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Vándor mágus ki bejárta a fél világot kb 400 év alatt.

Aretuzában is tanitott 10 évig de úgy gondolta hogyneki több kell ezért Útra kelt hogy többett tanuljon.
Uta során belefutott witcherekbe is kik megmutatták neki a jellekkel való tudásukat és így megtanulta a jeleket
Uta során 5 évet Skelligén töltött eltanulni a druidáktól a mesterségük titkait.
szolgált Bran alatt mint tanácsadó három évig de aztán elűzték tűz használata miatt.
Skelligéből Novigradba ment ahol embereket gyógyított pénzért.
Nemsokára 5.Radovid boszorkányvadászai hallatán elmenekült covirba ahol tengerészeknek Főzött pálinkát ami oly
an jól sikerült neki hogy rendezvényekre is meghívták őt hogy kínálja a pálinkáját és borát.
Egy ilyen alkalmon ami egy zenei verseny volt találkozott Jaskierrel/Dandelionnal aki a későbbiekben rengeteg egre
ndelést adott le neki.
Azután 300 évvel most is él.
Jelenleg tanítványokat keres hogy egy iskolát alapíthatson.
Legnagyobb eseméyei közé Tartozik az amikor találkozhatott a Wild Hun tal, persze mint ellenség.
Naplójában Így mesél róluk:The Wild Hunt, or Wraiths of Mörhogg as they are called in Skellige, was widely believ
ed to be a group of specters galloping in the sky. They were described by common folk as a cavalcade of wraiths on
undead horses galloping across the sky and serving as an omen of war. In fact, they are a group of Aen Elle elves fro
m Tir ná Lia who also call themselves the Dearg Ruadhri in their native Elder Speech, meaning Red Riders. They ar
e led by the general, and later king, Eredin Bréacc Glas, commonly known as the King of the Wild Hunt.
Their true purpose was to find and capture slaves from other worlds, such as that of the Aen Seidhe, to serve the Ald
er Folk. However, they eventually set their sights on Ciri for her Elder Blood.
többet nem tud róluk.
Útjai Során megtanulta hogy nem bízhat senkiben csak abban aki nem bízik seniben.

Destruction and Alchemy

playFabID: 74CC2995DD23F13E

Power is T3 Because He master of everything he learned.

Runic Magic


Wanderer Magician traveled half the world in about 400 years. He also taught in Aretus for 10 years, but he thought
he needed more to learn more.
During his way, he also ran into Witchers who showed him their knowledge with the signs and thus learned the signs
During the way, he spent 5 years to learn the secrets of their craft from the Druids.
He served under Bran as a consultant for three years, but then expelled for the use of fire.
He went from Skelliga to Novigrad where he healed people for money.
Soon, 5. Radovid's witch hunters fled to Covir, where he cooked brandy for sailors, which was so successful for invi
ting him to offer his brandy and wine.
On such an occasion, a musical competition met with Jaskier/Dandelion, who later gave him a lot of ego orders.
Then he lives 300 years now.
He is currently looking for students to establish a school. One of his biggest events is when he met Wild Hun, of cou
rse, as an enemy. In his diary, he tells them about them:
The Wild Hunt, or Wraiths of Mörhogg as they are called in Skellige, was widely believed to be a group of specters
galloping in the sky.
They were described by common folk as a cavalcade of wraiths on undead horses galloping across the sky and servi
ng as an omen of war.
In fact, they are a group of Aen Elle elves from Tir ná Lia who also call themselves the Dearg Ruadhri in their nativ
e Elder Speech, meaning Red Riders.
They are led by the general, and later king, Eredin Bréacc Glas, commonly known as the King of the Wild Hunt.
Their true purpose was to find and capture slaves from other worlds, such as that of the Aen Seidhe, to serve the Ald
er Folk. However, they eventually set their sights on a Girl for her Elder Blood.
I don't know more about them. During his ways, he learned that he could not trust anyone who does not trust anyone.
An important quote from him: In vain they say that the inside counts it is still just as ugly.
Today story.
Notradam from Nowhere looked at the weathered knife in his hands and felt angry.

He walked over to the window and reflected on his quiet surroundings. He had always loved huge Aretuza with its h
ollow, hot hills. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel angry.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Szilárd Darvas. Szilárd was a splendi
d animal with slimy lips and handsome eyebrows.

Notradam gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a clever, intelligent, wine drinker with skinny lips and pr
etty eyebrows. His friends saw him as a difficult, doubtful do gooder. Once, he had even jumped into a river and sav
ed an innocent chicken.

But not even a clever person who had once jumped into a river and saved an innocent chicken, was prepared for wha
t Szilárd had in store today.

The snow flurried like sitting foxes, making Notradam healthy.

As Notradam stepped outside and Szilárd came closer, he could see the puzzled glint in his eye.

"I am here because I want Magic," Szilárd bellowed, in a mean tone. He slammed his fist against Notradam's chest,
with the force of 1645 dogs. "I frigging love you, Notradam from Nowhere."

Notradam looked back, even more healthy and still fingering the weathered knife. "Szilárd, flip you," he replied.

They looked at each other with sleepy feelings, like two massive, melodic mice laughing at a very gentle wake, whic
h had music playing in the background and two articulate uncles drinking to the beat.

Notradam regarded Szilárd's slimy lips and handsome eyebrows. He held out his hand. "Let's not fight," he whispere
d, gently.

"Hmph," pondered Szilárd.

"Please?" begged Notradam with puppy dog eyes.

Szilárd looked lonely, his body blushing like a thundering, tasty teapot.

Then Szilárd came inside for a nice glass of wine.

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