn
Địa lý)
e.g. a geography lesson

grandad (n) /ˈɡrændæd/ the father of your father or mother (ông nội, ông
(also granddad)
e.g. My grandad was a teacher.

grandmother (n) /ˈɡrænmʌðə(r)/ the mother of your father or mother (bà nội, bà
e.g. He lives with his grandmother.

hobby (n) /ˈhɒbi/ an activity that you do for pleasure when you are
not working (thú vui)
e.g. Her hobbies include swimming and

history (n) /ˈhɪstri/ the study of past events as a subject at school or

university (môn lịch sử)
e.g. a history teacher

20 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

husband (n) /ˈhʌzbənd/ the man that a woman is married to (chồng)
e.g. This is my husband, Steve.

ICT /ˌaɪ siː ˈtiː/ the study of the use of computers, the Internet,
video, and other technology as a subject at school
(Information and
(môn vi tính)
technology) e.g. ICT is one of the subjects at my school.

jacket (n) /ˈdʒækɪt/ a piece of clothing worn on the top half of the body
over a shirt, etc. that has sleeves and fastens
down the front; a short, light coat (áo khoác, áo
e.g. I have to wear a jacket and tie to work.

jeans (n) /dʒiːnz/ trousers/pants made of strong cotton,

especially denim (quần jeans)
e.g. a faded pair of blue jeans

jersey (n) /ˈdʒɜːzi/ a knitted piece of clothing made of wool or cotton

for the upper part of the body, with long sleeves
and no buttons; a type of sweater (áo len, áo dệt
e.g. I have to wash my son's jersey.

literature (n) /ˈlɪtrətʃə(r)/ pieces of writing that are valued as works of art,
especially novels, plays and poems (in contrast to
technical books and newspapers, magazines,
etc.) (tác phẩm văn học)
e.g. French literature

maths (n) /mæθs/ mathematics, especially as a subject in school

(môn toán)
e.g. The core subjects are English, Maths and

mother (n) /ˈmʌðə(r)/ a female parent of a child or animal; a person who

is acting as a mother to a child (mẹ, má)
e.g. I want to buy a present for my mother and

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 21

music (n) /ˈmjuːzɪk/ the art of writing or playing music
e.g. He likes music.

nephew (n) /ˈnefjuː/ the son of your brother or sister; the son of your
/ˈnevjuː/ husband's or wife's brother or sister (cháu trai)

niece (n) /niːs/ the daughter of your brother or sister; the

daughter of your husband's or wife's brother or
sister (cháu gái)

PE (physical /ˌpiː ˈiː/ sport and exercise that is taught in schools (môn
education) thể dục)

sandals (n) /ˈsændlz/ a type of light open shoes worn in warm weather
(giày/dép có quai hậu)

science (n) /ˈsaɪəns/ the study about the structure and behaviour of the
natural and physical world, based on facts that
you can prove, for example by experiments (môn
khoa học)

shirt (n) /ʃɜːt/ a piece of clothing (usually for men), worn on the
upper part of the body, made of light cloth, with
sleeves and usually with a collar and buttons
down the front (áo sơ mi)
e.g. a short-sleeved shirt

shoes (n) /ʃuːz/ a pair of outer coverings for your feet, usually
made of leather or plastic (giày)
e.g. What's your shoe size?

sister (n) /ˈsɪstə(r)/ a girl or woman who has the same mother and
father as another person (chị gái, em gái)
e.g. She's my sister.

22 YE1_ Wordlist(Motivate)
skirt (n) /skɜːt/ a piece of clothing for a woman or girl that hangs
from the waist (váy)

son (n) /sʌn/ a person's male child (con trai)

e.g. We have two sons and a daughter.

trainers (n) /ˈtreɪnə(r)z/ shoes that you wear for sports or as informal
clothing (giày thể thao)

T-shirt (n) /’tiːʃɜːt/ an informal shirt with short sleeves and no collar
or buttons, or just a few buttons at the top (áo

uncle (n) /ˈʌŋkl/ the brother of your mother or father; the husband
of your aunt (chú, cậu, dượng)
e.g. I'm going to visit my uncle.

wife (n) /waɪf/ the woman that a man is married to (vợ)

e.g. She's his second wife.

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 23

Unit 1 – Film and TV
pages 6-7

action film (n) /ˈækʃn fɪlm/ a film that has a lot of exciting action and
adventure (phim hành động)
e.g. Running Man is a Korean action film.

adventure (n) /ədˈventʃə(r)/ an unusual, exciting or dangerous experience,

journey or series of events (sự phiêu lưu, mạo
e.g. Life of Pi is an adventure story of a boy and
a tiger on a lifeboat.

animated (adj) /ˈænɪmeɪtɪd/ (of pictures, drawings, etc. in a film/movie) made

to look as if they are moving (hoạt hình)
e.g. Toy Story 3 is a successful animated film.

comedy (n) /ˈkɒmədi/ a play or film/movie that is intended to be funny,

usually with a happy ending; plays and films/
movies of this type (phim hài, hài kịch)
e.g. She prefers romantic comedies because
they have happy endings.

complex (n) /ˈkɒmpleks/ a group of buildings of a similar type together in

one place (khu liên hợp)
e.g. an industrial complex (= a site with many

fantasy (n) /ˈfæntəsi/ a product of your imagination (giả tưởng)

e.g. The Mermaid is a fantasy story about a girl
with a fish’s tail.

fantastic (adj) /fænˈtæstɪk/ extremely good; excellent (xuất sắc, tuyệt vời)
e.g. The weather was absolutely fantastic.

24 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

horror (n) /ˈhɒrə(r)/ a feeling of great shock, fear or disgust (sự kinh
dị, sự ghê rợn)
e.g. The thought of being left alone filled her with

local (adj) /ˈləʊkl/ belonging to or connected with the particular

place or area that you are talking about or with
the place where you live (thuộc về địa phương)
e.g. Our children go to the local school.

musical (adj) /ˈmjuːzɪkl/ connected with music; containing music (liên

quan đến âm nhạc, có nhạc)
e.g. the musical director of the show

popular (adj) /ˈpɒpjələ(r)/ liked or enjoyed by a large number of people

(được ưa thích)
e.g. Skiing has become very popular recently.

preference (n) /ˈprefrəns/ a thing that is liked better or best (thứ được yêu
thích hơn hay thích nhất)
e.g. - What are your cinema preferences?
- I’m a great fan of romantic comedies like
Letters to Juliet.

romantic (adj) /rəʊˈmæntɪk/ beautiful in a way that makes you think of love or
feel strong emotions (lãng mạn)
e.g. romantic music

science-fiction /ˈsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃn/ a type of book, film/movie, etc. that is based on

(n) imagined scientific discoveries of the future, and
often deals with space travel and life on other
planets (sách/phim khoa học viễn tưởng)

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 25

special effects /ˈspeʃl ɪˈfekts/ unusual or exciting pieces of action in
(n) films/movies or television programmes, that are
created by computers or clever photography to
show things that do not normally exist or happen
(hiệu ứng, kỹ xảo)

suspense (n) /səˈspens/ a feeling of worry or excitement that you have

when you feel that something is going to happen,
somebody is going to tell you some news, etc.
(cảm giác lo lắng, hồi hộp)
e.g. Don't keep us in suspense. Tell us what

thriller (n) /ˈθrɪlə(r)/ a book, play or film/movie with an exciting story,

especially one about crime or spying (một quyển
sách/vở kịch/bộ phim gay cấn)
e.g. He likes watching spy thrillers.

war (n) /wɔː(r)/ a situation in which two or more countries or

groups of people fight against each other over a
period of time (chiến tranh)
e.g. the war between England and Scotland

Western film (n) /ˈwestən ˌfɪlm/ the type of movie about life in the western US in
the 19th century (phim cao bồi miền Tây của Mỹ)
e.g. The cowboy is often a main character in
Western films.

pages 8-9

comic book (n) /ˈkɒmɪk bʊk/ a magazine, especially for children, that tells
stories through pictures (truyện tranh)

famous (adj) /ˈfeɪməs/ known about by many people (nổi tiếng)

e.g. One day, I'll be rich and famous.

26 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

favourite (adj) /ˈfeɪvərɪt/ liked more than others of the same kind (yêu
thích nhất)
e.g. January is my least favourite month.

fizzy (adj) /ˈfɪzi/ having bubbles of gas in it (sủi bọt)

e.g. The wine was pink and slightly fizzy.

interview (n) /ˈɪntəvjuː/ a formal meeting at which somebody is asked

questions to see if they are suitable for a
particular job, or for a course of study at a
college, university, etc. (buổi phỏng vấn)
e.g. He has an interview next week for the
manager's job.

popcorn (n) /ˈpɒpkɔːn/ a type of food made from grains of maize (corn)
that are heated until they burst, forming light
whitish balls that are then covered with salt or
sugar (bắp rang)
e.g. We often buy popcorn and cola when we go
to the cinema.

review (n) /rɪˈvjuː/ a report in the media, in which somebody gives

their opinion of a book, play, film/movie, etc. (bài
phê bình, bài bình luận)
e.g. The film receives good reviews in the
national press.

row (n) /rəʊ/ a line of seats in a cinema/movie theater, etc.

(hàng ghế, dãy ghế)
e.g. Our seats are five rows from the front.

superstar (n) /ˈsuːpəstɑː(r)/ a very famous performer, for example an actor, a

singer or a sports player (diễn viên nổi tiếng, siêu
e.g. Kristen Stewart is a superstar.

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 27

pages 10-11

actor (n) /ˈæktə(r)/ a person who performs on the stage, on

television or in films/movies, especially as a
profession (diễn viên)
e.g. Lý Hùng is a Vietnamese actor.

award (n) /əˈwɔːd/ a prize such as money, etc. for something that
somebody has done (giải thưởng)
e.g. He was nominated for the best actor award.

awful (adj) /ˈɔːfl/ very bad or unpleasant (rất dở, rất tệ)
e.g. That's an awful colour.

ceremony (n) /ˈserəməni/ a public or religious occasion that includes a

series of formal or traditional actions (buổi lễ)
e.g. a wedding/marriage ceremony

director (n) /dɪˈrektə(r)/ a person in charge of a film/movie or play who

/daɪˈrektə(r)/ tells the actors and staff what to do (đạo diễn)
e.g. James Cameron is the director of Titanic.

equivalent (adj) /ɪˈkwɪvələnt/ equal in value, amount, meaning, importance, etc

(tương đương)
e.g. 250 grams or an equivalent amount in

finalist (n) /ˈfaɪnəlɪst/ a person who takes part in the final of a game or
competition (người vào vòng chung kết)
e.g. Jacqui Lee was one of the three finalists in
the fifth season of the Voice.

gold (n) /ɡəʊld/ a yellow precious metal used for making coins,
jewellery, decorative objects, etc. (vàng)
e.g. 18-carat gold

28 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

industry (n) /ˈɪndəstri/ the people and activities involved in producing a
particular thing, or in providing a particular
service (ngành công nghiệp)
e.g. We need to develop local industries.

mask (n) /mɑːsk/ something that covers your face and has another
face painted on it (mặt nạ)
e.g. The kids were all wearing animal masks.

quiz show (n) /ˈkwɪz ˌʃəʊ/ a radio or television show in which people answer
a series of questions and compete with each
other to see who can win the most money or
prizes (một cuộc thi trả lời câu hỏi trên truyền
hình / truyền thanh)
e.g. “Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?” is
a popular television quiz show.

receive (v) /rɪˈsiːv/ to get or accept something that is sent or given to

you (nhận)
e.g. He received an award for bravery from the
police service.

statue (n) /ˈstætʃuː/ a figure of a person or an animal in stone, metal,

etc, usually the same size as in real life or larger
e.g. They planned to put up a statue of the

theatrical (adj) /θiˈætrɪkl/ connected with the theatre (liên quan đến sân
e.g. He got a prize for his theatrical acting.

winner (n) /ˈwɪnə(r)/ a person, a team, an animal, etc. that wins

something (người chiến thắng, đội chiến thắng)
e.g. The winners of the competition will be
announced next month.

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 29

writer (n) /ˈraɪtə(r)/ a person whose job is writing books, stories,
articles, etc. (nhà văn, nhà báo, người viết sách)
e.g. She is a well-known writer of
children's books.

pages 12-13

always (adv) /ˈɔːlweɪz/ at all times; on every occasion (luôn luôn)

e.g. She always arrives at 7.30.

cartoon (n) /kɑːˈtuːn/ a film/movie made by photographing a series of

gradually changing drawings or models, so that
they look as if they are moving (phim hoạt hình)
e.g. a Walt Disney cartoon

celebrity (n) /səˈlebrəti/ a famous person (người nổi tiếng)

e.g. TV celebrities

chat show (n) /ˈtʃæt ˌʃəʊ/ a television or radio programme in which famous
people are asked questions and talk in an
informal way about their work and opinions on
various topics (buổi phỏng vấn với người nổi
e.g. a chat show host

compete (v) /kəmˈpiːt/ to try to be more successful or better than

somebody else who is trying to do the same as
you (cạnh tranh, thi đấu)
e.g. Young children will usually compete for their
mother's attention.

contestant (n) /kənˈtestənt/ a person who takes part in a contest (người dự

e.g. Please welcome our next contestant.

30 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

disaster (n) /dɪˈzɑːstə(r)/ an unexpected event, such as a very bad
accident, a flood or a fire, that kills a lot of people
or causes a lot of damage (thiên tai)
e.g. Thousands died in the disaster.

documentary (n) /ˌdɒkjuˈmentri/ a film or a radio or television programme giving

facts about something (phim tài liệu)
e.g. a television documentary about/on the
future of nuclear power

download (v) /ˌdaʊnˈləʊd/ to move data to a smaller computer system from

a larger one (tải dữ liệu)
e.g. You can download good music from this

drama (n) /ˈdrɑːmə/ a play for the theatre, television or radio (vở kịch)
e.g. She's been in several television dramas.

game show (n) /ˈɡeɪm ˌʃəʊ/ a television programme in which people play
games or answer questions to win prizes
(chương trình tryền hình mà người tham gia có
giải thưởng)
e.g. a game show host

generation (n) /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn/ all the people who were born at about the same
time (thế hệ)
e.g. I often wonder what future generations will
make of our efforts.

healthy (adj) /ˈhelθi/ good for your health (có lợi cho sức khỏe)
e.g. a healthy diet

jungle (n) /ˈdʒʌŋɡl/ an area of tropical forest where trees and plants
grow very thickly (rừng nhiệt đới, rừng già)
e.g. Our garden is a complete jungle.

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 31

lifestyle (n) /’laɪfstaɪl/ the way in which a person or a group of people
lives and works (kiểu sống)
e.g. It was a big change in lifestyle when we
moved to the country.

never (adv) /ˈnevə(r)/ not at any time; not on any occasion (không bao
e.g. You never help me.

news (n) /njuːz/ reports of recent events that appear in

newspapers or on television or radio (tin tức, bản
e.g. News of a serious road accident is just
coming in.

often (adv) /ˈɒfn/ many times (thường xuyên)

e.g. We often go there.

price (n) /praɪs/ the amount of money that you have to pay for
something (giá)
e.g. He managed to get a good price for the car.

reality show (n) /riˈæləti ˌʃəʊ/ a television show in which members of the public
or celebrities are filmed living their everyday lives
or undertaking specific challenges (chương trình
thực tế)
e.g. “Dancing With The Stars” is an interesting
reality show.

recent (adj) /ˈriːsnt/ that happened or began only a short time ago
(mới xảy ra gần đây)
e.g. his most recent visit to Poland

32 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

replacement (n) /rɪˈpleɪsmənt/ a thing that replaces something, especially
because the first thing is old, broken, etc (vật thay
e.g. If your passport is stolen you should apply for
a replacement immediately.

report (v) /rɪˈpɔːt/ to give people information about something that

you have heard, seen, done, etc (tường thuật)
e.g. Call me urgently if you have anything to

soap opera (n) /ˈsəʊp ˌɒprə/ a story about the lives and problems of a group of
people which is broadcast every day or several
times a week on television or radio (phim truyền
hình nhiều tập)
e.g. the longest-running soap opera on British

sometimes (adv) /ˈsʌmtaɪmz/ occasionally rather than all of the time (thỉnh
thoảng, đôi khi)
e.g. He sometimes writes to me.

stay up (v) /ˌsteɪ ˈʌp/ to go to bed later than usual (đi ngủ trễ hơn bình
thường, thức khuya)
e.g. You've got school tomorrow. Don’t stay up

surf (v) /sɜːf/ to spend time visiting a lot of websites (lướt web)
e.g. Many cities have cybercafés where you can
surf the internet.

survivor (n) /səˈvaɪvə(r)/ a person who continues to live, especially despite

being nearly killed or experiencing great danger
or difficulty (người sống sót)
e.g. The plane crashed in an area of dense
jungle. There were no survivors.

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 33

teenager (n) /ˈtiːneɪdʒə(r)/ a person who is between 13 and 19 years old
(thanh thiếu niên)
e.g. Tom is a leader of a club for teenagers.

tired (adj) /ˈtaɪəd/ feeling that you would like to sleep or rest;
needing rest (mệt mỏi)
e.g. I'm too tired even to think.

turn on (v) /ˌtɜːn ˈɒn/ to start the flow of electricity, gas, water, etc. by
moving a switch, button, etc. (bật lên)
e.g. I'll turn the television on.

twice (adv) /twaɪs/ two times; on two occasions (2 lần)

e.g. I don't know him well; I've only met him

unfortunately /ʌnˈfɔːtʃənətli/ used to say that a particular situation or fact

(adv) makes you sad or disappointed, or gets you into a
difficult position (không may thay, thật là đáng
e.g. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the

usually (adv) /ˈjuːʒuəli/ in the way that is usual or normal; most often
e.g. I'm usually home by 6 o'clock.

variety (n) /vəˈraɪəti/ several different sorts of the same thing (nhiều
loại, sự đa dạng)
e.g. This tool can be used in a variety of ways.

34 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

pages 14-15

band (n) /bænd/ a small group of musicians who play popular

music together, often with a singer or singers
(ban nhạc)
e.g. She's a singer with a band.

character (n) /ˈkærəktə(r)/ a person or an animal in a book, play or movie

(nhân vật)
e.g. I like the funny characters in the film.

chorus (n) /ˈkɔːrəs/ part of a song that is sung after each verse (điệp
e.g. Everyone joined in the chorus.

club (n) /klʌb/ a group of people who meet together regularly,

for a particular activity, sport, etc. (câu lạc bộ)
e.g. The club decided to admit new members.

decade (n) /ˈdekeɪd/ a period of ten years, especially a continuous

period, such as 1910–1919 or 2000–2009
(thập kỷ)
e.g. The economy is growing fast this decade.

effective (adj) /ɪˈfektɪv/ producing the result that is wanted or intended;

producing a successful result (hiệu quả)
e.g. Aspirin is a simple but highly effective

formula (n) /ˈfɔːmjələ/ a particular method of doing or achieving

something (phương pháp, công thức)
e.g. All the patients were interviewed according to
a standard formula.

funny (adj) /ˈfʌni/ making you laugh; amusing (buồn cười)

e.g. That's the funniest thing I've ever heard.

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 35

high school (n) /ˈhaɪ ˌskuːl/ a school for young people between the ages of
11 and 18 (trường trung học)
e.g. Her teenage daughter goes to Worthing High

influence (n) /ˈɪnfluəns/ the power that somebody/something has to make

somebody/something behave in a particular way
(sự ảnh hưởng)
e.g. Her parents no longer have any real
influence over her.

instrument (n) /ˈɪnstrəmənt/ an object used for producing musical sounds (=

musical instrument) (nhạc cụ)
e.g. Most pupils learn (to play) a musical

lyrics (n) /ˈlɪrɪks/ the words of a song (lời bài hát)

e.g. music and lyrics by Rodgers and Hart

melody (n) /ˈmelədi/ the arrangement of musical notes in a tune (giai

e.g. The melody of the song is simple but

memorize (v) /ˈmeməraɪz/ to learn something carefully so that you can

remember it exactly (ghi nhớ)
e.g. to memorize a poem

neighbo(u)r (n) /ˈneɪbə(r)/ a person who lives next to you or near you (người
hàng xóm)
e.g. We've had a lot of support from all
our friends and neighbours.

performer (n) /pəˈfɔːmə(r)/ a person who performs for an audience in a

show, concert, etc (diễn viên, người trình diễn)
e.g. a brilliant performer

36 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

recommend (v) /ˌrekəˈmend/ to tell somebody that something is good or useful,
or that somebody would be suitable for a
particular job, etc. (đề nghị)
e.g. I recommend the book to all my students.

refer (v) /rɪˈfɜː(r)/ to mention or speak about somebody/something

(đề cập tới, nhắc tới)
e.g. She always referred to Ben as ‘that nice

repeat (n) /rɪˈpiːt/ a television or radio programme that has been

broadcast before (một chương trình đã được
phát sóng trước đó)
e.g. ‘Is it a new series?’ ‘No, a repeat’.

successful (adj) /səkˈsesfl/ having become popular and/or made a lot of

money (thành công)
e.g. The company has had another successful

vocal (n) /ˈvəʊkl/ the part of a piece of music that is sung, rather
than played on a musical instrument (giọng hát,
phần lời của ca sĩ)
e.g. In this recording Armstrong himself is on

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 37

Unit 2 – Adventure
pages 18-19

adventure (n) /ədˈventʃə(r)/ an unusual, exciting or dangerous experience,

journey or series of events (chuyến thám hiểm)
e.g. her adventures travelling in Africa

basic (adj) /ˈbeɪsɪk/ necessary and important to all people (cơ bản)
e.g. the cost of basic foods

build (v) /bɪld/ to make something (làm ra, xây lên)

e.g. They have permission to build 200 new

camp (v) /kæmp/ to put up a tent and live in it for a short time (cắm
e.g. I camped overnight in a field.

canoe (n) /kəˈnuː/ a light narrow boat which you move along in the
water with a paddle (xuồng)

chop (v) /tʃɒp/ to cut something into pieces with a sharp tool
such as a knife (chẻ, cắt nhỏ)
e.g. He was chopping logs for firewood.

climb (v) /klaɪm/ to go up something towards the top (leo, trèo)

e.g. She climbed up the stairs.

cook (v) /kʊk/ to prepare food by heating it, for example by

boiling, baking or frying it (nấu ăn)
e.g. Where did you learn to cook?

38 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

course (n) /kɔːs/ a series of lessons or lectures on a particular
subject (khóa học)
e.g. The college runs specialist language

find (v) /faɪnd/ to discover somebody/something unexpectedly or

by chance (tìm thấy)
e.g. We've found a great new restaurant near the

fish (v) /fɪʃ/ to try to catch fish with a hook, nets, etc. (bắt cá,
câu cá, đánh cá)
e.g. You can fish for trout in this stream.

friction (n) /ˈfrɪkʃn/ the action of one object or surface moving

against another (sự cọ xát, ma sát)
e.g. Friction between moving parts had caused
the engine to overheat.

hike (v) /haɪk/ to go for a long walk in the country, especially for
pleasure (đi bộ đường dài)
e.g. If the weather is fine, we’ll go hiking this

hunt (v) /hʌnt/ to chase wild animals or birds in order to catch or

kill them for food, sport or to make money (đi
săn )
e.g. Lions sometimes hunt alone.

look for (v) /ˈlʊk fɔː(r)/ to try to find somebody/something (tìm kiếm)
e.g. I can't find my book—I've looked for it

nature (n) /ˈneɪtʃə(r)/ all the plants, animals and things that exist in the
universe that are not made by people (thiên
e.g. the beauties of nature

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 39

organization (n) /ɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃn/ a group of people who form a business, club, etc.
together in order to achieve a particular aim (tổ
e.g. He's the president of a large international

resource (n) /rɪˈsɔːs/ a supply of something that a country, an

organization or a person has and can use,
especially to increase their wealth (tài nguyên)
e.g. We must make the most efficient use of the
available financial resources.

safari (n) /səˈfɑːri/ a trip to see wild animals, a journey away from
home (cuộc đi quan sát động vật hoang dã, cuộc
đi chơi ngoài trời)
e.g. It arrived while I was on safari.

sleep (v) /sliːp/ to rest with your eyes closed and your mind and
body not active (ngủ)
e.g. I couldn't sleep because of the noise.

skill (n) /skɪl/ the ability to do something well (kỹ năng)

e.g. The job requires skill and an eye for detail.

survive (v) /səˈvaɪv/ to continue to live or exist (sống sót)

e.g. Of the six people injured in the crash, only
two survived.

survival (n) /səˈvaɪvl/ the state of continuing to live or exist, often

despite difficulty or danger (sự sống sót)
e.g. His only chance of survival was a heart

40 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

technique (n) /tekˈniːk/ a particular way of doing something, especially
one in which you have to learn special skills (kỹ
e.g. Teachers learn various techniques for
dealing with problem students.

tool (n) /tuːl/ an instrument such as a hammer, screwdriver,

saw, etc. that you hold in your hand and use for
making things, repairing things, etc. (dụng cụ)
e.g. Always select the right tool for the job.

wild (n) /waɪld/ a natural environment that is not controlled by

people (nơi hoang dã)
e.g. The bird is too tame now to survive in the

wood (n) /wʊd/ the hard material that the trunk and branches of a
tree are made of; this material when it is used to
build or make things with, or as a fuel (gỗ)
e.g. All the furniture was made of wood.

pages 20-21

base (n) /beɪs/ the lowest part of something, especially the part
or surface on which it rests or stands (chân (núi),
đế (ly))
e.g. The lamp has a heavy base.

cabin (n) /ˈkæbɪn/ a small room on a ship in which you live or sleep
(buồng nhỏ trên tàu)
e.g. They shared a cabin during the last trip.

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 41

calorie (n) /ˈkæləri/ a unit for measuring how much energy food will
produce (đơn vị đo năng lượng do thức ăn mang
lại, calo)
e.g. A fried egg contains about 100 calories —
about the same as you would burn off if you ran a

catamaran (n) /ˌkætəməˈræn/ a fast sailing boat with two hulls (thuyền đôi)
e.g. She slept on a catamaran for a week.

cook (n) /kʊk/ a person who cooks food or whose job is cooking
(người nấu ăn, đầu bếp)
e.g. John is a very good cook.

demonstrate (v) /ˈdemənstreɪt/ to show and explain how something works or how
to do something (hướng dẫn)
e.g. Let me demonstrate to you how it works.

diary (n) /ˈdaɪəri/ a book in which you can write down the
experiences you have each day, your private
thoughts, etc. (nhật ký)
e.g. The writer's letters and diaries are being
published next year.

fantastic (adj) /fænˈtæstɪk/ extremely good; excellent (tuyệt vời)

e.g. The weather was absolutely fantastic.

instructions (n) /ɪnˈstrʌkʃnz/ detailed information on how to do or use

something (chỉ dẫn)
e.g. Follow the instructions on the packet

join (v) /dʒɔɪn/ to become a member of an organization, a

company, a club, etc (tham gia, gia nhập)
e.g. She joined the company three months ago.

42 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

life jacket (n) /laɪf ˈdʒækɪt/ a jacket without sleeves, that can be filled with
air, designed to help you float if you fall in water
(áo phao)
e.g. Don’t forget to put on the life jacket for your

miss (v) /mɪs/ to fail to do something (bỏ, không làm)

e.g. You can't afford to miss meals (= not eat
meals) when you're in training.

peak (n) /piːk/ the pointed top of a mountain; a mountain with a

pointed top (đỉnh, ngọn (núi))
e.g. The climbers made camp halfway up the

pole (n) /pəʊl/ either of the two points at the opposite ends of
the line on which the earth or any other planet
turns (vùng cực)
e.g. the North/South Pole

rest (v) /rest/ to relax, sleep or do nothing after a period of

activity or illness; to not use a part of your body
for some time (nghỉ ngơi)
e.g. The doctor told me to rest.

sail (v) /seɪl/ to travel on water using sails or an engine (đi tàu
thuyền, di chuyển bằng thuyền)
e.g. The ferry sails from Newhaven to Dieppe.

safety (n) /ˈseɪfti/ the state of being safe and protected from danger
or harm (tình trạng an toàn)
e.g. This is a place where children can play in

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 43

share (v) /ʃeə(r)/ to have or use something at the same time as
somebody else (sử dụng chung)
e.g. Sue shares a house with three other

shine (v) /ʃaɪn/ to produce or reflect light; to be bright (chiếu

e.g. The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky.

pages 22-23

global (adj) /ˈɡləʊbl/ covering or affecting the whole world (mang tính
toàn cầu)
e.g. the company's domestic and global markets

issue (n) /ˈɪʃuː/ an important topic that people are discussing or

arguing about (vấn đề)
e.g. This is a big issue; we need more time to
think about it.

national (adj) /ˈnæʃnəl/ owned, controlled or paid for by the government

(thuộc về quốc gia)
e.g. a national airline

organize (v) /ˈɔːɡənaɪz/ to arrange for something to happen or to be

provided (tổ chức)
e.g. I'll invite people if you can organize food and

speciality (n) /ˌspeʃiˈæləti/ a type of food or product that a restaurant or

place is famous for because it is so good (đặc
e.g. Seafood is a speciality on the island.

44 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

specific (adj) /spəˈsɪfɪk/ connected with one particular thing only (cụ thể)
e.g. Children's television programmes aimed at a
specific age group.

sunglasses (n) /ˈsʌnɡlɑːsɪz/ a pair of glasses with dark glass in them that you
wear to protect your eyes from bright light from
the sun (kính râm)
e.g. She is wearing a pair of sunglasses.

waterproof (n) /ˈwɔːtəpruːf/ that does not let water through or that cannot be
damaged by water (không thấm nước)
e.g. a waterproof camera

pages 24-25

adapt (v) /əˈdæpt/ to change something in order to make it suitable

for a new use or situation (thích nghi)
e.g. These styles can be adapted to suit
individual tastes.

angry (adj) /ˈæŋɡri/ having strong feelings about something that you
dislike very much or about an unfair situation
e.g. Her behaviour really made me angry.

bored (adj) /bɔːd/ feeling tired and impatient because you have lost
interest in somebody/ something or because you
have nothing to do (chán)
e.g. The children quickly got bored with staying

break (v) /breɪk/ to be damaged and separated into two or more

parts, as a result of force; to damage something
in this way (gãy, đứt, làm vỡ)
e.g. The ball broke the window glass.

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 45

embarrassed /ɪmˈbærəs/ feeling shy, awkward or ashamed, especially in
(adj) a social situation (bối rối, mắc cỡ)

e.g. I've never felt so embarrassed in

my life!

enormous (adj) /ɪˈnɔːməs/ extremely large (rất lớn)

e.g. The problems facing the President are

excited (adj) /ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/ feeling or showing happiness and enthusiasm

(hào hứng, phấn khởi)
e.g. The children were excited about opening
their presents.

isolation (n) /ˌaɪsəˈleɪʃn/ the state of being alone or lonely (tình trạng một
mình, đơn độc)
e.g. Many unemployed people experience
feelings of isolation and depression.

jealous (adj) /ˈdʒeləs/ feeling angry or unhappy because you wish you
had something that somebody else has (ganh tị)
e.g. She's jealous of my success.

nervous (adj) /ˈnɜːvəs/ anxious about something or afraid of something

(căng thẳng)
e.g. Consumers are very nervous about the

pass (v) /pɑːs/ to achieve the required standard in an exam, a

test, etc. (đậu)
e.g. I'm not really expecting to pass the driving

pleased (adj) /pliːzd/ feeling happy about something (hài lòng)

e.g. She was very pleased with her exam results.

46 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

sad (adj) /sæd/ unhappy or showing unhappiness (buồn)
e.g. We are very sad to hear that you are leaving.

savannah (n) /səˈvænə/ a wide flat open area of land, especially in Africa,
that is covered with grass but has few trees (thảo
e.g. They started a new life in the savannah.

scared (adj) /skeəd/ frightened of something or afraid that something

bad might happen (sợ)
e.g. She is scared of going out alone.

spider (n) /ˈspaɪdə(r)/ (con nhện)

e.g. She stared in horror at the hairy black

surprised (adj) /səˈpraɪzd/ feeling or showing surprise (ngạc nhiên)

e.g. She looked surprised when I told her.

swap (v) /swɒp/ to give something to somebody and receive

something in exchange (trao đổi)
e.g. I've finished this magazine. Can I swap with

tired (adj) /ˈtaɪəd/ feeling that you would like to sleep or rest;
needing rest (mệt mỏi)
e.g. I'm too tired even to think.

tribe (n) /traɪb/ a group of people of the same race, and with the
same customs, language, religion, etc, living in a
particular area and often led by a chief (bộ lạc)
e.g. tribes living in remote areas of the
Amazonian rainforest

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 47

worried (adj) /ˈwʌrid/ thinking about unpleasant things that have
happened or that might happen and therefore
feeling unhappy and afraid (lo lắng)
e.g. I'm not worried about her—she can take
care of herself.

pages 26-27

absorb (v) /əbˈsɔːb/ to take in a liquid, gas or other substance from

the surface or space around (hấp thu)
e.g. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air.

blog (n) /blɒɡ/ a website where a person writes regularly about

recent events or topics that interest them, usually
with photos and links to other websites that they
find interesting (nhật ký trên mạng)
e.g. His blog is very popular with teenagers.

coastline (n) /ˈkəʊstlaɪn/ the land along a coast, especially when you are
thinking of its shape or appearance (bờ biển, hình
dáng bờ biển)
e.g. a rocky coastline

companion (n) /kəmˈpæniən/ a person or an animal that travels with you or

spends a lot of time with you (bạn đồng hành)
e.g. Geoff was my companion on the journey.

distance (n) /ˈdɪstəns/ the amount of space between two places or

things (khoảng cách)
e.g. In the US, distance is measured in miles
while in Vietnam it is measured in kilometres.

function (n) /ˈfʌŋkʃn/ a special activity or purpose of a person or thing

(chức năng)
e.g. The function of the heart is to pump blood
through the body.

48 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

leaf (n) /liːf/ a flat green part of a plant, growing from a stem
or branch or from the root (lá cây)
leaves (plural)
e.g. The trees are just coming into leaf.

hike (v) /haɪk/ to go for a long walk in the country, especially for
pleasure (đi bộ đường dài)
e.g. We plan to hike through the forest.

mineral (n) /ˈmɪnərəl/ a substance that is naturally present in the earth

and is good for plants (khoáng chất)
e.g. Roots absorb water and minerals from the

photosynthesis /ˌfəʊtəʊ the process by which green plants turn carbon

(n) ˈsɪnθəsɪs/ dioxide and water into food using energy
obtained from light from the sun (sự quang hợp)
e.g. The key role of leaves is photosynthesis.

provide (v) /prəˈvaɪd/ to give something to somebody or make it

available for them to use (cung cấp)
e.g. The report was not expected to provide any

rock (n) /rɒk/ the hard solid material that forms part of the
surface of the earth and some other planets (đá)
e.g. They drilled through several layers of rock to
reach the oil.

root (n) /ruːt/ the part of a plant that grows under the ground
and absorbs water and minerals that it sends to
the rest of the plant (rễ cây)
e.g. Tree roots can cause damage to buildings.

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 49

shelter (n) /ˈʃeltə(r)/ a structure built to give protection, especially from
the weather or from attack (chỗ trú ẩn)
e.g. They built a rough shelter from old pieces of

soil (n) /sɔɪl/ the top layer of the earth in which plants, trees,
etc. grow (đất)
e.g. the study of rocks and soils

stem (n) /stem/ the main long thin part of a plant above the
ground from which the leaves or flowers grow; a
smaller part that grows from this and supports
flowers or leaves (thân cây, cuống)
e.g. a tall plant with branching stems

support (n) /səˈpɔːt/ help or encouragement; the act of holding

something in position (sự ủng hộ, nâng đỡ)
e.g. Roots provide support for the plant and hold
it in the ground.

50 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

Unit 3 – History
pages 30-31

appear (v) /əˈpɪə(r)/ to begin to exist or be known or used for the first
time (xuất hiện)
e.g. The first ice cream made with milk and cream
appeared in 1718 in England.

arrive (v) /əˈraɪv/ to get to a place, especially at the end of a

journey (đến)
e.g. It was raining when we arrived in England.

colonizer/ /ˈkɒlənaɪzə(r)/ someone/something that takes control of an area

coloniser (n) or a country that is not your own, especially using
force, and send people from your own country to
live there (thực dân, người đi khai hoang)
e.g. The English colonizers took biscuits to North

create (v) /kriˈeɪt/ to make something happen or exist (tạo ra)

e.g. The Italian created pasta in the 14th century.

dessert (n) /dɪˈzɜːt/ sweet food eaten at the end of a meal (món tráng
miệng, món ngọt)
e.g. We had a chocolate cake for dessert.

discover (v) /dɪˈskʌvə(r)/ to find somebody/something that was hidden; to

become the first person to be aware that a
particular place or thing exists (phát hiện)
e.g. Columbus discovered America in 1492.

drive (v) /draɪv/ to operate a vehicle so that it goes in a particular

direction (lái (xe))
e.g. I learned to drive when I was 18.

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 51

empire (n) /ˈempaɪə(r)/ a group of countries or states that are controlled
by one ruler or government (đế quốc, đế chế)
e.g. The Roman Empire was among the most
powerful economic, cultural and military forces in
the world.

explore (v) /ɪkˈsplɔː(r)/ to travel to or around an area or a country in

order to learn about it (thám hiểm)
e.g. We were eager to go round and explore the

fly (v) /flaɪ/ to control an aircraft, etc. in the air; to move

through the air (lái máy bay, bay)
e.g. They were on a plane flying from London to
New York.

hot-air balloon /ˌhɒt ˈeə(r) a large balloon made of strong material that is
(n) bəˌluːn/ filled with hot air or gas to make it rise in the air,
usually carrying a basket for passengers (khinh
khí cầu)
e.g. Who was the first person to travel the world
in a hot-air balloon?

introduce (v) /ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs/ to make something available for use, discussion,

etc. for the first time (giới thiệu, đưa vào)
e.g. Wheat flour was introduced to Italy and then
pasta was created.

invade (v) /ɪnˈveɪd/ to enter a country, town, etc. using military force
in order to take control of it (xâm lược)
e.g. The Romans invaded England in 60AD.

invent (v) /ɪnˈvent/ to produce or design something that has not

existed before (phát minh, sáng chế)
e.g. What did Thomas Edison invent?

52 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

inventor (n) /ɪnˈventə(r)/ a person who has invented something or whose
job is inventing things (nhà phát minh, người
sáng chế)
e.g. Benjamin Franklin was a well-known
inventor from the US.

land (v) /lænd/ to come down through the air onto the ground or
another surface (hạ cánh)
e.g. The plane landed at 9.30 a.m.

lasagna (n) /ləˈzænjə/ large pieces of pasta; an Italian dish made from
layers of lasagna served with cheese, meat and
vegetables (món lasagna, mì Ý dưới dạng miếng
lớn, dùng với pho mát, thịt và các loại nước xốt
và rau)
e.g. The lasagna was good and the sauce was

leave (v) /liːv/ to go away from a person or a place (rời khỏi)

e.g. We got ready to leave early.

navigator (n) /ˈnævɪɡeɪtə(r)/ a person who finds the position or direction,

especially for a ship or an aircraft (người lái tàu,
hoa tiêu)
e.g. Our navigator was ill, so we had to look for
another one.

originally (adv) /əˈrɪdʒənəli/ used to describe the situation that existed at the
beginning of a particular period or activity,
especially before something was changed (trước
tiên, ban đầu)
e.g. Originally, we had intended to go to Italy,
but then we won the trip to Greece.

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 53

pasta (n) /ˈpæstə/ an Italian food made from flour, water and
sometimes eggs, formed into different shapes
and usually served with a sauce. It is hard when
dry and soft when cooked. (mì ống, mì sợi)
e.g. Everyone knows pasta was invented by the

responsible (adj) /rɪˈspɒnsəbl/ having the job or duty of doing something or

taking care of somebody/something (chịu trách
e.g. Michael is responsible for typing the letter
and posting it.

ride (v) /raɪd/ to sit on and control a horse, bicycle, motorcycle,

etc. (lái, cưỡi)
e.g. I ride my bike to school every day.

sail (v) /seɪl/ to travel on water using sails or an engine (di

chuyển bằng thuyền, đi tàu thuyền)
e.g. Ferdinand Magellan was the first person to
sail round the world.

sorbet (n) /ˈsɔːbeɪ/ a sweet frozen food made from sugar, water and
fruit juice, often eaten as a dessert (nước hoa
quả ướp lạnh, kem trái cây)
e.g. Some teenagers prefer sorbet to ice cream.

solo (adj, adv) /ˈsəʊləʊ/ done by one person alone (một mình)
e.g. She wanted to fly solo across the Atlantic.

take off (v) /ˌteɪk ˈɒf/ to leave the ground and start to fly (cất cánh)
e.g. The plane is ready to take off.

trader (n) /ˈtreɪdə(r)/ a person who buys and sells things as a job (nhà
buôn, thương nhân)
e.g. The Silk Road was found by the Chinese and
Indian traders.

54 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

transport (v) /trænˈspɔːt/ to take something/somebody from one place to
another in a vehicle (vận chuyển)
e.g. Marco Polo transported ice desserts from
China to Italy.

travel (v) /ˈtrævl/ to go from one place to another, especially over a

long distance (đi lại, du hành)
e.g. I’m a businessman, so I travel a lot.

pages 32-33

camel (n) /ˈkæml/ an animal with a long neck and one or

two humps on its back, used in desert countries
(con lạc đà)
e.g. Camels are used to carry goods on the

companion (n) /kəmˈpæniən/ a person or an animal that travels with you or

spends a lot of time with you (bạn đồng hành)
e.g. Geoff was my companion on the journey.

fly (n) /flaɪ/ a small flying insect with two wings (con ruồi)
e.g. A fly was buzzing around the plate.

journey (n) /ˈdʒɜːni/ an act of travelling from one place to another,

especially when they are far apart (chuyến đi,
cuộc hành trình)
e.g. The teacher was telling us about his journey
to Cuba.

outer space (n) /ˈaʊtə(r) ˌspeɪs/ the area outside the earth's atmosphere where all
the other planets and stars are (không gian vũ
e.g. The first animal to travel in outer space was
a monkey.

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 55

queen (n) /kwiːn/ the female ruler of an independent state that has
a royal family; the wife of a king (nữ hoàng,
hoàng hậu)
e.g. Who was England’s first queen?

rat (n) /ræt/ a small animal with a long tail, that looks like a
large mouse (chuột cống)
e.g. People hate rats because they spread

rule (v) /ruːl/ to control and have authority over a country, a

group of people, etc. (thống trị, cai trị)
e.g. King Edward VIII ruled the United Kingdom
within less than one year.

voyage (n) /ˈvɔɪɪdʒ/ a long journey, especially by sea (cuộc du hành –

đặc biệt bằng đường biển)
e.g. Christopher Columbus took three ships on
his first voyage to America.

pages 34-35

algebra (n) /ˈældʒɪbrə/ a type of mathematics in which letters and

symbols are used to represent quantities (môn
Đại số)
e.g. I love Algebra but I don’t like Geometry.

bury (v) /ˈberi/ to place or hide something in the ground (chôn,

e.g. The dog buried his bone in the garden.

captain (n) /ˈkæptɪn/ the person in charge of a ship, an aircraft, a

sports team, etc. (thuyền trưởng, cơ trưởng, đội
e.g. The captain gave the order to board the

56 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

chapter (n) /ˈtʃæptə(r)/ a separate section of a book, usually with
a number or title (chương)
e.g. Have you finished Chapter 3?

descent (n) /dɪˈsent/ an action of coming or going down (sự đi xuống)

e.g. The plane began its descent to Heathrow

design (n) /dɪˈzaɪn/ a drawing or plan from which something may be

made (bản thiết kế, mẫu thiết kế)
e.g. We are all attracted by the new design of
the product.

environment (n) /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/ the natural world in which people, animals and
plants live (môi trường)
e.g. We must all help to protect the environment.

expedition (n) /ˌekspəˈdɪʃn/ an organized journey with a particular purpose,

especially to find out about a place that is not well
known (cuộc thám hiểm, đoàn thám hiểm)
e.g. Tenzing Norgay made his first expedition to
Everest when he was 19.

explorer (n) /ɪkˈsplɔːrə(r)/ a person who travels to unknown places in order

to find out more about them (nhà thám hiểm)
e.g. The first explorer to reach the top of Mount
Everest was Edmund Hillary.

famous (adj) /ˈfeɪməs/ known about by many people (nổi tiếng)

e.g. A famous person used to live in this house.

king (n) /kɪŋ/ the male ruler of an independent state that has a
royal family (vua, quốc vương)
e.g. We learn about the kings and queens of
England in History class.

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 57

mountaineer (n) /ˌmaʊntəˈnɪə(r)/ a person who climbs mountains as a sport (người
leo núi)
e.g. A team is sent to look for two mountaineers
missing in the snowstorm.

oxygen (n) /ˈɒksɪdʒən/ a gas that is present in air and water and is
necessary for people, animals and plants to live
(khí ô-xi)
e.g. Oxygen is necessary for our life.

password (n) /ˈpɑːswɜːd/ a secret word or phrase that you need to know in
order to be allowed into a place or a computer
system (mật khẩu)
e.g. Enter a username and password to get into
the system.

project (n) /ˈprɒdʒekt/ a planned piece of work that is designed to find

information about something, to produce
something new, or to improve something (đề án)
e.g. Mark is responsible for the design project.

reach (v) /riːtʃ/ to arrive at the place that you have been
travelling to (tới được, đến)
e.g. We didn’t reach the village until after dark.

secondary /ˌsekəndri ˈskuːl/ a school for young people between the ages of
school (n) 11 and 16 or 18 (trường trung học)
e.g. Vietnamese students start their secondary
school at the age of 11.

section (n) /ˈsekʃn/ any of the parts into which something is divided
(khu, khu vực)
e.g. The library has a large history section.

58 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

pages 36-37

ash (n) /æʃ/ the grey powder that remains after something has
burned (tro)
e.g. The ash from the fire can be seen

burn (v) /bɜːn/ to be on fire; to produce flames and heat (cháy,

đốt cháy)
e.g. The central parts of the city were burning by

capital (n) /ˈkæpɪtl/ the most important town or city of a country,

usually where the central government operates
from (thủ đô)
e.g. Paris is the capital of France.

catastrophic /ˌkætəˈstrɒfɪk/ disastrous, causing terrible effects (thảm khốc)

e.g. The tornado was catastrophic. The whole
village was swept away.

cover (v) /ˈkʌvə(r)/ to spread over the surface of something; to place

something over something to protect or hide it
(bao trùm, bao bọc)
e.g. The ash from the forest fire covered the
whole area.

destroy (v) /dɪˈstrɔɪ/ to damage something so badly that it no longer

exists, works, etc. (phá hủy)
e.g. The Great Fire of London in 1666 destroyed
300 houses and 84 churches.

disappear (v) /ˌdɪsəˈpɪə(r)/ to become impossible to see (biến đi, biến mất)
e.g. The plane disappeared behind a cloud.

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 59

drought (n) /draʊt/ a long period of time when there is little or no rain
(khô cạn, hạn hán)
e.g. There has been no rain for six months. The
country is going through the worst drought ever.

earthquake (n) /ˈɜːθkweɪk/ a sudden, violent shaking of the earth's surface

(động đất)
e.g. Luckily, the earthquake didn’t damage the

effect (n) /ɪˈfekt/ a change that somebody/something causes in

somebody/something else; a result (tác dụng,
hiệu quả)
e.g. You can see the good effects of yoga after
three months’ practice.

erupt (v) / ɪˈrʌpt / When a volcano erupts, the burning rocks are
thrown out from the volcano. ((núi lửa) phun)
e.g. Three people were still missing two weeks
after the volcano in Japan erupted.

famine (n) /ˈfæmɪn/ a lack of food during a long period of time in a

region (nạn đói)
e.g. The drought threatens a severe famine in
some areas.

fire (n) /ˈfaɪə(r) / flames that are out of control and destroy
buildings, trees, etc. (lửa, đám cháy)
e.g. The Great Fire destroyed part of London.

flood (n) /flʌd/ a large amount of water covering an area that is

usually dry (lũ, lụt)
e.g. The heavy rain has caused floods in many
areas of the country.

60 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

huge (adj) /hjuːdʒ/ extremely large in size or amount (to lớn, đồ sộ,
khổng lồ)
e.g. They live in a huge house.

hurricane (n) /ˈhʌrɪkən/ a violent storm with very strong winds, especially
in the western Atlantic Ocean (bão)
e.g. Most hurricanes affect Florida from August
to October.

investigation (n) / ɪnˌvestɪˈɡeɪʃn / - an official examination of the facts about a

situation, crime, etc (cuộc điều tra)
- a scientific or academic examination of the facts
of a subject or problem (nghiên cứu)
e.g. We are conducting an investigation into the
spending habits of teenagers.

landslide (n) /ˈlændslaɪd/ a mass of earth, rock, etc. that falls down the
slope of a mountain (sự lở đất)
e.g. The house at the foot of the mountain was
buried in the landslide.

lava (n) /ˈlɑːvə/ hot liquid rock that comes out of a volcano (dung
e.g. The area is covered with hot lava.

natural disaster /ˈnætʃrəl a very bad accident existing in nature (thiên tai)
(n) dɪˈzɑːstə(r)/
e.g. As a result of global warming, there seem to
be more and more natural disasters.

preserve (v) /prɪˈzɜːv/ to keep something in its original state (bảo tồn)
e.g. The 14th century house was preserved in
good condition.

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 61

prime minister /ˈpraɪm the main minister and leader of the government in
(n) ˌmɪnɪstə(r)/ some countries (thủ tướng)
e.g. The Prime Minister is going to make a
speech on TV.

react (v) /riˈækt/ to behave in a particular way in response to

something (phản ứng)
e.g. He reacted angrily to the news.

resist (v) /rɪˈzɪst/ to not be harmed or damaged by something

(chống lại, chịu đựng được)
e.g. Many houses in Los Angeles are designed to
resist earthquakes.

seismology (n) /saɪzˈmɒlədʒi/ the scientific study of earthquakes (địa chấn học)
e.g. Thanks to modern seismology, earthquakes
can be predicted.

square (n) /skweə(r)/ - a shape with four straight equal sides and four
angles of 90° (hình vuông)
- an open area in a town, usually with four sides,
surrounded by buildings (quảng trường)
e.g. There is a fountain in the middle of the town

tornado (n) /tɔːˈneɪdəʊ/ a violent storm with very strong winds which
move in a circle (bão, lốc xoáy)
e.g. Most tornadoes occur in North America.

tsunami (n) /tsuːˈnɑːmi/ an extremely large wave in the sea caused, for
example, by an earthquake (sóng thần, sóng do
địa chấn)
e.g. The 2004 tsunami killed around 230,000

62 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

volcanic eruption /vɒlˈkænɪk the happening of the burning rocks thrown out
(n) ɪˈrʌpʃn/ from the volcano (sự phun trào của núi lửa)
e.g. The most recent volcanic eruption was in
late September 2014.

pages 38-39

aboriginal (adj) /ˌæbəˈrɪdʒənl/ relating to the original people, especially before

the time Europeans arrived (thuộc về thổ dân)
e.g. Aboriginal art is based on important ancient

anatomy (n) /əˈnætəmi/ the scientific study of the structure of human or

animal bodies (giải phẫu học)
e.g. He learns about human anatomy at the
school of medicine.

ancient (adj) /ˈeɪnʃənt/ belonging to a period of history that is thousands

of years in the past (cổ, xưa)
e.g. The ancient castle is being destroyed by the

botany (n) /ˈbɒtəni/ the scientific study of plants and their structure
(thực vật học)
e.g. He is interested in plants. He likes to study
about botany when he grows up.

carving (n) /ˈkɑːvɪŋ/ the art of making objects and patterns by cutting
away material from wood or stone; the object
formed by this technique (nghệ thuật khắc, chạm,
đồ chạm khắc)
e.g. It is an old chair with beautiful carving on its

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 63

drawing (n) /ˈdrɔːɪŋ/ a picture made using a pencil or pen rather than
paint (bản vẽ)
e.g. He made a pencil drawing of the house.

eagle (n) /ˈiːɡl/ a large bird with a sharp curved beak and very
good sight (chim đại bàng)
e.g. The eagle is the king of birds.

figure (n) /ˈfɪɡə(r)/ a shape or picture of a person, animal or thing

(hình, hình dáng)
e.g. You can see figures of eagles and whales
on the pole.

frog (n) /frɒɡ/ (con ếch)

e.g. A frog lives both on land and in water.

generation (n) /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn/ all the people who were born at about the same
time (thế hệ)
e.g. Our generation have no experience of the

geometry (n) /dʒiˈɒmətri/ the branch of mathematics that deals with the
measurements and relationships of lines, angles,
surfaces and solids (hình học)
e.g. He is good at geometry. He likes to learn
about lines and angles.
helicopter (n) /ˈhelɪkɒptə(r)/ (máy bay trực thăng)
e.g. He dreams of flying a helicopter.

heritage (n) /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ the history, traditions and qualities that a country
or society has had for many years and that are
considered an important part of its character (di
e.g. We are proud of our cultural heritage.

64 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

include (v) /ɪnˈkluːd/ to have somebody/something as one of its parts
(bao gồm, kể cả)
e.g. The tour included a visit to the Science

indigenous (adj) /ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs/ belonging to a particular place, native (thuộc về

một nơi nào đó, bản địa)
e.g. The boomerang is a tool used by the
indigenous people in Australia.

kingdom (n) /ˈkɪŋdəm/ a country ruled by a king or queen; an area where

a particular thing or person is important (vương
e.g. The eagle represents the kingdom of the air.

mythical (adj) /ˈmɪθɪkl/ existing only in ancient myths; not existing (thuộc
về thần thoại, không có thật)
e.g. Hercules, famous for his strength, is a
mythical hero.

monument (n) /ˈmɒnjumənt/ a building, column, statue, etc. built to remind

people of a famous person or event (tượng đài,
đài kỷ niệm)
e.g. You can see a lot of monuments in the park.

native (adj) /ˈneɪtɪv/ connected with the place where you were born
and/or have lived for a long time (thuộc về nơi
sinh ra, thuộc về địa phương)
e.g. Tourists prefer staying with the native people
so that they can learn about the culture.

original (adj, n) /əˈrɪdʒənl/ - (adj) existing at the beginning of a particular

period, process or activity (gốc)
- (n) a thing (e.g. work of art, document, etc.)
produced for the first time (bản gốc)
e.g. This painting is a copy; the original was
burnt in the fire in the 17th century.

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 65

population (n) /ˌpɒpjuˈleɪʃn/ all the people who live in a particular area, city or
country; the total number of people who live there
(dân cư, dân số)
e.g. The Totem pole is a symbol of the
indigenous population.

represent (v) /ˌreprɪˈzent/ to be a symbol of something (đại diện cho)

e.g. The lion represents the kingdom of animals
in the jungle.

sculptor (n) /ˈskʌlptə(r)/ a person who makes works of art by carving, or

shaping wood, stone, etc. (nhà điêu khắc)
e.g. Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian sculptor in
the 15th century.

totem pole (n) /ˈtəʊtəm ˌpəʊl/ a tall wooden pole that has symbols and pictures
(cột gỗ khắc họa các biểu tượng cổ)
e.g. Each totem pole in this museum park tells a
different story.

variety (n) /vəˈraɪəti/ several different sorts of the same thing (sự đa
dạng, nhiều loại)
e.g. There is a wide variety of foods you can
choose from.

wolf (n) /wʊlf/ a large wild animal of the dog family, that lives
and hunts in groups (chó sói)
e.g. White Fang is the name of the wolf in the
novel by Jack London.

66 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

Unit 4 – Myths and Legends
pages 46-47

aristocrat (n) /ˈærɪstəˌkræt/ (quý tộc)

e.g. Robin Hood and his friends robbed the rich
aristocrats to give the money to the poor.

abandon (v) /əˈbændən/ to leave a thing or a place, especially because it

is impossible to stay (rời bỏ)
e.g. When the cruel man became the king, many
people abandoned the country.

afraid (adj) /əˈfreɪd/ feeling fear (sợ hãi, e sợ)

e.g. He is afraid of spiders.

battle (n) /ˈbætl/ a fight between armies, especially during the war;
a violent fight between groups of people (trận
đánh, trận chiến đấu)
e.g. They won the battle and took control of the

brave (adj) /breɪv/ willing to do difficult things, not afraid (dũng cảm,
gan dạ)
e.g. I admire firefighters because they are brave.

chaos (n) /ˈkeɪɒs/ a state of complete confusion and lack of order

(tình trạng mất trật tự)
e.g. After the king was dead, there was chaos in
the country.

cheerful (adj) /ˈtʃɪəfl/ happy, showing happiness (vui vẻ)

e.g. Tom is a cheerful and lively boy.

conquer (v) /ˈkɒŋkə(r)/ to take control of a country or city and its people
by force (xâm chiếm, chinh phục)
e.g. The Normans conquered England in 1066.

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 67

control (n) /kənˈtrəʊl/ the power to make decisions about how a
country, an area, an organization, etc. is run
(quyền kiểm soát, quyền điều khiển)
e.g. One year after his defeat, Napoleon came
back and had control of the country again.

cruel (adj) /ˈkruːəl/ having a desire to cause pain and suffering (độc
e.g. Many kids believe witches are cruel.

dangerous (adj) /ˈdeɪndʒərəs / likely to harm somebody or damage something

(nguy hiểm)
e.g. The road became dangerous in the snow.

fact (n) /fækt/ a thing that is known to be true (sự thật)

e.g. It’s important to distinguish fact from fiction.

fiction (n) /ˈfɪkʃn/ a thing that is invented or imagined and is not

true (điều hư cấu)
e.g. Nobody knows if Robin Hood is fact or

fight (v) /faɪt/ to take part in a war (chiến đấu)

e.g. My great grandfather was a soldier and
fought in World War II.

friendly (adj) /ˈfrendli/ behaving in a kind and pleasant way (thân thiện,
thân mật)
e.g. I like Tom because he is warm and friendly.

funny (adj) /ˈfʌni/ making you laugh, amusing (khôi hài, buồn cười)
e.g. We all laughed at the funny story.

68 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

incredibly (adv) /ɪnˈkredəbli/ extremely (cực kỳ, vô cùng)
e.g. The queen was incredibly brave. She fought
against the enemy.

kind (adj) /kaɪnd/ caring about others, gently, friendly and generous
(tử tế, tốt bụng)
e.g. She is kind to animals.

lazy (adj) /ˈleɪzi/ unwilling to work or be active (lười biếng)

e.g. It’s very cold today, and I’m too lazy to get
out of bed.

legend (n) /ˈledʒənd/ a story from ancient times about people or events
that may or may not be true (truyền thuyết)
e.g. Legends say King Arthur was a brave leader
in Britain during the late 5th and early 6th

loyal (adj) /ˈlɔɪəl/ remaining faithful to somebody/ something and

supporting them or it (trung thành)
e.g. The loyal soldiers fought for their country.

myth (n) /mɪθ/ a story from ancient time, especially one that was
told to explain natural events or to describe the
early history of a people (thần thoại)
e.g. In ancient Greek myths, Medusa was a

province (n) /ˈprɒvɪns/ one of the areas of a country (tỉnh)

e.g. The show will tour the provinces after it
closes in London.

rival (n) /ˈraɪvl/ a person, company or thing that competes with

another (đối thủ, địch thủ)
e.g. I stopped the business because there were
too many rivals in the area.

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 69

selfish (adj) /ˈselfɪʃ/ caring only about yourself rather than about other
people (ích kỷ)
e.g. It was selfish of him to leave all the work to

shy (adj) /ʃaɪ/ nervous or embarrassed about meeting and

speaking to other people (mắc cỡ, xấu hổ)
e.g. She’s too shy to make friends in her new

stone (n) /stəʊn/ a hard solid mineral substance that is found in the
ground, often used for building; a small piece of
rock (đá)
e.g. Some children were throwing stones into the

stubborn (adj) /ˈstʌbən/ determined not to change your opinion or attitude

(bướng bỉnh, cứng đầu)
e.g. Tom is stubborn and will not listen to his
parents’ advice.

sword (n) /sɔː(r)d/ (thanh gươm)

e.g. The knight took out the sword and got ready
for the fight.

wise (adj) /waɪz/ able to make sensible decisions and give good
advice because of the experience and knowledge
that you have (khôn ngoan, thông thái)
e.g. The old are often wiser than the young.

wizard (n) /ˈwɪzəd/ a man with magic powers (thầy phù thủy, pháp
e.g. Merlin was a wizard.

70 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

pages 48-49

attack (v) /əˈtæk/ to use violence to try to hurt or kill somebody (tấn
e.g. A gang of youths attacked and robbed an
old lady.

celebrate (v) /ˈselɪbreɪt/ to show that a day or an event is important by

doing something special on it (đánh dấu một sự
kiện quan trọng, kỷ niệm)
e.g. Tom has passed his school exams! Let’s go
and celebrate it.

creature (n) /ˈkriːtʃə(r)/ a living thing, real or imaginary, that can move
around, such as an animal (sinh vật, loài vật)
e.g. The local inhabitants claim they have seen a
strange creature in the lake.

games console /ˈɡeɪmz a device that outputs a video signal or visual

(n) ˌkɒnsəʊl/ image to display a video game (trò chơi điện tử -
xuất các tín hiệu video qua màn hình máy tính
hoặc TV)
e.g. My brother is playing with my games

ghost (n) /ɡəʊst/ the spirit of a dead person that a living person
believes they can see or hear (ma)
e.g. Many visitors to Scotland believe they can
see ghosts in the old castles.

highwayman (n) /ˈhaɪweɪmən/ a man, usually on a horse and carrying a gun,

who stole from travellers on public roads in the
past (kẻ cướp đường – trên các xa lộ thời xưa)
e.g. Highwaymen rode horses and robbed
travellers in the late 16th century.

YE1_ Wordlist(Motivate) 71
musician (n) /mjuˈzɪʃn/ a person who plays a musical instrument or
writes music, especially as a job (nhạc sĩ)
e.g. Beethoven is a great musician of all times.

mysterious (adj) /mɪˈstɪəriəs/ difficult to understand; strange (bí ẩn, khó hiểu)
e.g. A mysterious lady appeared as if by magic.

violinist (n) /ˌvaɪəˈlɪnɪst/ a person who plays a violin (người chơi đàn vi-ô-
e.g. Johann Sebastian Bach was a German

pages 50-51

brilliant (adj) /ˈbrɪliənt/ impressive, very good (tuyệt vời)

e.g. We had a brilliant time in Italy.

castle (n) /ˈkɑːsl/ (lâu đài)

e.g. We visited an old castle in Scotland.

cliff (n) / klɪf/ a high area of rock, with a very steep side, often
at the edge of the sea (vách đá)
e.g. The castle was built on a cliff high above the
Atlantic Ocean.

connect (v) /kəˈnekt/ to notice or make a link between people, things,

events, etc. (liên tưởng, liên kết)
e.g. People usually connect New York with
world-famous skyscrapers.

communicator /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪ a person who communicates something to others

(n) tə(r)/ (người giao tiếp)
e.g. The position requires a good communicator
in both English and Vietnamese.

72 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

pages 52-53

astronomer (n) /əˈstrɒnəmə(r)/ a scientist who studies the sun, moon, stars, etc.
(nhà thiên văn học)
e.g. Galileo Galilei was an Italian physicist and

carry (v) /ˈkæri/ to take somebody/something from one place to

another (mang, vác, khuân)
e.g. She carried her baby in her arms.

ceiling (n) /ˈsiːlɪŋ/ the top inside surface of a room (trần nhà)
e.g. They jumped up and nearly reached the

cross (v) /krɒs/ to go across (đi băng qua, đi ngang qua)

e.g. I waved and she crossed the road towards

drop (v) /drɒp/ to fall or allow something to fall by accident (rớt,

đánh rơi)
e.g. Be careful not to drop that vase.

escape (v) /ɪˈskeɪp/ to get away from a place where you are not
allowed to leave (trốn thoát)
e.g. The bird escaped from the cage.

fall (v) /fɔːl/ to drop down from a higher level to a lower level
(rơi, ngã, té)
e.g. One of the kids fell into the lake and was
saved by the lifeguard.

follow (v) /ˈfɒləʊ/ to come or go after or behind somebody or

something (theo sau)
e.g. The kids are following their teacher into the

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 73

gravity (n) /ˈɡrævəti/ (lực hút, trọng lực)
e.g. We can walk on the Earth thanks to the
Earth’s gravity.

historic (adj) /hɪˈstɒrɪk/ important in history (quan trọng trong lịch sử, có
giá trị lịch sử)
e.g. We visited a historic building.

jump (v) /dʒʌmp/ to move quickly off the ground or away from a
surface by pushing yourself with your legs and
feet (nhảy)
e.g. The kids were jumping up and down with

lead (v) /liːd/ to go with or in front of a person or an animal to

show the way or to make them go in the right
direction (dẫn đường, hướng dẫn)
e.g. The teacher is leading a group of children to
the zoo.

lift (v) /lɪft/ to raise somebody/something (nâng lên)

e.g. He is very strong. He can lift up to 100 kilos.

move (v) /muːv/ to change position or make somebody/ something

change position (chuyển, di chuyển)
e.g.1 The bus was moving when I jumped onto it.

e.g.2 We moved the bookcase out of the way.

practical joke (n) /ˌpræktɪk(ə)l a trick that is played on somebody to make them
ˈdʒəʊk / look stupid and to make other people laugh (trò
chơi xỏ, chơi khăm)
e.g. People often play practical jokes on April
Fool’s Day.

74 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

pull (v) /pʊl/ (kéo (bằng lực))
e.g. King Arthur was the only person who could
pull the sword out of the stone.

push (v) /pʊʃ/ (đẩy)

e.g. We pushed and pushed but the piano
wouldn’t move.

python (n) /ˈpaɪθən/ a large tropical snake that kills animals for food
by winding its long body around them and
crushing them (con trăn)
e.g. He found a big python in the jungle.

sit (v) /sɪt/ (ngồi)

e.g. The children were sitting in their seats.

stand (v) /stænd/ (đứng)

e.g. We all stood around in the room.

trick (n) /trɪk/ something that you do to make somebody believe

something which is not true, or to annoy
somebody as a joke (trò lừa)
e.g. The kids are always playing tricks on their

pages 54-55

annual (adj) /ˈænjuəl/ happening or done once every year (hàng năm)
e.g. All salesmen have arrived for their annual

climate (n) /ˈklaɪmət/ the regular pattern of weather conditions of a

particular place (khí hậu)
e.g. They want to move to a country with a warm

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 75

climatic (adj) /klaɪˈmætɪk/ connected with the climate of a particular area
(thuộc về khí hậu)
e.g. I’m not used to the climatic conditions of the

desert (n) /ˈdezə(r)t/ a large area of land that has very little water and
very few plants growing on it. Many deserts are
covered by sand. (sa mạc)
e.g. Few people can travel across the Sahara

monsoon (n) /ˌmɒnˈsuːn/ seasonal changes in rain patterns (gió mùa)

e.g. It rains a lot in the monsoon period.

note (n) /nəʊt/ a short piece of writing to help you remember

something; a short informal letter (ghi chú, bức
thư ngắn)
e.g. When I arrived home, I found a note saying
my roommates were all out for a party.

polar (adj) /ˈpəʊlə(r)/ connected with the North or South Pole (thuộc về
1 trong 2 địa cực)
e.g. The polar regions are extremely cold.

rainfall (n) /ˈreɪnfɔːl/ the total amount of rain that falls in a particular
area in a particular amount of time (lượng mưa)
e.g. It rains a lot in our area. We have an average
annual rainfall of 100 cm.

temperate (adj) /ˈtempərət/ having a mild temperature without extremes of

heat or cold (ôn hòa)
e.g. The climate is temperate. It is not very hot in
summer or very cold in winter.

76 YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate)

temperature (n) /ˈtemprətʃə(r)/ the measurement in degrees of how hot or cold a
thing or place is (nhiệt độ)
e.g. It is much warmer today. The temperature
has risen by five degrees.

tropical (adj) /ˈtrɒpɪkl/ coming from, found in or typical of the tropics

(thuộc về (vùng) nhiệt đới)
e.g. The climate of Hawaii is tropical.

zone (n) /zəʊn/ an area or a region with a particular feature or

use (đới, vùng)
e.g. There are different climatic zones around the

YE1_ Wordlist (Motivate) 77

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