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Script in P.E.

Performance Task
Techer: Shane
Sub-teacher: Ella
Students: Shine, Lex, Chrystal, Jouana, Jhed, Ashley, Kezia

Teacher: Hello class, I will be your P.E. teacher for today along with ma’am Ella as your sub teacher, this afternoon you will be
learning more about P.E. For others it is Physical Education but for me, I call it Physical Endurance.

Sub teacher: but, before we go on to our lesson, lets first have our attendance.

Chrystal Mercado

Cianne Ashley Clapis

Jhed Gabriel Escanillas

Jouana Rose Baria

Kezia Pagaduan

Krystal Lex Myca Arabis

Noellyn Rose Lariosa

Teacher: Very Good, all present. Let us proceed to our lesson. So today we will be doing an activity about P. E wherein you will show
some of your talents like singing, dancing and many more. Are there any volunteers?

Shine: Ma’am, Chrystal and I would like to volunteer.

Teacher: Ok, what would you two be showing us?

Chrystal: We will be dancing to Twice Nayeon’s solo song “POP”.

Sub Teacher: That’s good, whenever you two are ready.

*Shine and Chrystal start dancing

*End of Dance

Sub teacher: Wow, you have great dance moves Shine and Chrystal!

Teacher: Very Nice! Kindly give Shine and Chrystal 5 claps. Anymore volunteer?

Jhed: Ma’am, I would also like to volunteer.

Teacher: What would you be showing us today Jhed?

Jhed: I will be showing you a technique from taekwondo called “Poomsae”.

*Jhed Shows taekwondo

Sub teacher: Wow, that will help you improve your cardiopulmonary, muscle endurance, and power.

Teacher: Indeed! Kindly give 5 claps to Jhed.

Teacher: Thank you for volunteering and showing us your skills in P.E, now I would like to ask you a question. What comes to your
mind when you hear the word P.E?

*Lex, Jouana, Ashley, and Kezia raises their hands

Lex: For me, in P.E. we will develop our skills and talents in order to be a productive and well- rounded individual.
Jouana: P.E. helps us to be fit and healthy. Reduce the risk of a heart-attack, manage our weight better, have a lower blood
cholesterol level, lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer, and it also helps us to lower our blood pressure.

Ashley: My idea about P.E. is that, Physical Endurance builds a more positive attitude and a stronger mind in the classroom. Activities
involved in P.E. are designed to promote physical fitness.

Kezia: P.E. gives the opportunity for kids to be active every day. Being physically active can help improve our brain health, help
manage weight, reduce the risks of illnesses, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve the ability to our everyday routines.

Teacher: Very good, children!

Sub-teacher: All right class, that concludes our lesson for today. Thank you and Goodbye children!

Students: Thank you and Goodbye teachers!

(a moment of silence)

Teachers (in unison): It is important to do P.E is for the reason that provides cognitive content and instruction designed to develop
motor skills, knowledge, and behaviors for physical activity and physical fitness. It also helps students to make informed choices and
understand the value of leading a physically active lifestyle. The benefits of physical education can affect both academic learning and
physical activity patterns of students.

* All Stand Up and BOW

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