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May 19,2021

1. 100,000 liters/day of rectified alcohol (94.5% alc v/v) is to be produced.

Using the following data:
Molasses 85oBx (FS=48%), Molasses sp. gr=1.44; alcohol in beer= 10% v/v, FE= 86.30%. DE= 95%
Determine the molasses required:
a. 374 mt b. 325 mt3 c. 350 mt d. 335 mt
( 100 , 000 )( 0 . 945 )
( mass mol )= =374 mt
( 0 . 48 ) ( 644 ) ( 0 .86 )( 0 . 95 )
2. What is the wastewater generated per liter of RS produced?
a. 8.95 b. 9.95 c. 10.00 d. 10.56
( 100 , 000 )( 0 . 945 )
liters beer = =994 , 737
( 0 .10 )( 0 . 95 )
liters wastewater 994 , 737−100 , 000
= =8 . 95
liter RS 100 , 000
3. In a continuous reactor, the medium contains 40 g.l -1 of glucose and the medium flow rate is 10 liters per hour and
the effluent contains 15 g.l-l of ethanol. What is the productivity of ethanol production from this reactor?
a. 150 g ethanol/h b. 150 g glucose/h c. 400 g glucose/h d. 400 grams/h ethanol

Ethanol Production= (15 g ethanol

l )(10h l )=150h g
4. A fed-batch reactor containing 1 g.l -1 of substrate in 2 liters of medium. It is fed with 1 g.l -l of substrate at the rate
of 1 liter per hour. After 10 hours, the concentration of substrate in the reactor was 0.5 g.l -1 . The mass of
substrate that was used by the culture in the reactor was
a. 2 g b. 6 g c. 8g d 12g

S ubstrate Used=( 1−0. 5 )

l [( )1 .0 l
h ]
( 10 h ) +2 l =6 g

5. A continuous reactor at steady state contains 0.04 g.l-1 of ethanol and 0.02 g.l-1 of glucose. The feed contained 0.1
g.l-1 of glucose. The alcohol yield over glucose would be
a. 0.4 g/g b. 0.5 g/g c. 1.0 g/g d. 5 g/g
g ethanol
( 0 . 04 )
l 0 . 50 g ethanol
Ethanol yield= =
g glu cos e g glucose
( 0 . 1−0 . 02 )
6. For a first order reaction (A) → products the concentration of A changes from 0.1M to 0.025 M in 40minutes.
The rate of reaction when the concentration of A is 0.01 M is:
a. 1.73 × 10–5 M/min b. 3.47 × 10–4 M/min c. 3.47 × 10–5 M/min d. 1.73 × 10–4 M/min
Ln =k ( 40 min ) ; k=0 . 034657 ;r=kC A =( 0 . 034657 ) ( 0 .01 ) =0 .0034657
0 . 025
7. The reaction 2A  2R + S takes place isothermally in a variable-volume experimental reactor. Starting with an
initial pressure of 10 atm containing 0.5 atm inert, the volume increases by 15% in 8 minutes. What conversion
is attained?
a. 31.6% b. 52.6% c. 50.0% d. 64.5%

εA= ( 3−22 )(10−0

)=0 . 475 : V =V (1+ε x )=1 .15 V =V (1+0 . 475 x ) ; x =0 . 3158
o A A o o A A

8. At present 90% of reactant A is converted into product by a second-order reaction in a single mixed flow reactor.
We plan to install a second reactor half the volume of the first reactor, and in series with the one being used.
For the same treatment rate as that used at present, what will be the over-all conversion of reactant?
a. 96.27% b. 97.58% c. 99.80% d. 98.18%
For second order reaction:
C A −C A xA
τ= o
= 2
kC A 2 kC A ( 1−x A )

xA 0. 90
kC A τ = 2
= =90
( 1−x A ) ( 1−0 .90 )2

C An =

−1± 1+4 kτC An− −1± 1+
2 kτ n
2( 90)
2 √
4 (90)(0 . 10
=0 . 0373

C A 1−0 . 0373
= =0 .9627=96 .27 %
CA 1


1. The ideal F/M ratio for conventional activated sludge is
a. 0.10-0.15 b. 0.20-0.50 c. 0.60-0.75 d. 0.59-1.00
2. In activated sludge process, the typical organic component of MLSS is
a. 30% b. 40% c. 60% d. 80%
3. In activated sludge process, the high F/M value would result to
a. Sufficient BOD removal b. poor settling c. All of these d. None of these
4. SVI is measure of tendency
a. of solids to dissolve in wastewater b. solids to thicken
b. all of these d. None of these
5. The ideal vale of SVI must be
a. Less than 100 b. greater than 100 c. greater than 200 d. None of these
6. The ideal F/M ratio for conventional activated sludge is
a. 0.10-0.15 b. 0.20-0.50 c. 0.60-0.75 d. 0.59-1.00
7. In activated sludge process, the typical organic component of MLSS is
a. 30% b. 40% c. 60% d. 80%
8. High MLSS in aeration reactor could mean
a. High aeration is required b. Bigger size of clarifier c. All of these d. None of these
9. Solid volume index for activated sludge is preferably
a. <100 b. >100 c. 200 d. 400
10.Higher SRT in activated sludge process means
a. Higher mean cell residence time b. Lower mean cell residence time
c. All of these d. None of these
11.Which of the following could be a result of low dissolved oxygen aeration reactor of activated sludge process
a. Insufficient BOD removal b. Odor c. All of these d. None of these
12.Low dissolved oxygen in yeast propagation will lead to
a. low biomass yieldsb. high biomass yields c. no effect on biomass yields d. none of these
13.A culture system with constant environmental conditions maintained through continual provision of nutrient and
removal of wastes is called __________ culture system.
a. Continuous b. batch c. fed batch d. semi-continuous

14.Which of the following factors affect the rates of both homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions
a. Nature of reactants b. presence of catalyst c. temperature of system
c. concentration of reactants d. All of these
15.Which of the following factors affects the rate of heterogeneous reactions only
a. Nature of reactants b. presence of catalyst c. temperature of system
c. Surface area of reactants d. concentration of reactants d. All of these
16.The main points of the collision theory include the following except.
a. The higher the energy of the molecules, the slower the rate of a reaction
b. Only certain collisions between particles results in the formation of products.
c. The molecules must have proper orientation
d. A more concentrated solution contains a great number of particles.
17.The ratio of the forward and reverse rate constant for a reversible reaction
a. equilibrium constant b. reaction constant c. partition constant d. none of these
18. It states that when a change is applied to a system in a state of equilibrium, the system will shift in such a way to
neutralize the effect of the change.
a. Le Chatelier’s Principle b. Law of Mass Action c. Hess’s Law d. Transition Theory
19.Which of the following does not promote a forward reaction?
a. Increase in the concentration of reactants b. Release of a gaseous product
c. Formation of a precipitate as product d. Heating an exothermic reaction
20.When a state of equilibrium is reached in a chemical system, which statement below does not apply?
a. All activities cease
b. The speeds of the forward reaction and reverse reactions are equal.
c. Both forward and reverse reactions continue but net change is zero
d. The quantities of the reactants and products do not change.
21.The unit for k for a second-order elementary reaction is
a. 1/time b. concentration/time c. 1/concentration d. 1/(concentration)(time)
22.When the reaction time is just a function of initial concentration, the order of the reaction is
a. zero-order b. first-order c. second-order d. third-order
23.The statement “ The ratio of the products of the molar concentration of the substances formed to the product of
the molar concentration of the reactants is constant”, refers to the
a. Law of chemical equilibrium b. Law of mass action c. Le Chatelier’s principle d. Law of chemical
24.Higher F/M ratio in activated sludge process could result to
a. insufficient BOD removal b. poor settling of sludge c. None of these d. None of these
25.The law that governs the kinetics of a reaction is the law of
a. constant composition b. mass action c. chemical proportion d. constant volume
26.The net rate of reaction of intermediate product is
a. zero b. <zero c. ≤ zero d. > zero
27.Higher MLSS in activated sludge process means
a. Small reactor volume is needed b. Smaller clarifier volume is needed c. All of these d. None of these
28.If the reaction 3A  R is third order, which of the following plots will give a straight line.
a. 1/CA vs t b. CA vs t c. 1/CA2 vs t d. Ln CA vs t
29.Collision theory of chemical reaction maintains that
a. A chemical reaction with every molecular collision b. Reaction in the gas phase are always first-order
c. Rate is directly proportional to the number of collisions per second

d. Reaction rates are the order of molecular speeds

30.When the reaction rate is constant regardless of time and concentration, the order of the reaction is.
a. zero-order b. first-order c. second-order d. third-order
31.Given an irreversible reaction, the half-life is inversely proportional to the initial concentration , then the order of
the reaction is
a. 1st-order b. third-order c. 2nd-order d. zero-order
32. The term used to designate the number of molecules involved in an elementary reaction is
a. increasing order b. collision factor c. mechanism d. molecularity
33.The sequence of steps that describes how final products are formed from the original reactants.
a. reaction mechanism b. parallel reactions c. chain reactions d. elementary reactions
34.Hess’s Law states that the total change in enthalpy of a system is dependent on the following except one.
a. number of intermediate reactions b. pressure c. temperature d. state of aggregation
35.The slow step that determines the rate of the chemical reaction is called
a. determining step b. limiting reactant c. equilibrium d. minimum step
36.It is the study of the rate and mechanism by which one chemical species is converted to another
a. Chemical reaction b. Chemical kinetics c. Chemical engg d. Chemical reaction engg
37.The mechanism of a reaction can sometimes be deduced from
a. the temperature dependence rate b. the rate law c. the net equation d. the activation energy
2 A +3 B( g ) →C ( g ) + D( g )
( g) r D=kC A C B the reaction is said to be
38.For the reaction with
a. non elementary b. elementary c. non-homogeneous d. no reaction
39.Which of the following will favor the forward reaction?
a. Removing CO2 CaCO3=CO2 + CaO b. Increasing temperature2SO2 + O2=2SO3
c. Adding Fe 3Fe + 4H2O = Fe3O4 + 2H2 d. Using a catalyst 2SO2 +O2 = 2SO3
40.According to Arrhenius equation, if the temperature of a chemical reaction is raised by 18 oF, the rate of chemical
reaction is multiplied by
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
41.The tendency of a reaction, whether physical or chemical is toward the state of
a. low enthalpy and low entropy b. low enthalpy and high entropy
c. high enthalpy and low entropy d. high enthalpy and high entropy
42.BOD stands for
a. Biological Oxygen Demand b. Biochemical Oxygen Demand c. All of these d. None of these
43.Given the reaction 2A+B C +2D; when nAo = 2 mols , nBo= 1 mol ;which of the following is incorrect
a. –rA = –2rB b. rc = rD/2 c. nAo– nA= 2nC d. nA=0.5nC
44.Which of the following is true when yeast is fed with low substrate.
a. generate cells only b. produce alcohol only
c. generate more cells than produce alcohol d. produce more alcohol than generate cells
45.The half-life of a material undergoing a first-order decay is
a. Proportional to the initial concentration b. Proportional to the square-root of initial concentration
c. Not dependent on the initial concentration d. Dependent on initial concentration
46.Which of the following describes a reaction intermediate.
a. Highly unstable b. Very high P.E. c. Short-lived d. All of these e. None of these
47. If C + 30kJ --> D, what is the ∆H for the reaction?

a. -30kJ b. 30kJ c. zero d. undetermined

48. Which of the following reactions will be affected by the surface area
a. two gases b. solid and gas c. aqueous negative & positive ions d. none of these
49. The rate transfer oxygen from gas to liquid is
a. Directly proportional to the difference between the maximum possible and actual oxygen concentrations in
the liquid b. Inversely proportional to temperature c .Directly proportional to the saturation
concentration of oxygen d. All of these
50. Which of the following oxygen transfer steps is the slowest?
a. Transfer from the interior of the bubble to the gas-liquid interphase
b. Movement across the gas-liquid interphase
c. Diffusion through the relatively stagnant liquid film surrounding the bubble
d. Transport through the bulk liquid
51. The oxygen transfer resistance from bubbles to microorganism cells is lower when the microorganisms
a. form into clumps b. are finely distributed c. All of these d, None of these
52. As the salinity of water increases, the saturation dissolved oxygen in liquid
a. Increases b. decreases c. not affected
53. As the elevation from sea-level increases, the saturation dissolved oxygen in liquid
a. Increases b. decreases c. not affected
54. In a reaction, A + B → Product, rate is doubled when the concentration of B is doubled, and rate increases by a
factor of 8 when the concentrations of both the reactants (A and B) are doubled, rate law for the reaction can be
written as
a. rate = k[A] [B] b. rate = k[A]2 [B] c. rate = k[A] [B]2 d. rate = k[A]2 [B]2
55. The time required for 100% completion of a zero order reaction is
a. CAo/k b. CAo/2k c. k/CAo d. 2k/CAo
56. An enzyme catalyzes the reaction
At the equilibrium, the reaction mixture contains 6.3 g/l of A and 3.7 g/l of B.
What is the equilibrium constant?
a. 0.59 b. 0.37 c. 3.7 d. 0.63
57. Which of these changes with time for a first-order reaction?
a. Rate of reaction b. Rate constant c. Half-life d. All of these
58. In a multi-step reaction, how can you tell from the reaction coordinate diagram what the rate determining step
a. The step with the highest activation energy
b. The step whose transition state has the highest energy
c. The step with the most stable intermediate product
d. The step with the least stable intermediate product
59. The rate law can be
a. determined from its balanced chemical equation b. deduced from its balanced chemical equation
b. All of these d. None of these
60. A mechanism...
a. is experimentally determined. b. is a series of reactions.
c. is not valid because it cannot be proven. d. can never be proven absolutely.

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