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Activity :
1. Recall a recent incident in your life when you had to make a decision. Narrate the
situation below. Indicate what the decision was about, the factors that were involved
and how you arrived at your decision.

I still remember when I was in grade 4,I was only eleven year old at that time ,this is the
worst in my life and it was a difficult decision in this situation because my dearest
grandfather was suddenly got sick I felt hurt because I could see in his condition that he
was having a hard time and there was a time when I didn’t want to go in school I just
wanted to watch over my grandfather was no longer there if I needed someone to watch
over him to me if my parents are going somewhere .

I still remember when the last bag and shoes he bought from me I was very happy then
when he brought me a bag with wheels and shoes with Barbie design. I did the things he
bought from me and I did not throw them away I also gradually realized that if my
grandfather was still here he did not really like what I was doing and he wanted me to
always be happy and he wanted me to finish my study if the problem or struggles in your
life and you should decide and think carefully if it will be good for you.

2. What factors influenced you in making your decision? Which of the following did
you consider most in making your decision: What will make you feel satisfied, what
is most beneficial or practical, or what you believed was the most moral thing to do?
Elaborate on your answer.

Every day people full of decisions whether big or small one reason why one can make
away is that they are researching to understand their decision.
When person make a decision, he should consider the decision you should ask your self,
what you really want, ask for advice, questions you motivates and also ask yourself if you
will be hurt yourself or other with your future decision.

For example is like driving a car even if you are smart jeep and in the right line where
you anyone and anything in your line you will give it consideration for you good and to
others as well you must decision whether it will benefit you or harm you
1. Among the six (6) theories being discussed,

a) what theory is the most controversial to you? Why? and;

b) what theory is the most important in the human development. Explain your
answers and give example.

The six theories have discussed is Psychoanalytic Theory,Stages of Cognitive Development

Psycho-social Theory of Development,Stages of Moral Development and also Socio-Cultural
Theory and Ecological Theory that is the six theories but the most controversial for me is the
moral development because the moral is confirming to a standard of right behavior.the moral
development they have a six stages this is the punishment/Observed orientation,Instrumental
purpose orientation,Good boy / Nice girl orientation,Law and order orientation and also Social
contract orientation and universal ethic principle orientation that this is the six stage of moral
development among of this stage the most controversial is the law order orientation because
sometimes the law favors those people inpowerful for example ; sometimes the inoccent
person is the who emphasis on sin that he/she did not do.

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