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Pakistan International School Jeddah

Senior Section

Session 2022-2023

Grade: 9 Subject: English

Short Questions:

Name: ___________

Section: _________

Subject: English

Answer the following questions. Each question carries 2 marks. (40)

Q1.Read the following passages carefully and summarize it in your own words

Today a nurse gets proper education and training before entering into this profession. During her
training, she is taught how to give medicines and food to patients, how to know about their problems
and how to serve them in the best possible ways. She has to be very punctual and active in her work.
When a woman becomes a nurse, she enters a very noble, profession, which requires great
commitment and dedication. She has to reach her place of duty in time and has to administer medicine
to patients at fixed hours. She also tries to provide maximum comfort and relief to patients.
Q2. Write down the central idea of the poem “Hope is the thing with Feathers”.
Q3. Identify the poetic devices used in the poem “Abu Ben Adhem”

Q4. Differentiate between phrase and clause with examples.

Q5 Explain the Kinds of sentences structure wise and meaning wise.

Q6. Define between Transitive and Intransitive Verb with examples.

Q7. Write down the synonyms of the given words.

1. Glee 2. Jocund 3. Enormity 4. Sterling 5. Flamboyant

Q8. Write down the antonyms of the given words.

1. hospice 2. Embellish 3. Recruit 4. Rehabilitation 5. Insomnia

Q9. Change into Passive Voice

1. The Browns have built the large house.

2. A jellyfish stung her while she was swimming.

Q10. . Define Simile, Metaphor, Personification & alliteration with examples.

Q11. Change into Indirect Speech.

1. He said to me, What is your name?

2. He said to me, “ Give me a book, please.”

Q12. Define Relative Pronoun and explain what is antecedent with examples.

Q13. Differentiate between fiction and non-fiction.

Q14. Fill in the blanks with suitable adverb phrases.

1. She performed the task----------------------

2. He fought ------------------------------.
Q15. How many clauses a conditional sentence has?

Q16. Write down at least two uses of Comma & Quotation Marks.

Q17. Differentiate between Participle & Gerund with examples.

Q18. Correct the following sentences keeping in mind that uncountable nouns are used in singular form.

1. These bad news will disturb them.

2. The police should control the traffics.

Q19. Describe the Most Memorable Day of Your Life in 50 words.

Q20. Write a review of your favourite book.

Long Questions:
Q10. Write a paragraph of 80-100 words on any social issue.
Hoping your summer includes lots of family
time, nourishment of mind & body ,laughter, and fabulous

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